The Blyth Standard, 1903-07-23, Page 4JAMES mCMOBOBIE BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, BGY'l'II, ONTARIO. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Sale Notes a specialty, Advances. made to farmers on their own notes. No additional security re- quired, INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates. We offer every accommodation con- sistent with safe and conservative banking principles. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To losq on Real Eetate at lowest rates of interest. ZEAL ESTATE AGENTS, Perrone wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our list for sale. Rents collected. CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to. iNSURANCE, We represent the leading Fire anti Life Assurance companies, and re- spectfully solicit your account. OFFICE HOURS ; 10 A,M. to 8 P.D. ww.y-ww, jusinoss eards. DR. G. it. LONG, D& At, SURGEON. Eaeeeletw Er kir. Jerome. Graduate of the Royal Collas. of Dental Surgeons. An honor iretCaaduate se roronto University. Ghia over Oeotlfe Powalps store, Pretoria block, DIytp, `v F. BLAIB, ' BARRISTER, BOLI^,ITOR, RTC., I*BeOor for the Village of Myth, the Town - sbypof pr.), the MoedaMonadFire Insurance Oa„ sad the Metropolitan Rank. Private end Gompwenoy money to loan at lowest rates. 0111oe ov.r lt.udard Atak, Brussels. J O LINDSAY, M.E. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. WON= to Dr. Tait. Graduate of the Uni- t/amity of Toronto, Member of College of Pby NIa s 1$ and Burgeons of Ontario. Formerly of pip don EBosland and Edinburgh,Bootland, hoe• OM by Dr, . a lBresidues, Cut lately 000u. W J. MILNE, M.D.O,M. W, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, University of Trintt7I College; M.D., VW), Unlrenity. Fellow of Trinity Mediu!College, stud of member College of Pb atolaus Mid gorgeous of Ontario. Coroner for the OteutCemmiedal hof otel, n. Queensttrait lne 1th north of the T. a. MUCH STEP, BARBER AND TOBACCONIST. Chalice stook of Tobaeaos, 0101.0 .o4 Pipes on hen& Agent for the Parisian Steam Laundry, gOIIC street, Blyth. C. BAmirdraN, anorno ma AND VALUATOR. L. 4, Leen sud Insurance Agent. °trice, en Queen skeet, Blyth. Orders left at 'Ina isms- DaaD oma will receive prompt atteutibu. PROF, B. L. TAUBE, MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN AND &Y& SPECIALIST. All kind. of Speoteclee end Eyeglasses made to order. Sp.e1a1 ettenttoo given to gain the neweOrders pt parties wall promptly iuyy namattendedo employ no travelling Established 1973 e7154SR Richmond skeet W., Toronto, Fail Term Opens Sept. 1st Sooree of keulness Colleges have applied to re for our graduates, to act .e trachea lu their schools. T' hie ie the evidence you are looting for as to the Imes school to attend. Thousands of our termor students are now in business rats. Write for our handsome eat Logue. VI, 4, ELLIOTT • • PRINCIPAL, Strawberries Iu Abundance Wltll- 8UGAR and JARS or anything in the Bakery or Grocery line. Barrel Salt Kept 1n Stook. Good Batter and Eggs wanted at either cash or trade print's. Also a quantity of Potatoes wanted. 1111111Tilt VIEW. R, R. DOUGLAS , , . BLYTH the f 1u%h ttanbarb. A, E. BRADWIN, PDRLediER, TAA BLYTg STANDARD, published every Thursday morning, is a live local news- paper, and her a large circulation in Blyth and surrounding coantry,reeking It a valuable advertising medium. Sub- ecriet_ion price to any part of Canada or the United States only One Dollar per annum in advance ; 41,50 will be charged If not so paid. Advertising rates on application. Job Printing neatly and Cheaply executed. Correspondence of a aewsy nature respectfully solicited. THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1908, /format School Changer, The normal schools of Ontario will hereafter open on the second Tuesday in September, and close the third Friday in June. No one will be admitted as a teacher who has not taught et least one year successfully, and who does not pos- sess at least a junior leaving standing. Application for admission must be made to the deputy minister of education, ac- companied by a fee of $10, A certificate of good health end moral character is required. The standing in training will be determined on the results of sessional examinations conducted by the staff, and on a final examination in practical teaching, conduoted by the department. Hereafter caudidutea, to be successful, must obtain p0 per cent of the marks In each subject of the written and practical examination, and 50 per cent of the ag- gregate marks. Candidates who obtain 75 per cent of the aggregate marks shall be awarded honors. Candidates who obteip from 60 to 50 per cent of the aggroxate may obtain a limited cortiff- cate, valid for three years. After hay- ing taught successfully for at least one year on this certificate, it may be con- verted into a life certificate by passing the final examination of the normal sohoole. Candidates who make less than 50 per cent of the aggregate will be required to attend a normal wheel another term. According to the new course of study, special attention will he given to the hewer subjects of na- ture study, elementary science, manual training and household ecieuce. Blyth le a Great Plane. According to the Teeswater News end Brussels Herald our peaceful and law-abiding village is not what it is Usually represented. Last week's Teeswater News blazoned with the following item: "From what we can learn there seems to have been quite a lively time in Blyth on Monday outside of the usual noise and bluster. Free fights which lasted for halt an hour and which the police were unable to quell took place and soros of the com- batants were very much disfigured." From what we can learn, we should judge there is lots of room for the News editor to learn a whole lot, and one of the principal things is how to go about getting reliable news for his paper. The above item is nothing but a base fabrication. There were no free fights in Blyth that day, nor no drunks. The people of Blyth and vicinity have higher Sins in life than fighting and boozing. Either the News man, or the News informant, is a member of the tribe of Ananias. The Brussels Herald bubbled and blubbered with the following: "Dick Stevens was arrested at Blyth on Mon- day for selling badges without a license, The Blyth constable, as we are inform- ed, released Dick when one of his friends handed over a five dollar bill to the 'Incumbent of the law.' It seems that Brussels contingent at Blyth's celebra- tion were not satistied with this high- handed performance and in several ways protested against the action taken by Blyth's chief of police. Its a queer piece of business when a policeman can accept five dollars from the man ho has arrested for a supposed infringement of the law, and then let him off on paying a sum of money fixed by himself; he must be a magistrate, clerk and police- man combined. The arrest of Stevens caused quite an excitement." For the benefit of the Herald man, we might say that Dick Stevens was not arrested. Blyth's chief of police asked him if ho had a license to sell badges, and upon receiving a negative answer demanded the local license fee of $5. This was paid by some of Stevens' friends, and when the Blyth authorities learned later on that Stevens was an exceedingly poor man they promptly returned the license fee to one of his friends. Chief Barr did not exceed his duty, but only carried out theinetruc- tiona given him by the local council. It could hardly be expected that the citizens of Blyth would permit every Tom, Dick and Harry from outside points to come here on a day of cele- bration and do business witbout paying something into the village exchequer. On principle, this would not be showing justice or fairness to the homesters. Dick Stevens was not the only outsider who had to pay a license fee on the 18th ; there were a good many others, includ- ing badge tellers, and who did not get the fee returped to them. Perhaps the Herald Inau will look before he leaps next tine, Successful Pupils in Music, The following is the report of Mr. W. Glenn Campbell's pupils who recently tried the Toronto conservatory of music examinations held in Goderich on the following branches: intermediate pipe organ, primary, junior and interme- diate piano, and primary and iunior theory. The following report proves to the public Mr. Campbell's ability as a teacher. This is the third year Mr. Campbell has taught these branches and had exarninatione held in Goderich since coming amongst us and es he is held to be one of the moat proficient teachers of our province, the pupils of the county have considered it a great privilege to be able to receive Jnetruc- tione from him. The following is the report, commencing with the theory pupils in order of their merit, which will speak for itself. The maximum mark is 100 per cent, required for pass 60 per cent, honors 70 per cent or over, first-class honors 80 per cent or over. Junior Theory -Mise Edna Carder, Blyth, first-class honors; Mise Pearl 'l oodly, Brucefield, first-class honors; Mr. Alfred Cook, Goderich, first-elass honors; Miss Ida Yoga. Clinton, honors in harmony and history ; Miss Edna Hamilton, Blyth, honors; Miss Nell McKenzie, Clinton, pass, Primary Theory -Miss Rose Clark, Blyth, first-class honors; Mise Nellie McLaren, Goderich, first -cissa honors; Mire Ina Bryens, Jamestown, first- class honors; Miss Olive Detler, Gode- rich, first-class honors; Miss Alfie Bell. Londesboro, first-class honors; Mies Clarice Lai4hweite, Goderich, first-class honors; Mies Edith Mille, Matlock, first-class honors; Mies Emma Burnett, Clinton, honors; Miss Pearl Gidley, Blyth, and Miss Vera Murdock, Hen - sail, (equal) honors. The above is the entire class success- ful this year. Intermediate Pipe Organ -Miss Annie AIIin, Goderich, honors, Iatermedietc Piano - Miss Mildred Campbell, Goderich, pass; Mr. T. A. Hawkins, Brussels, pass; Mian Edna Carder, Blyth, pass ;kiss Edna Hamil. ton, Blyth, pass. Junior Piano -Mire Pearl Gidley, Blyth, pass•1, Mr. Alfred Cook, Godo - rich, Miss Emma Burnett, Clinton, Miss Ida Ross, Clinton, (e4ual) pass; Mise Maggie Dfurney, Goderich Mies DOW, D, Goderich, Miss Goderich, Million, Goderich, (equal) pass. 'Phe following is the report of the pupils of Miss Maud Goodwin, of Clin- ton, who is also a pupil of Mr. Camp- bell, and who had six successful caudi- dates this year as follows: - Junior Piano - Miss Rose Clark, Blyth, honors ,• Miss Edith Mille, Har - lock, parr; Mies Attie Bell, Londes- boro. peas. Primary Piano- Mies Mary Brogden, Londesboro, honors ; Miss Verna Hiles, Londesboro, pass; Miss Etta Wanless, Blyth, pass. Also a report of Mr. T. A. Hawkins, of Brussels, who is a pupil of Mr. Camp- bell and had three suocesafulcandidates this year as follows :- Primary Piano -Mies Bowman, Brus- sels, honolr; Miss Calder, Brussels, pass; Miss Armstrong, Brussels, pass. Sport" and Pastimes. Teeswater defeated Kincardine at baseball in Teeswater on Monday by a score of 11 to 0. Dentine and Somers, the crack Blyth battery, played with the winners. Listowel won the lacrosse game play- ed In Listowel on .Friday evening by default from Lucknow in the junior C.L.A. aeries, Alter three 15 -minute quarters Lucknow left the field, refusing to continue the last quarter, consequent• ly the game goes to Listowel The official score was 4 to 0. Brussels football team played the Berlin Royals in Berlin on Monday evening, in the finals for the interme- diate championship in W.F.A. series. The score at the end of the first half was 1 to 1. Heller, of Berlin, strained hie leg, and had to quit, Bricker taking his place. In the second half each side scored two goals, making the score 8 to 3. Wingham suffered defeat at thehanda of the Lucknow lacrosse team in Wing - ham on Tuesday by a score of 6 to 8. Wingliam went to Lucknow a few days ago and defeated the Sepo s by (3to 2, but the tables were turned against the local team on Tuesday, even on their own grounds, Some splendid combina- tion on both sides was much admired. Lucknow's defence seemed invincible to Winghanl's sturdy little home play- ers, ia - ers, and to make goals was impossible. A large crowd witnessed the game. Coming. Prof, S. L. Taube, manufacturing op- tician and eye specialist of Toronto, ac- companied by Mr. Maurice S. Taube, doctor of opthalmology, late of the Man- hattan eye infirmary, New York City, st Commercial hotel, Blyth, July 27th and 28th. If there ie anything wrong with your oyes consult us, no charge for consultation. Satisfaction guaran- teed. For references and testimonials see circulars. Toronto address, 2ii4 Richmond street, west. 48o -Dishonesty in snaking exhibits et the fall fairs has long been a difficulty with which the director. have had to contend. Orangeville directors last year required the winners of prizes in certain classes to make affidavits that their entries were made in accordance with the rules. Trouble has developed from the fair et Caledonia, and the result is that an exhibitor was tined 160. The particulars are that a colt was entered as a three-year-old, but a rival exhibitor entered a protest claiming the animal to be four, which, upon investigation by the directors, proved to be correct. The exhibitor making the fraudulent entry wag prosecuted by the board and fined the amount above stated. -The Mitchell Recorder says that aomething should be done to secure the better treatment of livery horses while out in charge of heartless and inhuman drivers. There are a host of fellows who know little about a horse and who have no more regard for him than they have for the prince of hades, Indeed the latter commands a vast more of their consideration, such as it is. A few days ago two fellows drove through here going towards Stratford, and their horse looked as if he were well nigh famished. The fellows were looking well -too well -after themselves, but their horse was not even offered a drink, because the pump was a few rods away from where he was tied. When they drove off the poor brute—tire horse— bad to take hie refreshment in a pro- longed application of the whip from the inhuman brutes behind him. The horse belonged to Stratford. WANTED. -Two girls t0 learn wear'• ing. Apply at Blyth Woolen M ills. 496 -TSR ,STANDARD -balance 1008,110c. Right in Front . e WITH SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Our range of White and Colored Musliu5 excel. To see our Prints means to buy—they are beauti- ful. A full range of the celebrated Crompton Cor- sets on hand in all the newest styles. It will be well worth your while to see our Dress Goods be- fore buying, We have exceptionally good values. A lot of Boys' Clothing just to hand. Trade in the Millinery department was never better. Our staff have to work all the time and over time. COME AND SEE US J. A. ANDERSON 331y'th. ASH GOOALE (GREAT M{D-SEASON ECONOMY) Wash Grads are far in the lead at present. Everybody wants to ba right ready with cool dresses at the moment of the first arrival of the hot, scorching days that WO all dread. We are ready for all comers with many leaders. Read over the ones given below, the rest aro just as good if not, better. The saving warrants your attention, 25o for American Organdy, a dainty fabric for street and evening wear, in two patterns, colors such as pale blue, dark blue, satin, stripes, 80 inches wide, worth 4Ue a yard, special at 25c. At 35e and 40o—Canvas Cloth, popular material for Shirt Waibt Suits, colors linen and satin stripe effect, 28 inches wide. At 15c and 1271c—Up-to-date, fresh, crisp Dress Muslin tor dresses, in every ooloring, 29 inches wide, worth 18c, At 120—For regular 20c quality of Printed Ducks, polka dot, pin- head spot, blue, pink, black. "Good Old Summertime" Underwear for men—Silkaline Underwear, cool and light as the name suggests, for summer wear. Prices 20o, 25et 35o, 50c and 75c. Any quantity of Butter and Eggs wanted. S. HERRINGTON, T'II0 CRADLE. MASON. -In Myth, on July 03ud, the wife of Mr. 'Wm. Mason, of a eon. TILE TOMB. BL0011.-Io Alyth, on July 1810, Pearl Edna. Infant daughter 01 Mr. and Mts. eau Bloor, aged 1 year and 2 months, QRAINOER-lu Mullett, on July 10th, Ida May, eldest daughter of M1. cud Mrs. John 11, Ur,dnger, aged 9 years, 9 months and 95 di. ye. BLYTH MARKETS, Blab July VI. -Wheat, 70e to 79o. Marley, Co to 130. Peas, 98m to 010. 0.1., 9th to 91o. Eggs, Igo to 13o. ham r, len to Ib. Potato,., etc to eco, Bides, to to 0o. May, 09 to 07. Lard, Igo to 14e. Pore, e7 to 58. Flour, 01,00 to 1440. House For Sale. A oomfortable'brlak house and four lots Mae gore in all), with good frame stable sada num• bar of fruit trees. This property is situated on the north side of Maleystreet in the Village of Blyth. Convenient dtance from R.R. eta• tion, post olnce, churches and school; Also all lots wait of and adjoining the Blyth brio* yard. For further nartloulars apply to the undersigned. N. N• Immo. 8911 Farm For Sale. The undersigned offers hie term, lot 0 and Bg 10con.12, Hallett, containing 19O aurae, for Sale en reasonable terms. On the place Is • storey end a half frame hones with stone oellar; drly fag house, barns, sheds and all 0eoesear7 out. buildings; two email orchards; never failing spring creek and never fatting well ; Cistern ; HO acres Cleared, 10 torero bush. One mile and a quarter from church, sehool end poet office. } or fell partioolars apply to le B, Emote Myth, Ont, 111t Wanted! Any quantity of good Butter and Eggs and all kinds of Grain, for which the highest price will be paid in cash. Butter in small or large quantities. The undersigned wants five hundred tubs of Butter and three thousand dozen Eggs each week. M0MILL'AN & CO. Olasley Street r plyth VOTERS' LIST, 1903. MUNICIPALITY OF THE VILLACL OF BLYTH COUNTY OF HURON. Notice is hereby given that I have trent. mated or delivered to the persons mentioned in teotioos tl and a of The Ontario Voters' Litt Aet, the copies required by said 0001(00. to be 00 transmitted or delivered of the Bete, made pursuant to said not, of all persons appearine by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Mnntoipality to be entitled to vote to the said Munioi atity at Elution) for Member" of the Legislative Assembly and at Munloipsl Elea boons, and that the said List was first posted up at my °Mee at Blyth ou the twentieth day of July, 1903, and remales there for leepeoti?p. Electors ars Called upon to examine and aid Lief and 11 any °minions or an other snort are found therein, to take immediate primed. Inge to have the std errors corrected according to law. N. H. YOUNG, Clerk of Blvtb, Dated this g01h day of July, 1003, too Mail Contracts. SEALED SEPARATE TENDERS, addrleled to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the plat day of August, 1503, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Malls, on tour proposed Oontraote for four yeah e, S, a and 9 times per week each wry re. emotively between (1) Auburn and Blyth Neil. way Station and St. Augustine; (0) St. Augnetine to Belgrave Railway Watson; (3) Westfield to Blyth Railway Station, and (4) Dungannon and Prosperity, from the 1st of October, ueri. Printed notices containing further informa- tion la to conditions of peopoosed Contract' may be leen and blank forme of Tender may be 01- tetoed at the Poet 00oee on the said mutes and at the Moe of the Post O6loe Inspector at London. 190 Poet O1fioe Department, G. C. ArtOaasoa Man Contract Branch, Ottawa, 3rd July, 1008. Superintendent. -THE STANDARD goes into the homett and is read by the entire family,