The Blyth Standard, 1903-08-06, Page 3I laid
The real joy of an outing is good tea!
Blue Ribbon Tea is made from the tenderest and most
delicate leaves and flowers of the Ceylon tea plant.
It is delicious an cream}' to the taste—is simply delightful
with bread and butter.
Blue Ribbon
Ceylon Tea
Black, Mixed
C.ylon Green
should be Ash for the
Fifty Wed Label
His ustralian Brifle
"Ho can't go on loving mo always,
unless I improve," she maid dismally.
"I mast get more like hie own
people, and get on letter
With thein, and all that. I a:ust
Yet he doesn't tell me how to
set to work; and it's laud to find
out for oneself. I urn trying; but
It's very hard. If only somebody would
show me how I For, unless I fined out,
he can't care ttxntt toe much longer
—{[ see It—he can't."
Yet it teemed that he did.
If attending to the moat extrava-
gant wish most lightly 'spoken counts
or anything, Alfred could eertnhily
care for hie wife stili, and did earn
tor her very dearly Indeed. And
that wish that Gladys had expreesed
while walking through the village of
Ham—the desire to drive about in
a Couch-and-four—had been at least
lightly uttered, and had never since
oroaed her mind, very possibly. Nev
erthelese, one day In the second week
of June the coach -and -four turned up
—spick and seen, and etartting and
fa.lry-like ae Cinderella's [ammo vehi-
cle. It was Alfred's surprise ; he had
gest the coach for tho rest of the era.
eon ; and when he RAW that hie wife
could find no words to thank him—
but could only gasp at him In 'teener',
With her lovely eyes grown soft and
melting, and hem hand preened
la hero — then, most likely,
the honeet fellow experi-
speed a purer Joy than he had ever
known in all hie life before. Nor did
the surprise end there. By collusion
with Lady Blight end Granville, a
strong party had been eeeretly con-
vened for Arcot the very next day;
and a charming drese, which Gladys
had never ordered, came down from
her dreeemaker in Conduit etreet
that evening—when Alfred confess-
ed, and wars hugged. And thus,
just as she was getting low and mis-
erable and melt-conscloue, Ghutyewao
carried off her feet end whirled
without warning into a state, ofim-
mense excitement.
Perhaps she could not have ex -
prowled her gratitude more eloquent-
ly than oho did but a minute before
they all drove off In the glorious
June morning; when, getting her
husband to herself for one moment,
she [lung her arms about him neck
and whispered teoderly:
"I'm going to be an good es gold
all tiny—lt'e the least 1 can do, detr-
ltng 1"
Cholera infantum 113 one of the
most dreaded diseases of Infuucy. It
la prevalent during the heat of 1vut-
mer 1n spite of all the caro mot.hero
may take to guard against It, and
It sometimes progreeees so quickly
that desalt (*sours It a few hours no
matter what care is given the child.
The first thing to do is to stop feed•
Ing the child and give Iden plenty of
irtwh air and pure water to drink.
(live Baby's Own Tablets to carry
off the poison in tho "'intent. 1)o not
under any elroumgtsnoee give a
medicine to check the diarrhoea,
except under the advice of a doctor.
By tieing baby's Own Tnblote the
carie of the diarrhoea will be re-
moved, and the disease will thus be
chocked In a natural tnanner. Proof
that the 'Athlete cure this too often
fatal trouble Is given by Hies. Her-
bert Burnham, Smith's Falls, Ont.,
who stye: "When my eldest child
was elx wneke old he had an attack
of ahotera Mantua) and was at
death's door. efy doctor advteed me
to try Baby's Own Tablets, and in
twenty-four hours baby was bettor ;'
the vomiting and purging ceased and
ho regainers strength rapidly."
Keep the Tablets in the bolise—
their. prompt use may save your
tittle one's lite. Sold by medicine
dealers or tent postpaid at 2t1 cents
a box by wrttbng the Dr. sd'illla me
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
I.And cher was no worse duan her
ivord. The raring interested her
vastly—x1141 won at couple of sweep-
; stakes, too, by the way—yet all
I day she eurboel her wild
excitement with complete success.
Only her dark eves sparkled so that
' people declared they had meter seen
at woman NO handsome, and hi ap-
pearance so animated, who paved to
111100 NO little—oo appelhtngly little
to erre for herself. And It wax
Gladys herself who drove then) all
home again, handling the rihbone as
no other woman handed thein that
'mason, and cracking her whip as
very few men could crack 0110, so that
It was heard for half n nolle through
the clear evening. air, while for half
that dintnuee people twisted their
necke and strained their eyes to 800
the last of the dark, bewttehing,
dashing driver who threaded her
way with such nerve and skill through
the moving mate of wheels and horse-
flesh that clinked the errantry roads.
And, wltlr it all, she kept her pro-
mise to the atter. And her husband
wan no less delighted than proud.
And only her bother -in-law Rdt ag-
grieved. 1i I'!
' But It's too good to lust," ens
'Mat young man's eoustnnt 0011a0110
11011. "it's it record. eo far; Uu
s1N11 break out before the day
is over; shell entertnln us yet
—or I'll know the reason Why I"
he may have added In 11113 most secret
soul. At all events, as Ile eat
next her at dinner, when the Lady
Lettice Dunlop—Inds right-hand
neighbor—remarked ht a whisper
the bride's silence, Granville was
particularly prompt to whisper back:
"Try her about Australia. Sound
her on the comparative merits of
their races out there and Ascot. Talk
In front of me, If you like; I don't
nand ; awl she'll like it."
So Lady Lattice Dunlop leant over
gracefully, and said she had heard
of a race called the Melbourne Cup;
and how did It compare with the
(told Cut; at Ascot ?
The bride shook her head conclu-
sively, and a quick light camolato
her eyee. "There to no comparison.'
•You mean, of course, that your
race does not compare with ours?
Well, it hardly would, you know 1"
Lady Lettice smiled compassion-
Not a bit of it !" was the brusque
end astonishing retort. "I mean
that the Melbourne mop knocksspote
—I mean to say, rs sea thousand
limes better titan what we saw to-
day 1"
The Lady Lettioe eat upright again
ami manipulated her Ian. And It was
Granville's opening.
"I can quite believe It," chine! In
Gran. " I always did hear that that
taco of yours was the rare of the
world. Englishmot say e0 who have
been out there, Lady Lettice. But
you should tell us wherein the super-
iority Iles, Ghulye."
The bride complied with alacrity.
" Why, the course is ever so much
Meer ; there are ever &1 many more
people, but ever 140 much less crowd-
ing; the management of everything
Is ever so much better ; and the
drer;.:es are gayer—ever so emelt !"
" Ever so mush" 311(8 a recent re-
form suggested by Alfred. It was an
un knibted Improvement upon "a
lolly- eight," which it replaced: hut,
like most reforms, It was apt to be
too 0111011 en evidence just at first.
She rattled off the points at a
reckless rate, and paused fairly
breathless. Her 'Speaking looks and
silent tongue no longer presented
their curious contradiction ; elle
not only looked excited, hut
spoke excitedly now. Lady Lettice
smiled faintly, with elevated
eyes and eyebrows, ae she lis-
tened—till the romparteon between
Colonial and English dress, at which
home -touch Lady Lettice was mo-
mentarily overcome behind her fan.
No Vim, No Snap, No l';nertty, Exertion
Ih•endrd and Work shunned.
"Fagged right out,," Is an appro.,
prime way, to express tho feelings
of many people during the hot sum-
mer menthe. No strength, no vigor,
no soap, no ambition, too weary to
work and tem languid to take any
Indeed, to downright tleprealng epee -
tacks, a. h(gwlrss summer's tiny 1r
the Thermo Valley Is exceptionally
Tun erele, however, had 110 monop-
oly of bail spirits that morning. Title
bocame plain at breakfast, but it was
not ei p1•rin that (110drJ03t1on of the
°there anew from the same simple
cause 118 her own. Vaguely, she felt
keen pleasure 111 Ilio. You aced ni that 11 did not. At once oho asked
tonic for this summer fug, and the herself 1f aught that she had done or
tons bust rammer tunic a the world said unwittingly could be connected
is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
in any way with the general silence
People. Every dose mattes new rich at on queer looks; and then she ques-
blood, tones the nerves, sharpens toned herself closely on every Incl -
the appetite, stimulates the livor,
and ba1118lieR weakness and ,weari-
ness, headaches, backaches ,languor
and deepondency. The only tonin
that 0111 do tide for you le Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills—it's a waste of
monoy to experiment with anything
else, Mr. Louie Douoet, Grand Etang,
N. b., ways: "1 ^:ad ,ery much, run
clown In health and was weak and
enmity ' tired. My appellee was vari-
able, my Ilery08 unetrung and I often
felt a complete tndiepoeitlon to work.
&flee trying several medicines with-
out benefit, 1 decided to aryl Dr. Wil-
liams' nm link 1111x, anl atter takings
few boxes I tett better than I had
40110 for months and equal to any ex- spoke to her to tell her that he
',Ilion. I don't know anything to meet go up to town, ou bueluese,
equal Dr. Williams' Pink P11Ie when and therefore alone; and lie left
one thole fagged oat." without nay tenderness in bidding
You can get the pills from any deal -
coming from that hot country. And
t I baso had a fire all the morning,
and 8114o Inas not 1 Rite l000ked sad,
too, aR web as cold, now 1 thank
of it, I wonder why? She seems 00
unconscious of everything, NO lude-
poudent, 140 indifferent. And, cer-
tainly, I blame myself for seeing so
little of her. But does the smallest
advance ever come from her side?
Does she ever try to meet tae half-
? If only she lint done e0—If
only elle were to do so How"--
Larly Blign Mopped before follow-
ing further a futile and mortifying
train of spocuiutlon. No; it were bet-
ter, atter all, that no advances should
bo made now. It was a little too late
for them. 11, in the beginning, bee
daughter-rn-law had come to her and
sought her symputily and her advice
It would have been pooelble then to
influence and to help her; It might
have been not difficult, even, to
, break to her—gently and with tact
—many of iter pscullarltles ao they
appeared. But she had not come, and
now IL was too lute. The account
)night have been settled item by
Item, but the sum was too heavy to
deal with In the lump.
"Yet her face troubles me," saki
Lady Bligh. "It le so handeom0, so
1trIking, so full of character and of
splendid possibilities; and I cannot
understand wily It should sometimes
look eo wistful and longing; for at
all events this mot be a very d1f•
ferent—and surely u preferable—ex•
Lstence to her old rough llte out
there, with her terrible father" (Lady
Bligh ehuddereell "and no mother.'
Filo" could not write, so she drew
the easy chair C10190 to the lire, and
wrapped a shawl about her shoulders,
and placed a footstool for her feet,
end sett down In luxury with a Re-
view. But neither could Lady Bligh
read, and ultimately her brooding
would probably have ended in a nap,
had not someone tapped at the door.
Lady 131.411—a
Vhlor (indolence,
a °
who connuo lly practised her principl
—being taken unawares, was weak
enough to push buck her cltuir some-
what, and to kick aside the footstool,
before saying, "Come in." Then she
hooked round—and it was the bride
Am I disturbing ,von very melt ?"
nskod Gladys, calmly ; indeed, she
ehnteetine door behind her without
ea fat the answer.
dont of the tu•evlauo day end her own
conduct therein—a style of self-exnm-
itmtlon to 010011 Gladys was lec0111-
Ing sadly used. But nu, oho could re-
member nothing that oho 1111.11 done
or Held amiss yesterday. With respect
to that deny, ut tenet, her 00ueeience
was clear. She Could say the same of
no other tiny, perhaps; but yesterday
morning she 11114( promised her 110 -
band golden behavior ; and she hon -
telly believed, this morning, that she
1)4141 kept his proml80 woll.Yet hie mea-
ner wee stranges of all this morning,
and particularly 'strange towards
her, hie wife. It was as though Ito I
had hoard something egahtot her.
Ho barely leaked at her. Ile only
er ret medicine, or they will be sent
paid at foo Bente a box, or six boxes
for 5250, by writing direct to the
De William' Medicine Co., Brookville,
one Be sura you get the genuine
Pink l'llls for Palo People" 011 elm
wrapper around the box.
But the Maio had other hearers be-
sides Lade Lettice; and those who
heard listened for more; and those
w;, listened for more heard Gran-
remark pleasantly i a ally
"yon used to Couto down from the
Irish for the Melbourne Cup, then'.""
"Did once," Gladys wall heard to
"Have a good titutr?,,
„Ohl gentlenutn In hick, then''
"Pretty well. No; not altogether,
I think."
"Didn't entre about going again,
r 11 „„
"No; hat that was because he
knocked np when we got back."
The conversation had become en-
tirely confidential between the two.
Lady Lettice was out of it, and
looked as though she were glad
of that, thoargh In reality she
was listening with quite a fierce
Intereet. °therm were listening, tow,
1a.ne1 not a few were watching the
bride with a thorough fascination;
the good humor and high spirits with
which she was now beaming over 01- { t
lanced her beauty to a remarkable(
'What' was It that knocked him B
up?' inquired Granville softly, but In
distinct tones.
her good-bye, though it was the
Bret tltno 110 haW gone up without
Ghtdye was distressed and appre-
hensive. What haul eltodon0? She did
not know; nor could mho guese. But
Rho did not knots that the longer
oho stood 111 tho empty room0, and
drummed tvltlt her fingers upon the
cold, bleared pan00, gazing out at
tho wretched day, the more elle
yearned for one little glimpse of the
sunlit boone lino barest Bandhill on
her father's
run would baso s:ttis-
fled Iter to long as 1114 00111001.Dame
with a sharp edge against the glor-
ious dark-bluo sky; the worst bit of
mallet) scrub In all Risorius — wltlt
tho fierce cwt gieli ng the leaves—
would hare presented a morecheery
prospect than this one on the Lemke
of the renowned (but overrated)
111:11008. So thought (lladye; and
nor morning pawed without 111m 01.
occupation, but with many sad re
flections and bewildering conJec-
turee, uud in complete solitude; for
Lady Bllgit was upstairs In
her little room, and every-
body else WAS in 'town. No
end luncheon enliven mutters in i1
Meat. It wee virtually a silent, as 1
was certainly a disagreeable, tete-a
a.ud yet, though Indy Bligh wen
up again to hor little room witlou
so name no Inquiring into her daugh
tor -in-law's plans for tho afternoon,
neither wart She without a slight
wing° of ahem herself.
"But I could not help it t" Lndy
Ilgh exclaimed to herself more than
emoc—to often, In fact, as to prove
conclusively that she could have
helped) It. •'I could not help It—Indeed
1 cold not. Once or twloq I did try
to sty something—but there, 1 could
riot do It ! After all, what have,, I to
talk to her about ? What le there In
common between ee? On the outer
hand, is not talking to Iter hanging
ewer on tenter -hooks, for dread of
she will sway next And this Is
ifretl8 wife ! No pretensions—none
f 1110 Instincts—no, not ono!"
A Comfortable fire was burning In
he sanctum, Lighting up the bur -
lolled brags of fender and guard and
110 brown tiles of the fireplace with
a cheerful effe t ; and title made
the chill, gray light that hung
over the wilting table under
he window less inviting, If pos-
ble, than it had been before lunch-
eon. Lndy Blight Immediately felt
hat, for idols afternoon, writing
here over there in the cold was
tit of the question. She stoat for
moment before the pleasant fire,
gating regretfully at Alfrol c pho-
tograph on the chimney -piece. Then
a thought Smote her—heavily. She
rang the bell, keen(' nid answered It.
"Light a fire for Mrs Alfred
downetaire—Inn tho morning -room, I
think—anal this minute. How dread-
ful of taco not to think of it before!"
said Lndy Bligh, whoa the servant
was gone. "Poor girl! Now I think
of it; elle dad look cold at the table.
I foel the cold myself to -day, but
elle must feel It ton times more,
(To be Coattnued.)
r I Scientific Feedings.
t Mother's slow at figures, but she
always has to count
The prot0ld1 to see that we secure
t the right amount.
t She keeps a pad of paper and a
pencil' near the sink,
And cetimatee our vlctonlo—alt the
things we eat or drink.
She histo our carbohydrates and she
scribbles down the fat,
And our specific gra vity--alto always
Watches that.
She Rm11ed at 1110. "Never you
"hut I urn Interested." He looked
She R1nilyd at him again, not dream-
ing that any other eye Woe upon her;
then she raised her champagne glass
re (non eu
two Inch `14 the table and set
It down again, and her 8I1111e broad. A
enol, an though tt were the beet I
Joke ID the world.
Tho refined tale was told. The no t
tion ,ins understood by all who had
listened to what went before.
The ,hedge ivaR 010 of those who
both slew and heard, and he stroke
to Granville on the subject after-
wards, and with some severity. lint t
Grates defence erne oonvincing en- el
"toxon my honor, eir." he protested.
"I had no kind of Idea what wait
"Well, Raid the Judge, grimly, "I
(nope everybody did not take
it in, Her own father, too 1 Apart
from the'offenstveneem of the reveht-
tion, there was a filial dlxreipect in
it whloh, to mei was tete W01'01 part
of It all."
Granville looked at his father hu-
morously through his eye -glass.
"I fear, eta she is llko our noble
pro(e8elon—no respecter of persons!"
But the Judge saw nothing to
smile at. "et is nothing to Joke about,
my boy." he observed. "It has pro-
voked me more than I can' say. It is
enough to frighten one out of ek-
ing people to the house. It forces
1110, to do what I am very unwilling
to do; I shall speak Seriously' to Al-
fred before we go to bell."
Wild weather set in after '.8001.
The break-up was sudden ; In Eng-
land It generally ie. In a single night
the wind flew Into the east, and
clouds swept Into the sky, and thea
atomotere and barometers went down
with a run together. One went 10
bed on a warm, still, oppressive might
In June; one got up four menthe later
in the rough October weather. The
bride came ckm.n ehivering and ag•
grieved; the whims anti frailties of
the English climate were new to
her, and sufficiently disagreeable.
Site happened to be down before any-
one etre, moreover; and there were
no fires in the rooms, which were
filled with as chee_rIe80, pallid light;
while 0111elde the prospect was die -
ma 1 Indeed.
The 11,in brat violently upon the
windows facing the river, and the
blurred panes distorted a picture
that MIR already melancholy enough.
The sa11101 leaa.vos, darkened and die.
colorer hp the ruin, swungheavily
and nerveleoely in the wind; the
strip of river behind the trees was
bitten, like the Sky, and 8eretrable
from It only by the narrow, formtoee
emcee that marked the Surrey shore.
In the garden the paths were flanked
with yellow, turbl l runnels; the lawn
alone looked happy and healthy ;
the life Hemmed drowned amt of
everything else — In this single
night after Ascot. Gladys ehly-
eret afresh, and turned her hook on
tee window° in miserable Rplrite. And,
Mother's slow at figures, but she
wants to do her beet.
She's !Welled to the lectures nttll
8110 IN mascara]
Of scientific demons and a regulating
cu r11—
.1m1 while she chews her pencil all
the eggs are boiling hard.
She Bete bewildered wlth it, and she
has to balance up,
And the coffee Is eo sturdy that
'1t almost cracks the cure
Mother's Blow et flgurce—eo our
brenkfatxt's always late;
The proteids end the hydrates make
the task for her too great.
We never get a luncheon, for elle
flguree on till noon,
And finds we've overdone it, and that
almost makes her swoon.
M'other's tabulating every penny-
weight we eat—
Except the meals we smuggle from
the restaurant down street.
—Chicago Tribune.
Rev. Mr. Gravely, giving his 'keys
of the eve's of card -playing during
it pastoral call; ".1e I 30,013 saying,
I man In doubt"—Parrot, interrupt-
ing nrget'ly; "When, you are in
doubt, play trumps!" .1nc1 10 110m -
let' of that family has been able to
account for the parrot's utterance
to the satisfaction of the pastor.
Women Have
Kidney Disease
And Often Make the Mistake of Attributing the Resulting
Backache to Other Causes
Dr. Chase's
Kidney -Liver Pills
Many women have kidney disease
1(4,1 010 1101 know It. They confuse
symptoms of kidney disease with
thew. 01 ailments of a feminine na-
ture. We would warn you against
this danger, as a few days' neglect
of 1511ry disease, may meant years
of suffering.
Pains in the Small of the lack or
weakness and blames$ of Our back
are the most marked symptoms of
kidney disease; others 111'0 loss of
flesh, dry, harsh skin, 11'posits 111 the
wine, swelling of the feet and lege,
severe head/tele-H. stiffness and sore-
ness; of the muscles, rheumatic pains,
toll! ehtlls In brick and loins, scald-
ing, pnielul urination, wee rinessrind
doq ondencv.
Tli're le. we believe, no pnrpnrt-
t:m extant which affords steel:
prompt relief for backache and the
otl:4r distressing symptoms of kid -
terry Ill -NISCH as Dr. ('110808 Kidney -
Liver I'111o. That title preparation Is
a thorough euro le evidenced by the
scores and 'hundreds of statem^nte
which aro rireivod at those offices
from reputable people in all walks of
Mrs. W. Wilkins, Henry street,
1'ellevflle, Ont., states; "1 suffered
a great deal 01111 pains in the emmll
of the back caused from kidney.(
trouble. Wherever I stooped 1(011111
scarcely rise again, the trains were
eau great. The disease beeline. so
severe that It effected my gear; -141
health, and 1 was becoming terry
much run down. Since using hr.
t'l(is0'H Livor -Kidney. Pills I eon say
taunt my trouble has entirely dhntie
purred I can speak in 1114' 112,1104
:Will s of this mellelne from the wage,
it acted in my case.
Dr. L'haiwse's Kidney -Lies Pills, one
pill a dose, 25 cents a box, at all
dealers, or Edmartsou, Bates & Co.,
Toronto. To protect you against
imitations the portrait and slgna-
ture of Dr. A. W. Chase are on ("eery,