The Blyth Standard, 1903-07-16, Page 7Some Notes on Canadian Fruit.f S ./110`^'."`:"10"10 ^%♦ The Fruit Division 01 the Mande- risme emulsion plsl ns the leaf bur len Department of Agrieuttnro, Ot- aro opening. Gtwa, lend" the f014otv1n 10111/11/1* Dr. Pletcher gives the following ee- B g ermlption: ILPdlil'!I f1110 IS appear on to fruit growers; It 144 to be fear- tho benne somewhat Irregular In bd that the wet weather at pre- 'hap', about enc -right) of an Inch In gent prevailing will lead a good 'I!ameter, and frequently ronfluiul, nn fay orchardlste to neglect spray- TICAO appear on the young peach g P 3 lcstvON early In Krieg, and ns the ring. Last year the euulmer• and eumluer progresses they turn to 'tutumn were wet and many grow- corky', bileter-like galls, with a hole 'ere of fruit (tile togive their or- In the centre, through which lenge numbers of minute, Moue:Orsl mites (Shards more limn two or three beetle and attack the frrwh parts of -ppreyiags. As Mr. MacKinnon the leaf." *elate out, the cool, moist weather This lnerct ettneke rely pear le peculiarly favorable to the de- leaves, and la reported as having been eelopnent of fungous growths, 11.11(1 diteovorel 111 nearly 1111 pear greaing lit 1s only by writing every oppor- districts. tuntty and spraying whenever a The "King" Apple. slay or two of dry weather conxw 11110 "King" le ono of the favorite 'along that Bound, clean fruit can varletl1)s of apples In the market, but be secured. Wet weather should be unfortunately it is so shy it bearer an incentive to greater diligence In on its own roots tlutt It Is not at all 'preying, rather than an (moue, for profitable. It has, however, frequent - not spraying. Eternal vigilance 144 ly been noted that by top -grafting the plot, of safety in fruit grow, It on any vigorous 'tack it heroines lag, and It behooves every one who muoli more prolific. (Retiree a full crop of tlret-class The Fruit Division, Ottawa, In - fruit to spray early and often. vilest oorreepondence upon 11)114 sub - Orchid Cultivation. Jeot, unit 1414 received sonic valuable Thune is a danger on account of information. Mr. C. L. 0tephyns, of g Ori11Wt, has the "King" topgrafted the wet weather, orchards will not on "Duelloss," and finds that Ito receive their usual cultivation, bearing qualities are quite eatisLw'- whicll !e urgently needed to destroy tory, Mr. Wal. (toad, of ,larrat'4 Cor - weeds, aerate the Noll, and eon- neer', hag twelve "King" tt'd('H terve soil Moisture for future use, grafted on "Duchess.' and reports 1f the ground is not stirred It bakes, equally OA reeul14. Mr. Judean Har - cracks open and eveporatlon goes rls, of Illig0111011, 111L11 an urclter,' of on rapidly. lee stirring the eon two and a 111411 news, the crop from through frequent cultivation, thus which for the past eight years low keeping a loose mulch, on the sur- never brought him lege than $!OO. face, capillarity is broken 0p and Many 104 Lite trees err Kings, graft- wolstnre retained. .As 00011 1111 It Is ed on Rnelle(44. 1L'. 1111111. Mluray 01 possibly, therefore, to got on. the Awning, lots n uunilinn of King gl'ouacl after n nein, the cultivator dress an their own roots, a.nd 011Wre should be started In the orchard, grafted on Th1 naa 11100018, olid notes and kept going no steadily as time the.( the top grafted troves are the and weather will penult, Duly ones that give tum letying Pear Leaf Hlister Mite• tom' T1+0 experience of 1)1/111 growers Tito Fruit Division, Ottawa, send€ and tunny others gores to show that the following information wit11 re- Et would bo very profitable pipet, teeence to this pest, to Mr, 11. Bray, of buglnOHs to,opgraft at least some Walkerton, Ont.: The pear leaves of tide early ,apples to be found all shown at the Farmers' institute over Ontario, with Kings. The King meeting at Trekwater are infected Is nn apple that exactly flue tho With the Peer Leat I111.ster dile (l'hy- bill las a Taney market variety, as toptus pyrl). This inecct IN sometimes tt is of excellent gnnllty, color anti quite prevalent, and although it Our. tied well known in the Engllelt s slowly 1x0)0 tree to tree, is mlrket. If its only, defect, tvaut of L{ y 10do i)11)01) Norm, Dr. Pir;te11yr, pralncth'eur,FH, 1)11/1 bo curet by the Domhdon 1':ntoleologisl, treats 1'l simple met.bod of topgrniting, it this insect In hie report for 185'3. should prove a boon to many pe0- fresr180.Ile recommend'snsthe most lee 1010 have 1igoru1144 trees of mule - practical remedy the use of the keno- eirable vet:Mlies. Leadlag it 911 lel Life. Dick -Those folks next (loot' 1111011 tan awful good thee . Dora -How ? Dick -Oh, they don't fro anywhere send they don't entertain. 14Ds4R AND CATTLE helve et—elem.] ernmpu. Palnklller will cure then) every time. Hair n bottle In hat water repented a few times. Awed substitutes. There is bat etre "Pale kilter" -Perry 110vl4', This b Hard. Memphis Nows. The wife of n Wichita man makes him wear tucks to the sleeves of his nightgown, trimmed with pink rib - hon, so that the, beby won't know the difference when he walks the lfoor with it at night. Ain't it a Aurae ? How an abscess in theFall& pian Tubes of Mrs. Hollinger was removed without a surgical operation. 4,1 had an abscess in my side in the fallopian tube (the fallopian tube is a connection of the ovaries). I suffered untold misery and was so weak I could scarcely get around. 'The sharp burning pains low down , is my side were terrible. My physi- cian said there was no help for me unless I would go to the hospital and be operated on. I thought ,before that I would try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound which, fortunately, I did, and it has made me a stout, healthy woman. My advice to all women who suffer with any kind of female trouble is ,to commence taking Lydia E. . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound jut once."—MR& Ins S. IIoLLINGEa, $tilvideo, Ohio. -16000 for felt If original 111 *Dote letter proving penulnenem cannot be produced. It would seem by this state- ment that women would save time and much sickness if they I'would get Lydia E. Pinkham s 'Vegetable Compound at once, land also write to Mrs. Pinkham eat Lynn, Mass., for special ad - It is free and always helps. V other person can gfvo such ptui advice as Mrs. Pinkham !fo women who arc nick. Stmday SctiooL FOR THE SAKE.OF 6000 HEALTH LAD C0ylee 1; 1l':l'A Ton. It In purr, deli lv'e1.v .11.11 ),1111'1111. It 0) res far ahead 0f 311 1011 ".'11,1111" Itleek is Mies] of all ether Meek teas. 111 lead packers 441114). JSr an 1 I4):' 11'')' Ito Icy all gnO:urH. Sao ualsr11tine mission then the phr- twat'non of ruin and thunder Imppwl- ing, weleett any deli of 4114 np- proaele upon. the mere pestle:mon of til, prophet. 31114) perceive-m:1mm.! was 1141 10 this in order to 1mpr0s4 upon them the truthfulness of hie ut- teraliere and arouse 111.m to a conmeiousness of their great wick- edoese. Feared 11111 Lord - Tin+ people regarded title ae a aa'♦104- 1011e 11144111110 of divine power. 1v. lerael (.011(011'01 , iv8. 1.11-25)- 19-21. Pray. That We die not. - Thev felt that eamiml's thoughts ,eine feelings nud those of Jehovah were the Rarilee Jehoynh'N true rep- tementative was among ttnem.-Tt'r- ry. Fear not -Do not bit deepnnd- ent as though 11)010 was no 110111'. frurn ye not a them egalnut turning 11101110 to11Id- 018, 118 they 111141 often dole before. and 1141 they often did afterwarde vain things -An Idol is a 11 ere nothing. having no influence or power. 21. For ills great name's sake- "Jehovaah is Jealous of 111s glory : and prayed and promise( told reeelved mercy. ,t4) wulpprot1,111)011111. eat always plans the beet for persons or pee 111114. 1114 111111 Is 1'111101Ulr 1114' 111g1 - 0s1 10. 01b111114'8 10(111111 1110 scope of either. Not only are leo pnrlale0 :he 'Helmet, but (lis 111111 1104111 4111)' the e11611•81 11)141 most efficient. God 4omeliau•s emmel1l to what Hr does not approve. Three ie often a noe- o11cl choice for thole who wilt not have (loll') bi')t, but it always means a lower level of exietmice, an in- crease of perplexities and a lessening or achievement. God eonsretell to brut did not nppro,m of the petab- ibeim4'ot of the monarchy, end many, worn the. cpprrw,oloes :11111 i1rife8 v111,101) followed; though the "Lord did not forwake ills people for His great mane') sake." Pioniil0s and tlreatenings. The (hart incentive to duty is "the merry el (;ore' Only when Hen InPlr1PR (1111 1101,0 11101110 lo0e 11.401)111)' mor) 8eterr measures, 1111 It loving parent makes the reel the beet resort to eecuriag 1 obedience, Persons or peoples are 111TERNATIONAI, LESSON 50. Ill. JULY 19, 1908. Samuel's Farewell Addre',,-1 Sou. 1!: 13-ei Commentary. - t'0unex;ti)g Links. "The fact that Staid was permit ted to return again to private life shows that there w•lt44 considerable lhsnppointmeut over 1114 elm:tee 1. There may tt:100 1301111 a fetling that Ito weer too obscure a person anti of insufficient age 111)11 experience to be suddenly advanced to the head of 1111, other." 1t wee 1111 1141443' matter to establish a mon- archy ovor a people that had never hitherto been subject to as human king; and It seemed ❑aa'e- snry for Kam to go out before them end show leis prowess and daring 111 01111-1 to gain theje euro- lidenee. 1. Samuel's integrity tea. 1.111. nmuel, though 11' w.1114 x1111 to re- tain lila Influence and authority as prophet, 110W 411,4'1110R 111,11 tile time has come for tee public, surrender of his office its Judge, uo ruler. "There must 'Lave been it udghly en'11(11111' in UN bosom when he itt• teeter this valedictory to 1111/ 1100 - WO whose interests had been the burden of his heart and prayers for se, many y0(ar44. 111111 111111011 1111 1 1 now reached a 11(10- era in its development, nud its future weal or Ivor depended of the people's i.b..dieuce to the commandments of tied. This impressive truth the vemen1(10 prophet 441101044, througle out hie entire 1111111040, to fareeu indrlibl)' upon their mends." 11 1ern) 1'4 Ingratitude (vs M121. In these ver0(H Samuel "recalls .fe- ('0v,111 s past no roes awl upbraids them with unbelief and ingretidud0 ter demanding a king."-Wheloi s tone. .After referring to the man - tier In widen lied had deilverMl them from Egyptian bondage, Sam- uel cn11H attention to tete "three chief opprisenlr8 of 1801101 during the 1-1010d of the Judges: 1.. The Catlnnnite4 10110 wore led by S.ilerii tho general of tho army of King robin. 2. !Otte PhtliHti,nes. 3, The Monletes under Eglon. He thea mentions four deliverers of the na- Oen : 1. derubbaal, or (Hilton. ". Beene -Probably Barak Is meant. 3, Jo .1115th, elm Gih4141!le. 4. ea4n- uol.-+Cam. I1lh. 11I. damn, iia words ('0)1(1 111'41 ccs. Iii -14 1. 1:1-1 5. Ye have chosen -Though Go;l chore 58111, yet the prone are sell le choose bpm, either became' they filmier that form of government, or because they couflrul. d Hod's choice. --L'racon. 1f vo will fear - With whom or against whom le the 11411141 of the. Lord 1 The answer to thtg qum44tion depends on whether one has given himself to be the Lorol's with 11114 whole heart, and has submit- ted fatty to the divine will. wheat harvest- "That season In Palestine occurs at the end 1)f .Tole or Ito leginuing of July. When 1t evident or never rains, and the sky is clow+ll a there could tot, therefore, have been a strong - 1' or mere ar,,,ronriate proof of 11 its sttblh111 etartifestaliees in do - tense of 1118 people 110 voted awl wed forget:' (tor forbid that I -Teri con- duct of Sanmel in thio 1vh0le affair of the king's appointment shelve Idnt to have been a groat and good man who stink all private anal 1)00siroat confor 4filsrleo»nI try a 541041;r111111i1W110No best wor(s ill 1111,11110 were to warn the people and their king of the dan- ger of al7ostas3' 1n disobedience, to ItaL-,I•, {r. & D. To pray -Though tIeropr ( by phet e0osl terrst Alehis rt ( tit 1001011 bo a Bin to cease tnaying fur them. Wheat eucelt(ney of clal'urcter and heart lerovenled 111 11110 Inc111ration! 1 will 109/111 you-" 5a.mute clots not with:prou11raw 1(1 thetpublic life; he rontinneme of hlsllrin- tr'roosslon and peephole' labors In re - meet to the whore people. Tonchinge- True followers of Christ are those. who Nerve 0(111 obey 11hm. 51101) do not rubel ag(lnet the Lord -the spirit of rebellion has been taken out of their hearts. (sod has many ways of convincing 1314) people that lie has all power anti authority. pjACTICAt. t3GRCI:S. Two etrlktng and Important events confront us in the a1ody of Ole les - eon. Th(' c111N(ng `id n long, upright Tient public eareer, 11nds1drnd1lpyr(fl, and the transition from an eslab- Ii hl*: and 111010113' appointed form of government to another, timelier but n.etrlc.i, and unoanctiolled by the Su- 'premc Authority. .A rlgh-troun administration. earn- uol Tormn the connecting link be- tween the judgeship and 1110 mon- archy.'lie 411)1114 pe'rless In the long Del of Judges which for more ::hen four hundred years lw.d gov- erned Israel. To the force of hie persenal character and 0(111110! 4! ra- 1(4') nhllity la due the r'e.'Ormatlon of the people from a condition of an- archy to one of peace and rteipeot for Justice. A wonderful history. The Jewish nation le the standing miracle of history. In the record of 110 people of the past 01' present are there such pronounced and permanent evidence-' of (thine interpoeit!On both to pre- 1 teat and etatiotrt of old they hail been a "ettiff-necked and rltelli0111 people," and nothing but a euprinu' ,self-forgetfwlness on the part 01 their groat leader, together with 11 p rts!aient pleading, had 8ave1 them from nit ter 114«trnction M rnenlonsly led and divinely get-me(1, they weer 41111 fickle, uncertain Rota ever prone to (discontent and d!srb. diene'. Per - Wheel with severity, they 'erl sl unto the Lor." confr'nw'd their 81114, never oufferel to g11 wrong 1111- warntel. (lot (Melee Out danger slg- nate at the entrance rind along the proem:es of atm' path to ruin. lie will not prevent a perverse choice, but will not oaten It to he in Ignor- ance. QUEERMORMON RITES t' 11L11,11,' C 1 11.11.10.,,, 14':: 11 11 1111'1, 111,',. 1,, .1 1.1 • 111110 \ 11,1 Lgt wlh .,;1' ., • 10 l., 111 lrlill)'1,. 1,i ell „a.... . 111, ,i'.1i11(1,1 lit ,l 11,.., b' ,a. ,.1 1•,t 1e1.. di.:•'ll.tieilt,l u. 1'' 1111', 1'• ((111(1 /111.1 hl,. 1111„1, 1. ',9 to 1i i lea !_l,,l b1', Oan ll. ,,. lent• o. 111, )0'0,1' 111 ,1i 11 1F' ,.111)11-41 (lettell' Itis ell 1', 1'e 011 J1111. 1.411 W (1:111, 1:0 1 1,1 111^ '1.'-0'. 11)1,11.4) 0 11 n,-en•I 4)11.!1111111 11)01,i. rl ,1. 111,- 50118 111111 dna;:t.tlr,--,,ii, The Little 'rot's 'irritation. The Lewiston, Me., Journal puts of record h "true glory.” that comes from Waterville, to that Stale, It ore:erred at a : testing of tho Sunday 4/11101 in one of the \Jaterlitle churches, Just before the 0314)804) were to be excused the impotent(ndent asked it there tette 14113' 0110 present who would like to make ant r1'marke or askant' 11(1(,8. tions. all Was still for a moment, and then a little tot of 5 yelr44 Raid: "1',i like to speak n piece," "Very well, my little mise, Yoe shall speak a pie'Ce." The tittle girt walked slowly clown the aisle, and, taking 11 positlon directly in front of the altar, Made a neat bow' and Raid: ']imrl• 40.41 a )0110 10011111IIw'ho kept her head 0.110bbin', AN he 110bleed up a big tat worm; .Ind he mid, "I've eat forty-two brothers and half a dozen others, .\1'd (,roily, how It tickles when they squirm 1 The little girt bowed, and amid laughter and applause, reternee to a sent beside her mothier, There are much more eloquent in- tilen.tione of the ragged edge of di- mple than the fringe around the bottom of a man's trotters. None Left To Bother You After Using Wilson's n❑mbo•r,' f 51 --have genes l r-„1'•. d Leo, famif le 11111 many ie t;1 e were g0thrr0d from fa' 111111 mete or e1.1'1 rued 111101' up UPI 1004'1. that 111,• (11n:d4) ie to do ac0o'diI.1 tot)„ M1/1 100111 011 ol. roue' came from tee klorneer wile meets 111 1 11naule, '.1.1- ert. 41st] 11 ,01.11, (111,1 41111 nOt 011 (tout tee. 1' 1(1.11. b two'n. 111 1!,'- 44cue. el '1” prt,phet 41.1' nolo prey; 111, 11!though a.oel of 1111110 s111- 11101'8 111'1' b roul'n ('eh11 01111 1 The nrter04411DM (('ata'' of lir' '„1- 1)0111 mertmg, 110100101, 11••4 in hill 1011µm, - of the, family orgenizatlee, v, Met iv to 1111 Meteorai work or ll' 1,114 elute, of lit Milan Yo,l.:g It 111 a clu'diunl doterine of the 114,0- 11 nr- 11 O11 0111 11.11 11011 110 11'),011 e l s reach 1110 irieli 081 of the kmn3d031.14 in til' after life nutmeg he 01' she is bn.ptlzl'd by one of the p0irs18 of the church. 1,1 2111,')• 10 pi 0%1,1, for ler, I110'' ev,stleg h tween the w,lMlriove fel of the true goyt^I from 111.1 ruche --am-mitring to 111 - et n'nloi 1I'rol'rge in about -lie) A, D. -and Ito return through ampler emelt In the• ,eerie 111.1 0” 110. 1/11.1 11/1011k, It was "reve111111" 10 `/111111 (hat n des -end - alt of any person who 10,10 ,lend ('011111 h„ hn.plired 111 111.1 or her 1:1011, Owl Ne Make the recoel emnpl,de. It IN 111 Memnon belief that the 1,111111 of unit:weirvl ,piiirsons era held in Ih 1 " c11e01ial or terrestri,ll'` kunnton41-l1 lower kiugd.ens fn tl,r other w0)l,l-awnlUreg the :u' - 0e11 111 1.011' ,l ar11dlu1ts to per- mit them to amen' I into the "uelee- ((1!' I:inetiren. 111.1 h lir rr4 rterl for lir' 1.1411. 1'otsequenlly the read- mit, of the roam., family, 44011) 11 11.1100 ago, aud.rto0k to trete back 1,411' 81101 F11, 1114 far .1s they 00011 g0. 1,11,1 protide' for 1,11 whew, relationship could be shown an en- try into the highe•4l of the other worlds, They have gone to the early fart of the eleetteeeth century already learning that the first ancestor of Brigham Young. who came to Am- erica, was a reei11sn1 of the Provi- dence Plnnl111ions. being one of the e:u'ly felt-IOrs. Other anerstore serve' in the Indian ware. and one f0ngllt with dietinctlon in the 311110 of the TievolntIon. Efforts are now being made to trnce the relation- ship across the atlantic nee carry the family re'ord8 1'N ter es poHHlble Into England, the plan hying to go hack 111 40 -1, D., if any records can b1' found, which, of coulee, 1' out of the question, in view of the seater of l';egland lama( that time. Where-, PI' n. neo 0n0os't0, Is found ono of the members of the family, tt ho ie engaged In what is known 1144 the "temple work,'' groes to the big temple in this rile and 'motes thmngh 1'n reelspeculiar (memo - Mee akin 10 thee of the "endow- ment," eft called, by which a novice is initiated into the (1714teriee of the church. This worker takes the name of the person for whom tho 111, is to be performed, Is anointed with oil and baptised. and then gone tbr0Ogle yarfou44 secret eere- mo1111w. The worker In the final degree as - rends into a lona representing the "terrestrial" kingdom. This 1s painted fantastically to represent 44 condition of disorder in the world, with birds and beasts fighting, storms blowing and dleaeter on every hand. Another room repre- eent8 the "eeh'4t!al" kingdom, where peace reigns, but 81111 One 1s bound to earthly things. The "celestial" room 110 a. han(isom0ly fitted etp place hung with cove);- fabriee and ablate with light, with the ceiling covered 101111 e11101ero of fruit and 01/108 ar- ranged to glue the idea. that here ono garners all the rewards or the world. Tim work of the Young family Is being duplicated by various other families in Mornlondom, and the bap- tismal rites Ilt the various temples tax their capacity. 501.1t Lake, 'Utah. cor. Philadelphia Ledger. Fly Pads Bald Ev'rrywhere. 10 cents The Last Maori King. The 11,0011 t1111el 01 a Heat (ell the legislative council of New ?Raised by Malewta, the temente 'Maori King' wanks (.110' end of an interesting dy- mekty. It IH true that Mfaltuta never s00re1sel any 0)1111 authority over We Mnorl countrymol. His saverelgntf wee 01 n 8111 1101V character, but 1'1 the 4111010 1111 be never made anj format eutin(NNi0a. Ills father, Taw- hla0, the 1410/111 Maori king was re- peatedly offered 1a heat ln the up- per 101141, but nlu-aylr declined. Taw - WWI: (1(11104, 1'atetau, the founder of the dytar•)ty', was It fnm011144 fight- ing rifle!, and n.)1 intimate friend of sir JelO) I1001A. whom he Hayed from a4Fas4lnlatiorn ton 41110 01100,4410) by a II11.01r w'en'ding. Tawldao was the 0111y 0110 o! the 111ree to come 10 England, 11.1(11 11,k tattered majesty elle the 1111/1 of it 1.omlot 101'00011 as melee, of decades ago, out hr waft very angry nod tndiguent 110,111100 ho 11,114 1104 attordwl a p'e;lut.1 11110r. view' 0111 the 1.41,11'/1. Ile 11,14 10 he content 14)4111 panring 11114 grey:m ere into the not polrtlenirn'Iy ,ympnthe- tie for 0e 1111' late lie el of 1H•1'by.-- lesetion Deily l'hrou!ele_.. Fatal to the 3'ye lght. Nies: p' eters1rmp:ol e 1 in the 1','tae- tinn 111'a 111111 Ii, 1 girl 10 110. 1 le ae 14111 s. Fra 111'y .'1'r 18,11'e'eil 0 1 i1 t,er. et age, 111111. n 14 !n> 1 111 h 011)1' tet 111 b ill'. Tilt • I in 11 91(10.1 by 111;1 1'C"r 41('01• ,,:1 111 gyre from t.•' 1)1'4114 !tic.. HAMILTON'S CREAT Note the Days: August 17 18 19 20 1903 SUMMER .CARNIVAL and 010 BOYS' REUNION Arenege Smit' vista tion to rover the(4(' four days 11)111 110 with IIs. 51NI11,141 FARE from all pointe la 011111rio cage of Port Arthur. 11 its sttblh111 etartifestaliees in do - tense of 1118 people 110 voted awl wed forget:' (tor forbid that I -Teri con- duct of Sanmel in thio 1vh0le affair of the king's appointment shelve Idnt to have been a groat and good man who stink all private anal 1)00siroat confor 4filsrleo»nI try a 541041;r111111i1W110No best wor(s ill 1111,11110 were to warn the people and their king of the dan- ger of al7ostas3' 1n disobedience, to ItaL-,I•, {r. & D. To pray -Though tIeropr ( by phet e0osl terrst Alehis rt ( tit 1001011 bo a Bin to cease tnaying fur them. Wheat eucelt(ney of clal'urcter and heart lerovenled 111 11110 Inc111ration! 1 will 109/111 you-" 5a.mute clots not with:prou11raw 1(1 thetpublic life; he rontinneme of hlsllrin- tr'roosslon and peephole' labors In re - meet to the whore people. Tonchinge- True followers of Christ are those. who Nerve 0(111 obey 11hm. 51101) do not rubel ag(lnet the Lord -the spirit of rebellion has been taken out of their hearts. (sod has many ways of convincing 1314) people that lie has all power anti authority. pjACTICAt. t3GRCI:S. Two etrlktng and Important events confront us in the a1ody of Ole les - eon. Th(' c111N(ng `id n long, upright Tient public eareer, 11nds1drnd1lpyr(fl, and the transition from an eslab- Ii hl*: and 111010113' appointed form of government to another, timelier but n.etrlc.i, and unoanctiolled by the Su- 'premc Authority. .A rlgh-troun administration. earn- uol Tormn the connecting link be- tween the judgeship and 1110 mon- archy.'lie 411)1114 pe'rless In the long Del of Judges which for more ::hen four hundred years lw.d gov- erned Israel. To the force of hie persenal character and 0(111110! 4! ra- 1(4') nhllity la due the r'e.'Ormatlon of the people from a condition of an- archy to one of peace and rteipeot for Justice. A wonderful history. The Jewish nation le the standing miracle of history. In the record of 110 people of the past 01' present are there such pronounced and permanent evidence-' of (thine interpoeit!On both to pre- 1 teat and etatiotrt of old they hail been a "ettiff-necked and rltelli0111 people," and nothing but a euprinu' ,self-forgetfwlness on the part 01 their groat leader, together with 11 p rts!aient pleading, had 8ave1 them from nit ter 114«trnction M rnenlonsly led and divinely get-me(1, they weer 41111 fickle, uncertain Rota ever prone to (discontent and d!srb. diene'. Per - Wheel with severity, they 'erl sl unto the Lor." confr'nw'd their 81114, never oufferel to g11 wrong 1111- warntel. (lot (Melee Out danger slg- nate at the entrance rind along the proem:es of atm' path to ruin. lie will not prevent a perverse choice, but will not oaten It to he in Ignor- ance. QUEERMORMON RITES t' 11L11,11,' C 1 11.11.10.,,, 14':: 11 11 1111'1, 111,',. 1,, .1 1.1 • 111110 \ 11,1 Lgt wlh .,;1' ., • 10 l., 111 lrlill)'1,. 1,i ell „a.... . 111, ,i'.1i11(1,1 lit ,l 11,.., b' ,a. ,.1 1•,t 1e1.. di.:•'ll.tieilt,l u. 1'' 1111', 1'• ((111(1 /111.1 hl,. 1111„1, 1. ',9 to 1i i lea !_l,,l b1', Oan ll. ,,. lent• o. 111, )0'0,1' 111 ,1i 11 1F' ,.111)11-41 (lettell' Itis ell 1', 1'e 011 J1111. 1.411 W (1:111, 1:0 1 1,1 111^ '1.'-0'. 11)1,11.4) 0 11 n,-en•I 4)11.!1111111 11)01,i. rl ,1. 111,- 50118 111111 dna;:t.tlr,--,,ii, The Little 'rot's 'irritation. The Lewiston, Me., Journal puts of record h "true glory.” that comes from Waterville, to that Stale, It ore:erred at a : testing of tho Sunday 4/11101 in one of the \Jaterlitle churches, Just before the 0314)804) were to be excused the impotent(ndent asked it there tette 14113' 0110 present who would like to make ant r1'marke or askant' 11(1(,8. tions. all Was still for a moment, and then a little tot of 5 yelr44 Raid: "1',i like to speak n piece," "Very well, my little mise, Yoe shall speak a pie'Ce." The tittle girt walked slowly clown the aisle, and, taking 11 positlon directly in front of the altar, Made a neat bow' and Raid: ']imrl• 40.41 a )0110 10011111IIw'ho kept her head 0.110bbin', AN he 110bleed up a big tat worm; .Ind he mid, "I've eat forty-two brothers and half a dozen others, .\1'd (,roily, how It tickles when they squirm 1 The little girt bowed, and amid laughter and applause, reternee to a sent beside her mothier, There are much more eloquent in- tilen.tione of the ragged edge of di- mple than the fringe around the bottom of a man's trotters. None Left To Bother You After Using Wilson's n❑mbo•r,' f 51 --have genes l r-„1'•. d Leo, famif le 11111 many ie t;1 e were g0thrr0d from fa' 111111 mete or e1.1'1 rued 111101' up UPI 1004'1. that 111,• (11n:d4) ie to do ac0o'diI.1 tot)„ M1/1 100111 011 ol. roue' came from tee klorneer wile meets 111 1 11naule, '.1.1- ert. 41st] 11 ,01.11, (111,1 41111 nOt 011 (tout tee. 1' 1(1.11. b two'n. 111 1!,'- 44cue. el '1” prt,phet 41.1' nolo prey; 111, 11!though a.oel of 1111110 s111- 11101'8 111'1' b roul'n ('eh11 01111 1 The nrter04411DM (('ata'' of lir' '„1- 1)0111 mertmg, 110100101, 11••4 in hill 1011µm, - of the, family orgenizatlee, v, Met iv to 1111 Meteorai work or ll' 1,114 elute, of lit Milan Yo,l.:g It 111 a clu'diunl doterine of the 114,0- 11 nr- 11 O11 0111 11.11 11011 110 11'),011 e l s reach 1110 irieli 081 of the kmn3d031.14 in til' after life nutmeg he 01' she is bn.ptlzl'd by one of the p0irs18 of the church. 1,1 2111,')• 10 pi 0%1,1, for ler, I110'' ev,stleg h tween the w,lMlriove fel of the true goyt^I from 111.1 ruche --am-mitring to 111 - et n'nloi 1I'rol'rge in about -lie) A, D. -and Ito return through ampler emelt In the• ,eerie 111.1 0” 110. 1/11.1 11/1011k, It was "reve111111" 10 `/111111 (hat n des -end - alt of any person who 10,10 ,lend ('011111 h„ hn.plired 111 111.1 or her 1:1011, Owl Ne Make the recoel emnpl,de. It IN 111 Memnon belief that the 1,111111 of unit:weirvl ,piiirsons era held in Ih 1 " c11e01ial or terrestri,ll'` kunnton41-l1 lower kiugd.ens fn tl,r other w0)l,l-awnlUreg the :u' - 0e11 111 1.011' ,l ar11dlu1ts to per- mit them to amen' I into the "uelee- ((1!' I:inetiren. 111.1 h lir rr4 rterl for lir' 1.1411. 1'otsequenlly the read- mit, of the roam., family, 44011) 11 11.1100 ago, aud.rto0k to trete back 1,411' 81101 F11, 1114 far .1s they 00011 g0. 1,11,1 protide' for 1,11 whew, relationship could be shown an en- try into the highe•4l of the other worlds, They have gone to the early fart of the eleetteeeth century already learning that the first ancestor of Brigham Young. who came to Am- erica, was a reei11sn1 of the Provi- dence Plnnl111ions. being one of the e:u'ly felt-IOrs. Other anerstore serve' in the Indian ware. and one f0ngllt with dietinctlon in the 311110 of the TievolntIon. Efforts are now being made to trnce the relation- ship across the atlantic nee carry the family re'ord8 1'N ter es poHHlble Into England, the plan hying to go hack 111 40 -1, D., if any records can b1' found, which, of coulee, 1' out of the question, in view of the seater of l';egland lama( that time. Where-, PI' n. neo 0n0os't0, Is found ono of the members of the family, tt ho ie engaged In what is known 1144 the "temple work,'' groes to the big temple in this rile and 'motes thmngh 1'n reelspeculiar (memo - Mee akin 10 thee of the "endow- ment," eft called, by which a novice is initiated into the (1714teriee of the church. This worker takes the name of the person for whom tho 111, is to be performed, Is anointed with oil and baptised. and then gone tbr0Ogle yarfou44 secret eere- mo1111w. The worker In the final degree as - rends into a lona representing the "terrestrial" kingdom. This 1s painted fantastically to represent 44 condition of disorder in the world, with birds and beasts fighting, storms blowing and dleaeter on every hand. Another room repre- eent8 the "eeh'4t!al" kingdom, where peace reigns, but 81111 One 1s bound to earthly things. The "celestial" room 110 a. han(isom0ly fitted etp place hung with cove);- fabriee and ablate with light, with the ceiling covered 101111 e11101ero of fruit and 01/108 ar- ranged to glue the idea. that here ono garners all the rewards or the world. Tim work of the Young family Is being duplicated by various other families in Mornlondom, and the bap- tismal rites Ilt the various temples tax their capacity. 501.1t Lake, 'Utah. cor. Philadelphia Ledger. Fly Pads Bald Ev'rrywhere. 10 cents The Last Maori King. The 11,0011 t1111el 01 a Heat (ell the legislative council of New ?Raised by Malewta, the temente 'Maori King' wanks (.110' end of an interesting dy- mekty. It IH true that Mfaltuta never s00re1sel any 0)1111 authority over We Mnorl countrymol. His saverelgntf wee 01 n 8111 1101V character, but 1'1 the 4111010 1111 be never made anj format eutin(NNi0a. Ills father, Taw- hla0, the 1410/111 Maori king was re- peatedly offered 1a heat ln the up- per 101141, but nlu-aylr declined. Taw - WWI: (1(11104, 1'atetau, the founder of the dytar•)ty', was It fnm011144 fight- ing rifle!, and n.)1 intimate friend of sir JelO) I1001A. whom he Hayed from a4Fas4lnlatiorn ton 41110 01100,4410) by a II11.01r w'en'ding. Tawldao was the 0111y 0110 o! the 111ree to come 10 England, 11.1(11 11,k tattered majesty elle the 1111/1 of it 1.omlot 101'00011 as melee, of decades ago, out hr waft very angry nod tndiguent 110,111100 ho 11,114 1104 attordwl a p'e;lut.1 11110r. view' 0111 the 1.41,11'/1. Ile 11,14 10 he content 14)4111 panring 11114 grey:m ere into the not polrtlenirn'Iy ,ympnthe- tie for 0e 1111' late lie el of 1H•1'by.-- lesetion Deily l'hrou!ele_.. Fatal to the 3'ye lght. Nies: p' eters1rmp:ol e 1 in the 1','tae- tinn 111'a 111111 Ii, 1 girl 10 110. 1 le ae 14111 s. Fra 111'y .'1'r 18,11'e'eil 0 1 i1 t,er. et age, 111111. n 14 !n> 1 111 h 011)1' tet 111 b ill'. Tilt • I in 11 91(10.1 by 111;1 1'C"r 41('01• ,,:1 111 gyre from t.•' 1)1'4114 !tic..