The Blyth Standard, 1903-07-23, Page 6pt'""'"elettee THE BOY JOHN WESLEY, dfo Evidence of Any Precociousness In His lieligious Development. Of the nineteen children born to Samuel and Susanna lieslety, only len Survived the period of Infancy, and Of these only three were awns, John Wag thirteen years younger than Samuel and six years older than Chtarlh&. Of his early boyhood only one incident is recorded. On a Febru- ary night in 1700 tho rectory was burned 11110 family, hurrying out In terra', left the little boy John sleep - lag to his attic chamber, and he wall Wren out through e. window only an Instant before the blazing roof fell in upon els bed. Wesley always re- tained a vivid recollection of the Mete, and more than half a century later, when, thinking himself near death, he composed his epitaph, he describes himself as "a brand pluck- ed frau the burning" Han mother deemed Ills rescue a providential indication that her sou Was prenervod for same groat work, Lint rasolrod, rte ante Says, "to be more particularly careful of the soul of this child that That best so merci- fully provided for." There Is, however, no evidence of anything prec•oelous In tho religious development of the boy, but only a certain maid over-dellber- ateuese, which he got from els mo- ther, bat tt'Itich, to the more mercur- ial temperament of the father, seem- ed, In a lad not yet In his tepee, half amuetng and halt vexatious. "Sweetheart," said the rector to hie wife, "I profess 1 think our boy intik wouldn't attend to the most press - !Mg' neceesltlen of nature unless lin could give n rencon for lt."-From C. T IVinolirster's "John \Veeley," bn the Ju.1y Century. M.A.W. CHASE'S 2� CATARRH CURE.. ,Y Ce 1, t'nt direct to the diseased .,:..,.„,..•4114 parts l the improved Wont, 4 Heeltehe ulcera. Vida the alt ',usages,ncps droppings in tea a a! throat and rmeatio�p aures Catarrh and itav Fev, Slower bee. All de- 'as, or or, A. W. Chun Medicine Cu.. Tomato sod Buffalo BINDER rAik, Some of the important features of the Ma Bey-tlarr.11 Binder are: Folding Dividero-No !mite or torte tee unecroW. You merely release a spring on the outnitte Divider and unhook the iladde one to fold them. A youngtetst. can do It easily and properly. The Dividers are very rigid in their working positions and remain at whatever angle they are folded over the conveyor canvas. Floating Elevatote-They literally float. The grate cannot stick or choke In the Massey -Harris eleva- tor, no matter how much it be blanched. Simple Knotter-Capable of ad- justment to take up wear. Reel -Salted for handling the Mope under all conditions of wea- ther or land. It will pick up tan- gled or laid grain and lay It neatly an the table, It also handles long or e ffort grain with splendid success. Roller BearIngs throughout to lighten the draft and make the work easy for the horses. The beasts know when they are hitched to a Llinasey- Harrlo--lt rune too easily. Gentlemen Bead. "Choose a wile with a low, soft votco grid a grotty toot," said a vet- eran man of the weal tin, other day t0 a man about to marry. "',hey aro tho only things, which won't change, W ind when you are old you eon close your eyes nod eaten to your wire's shatter, or glance drown at Incelittle foot resting on the fender, and Ima- gine you are e'till young. Now, a pretty Igloo eolnetinteg grown spare aM1 saillil, or the contour is covert d up by a burden of adipoal. The sunny hair grows gray. Even the eyes (Mange when eurroundcd by wrinkles. '11ho llttle hand grows yellow WW1 s8rlveied. But the Pettily booted foot may look Jnct as it .11 ,1 Zang ago, and the pretty voice be as harmonious as erer." ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Removes all hard, soft or callousal lumps and blemishes from horses blood vomit, curb., spliete, ringbone, Sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore anti Swollen throat, coughs. ete. Save SSO Sy use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever knows \Nodde,l Felicity. There was singular felicity, (and May It last all their lives) Inca wed- ding which took place this weak in a country village, John Midwinter married May Flowers. Their wedding day was the coldest wo have had tile year. -London Dolle Express. Keay War to Quiet Him. Young wife -What do you do when ebur l{nnebattd gots Cross and wants to scold? Wife with experience --I read him ane or two of the lettere he used to write to me before we were married. "THE ONLY WAY." There is but one way to property appreciate the advantages of a trip to New York or Boston on the trains of the New York Central Jtailway, and that le to use the line. See your tkket agent. Where the Boy It Trained. Chien go Post. "Yes," said the father, "we are thoroughly up to date." Then he led the vieltor to the wood- Thie," he explainers, "Is our trail tog school. As long as I have a abtngie left 1 intend to ane that Wil- li la properly trained" Owing to the great number of advertise- ments received tet the BLUE RIBBON TEA COMPETITION :lie labor of selecting the price winners has taken several ee, hs. The fullu,rlag are tbe siteccestol eempet 'tsars -- 1St -Ji II. llorrow, 1:Ilea St., lVht- nip,,g 211d -Ea. Donn, IVestnains),r 110 11 Winnipeg, 8rd-J. 11. Mitchell, 318 St. Paul St., Montreal, Clue, 4th -Ed, Hawke, doors' Jaw. 5th -J, Dow, Burr Block, New West- minster. 0th -Ralph M. Reade, 25e D'Abgullon 11t.. Quebec, Hurl 7th -W. t'. Forms u, Dngersoll, Ont. 8th -It, W. Meredith, Zoete, Oth--F, D, emetic 250 King 80„ Win- nipeg. 10th --Herrn Chapman, Niagara-on- tho-Lnke. 11th -Macy torten 0, Ingersoll. 12th-,len110 bouton. Lorne, Out, lath -It, F. Eillaby, New Westmin- ster 14th -Mrs. Forrest, Robson St., Van- Coaver, 15th -C„ J. Thacker, Winnipeg. loth --R. W. Torrance, Galt, Ont, 17th -Miss 8, .1. Ilnrieet, Stellarton, Pietou Co., N. 8. 18th-Robt. Keeping, 10 Windsor St., Toronto. lath --A. G. E. Lowman, 275 Portage Ave„ Winnipeg. Otb-J. G. Tudhope, Ingersoll. 21st -Jos. Lay, Real.urn, Man. 22nd -Mrs, W. Nickel, Waterloo, Ont, 23r1 -D. M. Fleet, Ingersoll. 24th -A, R. Smith, Ilex 518, Wood- etock, Ont. 25th -Geo. 11. Im rwlll, 028 Broad- way, Winnipeg, Man. Young 01d People of Today. People quit growing old at 40 hall a century ago. They quit It when they erased thinking themselves old at 40, cresol (lemming old at 40, not to 'meek of drinking 0hrmeelvea old at -10. The young mall of 50 or 60 now wears the natty Motile twee,' o,' tergen that his son or gtnnth:on wears, tlppal off with a jaunty lute 110 gout to 'medial], the meter hr Leepe tip with the pro- cnse'on and Is all in for n geed time in 11,0 Icrttio:', h. all u ly. The yt.ung woman with Ilia in white or col- ors, with th0 gay lett, who has the manners of a youthful, but self-re- tipecting girl of 20 in the Med cen- tury, Le his wife, perhaps a grand- mother, but none the laws young and happy yet. They feet young, they ddroeyoung, they believe lhemse1 ves coung-by the UI eat Horned Spoon, they are young -Louisville Herald, Reflectional of a Cynic. When tome. people make up their minder they aro 'nighty poor ma- t oriel. Deafness is a terrible affliction to the man who likes to hear himself talk. There are 00010 queer people In tate world. 0' anionally as truthful man goes flNlnng. Cucmnbene, college graduates and mom—mous other green things are sow le the nutrket. It le sometime( cosier to apolo- gize then to explain hon- you hair penal to acquire teat black eye,. Sit down to the Washing To economise fabric, time and strength and wash your clothes cleaner use a New Century Washing Machine. There is nothing washable it will not wash -perfectly clean -du it in half the time without boiling the clothes. Runs on ball bearings, just a touch does it. Send for des- criptive circular, better still, ask any hardware man to show it to you, The Dowswell Mil{. Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont. As Every One (las Seen it. I{artley Journal. Some women will gobliln up a whole handful of the buck silt, of their dress and skirts, yank up the guy ropes of their cornet, until they almost equeese their livers and immortal coals out of place, pot a dead bird on their Mite, go strutting round over town teelling tickets for an en- teetaintnent to raise motley to help 'end mlgelonnrles to some foreign clime for the pltrpoee of teaching civilization to (Jro poor heathens who baro never known what It Is to wear a cort0t end have been strug- gling on In ignorant belief that tdrde wore created to ging instead of being worn on hats, THE ERUPTIONS In enema pour mt dis- charges. lied hlnod ranee* the trouble. The meal remedy is wearer's Cerate, and wenv- er's Syrup drivel the poison from the blood. Too Early. San Franc'eeo Recaminer. "General, I have tar honor to re- port that the enemy has retired." "'nate; strange. 1t Isn't becltimn yet," talo SEASHORE EXCURSIONS $10 Atlant Ic City, Cape May, Sen Isle ('ity, Ocean City, via Le- high Valley ]railroad, August 4, I8 en,i 25. Tickets only $10. The round trip from Suspension Bridge ; stopover allowed at Philadelphia. Tickets good 15 days. For further particulars call on or address Robt, R. Lewis, Passenger Agent, 39 Yongo street, Toronto, Ont. Headaches From House Paint, At this season, when houses aro ung painted everywhet'e, a greet ninny headaches are suffered by those who have to breath the fume; of Paint. A preventive of these head- aehes was indicated by n painter yes- terday, "If your bedroom 144 being painted," !to said, "and you sleep in It while its walls aro toot, or if your sitting room Is being painted, and you work le it, a headache Is al- most ❑teviteble and with some per- sona dem headache is so serloue as to confine them to their rooms for several dttyo. Such fumes might be easily avolled. At the newly painted room a beets of tnilk should tot placed. The milk somehow will dea- den the paiul'o odor n.nd, sines it Is the odor that eanees the illness, no headache will 00511e. After a few hours the milk will have a distinct smell of paint about It. A basin of water In a fresh painted roan le another good preventive of odors and M headaches. The water. after a little while to ouch a room, ac- quires an o11y scumj'-Philadelphia Record. For feeding Purposes. "I watt": u, lawn mower," add Mr. Bewberb; "one that is a misfit 10 every way. One that con141111. be Inuslted by an electric power -house, and that wouldn't est grass any- way." "Slay I ask," Baia the amazed clerk, "why you wish such a umachine?" "Certainly," replied Mr. Sewbnrb, "I want to break sumo of my neigh - hors of the borrowing hab11,"-Ba;ti- Inore Amerieui. TROUBLES OF EX - CHIEF OF POLICE Could Not Stand Before Dodd's Kidney Pills. Mr, Charles (.IlchrIel bud Htabetee for Years-DedtIs Kidney Pilin Cured 11 Port Elope, Ont., July 20. --(Speciale -Mr. Charles Gilchrist, Chief of Po- lice h '0lion' herr for fifteen years and after- tvar(kt Doudnion lathery Overseer, is ram testimony eltrays willing to add l is tco l u y to the volume of proofs from all parte that 1)o.ld's Kidney Pills never htit to 0llre any form of Kidney lila' case. ''I ant a be altliv man. l o.id's K:dot y Pills have done the job," is the way Mr. Giiehrist pats it. "1Vhee 1 first ettu'tett to take Dodd's Kidney Ville I WAS In an awful state.. I had been a sufferer from Diabetes and Kidney Disorder for ten ycars.)ly urine watt of a dark brlcky colo', and I would Furter something awful while luasel1;;. "I tried everything and tried the doctors, but could get no help till I was advised to ate Dodd's Kidney Bills. They hetet made tee 0 new man." Mr. Gilchrist 1s getting on In years, but he feats yomet. Thetis whet ) old's Eithey I i11a do for 0 than. Brash Your Trace. There are fen: women probably who would belies it if y-uu told them they did not know laow to wash their rectae propelIy, but it le a truth that few know how to per- form tills tittle act ate as to get the beret result:; and erononitze In 'heaaly' bills. There le no use to „mploying n nntnsense to manipu- late the mitered' of the Ines for a Ball hour once a ',reek and then wash and wipe the face several times n ,lay foe the remairning time, strok- ing the temielen ill exactly the direc- tions to empirnetze the wrinkles ra- ther than cradi^ate them. 1t seems so much ta'Ir'r to rub the face down- ward, but you notice that your beauty Iloetor relay away and up- ward at the corners of tho mouth, also by the eyrie. Remember the tendency of the 110111 is to sag, and when you wipe or massage your owe lace, rub upwaiol-' Uebornh.' I was Cured of a severe odd by JI IN ARM!, LINI3IENT. Oxford, N. 8. It. F. Rawson. I war Cured of a terrible sprain by MINARD'S LINIMENT. FRED, COULSON. Yarmouth, N. 8, Y. A. A. C. I war Cured of Black Erysipelas by MINARD'S LINIMENT: IInglesv'ille. J. W. RUGGLES. A Natural Inference. Chicago Poet. "It was very affecting when I naked old Banks for his daughter. iffy, I wept myselT" "1)Id he kick as harm as all that?" Mtnard'e Liniment Cures Distemper. Shirt waists and dainty linen arc made delightfully clean and fresh with Sun- light Soap. ID Terrible Welty. N. Y. herald. A prominent tnSnrinee man in New York tells of au Ohl woman wlto rolled on at1 agent of his company down south to arrange for insurance on their Image and furniture. "lt'e- Nivn't ltad no ineerttnce for five years" she expinllud, "We hey Jen' been dependin' on the Lord: bat I gatyt' to my old :nail, I says, thet terrible risky." Dlinard's Liniment Cures Garget In Cows. Istria Tete -ft -tete, N. le Sun. There was n young person termed (1 Tote Who dined with his girl at 8.013; At Ude very late ditto 'Twould be hard to relate What Tate and his tote•u•teto ate, Tete -n -tote at 8.08." Minard'e Liniment Cures Coble, ete. A Khkilttlloch Stoy, An old man, who was a bit of a worthy- 1n his 011'11 inarticular way, melded M a house near the Fourth and Clyde :'anal, not a hundred miles from Kirklntllloch, Ono day John- nie (for such was the worthy's ad Mill, being dry, and seeing no wrty of raising the wind to get the prlce oda dram, thought he would tackle his wife Jean and see tvhat gee could do in the way of relieving his distress. Shuffling Into the house with a very forlorn look on hie face Ile awaked itis wife 00 follows: 'I want tuppence, ,fern. I'm no' redly' verra tee)" "Rye think Bre agathin' else to Inc wi' Incemiller than gin 1t to yo to gang nn' drink'.' Four liknr yo was; aekln' me to gee ye Mme wit{ to brek to kindle the fire. Na I John ale, yell ger nae tuppence o' mine.' "Are ye no' gain to gie me it, Jean 1" "Na I nn' ye mleht hoe male sense than ask it" "Wee!, Pil Ildt awe' Soon an' fling mysel' in the Cannel." Taking off Ida jacket, he threw It down on the floor and hold out his hand, say- ing: "Gulp -bye, Jean. Ye see whit 'ye hat got to answer for," Leaving Dm house he wended hie way down ' tltronglt the garden towards the canal bank. When about half way 1 down ho hoard Jean's voice shout- ' leg: -Johnnie, Johnnie" All Truth One. Chicago Chronicle. The scientific studies of Leo's youth were reflected in itis lite at- titude to science, Keen logicban, be knew that there could e no con- nect between science and revelation, all troth being one, Every new vic- tory of man over matter ho claimed as a victory for pro. grew, All knowledge he rev. erenced as additional splendor In the ritual of the universe worship- ing divine power which reserved for man's lnvertlgatlon all physical tact. Whit (eye want?" lee asks. "Coma hack at aince ail put on your Jacket. A bonnie-lookin' corpse ye sold be want ill' it." Needless to say, Johnnie went back for lib;' jacket', and forgot to go and throw himself into the canal. Nash greasy dishes, pets or pans with 1 Lever's I)ry Soap a powder, It will re- move the grease with the greatest ease. 315 Row the Jackass Was Gagged. The lute Harriet Cohen (alto "only original Cohan, of Baxter street, used to like to (011 low he once won a bet' of $50. "I was on 0 gunning trip with some friends of mine," Le would say, "and In to field closo to the house where we olept a jackass pastured. Tide Jackass kept us awake with his braying a good part of the night. My friends, 'do what they would, Mold not put a stop to his noise. 'el happen to know a good Iwil about Jackaseee. They abound, you know, In Posen, the country where I come from. Co I said to inc friends; l bet you $50 that I can stop this anin,,ain noise, so that to -night ',he won't bray once.' " " They took the bot and that ev- ening I treated the Jacknae for a minute or two. The result was that all night long he was as sil- ent as the grave. .)fly (111mis in the morning pall me what sons due, and they exam - teat the animal. They found a heavy storm ticd to his tall. That Ws all. "They conld not undcrrtnndtvhy title should have kept him from braying, so I had to explain the reason to them. Do you know tbo reason? No? Well, it was this; 4 jackass, elevated bony, t ll lin iseveto envowit`h Fids backbone. As long as It hangs down 1.'- can make no sound. My Leavy 61ooe, therefore, served the ptn'pose of a first class gag." ISSUE NO 30 a 1903 Mrs, WInslows 00001ng Sirup 'amp always he used for Children Toothier. soothes the child, softens the ours wlat� cone end le the best remedy or DBlsrrbaa. INtecreN,II N'I'A 1113 `)l&I'heittl1tST" I1 heed realleuce, large airy moles, two bath menta, good cuisine, Inwn, largo shade trees! live minutes' walk lake. good tiahl.tg, louring, yachting, driving, cycling. Terms front Ihve Japers per week. Apply to "NI a plebur.t," 114 Earl street, Kingstou, stet. ALBERT COLLEGE, Belleville, Ont. 5111 etudcnt, enrolled last year. 184 young Indies end 151i young men. One of the hest equipped nod mostlargely attention colleges to ttntar111. Stunk, Comnlerelal Flue Art, F:locution, I'hysleal vulture, Domestic Silence, 0!aritculation and Teach- ers' ('nurses, Will Re -open Tuesday, Sept. 8th, 1903, For flluetrated droners undress !'CINI'IPAL DYER, 1), D. Summer Excursions To Rochester, 1000 Islands, tiny of Quint*, l nplds St. Lawrence, to 010111roai, Quebec, Murray ltay, Itivver du Loup, Taduueao, Saguenay lilt er. Steamers Toronto, Kingston also by steamers IIamittnn, Spartan mud Corsican, Further Information apply to 11. {'roster Chaffee, 1('eetern I'nsseuger Agent, Toronto USE 1,000 MILE AXLE GREASE It Has No Equal Manufactured only by THE CAMPBELL MFC. CO. of HAMILTON, ONTARIO. For sale by all leading dealers. l� t j- G000 r _-` THINGS s Cc n, OEAT S r, -11,4 � �l )a I I ) �� /t J ' i _ c, s �- di [((What Luck!" 1.lbhy Luncheons made ready in a law moments. Vest Loaf Potted Turkey Deviled Ham Ox Tongue, &m Quickly made ready to serve, Are U. S. Government Inspected. Keep in the house for emergencies-toreep- Pers-nor sandwiches -for any time when you want something good and want it quick, nandsomo lllostrated unoklat, "good Things to F,n"aent free, bend a re 20 stows for large Alt.. of ehm world, in rotor.. Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago, 111. Tberefbre, Puck. She -I suppose It is a genuine an- tique ? The Dealfr-Why, of course it is, madame : .and, besides, It Is the very Latest thing in antiques, There 1s more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other dloenses put together, and until the last few year. was supposed to be Incurable, lora great many years doc- tors pronounced it a local disease and pre.. eribed local remedies and by constantly, tan. Ing to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore re - entree a constitutional treatment. Hall'eCtt. torch Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney `` Co., Toledo, Ohio, le the only constitutional euro on the market. 1t is taken Internally to doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful It.eM directly on the blood and 1.11 4.10001 endOt the system. Thev offer one hundred dol for say ease It folio to cure. Send for cb ei. lan and teoWmoniale, Address P, J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo', O. Sold by Drngglets-75e. nail's Family Pills are the best. Pretending. Punch, Auntie -You know you ought not to be playing elope on Sunday. Marjorie -Hut you see. auntie, dear, we were Just pretending IPS Monday. Mlnard'e Liniment Ceres Diphthe- ria Quite a Dangerous Woman. Lite. "Mrs. Talkyer-Blind can say some of the most cutting things."' "Yes. If elle could only lleep her mouth closed for five minutes you could have her arrested for carry. Ing concealed weapons." SU ERIOR TO ALL OTHERS E. B. EDDY'S NEW INDURATED FIBRE WARE TUBS, PAILS, ETC For sale by all first class dealers -INSIST ON GUTTING =ODY'S�