The Blyth Standard, 1903-07-23, Page 7mei„,w"^ ri ,^^ • PRODUCTION OE CEEAN CEOVER SEED THE ))) yif✓ .r.' Ottawa, July 2, l90:i. The investigation into the con 11 - Ilona of the sw•d trade condi-Jahn by the 1101011 1tpal Lineal of 1;;-' ricullurc during trio lntn1 two year hag el arty xhutvn that (trse le rant 1•00111 lot int)rrovrtm•ut. The Outcome hos been lite inu•oduetion Ingo Parlhlmeut by the Mtut,lia. of Agriculture of a bill to Improve the Con011iolN that have barn shown to exist. Tho bill is intended to pro- hibit the sale of any cummoreial Seeds width may contain sancta of Intel+ wrath( as wild nmatard, pennY- cr, t', ox- yo lit y. p'reunial sots ttiittt, rag weed, hinowend and sec. (rel 01Jol ; and to provide for the; grading of fill seeds sold uta either 'Grail,, No. 1.," tirade No. Ii." "(trade No. IIL", or " B1 reiminge." The re- qulrenlentn of caclt grnile are sport - Oast, the baste of grading being the per cant. of Pure Living Seed, and in the cane of the ]nigher grades the freedom from sp.eni 11 weed' scads in addition to those above twn- tfui u1. 'air grading 114 10 be dant, by the 'mailman thentsclves, Mit sam- ples( may be sent for analysis to the 11lpoi1urnt of Agl•icuitare at Ottawa. The 11111 Inas arottoat great Interest among tllp seetismen, as should 11 be- 1'o111e law, much greater care will be required Ip grading than lo at pres- ent the case. A deputation of prom- inent Canadian taeelsmen waited upon the Minister of Agrk'uiturl. 4t week or two ago to protest against the pngsing of the bill its drafted, clatuling that some of the clauses were Impracttnobto, and that If en- forced It would 01111141' undue restric- tion and potslbly snap:nal:A of trade. They Claim that 11 is impassible to obtain In sufficient quantity seed of the higher grades, owing to the pre- valence of weed Seeds. litany of these It is impracticable to clan out, on account of their similarity in also and weight to the clover seeds, Much of the seed received front the produc- ers le vile with weed seeds, and al- though It may be greatly improctxl by cleaning cannot by any- means he made perfect. Improvement This Year. The demand this year has been mucin greater than in any firer)- ous year for trio best recleaned seed, due largely to the prcach'ing of the Gospel of good seed by the Agricnlhirn1 Dean rtnient 1n fact, It was stated by ono M the leading (methanol) that as far as demand for good eood was concerned there had been more improvement In tho last two years than in the pre - alone twenty. Unfortunately, the quality of the seed received from the producers hes not improved. Should thw proposal bill come into force, no Is almost sure to be the tate sooner or later, they are de torminel to differentiate greatly In price 111 favor of clean samples wlieu making tri it 1011011nes from the growers. To a cartnin extent this is done 4t resent, but a spa- cial premium 18 to bo put on ]ugh grades. This is as It should bo, because there Is no excuse for the produc- tion of clover (:rd 10111 with vvee(1 seeds. The weeds most eminnu)n hr red clover f1elde are: Canada this- tle, curled dock, ragweed and white .cookie; while wild mustard, uxeyo daisy, sow thistle and eavern1 01h - ere aro fount] less frequently. In PAINFUL PERIODS nlsike 11r his, raise 11110, ttHite rut kW, sheep sorrel, 10111:1 Hoek, mnvtrrrd and Iambs' (111,11 1s are frI It il:ly found. Ail of thrice weels ma,v br readily sten trhilc griming, :til Before the Seed Mamie is the proper time to remove thew. They may be either spudded or pulled, and removal from the field. This system iN practised by some of our 011ean(Nfld growers of clos- er seed, and when oiler g101,11 11 trial IN found to be not only prnettri i (*, but also thorough, fairly rapid, and very profitable. It may be claimed that to do lila where weals are plentiful to nut of trio question ; that it would take a groat deal o4 time, and the trampling would injure the crop. A field in which trio weed( are loo plentiful to be handled in this way, Nhouid not, Under any consideration, he dr - voted to the production of clover for send. It is absolutely folly to grow sed, which Is ton or fifteen per cont. weed seeds, lam thero is no surer way of widely dinscminating wants than to have the slops( 11110ed With otherwise good grader,. of salt com- mercial spode, 811011 as those of the gramma( and ejover. To Sell Seeds Adulterated with ten per rent. of Nand would bo regarded by litany' people tis crim- inal, but how mucin more criminal should it be regarded to aril seed containing ten per cent. of noxious weed seeds? Ill former clime, the only Injury la an increase in price; in Ute latter, the enhanced price of the good geed IN a 8111a1 matter com- pared with tlte injury dono by the in- troduction of new wird prat a. It iN iurp0ssiblo to effectively en- force Iegihhttion to prevent the growth of impure geed. We must teach the producers to sac tine folly of growing anything but the best. Seedsn:cn find it neeessory to make dlftereuees in prier 111 order to pro- tect themselves, and there Is no doubt that the htareniod price for gold Said will more than repay the extra trouble involved to Sts production. It is therefore to every farmer's; inter- est to grow only the hdghrnt qual- ity, not only hocauue It iN a slams injustice to neighbor fltrup rti to the t •(sl o to i continuo l e l I li t u u ward ids, but also bemuse lie is sure to 110 amply rewarded for any- in- creased trouble. -. A. Clemons, Pub- lication Clerk. 91I day SckiooL INTN:RNATIONAL LESSON NO. It' JULY .10, 1903. Saul Rejected as King, -1 Sam. 15:1123. Con',tuentarr.--(Jounreling LInau. After Ntlmurl had manic hid farewell ad41r1s1 to tho 1) 01iie at I;figa1 Saul inhale stemmed the work of king o4 darnel. 111n reign berms to bust been on; of almust coastal Warfare. l'luipt rs 1:i-155 of 1 Sam- uel 00(1(1in a detailed record of (area anent errors of the first king of 1ta11101; Ilia di(Obedience ill fol - tug 10 wait fit titlgnl for the com- ing of Samuel to 0:f.•r Imam oil - lugu. Lia rash aha fuo.i,h tow,uhi 14 Ire was una11lo to fulfil, but lvhirh brought great sufferbig to tint people, sed well nigh cost the life of Jonathan, his son. :J. Ilia failuee to ox•rntt life divine judgment on 1 .111 ti^ktt••it, its Jehovah commanded, the details of which aro given In Id. la ft( tmin th chapter. beet ruction of the Amalrk!tes. How cur, tris rlghtiovsdess of (Sod in ex- t•rn•'umling rho .lmalekitea be vin- dicated? Ploaso note rho following pulite: 1. (10:1 Is lite author of tiro :11141 detail. 1hr gave life and HN tend 11.0 opinion, 11, only) has the right to deprive Inman twinge of tiff. 2. The Aautlekites were destroyed be- cause of their extensive, willful, ha- bltnnl awl lncin•nklr widudhnese. They were 41 limes risco of tneon- aula; lila n:'araudero, who haruutd, pilingti and nasnnered the lsrail- liee in it most terrible manner. :3. ((nd 1'.n.d pronounead a nurse upon than. 100 Years before Oita time (Ex. . xtbi., S-1 GI, and Ha had apar1d their! :all those ytare in mercy, that they migla repvtt 1 but they had shown by their Icing course of wickrdtlrs9 that they would not clung,' thole conduct. 4. Their cup of in!q ally wan Tall. 5. God's 1s ople could not prosper white these wild b0rdos w -ern devastating their bordora• 6. Trim Isrnrlites mast bn mo0e11 from becoming lutceted with the sins of lits whited nation. 7. It was nerese- sary ns n warning to the nations nt tin earth. S. "'The kingdom, of God could not round according to t,ol's prondme, tinlese they were eith- er peaceful or tt troy/ed." 9. God`s treatment Ig imuatrtinh For like eine the Jews were sold that they wo'dt he dr'ttroyed-and so they were In the deatt•netion of Jerusalem -and for Ilile elan the nations that now exist will also b. destroyed. 10. Tho Imistrpnts of rod are nressary In order to the n--nintennnne of Alis sox -command 11. If the dostrnction ho fust It n;ntttrs bit little tviietltot' they err d:atroyi'd by enrlhnuat:e er pestilence. or by the arit'104 of Isn;nwl. In all national iamb:ma nta' the limo -silt roost stiffer with ':he malty. 12. fa(bild'unlo who rep'nt- , ed would hr accepted by God. No ; one seal he lost. I. Pam's art of disobedience (0s. 10- 114). The command was; to utterly j destroy the Amal^kites and their I poseesslons ; ],lit ihr (treat wealth f w1(101 they DOSsessel wag a strong temptntlon to Saul ani hie army, • nett the command no doubt appears inrensnnahi'•. to them. Then it win that they yielded to the temptation to appropriate to themtelres .the are overcome by Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound. I, Miss Menard cured after doc- tors failed to help her. "Lydia L. I'inkhani's Vere - table Compound cured lee after doctors had failed, and I want other girls to know about it. Dur- ing menstruation 1 suffered most intense pain low in the abdomen and in my limbs. At other tithes I had a heasy, depressed feeling which made my work stem twice as bard, and I grew pale and thin. ',The medicine the doctor gave me ;did not do me one bit of good, and was thoroughly discouraged. The /doctor wanted Inc to stop work, but ,of course, I could not, do that. I ;finally began to take Lydia E. Plnkliain's Vegetable Compound 'And felt better after taking the first ;bottle, and after taking six bottles was entirely cured, and ala now cin rfect health, and I am so grate- ' forst"-Miss Grotto FEMtSARI, ,d67 E.152nd St.., New York City. - t,/p00 forfeit if Mend of above letter prv1leo •aaliwneet cannot beprodaeea. Lydia E. P(nkbam's Vegetable mpound enres female 1118 when other means have failed. SPECIALLY GROWN FOR JAPAN TEA DRINKERS 4! LA Ceylon t1l:Eh A 'I'r.l. int !'Heel. Hrlatn' madheir. w , (1 Is s d.l only lit sealed hail parbi tn, the saver as the tte!I-knots 11 "SIMMS' Idiot teas. _',e and 11),c per pound. (` riches of their coags -ret rue, and Willi $11111'd consent the people brought home the 11r1t of the flocks nod herds nlivr for their iartns, de- stroying only Ow poor Hud worth- less. This revealed their coveton1- 111s8 111111 their disposition to satisfy themselves rather than obey Gal's plain command, lit, 4. Samosa stone -The Lord in- formed Samuel of 8a.u1'8 dti0I) dietce, and tin Matti 14111(4 grieved and spent the whole night crying to God. His groat WDU1 wain stirred to its pro - fnundest delalhN, 1. He was damp - p0 Cited In Val. 1. Ile saw the evil affect amt's act would have on the morals of the people. h. Ile saw that this rejection of Saul would result In great eulamRy to aha new govern- ment and to the prosperity of the country. He prayed, no doubt, that the hIng might be forgiven and the threatened calamity averted, II. Sint s vain excuses (vs. 15-211. 15. Saul mid -After diglluctly ntnt- !ng (hitt Ire performed the command- ment of the Lord ho now 11(0ceia111 to stake three 001-3100s for not h1o1'- n pert)rma( 111 1. 'File people were to blame. 2. Only the best had hien smarm!. a. They disobeyed for the Lord's take, The people spared -This was n shameful. exense for a strong King like Saul. 11315. Slay -Stop these shallow and false. pretene114. Will tell thee -"1lett, fullutcs an uraele of pro- Tinel:I iga.-'•1. Rin ht axciedingly sinful. God's( holy late hs the standard of conduct and the (rat of character. Every departure from it 19 sin, and every Khn is vile )1efurr God. 2. Sin la very deceitful, blinding the ryes, dulling tho conscience, and parvert- Ing the reason, often snaking evil ap- pear au good and good to; evil :1 The torfelturca of sill err fearful. It .'ohs 119 111 pear(•, of (10118 approval, mid of heaven. It dovtroyn our plover for doing good. It prevents Hod's using n4ns Ile otherwise might. It praenres an eternal rejection by Chri't 111 the judgment day. PRACTICAL SURVEY. The pride of Saul manifested Gael( is an ludeptndent, egotistical spirit. lie low "effusive 1n words of lienal' to the prophet and of congratulation tohimself." 1111111!lily is thea beginning of exaltation (Luke sir. 11), and 0 haughty spirit ((meth before a fall (Prov. xvl. 1S). Samuel amid to Saul, "When thou w•((1 little in thine own 91gl1,(, Ira at thou made (read of the tri hog of darnel, nand the Lord anoint- ed then kind" (v. 17). Ile "hid himself among rtlnr stuff," shrinking from the responsibility and the honor con- ferred upon risen. In Iiia nu -dimly and diffidence due w11.1 Unwilling to ap- pear before the people, go "they run anti fetched hint rimes." Tan falsehood of Saul in saying hs had "performed the commandment of plumy, as dural, fi. it 101st and peau. crtitl as any 111 lin litiblr: Lorin tanto site I-Rannu i C tretnily avoids further rrarini'nig, until lie Oland] let Saul hear pod's 11111NRge abort the matter. lit hail not cora' against ilial l i sol fm•lh ids awn 0111111011s, but only 01fer:d Goofs word. Wit/it lift(: -1t W(111 111 11(.111 811 u1 to look back to the time when Samuel Iris anointed Ism, .mad when the peupie had Chosen (i!m for their king, and to remember 111N motlesty and ltuuulity at that time. 19.21. Bat (Mist fly -With grant greediness, as ii. hungry bird or beast upon its prey. lariat evll- Illsnhedleueo Is the groat alit in (rod's sight. Such ' it .litirosition will hncludo all furors of sin, 1 have obeyed -Saul still contends for his uprightnoss. He boil gaup against i rho Atnalekites, and so far (in obey - and he will not accept lid charge offered against him. Have brought Agag-God made 11m kill i nil, and yet he puts in among the inetitncea of his obedience, that he had brought (gag tilin•, width he thought 11118 as god as 11 ht had killed Ism, III. Saul condemned and rejected (vs. 22411). 02. As groat delight -.Nothing can I take the plana of uhedlence. Great- er zeal, obeying outward ordnn- nncot, many prayers, greater gen- erosity -none of these things wIll answer. Ontward forma aro noth- ing if the heart is not moved; God' wants our love, our treat, Dur life, To obey la better -For because of dtsobedlence Is the very reason why sacrifices aro refuieil. It is much better not to take poison and eo have no need of a 111 idelan, than to take the poison and then be obliged to call tete physician and take his remedies. 83, rdbrllion....witchcraft - Tho meaning is that 8aul's rebellions and stubborn opposition to God was ag bad as waSclicratt and idolatry. 'A witch Wass liable to bo put to death according to law (Ex. xvit. 18; Levt xlx. 20, 31; Dent. :nail. 10). Teraphim These were gma11 household gods. Hirth also rejected -A elan digs -Medi- . sent to God la :unfit to govern Alp beanie. By digottwllnnre, Saul turned himself out of bffher. DADDIN° OIRLS. An Editor Gets Alter Them With a Sharp Pen. (Emporia, flan„ Gazette.) The mothers of this town have bad n boson -shut it doesn't (sem to hare done tba•nt any good. There ;ire just ns many girls galklhlg urouni town after school now get- ting their mild In private boson 1n he (xistuffice us there were ten days ago. Two years ago the Ua- mito went lifter the mothers of i•:mporia for neglecting their daugh- ters, and the result was that half a amen private mall (100118 wore dig- madames! ls- o tities! mad a lot of little girls that were 'in the habit of gadding text numb were kept in fur u time. These girls are now lieveloping Into fine young women, but another crop id gadding girls has come on, and the Uagetto hopes no one's modesty will the tduckixl by saying these lit tie linsoies ought to be spanked soot] and red. They aro be- tween 14 aril 17 years old, and are Just (0 everltostingly soy struck that they can't sit still. If their mothers knew the type of hays and men - young human pups -these girls are running they would throw fits. hut brit• mothers, it is presumed, know nothing of the situation. They think their little girls aro so sweet mud pure that nothing can harm them. The truth is that those rhiblren are made of the some kind of mud that we are all made of and thea are just na 1111,blc to tempta- tion ns older people and a thousand times less exlxrrkenced, And :heir mothers let them gad the streets after school olid flirt with all kinds of sten, and Uteri their mothers wen- ds., bow the droll got them and think the girls nibs( ••,tike after" their father. There aro Just two things that will keep garbs straight lit "that ago" - one is p!am nit (1t'i end the other IN hutno (lulls*. The g1r15 tyko Janke , fools of themselves in Emporia rasa Invtu•Inhly ovirlressesl. They wear duds than wptnell of 30 should lend - the Oen: wearing. .1 little girl with too maty and too costly clothes on her back gets melt - conscious end vain and loves iulmlre- ttma--nod you grown-up women know the next atop...1 caliphs pure -hearted girl win: hast n pilar in the home, home work and home duties, has her llottrt there, find no boy can steal it. ally worn ataturlty cnm04(in.1 a real man eonica and a real affair of the heart comes will smelt a girl leave hoinr, and then only after hcartaohet and Heart-rending. lint a girl whose I pan. in the home is at the table and i L.:,• won't love that Lorne. Work maka,a things sacred. The child who.-.. Immo memorire are not hallow; by work, who is not needed iwd dors not frrl the need, will not lova hems, And I1 sbe doesn't love the Immo cf her ni s:m t sit will love no of hero SW' %tail go ,invwhtre for auy- thing. items. will In. an nothing to wneb a woman, oil it rite is respect- abb• she tv 111 only lark the opportun- ity.- to le; It had wuuaan, and hs goad <rnly t Hough circuity -1n rn!eis or by the 11'4, 50\ at face. She will r.nrst an:: mon ran' dilutes, Tbr mothers of tliia town, who are t•r.pitnnib(:• for the girls who gad the stn Out, s1,o111 stop and (link what tlt•y aro doing. T.ite,t stria are no lunger ehihlrpn. They are at the 1ui- i:1''ioliable age. Where will you have their impressions come frotn- ft•um ihr riff -ruff of tiny street or ft•em bon.:' It i. for tlu• mothers of this town t, r::1tle Ilt gues(IoI." (Int lord di ckls1t the wickedness of Iiia heart l 101 41 1 doitraction of tin lrnal'klte>a and their (:rorty hail hill ordered, tubi:la 1vuuld have been Hanel In man to ixamlc if trop into had not come bunt the infinite (lo.l, Ha tato the &anise right to de- stroy His cr(.tturet by the award as by famine or to,(bbence. The hyiioerl.oy of Saul Namara in his (1,0110e for staying "unit best of this anima :and of the axon, to 4411et•i- fica unto I he Lord." In the 'statement of anvil 41motive he naainnrg Lo be very pinus, and with the prrtimse of puri love fur the worship of Cod lie would cover his unrighteous conduit. Thr garb of religion or outward sanctity has over been a invlorite dress In which evil chooses to clothe it int Thin devil transforms himself into natong. lor Il:hl roasto(ieorlve the people of trod. The coveto0sncst of Saul la charged Upon him by Samuel In that lie did 'fly 'upon tht spoll (v. 101. His iutln$e greed caused 1111111 to swoop down upon the best of the property of the Amnl•kites like it bird of prey upon Its victim. II' vans sent llB the metro- ment of nod to punish tide wicked poopin for their seines, and not to gratify his pertonnl ambition or last of 'gain. The commission to "utterly destroy" ort aside the unwritten lave of war that thermoll of the enemy 18' the rightful property of the vlctor- iohg army. In t his case to was Flair ly given to understand that all Knell ala ilia wire eontravenrd by the com- mand of God. Th•• dl-sobrtllener of Sail In ri•jrot- ung "the ward of the Lard" rt anttad in the Lord rrjecttng him "from be -i Ing king." Got cannot use a disobt-' dient subject. Saul. hail shown notch z"nl in putting to death "those that I familiar spirits, and the wit nnlg." Ht Is now reminded that its "rtlhrll!o:l Ig as Co! sin' of witch- craft." and It is ldntrd quite likely 1 by this tint ho drirrved as great punishment net ha had imitated upon this class of offenders. Students Merry. .1 rertnin eccentric professor could not 6ndereinnd the merriment occa- sioned when lie was explaining a piece of mechanism lo Isis students. Placing his ringers upon the handle It's worth Ten cents to clear your Mouse of flies and vihS®l'S Fly Pads will do it. Conundrums. When is a Nesse{ like a drowned dog? When it La n sunken bark. When a est irinks ruin what may you look out tor:' A rum-p11se. 11101'0 even it living and 1 have seen It dead, and I have seen it sun- ning after it w -tui dead. What was tt ? Lenv.xs. Spell brandy with three lettere. B -r and y. My first be heard where rhlldren meet, my second is loud In churches, apaches and theaters and poet (A- fters my whole gives much pleneare and profit at (1 small coat. chatter- box. What L-1 there in a family when e girl bon ? A a•1-51e .strong clmur;ot oven n. strong mag pith up? A fork in trio road. What Insect (toes a tall father re - 1't t. -nut :' A daddy-ktltg-legs. Rben a Indy faints, what figure should yon bring her You should bring her two. -Boston (]lobe FOR THE LITTLE ONES In trouble Painkiller romps with quick rebel. The bump. and the bruises, the pn inn+ from green MITell and such things ore guirklr cured by Its use. Avoid aubstftuti.s. There is but one "Palo - killer" -Perry liar bile. Saloon Law in Sweden. In Sweden, writes an American traveler, the saloons err closed mq 1 Saturday -pay day -while the 4utr- j Ingvbanks aro kept open mall mitts night. 'lo Government can force la 1 WWI to ante hie moiry, but at East thug RW0.11Sli systi fit mnuonrnges Mut to deposit It where he ail draw bit. 1•c n crank." toe Interest than a headache, ( HAMILTON S GREAT Note the Rays: SUMMER CARNIVAL August and 17 18 0.111 BOYS' REUNION 19 20 Arrange your vacation to rover these four dn,ys and be with us. 1903 SINGLE FARE from nil pointe la Ontario ertst of Port Arthur. ) plumy, as dural, fi. it 101st and peau. crtitl as any 111 lin litiblr: Lorin tanto site I-Rannu i C tretnily avoids further rrarini'nig, until lie Oland] let Saul hear pod's 11111NRge abort the matter. lit hail not cora' against ilial l i sol fm•lh ids awn 0111111011s, but only 01fer:d Goofs word. Wit/it lift(: -1t W(111 111 11(.111 811 u1 to look back to the time when Samuel Iris anointed Ism, .mad when the peupie had Chosen (i!m for their king, and to remember 111N motlesty and ltuuulity at that time. 19.21. Bat (Mist fly -With grant greediness, as ii. hungry bird or beast upon its prey. lariat evll- Illsnhedleueo Is the groat alit in (rod's sight. Such ' it .litirosition will hncludo all furors of sin, 1 have obeyed -Saul still contends for his uprightnoss. He boil gaup against i rho Atnalekites, and so far (in obey - and he will not accept lid charge offered against him. Have brought Agag-God made 11m kill i nil, and yet he puts in among the inetitncea of his obedience, that he had brought (gag tilin•, width he thought 11118 as god as 11 ht had killed Ism, III. Saul condemned and rejected (vs. 22411). 02. As groat delight -.Nothing can I take the plana of uhedlence. Great- er zeal, obeying outward ordnn- nncot, many prayers, greater gen- erosity -none of these things wIll answer. Ontward forma aro noth- ing if the heart is not moved; God' wants our love, our treat, Dur life, To obey la better -For because of dtsobedlence Is the very reason why sacrifices aro refuieil. It is much better not to take poison and eo have no need of a 111 idelan, than to take the poison and then be obliged to call tete physician and take his remedies. 83, rdbrllion....witchcraft - Tho meaning is that 8aul's rebellions and stubborn opposition to God was ag bad as waSclicratt and idolatry. 'A witch Wass liable to bo put to death according to law (Ex. xvit. 18; Levt xlx. 20, 31; Dent. :nail. 10). Teraphim These were gma11 household gods. Hirth also rejected -A elan digs -Medi- . sent to God la :unfit to govern Alp beanie. By digottwllnnre, Saul turned himself out of bffher. DADDIN° OIRLS. An Editor Gets Alter Them With a Sharp Pen. (Emporia, flan„ Gazette.) The mothers of this town have bad n boson -shut it doesn't (sem to hare done tba•nt any good. There ;ire just ns many girls galklhlg urouni town after school now get- ting their mild In private boson 1n he (xistuffice us there were ten days ago. Two years ago the Ua- mito went lifter the mothers of i•:mporia for neglecting their daugh- ters, and the result was that half a amen private mall (100118 wore dig- madames! ls- o tities! mad a lot of little girls that were 'in the habit of gadding text numb were kept in fur u time. These girls are now lieveloping Into fine young women, but another crop id gadding girls has come on, and the Uagetto hopes no one's modesty will the tduckixl by saying these lit tie linsoies ought to be spanked soot] and red. They aro be- tween 14 aril 17 years old, and are Just (0 everltostingly soy struck that they can't sit still. If their mothers knew the type of hays and men - young human pups -these girls are running they would throw fits. hut brit• mothers, it is presumed, know nothing of the situation. They think their little girls aro so sweet mud pure that nothing can harm them. The truth is that those rhiblren are made of the some kind of mud that we are all made of and thea are just na 1111,blc to tempta- tion ns older people and a thousand times less exlxrrkenced, And :heir mothers let them gad the streets after school olid flirt with all kinds of sten, and Uteri their mothers wen- ds., bow the droll got them and think the girls nibs( ••,tike after" their father. There aro Just two things that will keep garbs straight lit "that ago" - one is p!am nit (1t'i end the other IN hutno (lulls*. The g1r15 tyko Janke , fools of themselves in Emporia rasa Invtu•Inhly ovirlressesl. They wear duds than wptnell of 30 should lend - the Oen: wearing. .1 little girl with too maty and too costly clothes on her back gets melt - conscious end vain and loves iulmlre- ttma--nod you grown-up women know the next atop...1 caliphs pure -hearted girl win: hast n pilar in the home, home work and home duties, has her llottrt there, find no boy can steal it. ally worn ataturlty cnm04(in.1 a real man eonica and a real affair of the heart comes will smelt a girl leave hoinr, and then only after hcartaohet and Heart-rending. lint a girl whose I pan. in the home is at the table and i L.:,• won't love that Lorne. Work maka,a things sacred. The child who.-.. Immo memorire are not hallow; by work, who is not needed iwd dors not frrl the need, will not lova hems, And I1 sbe doesn't love the Immo cf her ni s:m t sit will love no of hero SW' %tail go ,invwhtre for auy- thing. items. will In. an nothing to wneb a woman, oil it rite is respect- abb• she tv 111 only lark the opportun- ity.- to le; It had wuuaan, and hs goad <rnly t Hough circuity -1n rn!eis or by the 11'4, 50\ at face. She will r.nrst an:: mon ran' dilutes, Tbr mothers of tliia town, who are t•r.pitnnib(:• for the girls who gad the stn Out, s1,o111 stop and (link what tlt•y aro doing. T.ite,t stria are no lunger ehihlrpn. They are at the 1ui- i:1''ioliable age. Where will you have their impressions come frotn- ft•um ihr riff -ruff of tiny street or ft•em bon.:' It i. for tlu• mothers of this town t, r::1tle Ilt gues(IoI." (Int lord di ckls1t the wickedness of Iiia heart l 101 41 1 doitraction of tin lrnal'klte>a and their (:rorty hail hill ordered, tubi:la 1vuuld have been Hanel In man to ixamlc if trop into had not come bunt the infinite (lo.l, Ha tato the &anise right to de- stroy His cr(.tturet by the award as by famine or to,(bbence. The hyiioerl.oy of Saul Namara in his (1,0110e for staying "unit best of this anima :and of the axon, to 4411et•i- fica unto I he Lord." In the 'statement of anvil 41motive he naainnrg Lo be very pinus, and with the prrtimse of puri love fur the worship of Cod lie would cover his unrighteous conduit. Thr garb of religion or outward sanctity has over been a invlorite dress In which evil chooses to clothe it int Thin devil transforms himself into natong. lor Il:hl roasto(ieorlve the people of trod. The coveto0sncst of Saul la charged Upon him by Samuel In that lie did 'fly 'upon tht spoll (v. 101. His iutln$e greed caused 1111111 to swoop down upon the best of the property of the Amnl•kites like it bird of prey upon Its victim. II' vans sent llB the metro- ment of nod to punish tide wicked poopin for their seines, and not to gratify his pertonnl ambition or last of 'gain. The commission to "utterly destroy" ort aside the unwritten lave of war that thermoll of the enemy 18' the rightful property of the vlctor- iohg army. In t his case to was Flair ly given to understand that all Knell ala ilia wire eontravenrd by the com- mand of God. Th•• dl-sobrtllener of Sail In ri•jrot- ung "the ward of the Lard" rt anttad in the Lord rrjecttng him "from be -i Ing king." Got cannot use a disobt-' dient subject. Saul. hail shown notch z"nl in putting to death "those that I familiar spirits, and the wit nnlg." Ht Is now reminded that its "rtlhrll!o:l Ig as Co! sin' of witch- craft." and It is ldntrd quite likely 1 by this tint ho drirrved as great punishment net ha had imitated upon this class of offenders. Students Merry. .1 rertnin eccentric professor could not 6ndereinnd the merriment occa- sioned when lie was explaining a piece of mechanism lo Isis students. Placing his ringers upon the handle It's worth Ten cents to clear your Mouse of flies and vihS®l'S Fly Pads will do it. Conundrums. When is a Nesse{ like a drowned dog? When it La n sunken bark. When a est irinks ruin what may you look out tor:' A rum-p11se. 11101'0 even it living and 1 have seen It dead, and I have seen it sun- ning after it w -tui dead. What was tt ? Lenv.xs. Spell brandy with three lettere. B -r and y. My first be heard where rhlldren meet, my second is loud In churches, apaches and theaters and poet (A- fters my whole gives much pleneare and profit at (1 small coat. chatter- box. What L-1 there in a family when e girl bon ? A a•1-51e .strong clmur;ot oven n. strong mag pith up? A fork in trio road. What Insect (toes a tall father re - 1't t. -nut :' A daddy-ktltg-legs. Rben a Indy faints, what figure should yon bring her You should bring her two. -Boston (]lobe FOR THE LITTLE ONES In trouble Painkiller romps with quick rebel. The bump. and the bruises, the pn inn+ from green MITell and such things ore guirklr cured by Its use. Avoid aubstftuti.s. There is but one "Palo - killer" -Perry liar bile. Saloon Law in Sweden. In Sweden, writes an American traveler, the saloons err closed mq 1 Saturday -pay day -while the 4utr- j Ingvbanks aro kept open mall mitts night. 'lo Government can force la 1 WWI to ante hie moiry, but at East thug RW0.11Sli systi fit mnuonrnges Mut to deposit It where he ail draw bit. 1•c n crank." toe Interest than a headache, (