The Blyth Standard, 1907-11-14, Page 3The Rightf CfrAI" PE.lt :Xi i i, 31;1,1011 hyIvoster "vent to the White Mountains with liar party, ,:a she had Maimed to'dr,, while Jar, i)itlttat, eon- gtalnittittg hit,;seit upon tate sncecss of itis matatctrt're —the reasons for which he supposed no one but himself knew any- thing about --rests enjoying the brilliant satiety at Saratoga to the toll. "1 flatter myself that 1 hove played 1113 little game very nicely" be sail twiny dunes to himself. when thinking of their haste flitting front Newport; and those .,oft, white bands of Itis were rub- le t[ together in the most approviee mnn- urc etseepanied by n, toot approving .011 1!:t , 1lo insisted now that Jiditho/ was well entomb to join in the gayeties of the place and necot parry hire to the differ- ent places of anutsenteut end pleasure. She would havo preferred the solitude of her own room, or to he allowed to roam quietly by herself in the different parks dining the morning, when there were fete monad; batt he persisted, and, thinking it could, not matter mucic what she did, site yiehled for the Alike of pence, although she dill not really feel able to bear the oxeitemeut as yet. The result was„ highly gratifying to lir. Dalton, for I:dithu nt once ltecat/eea star of no smolt magnitude, Her dili- tate, almost ethereal' beauty instantly attracted a crowed of admirers. She was "note," and after 1111 entirely different bpattern from amort. of the fashionable elles who frequented the place. which, together with the fact of her being an heiress, was considered sufficient (muse for any amount of admiration and hom- age being paid Iter. Autl on she was whirled ilt„t,e tape vortex of fashionable life, And 'ale la• were turttetl into uighi. night into tiny eel all the ,quiet whieh she had so enjoyed et Newport hath en endless around of excitement. One ovenleg there was to bo n garden- party—"the most brilliant affair of the sensnn:' according to the flauting.an- nome0nteut, Edith" 1111 not want to go. "R am tired out now. papa, besides hav- ing no heart for anything of the hind" she said, when Mr. Dolton began to talk of the details for har dress, about whieh lie was very particular for n mat. `'Pshew" Ito 114111ned, 'impatiently"; "you have been eloping yourself lo death, and need waking tip. This, is to be the finest occosion of 'the season, 7 amu tnhl, nr.d T shall false no plensti"o itt it rales 7 eon here you `with me." It oras not 1;dithii that he pnrtiouhu'ly wanted for tie sake of the pleasure he would take In lier society, but a hand- somely dressed lady by his sine, to be admired, end hello him pass the time agreeably. Of enn1s0 Editha yielded rather than to have any words about it, old gave her attention, with what interest she could command, to the wearisome busi- ness of preparation. When the night arrived and ase op- t/eared hefett'e ler father to the finest of Meek I3t'nssels net, embroidered in rielt colored silk, from which here and there flashed superb ornattionts'of diamonds, and nhovo which her delicate face rose like some intro, clear -telt cameo, 1,1r. Dolton was for monent.speoehltvtswilh a(Intim Don, and Fd it lie emata. felt !',id till' the effort she had made, "Edith"." exclaimed her father, when be nt,;lnst fined his voice, "there will he no ane so ltenntifnl as Thyself in the lardy to -tight. T shall -have the honor of escorting the fairest woman in Sara- toga." "Thank you, papa. 7 never heard yet compliment any Otto like that befo'o," laughed Pdithat, stn'in'lsed nt hf,s enthu- siasm, and never realizing how exceeding: Iy lovely she wns, "I never bad occasion, 1 eon Immo you," he answered, as Itis eyes lingered proudly upon her graerfti form. '1 Editha tens not one of those variable young ladies who adopt every now fnsh• 1 ion for dressing the hair, whether it is 1 becoming or not, Her hair to -night, as always, teas worn in plaited bands of satin stunot'utese, and 1 roiled nrotutd her shapely head, its only 1 ornament a smell citrates) of daisies fas• tented on one side with diamond sin• e ls'ditlet was really delighted to see 1, ft;iend. She had aniseed hint meaty, ;coo 'she wits chatl.ing 00011)' with him in it most social manner, leasing all sorts 1 001tu le about Nowpot't and her friend. glen Ur Dalton 1n v t .l,tf nal at mita m t t the wets, 1 or ,<tt•eretl, his 0111 face growing grave as d he ...Ili' the brigtttuestt dao gut of Iters. ilairhn 'dt'l:ed, and the old gdieved look rt:ureed to her lies, I' "Wright ,you like to read his letter? If t with' •s•, h ha asked, consider) ci 1k' sap t sol no Siirprl 1) at r.eei;tt,,! Nt "I'ress:din, but the frown upon his tut testified to his displeasuto, although h etre. Tiny dei.oits, in the centre tel t1h't:e guidon heart there g!itte'cei of diamond lite a. droop of 'tot' Long in bog etr.a, while on h. r :tt'itIs ' 1 Pat i,ttt 11•hitt nest wore baa ata to instep. It would i:t:l,•rtl be impossible to 1100 - gine a fairer t't,iou or a more uniqu" and attIreel i:0 east tome among the bttl- drods Hutt vou!d'as:,embh: that cvenin;t. The st-,•.ilh'•r woo' )':rice'., earl the deco- rations of the purls were very clttbo'nto nut', Moduli,. Illag's hong gracefully can- 1 opted nvrr the entrance 1113' curtains, nail r'tstoormil among the fanciful fr:tnte- worli, Li:;ht 1110100 rtt' stars, triangles than his and yrotir old enemy, Ton Drake." "What a strange adventure; and — ls'arle was in great danger," ildlthe whis- pered, with a deep -drawn breath. "Yes; but the strangest of alt is vol 1'rnanaa haat industry follows in iullturt- ' ":(', no; I eoldd not do "lint, 'Pell ate, stood of giving the wretch up to the tut- arse those of coffee i;old, 1t't set, w' lr'ease, "':`rat rots jite abt,trt hits; but I tbotiticn, as any one else would have �itrbneco and rabbet', and is carried on m come," pursued ;+it•. 'l'nrssniio, "In - PANAMA HATS. here and Haw They Are Manufac- tured, n lac nabl c of Colombia .he 100'11 in th t 1 k politely inquired regarding his arrival "1 game on with some eltl friends twit were ttn':ions to visit the platesbu Sylvester and her brother," lin atm, tt'ered. 111'. Dalton started violently iota flush ell hotly at this info'nmtion ,and aro peered tit at once eo nervous mut sn strongelr excited that Mt'. '1'ress:dia re ga'detl flint with surprise. "Madan" Sylvcnterl" exolnimetl Edtibo joyously, and nut noticing her father's agitation. "1 ant so glad. i liltiol Iter so much at Newport, I shall he glad to ex- tend our nequnintnnec," "Your pleasure is reciprooaled, 1 can nssute you, for madam 1000 equally dc- ighted with you," Pani returned, with its oyes still on Mr, Dalton, He had withdrawn it trifle within the shadow of n tree runt stood with Itis , head bent, hooking down upon the grom:d, his fare tions with 1111;01'. while he worked, his hands in a nerl'mus eo'ty and gnawed his under itp, "Whitt in thunder ails the man, to e make him look and net so strangely?" I the young man asked within himself. ";1ta madame and hoe brother here at the golden party??" Pditha asked, "Yes; the fame of it roaelteel• us be- , fore we arrived and yon know the elec- e Die light is risible for several utiles he- ly fore we reach Saratoga; so, totwith- , standing your weariness..we all thought t we Mast erne and take 0 look at the enehnnied place.,, "[t is logon-, istt',t it?" site asked, tier ' eyes roving in every direction mer the bright scene, `Yes, indeed; I never saw anything like it before. Madam and her brother emit guile her' to road his own words done iu spite of his fearful suft'erings, u -t y.'i " sit esaial, with unuto»rabic sail- Ito enjoined strictest silence upon the aa„. (servants, called in the. old family idly —Madan hem It, shield t. mel many other ilevieet were f,:stened et er,i'whcre among th tree, to snnpurt the tran.aparent fan term of aitnuat magical beauty. 'PM eieclrlc light flooded the whole seen with a:matt the brit;htnnss of day, amt nod,' tow 111110 e scent an if touched et the wand of an enchanter, The finest dressing of the season gray ed this party, anal, as sone one hos said "it did not require n great stretclt'of th ittlagilllttiott to convert the passim throng into epees anti fairies, their rat anent appearing to have boon wore] With the gosstttue• throats of the cob web, and ottt of the butterflies' wings its if the dote of the morning, the mist of the moon, the dew-rdops gathered from tate e'telt:x of the lily, bad all Meet collected nnri laid with bones re et tit feet of the ethereal et'oatetres who Dail captive the sons of "tett," And that the fairest of them all utas Editha Dalton tt:'rmed to he generally nttttit.l:,'1 by .to'lt old and young. lra,...rti ettet'ing sight of that foil' Lire ri;i:r, ':bt,r.' the golden -hearted ;Int - sins, pointed her out, rind :raked w ho she she tt';t:.. h''rieads anti aequ;tbttances crowded art nail to catch 1a word, a smile, rt look even. and r;oudoriot;' why they 1101 new before realized how exiais- itcly lovely :.its was. Sontetltimg of the be:tttt3' nttd excite. trent of the 1101101;1 s t'e1t'd to animate her, tier biota): of ,;amts' for the time seemed t t deep Dom bee boor!., and ei•, appeared to ltn'o1,0'' 0 put of the bright - /I; as which ion:r t nd, d her. while she danced, rhatled nasi ianghe,l nom!) like the it''' -h ea 010d, h'.itbu:;omr, J;.littua nt old. .1anw re'Oatkttl it aftet'ward, and de- ebtrcd that 811, Inn+t burr lteem a fairy, or eii', "rho, shier they never' saw her seams, must stay ileatod awry at :owe magic hour ;f the night at the steric de- cree of some ttttvnn;ty ogre, Nor ware they rm. tnttnf the way is their �:tu'- mli0es, '1710 small hours uteri! approachi'tlr, 'and the merriment teas tat its ltei;,tt. Fditha had Leen donning with a friend of )1r. Dalton's), and sttonteil to enjoy it as intuit its anyone. She evidently liked her eotmpaaioa, for she made her:ot'lf very agreeable to hint, while he more than once, by his wit and np:trkibtg re• patter, had called the familiar silvery fanghter from her heautifitl lips, Whin the :Imam 000 tiroutb he tad Leet to a g»i0t place t:' rest.. lie did 'tot leave Ilei', bat sem i:Med standing 1, Iter side, watching her expressive fates, net site i.e turtt wateliad the toad t, throne.. forgetful for the tittle of "tit ;lave the life and joy of the occasion. Suddenly he saw' hoe start. d. flush lensed into her cheeks, a brighter light to Ler oyes, tui site arose and extended both hands to a gentleman who wait ap- proaching. "Mr. 1't'ett.oalin 1 Now glad I tans! When slid you arrive, and how did you find mel" :site asked, 111 in a breath. "Thaelt you, 1 arrived ote tete !ate evening train. anti 1 Multi ;'nit 1,;' the :otlrr of intuitiuu, [ thinly;' he, 0,1.0.Vey. h:u 111: h:t ',limed from her tg ter comp:man, and heartily shook both latttds. Editha intredeccd the two gentlemen, and, after 0 few' moments' eastverstttion, ter former companion excused itimrelf old WW1 at tyay. with a CiOitdt.'d bt'otw, nutttoriog something about rho ttnoxpect- d appearance of obi levers. 004400000000000000000 Most people know that if they have been sick they need Scor, .i' :E,yn e0, .cion to bring back health and strength. But the strongest point about Scott's Emutrion is that you don't have to be sick to act a'csult's from it. It keeps up the athlete's strength, pests fat 4 on thin people, makes a fretful baby happy, brings color to a pale girl's cheeks, and pre. vents coughs, colds and consumption. Food in concentrated 'form for sick and well, young and old, rich and poor. And it contains no drugs and no alcohol, ALL DRUGGISTS; 500. AND 51.00. went to the dancing pavilion to sine if they eotdd find yen, but I thought 7 should discover you in "some quiet nook, as 7 hove." Edithto laughed and the beautiful col- or rordtod half guiltily to her eheela;, "Yon eretid not have thott,fit no if you Intl conte fifteen ntiuntes eterliar, 1 think the music bas bIu'iteh0d me to- night, for 1 hnt'c been ansiwg with the merriest, But hon' does it happen that you area 0isiter at Saratoga 1" .she ask- ed, to change the subject. "Oft, after revolving y'otu' note felling ate of your destination. Sewpr,rt lost its eha'nts, and 1 felt in immediate steed of medicinal spring woter," he said, in poor little friend, your lot is t load one," he said, softly, tt't pity too, please—life is hard en - :Yell far os all, 1 think,' she returned, ,iuicb,!v and bitterly. 7vur!e thialis Me will have to have a ,dt:e as sogtt r,a h0 Don get away," Arr. 'fres,-glia continued, "and asks if 1 will :,waste the sparge of Wycliffe for hitt", t hall I tell you 1111 that he says about lees, yes; go on," the poor Islet said, 'oge'rly, though every trona ryas fres» teams) to her, to sty's he, cannot live longer away - from van, Edith;t; it is killing hint, ttnd he most court' spare be c,tn see you Once in a while, Ile writes; Ask her It 1 may. I will say nothing that shall twanncl her; I will be firm and strung, hal oh! 1 ant so homesick for n look auto her eyes, for a clasp of her hand. Ask her, Paul, if I tray con0," "No, no, no!" buret in a low, friht- ened tune front the girl's livid lips, "Ile most not come. Write to bin instantly and tell hint so. :tar, Tressalitt, i could not hear 0111 of all things in the w'ot'!d. 1 will not see trim, 1.10 mast nit come. The brightness and exceeding beauty that had been bora when he first saw her Mal only been the result of it mo- mentary excitement nfter all, 110 bad fluttered himself that she was really better and stronger, both ill body 11111 spirit, hit naw he say that her poorlteart was just as sore and wuundwd a, ever, am: that her fetid lova was still eating ;11 her vitals, Earle' he knew from the letter lie lied so lately received, was suffering in the saute xray, :sato w'Intt these poor, tired 011e0 yore to do all their fntnre wets 0 sere trwtblo to brat "Ile mini, clear child," he seta, in bow, :�;',; .;a;•„ shall 110 ,itt t n: you wish. Come and wally tvhtkt me until your nerves area little mute :4011 fly." 110 unclasped those locked fingers Item his on. and tb'aw'irtg ono' ha ml within it, led her away into a retied path,tind toasted gravely of other things, until he waw tate wild look fade from hew the hand on his arta grow qun't, d knew that her intense (xcite.tetnt t soma and swore hint to .stn•t'eer, ;and is How mu'sug the wretch lrte-k to health ns tenderly as if lee w.a11 his own bro- ther ," tTa be enotlttuod,1 r : o. playful strain, delighted to find her so "•toy {;:ldun',ly t1lI oldi;r;. ingn'avrd and (011101,1 ed, "Madam sw110,;. Pont it hurt kiln deeply to hear every ter was affected 111 the tray:" he fen miott(s as deep, shuddm'ing, subbing added. "1 expect that remarkable Armagh sigh ro:ne h'om her pale lips—snmethiug will be tempted to kidnap you and bear di a child breathes after it has exitttu'st- you away to regions unknown before tong, she has taken such a fancy to you.,' Just hear that, papa—fancy tory one taking such n liking to me that they would want to kidnap me. Why, what is the matter? Are you ill;" Editha cried, as site turned toward her father ;incl wns transfixed by one glance into his face. • "It wens rrl,ite as alabaster, and his e"es girived like two cools of fire with si m, e violent inward emotion. ":i0, 110; not 111, but very tired, 1 think w0 ought. to return at once to one hotel, Pditl,l," he answered, with an ovi• dont effort to regain his composure. "'.1 nut sorry if you aro tired, papa; f thought yin were enjoying yoltrself immensely. Sit down and test in sante quirt plan, please. I really do not like to return just yet" "Ent yon are not strong; 1 feat' the iantpncso will do you injury,,' Mr, Dal- ton ::aid, nasions to get her away at once, std mover have given n thought !a the ;0uapne s ;nasi that moment. "1 am Very warm and comfortable; in- deed, I thought the air remarkably clear and dry to -night," Editha said, w'thout Motel.. licnly, I'ditlta, I think I mast insist "Please don't »13101 "pmt anything, pap:";" returned the girl, wilfully, "If you are so weary', yon go back to the ',rand 't o ion, and Arr. Tressalin will brig.; me by and by" 81,0 war. determined that alto world tint be walked off thus summarily like a little girl itt petticoats, and Mr. Dalton hod itt boat a. retreat. 1 '1 think 1 will go for a smoke, then," tae said, a: he turned and walked abrupt- ly nwny. Patel 'i't;lssnlia wondered what it 111 uu'nnt, 'the stat inti betrayed his great ngitn- tient only upon the mention of Madan" Sylvestet''s name. 1 Dial he know her, and if so 11118 there enmity beim een them? Was that the reason of his sudden flight from New- port?. Ili.s manner was certainly very strange, Hud lie had evidently- intended to get Editha away before any meeting i yenned between her and the madam, s but he could not very well urge the "tat- ter any further without betraying him- t self, and so he hal walker' away in no 0 enviable frame of mind. I will hide from him. Ohl why must I suffer so?" The words ended in a low, heart, a broken soh. She had clasped both pandas emomisively around her eoinpnnicnt'a. 1 arm in her excitement, and was now f shivering and trembling so that he was greatly alarmed. 6 Editha watched hint curiously until o be passed from sight, then, tutting to .ft Iter t'ott1ttnion, site said: "I do not holiev0 papa 1s feeling very c well; perhaps I ought to have gone." 0 "Shell 7 take you to hint?" Paul asked, d ct'msiderat.ely. n "Not ,fust, yet. i would like to see u Nashua Sylvester a moment, if 000 eats find her; but first tell me" --rand the 1, beautiful face instantly lost all, its love- t iy color—"hnvo you heard again from—a front—l,;arlo 1" f "Yes; I had a letter day before yester- day,01141 he is not very well, he writes; t tate doctor' does not think tate climate ex- t Ktly agrees with him," Mr. Tressalia on - el itself with welting nntl fallen asleep. Ile "would gladly haws restored hap)' 11040 1)0(11 1,0 Earl:: and her if he emit have done se, even to the sacrificing o his earn life, but lie could u<tt—sae must bear his own burden, It scented as i1' they hod been !reset on every loud with troubles daring the past few yeas, fulfilling those words of Shakespeare's: "When sorrow's come, they come not sin• g'lo spice,, But in battalions." 'Earls) has had an adventure. Shall 1 tell you about it'!" he asked, when at length she had apparently grown" quite calm, Hurl inittitively'kno'•t'ing that she w'al'l like to heir mre. "If you please." ".There '.tax ire",. rill 0ttesl11t tni;lc to run: Wycliffe, ;111,1 lint for his uttnin^ss said Lavery gt'c;:t mischief v: r::.l ;tare been done," "Alt; le uvea always brace; bat—hut I hope he was not injured," hditha cried, u reeling of faintness stealing over iter. ''bless you, no; else he would not now be talking of a change. Ile not only A FARMER'S TRIAL. Uleak and Worn Out Through Over- ' work and Long Hours, IThe farmer's life is always a hard one, 1011 if he is tweak or suffering ffa ring it 10 1 almost, unbeatable. The hours are long and the work so hard that none but the strongest eatstand it, An illustra- tion of the effect of hard work on the system 10 given by' 111, George ILutts- lterg, a fanner of Spry, Ont. Ile Day' "I have lived nearly all my life in 11 Bruce peniltsnht, 1 ata a farmer, an have always had sty' share oflhard wor in the departments of Cundinaina rot, i.'oliuts, Antignia and Santander, but mostly in tout latter, w'llero it is the breadwinner to more thtul otte,.ltslf its population. There are no regular f'ae- tories, but the hats aro handmade by thousands of peasant women in almost as tunny households and sold' or traded in the local store-" itt exchange for prri- visions ,or articles of clothing, the hat truing in these regions a convenient med- ium of exchange; the housewife ex0110i . 'tag the ln•oolaet of her i,.,bnr for ss ta:tnv pounds of flour, or what not. Panama" hats are made with the veins or fibres .of n palet leaf, the tissues of which are scrai.ed eft 01 er,m(ted in tt:nrh the sante way as hemp, The palm is Ca110ti locally "jilnijapa,» an,i i; very small in appearunoe and grows in greet quantities on the low and .swampy lands of the upper \1agdttlena. it grows wild, a: stat is also cultivated, although to 0 lir!. (0 'itod, extent, in the largest MD districts,• d The plant produces in a little over to k, year.. The preparation of the fibro after the tissues stave been combed off• con-' sista of boiling the some in water 'eon:: or taming sett and lemon juice for the ef- t 1'0,1, of whitening and rounding its sot', tt face; this operation ttke:s rt fen' hours, d 'I he straw is then exposed to the night d air for three consecutive nights, niter' whioh it is ready for use. The material employed 111 the making of it lust is mar. i1 hatted at ft'nm 15 to 10 cents per hat, 00 according to the fineness and whiteness of the straw, the young leaves generally 1 giving the best quality'. It takes a 'vont. m an four days to stake an ordivav hat, eight days for a good rine, and ;t'o otuclt as ttvo weeks for the finest hat in ttle. The salary of the peasant women 0m - o ployed in tlto making of a 'Toile hat O is reckoned at. 10 cents n. day, ittchtding ✓ her fond, which eon be oalealttcd at 10 • Cents nddilittnal. The best Panama's att'lo,u'o those cail- O etI "81017.x," tootle in the oily of that name in the department of ('m t1ttnnr- d ca. The nest in order, aceo'ding. to' 'stn r World's Eyents',11 gasine P, > are the �1 '- os tt ie t*i 71 1. nr z 1 i m the c�epitrtm0n't of rip. thumbs . Then fnlintn the ones 1100110 in the d0partntett of Santander, called, re-,.' r spectively, Zaatptoca, Baricharo, Itecat•s,• y malign and Giron, from the various rifles where made, and varying in quality and print: fr, the order given. lint the Zapata toot, tIthough. the most cxensiwo 1100 . Santander, aro supposed to be of lees;. duration. Pim beat Snaza hat costs y3 and'•},hi!~. elu'ape,st $1 in that City. The, elute eat anti0 are those coming from the de . t lfj neat of Satttnndor, whirls range in lira g , from 60 cents to $2, 1 -r FIGURES THAT TALK. anti lice it good many other men thought there was no wearout to 10 tem. 111 this 1 was mistaken, f about n year and a hill ago I began t go gradually down 1,111. 1 would tire 1 the least exertion; my appetite faile tis; I hail n severe pain in my side an nrotmd my heart, The doctor told me was suffering ft•ont pernicious anaemia that hams almost bloodless. I doctors for six months, but instead of hotrovin I grew so weak that I could ltordly oto without assistance. I lost flesh till was aiaost a skeleton. rl friend fro Siolxs Bay told me of the great benefit she had derived from the use of Dr. Williams' Pink' Pills and advised me to try totem. lfy eisler-itt-bis land ale received groat benefit from their use, s I fled:lea to give then" a trial. Otto using the pills about a mouth I began t „min strength, nut from that on 1 int proved rapidly, New blood seemed t 0,11'.,0 11,rongh 003. 0010; my 01)10(11 improved; the pain left my side an heart, and I gabtetl i1 weight. Af10 usin; about a dozen hexes of the pills was again ett'yn ittg the hest of health i have. nothing but praise for Dat Wil lions' Pin!: Pills. as they ,arced me n£te ntOdirll trt'tltlent had failed -1 real! believe Huey slaved my life." flood blond i-, the secret of health. Beep the blood inure nal such diseases as atttti:lit, rheumatism, ,sciatica, itldigos- lion, heart golpitation, eezcmn std the toast ills of women will not exist, The most perfect lslttotl took and nerve re - i• is tit neer in the world is i)t, Wblliams' in ['111 St,ld by all medicine dealers or, by nail et ud cents n box or six boxes for 112..50 from '1'}te Dr, Williams Medicine (.'o., Brockville, Ont, prevented it robbery and protected Mut ?elf, hitt he has rapinrod the robber.' "I am Isere that is gnotl new:{," vtto did, 11ow deeply late','st.ed. And l:ditha, who do you suppose the 1 1i robber proved to be?" 11 "1 aur sure i. cannot imagine; and h yet you cannot tnettn------" `"les, I do mean it," he atu,wered, read- w Mg ler through. "it wit; no other than a that wretclt who sobbed y,otur father's ' el louse several yea's ago, and for 11110111 Earle snffored the penalty. It wns Tons Drake, that "matt whom you stet after ;your visit to ,lolut Loker's, and sell() af- terward entered your house the second time turd compelled you by his mesmeric power to go away with him." 0411th, shuddered, 11tH yet sho could tardly believe her ears. She had always been afraid of meeting that dreatliltl man again, and now to know that re was away in h;nglnnd'ntd 0 captive, was t. greet relief to her. ' ' It flees not seem possible," ale said. 'It is righteous jnlgtneet• that he honld at bast be taken by the very' ono v0110 ttnjitstly sea't'ed out the amemite "tat ought. to have been pronommed op- s ititu threefold;" was the stent reply, "Tell nt0 flow it lutppened. Idea,) -- hat is, if a'om kasha' 1' Abandoned tin Struggle, "Didn't you ever have any ambition in life?" asked the austere uuttrun Standing in the kitchen flour, ^alof, ma'am," said '.luffold IQmU, sighing deeply, "1 have not allus led lhit butterfly IYlatenee, blame yotu',i age, ma'am, I tried to rate n pair 0' rh;;;r,il side whislc,n:s, but they o'ould:al gra',"', £duce then 1 haiu't no heart to d0 anything." Thu, mournful story' failing to awaken her ten:malltie.=, he shambled en to Ile it house. • A !YARNING 1'd MOYlJ RS. 'There are unsrrupulotts dealers who for the .Fake of trifling gain arc willing to sacrifice the heallta—perhaps the lives --of Utile ontt'o, This is proved by the feet Clint throe aro' n number of iulita- tione of Baby's Ow'tr'I'ablets'nffered...1Mc other rate protect her child by seeing tat the full mane Baby's Own Tuldots std the four-leaved clover with child's end on earl: leaf, is found on the outside rapper' armlet{ every box, Do not tape smiting else as you may endanger your tild's life, If you carrot get the genu- ante ens ane tnblelo frtntt your dealer, oetul cents to The Dr, Williams .Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont,, and get 0 box by mail post paid. r On the Waterways. :1 negro exhorter stwutecl to his andl• e ue, "t'otne up an jive de army ob de Lord." m dine Mind," replied ono woman. "Whar'd yo' tine'?" asked the exhorter, "iu de ltptiis' Church." "Why, chile," said the exhorter, "yo' 01.1'1 in de army oh de Lord; yo's in de nor,;'—d?verybody's Magazine. I1 10 Ineky for Britons that they have lfan ntrooiois climate, said an American the other day. 1f that were up tat the mark of everything else, so malty Amer - Icons would @0010 over to live in Nea- 1 land that there wouhl p0 no moon for any English. „les; Earle wrote etc 1 good clod loot it. It seems that the fellow did tot deem the United States a safe "lace for hint after .loin I.okor's con- t•s=inn 1110 Made iodine --rhe description if himself was too accmnit, for that -- n he fled to England rood boo, nt;d,n0,t.- illy been carrying on his nefarious opal: - Dolts there ever since. About a month after' I left Wycliffe, Earle tans awaken• d one night' by the sound as of some ae stepping cautiously arouiel in his resaitlg-roout. Ills revolver was in reach, tut Ito' blatantly.'tet'nred it. Tile next M1 - tent n null ,passed into .Itis mons. It wns not a very dark night, and as ale abler glided between the bed and the eindetw his figure owns clearly- outlined. nd Earle, aiming low; fired at pita He ell with n groan. It was but the work f ",minute to strike to light and go to he prostrate matt, who wtus too badly vouuded to make many resistance, and he fou1101 that his fallen foe was nate other (Christian Guardian,) One hundred and sixty thousand "for. eiguers" hove eettlod in the Canadian wort "luring the lost five years, In 1901 there were only this mmnber of people in :ltsiniboit, Snskateletwat and Alber- to. 1l is estimated that there are ttow mu million people west of Lake Super- ior, This Is double that of seve0 years ago. Last year the immigration to Canada sus 9.62,030—another To',ntol J'alto a railroad its long 00 from \Vitale peg to Toronto. Tulse 0 strip of land tt'n Ittilt: Ott each side all the way, This ;ant of Innd was taken ep lu lima . steads last year. No wonder the rail - reads could not keep pare with develop. went. 'I trete are almost one hurtdred thous• and tbtlicinus in Canada—that is about es "natty as utero are jeopla in the whole of Prince Edward Island. The Methodist t'Intrrlt has one lraissio'nary doctor and throe ladies working among this people, There are about tea thousand Doukho. hut's in Cando—nearly enough to fill Butt enterprising railway city, St, Thom - Ont. These people have no schools, slt10 0 small one carried ou by the So:.io• ty of Friencls. As yet tate (Jovernment is dying nothing for their education; and the churches of Canada aro leaving them Rhone. There aro about snventeein thousand negrocs in Chnala—netitlto -,,'enough to populate Kingston,'Oni•a,, d't the last cemttts, There aro 0 moos in the=5, up our beitIttY! that man vdlto'tli he o will not 'make fOr'ei ieil°pnism, ifre ! llaete nottit0 Old?}, t'ebt+iootA ;y,n fit tier fill ueatd '\Ior- y could fill Quebec —aid heir presence rohloni some day r'stand Mor - ,;thousand ,llen- ousand Hungarian l nd-they would to. l}ities of Idalifax,?\'', S., 1111.! tit. Jelin, - - Thorc are about thirty thousaal°Ori. enfold in Canada, and lot soil tell the story the number 11)' vera' rapidly. In ]1101 Vent - population of tatty twenty -n tel 1'ictorie of only ttrt'uly- utd. in Western Cnnnda almost ev max is a "foreigner." Tin; 3 (1, m ch employs ono colporteur an, woman, who speak some of tit Eurnpenn Imtgaages--chose are the may workers' who can really minister to "the other Iiajf" of our people. The clturehes of Canada have a "home ndasiott" problem rot their hands, w•Itu.,c solution will uol be reached without soul, patience and 101111 and self-sacri- fir,, O.4 -� Fred —1'nt going to the races to -day, old unan. Want ate to put up something for yon? ,Tor --11 it's all the sane to You: I`d rather you would lend me ten dollars. I was at the recce yesterday.