The Clinton New Era, 1897-06-25, Page 2Cl rHING`e ueCEEDSse LIKE ae �j1 uCCE550,!� Pee' 11111111141111 OR IA AC: ( N,THE S. CLAiR RIVER) A., ONTARIO. We will Fend the New Era to new subscribers for the balance of 1897 for 60 cents Cash. 20 (M give you a Months' Course pp, begin this month. 1011 5• = Offr graduates secured gellent positions during the past month. commercial course is ual Business from y .'Start to finish. Lave the best Short - it. Department in Ontario. ecial course for Teach - Fs beginning July 5th. 'rite for Catalogue. A. S. NIMMO, Prop utan tui Ora `FRIDAY JUNE 25, 1897 'Laurier is proving a great states - ho invariably] rises to the efccas- -Montreal WitnesEt. French chemist claims to hav e pyered a method of, man hfactur in g bohol ate 15c a gallon. This won't On the price to the consumer, how - 1 >vr% ever mohal man had opportunity ';contract the disease termed swelled d.thatman is Ikon. Wilfred Laur= r:. renvier of Canada, and at present. ipillar idol in Britain.—Toronto Star colonial delegates from Queensland elfin Canada in 1894, made a note of a 'Canadian institutions, and as a 4i 1t Queensland is to have an agri- tural college. That is a compli- ;eint to Ontario. e Jubilee is a great thing for Can • and Laurier is the man to improve ,occasion. The eyes of the world Men London, and just now Canada 4Yie of London's attractions. We'll #''the cost of our share of the blow- in advertising this favored land. he.London Free Press intimates t:"West Huron is now in a fair ay.,of being redeemed." It is, is ;;,;,Well just 'Wwait until election day find out different. Why, urkipbinent Conservatives smile incred- ulily even now when you ask them [`they think of Mr Beck's chances,. could name some who state rairilY that "he hasn't even the sha- rd a chance." he`Ne w York Commercial Bulletin s ? "So far as corn is used for ani - 1' food, it is more profitable to use fi t)ur.owu country and export the ,eef and'.pork produced from it than "`export the corn itself to be fed to tock abroad." If one took seriously e`reinark3 of some Canadian Conser- tiye papers, one might be led to sup- 8e'tbey hada chilling dread that our ople would profit by American corn. The Mail and Empire declares it is kpleased that Mr Laurier should '1:the. British people that "the ideal �',ftiberalism in Canada is flee and total trade. The desire of the Lib- I:�pparty is to follow in the lead of e; Mother Land rather than to drag hitelt the Empire into protection." It liki,isather heartless of the Mail and Em- re.to sadden by its censure Mr Lau- er's pleasant outing. It is enough Ake his coffee taste bad. And he yiing so hard to please the organ, too. ; 'irri'ting in the Medical Record Dr. i(Q. McMichael, Buffalo, asks the i ue'etion, "What is a drunkard?" and *Demers it by saying that "any per- t f%rg who habitually consumes one and r�ttii� half onpces of absolute 3thyl-alco- 01 per day (Anetie's standard), in any form, is a drnnkard, whether alcoholic sarcosis takes place or not." As whis- Iey; brandy[ gin and rum contain from 52 to1,54 per cent. proof spirit (5 a�raxis alcohol to a pat is water), it will U. noticed the limit, is not large. The an who drinks six ounces of whis- lbay�daily takes about two ounces of :il'eetlfied spirits. Under Dr:.. McMic- litters ruling he would be"a drunkard." flEASE'l} KIDNEY•LIVER PILLS. tillage's Pills have gained popularity be- ' gutiethey are a specific for the uric acid i)oudition, prevent Bright's Disease, aura jcthetiniatism and all Catarrhal conditions the Kidneys'and Bladder. They do this Warted they possess remarkable alterative, Ode and diueetio properties, exerting a Ntanderfril sclothing influence on irriated or ' iinfl med mucene membranes of the Kidney or bladder. Qlae pill a dose, 25e. a box. e Cheapest medicine in the world, a In Berlin, the German capital, there are no fewer than 80,000 subscr;bers to the telephone exchange. This seems Ian incredible number, considering that there are only some 300,000 sub- scribers to telephone exchanges in the whole United States. But in Berlin the rates are so low, about one-eighth the average in the United States, that almost every householder finds the telepnone a convenience within his reach. A telephonic service cost less in Canada than in the neighboring r'e- puhlic, but it costs a substantial sum. The cheaper the service can be provid- ed the more useful it will he to the general public, and the greater will be the number of its patrons. The day will come when a telephone will be an adjunct to every Louse in which home comfort is looked for, and it will be cheap, because its use willsbe alrnost universal. It is not often a Conservative is gen- erous enough to speak as kindly of an opponent as does the editor of the Stratford Herald, in the following, yet those who know Mr Dingman will ad- mit he often says kind and generous things of his political opponents:— "While speaking of the Globe it may be added that underMr• Willison it is a bet- ter managed and more effective journal generally than it ever was before even in the palrniest days of George Brown. It is not the Herald's pleasure to see things political through the Sallie spec- tacles as the Globe, but recognition of its able direction is a, thing apart from politics. Few papers have done as much as the Globe under Mr Willison to improve the style of journalistic discussion and to banish ugly person- alities and abuse." The Hamilton Times is responsible for the following:—That is pretty sad about our friend the Czar fretting him- self sick because the last one was a girl and not a boy. Hang it, Nick, there's no use taking on so. While there's life there's hope. We've all been there. $orne folks kick because they have no children, and others swear because they have too many. The father of half a dczen girls gets mad every time he has to black his own boots, and the head of the family composed of "all boys," moansand sometimes weeps when he has to hunt up the thimble and sew on a button for himself. Suppose the girls do tostst little more for clothes. Nick, you wont have to pay any police court tines for them. You can have thein put through for typewriters for less ,than half what it costs to make a boy into a doctor or lawyer. Your girls can always get a job at, grub wages in some- body's kitchen whether she knows how to cook or not, while your boys might have to walk the streets or tramp the highway in vain search forwork of any kinds Cheer up, Nick; there are com- pensations in every situation. Don't scold your wife or let yourself go crazy over a little thing like that. SALT RHEUM CURED.. GENTLEMEN,—Your Burdock Blood Bit- ters cured me of salt rheum three years ago. It was so bad that I loab my finger nails, and I can truly say that I know of no more valuable medicine in the world than B.B.B. I havehad no return of salt rheum since. MRS J. SANDERS, Emerson, Man. Huron County eouncil. (Brussels Post.) COUNTY OFFICERS.—Few counties have a more efficient fhcient eta ffof officers than Huron, u on Dr Holmes, e in his position as Co.Treasurer is an exceptionally efficient man for the pos- ition and does his work in a thoroughly business manner. He is also a general en- cyclopedia on everything for the Council. Clerk Lane grows in favor every year. It was thought when the veteran P. Adamson died that no one could ever fill his place. but Mr Lane has posted himself so well on Countybusiness and i e so ready d and willing Y 1 to help everybody that he fills the bill to a nicety and keeps every duty well in hand. Public school Inspectors Robb, in East Hur- on, and Tom in West Riding, render most efficient service in theironerous°and multi- farious palls, are punctual, competent and agreeable. No money is better invested by the County than that which is expended on the salary of Co. Commissioner Ainsley, of Wingham, whosedepartmout is the over- sight of bridges, roads and public buildings. The work he has done stamps him as a No. 1 official, and has saved the ratepayers hun- dreds of dollars as compared with the old system. COUNCILLORS.—Co. Counoillor Hislop is the best public speaker in that body; Councillor Mooney the best posted member on the general business of the Council; Councillor Hays the joker of the company; Counoillor Rollins the dressiest and most business -like; Councillor Holt the legal ad- viser and generally right; Councillor Mc- Ewen the most economical and best scrut- inizer; Councillor McLean (Goderioh) the readiest to talk on all subjects and the big- gest hearted; Counoillor Cook the most oanny and unwilling to wrong anybody; Counoillor Mo Innis the most willing to acknowledge hie laok of acquaintance with certain coun- oil matters, and yet well posted for a new member 0 unoillor Miller as level headed as any hard worker in committee; Counoillo oLean (Tnckeesmith) one of t're most interesting members to converse with and both eyes open for business: Coun- cillor Snell wide awake for anything and everything that will help Div. No. 2; Coun. Stuart can see as far into a milistoneas any and blessed with Liberal views; Counoillor Torrance, not superseded as an all round man full of experience; Councillor Paterson the "daddy" of the council on bridges, who only talks when it is necessary; Warden Cox, last but -not least, clear-headed, quick witted and excelled by none in geniality. We will back Huron Co. Council against any similar body in the Province. PILI; TERRORS SWEPT AWAY Dr. Agnew'a Ointment stands at the head as a reliever,healer, and sure cure for Piles in all forms. • one application will give comfort in a few minutes, and three to six days application according to direr, - Mons will euro chronic cases, It relieves all itching and burning skin diseases in a day. 36 cents. Sold by Watts & Co. 0 tea wile IS an signature sorry 0f � gimpy. sign Crisp County WWippings Thos. Oke,, of Usborne, has purchasft ed a farm on con. 11,. London Town- ship, and will move there shortly. Monday Mr's Wm. Douglas, a highly esteemed old lady, died at her home in Walton, aged 67 year's and 8 Months. Mr Robt. Beattie, formerly of the firm of Beattie Bros., of Seaforth, has purshased a hardw,are store in Beams- ville. There died at Donnybrook on the 10th, Mrs Jacob Brooks, after a few hours' illness, She leaves a husband and family of small children. The confidence of the people in Hood's Sarsaparilla is due to its unequalled record of wonderful cures. On Monday last while at work in the swamp, taking out cedar posts, Mr Gilbey' Stevens, of Glenannan, had the misfortune to gash his leg with an axe he was using. There died at Lower Wingham on Saturday last, little Annie Bezel, the youngest child of Mr and Mrs W. Ad- ams. She has scarcely reached two years of age. Mr Archie McGregor, Kippen, who bas served a successful term ot three years at the blackemithing trade of Mr T. Mellis, left on Monday last for Tara, where he has secured a situation, Mr Jaynes McDonald, son of Mr Mal- colm McDonald, of West Wawanosh, graduated with honors in the recent examinations at the Ontario Govern- ment Experimental college at Guelph. We regret to notice that Mr R. Mc- Mordie, sr., Kippen, is in very poor health, he having been in London for several days, at the hospital, where he purposes undergoing an operation. Mary Stacey, of Wingharn, is very low with gaugeucy in one of her limbs. Part of the foot was amputated in or- der to check the disease, but all to no purpose, as it is fast spreading over the entire body. Robt. McDonald, of Violadale, Man., died at his residence in that place on May 7th last. Mr McDonald wills an old resident of Howick, resided at Newbridge for a number of years, and was an uncle of Councillor Spence. A quiet wedding was celebrated on Tuesday at the residence of Mr Win. Hornuth, of Turnberry, when his daughter, Miss Mary, was united in marriage to Thos. T. McDonald, .of Wingharn. Only the immediate rela- tives were present. R. J. Bullen, con. 13, lot 11, (VV.D.) Ashfield, sold four cattle that brought him $285.50. One three-year-old heifer went 1380 lbs. A steer tipped the scales at 1560. He was the same age. Is this not an argument in favor of stail-fed cattle. Brussels court of revision finished their work this week, the result being that they added about $26,(X)0 to the assessment, and reduced about $5,000, leaving an increase of about $21,000, and leaving the assessment of the vil- lage at about $305,000. Mr Burdge, President of the Bruce field Cheese Manufactur ing Company, made .an excellent sale of the'cheese Made in the factory during May, He succeeded in getting Sic per 11;, which is a fraction over what some of the fac- tories receive, Mr Wm. Westcott, of the 3rd con. of Usborne, met ivith a very painful accident on Friday last. He was en• gaged in drawing gravel and in some manner fell from his seat on to the wheel. breaking two ribs and being otherwise badly shaken up. On Monday afternoon of last week, Mr's Littlejohns, of Exeter, met with a painful accident. She was cleaning a window, and in some manner acci- dently fell from the step -ladder, dis-lo- rating her shoulder, and otherwise git- ing her a bad shaking up. James Sanderson delivered e ed thr ec fine steers in Gorrie on Monday; he receiv- ed the handsome figure of five cents a pound, and the three animals rripled the scales at 4,400 lbs. Notw.ths and• ing the warm weather these three ani- mals gained 300 lbs in the past six weeks. An interesting ceremony tock place at the residence en a of Mr Jas. Willis,r 1Ex- eter, last week, when Rev W. H.Locke joined in the holy bonds of matrimony Capt. Peter Wylie and Miss Ellen Rob- ertson, both of Godericb. They left on the evening train for Godericb. Mrs 'Wylie is a sister of Mrs Willis. Mr J. Watson, of Brucefleld, had his arm badly scalded while attempting to prevent the steam from escaping from oue of the pipes in connection with the boiler in the saw -mill. A plug flew out. allowing all the steam to escape, and Mr Watson only by great, presence of mind, prevented a probable serious accident. A little daughter of Emeziah Wylie, of Wingham, fell into the mill Lace on Thursday afternoon last. Hari y Ans- ley happened along and caught her as she rose to the surface. In falling the little one hit her head on scmething and made quite a gash, from which the blood flowed profusely. Other- wise the child was none the worse for her narrow escape. W. J. Chapman, of ,Wingham, and H. P. Chapman, of Ripley, have good prospects of becoming rich men, ow- ing to the death of an uncle said to be worth $35,000. The brothers are fight- ing the claim in Denver. W. J. falls herr to the bulk of the money, but Har- ry was not entirely ignored; he expects to receive sufficient to make him inde- pendent, W. .3. left for Denver on Monday, and will endeavor to get a settlement. On Wednesday evening of last week, while Mrs Jeohn Orr'fiin and son, of the 6th con. of Ashfield, were descending the hill hetw1een the railway and Mait- land bridges, the horses became un- manageable, and ran away. The lig upset nearthe big "'ridge-, and Mr's Griffin was thrown against one of the abutments with great force. She was taken into the Union Hotel at Gode- rich, where she is now lying; but for- tunately no bones were brcken; her son escaped with a severe cut on the back of the head. On Monday Albert Hart, of Gode- rich, was charged before the Police Magistrate with attempting to shoot Frank Russel. After heating the evi- dence the case was dismissed with costs. Russela w s brought up on de- mand on a charge of assaulting Miss Hart. His Worship remanded the de- fendant until Tuesday, with the inti- mation that he would then be commit- ted. On being brought up on remand be was fully committed for trial. The aye Ofsevereat trial and teat prove ° in regard to Hood's Sarsaparilla 1st, Greatest Merit Secured by a peculiar Combina- tion, Proportion and Process unknown to others — which naturally and actually produces 2d, C reatest Cures Shown by thousands of honest, voluntary testimonials - which naturally and actually produce d, Greatest Sales According to the statements ot f druggists all over the country. t ;..' In these three points Hood's Sarsaparilla le peculiar to itself. • 00 Sarsaparilla Is the best— It is the One True Blood Purifier. take Hood's PIiis witthHoodnSarsaparillla.. case is likely to he a sensational one, as it is intimated by more than one witness that the complainant was spiv- ited away from home with a view of making away with her, while others state that such a contention is without any basis of truth. -Another of Turnberry's old and res- pe:ted pioneers, in the person of Mr Adam Morrow, passed away at his home just west of Fordwich, un Sun- day evening, after a lingering illness of some years. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon to the Church of England Cemetery, Gorrie. The L.O.L. of this place, of which deceased wasa faithful member for many years, and a large number of the brethren from Wingham, Bluevale, Corrie, Orange Hill, and Fordwich followed the re- mains to their last resting -place, in a body, and paid the honors of the Or- ange Society to a deceased brother. He was a member of the Church of England, and in politicsa staunch Con- servative. NEURALGIA'S PERSISTENT AGONY Has but one source of relief. Nerviline —nerve pain cure—penetrates to the irri- tated nerves, soothes them into repose, and affords relief almost instantly. The whole range of medicine affords no parallel to Nerviline as a pain reliever. Three million counterfeit U. S. half - dollars are said to be in circulation in the Western States. The coins are spurious only in the sense that they are not' authorized or manufactured by i he United States Government. They have been assayed and found to differ but, slightly from the gen,tine fifty - cent piece. The coirnt e : feiters' profit is in the price of bullion. For 24 cents be can purchase enough in the open market to make a half -dollar. The conspirators have not attempted to turn out dollars, because it is more profitable to operate with the fifty - cent issue. In the regular dollar there are in two half dollars. The counter- feiters's profit in issuing the latter is at keret 100per cent. on every coin. Banks receive the counterfeit coins without question and in many instan- ces pass them out again. SATISFACTORY RESULTS So says Dr. Curlett, an old and honored practitioner, in Belleville, Ontario, who writes: "For Wasting Diseases and Scro- fula I have used Scott's Emulsion with the most satisfactorysuite. re Mr. Dickson late governor of Goder ich jail, and father of Mr. Dickson town, called at this office for a copy of last. weeks Journal, coutaining the latest chapter in the history of Fare- well's life. He said he had heard so much about it he wished to file it with the papers he already hadh sarin on said the rascal. Mr Dickson .old in his ex- periense of over thirty years as jailer he had met but one man who had no redeeming trait in his character and that man was s as. Farewell. He was totally devoid of moral principle and could -pray from June to January with- out effortort or feeling.—St Marys Jour- nal. AN ANTIDOTE FOR ASTHMA. Mr A. Reid,Agnus, Ont,:wasfor two yerrs a snfferer from asthma. Ahalf bottle of Yellow Oil cured him completely, and al- though it was sometime ago, be has never since been troubled with the same com- plaint. W. B. Bradbury, the millionaire, of San Francisco, will have to serve the sentence of 24 hours' imprisonment in the county jail, imposed on him by Judge Low recently un his conviction for the second time for spitting in street ears. Judge Wallace of the su- perior court bas affirmed the judge- ment. In abolishing a number of unneces- sary offices the Dominion Government is keeping faith with the taltpayers. At the department of the interior since June last, 31 dismissals and euperan- nuations have taken place, and only thirteen persons have been appointed in place of those dispensed with. Most of the other places were abolished "to secure economy in the public service." Only six of the dismissals were for of- fensive partizanship. NERVE FELL a t FOR Weil PI 'LE. At all Druggists. Price do cents per Box, or 3 for $t.go. Sent by Mali on receipt of price. T. MILBURN Z.: CO., Toronto. MI• A Japanese Ripper Mail adydees from Tokio report a ser- ies of murders of Jack -the -Ripper class in Japan that has stirred one of the chief localities fibro ope end to the other. In the first week of May a ser- ies of inexplicable assinations occurred in one of the most thickly populated parts of Tokio in Kande district. There rare usually about 30,000students living in that city. Beginning with May 3rd, three mourners occurred with rapid succession in the district, the vic- tims being young' and good-looking girls. In each case the arms were cut off and the victims mutilated. After the second week this district was pat- rolled by police in such numbers that another murder should have been im- possible. Yet two successive morn- ings the bodies of young girls hanging to trees with their acme cut off and similerly disembowelled, making a to- tal of five cases. At last accounts Tokio was still in dread of the myster- ious slayer, and the Japanese police confess themselves baffled. Tokio suffered a somewhat similar visitation two years ago when, within a week 17 women were attacked at night in the public streets. The assailant, who proved to be a crack -brained stud- ent who had been crossed in love, did not seek to kill his victim. His pur- use seemed to be merely to slash their aces with a knife. He was captured in the act of mutilating his 17th victim. He was sentenced to fifteen years'im- prisonment. The first of the new vessels on the Canadian fast line aervice will be put into commission in two years from the present time, and it is expected that they will he able to make the passage between Quebec and Liverpool in about five and a half days, , the minimum speed being 600 knots per day, while, according to advices recently received by Mr Dobell from Petersen, Tate & Co., they are not at all unlikely to de- velope 22 knots per hour. 10 addition to this the contractors will put on a line of freight steamships. SIOK IIEADACHE Positively cured by these Little .Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per- fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi- ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price. Substitution the fraud of the day. Sec you. get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, Insist and demand ::arter's Little Liver Pills. MjS.1N 5 A� F T Makes the BEST BREAD. To the Madden Yeast Co., London, Ont. Gentlemen,—We get quicker and better results from using Mrs. Madden's Yeast than any other we have used, and highly recomrhend it. DEAN BROS., Bakers THE MADDEN YEAST CO., London. THERE ARE MANY KI NDS. ,of SHOES But the best kind is the kind especially de- eigned-•for all kinds of weather. 'Shoes that frighten the buyer away because of their high prices have never had a place in our store. We have "shoved" away high prices and only reasonable prices are charged for our footwear. Besides a full line of Boots and Shoes We have a good supply of Trunks, Valises, Harness, Shingles, tie. Red and White Cedar Shingles. Call and see them. JAMES TWITCHELL,, Victoria Block, Clinton, IT PAYS TO The Canada Business College CHATHAM, ONT. Still continues its sacoeseful work of placing students in ohoioe positions. Between Jan. 1st and May 1st, four months, 40 of our pupils secured ohoioe situations as Book-keepers, Stenographers, and Teachers in other Business Colleges. Three others have Bemired places, one to commence next week, another the follow- ing week and the third about June 15th. Here is is where graduated of this school have a decided advantage over those gradu- ated from the average business college. If interested write for catalogue and complete list of where these etadent have been planed, Address, D. MCLACHLAN & Co Chatham • PROPERITES FOR SALE oRTo LET Small House and Lot for Sale For sale, a email House and Lot on Gutter St. Will be sold on very reasonable terms. Apply to J08. WHEATLEY or JOHN AVERY, Clinton FOR SALE. The undersigned wilt sell at a sacrifice, Lot 451 or 12, Railway Terrane Clinton. Partioulare upon application, JAMES SCOTT, Barrister &o HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT Several houses either for sale or to rent. Full particulars on application to JOHN MOGARVA FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS Lot 88, Maitland Concession, Goderioh Township. For terms and particulars ap- ply to JAMES SCOTT, Barrister, Clinton CHOICE LOTS FOR. SALE Subscriber offers for sale a two -acre lot situate in the Bowden Survey, Ontario Street. The lot is fenced, and has thereon a number of choice fruit trees. I s a most desirable place for buildiug, and will a sold either in one or two acre iota.—THUS. LLOWAY, Clinton. Beautiful Property for Sale. The undersigned offers for sale the eligible and beautiful), situated residence occupied by himself ou Huron St., Clinton. The house con- tains every modern convenience for good sized family, is well built, with stone foundation, fur- nace, hard and soft water, stable and bearing fruit trees. Particulars upon application to JOHN CUN.vINGHAM, Clinton. W1 PERRIN BLOCK 2 FOR SALE $900 cash and 120 monthly payments of 813 each D J CAMPBELL, Hamilton CHOICE FARM FOR SALE. Choice fa m, 97 acres, 11 miles from Clinton 2nd con Hullett, parts of lots 19 and 20. A good frame house and three story hank barn 61x48, stone cellar with modern conveniences for feeding; land all cleared, soil the very best clay loam; good bearing orchard. Easy terms. For full particulars and terms apply to JAS. TREMEER, Beamsville, Ont. or Mrs Washing- ton Clinton, Ont. CHOICE HOUSE TO RENT OR For Sale That comfortable and well -situated house on Huron St., occupied by Mr Dorton, is offered for sale or to rent. Tne house contains accom- modation for a large family, having six up•stair bedrooms, with all other convenience. Hard and soft Water, cellar, with stable, etc. A few bear- ing fruit tress. Possession given 1st of May. Aprly to W. W. FARRAN, Clinton. FARM FOR SALE Lot 25, Con 5, Township of Hullett, 100 acres 88 °Acres cleared and in a good state of cultiva- tion, excellent clay loam soil; 12 acres of hard• wood bush. Theree i acod bearingorchard gare sc and it good supply of water. Tho farm has never been rented. e tad. The buildings comprise a good frame house, barn and stables. This property is aituato ou an excellent gravel road, 21 miles f-ernthe Town of Clinton. Terms easy. For further particulars apply to the undersigned on the premises. MRS THOS. HILL, Clinton P. 0. FOR SALE. A valuable fruit and grain farm on a good road within six miles of Clinton. The lot is No. 67, Maitland Concession, Ooderich Town- ship, and contains 75 acres. It yields annually from 80 to 100 barrels of Winter Apples, and is a good grain farm, the land being a No. 1 clay loam. 'There is a No. 1 frame house on the, lot, a good barn with stone stables urderneatu, and it is well watered 10 every field. A large por- tion of the purchase money may remain on mortgage. For terms, etc., apply to THOMAS BURNn, Carlow P. 0., or to W. W. FARRAN, Clinton. House and Lot for Sale The frame house on Rattenbury street, immediately east of Dr. Tomlinson's, is offered for sale on very reasonable terms. The house is centrally situated, be:ng only a minute's walk from the business centre, has stone cellar, large dining room, parlor, bed room and kitchen down stairs, with one large and two smaller bedrooms upstairs. Goon -sized summer kitchen and garden. Very conveniently situated for boarding house. Apply at New ERA office. ¶ALKERBURN Wolin Mills. My Woolen Mill is running full blast, and I ani prepared to pay the highest price in cash or trade for any quantity of good clean Wool I have in stock and manufacture all kinds of BED BLANKETS FLANNELS STOCKING YARN TWEEDS AND HORSE BLANKETS. All goodr guaranteed to be pure, free from ahoddy. Patronag solicited. Custom work a sp claity. People nriog from a distance can have their rolls car ed and hone with them. R. MORRISON,. Auburn P.O. BENMILLER WOOLLEN MILL As usual I shall be prepared to purchase Wool at the highest market price for cash or will exchange tor my manufactured hrticler. My - stook of STOCKING YARNS? HORSE BLANK ETS, FLANN ELS, TWEEDS and BED BLANKETS is now complete, and guaranteed manufactured of HOME FLEECE and free from shoddy of any description. inI'Don't forget, I shall PAY CASH for Wool at the highest price in ytho martot. J USSR'ft/LEDHILL. Bonmiller, May 28, 1851. Professional andOtherCards JAMES SCOTT. . Barrister, 'Solicitor CONVEYANCER &o. et lutoand ydobf Ontario & w9 W. BRYDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. Office—Beaver Block. Up -stairs, Opposite Foster's Photo_ CLINTON M: G. CAMERON (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron) BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. Office—Hamilton St., opposite Colborne Hct GODERICH, ONT D• L. MACPHERSON• CONVEYANCING FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT, INSURANC MONEY TO LOAN. Office, MacKay Block, Clinton. JOHN RIDOUT. CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, ETC Fire Insurance. Money to lend. Real estate matters carefully attended to. , OMce—HURON STREET, CLINTON R. AGNEW, DENTIST, CLINTON AT ZURICH THE 2ND THURSDAY of EACH MONTH Office Hours -9 to 5. DR. T• C• BRUCE, SURGEON DENTIST, Graduate RCD 8 of Ontario, and Trinity verelty Toronto. Special attention given to the Preservation the natural teeth. Clime, Coate f lock, over Taylor's shoe store N. B.—Will visit ondani Hayfield very Thursday afteh rnooery n during thh summer DR. WM. GUNN, L, R. 0. P. and L. 11, C. 8 Edinburgh. Office—Ontario Greet, Clinton Night calls at front door of residence on Batten bury Bt., opposite Presbyterian church, DR J. L. TURNBULL, M. D. TORONT( 1-"University,51 0,Fellow of the Ob,tettrri•I M. C. P & S., Society of Edinburgh, late of London, En ani Edinoffice buRa Hospitals. 1 St. Clinton, DNighty oll answered at the some place. DR, J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, BURGEOr A ecoucheur, eto., omce and residence On- tario St., opposite English church, formerly 00 copied by Dr. Appleton, Clinton Ont. J AC. P. FREEBORN, , Graduate 'Ri gs Q d-Qa ens College of Physicians, Dublin, Ireland. Lloen tiate General Medical Council, Great Brits in Member of College Physicians and Surgeons, On tarts. Formerly evident of Rotunda Hospital (Lying-in and Gyaeeological) Dublin. Reeideno. —Rattenbury 8t. east, next door to Ontario 8t parsonage. DR STANISURY, GRADUATE OF THI Medical Department of Victoria Uniyes say, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals ane Dispensaries, New York, Coroner for hi County of Huron, Bayfield, Ont. DR AGNEW, Londeeboro, successor to Dr Young. T. ACNE W. M. B., Toronto University, M. D. 0 l.iTrinity Uni University,Member of 'College Phy ysicans and Surgeons, Ontario. Moe oPsetceMethodist church. Night calls answered o t he same place. Unice hours 8 to 10 a,m., 1 to :iptm to 9 p.m. • J E.BLACEALL VETERINARY SURGEON • HonoraryGraduate of theOntarioVeterinay) College. Treats all diseases of domestioated and male on the moat modern and scientific prints pies Office— immediately south of the New Er. OlBice iset dens — Albert t Bt. Clinton. Cal night orday attendedto promptly JOHN F. MILNE, VETERINARY SURGEON has returned to Winton and opened an office at the Queen's Hotel, where he may be consult- ed for the treatment of all diseases of horses. cattle, &o. All calls, night or day, promptly at- tended to. ini TOMLINSON, VETERINARY SURGEON • Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veteri uary College, Toronto. Treats all diseases Domestic Animals on the most modern and Scientific Principles. Day and night calls prompt ly answered. Residence—Rattenbury St., west Ulinton. 1 if ARRlAGE LICENSE, daEs SCOTT, SR. 'sourer of Marriage Licenses, Library Room and Residence, Mary street, Clinton. . JAMES CAMPBELL, LONDESBORO, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, No witnesses required 171 N. FARNCOMB, MEMBER OF ASSN OF 1' • P. L. B., Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, London, Ont.—Office at Geo, Stewart's Grocery Store, linton. • YOUR SPARE TIME. Mon women to conduct business at home Worst is simple writing and copying lists of addresses received from local advertising, to he forwarded to us daily. No canvassing; no previous experience required, hut plain writ- ers preferred. Permanent work to those con- tent to earn 80 or more weekly in spare time. Apply to ' I'CnttenERs" rare of EDMUND EAGLESON, Box 2, Bayfield, Ont. Wanted Men and Women who can work hard talking and writing six hours daily, for six daya week, and will be content with ten dollars weekly. Address, NEW IDEAS CO., Brantford, 0 ROBERT -:- DO CLINTON, Afanufaoturer and Proprietor for the best SAW MIt,L DOG in use. Agent for the solo aid ap- plication of the rtarFifinna PATENT AUTomATIO HOLLER ULRAttER. STEAM FITTINGS furnished and attached on short notice. ' BOILERS, ENGINES, AND ALL KINDS OF MA -I CItINERY REPAIRED EXPEDITIOUSLY AND I81 A SATISFACTORY MANNER. Fa rm implements reanufs.otered and repaid ste am and Water pompe furnished and put o .nsition Dry Kline fitted up on applicatio clD hargee moderato. WANTED Industrious persons of el- `' ther sex with good Attract' er and common school education, can obtain employment for two months in this reom- . M. FRY, Toronto, Ont,