The Blyth Standard, 1903-07-16, Page 8K
Uniform Heat
Reading comfortably en the ground floor,
Bathing baby comfortably on the second floor,
Writing comfortably un the third floor,
This, In short, is the story of every house heated
with a
The Regulators that divide the warm air
are so constructed, and the pipes which carry
it to the different registers so arranged, that
any quantity of heat desired can be forced to
the different rooms or flats of a house.
The "Sunshine" is the only furnace made
in which hof -air pipes to first floor do not rob
second and third floor pipes.
Burns coal, coke and wood equally well.
Sold by all enterprtatng dealers.
Write for free illustrated booklet.
Hakes of the " Fames Active" Range
end "Cornwall "Ste Ranee,
London, Toronto, Montreal,
Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John, N.B.
Cement for Sale.
The undersigned keeps in stock
all kinds of Cement, lneluding
Queottoton end Portland.
Cement Building and Flooring a
Fiat.—What nearly resulted in a
serious conflagration occurred here Sat-
urday night when the Brunswick hotel
barns and stables, in she lower part of
the town, were burned. The tire raged
With such rapidity that a stableman
was seriously iujured endeavoring to
rescue the horaee, a task which was
Aecoprpliehed with great difficulty. The
logs Is covered by insurance. Cause
unknown. Mr. I)nvid Lougbeed yeas
aceid,ntelly etruck by a liremau'e axe,
bat is recovering from the effects.
JorrtNOs.—Mr, L. C. Fleming has re -
Signed from the collegiate institute
staff. He has accepted the principal•
Oil) of the Exeter mhliu school.... Mrs.
George Carey and child, of Petrolia,
and Mrs. Carey'* mother, Mrs. Pember-
ton, are at present guests at St. George's
rectory .,..Miss Kate Taylor, of New
York, is visiting her uncle and aunt,
Dr. and Mrs. Taylor.... Mrs. Pasmore,
who hes been staying at Seatorth, has
returned to spend world weeks in
town, and is accompanied by her daugh-
ter-in-law, Mrs, Charles Pasmore, of St,
Louis, Missouri, and the latter's little
son..., We are pleased to note that lines
Itfarion Hamilton, who h.,; Ieeu ill for
About a week with congestion of the
lunge is now able to be out of bed, and
lu s short time will be able to he about
again Mr. George Lethbridge is
spending a short holiday with Glencoe
friends. During his absence bliss Cam-
paigns will take charge of Knox church
organ.... Mr. Geoffrey E. Holt, afernier
student of the Goderic.h collegiate insti-
tute, at the final examivation et Trin-
ity university obtained first-class honors
in modern languages. A few weeks
ago he also rook first-class honors in
Lia mueical examination. At convoca-
tion in October next the degree of B.A.
will be conferred. His n uy friends
congratulate him.... Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Graham have returned from their
honeymoon trip.
SAD NAM —A Rad and horrifying
accident betel the little sod of Mr. and
Mrs. W. T. Acheson, of the Central
hotel, on Monday forenoon of last week,
terminating fatally on Tuesday morn-
ing, The little chop, who was scarcely
two yeara old, was upstairs with some
of the members of the family and steal-
ing away unnoticed for a moment into
one of the bedrooms, secured some
matches, and in lighting them set his
clothing ou fire. His screams brought
help at once, but not before the curtain's
and bed clothiug had been ignited and
worst of all not before the poor child
Aerate sending a akeleh and description mar
quickly aerarinb, our opinion free whether an
invention is probably pnlenta&Ie. Communica-
tions strictly oonddeutlat Handbook on Patents
sent free. °Ideal agency for aeeutinspatenta.
Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive
epecha mike, without charge, In the
Scientific Americana
Anettiidn of any Illustrated 1w, gel. Teri s, •st 3s
year; tour month., Il. did bye!! newsdealer,.
MUNN & Covet ro w eh,New YC.
Are many times an indication or symp•out of functional
They are in mos
cases doe to functional wrongs, to wbich
women only are subject.
" OUT OP NJ RVBS " women
are the nightmare of doctors.
"CRANKS" is often the designation
of those patients by physicians unable
to understand the cause of their
irritable condition.
Sr, JAMES WAFERS have rendered
great s: rvice to such physicians in
Great Britain, who prescribe them to
nervous women.
ST. JAMES WAPRTIS afford great
relief, simply by strengthening every
organ affected by the functional
wrongs in women, such as weak
stomach — weak back —and weak
ST. JAMES WA.Paga help stomach,
digest food and send the nutriment
through the blood, and this is the
honest way to get health and strength,
the kind that lasts, develops and
breeds the energy which accome
pushes much.
4 opt JUNCIICNAL10ON05 -,
stoma Os,
0:014 Bos
grearabaCGaada: 81.00;
iia sm. for 0.90 a
"Have sued Int. James Vaal
with each eaecees as to pla
tam on my ties of tellable...*
Dr. Chas. R. Springer,
Loudon, Ragland.
Si. Jamar Wafers ar, nota secret
remedy: !e M. aemerowdecreed rs
monodies' 1*,.. le Mem 'Coate
w mai! As /monk *pea maul.
Where dealers are net selling the
Wafers. they are rolled upon re,
edpt of prim at the Canadian
branch : it. Janes Refits Cs. 1721
5t. Cations' 5f., Oohed,
was most horribly burned over the
whole body, Medical aid was secured
at once, and everything done to relieve
the little sufferer, but be Ruocumbed on
Tuesday morning. This is one of the
saddest affairs of the kind which has
happened in Exeter for many'years and
Mr. and Mrs, Acheson have the sym-
pathy of the entire community as was
evidenced by the large number who at-
tended the funeral on Wednesday.
Norlts.—On Sunday next the Wood-
men of the World will listen to their
anneal address in the Presbyterian
church. llev, Dr. Stewart has kindly
miscued to preach to them, ... Miss
Bessie Murch, who bee been et borne
since Faster on account of ill -health,
has been re-engaged as assistant in the
Wellesley public school at an increase
of 125 in ealary....The new postoifiee
building presents a busier scans thin
week than it has dome since last fall.
Cement floors are being put in the base'
trent, the plumbers are at work, and
the second coat of plaster is about fin isle
01' Prof. J. D. A. Tripp, of Toronto,
representative of the Toronto conserva-
tory of music, was in town last week
performing the duties of examiner for
the primary and first year work for the
pupils of Mrs. Nello McHardy-Smith
and Mies Boles....A board of trade,
that much needed organization in con-
nection with every town and city, is to
be resuscitated in Clinton.
COHTcit, MIo*TIN(1.--Council met ac-
cording to adjoin 'merit on July 3rd;
members all present; minutes of last
inviting confirmed, The following
checks were issued; K. Lowry, drain,
0.10 ; D. Fowler, shovelling gravel, $8;
11. McDonald, operating grader, 571 ; H.
Ryan, bridge, $5; D. Gillies, repairing
bridge, 51•x; James Gannett, culvert,
$8; Bars. McLean, gravel, $8.48; Reeve
McQuillin, _two days on drainage work,
$4; Clerk McCroetie,copies of Drainage
and Watercourses act, 5ti; John Gaunt,
work on road, $2.50' H. Horn, shovel-
ling gravel, $1.50; J. McDonald, shovel-
ling gravel, $1.50; J. Henderson, tile,
518.44; L McRoberts, lumber, $20,82;
Thomas McLean,ravel, $16,50; P.
Walsh, gravel and work on road
121.68; James Agar, opening gravel
pit, $8; A. Johnston, gravelling and
culverts $128.60; J. Jefferson, inspect-
ing, 51;
Fowler, minding gap three
days, 75c R McQuillin, minding gap,
25c; E. Johuston, teams on grader,
$151.50, and repairing bridge,$l4' A. E.
Dentin, plank, $28.57. Council adjourn-
ed to meet on August 6tlt at 10 o'clock,
11m Dumps and wife Invariably
Had "Force" for Sunday evening tea,
When cook west out that &Nernoeo.
Tis but a saucer and a spoon
To wash—a task not grim—
And all areleased," laughed
" Sunny Jim."
pleases everybody
in every way. 4
We Ube 1e.
"We nee 'Foveal at home and like
It exoeedingly,
"H. R. BAnmsaa"
Iron and Brass Bedsteads.
There Is nothing So comfortable these wean nights ea an Iron Bedstead. It allowi free sir.
*illation of the air and thou you know iron 1s always root. Wawa' a very good Iron bed for 11, a
better one for boa still better bed for *8 and *11. Those wishing health, =intact and freedom
from every sobs or pain should bay an Iron bedataad.
WAIFS.—Mr, John Moss, a pioneer of
West Wawanosh, is loud in his praises
of a successful operation in the removal
of canker front both of his lips by Dr.
Bice, of Dungannon, the operation hav-
ing been performed some time ago. The
parts affected are entirely healed, with
no symptoms of a return, Mr, Mose'
numerous friends hope that he will
enjoy good health for many yeare....
The new pastor of Dungannon Metho-
dist church, Rev. J. W. Robinson, has
commenced his pastoral duties....The
uumeroua friends of our genie! and
esteemed jeweler, Air. John Mitchell,
who has been very ill and for some time
confined to bed, are pleased to know
that he is gradually convalescing so
that he is able to go about a while each
day ....Mile E. howler, of West Wawa -
nosh, for sone daye was the guest of
her brother, the genial livery keeper, Mr.
1). McNot•iu Urs. Stephen Stotbers
and daughter, Ruby, of Goderich, are
on an extruded visit to relatives here.
Master Everett Mallough, who is
Studying pharmacy at Toronto, is en-
joying holidays here. ... Mesw•a. John
Biles and T. Walkout have dissolved
partnership, Mr. Walkom purchasing
Mr. Hiles intereat....The numerous
friends of Mr, Isaac Hamlet, who for
some time has been indisposed, are
pleased to see the venerable gentleman
able to go about....The weather, al-
though for souse time peat unsettled
and unfavorable for aeouring the clover
crop, is now apparently settled and far-
mers are snore hopeful in consequence.
The other day Mr. Wm. Fowler
took very ill from general debility. He
is in his Seth year, but through good
medical skill the venerable gentleman
apparently is gradually recovering.
W ESR—Berrrox.—On Wednesday af-
ternoon of last week a ripple of pleas-
ant excitement possessed the home of
Mr. John Britton, owing to the mar-
riage of his youngest daughter, Edith,
to Mr. David Weir. At tie o'clock in
the evening the assembled guests, lining
only the direct relatives of the bride
and groom, gathered in the parlor, and
Rev. John Kennedy, B.D., of Lenges-
koro, performed the solemn ceremony.
The bride looked charming, being attired
in white silk, trimmed with white silk
lace, and carrying in her hand a beauti-
ful bouquet of flowers. The many cost-
ly presents bespeak the popularity of
both Mr. and Mrs. Weir.' They left on
the early morning train from Seaforth
for their home in Broadview, followed
by the beat wishes of their numerous
DALE--CASTER.—Another great vic-
tory may be marked to the credit of
cupid, who is very busy at his work of
love. On Wednesday afternoon of last
week a large number of the relatives
gathered at the residence of Mr. John
Carter to witnese the marriage of his
eat*mable daughter, Etta, to Mr, George
Dale, a pros erotls and far-
mer of this vicinity. At four o'clock
the busy hum of work and excitement
gte,sided for a time, while Rev. J. A.
Hamilton, M.A., of Londeeboro, tied
the nuptial knot, after which solemn
yet pleasing ceremony the guests pre-
pared for the sumptuous wedding re-
past, made ready by the genial hart and
hostess. The bride, who is at all times
attractive in appearance and puuner,
was charmingly' attired in white or.
gentile, trimmed in a most becoming
style, and carried white fillies. She
was assisted by Mias Dora Shaw, of
� 1
Before the 1st of July, to fill an order already
placed with us for
6000 Boxes and Tubs
of Good Dairy Butter
Also we must have WOO dozen Eggs weekly to fill our orders, for
which we will pay the
We would ask the makere of butter not to Balt the butter heavy
as the heavy salted butter always has to sail at a reduced price.
Make the butter so as to bring the top price and you will be the
gainer in the end,
AonK Ktxfrt KC<K KAIKK
• --mists in the Treetmeet of Nervous, Blood, Private end Israel Dtseaees N
Mo and Women. 21 Veers to Detroit.
Vito Names need wittiest Written Cement. Cures Guaranteed.
Thousands of young and middles/ad men an aeaaalty swept
to a premature grave through early above or later swami. Casa.
Anderson was one of the victims, but wee teemed to time. Hs
says "I learned an evil habit. A change 500a came over me.
I could feel it; my friends noticed it. I became nervous, despon-
dent, gloomy, had no ambition, easily tired, evil forebodinry
poor circulation, pimples on face, back week, dreams and drain
at night, tired and weak mornings, burning ,meati"n, To make
matters wore I became reckless and contracted a blood disease.
I triad many doctors and medleal arms—dl tailed till Drs. Kee-
nedy & Horgan too:c my ease. In one week 1 reit better, &ad N a
few weeks wan entirety eared. They are the only reliable and
honest Specialist. in the country'
RBADHR—we guarantee to con yea or no pay. Ton Ma no
risk. We have s reputation and business at stake. Beware of
fraud, ead impostors. We will pay $1,000 for any ease we take Mat our SEW
M1THOD TREATMENT wilt not curs.
We treat and care Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Stdatun, Weak Parts, Moe,
and Bladder Diseases. Cotynitatlon free. Hooks free, 0o11 or write for Cloutier
List for Home Treatment.
DRS. KENNEDY & NERG#N 04" Detrolt,M' `.41"
t�K K&K K.K.<Kort', K
Brussels, who inns also nicely gowned
in white organdie and carried pink
roses. Mr. James Carter, brother of
the bride, supported the groom. The
marriage took place under an arch
of evergreens, and the wedding march
was played by Miss Susie Wheatley.
The large number of useful and valu-
able presents testify to the high es-
teem in which the young couple are
held. In theevening, a large assembly
of young people gathered, and, being
as light-hearted and happy as the occa-
sion required, they gave vent to their
merriment by tripping the " light fan-
tastic" till the " wee sma"ours" began
to grow larger, and the mighty king of
day commenced to shed his light and
radiance from the eastern sky, when all
parted, leaving their best wishes with
the happy bride and groom.
—Over 800 delay tes are expected at
the Masonic grand lodge this year.
—There is a great curiosity on the
river at Walkerton in the form of a bi-
cycle boat. It is an invention of Messrs.
john Heffermau and John Coyle, and
consists of two galvanised iron tubes
about two feet in circumference, which
serve es side pieces to hold the thing
up. There in a rudder of the same ma-
terial, while a tandem bicycle_providee
the power to turn the screw. They can
go either up stream or down strewn as
they desire, at4 can make a reasonable
,rata of speed.
A. 0. U. W.
R1v4h lodge, No. ID, Ancient Order of United
Workman, meets in the Workmen hell, Ifilee
block on the gad end 4th T120001ay In every
mouth at sight t p.m. Visiting brethren ore
Gordian}, Invied, N COMING, W.M. T. J. Hocg,
STIP, Hsooanaa- 44
0 00 60 66
Dr. J. N. Perdue, V,$,
First-class Horses and digs for
hire at reaaonable rates.
Best of accommodation to Come
menial Travellers and others requiring
Veterinary office at livery stable.
LIE 11D QU M 6T1lE% Sint