The Blyth Standard, 1903-07-23, Page 8If you ever contracted any blood disease you ars never safe unless the viroser
polecat has been eradicated irons the system. Have you any of the following syrup.
toms? Sore throat, ulcera on the tongue or In the mouth, Lair falling out, aching
pains, Itchiness of the skin, sores or blotches on the body eyes red and smart, dye-
papttcstomach, sexual weakness—indications of the secondary stage. Doa't rule
your system with the old fogy treatment—mercary and potash—which oaly sup
presses the symptoms for a nee only to break out again when happy in domestic
lite. Don't let quarks experiment oa you. Our New Method
Treetmeat la guaranteed tome you. Out guarantees are backed
by bank bonds, that the disease will never return. Thousands of
patients have bean already cured by our Neve Method Treatment
for over 20 years, No oma seed without written wows.
Mr. 5. A. C. wri,oa: 'roar vemedles havedene me meregood
than Hot Springs and all the doctors anti medicines I had pm
vloaaly tried. I have act felt any of those pains or Ma any
ulcers or blotches for over seven years and ttteoutward symptoms
of the i"atheoome disease have entirely dteapppeeaared. My halt
bas grown In tatty agate and Ism married sad happy."
CONsULTATroN Peal. GOOKS Mtn. wRtrt FOR Oetftton SLINK
MASON gllaTMRRT. CURLS OUMANTUO Oa NO PAY. ae visas ne anal.
Sunshine .:,l)
Furnace IF
rx,raets all the heat from the
fol uud dielribntus it through
the house ---only the smoke giros
up the chimney.
And it ham's got that enormous
appetite f"r coal, so common in
the ordinary furnace.
Simple to operate, easily cleaned
and will lust longer than any other
Canadian adian heater.
Ilurns coal, coke or wood.
'took lit free.
Sold by all enterprising dealers.
—Stratford has formai a $5O,000 syn-
dicate to build houses.
ranch or the Melsona bank hes
'been opened at St. Marys,
-s-Mr. Wm. Curie is the new landlord
of the Welker house in Wroxeter.
-Mr, W. J. Chapman has moved his
love works from Willettam to Acton.
—Rev. I,)r. Murray has been pastor
of the Kincardine Presbyterian church
'for 25 years.
—bar. S. Allen, a farmer near She!.
hurtle, sold 12 three-year-old steers and
rix young hogs for $820.
—The pas sheet of the 13o11 engine
works in Seaforth amounts to $2200 a
Month, or over $24,000 a year.
—Theyoungest son of Mr. ,T. C. Wat-
son, of Kincardine, fell head first into a
pail of water and was drowned before
rescued. He war one year and eight
mouths old.
Opine ham sec
—Mr. E. J. C red his e
connection with the Cain house iu Lock-
V,Biv and has gone to Wiuui`,eg, where
te will bo clerk in one of the leading
Lotels in that city.
—Alter a continuous service of 25
years and three months as lighthouse
keeper at Tobermory, Mr. George Currie
Iles retired nn a pension of $325 a year.
Ile will reside with hie family in Pert
Mr. George Parker, manager of the
Merchants' bank at Alvinston, dropped
dedd st Corunna early Monday morn-
ing. Ile was about 60 years of age,
end Iitd ben manager at Alvinstun
.htee yearn.
—Mr. W. R. Thompson, eawmiiler of
.Teeswater, died on the morning of the
1.1th inst. from paralysis, after a liuger-
Thg illness of about a year, Deceased
was highly esteemed by all with whom
le came in contact. He did a large
tjusiness in the manufacture of staple
'blocks, both iu Canada and the United
States. He was a Conservative ;n poli-
tics, and a prominent member of the
Methodist church. }Io served nearly a
score of years as councillor and reeve
forTeeewater, and county commissioner
for Bruce. He always employed a largo
s'ntf of mon in his business. Teeswater
will certainly mous" 111; departure. tie
leaves a widow and six eltildien, mostly
grown up.
—Mrs. Robert Hill, of Walkerton, is
asking for a bill of damages horn the
medical Wren, who treated her late hus-
band for pueumouia when he was suf-
fering from small -pox. The will be a
difficult case to prove,
--Dr, Speuce, of f.ucknow, was pre -
Pentad a few days ago with a beautiful
gold headed cane, suitably engraved, by
the brethren of Fordwich lodge of Royal
Black Knights of Ireland. Dr. Spence
formerly lived in Fordwioh,
—Mr. Isaac Waterman, one of Lon-
don's most respected citizens, died early
on Saturday morning after a long ill-
ness. He had taken a f,rominent part
in the affairs of the forest City for
many years, being at the time of his
death chairman of the London hospital
---A man named C. W. Ruthledge was
committed to Walkerton Jail last week,
1 [
and if everything that is said about him
he true he will likely soon find himself
in the Central prison. This man a year
or so ago ran the Mildmay woolen mill.
He is a married man, and about 80
years of age. He in charged with the
seduction of a Miss Jasper, a girl of
some 16 years of age, who worked for
hint in the woolen mill. Ruthledge left
Mildmay a few months ago, and went
to Renfrew. He induced the girl to
leave Toronto, where she had been sent,
and go to Renfrew. The girl took sick
and died, and Ruthledge had the nerve
to accompany the body to Mildmay,
should have s
!aggonar Exton: Ladder
I. does away with the necessity for
One Man Can Easily
Handle a Waggoner.
It la arousal sed seta than auy
other loud.
London, Canada.
Miet} ,sea air is ordered to a nervous person, she usually
ruches down to the seashore, spends all her time on the beach,
frets more or less over the expense,
and returns after two or three weeks
to make up by extra work for the
brief holiday. The result is an ex-
aggeration of nervous troubles. The
time given to the cure was too short.
ST. JAMES WAFERS are as good
for the nerves as the sea breeze ; but
in cast; of nervous weakness, like thy
sea breeze, they require time.
ST. JAMES WAFERS are a tissue
builder and a reconstructive, not a
stimulant. Quick temporary results
are not to be expected ; but perma-
nent improvement will follow their
patient use.
ST. TAMES Warns help stomach,
digest ood and send the nutriment
through the blood, and this is the
honest wayto get health and strength,
the kind that lasts, develops and
breeds the energy which accom-
plishes much.
"From personal erperteace E
lea able to appreciate theseat
value of the at. fames Wafer&"
Dr. Charles D. Camp,
Dublin, Ireland
(bQt ruArtyNQl y.worios'
CdRI(If Tutt BLOOD a ye_!'
anderNett tea" 8riP
$RauggITgINisiijaA4NffChRICA .`
1 Petals Csasda : $1.00;
, as bottles for ;COO e
St. Jane: We far are net a :wet
remedy : le oke aawereae doctor: re-
eewwendGr -Arne to their patients
we mail okeformula ate, repeat.
where dellen are not selling the
Wafers, t are maned upas re-
ceipt of ce at the Canadian
branch; 1, Ames Muhrs Ca, 1701
St Cathodes M., Montreal.
and even brought a minister with him
to conduct the' funeral services. The
name on the coffin plate was " Mrs, C.
\V. Ruthledge," which would appear to
indicate that ibigamv had been added to
his other'critnee. It is said that the
feeling ega.ust him in Mildmay is so
strong that it was with difficulty the
peuple restrained themselves from pitch-
ing hitt lute the mill pond.
—A young lady who resides on the
outskirts of Uergili is said to be terribly
upset fn roneequence of a mistake she
made the other day, Going in a hurry
to a store after (lour, she took up what
she supposed was a clean pillow slip
from the bureau drawer, She skipped
into the store smiling like a basket of
chips end handed the supposed slit to
he grocer, who proceeded to fin it.
The first scoopful went plump through
to the floor, \V Iten be raised it up to see
(chat was she mutter, and displayed two
outlets et the bottom heavily fringed
t he lady lit out without saying a word.
The grocer laid the article away to await
her return, but up to date she had not
appeared in the vicinity,
--While '11r. Wm. Maxwell, market
gardener, St, Marys road near Strat-
ford, was returning from Itis garden to
the house during a recent thunder storm
bo received an electric shock, the effects
of which he a till feels. A bolt struck
the lightning rod on the house and
proceeded down it to the ground just
as Mr. Maxwell passed. He received a
violent shock which he says felt as
though someone had struck him on the
shoulder with a hemmer. He was
doubled up but did not fall, although
the whole upper part of his body was
affected. For some time afterwards his
right arta was stiff at the elbow and al-
though it can now be moved the nerves
are considerably unstrung.
—Mr, I. Stanley, of Paisley, is meet-
ing with losses in one, two, three order.
A few weeks ago bis famous race horse
Two -Strike died front colic. On Tues-
day morning of last week Lord Fer-
guson, his most valuable stallion, was
lost in the fire at Eden Grove, and on
Wednesday. morning him heavy draft
stallion, the veil known Sargent), died
in his owls stable after being sick for
two or three days. Old Two -Strike was
worth half a thousand dollars at any
time. A buyer from Winnipeg wanted
to purchase Lord Ferguson a few days
before he died, and Mr. Stanley was
offered $2000, but refused to take less
than he paid, some $2800, and Sargano
was valued at $500. Mr. Stanley's total
loss on the three horses may be figured
up at selling pricee—a full $9000, possi-
bly,a few hundred dollars more. The
lose of such high•alass sires as Fer-
guson and Sargent) will also be felt by
farmers who desire to raise that class of
PAINFUL AcofuEN'r.—A pent (ul acci-
dent happened at Zetland on Saturday
last to the nine-year-old son of bars. M.
J. Macdonald, a widow. It appears he
and some others were loading clover on
a wagon rack, he being on the load,
when in pitching the plover on, two
tines of a pitchfork entered his body—
one in the abdomen and the other in
the thigh—penetrating about art inch.
The wounds have been dressed, old un-
less blood poisoning sets in, the boy
will recover, but it was certeiuly a yery
narrow escape,
Mel Pommy STalga.—The strike of
the moulders in the Wingham stove
works has culminated in a seriuue as-
eault on an unoffendirtg visitor from
Luck now. It appears that the moulders
have had pickets watching all incoming
trains to prevent any arriving moulders
from taking their places. The man
from Lucknow was suspected of such
an intention and was surrounded by a
howling mob on the public park, and so
severely handled and pummelled that
his featnree were unrecognizable. Two
of the leading assailants were caught
and fined 500 and costs for assault.
The strike is still on, and the Luck -
now teen has left town, followed by
vengeful threats from the moulders.
It appears that some time ago, the man-
agers of the stove foundry declared the
shop under union rules, union moulders
being engaged, mostly from Toronto.
']'hey became dissatisfied and demanded
an increase in the wages of live per
cent, which was refused, and the strike
was brought on by a walking delegate
of the Moulders' Amalgamated Union
of America. Heavy orders were in for
steel ranges and stoves, and the work
was greatly hampered and delayed.
Largo new buildings and improvements
are in progress, but the manufacture of
stoves ie at present in abeyance, await-
ing the result of the strike, as both
sides are holding out, and matters are
further complicated by the stove foun-
dry being umw dselered a own -union
Pope Leo Galled Home.
Pope Leo XIII. died at 4.04 on Mon-
day afternoon. Shortly before noon he
was seized with e. einkiug Npell. For a
few moments it was believed that a
catastrophe was about to occur. So
near death was the pontiff that Cardival
Vannuleli, the grand penitentiary, began
at his bedside to recite the prayers for
the dying, and administered abeolution
in Reticulo mortis.
yigcenzo ldioacahino Pecci wag born
at'Carpineto, in the State of the Church,
March '2nd, 1810. Pursuing his studies
at various seats of' learning from 1818
till 1887, he became one of the greatest
scholars of the age, qualified to hold the
moat important posltione in the gift of
the church, such as apostolic delegate,
nuncio, bishop and cardinal. He attain-
ed the latter dignity almost 50 years
ago, on December 19th, 1858, and on
February 18ch,1870,he succeeded Pope
Pius IX. under the title of Pope Leo
XIII. Enjoying the respect of em-
perors, kings and presidents throughout
the world, Pope Leo has held a place in
the affections of the common people,
catholic and protestant, on account of
his sympathetic attitude to the workers
on the labor question. It was to him
that Henry George addressed one of his
books, written iu the interests of the
wage-earners. In his long life of 93
gears, Popo Jreo 11us not only gnarled
Jim Dumps asserted, " Too much meat
la summer causes too much heat.
What shall we eat all summer long
That, without meat, shall keep us strong,
And in the beat of summer trim T
Why, ' Force,' of course," laughed "Sunny
K qt
Tke Readyto•eerre Cereal
the strength of meat
without the heat.
Lroludee Chops shod Osaka.
"Force' Is regular breakfast food In
my ramify to the exclusio of steaks or chops,
the old standard. ./t.12/OLNOtii.'
Iron and Brass Bedsteads.
There is nothing so comfortable these warm nights as au Iron Bedstead. It allows tree {i -
citation of the air and then you know Iran le always cool. We sell a very good Iron bed tor SA. R
better one for 8e, a still better had for 50 and 819. Those wishing health, comfort and freetquy
from every eche or pain should buy an Iron bedstead.
yam► pan , ► ► .I►° S .Ii S iiril
Before the 1st of July, to fill an order already
placed with us for
6000 Boxes and Tubs
of Good Dairy Butter'
Ale.) we must have 5000 dozen Eggs weekly to fill our orders, for
which we will pay the
We would ask the makers of butter not to snit the butter heavy
ae the heavy salted butter always has to sell at a reduced price.
Make the butter so au to bring the top price and you will be the
gainer in the end.
—t --
Ko(K Ki:K Kbr&K rK X34,. .-
Drs. Kennedy M. Kergan
K KO, K K e. K K o, K K i! ;, . K
the interests of the Roman Catholic
church, to which his life has been spe-
cially devoted, bat he has displayed the
qualities of a statesman and au econo-
mist. The world will be well content
if hie successor shall be as greet and
as good a man as Pope Leo XIII, has
—A radial railway from Woodstock
to St, 'llaryg is being agitated,
—A new pipe organ to cost $4500 will
be put in the Central Methodist church
at Stratford.
—Twenty-two pupils from Lucknow
public school wrote on the recent en-
trance examination and 21 of them suc-
ceeded in passing. Tbia la certainly a
creditable record,
Cement for Sale.
The undersigned keeps in stock
all kinds of Cement, Including
Qusenston and Portland.
Cement Building and Flooring a
• /LTH, ONT.
A. 0. U. W.
Bluth lodge, No.141, Aneteut Order of pelted
Workmen, meets In the Workmen hall, Millie
block, on the Sud end 415 Thursday la every
month, et eight p.m. VIeltL,g brethren are
enrdialty invited. N. Cnatt e, W.M. T. J. BOCK -
wrap, ltroosnga. HI •
O 00 00 00 0
Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S.
O 00 00 00 0
First-class Horses and Rigs for
hire at reasonable rates.
Best of accommodation to Com-
mercial Travellers and others requiring
Veterinary office at livery stable.