The Clinton New Era, 1897-01-01, Page 3qr7 How Ulle"s FROM on't4F. A144,04. Your cough, likc�,, a do . 8-01,9- f. W �b wova* xopavauld wrola WIg yxqtq U44 A ti. oVo all ou• haw• JUN4 1"odo w. table, ,ahoy are bar -mt there is thixga- -&k a well eorve X,, is a.,5iga tl brnght on vwbm t mirg chanes IA A ltlasS bo,wl of. water A%*vovvd with oil: Aind, 60Mething foreign aroulid Thoomitiquix life of A Ilaro I Ron. 0 the Uth of Unroll. vino. ' markable, T40re ate 'ins O)q To 13400 results Show A POPUTAtIO0 of gar, which, ron4arq then oko4turao bystarl. , which shouldn't be thore. wbi�vp the tlos.ith of the horgo has boon ItAutO for 00 entire 04P.- ontly Allyo, V0'ap onerrbal K thumb "d traced dirsolily to grief. Ono Instance is ltaL, If thl 9guro U8 OolopAvO Wji� 01"ei-ouly piuol;s "y Qu,cain quiet.the 4oim-, but '0`a`No4 to mind, whtoix Occurred rgaro tbm.kobtalnc. 11" years ago (say 9,404., - forth the abtuig-llng Awh, Alps Oa the N, t - .6BU -twentr yonra olrous, had 704 IlAht.LbItan i tail at: Ono bltiv rid casts the the dan or may be there, Jus. I ago, A -, we, -.11na that she In. weloog ]lead i�en performing In the 1101% town at: droAwo LAS boon 250. behind him. 4 trained A,% found 041'1N entl)ea oentov of the sawo., SeottS Et M., UlSion Unlonvillo, Pa,, when are of th hapklrag aa: xis, map Seem to a 13iVilized harsoN sprained pgo of big legs so that he Parts, say Vong q�4avftro gut of hollsokospor, rho ,older the Qgf; `In China -Cod—liver Oil is not a, ociad not tvayhi m was. taken t- the olobty, ran it 101 the woo populorlo m0patmo the more perfect tratrl An.' eploni-oon of Q - Ak, I and Put In a box stall; The, log, q.VattoVS, IS visibly' bePOWAU9 depopula- i4bandpoint doexit. become, for,09 China• cou!gh specific; it ax?. es tot -wan boladagsd,od� ho was made 4,0 oorl-­' "Upd, to the pvoilt of the suburbs snit by man who htta'a right velacrd Jai lils PAI. fqrtabla AS P0041)10, 'Periphery of the oppital, In fact'. the, -Dolled qgw. Tokou fiesh, crt.4)r allay - the symptou ata eats A fresh So ate his food, and wag- ap;parontly total of the diminutions- roaches CjIGARETAS eggs aresent, to Bank, a1mv having, b sell 'have med but it does givc,- such strength uiitll about, raldolght, when units, whiou represents 01111= "gu" of "I'll lags In the Main depart� a tub'Of Aramatlowater; After the began put of town., a titans Choy aie'rem , PrAg"Onlix the ovea, and Us water to, the body, that it is able to Then be became ioatlea% and tramped mato of the city proper, while the total n9od 173 mixing A pKete of lime, and Halt, QV04 post, M lRoohad In, 4 whijod. -ASA tbo caravan m luovenie of tile torby�ptpg. quarters whose Oo In which the eggs are It W Se X ibaUr& jars, throw off the, -disease. the botol be. Seemed to realize that be 30prdatlon bgse&U�rakjnfed oxcood�' 100 Tbose,avo , herinotloollY Scaled and so was, being desorted, t%od his, Anxiety ay�, %Aldo to stand for a month, wilqu Jb t You-6ow. tho old and 00 Individuals-, that IS *4 a oxcoe4 prov -liew.qlao, pltlfnl. go won distress Id gtand ther population of attl touen so such Us X. are supppood to be At fog eqtIng. Those. of Pry" orb of 01the ounico with big save priolcoo In an attitude. of 14avrpj Reline and Roubift, loft Packed. In salt and Alrea 46V twolv* Intense llatevIng, And than, AS big QAX lXereafteilt will be no longer Inthe. Months, 'or 3410re, . when opened, are vention?" DonAf �J C, a roilring Wn most populo gleCt vAnghl; the Sounds of sb Kong us quarters, that It will be foong to have changed color, solidified be would rush, Re best ho.could with the well to 100-19 far the sent of the normal Partly, and aroodovJQF1s, your co lujigrod loV,, from one aids of the stall to increase of the population at Paris.' T40 The obleg, mro of the, Chinese. IS to sat Your Iirugglst koept $cptra Emtmislon -of Cod-Ilytr 04 t�a ObIAM PlIshing YAW the door with his cantor Is gaiiirated, And- ItIo towara o latlthIng,00411, 'Warm ov hot food they ab. R* up in 500, and $r -Qq slZbe, rose And ranking every . silo u iskIrta—toward the aublavban alid , groor etail 6V rywhere 4 11pS mlql p yorb rt to. eooapo. 0, ,(3(1 'Ia abundance, , but tightly they -a, qui tore, -and egpeolally'bo�ond t �of Us litablems who Was ar, tie ford, mOntain that cold. food loweis the tow- him, tried to snotbe mo btt�_io no pur, ftcstlgax�bhat Par an retending hl lei a a , More And move tU. anti rate. ,ih the"reaph, of "ill 4. P004ture of the stomach boyond� -hhe point 13OUNr)a "IN T14e $TILLY. NIGH )OSe.,JEEe, would pot, bo.gomforted,' 'Whore OlgeotlQla can 0.00tiln't;0OL and so thp so per packago Tj',o4$ after all Bounds, of sbo,alrqu Whole, health of -the. body IS pnllap 04 The A terk oh e had, ger xyx for i3l' djS()aSe—n'eh T4vaid. reoplo. IT suppose, -MIRM lKingslorad , that she Poured from hina. In streams Auq'be qu'lv-; What Would. Vat be re've were a t hla,b6dy, Vinally graded opedi. in part, 6 Afrrown Womar,la p, very (Is RIZU NEDALK, '04 ' 6T the'ghablOulau went to th6 ho -aim, - w.'% men of buii3anity?lt F11tST r oanqp to be taken of the en'ba Ob 0 v I . . •)sb have hs� Awakened by t . he upLtboPr6prJctOr A13A told btmbe�bc- 4Not Altogether; bor position has b .0 'TOO COMMON. wof $�Ljlklof'oftho night Outtl#g the lloVea.the horse 6111d'' A If th, travolerly, ai%d go '4e3i 01V sound 'by. M ,�Or t olne.of the A Moat 11 -back to em were mon, they hod swrAll LtOM the kitchen door, aloo L I . Screen 4wa;r, o1r,048 hapaeo were not brought t)�sla Sawinghale in, she -woodwork P.O keep hlxu,00mpany�, At, about daylight OPPOrtUrIty L -for Judging. 'As, a *6waanix, I inje�Too Frequeot the,proprietot, Tnou, a.horgo and rode could. 3nix freely with tbern And 4004.*' as to enable lilz to thvuot big hgnd y�uv the We Game to H64th From -their domestic life,, aud I Uoqd to b.skya WNW X� 3%equires Mtexxtio�; thiougli, shoat the halt slid, ther break 0 136 overtook It too, or Will .1611 what to In to tor"I in 0, midnight debanak, Ot 'twelve miles, awaYj tend tics' . groarn-who long talks with the fat,M wite rg6L Of t I J ed hors 041• 6XIM0 - XOW many, mob of. this lakesl4o- had had, char be, n are r, And- gleaned a lot of • q-4rk buy *ho­gab&6E� It L ey L 0"011 the. Wliole, tbAt the, Aft , loau 'mom* xo4 Greet lDcreaft 9f �Brl$htlo Disease. th can And diabetes, oIVbAVo1-he)4 Joint deb%T)qm with 00- turned with hira; 1YhOU xhey 'vaa4heti.� to b6ttle, Ott solves, on the wisdom of gottlxag, u)T and the otablo the horge �vas deall. tied 'VLO=14 IS happier tho -A, Wer. -Ty. n: the majorlty ,co BeXour 0" oatgr,� p TheyL are: opmood by kidney dexaOg .. nento, utter1ng..a In Tbe,qqablorx%u agd L that: 130 rarnalued Of It the )30004d land protracted and resonant L 1 46 to I Take it in. time whoop, ao ownphred 'with the morod�-S- forneArlyan hour 13orfeotly still and gets 400. bad -Sh e-oen* Poison "him ad' slid Uq�tove the kidneys to be4oli, Gone'eIr 1;11164 for %.W ..,Tlaat l9yo1A buy your Ohplstxho� Groceries, &a fionx us you.. W, Orbet,plan of; IVIrg still and. fearfully wltb. every Bongo Apparently Strained to 964 #OW ed t'll L Doanlar Xi4b Jy Pfils do lt� 'Pernaltong the robber t6 tho'ntm06 , t torelon, L and then, without • patis.factiou QTknowing And feeling 'you have ,sec red 10 68 XoGill St., M r6hT And the 'he lowest prices. W -eh 't opened out'a v !`4. lketitn Oran- They oare 9,11 kidney complaints, lama 46piq Out in the back entry,' battling At making a sign, fell 'And died with saaroo crate of, Waa' trouble for over ' live bao%, backache, urinary diflioulties,"qtdc the' 4ro:q L ly a struggle. The voterInarlpla w.ho WAS aoineteL form of con stips- Now proofs every day Lore 16 ans" IIcSL In garbage,. cans for what feasting 041104 'remniked after thoolrournstAubes.. -A- AN TFUL I _Alibbea D' FRE Afrp, J%LMo&JpJr, th ; w6n, known and 0 'a da -and da F, ()X CMNAW—AltE 0 on i dnuriarous remedies, ;rust the tbiyil�,for holiday presents,, ilii DinnerilkBet To rie, . bqel!-,�do they wot a -single wot as to the were told him. that Ut.itliiestionably the' Thiisti3nov.vcli�iteu��seessaryI Like 4, - e ort>I t0�0=4 reli f but, PO�ular proprietor of the MoMpin House, horror that borso tiled Pram $1.76 - e$ I T 00600 i, ng - In am griet It It Is possible nia-ay. otbera,'�om xnAy have your �aby anti Toilet Sets at $2.2 'at get Me they are generatl 5; 44.plece'Tes $ets began, have been afflicted with kidney for all the -mental fftoulties. of, Oho hotfleL L fat. an�d, h& ive U ''xi4youic4a,artid, and must say it loonie fox game, time. �, The doctors Said I •th(a parlor, bodroorn ' just forty-flvo test I .bang happy, if ybix 4z had diabqes. away? A ciat,at garbage dan does.�'not to becomp abandoned to grief to such An Scott's-Ra)u1sion. Bablqs't4ke it like P solus, A11 the;billoli6- .nea const' Alio has. been "One of tbenig;Dt:brx1�16 ��mptb lix iiielf� resomblen rod murder running extent nft to - enugo' death, h6%V Tuu;oh aream, London La),,,ers, PT�d: Basket, Selected 'Yalenciag, e moved. me woo M v 'a the terrible pain In �,aj riot, butit nowadN exaoWly' that w. a Pna+n n fit for use.. New Peels, best brand By. = Or 11 P - 1) UnA ,e, no heoitanty in my baok�'wit4 b6 "agar an 111 •- rents cleaned a I Aever vecorime4itg tired noise d Ot.rn, 'or SW10 OP jj� ody to like So 9 deal 69 feverishnes seploostleisand. -overy iph Ono silob. ria%tlo �18, the ramids,'Greuoble Wallouts; -FI rto, Peanuts. Mi steom Bngloe I a' al .; . 1 .1 1 . I to 106 per lb. . Oranges, t6mops, Figs, Dates. The best 25q Tew i fee precise rackeg which With the , corn. !in nyog's RheutnAtism Curd seldom Jells JIL4 bbig . 0onditi•6n 1: oomm4rosa "the mrsalon of�a fearful and 'hideous crime. second -,hand: three h%so pqwor nprigbt engine i�aarket. Xindly reserve your Christmas order for up. W6 led ievo in one to.t1ireb UOLays, And oure nos The dl6tlonary deflnitlow o4a wixdow and boiler for Bale, at a argain. Can bp seen at of Man's 1�iduey fills whiola I got at tfilB Offlo6i ..Apply to OUNTON NEWSUA or -best endewvprafo satisfy YOU. AN �d&yw,; Price lt;Q. XJ1101thabl' shade says n6thlng,of conosdodweapons, F. G.' MITOEXLL. Engine 8upply Pa., London odrugaborq, lbegantoiraprove UOULD Care. positively ;ll ies C1 MISERY n on's 1pyaRqP61106, At once And now am completely free :from' Clinton 411form8 of indigestion and stomach Yh4trlte or gag., And yet tbt Ox . all troubles. 'a ln.wlaow blInO, Is a creature which xn le. 1?400,250, III recommend Doan's $Jau6y PIllS high- 9-004 'about Its business armed oopjea_&, I S. M spre vents pliquinori4 ly as 9, megnW fov,*)7982Or, str4tauem and spoils, say nyoli'a o RHEUMAT cent kidney, mea,op, ortbs�rlbers premises us, StraY6d from , Maitland reals up a cold in, %. few baiiis, Price nothing of offenobs more . common, And H. ltinl�,'Y&ter Valldy, Xissq cared by, con., Oolborno, about, the lot of august, a (-Sgd) P, J. MOA year Ing Rod Helfer; lia;iltxg the eud of the right Any one giving Information t4at consequently more dreaded. Given' a RyOn"13 COU&" OUM StOP5 .00 ear Bat off. 11A .coughs, W111dow blind, which does not just fit silo o Its xecovog will be saltably towayded IDPOnibir, And which' in a Bobbing Way h rikyofi% Kidney •Cure speedily ouve� more,than tho left ope,of the still ung •­Oasem6nt; givIen also the -hour of Xargo "For Ave Years, I stiffer6d,uniolti misery Sara Heifer Helfer tbel*ck loins, o±4 groins jArd'ill salved problems Of physiology. although 13ozZarls, -'and, ln, addition to tbLeja' gifts) from mascular,rheuniatism. I tried every the lnu.ga'. vilic ".-The i8ason for, 610 using the right band tuba against t e, yertical sides of the 1 C �A�V'satsi nihi;s sdreneoo And speedily Ayees-Siars�a ifla- wlu id,- W. C. 3) :EtST, Bonmiller P.O. 13, d; -se uol _given a plain, OgWJPan"c4vrcL civilian pq 04ino'-Into stiligorlber's, promises, lot r POOPle bave addressed them' d�N OoWliltod- the best,pfiysl.. hundreds of X6 known rQTno UPL to cola,. GADaerfah.townsb1p, about the middle of, nes topsh liasch Relval;, to It, Some 76ink the reasozi IS Ombkaoed In the arms of, 61'ambor clans, visited Hot Spring% Ark,jtbree times 'Afint the grooki innominate artery 6vrlos. the time when the rubbing begW% And 061idlfig A1000 there, besides dootorst bills' October .a yearling Rad Rolfei4 OwnIor islwve- L -by n atifted to rove a ECOASWBIV. dbllapea an positively'cures more blood to the right a but could obtAln only. temporary relief, my take it 4WILY. L it _. a I P . 011CC 1*40, 'and noui. t4okik Is, a. cambination. * which would . - I P 250. 'shah it more. ObbbrS IDhInk It 18 because drive, Mme. Vussand distwaotod, fill Chief flesh was wasted away so that I weighedI only, P crit erfIL 1081t d d' as all im- the supply of blood � �to the Ib6 side of Badenobh'a recoptioxi room with pounds, my left -arrn, i4i TANO POP. SALE, 'hol" log were drawn out of shape. the muscles the brain lo More. plentiful than to the and distinguished. sl�umh ra, Illisma Piano, 'Up I light, Mal*g_ e 25c. Je All edies are a b`.,Azle, _,awd.. make A f1roVolaos 0�n vlgh 6. L: A as 16 is. the left brain hair of'the�alroftsOlztn end "tangental sort ag Cane, almost new, forsale,Lon vory reasop- the prayer and a able terms A, OF01.0n. l, wgrksthe MuSolea L Of the right aide of. Orroot thing, A common edies relieve in Ws,body, -this May really be the roagon. Yellow window. blind,wbich Bello ordln. nently. Price oge.philosopher � thinks It Js'dne'to theaZAIY,f(W fqrtY-threo'oa)1ts. or for VOR Of L twaitty tact that the right , side the body Is , cents on," bargain" days, cap bully the les never r fail, 'heavier, owlng-16 the, situation of the l3paniqh Inquisition put of Its boots whon lror pale a P.%Ir. of now. Oneolioros Bob -Ste VJU b steelehod, and -well made. 50—eradicates liver. �Uut the most likOlY,Of All eXplara- It 60MOS, to t6rrlfylbj mankIrx4. ;.:ins,e sold c and the Ca_ tiong IS th&t"Of The doorlodk, which &pply -to W1%L GBAN S. Mt. gorbart 13pencer., i1c. tAkob a ncoiQla Below the ,G T R station- ��y t nee and be4 says that uncivilized . men very early to rattle ba6k, Into Its proper place after • found'oUtLthat they Were 'more Vuln&.: Imflng� been turned too fax earlier In 13'evkshlre Boar x able oh the left side than an the right, she evening; knoWa Its 'business Also, With their. left hand, therefore, they hold Anti Itis bilainss. is to'!p6oplb- the mind 01, Subgorlborkeops fair estores lost Vi or, theshieldthat protected the ,heart, and tho'naft Wh0`118 JujOb ranged from S ElIvOot 2nd con. of. Flullettok With tbeirright *IeIL -0 L f Peace 0 Terms ;$1 at time wielded the, spear and drcaln rAble pictures at re ng U n L or disease, At All club. 4DX I course, the active tight, arm sudden And extemporaneous death. Xr l)r became muoli'sbr6ngor than the Testing the case. of We look, which' having �beelq to Prof. Muoyon, 11 & 13 'Lleft, turned too 'far f back, Wit ral" OL -d .with Igpe with a sharp, 0116k, allowing. t, :bO-It to avawarL The Vastness of Slbok-14. take Its 'natural pooitlan, t �Ibw. 'no "WA -M A grap'hio.ldoa of the Ixnxncrso� size of IrAnner, of doubt. ,-'The balf.AwAlke Ag Iste d up In knots. I wa 5iberla may be gleaned from ,rile a linable to, follow- dweller hho good and amplo reason to his- Ifi-tXcept IN' th . as'816tanpo, !t - Ing comparison. Ali of tho.sbatol;, king- Ileve 'look' -'edu about by using �, qp� ftniior dfiibe wag, do, 09 that fba nolso'comes. from j in, tack it At of , 4,000. dome, principalities, em ares.. etc., of —because does come them. as 11, 0`P in , ltoh "I And, all of, the from, � Ach rises into rapid pld. promindn . on, dos gare its issued " Annii. "' '"go Russthis.ilter)15 "What sort at wall Is At who xemTle 'ural canted -all t1ni, od States luol-d Alaska, L Qo'dld 1). � t 'Ia. In to 041,1,455, 10c�a aids, by Siberia, and yet Is out there with a Skeleton key letting.' .'OV0 Lthe Previous ye r a " but little more than. cover that Immense himself into Ibis holy and Virblicuo, flail", Ia I 00. more than half the try:' Of course, he 10 a large, .bulky =411,Wltb g ' A70, Cloyer'.1toot Tea IAgreed chloroform An Ills possession, L and bearing e Sold by rs. a',greab burden of -deadly weapons. Re torttir Ina I : L Constipation. . , I I . M Wobbles—I gha;ii ueVor forget, h" borce to got everything in L the flat, Inside I �Atn - nit I d6akt-hoW idloblo., you looked W64 you k*An1n0Af,p1' of from tba1aldlug.bod"to thohapkin4rigs, w1thou , proposed to me, began 'Wife , Mr Wobbles (wlbh emphaola)—1 was and he Is golnK to. p.arf6rra Wjth many 116 was in a Idiotic. StrA1390 Jlrir arms If necessary to adhievo. 31, ear, I ivt r -by wotry over, his object, Perhaps'. after all, the 111�116- to 105.p ting window-blindpw1i lob sways In, 0, full day q draught, Is she greatest criminal of thIq w&J3 wieokoa aiia,utg Joseph ; ITAVE Y91, VER 'T WED? ago. Move midnight alarms havLq' been, nd two brothers named Hiles of t were bskdily insured by aii ex- gauged ,by It than by Almost any othet Inanimate malefactor, a,16hougb the P of nitro.glycerfue, whiob. they were gb. out In OL ptal'yo., try�doar) which Standing ajar, - Is pushed eOnI Open 'of 40 o3losed by the pug dog out OA Arks sufler.';vUh Sour Atoidnob-, slak ^,Xboandarbig expedition, le a deo.0 s e, wea, rose. of the back, pai4 be- Have you over tricil to dye your-oastoff s0000d,_01,10ago naa,i,4. ,the 14 ladon, feelings of da- garments? n, ilia 4' 'bi o,'and 'the Thoussuas in Clansda answer $Yee, -61a Ono SU L'. n �n t 199� I tom I' g_ Vot�y StlooeSafally, too." To those who have n a P, come ro a 0 d The Ville -go of Wexford near Toronto has. n i t ore liver," whoa you q4n not atlempted the work we0would any, L 11QCQ'OhBe of bouilaolexice,whice has PUZZJ�2, "There is money in it if we ued the - L d ovary doOtgt Yet consulted; A farmer a, onto andpositiveours in.Wright's Dig's ra Stoton&. Pills, 'Got A bot with- mond Dyo." ,rther delay from 4110a & Wilson, , Olaclrcfases,YZ&ntleo)jtkokeig,00a*spthuts named Phomas Wright, living just outside ate, Clinton, ii?d yesti and other articles I the, village, has four children, the oldest of of wearing op'- WhOW.Ui6bard, & robasL-IoDking'boy of roloitu easily be recreated Allamade fit %a Just died 06 foar weav at a trifling &hna , 13g cost. Mon cants ex- 16p began Infit June to take frequent raps tut.'a man. whose Ono he'd, ldllg� 'pandia for Some duripg the day. After a hearty sloop of 0 interest and baffled the Skill of. fashionable color of the tine -or toil hours at.right, be would sued - 0.: JTor year$' John 00911dr, 4bo bigmoa, Dyes will save you Several dol« only drop Asleep during the forenoon while are Old W.bGXI he died, 118-4 $)PbAt 'lora. This wonderful transformation and vvalking bLhin the plow, or, droppin . his -About wintors-In slumber. the mons sarin work can only be dono per- knife and fork at the dinner table, fall usahl featly by using the, Diamond DY013. Ask tiat he woula g� t6 bed so - a slumber lasting an hour,- from which only' i6wing,morring would not •get :your dealer for tAom; be a . ura you refute All tiro most VIKOrous ahakin in A Dalm era peace- uabstitafes. 9 coul I Arouse biM. old continue Apart from, & slight pallor, the boy enjoys 11 through the WirtbX, L months 5' good healph, but the sleeping fate Continue" litil May Oj, O­Uno, About il me .011r -AT SU8TARD, aeospit; the doctor's preooripti4 ry n1glit he show&a a Ritia vit- I 1 .1 his family * took advattago of Xt RM U6on. Velflnet 14% g4gleInd tot Uwte Job� or soup d6Wn Than, rlft:� koAra. At,ona tUae a doctor tried a The great buatard formerly haunted all Ury on TeAer, and be Deane out We leVol'o0ulitidn of PnglaiI4', and. was • JAMDAVa—w4o wide, awake, paruoularly common on sallsbak'y Plain. 40 6- h before the 'Mil, From tho xelgli 'of Xfonty 7XII. repeated 41g OW6 a next Mattes wove passed In ordep to protect lay USIN "W7 The HaaS trice but i5 n' It 0 is Axpr*hfil, iisbluclad rho u Vozr. himA of game. In tho okafufe of "the Arab PYRY PEG YGAJ�bf tho:'robtla of-william XV.,, which bii4, 1 .1elk 0 o6dillod Rud jvofdrma&L,the IAW#­t8IatJng, olosonaso In git1hooiloatoog the great. to game. The close 'season for busbArd. ftaribg Zia uthappwosa an after life. Shooting WAt and It tXdW bhO Agat of 4010% 00 itregalAvibled mad weaknesses in girls March to the Usk at September. Dut the UM jot* 11*1106koa Aitoi vrbitptly tuIl treat - -now extinct 'in Bing- bustard Is n Of 649 Sara "oo i%J once, land. 'Cho last wag killed at SwAgbar4, i ray elrifNti r . Dr Pierce's V nVO.Vito iption ptomotoo rogulAvity of all lla,Xortolk, Ia .1846, Amy that, have boolq dur6d I" 40. fonatio)i#y makes strength Anil shot abadehavo, b6la mov&y oaa)ahl visit- 'soyaml 0 ALMA now M :$ ILL sturdy' U61fh withWhich tal, Oth, PrObAblY 0QX41l)g from the plaIng'409 for trials p A ah a . .40. oarao, VilVorije SAXOAY� %'he OftUgeg of bhg (JIMA po t a I on is not fA universal pauitl4x. Of the' bustard ate, Rudy, thb,sportp they t but Ono thing. It ioiilroofed AftdrdA,for that' Were huixted vvith'grq- Ott of otgo"As, -hounds As Wtll As dhoti o0dwidly, the In- 001A)MIOU se)506 Utdio6l. A& I ormss in tho amoulut of 00191,iatod land, gi bj*dioal work, profusely This largest of Xuropbab birds, walghing ley P6 U , t fr#o at roo4f, of 8X a6ilLd mh an thirty l)oU0dA, could no to oo*dt P00*140 oo)YI ionikileAnd Any Attmoiblm*