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The Blyth Standard, 1907-10-31, Page 5
OCTOBER 31sT, t907—THE BLYTH THE RIGHT HOUSE A RELIABLE. STORE WITH WORTHY GOODS ON SALE ��A Mooneavii p coos Fon 0.18ii AND FARM MOM. A1 Wanted Alive Old Hens and Chicks. Fi LA DIE klA ¢,'1The smartest, most 4olbotOmodrl', a bre,.d 'ollectlo't i,n Insure perb,ot •itir,faotioo of every, Womenr d+ eons. I,O,rg, 101'10, 4141, 111 4r brie•gn,.rterami..even•ei ;litb;lentrth,, richly ' noun✓i1 .-ii -pl.oin, -ell• ,1: as the lowest nrissible 1lloc*, COATS ;1AlivA full line of Underwear TA to choose frons, For a good dress 41,Dress Goods. buy Priestley's SEND THE STANDARD to your dos- cant friends. Tett cents will pay for it till the end of the yea. Tux price of cretin puffs has risen Newspaper ruffs. however, still retail at the stone old price. of A rrw fruit) here were at Clinton'. to hear the Guy Brothers. The show was not up to the mark this year s0 (reports say. Al The farmer with hay la happy to -day. These two 1i1100 which read so solemn Were put here to fill this, column. THE 01iston New-Era'of hast week enys :—Richard Downs, of town, has been offered a position as agent for the yleCorniick machines atl Blyth and will probably accept it. RATEPAYERSof Kincardine will vete on November eighteenth on a by-law to gunra ntee the bonds "f Lie lLRrun a, d Luke, Shore Eine! 1 ie kuilWay Co, to the extent of $511,100, ONE or Canada's Ie:1(11i11g wnwurr- ciitl schools has a change 01' a11. in this issue. tVe refer to the Wing ham Business College on nage i. This popular institution has added mail courses. ON Saturday evening some young people who were practising far 1lal- 10000u broke a window at David Floady's house ou Dinsley'8 street. People's fun sometimes comes pretty high when you have to pay for it. Lts'r l+'rid'iy evening the hasehull boys tact le the Queen's hotel to wicd up the business of the season. Capt. E. McMillan sena in the chair and the t.reasurer's report was pre- sented. It was decided to put the money in the hank, and try and have a league fainted for next year, ON Saturday morning as Couacii• Int' John Barr, of Mullett, was driv- ing into town, 8 ami boys were shooting with an air gun at the south end of the village when a shot, struck ilr, Barr o0 the chin, which caused it to bleed quite freely. It is lucky the sh't (11(1 not strike him In the eye.. The boys with air guns should be careful. Gol,t:10 WimPINo,—Tuesday of this week was the 50th or golden wedding anniversary of our old friends, Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Me- Qearrie, of Blyth, of which 47 years have been spent in the Allege. Mr; McQuarrie was born in Perthshire but spent his younger years and learned the trade• of blacksmith in Sterlingshire, IIs came to this country when about twenty years of age and resided in Halton County, near Milton; where he became ae- gmiintod with Miss Sarah McGowan, his partner through life, They were married in the Berlin' Presby- terian manse on Oct. 29th, 1857, by Rev, M. Geikie, The first trip ho Blyth to visit the bride's brother, the McGowan boys, was made by driving, but when they canoe to settle, three years later in 1860, the train ran to Clinton, Mr, McQuay rid bought the corner where the Bank of Hamilton and S. Ii, Galley's store now sttmds, and his house ad. joined, where its the village smithy We are paying the highest prides for he lived for mans' Vein's, Theis' Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Chicks, Sutter family Consists of 4 8008 (John and and Eggs. James in Minnedosa, Hobert in Clan - Grain chocks paid atter bank hours. williant and Archie in Winnipeg) 0.A rAl YMil FA 41 VA Al Highest proses paid for Farm Produce. rAi E. BENDER, BLYTH 1.11 ► � �.,� la fatm o `';mow► ro i5mari a e Desks & Book Cases Every business man or woman should have it desk to hold hooka, papers anti valuable corres- pondence, We have a great variety of Deslts at prices trent 25 to `125 each. These desks are finished in quarter -cut oak and aro divided. by drawers, shelves and letter boxes. Call and see them. J. H. CHELLEW NEWS AROUND TOWN 'lt; ifs or .. ..,.� a }�i<�f� i++; „ K :: .,.rin A coat, oil famine was on the pro. gram the beginning of the week. OUe apple buyer, John Denholm, is shipping fruit extensively to the West and to the 01d Country. WANTED. -Choice (tib butter, 27e ; fresh eggs, 25c ; also large quanti- ties of dried apples and feathers,— G. E. King, Winghan. Tux town is still in darkness. The electric lights were on for a few minutes on Friday and Saturday evenings, Wo hope they will soon be in working order, Fon SAt,E,—Dr, J. N. Perdue, V. S„ offers a few second-hand Butters and a set of double work harness for sale cheap at his livery stable. Cull and inspect, HUNTERS' Excnnstoxs,—For free copies of "Fishing and Shooting," "Sportsman's Map" etc„ and for rates and tickets call at C, P. It., town ticket olice, J, McMurchie, Agent, Blyth, Last Homeseckers' excursion to the West, Tuesday, Oct. 2211d. THE shortening up of credits b,• the banks to the manufacturers and wholeoalers and by these to the re - tellers has necessitated a strong movement towards doing business 011 a cash basis, and the merchants in tunny towns are announcing that business in future will be on a strict- ly cash basis. Tito Paisley Advocate of last week refers to the coming show :— The Sunny South Co, entertained a large audience in the town hall on Monday evening and everybody went away satisfied with the amount of Merriment they got for their money. The company are fully up to their advance notices which can. trot be said of many travelling shows, Tmc Francis Firth Co., who gave one of the best entertainments ever listened to by a Blyth audience, will' appear here again on Noy. 25th, under the auspices of the I. 0, 0, F. The company will this year present an entirely new musical comedy entitled "Dolya the Tea Girl," which id certain to be even more favorably received than their former program. The music Is the most artistic, re. fined and catchy, and so varied as to suit the taste of everyone, It is a safe thing to guarantee all who attend one of the most enjoyable evenings of their lives. Wait for the coming of "Dolya the Tea Gb'i" on Nov, 25th, I LEAVE your order now for your Fall printing We will do our best to please you. ROBERT H. GARNISS FILUEVALE — — ONTARIO Auctioneer for Huron Co, Terme reasonable, Sales arranged for at THE STANDARD office, Myth. FOWL WANTED MoMiLLAN & CO. Dineley Street • Blyth This is a Watch Ad. There are many things in our stock that we Leel we should talk about, but when we look at that great big stock of Watoh- es we decide to give you a little Watch talk. Our Watch stook Is unusual because of Its size—more than 201) Watches of all sizes and qualities are shaven, and be. cause we bought so many the prices are unusual. Then the stook is unusual because of the acre with which it wan eeiOtted. There isn't nn unworthy tlme•plooe in the lot. There are cheap watches of course— $1.25 ones—hut they are worth what they Dost and please your boy right down to the ground. For older people we have more oapen• sive watches and every value is unusual. and two daughters (Mts. Dunbar, of Texas, and Mfrs. Babb, of Teoswater), Maggie and Mary, two daughters, died some years ago, Air. McQuar- rio in 1878 was a councillor and held office the following year ; he was also secretary of the Agricul- tural Society for over 20 years ; and in August he passed 40 years as' treasurer of the Upper Canada Bible Society, and over 25 ,yea's as super• iatendent of St. Andrew's Church Sunday School, About 14 years ago be retired from active work. Owing to the family being so tau' away, only Mrs. Babb was present; Who company recently appeared 111 at the anniversary. THE STANDARD liarristam and the Review of that and their sonny friends unite in town, dated Oct. 17111 last, had the wishing Mr. and Mrs, . A1'eQuarrie following article about the perform-i- t/may happy years 10 come. , On : anee : t°Phe J. C. Rockwell Sonny Tuesday evening a surprise party : South Co. showed in the Town hill was given to Atr. and Mrs. MeQuar here last evening before a crowded rie by their std friends, about 25 , house. - • The company came well taking possession of the house.recommended and fully sustained Alex. Elder wits chosen chairman ; their reputation as a first class coin - and atte0 few complimentary ro-' pany. Their band and orchestra marks,epekches were given V Dr, I were excellent, their choruses good 11i1 e, A' M N sly 1 J C „ and their general stage performance TAN DARD—PAGE FIVE, iei .LTG E Or' n's Clothing All, new, .stylish, up-to-date in cut and cloths, at $7.00, 7.5o, 3.00, 8.50, 9,00, 10.00, 's OVERCO TS Bright, new, natty goods in latest London and New York cuts, at q;7,00, 8,5o, 9.00 and moo, C'AS!•1 FOR BUTTER' ,AND EGGS Gardinero;r,lestone SUCCESSOTO )IcIiINNON & CO. ., Bring your Poultry to us. Poultry must be dry picked and not scalded, Best prices, CouNetl, (50(0(1(1 next Wednesday evening. J, C. Rocttwsoo',v SUNNY SOUTHCo.—J, C. Rockwell's Sunny South Co., which will appear in Industry Hall, Myth, on Monday evening, Nov. 111), is without exception America's greatest colored show. It is an evenly balanced organization o1' 25 colored people, presenting an entertainment which gives the greatest pleasure as the audience is continually kept amused end the performance is given with ,a snap that adds to the general success and it is as 0101 t '' l d lel its at pas eta Iaalll lt. n c a ant os, artet 'You are invited to our watch stock. extending to Mr, and Mrs. McQnar commendable indeed, leaving riot n rie congratttlationson reaching their' dull moment from start to finish, FRANCETCALF golden wedding, and good citizen.' and being varied sufficiently to u ship in town, Both the host and maintain and interest in audience hostess replied thanking their old 'al1 through." The bigl•class solo Jewelry and Stationery. friends forlen4ing. and remembering' concert band carried by the, corn• their anniorsary:' Musical selec•' pally will head the ''Noon" town Take Rival Herb Tablets tions were also given. A tasty' parade at noun. Prices are 25, 35 for StomachLtvm' KtdnoXe and for lunch was served and after midnight and 50 emits, Tickets are now un cleaning the Blood. !'00 days' treatment glad 90 days' treatment 25c, For sale at all returned home with glad hearts, Halo at Anderson's store. Dr. 111iine's Drug Store that they had honored two residents Wholesale from the who in time of trouble wean always' A (lead nurse and two attendants RIVAL HERB AGENCY ready to lend a helping hand In at the Hamilton Asylum have been Kincardine, Ont, their forty-seven years in town, dismissed for indiscretions, GASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS A FULL LINE OF--- P'resh G.xoo©riesr ---ALWAYS ON HAND.Meats of different kinds. Salt in barrels and bags. Five Star Manitoba Flour and Choice Family. A. TAYLO;; • BLYTH People Read First Then Then Think And Afterwards Buy Give them something to read. Give them something think about. Give them something to buy. Bu advertising in 'Tile Standard' Uou coyer Datil Tow and Minn Merchants Should Remember Trois When Making Their Contracts Get Our Rates — — -- Telephone No, 4 THE STANDARD