The Blyth Standard, 1903-07-16, Page 64444.4444444+++++.+++444 SICK TWO YEARS BRAIN RACKING PROBLEM THiS 144444444444x44444+4+4+4+4 (Detrufl Times.) ,We aro told that a loan Is as old en lie feels, and it woman as old as t11e looks. If that , rule wore re- versed, I imagine that Miss Lena Werner, aged 0, of llummouton, N. J., must have felt about five years old the other evening, to Judge by the following story, pulablied in the New York World of yesterday now late may a young woman of EO sit up with her beau, slid may a young woman of that age be seaukcvl by her stepmother If she decbuee to go to bed at the hour est by the bottsehoid rules These are grave questions which the Atlantic County Court will be palled on to decide In the case of tits Lena Werner, who Dae cattecd the arrest of her stepmother, Mrs. Frederick Werner, ou •t charge of assault and battery. The casts was beard by Justice of the fence Gar- ton, at `Hammonton, N, J., and when the accused woman learned that site must furnish 1200 Dell, she cried : I will not furutsh lull. When I get out of thio I will follow Lena to the end of the earth and give her another tgsaukieg or something worsoJ' Miss Werner says she has been re- ceiving the atteitione of a young matt of Neeco. When he called last 'Saturday night her stepmother in- formed her that she must go to beef before 12 o'clock. After midnight, she 'Jaye, Mra Werner cajled down the stairs and salt she must retire at once. "I wilt go to bed when I get ready, Mss Lena replied. There were heavy footfalls on the Maims. Mrs. Werner weighs more than 200 pounds, and In another mo- ment Mies Lena teas acroee the knee of stepmother, and the sounds of spanking were heard throughout the house. The terrified beau fled. Mies Werner ()unmated Justice of the Pence Garton, aid he deelded to Interview Mrs. Werner. lie sats that stile he triad to argue with her she grubbed her stepdaughter anal fin - tithed the wanking then and there. The luvtice had sufficient evidence and Issued the warrant. I remember an ohm recitation of my pcboolboy days, which was a favor- ite among those girls who imagined themselves big enough to be per- mitted to "cit tip" eveninge with their "beaux." It begun tilts way: "The cluck has struck ten, Willie dear, and you know. Papa ham said that at ten you suet gFoch verse ended with, "delve, kiss me goof -night, dear, kites we good- night.' and as there were several veraeo, mph one covering an hour of time, 1t is evident that Willie, in spite of papa's Injtmction, did nut go at lme Down in New Jersey, where I pear - ed my boyhood day., 11 woe -and still la for all I know to the contrary - the custom for one "chap" to try to "out -sit" the other, when two hair paned to cell on the same girl at the same tone. This was pretty lulyd an tho gal, as tho ruche swains thought nothing of sitting grimly un- til the crowing cocks and lowtnw eat- tlo reminded them that daylight was at hand. Still, the girls never eieenied to mind It very much ; they rather took delight In favoring fire( one, these the other of their rural adntir- ers, much after the fashion, albeit a little more crude, of their urban mdutere. The oaee in point, however, Devolves more dins the right to "sit tip" past midnight. Which of us Is then'p who, having once enjoyed tlatt incompar- able privilege la the heyday of youth, would refuse it to the young folks of to -da ' t Young peop'e can go with- out sleep a great deal better than Did people, and as long as no harm 1* meant or done. why deprive them of tho pleasure of yawning 1n each other's face, and murmuring putt no - hitless by the light of the moon or the gas -turned low, of course" But that a stop -mother phould be permitted tc go tcathlees after 'peaking a yang lady of 21) yedtrs, right In the presence of her "fellow," Is too ohocking to assume, The old lady, should be punished to precleely the mate manner ae elle castigated her hudbarai'a offepring. There are, doubtless, many persons who will decry the courage of Lena'e "beau," which inspired blot to flee., lmatead of gallantly rescuing her from the ponderous embrace or her peepp-�ma. I don't know, though, that be 1* to be blamed for heating a lore• ctpitate retreat. Discretion, you know, N oft the better part of valor, while He•whosite, then rune In flight, May live to sit mottle other night. It's bad enough for -a man to dire agree with hie really, truly, mother- in-law. To do act when she is only a proepentive mother -Ln -law, and tt ptep.one at that, would be the height of folly. And than, too, one must re- member that it would be difficult for so ardent lover to find the object of bleeders -Hon In a teas romantic attt- ' 1e than the one into which Mime Idea was forced by her obdurate steep-pe.rentess. A man might be moved to tears to ouch a case, but berdly to heroics. • BUT WAS CURED Dodd's Kidney Pills Credited with Another Victory over Lumbago John Hall, a Quebec Bricklayer, tells how his Troubles Vanished when be Tried the Great Canadian Mid. ney Remedy. Quebec, July 1",-(8 trciall - One Moro rt'umrkahld cure lune been mark- ed, up to the cridit of Dodds kidney Pille In Lltle city. John Ball, brick- layer, of 17 Lit tie Champlain street, bathe man cured. Interviewed regard- ing the matter, tie sale(: "I have been troubled with lum- bago for two years and timid not do my work. I was also suffering from urinary troubles and hal to get up at night 00 emelt that my rest was epotled. , "I houghlt one box of Dodges Kid- ney Ville, and after I had used them began to see and feel a change. I have mall three hoxes and I am now cured" Sinner curer; by Dodd's Kidney Pilto are reported so frequently that it seems safe to say that Dodd'o Kidney Pelle will cure any form of Kidney Complaint or any dleeaee catered by disordered Kidneys. A Happy Editor. IAlynror F:xproas, Julio 0.l The man who gives away the old baby buggy, eradto and high chair, under rho Impression that he Is dead sore not to have any more use for them, is a big chump. That's what wo did, only some fifteen year* ago, and on Tuesday test another baby made ,jte appearance in our home. Ilea only a boy, but as he Is the cutesy., sweetest, smartest, pretti- etpt thing; that eter happened, are have (made up our mind to keep him. Ili our present excited condition it im Impossible for ns to give an ex- tendel deerriptlon of this remark- able cldtd thea wewk. We have changed our mind on tate boy question, how- ever, and begin to feet a deep sym- pathy for the poor, good-for-noth- ing fellows who have nothing but girls and are trying to delude them - s 41'00, ate We diet for so many years, with the Idea that they are stationed and happy. Our experience and ex- ample should give them renewed hope and encouragement. The k1d has not learned to smoke yet, although he eeemo to crave no end of friends who do. Thet'o L., a t'Sgar for each of them so long as oar puree hangs out. Con- firmed old beehelore and married men without a boy barrel. Married men with no children at all shot on eight. loo Cream In a Cup You Can Eat. Al rew kind of leo cream sandirich will exon nuke its appearance on the streets. It to an English in- vention, but a hustling vendor hats secured the American rights to tt anti will place it on tjte market at soon as hie factory 1s In running order. Once the ice-cream pedtere sold their ware on a stip of paper, which, when the cream was eaten, was thrown away. Then the Ira. cream sandwich, as we know it now, came Into being. Now, however, we will have a combination of the two, for the new sandwich Ie a cracker cup titled with cream. The English process, which hakes the cracker in tete form of a cup, alae Imparts varlouo flavors to It, and the happy street urchin can eat his delicacy without having to throw the receptacle sway, as he need to do, and without losing any of the eream by leakage, as Ie now the woe. Spiritual Consolation Exchange. Ser pastor camp to comfort an o1d Barky woman who had mitered a (sad bereavement. 'Well, my good woman," the peetor remark&i, "in your bitter trial I1nope you have found some ray of comfort from the Scriptures" "Indeed I have, dominie," was the aonfldent tlwuglt tearful reply. "That's grated, sister :" exclaimed the parson, sympathetically ; "but ten me what pattsnge of the Word helped you moot ?" - NOrtb and bear it." HINDER TALK. Some of the Important feature* of the Massey -Hunan Blinder are: Folding Divtdere-No bolts or nuts 10 unscrew. You merely releatee a spring on the outside Divider and unhook the Inside one to fold them. A youngster can do It easily and properly. The Dividers are very rigid in their working positions and remain at whatever angle they are folded over the conveyor canvas. Floating Elevators -They literally float. The grain cannot ettck or choke in the Hassey -Harris eleva- tor, no matter how much it le bunched, Simple Knotter-Capable of ad- jurtment to take up wear. Reel -Suited for hatelling the enols under all conditions of wea- ther or land. It will plek up tan- gled or laid grain and lay it neatly on the table. It also handles long or *!tort grain with splendid oilmen. Roller Bearing* throughout to lighten the draft and make the work terry for the horses. The beasts know when they are hitched to a Mammey- Iiarrie-It rune so cagily. PROPHETIC FAILURES, Fantastic Forecasts id the World's Itenew'nt of the Old Past Ince. Mr Baxter's prophecy that the sold is coming to an end In IJ14 le a. revival of a pastime that was epidemic a tett yea 01 ago, 011,f, /I a inuuhrd Itropb-•L+ made slnmihtr ror'- eeete noel went on merrily sL;n- 1ug contracts for long monocle of yeal'a. These prophecleo are always basal nlon a la elastic trod arbitrary tu- terprctalion of soul' portion of the rt;'ripturds, uturiily Daniel or She i;evetn.tion. 'Pias le one wl'lch was advertised estlmsiwily in 1893; 'Two yearn and ten months is ell tits time that reit-mine from fust Fri- day -Ally 3tle, 1893, until March :,fid l890 -when the teen -Let on o' 111,- 0011 livIeg 1'lu'intlans without (Il- ing lo Heaven is wipes:tett" It then want on to declare that a groat Eu un war wets Imini nent to ext"lid I, Mire to the Rhin^, and form rho Confederacy of Ten Ktng- doms--Franco, Britain, Spain, defy, Au et Greene, Egypt, eyrla, Tor - key and the Balkan tate. - the Taw -horned Wild Beast mtmtion"d 10 Daniel vii, 21. Most of these propheelee are strongly' agoInet Germany, who is always declared to be outside the eonfederacle1. In 1891 a statement appeared for non • days in the Tints advertise- ment :.'plume to the effect that a Napoleon would be King of Syria in 1891, after fleet appearing In Dan- fel'e little born or King of a little (:reek State, probably Mtoolonla, in 1893. After tide he wlte to reign ad dortocrnUe Emperor over ten kingdom" for a period or 1,.00 days. Then 11) 1901 he was to Per - at the battle of Armageddon. Tide coming great Napoleon tine prophet of dissolution declared to be " young Loch+ Napo)eon, 10110 is now eolonei of a Russian regiment at Tillie, In the Catteaalle." All the prophets -aril they were many -agreed that the old world could not Furtive the pluming of the century. ride was their final shot. They had ghee preddeuS date., bat always Were courteous enough to et'aoge thele when the day passed by. --London Expre-se. Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder ie better than other powders, as it is both soap and disinfectant. .t Ileal Mean. Chicago News. Rees -Young MIftklne le daffy on the subject of matrimony. Ile alike every girl he meet* to marry him. "ebb --Well, n'hy don't you get come ono 10 IntroIlls e .tOn?" F:nvles the Peds. London Free Preen. '.oho wouldn't be a schoolmaster for tho next couple of mouths? It must be pie. Minard's Liniment Cures target In Cows The Proper Classification. De Style -Ts he a ebip of the old block ? 'Gnnbestn-No, !no's a claw of tbe old lobster. Raddeck, Juno 11, 1897. C. C. RICHARDS & CO. Dear S1rw- MINAR.D'S LINIMENT Is my remedy for NEUIIAL(IIA. It relieves at once. A. 8. McDONALD. More or Less Philosophy. Love is a monopoly -but 1t In not always a trust. A. position in hand 1s worth a dozen In prospect. One pair of yellow sheer does not make a summer. You cannot take your money be- yond the grave, but It will pay for a targe, nice epitaph. Moving Is almost an bad as getting married -and moat people have to do it oftener. It is seldom that a man le as good as hie wife tells others he ie, or as bad as she tell, him he Is. Alt cannot pled golf, but tbe hum- blest may carry it few sticks in a canvas ball and Look solemn. If we who listen to anglers' tales may credit wbat they say, we find We the fish with the largest scales Hutt always gets a weigh. • leatlatying the Meaty Soul. Yonkers Statesman. She -They lacy the eyee are the windows of the soul, I believe. He -Yee, and when a man goes into a drug store and shuts a window quickly the clerk knows just about what the poor soul wants, Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. Old-time Forest Fires. Oct. 8, 1825, a conflagration broke out In Central Maine whdch over- ran more titan a million acres of land and swept all before it. About the same time a fire arose near whicttcon the killed more thane Including nearly every mem- ber of the Mamelon tribe of Indi- ans, and which poured a tide of *oorching flame aoross the Province of Quebec, licked up the northern end of New Brunewlek and (11(1 not stop until the margin of at. Lawrence bay was reached and Mirimaohl turn- ed to clnetere and duet In a day. - Bangor, 1[e., News. Sunlight Soap will not burn the nap off woolens nor the surface off linens. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Distemper. IGUT onREDUCES EXPENSE Ask Gr the wagon Ban so Ways or Eating Lett lie, N. V. Prean. There has been all unwritten IOW auwng epicures that fettled ehould neler be cut with a knife. Indeed, 1t should not be touched with a knife, they aty. Now, the common peop;e 11(00 heard thee, anti it Is their habit to roll up a big leaf with a fork, sop It in the dressing fwd peck It In their ntputitu as one used to wad a mussieltoei 1ing gun with a bit of newspaper. Once In a while you will see a dainty eater pick up leaves in the fingers, borri- flet at the thought of touching the lettuce even With it. silver fork. It has not rrcarretl to meet lettuce cetera that the epicures who 00- 11bllshed these unwritten MVPS ate ucly the heart of the vegetable. which does not require cutting, parking or wedding, but nray be taken on the tip of at fork and ran- veylvt decently to the buccal cavity. Therefore, when in Society, oat only the heart. if you- want the best part of the lettuce (the outer leave..) Break into the kitchen, shake It lit- tle pepper and salt in your bund aril go ahead. "THF ONLY WAY." There to but one way to property appreciate tete advantages of a trip to New York or Boston on the trains of the New York t': b trail Railway, and that 1* to use the line. See your ticket agent. The Irascible Man. An Irascible man Is a llee at home. His wife le afraid to call her soul her own, feet she should Stir up 01)01 anger. Isle eldldren shrink from his presence in dread at a growl or a (Clow. Ho Ls liko a skele- ton at a felted or a cloud surcharged with storm, He le a penance to !ds wale and to bars example to his chil- dren. He ought to take hie temper and pea a met on It. Le this para- graph for you ".-Cathole Union and Timer. LINGERING, STUBBORN 0110 SORES, the eight of which makes you shudder, aro cured by Weaver's Cerate. The Flood;cleunsing is completed with Wenver'o Ilyrup. Popped Just in Time. Philadelphia Press. " And now, dear," euld the de- tigbted youth, "when may I speak to your father Y' You don't have to, George," re- plied the etv'eet young thing, who had Just nrccpteti Itim. " He told me to -day flet If you didn't steak to me to -night he'd epeok to you to- morrow." Rural Philosophy. The following bit of rur•tl p11110s- optly was overheard In a tacln- ,vutd in the east of England the other day; "James, my eon," said the man, who stood nixing milk and water, "ye see what I'm a-doln' of Y" 'Yee, father," replied James ; "you're spearing water into the milk:" "No, I'm not, James; I'm a -pouring milk into the water, So, 11 any- body axes you if I put water into ttie milk, you tell 'stn no. Alice stick to the truth, James. Cheated ie bad enough, but lyln' is wuse."- Tit-Buts. You can Keep Cool. exchange, If yen- I 1 I . Don't get exalted. Dress property. Bathe dally in tepid salt water. Cut down tho daily newt supply. Substitute cold cereals for hot ones Dispense with heavy soups. Toru your back on rich deeserte, Have plenty of barrios, fruits, vege- tables. amnesty and cold puddings. Keep the Louse darkened through the haat of the day. Lie down every afternoon. Don't Mange Iced drinks Into a heated ptomaoh. Leave bIf all ennecesaary 'fixings, and be content to look neat and cord -Exatuwere. Mina^dee Liniment Cures L'?hthe- r1a. • Bright Scheme. Chicago News. Parson -Brother, how can we pre- vent everyone from donating cop- pers? Deacon -Oh, I have a good scheme. We'll take up the collection with a cash register. ISSUE N0. 29, 1903 Mn. Windows bombing Childre g U>t I always he need for Chlldreo ,00thei the child, softens thesatna et wine colic and 11 the best remedy for Ufarr EW)NU :MACHINE OPERATORS WANT, u ed—un ladles' and children's headwear' ides, clean, tight One; highest wages an efendy employment ulsu bright girls to learn. I\nos llanohlcttlring Co., 48 and 50 1Velllugton east, Toronto. Summar Excursions To Rochester, 1nn0 islands, nay of Qutnte, Rapids tit. Lawrence, to Montreal Quebec, Murray tiny, niter du Loup, '1 adousae, Saguenay Slyer. Steamers Toronto, Kingston al -o by steamers Hamilton, Spartan and Cersleals Further information apply to H. Foster Chaffee, western 1'tsseager Agent, 'roroutu ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Removes all hard, soft or calloused tamps and blemishes from horses; blood spavin, curbs, epltuts, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, 'prates, sore and swollen throat. coughs, etc, Save 150 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever know& UBE 1,000 MILE AXLE GREASE It Has No Equal Mannfecturod only by THE CAMPBELL MFC. CO. of HAMILTON, ONTARIO. For sale by all lentting dealers. Going Down the Chute. Philedolphia Press. 8t. peter -What did you de on earth? Gambler -Welk I-er-kept a dive, but -- 8t. Peter -Take one now. THE HORSE MARKET Demands Sound Homes Only. Lane hams s n 0 tor. •son halt ti.rir ace„nl, Al, and w•nHthar ' is tau. a Ar he. Lottie, o(h�: r,nie,ly 1.11 t • pnrm 1,0 for o}+ rine, Ringbone. eptl t1 b. I 1 -, , at lonneuaa. s n,tl li nog es gumantce of t-ae,a'ndunwmun as tan one Cured two Bono Spavins al fon Years' Standing. r,tl,;nn r:.v., Ma. ,,, ,)s,. Dr . P. 1. Foden Cn, Gentlemen:—son )3 ago I used )o,,: K.+xt.J1s So.+vin Como, a hone 1101100 mo Hone appname, std it removed them entirely. There SPa,10 1.r1 l,,:en on him Irmo bath and were of ten yus lamb. . 1 sow has ca a of a mare that u mimed bytn' g through a bride, nd am going to rte r deplete treatment with your 810,10 Cure, Noesenndm ,copy of your "Treatise on the Hon end hh Diseases,” Yourr very truly, CLARK 0. PORT. Pries /1; sin air f e. A, a liniment to foully • e 0 baa no gond. Ask e„or Mani t for Eende1I e.01n ears, she "s Ttemles on tn. ao»s; titsbook fee, oraddeu DR. B.J. KENDALL CO,. Enoaburg Falls, yt Nervy its 'tripe ot'Peril. Peek. Ede. -You're so bashful, Mr. Cal 001 1 really believe that if you over marry. the lady will have to pro- pose, Ile -W -Well, but I might baso-er -nerve enoogtr to decline. There ie more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other disesteem put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be Incurable. Fora great many years doc- tors pronounced it a local disease and pree cribed loan remedies and by constantly fall- ing to cure with local treatment,pronounced It Incurable. Science has proven catarrh tobe a constitutional disease anti therefore re. quires a constitutional treatment. Hall'eCa- tarrh Care, manufactured by F. .1 Cheney k Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only constitutional cure on the market. It to taken Internally is doses from 10 drops to a tenopoonful. Itact' directly on the Flood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer Dae hundred doean for filly case It mils to cure. Send for clrcn- tars and teet)monials. Address F. J. CHENEY tit CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by Dre filets -i ac. Hull's Family Pills are the best. Principal Point of DlRererce. Yoskere Statesman. "What is the difference betweea 1.0115 and poultry, pop?" "Wry, hens, my von, aro things that belong to our neighbors, pout. try is something' a man OW00 him. self.' Piles To Trove to you dame Da Cheee'e Ointmentissaoet'tafa and absolute Duro for .a0* and every form of iteble& bleedingand protruding piles. the manufaetarent have guaranteed it. See Ms. Unionists In the daily press and ask your Wile what they think of It, You can us) It atmd getT7our money back it not curod. Me a box. s1 all deslsre or LOMAP1801.4,HATICS k Co.,TomntQ, Dr: Chase's Ointment Hardened. Chicago News. "Man below wants to be a0 ante pire, boos." "Well. does he think ile can stand all the kicks that will Dome his way?" "Guess so. Saye he used to be a complaint clerk In a gas otfloas Just as They Do Ashore. Judge. First Mate -The cook has been swept overboard, sir. Captaln-Hang her! I knenv ebe'd leave wltbout warning. SUPERIOR TO A1.1.. OTI-01ILKlf E. B. EDDY'S NEW INDURATED FIBRE WARE TUBS, PAILS, ETO For sale by all h ill class dealers air INSIST ON OtTTINO t1CODY'. leg