The Clinton New Era, 1897-01-01, Page 8cult Abe Oat eoit►k a kvoi WhoI W 4 p woe i Liboyra1 !Wag, 0f4C,0'erroe ,, ig a,!,a,!,010 wrong. ndeP„ce et'e tt Town (lout* - 3644, laR� aytf Wp` WOW aiMa'' ii0�,14-11 tete -41 ILi:Mlit,7 fee It , t f+lgia01101- lthrMt'• his ih!•* t►.io. too g here abot :jai.* so. 40 44k he Hiss Sue. of thin , *t' highly 0Ml0+trd *oes w.ithiruk,w►7�i' q, jts leaves 4 wrih,; es!o #901-a,44 a daugh t /ha biter being ik nits of • It Be ntfilt4,. Vitt 04+ of the sous lives at home, wt4a other one,,,Wllliam, hsit}g scopic d i'tiOht. a►go« Mr\$ale WWI eoentlay uk.d to ao-. oep6 the V:ige•.preai 'goy" of the British. '41(4o9latioti• for the Advgneemaot of tis hav, n tihing • ,gofenee, wbioh aur to want in Toronto. an. • disccesfoii next: epaomer, ,,but owing . to advano- y. ake plate. be- n� years deoiirigd this, very great honor. lot in thatutib- otsvlthStandIntl his aoquiremest 444 ugh standing lit the,literary World,, he -was' * man of .exeeediegly modest demeanor, and nooth% wee leo distasteful to hips ostentation and display, The. foilowing hiographToal sketch from the Oyolopedis of anadian.Biograpby, foamed „ill Toronto in 1888,ill. be .of interest; Hora io. Hale, 11d. A., Rag, Was hero on lifilY•8iarlerit in Newport, N. H. 114 was a iqn of the distinguished authoress, Mrs. Sarah,. 7.,Hale; :and of Dayid Hale, a leading lawjielr of I+lewpokt. $e graduated. ai`Harvasd in X937, where he was ,so high ly distinguished for hie Aptitude in the ao gnieition of languageet that whilst still en undergradntate' be was selected to fi1i the post of'phiiologiet to the Visited, Eltattes eir� ploi;ing expedition, commanded by Captain Wilkes. The result of his learned lriyesti, gatloaa Will be .found in vol, vitt 'a Ilthno . graph)! and Philology," of the series of workawbioh -compose the history of 4h44,; noble .enterprise. M. HAWS iaielllgailt+ 1}bora hays' elieitell• warm comtnendaticn fromliigl,Yy reepeotehle•authoritiea,'bWilrat home and abroad. The dnstinsufshed Eng lith philologists Dr'. T,athann,; in his recent. work on the •" Natural iietory sad 'Pixie tiee , of -Man," remark? that. Mr, Hale's • work contain8 " the .greatest; mane of phi - Sunday, in place !plosion' data ever accumulated by a'single Henderson, of; inquirer," .After the compn • letioof this "Rouse on Wed- work, Mr; Hale vi!eieteet Europe and other Farted the ladies HIP. O ir• ootew aeauXtting that egad or 'crctolred Ynththy matter, g to accept -this. mitigate afi1 pub - end to its heart's No*E$, -- The sur horrid 4n 41eventh time, kc •; who was field township; pl-d, and was fof the house. opportunity of of Sea1oi;th, Mn of excellent • he 'for the se qt for the gse:of Mates were sup-, lent dinner :on they apparently iif cine were die-"• eg•cogld not eat Idly visited_ the day, and enter- ith choice ,vocal pace,' *Meeh was ig•Xouitig preach • — portions .of the ea stern continent, and on bis, return'weae' earnittted' to therbax in Phi-. and fashion: °ago in 1855, He filially' took rip 'his' reel: I'n the Town deuce in Clinton; H'e ,haa eince devoted his , time , partly to rofesetonal: pursaias, and were delight ,partly, to goientiific inytestigetions, chiefly ntireprogram ln'languegee, Lena in ,that attractive and.: strictly, high ini errant study''of recent growth, know • ':g; d• anrefieotg. o e-'ot as anthropology., or""rite wniener) of man:' rn the ooarea of .tlleae ingniriee he has vis - eat' yarionq Indian.tribee in Oaned& and, wa' ootettLle,'' aid the aeeend, nit d t t a,. lid, corded on an i iberumeniai *j ni'restats • of. his'rese v. .. , rr the 6reipe nn� utas a de actionsof learned ?Moieties and in sole e Mtsa C amts" , separate: publications •d.'lie most import" . o"t(t�er fiev ant of these is an octavo, volvnie, entit= iilli;"'n�B ione'on led:" The Iroquois; • book of- $;ices, which itis itis deep, -appeared in 188 , in the "Tiibra of Aho- tli to Mr3sr- xiginai"American ',iteratnre,Yedited by the distlbguiebed •ethnologist,• D. G. Brio -n ed 'him"` on'" " • s� toil, of, L'hiladelplhia,; The. baeis of this who is eo ,well work is $` curious, mannsoript—pr rather • -laving epee ae(a • two manneoeipts—i n the MohaMwk• and On excelled herself on ially, liked'her sec• onciega dialects, relating•,ko.the origin; laws ' and .ceXemonisl'neage9 of the ring -non; ',On-, tr girl,'' josh suits federaoy. 'These manuscripts, whose coin.. strong; and" free ,position detection the last'ceiitnry;,-were ult ofi modern' v°°'discovered and; translated .by Ate, bale, atlan, isa Fieh wlao has prefaged his "tier''sion With a full rminglyhvo id. aocopnt,of the Troguois people, The emi- r, and in two rear- neat historian,G.,$hea,, saya:of this. 3yrgn, an$ Tb@° . work • " It:iq"a piiilbsopliioal'and niaste=ly by Pe* idle sly' treatise on the x> oquois language and the, and responded to" cognate- tribes, their relations; language; 3esionsaild ad".tions mental.. eharaoteristios and policy, inch, as le hoarte Mf hither we=t ave .never. -had of e,•ny nation of ibis;'. tear11ere,a ainshe g oontnnent"" A deecription of the ":Tutelo "tiiie Mr Harold „lar ' tribe•,aha I'�anggage,'' pablishod originally i c ur "ems as"in:the `I.'ransactione „ot the Ameiio nn seems to be uo"li 1os phioal,. 'society of Philadelphia, 'itt Ise , flexibility. a`nd ,March, 1893', gives the interesting and real-' eat very attractive, ly romantic ;history. of a small trlba" of Ip= fully . showed aians, w+bo. formerly resided to Virgiuis cry appear- and North Carolina, and thence migrated o encores: northward,'tliroctgh Pennsylvania,and New e favorite York to Canada Where the last pitrvivors`' d man's were found by•Mr. Hale, and, to. the sures If •. We rise of 'ethruilo Hite, were roved,Abell he Brat prise be onneoted with th by startae of the far west. Di 1.882, Air. Hale; sae e or- Membet of a committee of the Atisericen Inge, Association'° for the Advancement of sat f"- ince, wbieh met in that'year at Montreal, ea .in took part i i organizing .thefirst meeting of ended the sectien of Anthropology in that:asso n and, elation ;'and; somewhat remarkably, two Miler year later, in the Same city, he wee one. of dethe eiiinniitt'ee of the,ldritish •Asgpa;atiori n whieh-organized, the first: meeting of'the ".like section in that world-renowned society; leer an evidence both of the recent. rise and pro - run`- grecs of this branch of science, and of the en- position Yield by Afr ?ale *Moog its coin- vators. Q, report by hum on the Blackfoot asp tribes was 'read at the meeting of the Reit- the ish Ae. ooiation held in Aberdeen, in Sept, Post 1885. $e wee one of the vtoe•presndents of 'day the AmericanA.esociationy end president of Mus- its 'Anthropological smotion, • He was a Send, member of many learned societies,besides holiday thbee already named,ibolnding the.Jlnthro- ext issue. pological 'Institute of G'r'eat Britain, the ety events :Anthroppological Society of Washington,the e :sure you Pennsylvania Historical Society, the New etion of the" England Hist0rio-genealogical`$ociety;•the y to be up for Biffblo Historical ' l;ociely,. etc. He has ie new council. been a frequent' contributor to periodicals • snide earn in the tnityd urates, Great Britain and' pest week., Canada, on eeientiflc and. literary topioe, 3rd con. df Ina bas taken particular interest in educe-, size mares, tion*'', matters. Through his efforts the figure, . Clinton High School and the'Clinton Me,: inerly .ohanios' Itxetitute and T.ibrary Adeooiatien, emit- were ,established, and, he wee ter Marty t years obairmau of the Il'igh:l3oboolboard ` and president of the Tnstit}tte. While bold- ing these positions he Kaye' }ouch time, to l reeporsdenee Ind interviews *It'll the On- a authorities, nd 'to the oizeulatlon of pa• to the legielatnre, *bleb resulted increased public grants to the is o meeh.»ioe' institutes rovinoe„ aced in legislation handed their efficiencyy, *of ile legislation thus tile, it May be mention admirtion .of female Aka** oto flit wine '(i►rteiadtaatsgaa which ti pupil., w privilege p Ylenfed to them, fl part fn Various irf fal, w►a �a wb nidus#d oi-1be :Lon *--0 snooeasr 1'egei , tq OW ths'ddgk i►liiolt ' ar is • we make it a poin,tAo' G1e'011tt1; goods 'W.\ the pat�s>ieng E'vary ,Tiny and' • Jisry".Ws«1;A11 a cle,,rmg sale.. In - a large adver'• • tisem.ent on page, .4, of this"nap wo'announce •thin sale for Janjax 1897, arra give a fevc sample ices a; of the goods we will sell. , lt. will .' ,, a► pay you to read the advertisement and talc' e advantage of tb.e sale.-- x II n •..•' '. gra /`:'f ► :e wautto clear __ out every do11ar's sa worth of winter; goods, and P .rices will d o it: t on B1a , ' White; and, Colored,: 0 laow iia stock. yam_ ODGEN. rte taut tit tt? tit ttr,ttt ttt tit tuts C my f 3 yw. KEEP. m t;Yk4fUar"lft�ali•�d+"ie wyvilll uisWAisRr1-1-irc'Atat N�IR7_ of'BtioketswanbdenShyyooesutpD mOueyrtom.pWtheeabex,eheta, dipwarfeaYe�egf;roj r1►grdnd gbeavte o'tis sickwaariprttQs.i, '4' n xs" 0I E. AIM "`a i 0T LOW- 4-,B,Acla To keel the best, will prevail as long as �tE Il!fiINCI'l?I.E '„*wo' have goods tddel.; Q •, Farr d jam, ONE AMBITIOkr ,To.pleiite ristornetrs ON ;PJICE 'r• The lgwest, quality -con - x, sidered. •s • E caniiipation_�I thoroughly :I. Iceeps the Cold out and the waznxth in. Clothing interlined with Fibre Chamois is warmer than any other. Wind and wet cannot go through It has the: titarn?tki, without the weight of an oveteoat. Crush it,,s,and then shake "it and at >ryteiimes its original '}nape. Xi makes the style, 'shape anti set of at suit of clothes permanent. It"* outwears the gar/nerds. It adds hut,a few cents to the cost Ofs, a suit of clothes, and rpakes it warmer and tyisr.ionger, . We have a 'large line of men's and dt►ildren's clothing, inter- heed With this stew and stiperior attttele ;It hall ?pay ,you in Matt d price to elrooac .e y' l' a ;o Oda byre the Red ham', k ok Out for Meta iinitstidw >o. <Phre1 c .ob Ck NHY and OA. BE RS. 8c` Q DOHS. A iso bi p' EB • ,AITEOS „ a, t ,Ishn'' that at}astocltxs especially 4 tion Fab1e.•t i style; •and alv�>.ys txustwokthy1 High prey" Cowling - tem' of•` apdqul_ Latey00 a and IatfiD for ,cro whl�, • get *Pt"? ole. agents in Clinton; for the PO1 VL.6, ‘.11 SLATE ag We 'buy and sell r.cast; Butter and EKge Will soon,- be pore, end 161 to fortify yiuraoli. You betterthan to be clothed in great. 55 O Frieze •� Over . coat which ire ,have hundreds, and ;hick totia the greptert bargain of.pi. many .peolile iirbo bate' coat tell ue that it cannot der 11;$ aatyywhere eMe, £fl be something JO. .beceute this line hay .t,eee eomethi Xt is macic froth ill W001 dldly lined sad m*d4 +n slate coat in erste not do ,bittOr duo tit, the t srids as ge. The' ght this had un - see must r isle of extraof•4 rooting* the Our wish is that it may ben Una Prosperous_ one to ;til our r We oommenee Ale -year with the into elsprosperous for' our cu$ O1x rs as pap them money, by, ging thein the best $ est prices • We commence with iillrs 4 offering all winter • goods ate; very ion' to reduce it before entering. . JORSETS week we oOeir 63 pairs of 85e, y,o , I1 have ~tft a 'themn'to 1110 C are o- 0%44 14..