The Clinton New Era, 1897-06-25, Page 5Read, Mark, Learn 'a CLINTON NEW ERA %••N•••••••� Some People Imagine that an advertisement is a scheme to deceive the public. True in setae oases -not many. Doesn't take long to learn the quality of a hrm'e in- duoements. If you read our weekly announcements, which appear in some of the principal papers in the doun'ty, you will learn muoh about this store and its style of doing business. This is a store where you're not importuned to buy. A store where you can get your money back if not satisfied with your purohase. A store which supplies goods of standard quality at as low a price as possible. A Few Prices taken at Random Women's Slirpers, Leather, extra yalue Women's Carpet Slippers, extra value 500 Women's Pebble leather Boots worth $1.25 for 250 Special lines of Oxfords at 85c, $1, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, $2 Ladies' Hose, very special; four pairs for Better lines at 20o, 25, 40, 45 and 50o in plain 'or fancy ribbed. 25o Lace Mitts and Gloves at 15o, 20, 25, 40, 45, 500 in Fawn, Black and Cream. Shirt Waiste, all styles. Prices start at 40o, better kinds at 50o, 65, 75, 01 SHIRT WRISTS are more fashionable than ever. We sell GROCERIES as well as Footwear and Dry Goods I Corn 5o a oan. 5 dozen Clothes Pins for 5o. Cirole Brend Tea is one you • will And all right. It is put up in' air -tight Cannieters at 25o, 40o, 50o a lb. We are not in business for fun. CASH AND ONE PRICE. • And Invariably Digest Have you seen our novelties in Opals, Diamond and Pearl Jew. elery of all kinds ? They aroma the .rage this season, and you will find it to your advantage to oall at my store and inapeot these new and fashionable goods. - Our efforts are to keep at the head of the procession as re- gards quality, style and prioe. We offer you the latest London, Paisian and New York Novelties at prides ea low as you oan get anywhere for good goods. We have Diamond Jubilee goods as low as 5 for or a single article. 1,1 B. Rumbal those 10 b Jeweler, Oli iton. P. S. -We still have a few of use o. louse sets left. Ask tsany person that bought a set about the value of 10 dents, S PIANO FOR SALE. For Upright 'verychea� Apply to SEALE &HOOVER, Clinton Marble Works, STOCK FOR SALE Oneryrrdyears doarmilkevery cream; cow, Cinab S months old, Rog.; I Poland China boar, ll yrs. old, keg;1 Duroe Jersey boar and cow, 6 mos. old, Reg; 3 P land China sows, in pig, Reg; 2 edI wIll�sell he above h stock at very rnaoverstock- ed prices, WESLEY W. FISHER, Lot 8, Con. 1, Colborne Tp , Benmiller P. O. McCLACHERTY'S Boloty- as -Restaurant Is headquarters for Ice Cream, Cool Drink Tobaccos, Cigars, Bananas, Pine Apples, Strawberries, and all Fruits, and Confectionery. Fine assortment of Fire Crackers. Bread, Fancy Cakes and Pastry Wedding Cakes are still our leading specialty. James McClacherty, Clinton McKinnon & Co., Blyth •••••••••••••••••••••••••4 J.1040 0 Jubilee sermons were preaohed through- out Canada on Sunday, and the day was observed by church parades and special ser- vices at 4 o'olock, when the singing of the national anthem took place. Ernest Heaton, of Goderich, sailed for England the other day, where he will endeavor to promote the estab- lishment of a journal, to be called "Scientific Colonization." PH2ETON FOR SALE. A canopy top Phaeton strong and well -made, good as new' will be sole cheap, Apply at BIDDLECOMBE'S Jewelery store, Clinton LOST. On Bayfield and Varna ya 8th, nof tooth forceps Finder will be rewarded on returning same to Dr. SHEPPARD, Bayfield. CEMENT FLOORS & WALKS. Subscriber is prepared to lay down Cement floors for cellars, or other purposes. and also Granolithic Walks. Material and workman - 'hip first-class and satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderate. JAMES HOWE, Cl88ton. THOROBRED STOCK for SALE For sale, a limited number of Shorthorn Bull Calves, ranging from 8 to 11 monthe old. Also some Heifers ana Cows, in calf. All of these are by imported stock, are ehcice animals and will be sold at reasonable prices. JNO A V)r RY, Clinton Post Office, or on the premises, London road, near Clinton. liovey's Headache Cur Quickly Cures Headacheand Relieves Neuralgia, very easy to take price 245c and absolutely harmless, Put up 12 wafers in a box. One wafer per give relief in a few minutes. Try them. box. BEEF, IRON and WINE, Tonic, Nutrive, Stimulant. Our preparation is made with Liebig's extract of Beef, citrate of Iron and Sherry Wine. This preparation possesses in the highest degree the valuableroperties of ite ingredients, ed combined as to form a pleasant and valuable remedy for de- bility, impoverishment of the blood, and will prove a valuable restorative for all convalescents. 14 ounce bottle 75o. J. E. HO VEY. Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton. SELLING OIIT--� Do you buy your goods from us, if not, why not ? When you can buy from 20 to 25- per cent cheaper than anywhere else. IrNo one in the regular way can give you prices that we are offering. We could not do it only we are going ont of business. Low prices and bargains will be given as long as the stock lasts. We are determined to clear out eserything, and those that come first will have an advantage in the selection of goods. When we commenc- ed to sell out our stock was large and well se- lected. We have sold a large quantity of goods, still we have plenty Left yet, and almost every- thing yon want in the way of staples. a We not space to quote prices and you would not know much a out it without seeing the goods. Come and see us and we will make the prices to suit. Don't delay as the stock is getting smaller every day. ' Plumsteel & Gibbings, CLINTON An attempt was made to burn the steam- er Lakeside at her dock in St Catharines. The London, England, Financial News discussed the new tariff and its pro -British provision in these expressive terms: "We are not called upon to decide whether Sir John A. Macdonald or lir Laurier is the greatest statesman, But we are glad to.. al- low to the present Premier all the credit of having taken the first practical Ftep towards the federation of the empire, and ha is entitled to the assistance of Lord Ss.ljsbury's diplomacy, BORN. REID-In Turnberry, on Juno 13, Mrs, J. Reid of a daughter,• McPHERSON-In1viugham, on Juno 15, Mrs, Duncan McPherson of a daughter. SPARLING-ln Seaforth, on June 13, Mr:. Chris. Spading of a daughter. MARRIED. GORDEN-McCII,OSTIE-At the Manse, For- est, on June 18, by Rev. J. Pritchard, brotbet. in-law of the bride, assisted by Rev. A. L. Budge, of hlandaumin, Dr, J. IC M, Gorden, of Ripley, to Mies Maggie McCrostio, both fernier- ly of St. Helens, SLOAN-YOUNG-At the MethodistChurch, Blyth, on June 23, by Rev W. Rigsby, assisted by Rev J. S. Fisher, of Gerrie, W. Sloan,;(son of Dr ,loan, Toronto) to Edith Gertrude, only daugh;,er of N. H. Young, Esq., Blyth ABBOTT -SWAN -At the residcnre of the bride'stfathcr, 15th con, Gcdericb Township, on June 23, by Rev W. J. Ford, Mr Chas Abbott, of Chatham, to Miss Annie, youngest daughter of Mr Wrn Swan, TeOthat,tre eveJun16he residence the bid'smoh- er, by Rev W. Godwin, John '1', Thompson, of: Godorieh, to Sarah E. Andrews THURLOW-STERLING-At the residenre of the bride': parents, on June 16, by Rev., M. McKay, H. Thurlow to Agnes, clang.,terf of Si D. Sterling, all of Colborne. EDDIE- Rortby the McDonald, Mr. GegeFare hesoEddie, to Miss Mary Ann Curry, both of Seaforth: rnROngetRD. McDonald, %111ianGee orLow Fd monde, to Miss Elizabeth Reid, both of Seaforth. LGAN-KEa Mr.OJohn A. Logan of Winnipeg:, Winnipeg on formerly of Seaforth, to Mise Annie Kerr, of Winnipeg ROE-WALLACE-At the residence of the broniJune 15, by the Itev. T. Coes eMr. Thomas Wallace, Oaa Howick. Sylvester Roc, of Pickford, Michigan, to Miss Emily Jane Wallace. DIED. • ADAMS -In Lower trn Ancounget daughter of Mr. and Mrs., W. Adams, aged 1 y. ar. 10 months, 9 days. G ttg�s,d ion ulGattan, aged 46 yrsop-in law of Mrs. Hoi- den, Clinton. n s17'swifeof WHedron, aged 46 yeas on June mo New Adlleltionneut,o: " CORN Both for Feed and Seed. Also Peas and Oats. Cash :or time. W. G. PERRIN, Clinton. 1?I1INe _RECITAL. A Piano Recital will be given by the pupils of MiSS iiALLiE COMAE, assisted by MISS LAURA ACHESON, - �'NHiulst, and MiSS ELLA FISREe, Elocutionist. WEDNESDAY, Jane 30, In Oddrellosys Hall at 8.30 p. m. Admission 10 Cents. ,%4 % % $ SEASONABLE GOODS $ • Pins and SOUVENIRS $Also Blouse Sets, Belts, Belt Pins, Cuff Liuks and the latest in all kinds of Jewelery. • In our Repair Trade our Watchmaker is giv- ins the best of satisfac- tion as an A 1 workman DIAMOND JUBILEE S :ti1i Ju !iddigc:c; tws‘7"" The Creat Jubilee Is over and The Queen Still Lives And reigns in the hearts of her people. MR LAURIER has been Knighted and will be known henceforth as the Right Honorable SiraiWilfre(l Laurier. l Big Celebration is now a thing of the past, and every one is well of it; saying it was the grandest sight ever witnessed place, and people who went to other places are now sorry. We are 110W settled (town to business again. Come all see you have any desire to buy; you will find us with justss ll; when desire to sell. as great a Clinton's speaking ill this EARLY CLOSING -� � After July 1st this store will close at (i except o11 Saturday evenings. GIL.ROY &WIIE1YIAN, Clinton tiS+1tMAiUSwU4wwpUw4tir�1 "Dr. Laurier." Cambridge University bas made Him an LL. D. Mr Laurier may now be appropriate' ly referred to as Dr. Laurier, for Cam- bridge University has conferred on hint the degree of doctor of laws. Among the other distinguished men singled out for honor was the Marquis of Lansdowne, formerly governor-gen- eral of Canada, and at present secre- tary of state for war in the Salisbury administration. It was quite evident that the Canadian premier was the centre of attraction, and the students,• with the irreverence which is the highest compliment they pay to dis- tinction, were quite as familiarly jo- cular as is their wont on such occasions. UNPRECEDENTED ENTHUSIASM The progress of the colonial premiers through Liverpool, Edinburgh, Glas- gow and Manchester has evoked un- precedented public enthusiasm. It has been a perfect ovation, from first to last. There is a colonial boom on, but more especially is this the case with respect to Canada. It is no exaggera- tion to say that it has become the leading feature of the jubilee. The London and provincial newspapers simply teem with :natter about the colonies, interviews, articles and por- traits galore. THE PEOPLE'S HERO The enthusiasm is entirely a ponot the creation of pular fr tcial glemen, withthe r s result that by the time the Canadian troops arrived the officials were on their best behavior, and the Canadians received a splendid welcome not street, hut also from h mtheirEngl English com- panions om the man on in arms. IN THE FOREMOST PLACE, The (}lobe correspondent says: -I would not say it if it were so appar- ent, hat the fact is that Mr Laurier and the Canadians take the foremost place wherever they appear. This was in the first place caused by the poen . ,t � Mr Horatio Draycap was run over by a Grand, Trunk engine at Belleville and killed. The Government has decided to abandon the work of building a refor- matory at Alexandria, Peter Wilkinson, an eighty-year-old farmer, walked into the lake at kings- ville and drowned himself.yy Luke Patrick member for the BritishHousetCOom Com- mons for»South Roscommon, is dead. The British training brig, Sea Lark, is missing. She left Devonport for Plymouth to take part in the jubilee naval review. The ress speak inthemost enthusiastic td Arnerican erms of the impressive nature of the jubilee ceremonies in London. There has been no eastern mail received at Vancouver or through trains since Fri- day. The difficulty is between Banff and Anthracite. Bow River is very high, wash- ing away bridges and portions of the track. The pain that sometimes strikes a man at the most inopportune moment is due to indigestion. It may Dome in the midst of a dinner and make the feast a mookery. It is a reminder that he may not eat what he chooses, nor when he chooses. Be is a slave to the weakness of his stomach. A man's health and strength depends upon what he gets out of hie food. This depends on bis digestion. Remove the obstruction by taking Dr. Pierce', Pleasant Pellets. They are a poaitive cure for constipation and its attendant ills -headaches, sour stomach, flatulence, dizziness, biliousn... and "heartburn." The "Pellets" are very gentle in their action. They simply assist nature. They give no violent wrench to the system. They oause no pain, nor griping. Send 3l cen t stamps to cover cost of mailing only, and receive free a dopy of Dr. Pierce', Medical Advo4,e{'. Address, World's Dispensary Medical As&ociatioh, Buffalo, N. Y. CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon Thursday, Jane 24th, 1897. Wheat spring 0 67 a 0 68 Wheat,fall 0 67 a 0 68 Oats, 0 19 a 0 20 Barley 0 25 a 0.80 Peas 0 37 a 0 38 Flour per owt 1 75 a 2 00 ar i y of the Canadian tariff here, but eggButter it has been confirmed by Mr Laurier's Hay per new, striking personality and his manlyHay 57; declarations of Canadian self-reliancShoeepekine and his sympathy with the fiscal olio Wool t 1 of Englishman No. 1 Trimmed Hides Potatoes Clover Seed, retail Timothy Seed O 9 a 0 10 0 8 a 0 9 old 700a800 O 25 a 025 O 18 a 018 400 a 425 O 25 a 25 550ia15;50 2 50 a 2 50 n w rich the great mass , are unalterably wedded. Looking at this jubilee celebration fur a moment in a cold and calculating manner, it may be said that Canada is going to get from it a great advertise- ment. The effect it will have on Brit- ieh'capital and British irnigration can scarcely, I think, he mueh over'estianated Sir Donald Smiih'e elevation to the peer- age confirms the report of his prospeot re• tirement from the High Commisaionership at a very early date. Sir Richard Cart- wright will succeed him in London, Im- mediately Sir Wilfrid returns to Canada there will be a reconstruction of the Cetbinet, upon Sir removal to London. The Department rdf of Trade and -Commerce will be merged in- to Finance and full play given to the Ministers of Customs and Inland Revenue. Market Notes Thirty-one factories boarded 2,250 white and 350 colored obeese at Belleville, on day. ales -50 whited at 8tc; 655 Swhite at 8 7.16c;a 5025white colored at Ado. d American steers at Montoday 2o; sheepaateloom121o; refriger- ated beef at 8}o to 81o. Shipments today: 750 cattle, 1,385 sheep and 2,360 quarters of beef• At Toronto, on Mrnday the following were quotations:-Whheat-.Dull, at 67e for red and 681 for white, north and west; Manitoba flour firmer, at 710 to 72o for No. 1 bard float at Fort William; 76 for No. 1 bard, Goderich, and 74o for No. 2. The Latest JUBILEE VIOLET is a most exquisite p(rfurne, sold by ounce; manufactured' by John Tayh r & Co. Also tFfu:11' ' line of Stern's Recksecker, Seely and French Perfumes COMDE'S DRUG Store, • ress Goods If you are thinking of buying a Black Dress we would..;':: be glad to have you look through our stock, and we': think you will be pleased with the showing. SERGES at 25c to 50c a yard. . HENRIETTAS, Blue -black and Jet, fine, soft finish, 44 in. alti 50c a yd. There's no better in the county at this price. FANCY BROCADES at 35e, 45, 50, 75 and 90c a y<,rd. BLACK SICILIANS that we sell at 55c, will compare veyy favorably with what is sold regularly at 75c. Come and see what we' have on the Bargain Table this week; there's sure to he something on which you can save money. RAtee our Tea equal in value to any in the Pro - 1)o you buy your Tea from us t We guaratt- vines, and one of bur Tea cUstolners will soon receive a Gold Watch absolutely free of charge -you may be the ono. It's worth trying anyway. Prices are 25c, 35c, 40c, 45c a pound. Our Iinperial Blends of Ceylon and 'India Tea is delicious in flavor, and is a. great favorite, price 35c. We pay highest price for Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples,, Lard and Tallow. W. L. Ouinlette Londe koro