The Clinton News-Record, 1898-12-15, Page 61_111_1-1__- I IF . I i 1. Iii., , I ) " , �_ �_4 �, ____­ - - : I 1. - ­�, C, .i I . I .;*,. '� . - . " " 41 _1�)' I . I . I I . . . I I . I � I . I I . � A, � . . . 6 1 ­____ , � ;- �, I -11011 I ­:. I ­ -111 - ­,­ ­­__,_,­_­_,_ _17.� �,111­2-11"Pw , , , I - I � I I . I I � I I .1 I I . . � - . . I � M , I ill. , - ,, 4_1_. ,;­­ I... I... - IM, '­ . � � ,.� I I . . 7�, % I 1. .;��______ �., ., , , , eit an ' - ' Und `,� I , I . 1-1-1. I , I � " ' Africa Sun. I I � I - . . . . � ­ fJ-,—."f,WJi x. % , �';;=el� "Not more tban ten, You Will act 6r,"p" , .rl" opon my woptl,. Vrmo mind the olbab down f" "Well, If it's like thle­-Yes, HOW, 1W �, ,_ . - I "What's'the.mAttor nowl" - . . *!I'm staggered; I am,', really." what's lie dologt" . Digby ppintod *ross the barranco to . wffig it 6,11, bly d6ilt bdyiltiit. ' where a couple of hundred yards mva�,' . --What about, 16ytl- I "T4 "T4 u Posits ,rook -face, a MAA 9s, the I I . I I � . 41, . think I could be,�Ap ,an db0olute think I could be a�o a' seemed to alowly descending I . ­ " to ' *�r As 0 " ,ao,odle as to let Y04 mora . la�,nd me gi.d,ily wall-. After bixds or rabbits, perhaps," said - hand and toot and beer n , I . I ,. Into a Frasbr. � 4 toft dwULte, Island, in the At? is, to car- "Take care of yourself, old'ohapt" 11_ -L, , - �� C � , rY .Tcur confounded a ens-, be drag- L Shouted Digby; and then As his, voice Was lost in the vastuess,of, the place, — , ". -'� gad out "I'll - 0 out ly hour ..... hours to walk he followed his compa,nion, seaward for I , I LL band miles in the broldip hu of !Is" I. tile hr, %� sun; a few handrail, .the track led yards till I L .,.., - I 0 I, �, u , 6 , "-z.l - p in beds full of the active and f 11 f insect by the Brit- them to a 4ig-zag descent out in the Walk' of rock, down which they went hameless abhorred cautiously and not without hesitation 7-1 inh housewife; and generally become till they reached the little stream at I .. your white bigger, ead,carthores, and.*-- the bottom, crossed it, and ascended the , � "Have you nearly done t" .said Hor. . other side, a similar dangerous path taking them to the top. .1 sce Fraser, with a grim smile upon his "By George, this is aplacol­ said � dry quaint countenance, I DIV as they paused for a few mom- "No; that was only the preface." , on S. . "Listen4l' whispered Fraser, stopping "I . . "Then let's" have the rest when we h sae Of a neatly shart; and there beneath them was a I pfairiting and rustling, followed directly - . printed:book, a, copy of which you, can i a or by the appearance of a dark face rf-7,10--_ " 1-11 . present to me with a paper -knife of with a band across the brow. a man with a basket supported on his 'back . . . wbite.iiory; and I promise you I will b the band to leave his hands free, I . � iever out a leaf or read a line." I crimbing tip from a hidden path among - "Tbanksl:- Diognes." the ferns, and pausing before them to set down his load. I - I I "Diognes indeed I" cried'Fraser with "What have you there I" asked Fras- - ,� ,,, , a snort, as his crisp hair see -nod to er in Spanish. "Dust Ing- (_ itand on end. "Now,look, Tom Digby; about the most ill-condition3d, of the old people, senor, , less," said -the man, smiling. "That is �, ran axe lingrateful, dissatisfied English cub th it one of the eaves below there where em; and he point - I a wer breathed." , ad to an opening just visible amongst �1 I ��, I . "Go it 11" said the gooil-looking Young the growth where the aide,of the ba,r- ranco sloped. . lellow addressed, @is he flung himself "Buried? Therel" said Fraser. 6, Iowa among the ferns and began to "Yes, senor; there are plenty of such . antle his shoes, after wiping his steam- places as this in the sides of the moun- tain." . I .L ,,, I I mg brow, and taking off hi s straw bat, "Curious," said Fraser, eagerly peer- , - - , I to let the hot dry broez6 -blow through ing into the basket of brown dust� stir- _��,% 1Iis crisp "wavy brawn hair. - . ring it with the end of hit; alpenstock., � I , L 11 . _ -I mean to ,go it,, as you so coarse- and uncovering something gleaming and white. 1. ,, , . ;� , � , ly I.orm It, sir," continued Fraser, cross- " Why, it's a toothl" said Digby, stoop- I- �', . I ing his arms on a roughty made alPen- stvck. -I came to you in your black Ing to .pick it out of the basket,, but r ng I su en y. ghl" he ejac- "Why, , ­ , I and grimy chambers, where you were ulate ; t ey're bits of bone." 11 Yes; ver interestin ," said Fr er. � suffering from a soot -engendered cold. "Dust of he uanche mummies. I % 1. . 11 said: "I aba of4 � to -the Canaries for kheW there were remains' to be faun ." "Disgusting `1� �� _­ �� a ,three moxiths' triD. Leave this mls- arable London Markill weather, and I'll ' - - '� D I" ejaculated igby, re- coil' . I I , Vf� do you got this dustl" asked I � take you where you can see the sun t a 'a w h 0 r a ' Y' Frazer of th,6 man. ` ' , #hine."' . ib i a 11 For mX garden,itsenor.,t The pota- "_ 10�4 ' "Sao it shine I Yes; but yo� didn't i , � in 8 t oes and onions like , and is superb." "What does he say ?" , bout feeling it," cried the word abo� t I w- 0 r d a "'They use it for manure for their in a n .,,,,uo you �kxiow the akin an , .JJC � � gardens." Digby seized his friend's arm. "Come � . _ �� my nose, find that the , �j Y 0 � , &,way,,, he said, "No moro vegetables - so - neck is burnt?", I i , v ' I v "v ' did while I stay in bola, Hang it all F I hope thp -don't it � I ey.,. ToT_I ,I ask, � raser, put among I thing 66 lovely before th .y orange -trees. A ,the "Possiblyl Why nott This is the "'Ti r is rather pretty," t debris of mummies, the remains of the ager man. 'eud' old dwpllers here, made of the dust Fraser contemptu- of the earth, returned to the ,dust Of I 4 off his hat, as if out , the earth; and the salts here are tak- , I ure, an azed around , en up by plant -life by Nature's won - . Ulm - , ra 0 Imo in" and hill, Y, Y iderful ,�hemistry.­' %vhose hues Were, dazzling in their ,� 1, hu "I my, don't preach, science," cried rich oolours. He the thre down'bis 0 Urs. He t 7 �� Digbv. "Come along." - 4enstoolr, drew a large geological s raw "Yes, we must go on now." said - . �,�,,, . . . i , riled him- iammer from his bel and.se. Fraser thoughtfully. "but We shall � the grass, w Is is co panion ,;elf U i Ps ha" to come and explore these cav, - .%on 1,roug t out a cold*ohickan, some rk I should- like to take back a few per- : �ead, skid a number of hard-boiled -feat skulls." I P,ggs, finishing off with a bottle and For, the next two hours they wand- , ,iilver cup. � ered on through scenes of surpassing I "Look at that wonderful filin of cloud loveliness, following the faint track . floating toward the volcano, Toral Look which led thern over the mountains till at the sun gleaming upon iLl Just they could see the sea on the other side like a silver Yeil which the queen of of the little island, as they began to . inountains is about to throw over' her descend. Fraser was always busy head." I chi ping fragments of pumice and lava; �� - "Poetry, by jingo I" cried D�igby. picting rare plants, and making a "Brayvo old stones and bones, I sayl goodly. collection for sLudy at the lit - Look at the golden yellow of the hard tle vents, or hodtel where they had yolk lying within .the ivory walls of taken up their quarters, when a rab- this hard-boiled egg; and at the- bit suddenly darLed out across the ver- , There; be hanged if I didn't for- dant path they pursued. - ,111 get to bring some salt I", "Rather tlisappointing place as to �� � ..N Tom Digby made a sound. with bip I grme," said Digby. "Few birds, too. i OL, 'he will ongue as he tasted some f c say, I expect,g(l to see the place wiLh I I as had p9ured into the cup; the. he Canaries as yellow as gold singing on I wade a grimace. every bougli.-Patl" . I �'. ,"I oiiy. Horace. old chap, iti was all - He (4ught his comp4nion's artu, and listen to 1. . very Weil lor t,ba_ oqd people to make thp,y both st'vippil short to ­ ­ a fuse about4hdir saek and canary; bfit 11 a .1�iveet bure voice singing the words �.. part a tankard of hou0st Eng- of some Spanish ditty, the notes ring- iis beer is Worth an ocean of this. ing OuL melodious and clear, though . ruiserAble juice." I the singer was hidden among the trees I.- "Don't drink it, then," said Fraser, through which the path led. I- �ating mechanically, as he gazed about "There's one of your Canary birds," I .. . I -tim at the glorious pines around, and said Fraser in a wfiisper; and directly - � ilien down at the ,tropical foliage of after there was 6. rustle among the '. 1, ,;anana, palm, orange, and lime, two bushes, which were thrust aside; and i ; feo&t. bblow, where it glorified a'gby stood enthralled by the Ficture before .. .4a�ii��a L 8 ovaly valleys and gorges which ran from th6'blaek volcanic' sandy shore him, as a beautiful girl 0 about nineteen bounded down from a rocky right up into the mountzins. ledge above Lbe paLb, her straw hat . I Then a -silence fell upon the scene, hanging by its string from her creamy '. which continued till the al fresco re- throat, and her sun-lardwried face turn- . past was at an end, and Tom Digby ing crimson at the sight of the stra,ng- . deliberately lit up and began to smoke. era, who made way- for her to pass, "What an enthusiastic young gush- laden with flowers, which she had evi- er you are, Horace I" 'cried DigPy bant- dently been gathering in the open- eringly. "For a man of forty-ous, You in#s among the trees. do rather go it." I "Horace, old fellow, did you seel': woftft_%� ' , And for one of twenty-five, You 88- — ---ume -tha Fraser whispered 1)igb�, his eyes sparkling . - airs of &boy," said * 9�111*11 with excitemen . "Yes," was the quiet dbply. I I feel like onei,-Wd chap, out by you old ascetic I" cried Digby. . 4.r W by, it's glorious to breathe ,, el. Violet eyes -brown hair- ;M .his delicious mountain air, to gaze UP- a complexion of wbich Belgravia might . )n the clouds above and below af that - boast. I did not think the Spaniards 1, wonderful blue sda and at the Yellow Ike Yes," he had it in them." . "Yes," "Some pines- which look gold. idded, as he sprang up and gazed said Fraser slowly. of the old race possessed that fair hair. . tbout him, "it is a perfect Eden] Hary'd Philip was fair." Nbat a jolly shame that it should be- "But did nou noLice bar mouth? - . long to Che Spaniards instead of . .11 " ::I dar - I ' Fraser, don't talk of such a vision of beauty as if she were a natural -history .. I M..,esa a have done, or else t a t dpecimenl." . - bave taken it from ,the-th e -what "Weil, don't go an like that about � I , iid you call the aboriginies T' the first pretty woman you see. Only ., _ I "Guanchea.11., yesterday, you were grumbling about . .1 "What a C#ap you are, Horacel You bit their plainness, and sa.?,-ing tnat though they w a of everything." to go about with my eyes thot women here had o�ely eyes, had men's moustaches -they ought to in something shave.-Tbis way -to the right, I tiblouring a meerechdum think," he added, for the road had sud- denly forked. . "And-- Well, afte is beautiful," do ,annoy me, Tom, u man with such cap t Oil cried Digby. "I wonder who she is." - "A Spanish settler's descendant, on will not use them. IM, tb learn Span- Whom , in all human proba,')ility, You t even tried . will never see again," !.aid Fraser both on for the goodf You knowplenty quietly; and they Went half an hour in a silence which wa� I'm well enough Off not to broken by Fraser. I brains about !Spanish."- I Tom I if you only had "Going wrong, evidently," he said; ,,this can't be the way round to the In Will" . 1. have some of those deliol-_ town'." eq." ,, Well, I thought we were going UP Again V" hill again." drinking. Thirsty land, Bar- knew an orange in.lought to have taken the Other turn - never what be, e. And why should Pl, .4,,rry myself .%out languages? I've g.", I This, was so evident, t1lat thef] t rn, a ad book, retracing their steps, ti 1. elos( lively recollection of your namesake at upon the spot.where they had div r ad ,school, and ,Virgil and Homer and all they came suddenly upon at all and- .1 , -Ahe other dead-lan , =96 bufferst-I though, that's ino." I ,, some, Wei -dressed man, who ii rte,� I il . sii�, They had come suddenly upon one of and looked at thoin curiously. "Will tyls senor direct us to th( the gashes in the island known to the town I" said Fraser in Spanish. Spanish. as barrancos-a thorough crack !in the rocky soil, with per- The haughty searching look gav( and tb( �,_ or crevice pendicular sides clothed -with Mosses, ferns, and the various growth$ which; place to a winning MnUia, I stranger volubly indicated the right road, and then said laughingly in Eng. found a home in the disintegrating lava Here lish: "But,do, you understand me?" "Yes, "ant of which the place was composed. perfectly," replied Fraser; the various patches of green were of the brilliant tints, kept ever I wish my Spanish were as good si English." . � modt and verdant by the moistul.,o trickling your Then punctilious words were" ex. I down from'abovo. changed, and the stranger passed on. I " Mi n d hat you are doi ill eald nf , I'M you beH&ve In first impressions back I I I J" Fras r stooping to db P off (I or, 'res Horace f" said Digby, glancing .- I fragment of Perfectly black lift from and then uttering an impatient exola- - a bare spot. mation. . ' Y et ; - it would be on awkward "No -What's she matterf" I L tuMe"' said Digby, as he leaned for- "Thimb fellow was looking after Us.' ward 'ad peered over the ledge. "Vivo "Well, you were looking after him I . hundred toot. I daresq, 11 "Mort likeiy a thousand, 00 said Fras, "The or you would knot have seen. -What 44 you Mean bz your 1frat impte lonst, "I look that 'Vellow., � ar. distances ate greater than don't If o the of 1 ,� A You think." "Ali, well, don',t bmko Mli-sh differ- "Insular projo.dim " I t I "MrIT care what 'it,111s; I don't Ilb Once to a man Who 4alla Wh6fht5P he him, and I'm sure Iniaver. abiduld.- I � I.. I I . . tumbles fiv6 hundred Or a thousand feet. -Going -Along bare#" 1-liAti de. l,V_ # ,lit Jt_ A a WhZ Horace, look thevol" A ob twenty ydrda ilk front I wits th4 It th6v had so lately met I and 41 L . t U"V3 t,Ktwr, a 5 11 . . scent. Then We tan got up the� other . � Olds, and round- itift b 6 IMUntain, and � . I go badk to, the p f Whore. fit or difl- ner, we ti,arl ka and &11 on 01�1j,lg,dj LL' W, frroAvo. I did a6nd on the lettbr I 11 . 11 m Lotidian.'L, , I Ali right, 6 r"dr.- I I la iahav, � rifto L . ow iih&ay wilm tound 11�1 . . , 4 . . I . L J . ." .1 . . � . N I �: �, , . � 11 I A., i . � ' L T - `,L�lf . . , I I . . r ,.# , , I �, , . " . � I , �_ ,� 1. - � � '­.' 'J.Ma'., ' L _;,, I . L ­ 1, bigby drew attention. to h0s Pr 8( its stopped and bastilt Picks up it of - flowers such as a had 'soon tArVig, and Avhldh ILL& d,66ppdoA , , bad d I - s 'sugg6atod that tho pod, )ftr sh,6 wa$ Walking 81OW1, with, het fAcd burieA In list hand iihibf, 6witillitly ilobbifig bittaly; . I � -r - .r ­­­­_ I . . .. .- ­_-rF_-__-__-.­­­­ . � 11 I I . I , . L I I � . I � ------1--- � 1"... .." .1 -_ I I . r � 0* I � . , I . l L . . . I r . ; � ., 1, I . . I . . . . . � I I I I t I I I . I I ,,It -1 refuse It, he'll tAke It ftT a db0.It%r&t1oa of War# and I don It want to I i I . I � . I . . ­­ L. . � ' 1. I I' .- � - . I . . I . . . I . . I . I � - - ' ' "' - ' , - ' ' L ' �' ' � - 'L � � - - - — � - — . . . 'IL ' - I � � - ' L ­ , L ' '.. 11 , . , . , � LL , � . I . .1 ­ �' _- ' ' ". L ' ' , ' I . . r , % . L " ;� . , � , , ' - . , � 1, . , i � , . . r , , . , � r - - , . I . - . I � - - I ' � I I ' L I lot 't of,* Of the, is 4. � a t , . Irzer, 044 fir, As; i_hf��or. %e turned, ;*ztrig Welt RL , I liol In an affriglited way. and 43 the � aught of of the tearful caavulM As% she ClIrtitod down a a Ido -track. end it "" I 1')NW�s'd, you think of that V cried Xf by excitedly. " I Spanish wpodland romance," Said I ?raser dryly -"What elo You think , LbQutj it, Toni fl, "Tba,b I should like to go after that mugbty-lookinl; Spanish ous�omer, anti I Lek him what It All means. -Shall It' - , I "No. Be sensible foi once. -Ah. You )an see the town. from here. -Come I LIOng." i - CialAPTER It. . The accommodation at the venta was Pf this humblest description; but the ?Iace Wag Cleanly, the 110BLeSS WE65 At- tentive, and she was evidently proud A being honored by those she termed the illustrious strangers, who had come from the main island to her unfre- Iluentri house. The homely dinner was discussed, the 30ok declared to be not so very bad. the �119,Vasia kn Outrage On the name , .. A wine, and the Magnificent view from Fvfindow a banquet in it- self. "Yes," said Fraser; "I'd have braved a worse voyage. to see what I'vs seen to -day." Digby, who was toying with an or- %nge which he had begun to Peel, mud then left untasted, looked, up sharply. sUd his face flushed a little as be Ox - Maimed; "Yes; wasn't she lovely?" .. "I Was talking About the soonery, . said Fraser coldly. Digby tuxned impatiently away, and began to fill big ' a over the flat roofspipothes houses among which the leafy crowns of stately ralms mrose. . "Don't turn Rike that, Tom," said Fraser, after a few moments' silence; ,and he rose to lay his hand upon his young coTpanion's shoulder. . "Turn Lke what?" "Huffy,.my dear boy. I wonldn'f, Tom; let's be sensible. Yjja Musi, not, be so inflanimable. We have come to admire the beauties of Nature and to collect in this, one of the least visit- ed of the Canaries. You must not try to work up a romance by taking a fancy to the first pretty Spanish maid - on you see." L Digby f Walled more, teeply, and as he gazed Up in his com pa nion's face, sober quite Horace Fraser could not help marking whift a frank handsome young Englishman he looked there, with the golden rays of the westering sun batb- int. his. countenance in its glow. igby's eyes for the moment looked resentiULI; but a smile came upon his lips directly. "All right, Homes," he said. "I am an awful donkey, I know, but that girl's sweet face impressed me; and then seeing her evidently in Lrouble directly after that Spanish chap had left her, seemed to raise my bile." "How do you know that gentleman bad just left horl" "Eh I Oh, 'bL coarse I I 1couldn't know, could It-'Th6re; it,s all over, and I'll return to my duty like a man. -Let's have a look at to -day's collect- ing; and to -morrow I'LL swallow my repugnance, and we'll,dbzome of your ghoulish ethnology in the MUMMY eaves, all V!, "And to -night, let's go up in the cool and call on Mr. Redgrave. I want him to i us a few hints about what we OUSIt"to sea and how to get a guide." A Right. Let's go at once, before sunsoU." The walk was delightful, the western side of the island being glorious in in which it was bathed, while the sea and the islands around seemed glorified by colors that were almost beyond belief. , _Bet4e� than sitting in that stuffy little room, Tom." . "Bless you, my son, for bringing me here," cried Digby imerrily.-­ Cheerful kind of growth to tumble among," he added pointing to the jr.io,ki Pars ' -P' which abounded on one si e tL ..r - row rocky path they were ascending. the other side being furnished with an abundance of ragged-leav,ed bananas, "'Ibere's a "house in that nook yonaer'," said Fraser; "that must be it." "And this chap coming is our man. for a shilling," said Digby, as a tail. sturdy. middle-aged personage came to- ward them smoking a h cigar. "An Englishman, by the wayFhee keeps his hands in his packets." ,� "Hush I" whispered Fraser, as the man approached; and then, addressing him in Spanish, he asked to be direcLed ' to Senor Redgrave's house. "Su pose you ask me in,English, girl" said Ne other bluffly. ' You are Mr. Fraser, I presume; and this is Mr. Dig - b to see you, gp.ntlemen. I 11? -Glad d your letter, and was coming down to the venta to hunt you up. Don't often see a countryman here; so, be- fore wo say any more," he added, after warmly shaking hands "I'll give orders for your traps to be ietchbd up here, and you can make this your home while you stay.,. BUt Fraser would not hear of It. "We ar6 in capital, quarters," he said, "and will not impose on you.-aut if You, will have us, we'll come up pretty fre- quently for a chat." "You shall do as you like, gentle, men. -In here, please." "By George I" cried Digby involun- tarily, as they passed through a gate into a lovely villa -garden, "what a paradise I" "Well, pretty tidy. You see, every- thing rushes into growth here with Lit- tle trouble. I am a bit proud of my hi.me, .and make it as English as I can. It was my poor dead wife's favorit,e placoh the garden.." He raised his hat .Iigh y as he uttered the last words, and a silence fell upon the group. "Forgive me," sald the host the next moment, as he looked in the eyes of big two visitors. "You are English- men, aud can sympathiso with one who has- lost a dear Companion out here in a strange land. Bu there, that's fourteen years ago, gentlemen," he said obeerly;"'and I'm not quite alone' -Here, Nelly I" hearied; "where are you I , Visitors from home, my dear." The sith was low now and It turn- ed the porch, covered wRh Bougainvil- leas-and a lovely scarlet er4niumh in- to a frajno�of gold, into wtob suddenly stopped, as it were out of the inner daxkness, the pi&ure wanting to Com - plate the mono, "My daughter 11elon entlemen," said th6z host ,, find both the visitore stood speechless, Digby even spellbound. For there before him, winning in her beauty, stood the lady of the semi-tropm Wood, whose sweet notes he had hea,rd and whom hie had men in smiles an� tears; whilo, as be gazed at her, the bright look of wt5loome in her eyes changed to one of pain and it was as if a dark shadow bad been cast acrosE her. - It was no seeming. The -edge ol the sun Was kissing the western wave, and the tall dark shadow of a main was east across hex as q; click of the gubb was heard, while -Aft. Redgravc turned sharply and said in rather s oonstraned tons oi voice: - "A.h, Senor Ramon, you here Ill � Digby. and Fraser turned sharply, ae if to seek the Cause of Bolen Redgrave's troubled face,- The Spanish gentlemat they had encountered in the woodland waa coming toward thern. hat in hand I .. L� CHAPTH R HI. "Yes, qiy doe ,* afris,. I cannot concol�( a more delight III c IMAM Winter u unknown, and you can suit your Wto by selecting the heat you prefer. Aftloo 11,�Id I� Iro I A mouxed an ,1110,141 1 e,w, of t r, ,9,7 "hao' " "&, mr 's W I �, - . ' 4�Q:T( Is 11 . n 11 0 _ 0 ea�b,. W 0, i Q U, L �l t _ I V; van ag=;U� �,fffm �o J iro TI: IV 10, W1113A."I'l I I 'a' far b "'rtn' - m 44, hdt- ' 1; a , tU I 191illu -Zlne - a 4 m IN't f`r= T�,'r Ne�o Me tap'xtpsn� I= u I r 06"t I - _ a bapmr w 11 fr - , , f d . and A a I have no xx , lolo" br,-,:I,l " ' i I �X Helen -I Y11I4b;llga1t,.1p -, ,J�Iibt coult no, "I , 4 � to '%e'p'ef�'ve L :: TRank#"' .go I 4 qu 4 !,, ,,,,a b i - .r� slandl�g Xe - ., , - Ivilig it, IMIT I feel imOrally 1, , . y . itap In a ate to 40, , . , as,lf"�`,bat to has- used h far riding-li ad ' g'v%tr� UP light ,Y!, ;istexod, Out his OY03 were dir , ate t .abit especially ap to, 010 '0 It p , lardeil I " A LT,h Wag ok, and by' 'y 10 , . I,ve boon . flipence as the .richest mAn in the If t W464� Usdarts,VO; ilikad Place. Digby, caught a glimpse of ibe Spa.* ' ? ,=,`n'd'3e'dV"la*y. Too ppaaqla� to underin no me �a MY rules. Au4 "You will nof thl�* me In the wayl" I ,. . �- . . fard'a Ise 10 as � � . , a; whi b was calm wAd ui�, ive,perlidpa;but k eiauig �uthprii twenty now be donutniI4 paymennti in Wd playfully. ruffled is could be. ., ears ago as .4 speog - am 7ell, 151r; pay III=", - Fraser's countenance . looked more, Than they want on, and roto.q-k their _1% ,d I , tioa, an i stubborn Sussex Man, air; I will aQt I can , � not." sombre %a he took the hand extendqd places on alther side ,of the :m4le. e beatch. But I've got hold of the "You have not' the m0an0'& to Yra, audsmilea sa,sUy as he. followed ,. I I I've boon very busy. too," contlau- Lght thing at last," "Yes, I have; but'l cannot pay hita." D' b a exiiimple,;Lod, expressed' his 4-4 � _ I . ig Y I ed -Pa, "And what's thatt" "May I Ask w4Y11' I' t .. 1. I I _rAqu. "Tired; but was our! " Sulphur, six. "Because he will not take money." IqT1aQ'both men that day WAS a dream beRr bow you bad got on ; and yel"batlott I'm �varkiag , afraid ,that the 6rater had given WAY . up that 11 What do you mearif" - of a wondrous ourin upward along a "d swallowed; you all up." �t tLe top of the Mountain. You shall ' bat, did old Shylock insist upon flower-strown rack owards a dense ' W cloud, Which potin q I , bu FA � � efs the place, if you,11 come -Ah. bere's having I' Digby felt toinguo-tied; t 4 piano. gentlemen; but we have a 0; "I wonder whether Sent I I Might borrow and pay him; climbed to find themselves in a new a,JL mitar and I'll be bound to say if we , will let Me throw myself upon lit I qatly. We never ventured to import , His I _ $tpr payelopQd thern, chattered away. 'er"N ,�Y,,.Pouud* of fledhV" and through which they I b6ibously )r Rad A , )etition rightly, we shall get a song-" but lie insists Upon my daughter's region, where the r as Cooler, and I __ , ,act,., hand." fragrant with the, OTOILIM the resinous Pita ity this evening T I,called on MY "Do you wish me, to sing, father?" "Hal ejaculated Fraser, as they sat pines through which they passed; and wa up,.mndlfound that you had not rety . taid the girl, oQlouring slightly a's she there in the dark. I as Digby led Helen's mule, they talk- urne I aft some fruit; a hqe .set Digb gaze� , y's earnest "And,.she hates him"- ad little, but listened to the music Of —a a fragrance grain the Oben win - 'Ill Yes. my dear, if you are not too There was a pause. the birds and gurgle of water, and daw that was rn�Lddeol to a hun r , red." "As much as you, air." caught from time to time among the -nan. Ah I here we are." For they mi " Oh, ww." she said hastily; and she "Hal" ejaculated Fraser again. tree -t mpses of the dazzling blue -ome up to Redgrave and Fr r, who -rossed the rnom to reach down EL gul- "There; come back, and join the sky. OPTS11y1i spoke but seldom but were standing beside the track. ,ar hanginr by its ribbon from a nail Young folks, Fraser. I feet better, now went on with their eyes fixed upon "You, Ramon I" said dgrave, rath- ,n the wal . some one knows my trouble.-HumLj�hl Fraser and Redgrave, -who led the er sternly. The two Englishmen had "been a fart- there he is again." For Ramon's voice the way some fifty yarh ahead, but .. YefiL my dear air, I thought I would aigbt in Isola, and, attractive as the was heard speaking loud enough, and stopped from time to time, for the lag- g r missed you. Ames had proved with its wondrous directly after the four men encounter- gards to overtake them, and admire My dear Redgrave, I want you to give � vegetation, gorge, hill, and crater. Red- ad. w me a bit of dinner to -night." ;ave's l6retty half -English villa seemed That night Ramon and Redgrave And all through that temperate sura- " Certainly." replied Itedgrave-and 1,o be the spot which drew them to it walked part of the way back with the mor zone the birds gung around them', he told a polite lie: "I shall be very igaia and again. The days would be two visitors; and after theyl had part- ,and to Digby they sang onl� of love, happy." Issed in penetrating the most out -of- ed, Ramon stopped, short. and to Helen of -what might a. For the rest of the way Ramon did e -way parts of the island and addin ::Good -night," said Redgrave. But the eadnebs in her heart But- nearly all the talkL-n ; and durin the Ill No senor,, it is' not. good -night," Lo Fraser's collection; then they %%'On fused her eyes with tears. There was evening his conversatflon was flue"11 and return, tired out, to the little venta, said the Spaniard haughiily. "How long 'a black shadow always before her; find highly interesting as he engaged Fraser where their dark -eyed moustached do these English stay heref" when, after riding her mule through In conversation about the antiquities landlady had prepared a substantial "I don't know; they are their own some rougher part, Digby turned to Of the Place L smoking cigars and sip- hich there would be ebaco- masters." seek her gaze, she averted it with a ng his chocolate in the most unruf- Late and a cigar, followed by: ., I SAY, "Yes Senor Redgrave; and I am sigh, but to aivii to herself that all flied way. Horace, what do you say to a Walk up yours. -Their presence here displeases this was very s,h set, and she knew that " You are making quite a collection to Redgrave's? He will not see tnuch me. Let them go." . she had never before enjoyed a day like of our minerals, I hear," he said iiii the 11 L English society when we are gone. He strode away; and as Redgrare this course of the conversation. Fraser always looked uneasy. hogi- walked slowly back he struck the palm Tits fir -tree zone came to an end; ",Yes; I have a gooq many." tated and seemed on the poin ft liand a tremendous blow the cool darkness and soft silence of , " Of course you examined the head of ing, but he invariably ended by ri,ing with his fist and said someLhing Eng- the sbady glade gave place to a rug- the barranco on the west side of the �o go, till it became almost a matter Isib-only one word, but it was very 5ed Pumice-str6wu desert, where fine mountain V of course to find father and daugh- English indeed. ust rose at every st? and the sun V have not been there,yet." ter standing by the rough gate be- n i :: No� C tween the prickly -pears, Red,grave CHAPTER IV. I poured down with bli iii, power, A ? No en I Why, my dear air that . weary, weary tramp to some; but to is the most Interesting p2aoe of the smoking one of his home-made cigars, Another fortnight had passed. Ex- those two who hung behind, a dreamy whole. You should go there. -By the and Helen watclaing with a sadness of cu,r6ioD, had been made along theshore time of bliss, through which they way Redgrave, I suppose the nearest expression in her eyes which seemed to where the huge billows thundered journeyed on hour after hour, till a way'would be right across my planta - to grow night by night. in: LDigby had mastered his antipathy wooden hut was reached, where the ',ion?" Than there would be more chocolate so far as to allow himself to be let down mule was tethered; and Fraser now, " Decidedly," said. R�djgrave, who out there, in *the delicious evening; with by I 0 a rcp�.in C.o.miaay with Fra�er to at Redgrave's .suggestion, offered his memed puzzled by his visitor's urban - Pa the scent of orange blossom floating i-spee M. - caves, where, in arm to help Helen up a cindery slope ity I the m ..t .me - W the edge of the mountain crater, around, and the boom of the great At-, '. �.i% spots, the ancient " Yes,"' said Ramon thoughtfdlly; lantic billows, softened by the'distancei inhabitants of the island buried their .the party then descending a hundred " that is certainly the best way. There Corning up like it bass murmur. from dead; and here Fraser had descanted fee -t or so into a hollow, where Fraser is an interesting MUMMY cave there, far below. I upon facial angles, prognathic jaws, forgot everything but the delight he . too about half -way along; but you will Deliciobs dream yove'nings, with sea- width of cheekbone& height of fare- found in gathering spe6mens Of.8ul- ceriainly be delighted with the bead sky, and shadows of the coming night., head and the like, as he stood before phur crystals -,pale st,ra-w color, rich of the barranco. There, I must say . and the slowly developing 9,ars, all Digby, Hamlet -like, holding an anti- yellow, and brilliant scarlet. good -night. Going now, gentlemen?" tending to give an indefinable some- que s1ruil. Botanical specimens had "Yes this is my last venture," said "Yes," said Fraser, rising. "It is thing to the place. which secrudd to been rocured; geological examples col- Redgr�ve suddenly. "My men Como time we were back." hold the visitors " in a thrall. leote<F and packedin boxes foir transit up here to dig the sulphur, ot which Digb rose reluctantly; but it was * home; insects bad been captured, and there is no end, store it'for me in the . time &Y left; so the customary ad - It had been so night after "i lit, ditty stuck; and the troglodytes of the tent below. and we ship it off home. with the only drawback to the PT -I a- dois were said, Ramon making a point sure in the prosence'of Senor Ramon, island visited in their Cavern villages But you. had not better stay long; the, of going first, so that Digby had an who seemed to be- quite at home at where they dwelt dirtily and securely sulph-ur gas comes up strong to -day," opportunity to raise Helen's trembling the villa, and polite and friendly, to a in eaves, which were siadilar to those "What woula Lappen if there was to , used ip the past by the Guanches as be an eruption now, Mr. Redgrave?" hand to his lips. 'Good -night -my degree; but wthiose warmi,h never darling," he whisperL. "I shall tell seemed to vhaw the tWo E'riglighmen. cataoo. be, being really huge ruptured said Digby, bubbleTformed by volcanic gases in the "This party ,Would never know," 'was Ux. Redgrave all:" T. -his rilligb-t Ramon we,; absent at his . - Heaven protect him I" muttered the home, a quarter of a league on the Molten stone, when the great mountain the serious reply. girl devoutly; and she stood there at other side of the little port; and as of tbe�interior poured f(irth'in erup- "Then I wish to goodness Senor Ra- the door listening till her father return - tion tb6 rock -formed fluid of the inter- mon wier6 here, and this part safe at soon as the guitar strings bad been Ii b in ed; and then they lingered, each sli lit- i0T Of Lhe earth. While ever, night aftr home, if it did blow up," said give ItCl, tuned, Helen sarlg� first one and then er night as if drawn by a magnet, the a half -whisper as he glanced at elen ly uneasy, but ashamed to s,iaothlar of the old ballads of home, two visitors found their way to Red- who shook hei head at him sadly; fears words, and being content to lis- th-o room growing darker. and the faces grave's house, where the waster was he saw, her eyes Sill with tears. ten to the voices of the gueats, as they h came clearly up through the still night - of those preient more distinct, till sud- gravely friendly as a noted how his Fraser was a dozen -yards away, . denly Redgrave started juV as 'his child's sad Countenance lit up as the itooping to pick up yet another crystal, air. E child's sweet sympathetic voice ceased, familiar footsteps were heard upon the whi e Redglave was walking towards Redgrave felt disposed to speak to uitai, vWratiag his child before retiring for the night, the last norce of the 9 silvery pumioe-path. I him. I irt the fragrant air. . .Ramon raged andstormed. Redgrave "Forgive me," whispered Pigby. bu the remained silent. "Room's too hot," .said Redgrave forgou his Canary -Spanish educaLion, "They were the words or a thoughtless ,,"Marriages are made in heaven," buskly-"Come and have a walk round mud greW mere English displaying a bo "' said to himself. " I feel hel - X. i lessi;, and perhaps Nelly her.'Sf Fraser." bull -dog obstinacy. ner look said.so much that be, Caught I ..Poor papa I" said Helen, raising �s Then Ramon threatened as be show- her hand and raised it to his lips, but may tind the way out of the difficulty, he Jeft the room followed by Fraser ed his white teeth. "Misch;ef may only got it to be drawn timidly drawn and, somehow, 11 begin to like young with unwilling step. . -me, my dear Redgrave," he whisper- away. 11 Digby." -b anything, wrong?" ,said Digby, ad. . "Well, Fraser, when you're ready The three guests of the villa woub laying his hand upon the guitar, as if In an instant Redgrave's strong hind said Redgrave. "It's a long way back; slawly down lit- . tI, taw - i rot t gripped him by the shoulder, and his the wind's high; the gases bad, and .n, with Ramon chatting,pleas n,,P, ntly about the island, - ='MY mother's favorite song'," gray eyes flashed fire into the Spani- the dust blows. It's very cold too.- a ., said Helen sadly. " 'ibe used to sing ard's dark orbs. - "Don't try it,jp be Shall we go back I" I daxesay you Englishmen are dig- it. l4emember the air, and found the said fiercely. "You have an English- Fraser assenLed; and Digb ap,po.inted at the absence of sport " he Y gave s" 'I "Very differept from Nokolk, words alle day in her desk. I.sang it man and a Soot to deal, with, sir, and way to him as he came -_ ' help c to him ow-) evening as a surprise, and thOso two together can beat the world. gelen climb up the side of the crater w.her I Werit on a visiz when I was his emotio,% frightened me; but ever let alone' Spain. ,116ad your history, to the edge,'whence, after a brief gaze III England. Here we have partridges since he makes me sing it whenever sit , if, you don't believe. You Spani- round at the gIpTiOULS view, they all and rabbits -that is all." 1i desoinded to tile hut, and partook of ,"We find Plenty to amuse us," said I take dovwn, t1b)e guitar. He sm,V9 it ards fight with knives;'we Englisbinein raser quietly. . brings him back the past; but it. al- with.* our fists. ,.Knives break, fists the luncheon they had brought. Helen "Oh, yes; I have seen that..Wby, yqU ways makes him sad." I break too, but they break people's remounted the mule, and Digby took W There Was a few moments' silence, h6ads. `1 hat's metaphorical Senor the bridle once More as her father,.and ill have a boat -load of specimesis.� em'harrasq'ing to bo,th. Digby had Ramon, but there's a good 'deal of Fraser went on. . But don't forget the head of the bar- �- truth in it, all the same. - The first part of the descent took ,ranco beyond my place. It will re, words rkiug to h,L9 lips which be ]On' I)on"t threat ed to speak ; but. ' he checked them, its he en, sir. You've got me down, but I place in, silence, both Digby and Heleri (To be Continued.) felt Mat he had no right: you tempted me wandering how it was that, they bad ..T. , to ick." � not noticed the1 it was bitterly cold, : 4_11 __­ said Helen, .1 11 : I f h�t . u s em I y dear Redgrave, this is absurd, Lae wina bo si,erous, an e us tr to draw away the guitar. "One saidHanion. "You LjisundersLandme.. rose painfal and weftryiug to a degree. TO THE KLONDIKE BY BALLOON. �Niv.!' no; not yet," cried Digby. We are the best of friendi, I will say They were con'scious ot nothing save — 4wore song-wi 11 you ?-*may I ask you? I no more. We two cannot afford to that they were to eLher in an idyllic % Parly of Frenchmen Win 313ace t1ko Trip the little Spanish song I beard You quarrel. I look upon you. as my fath- dream with a world of beauty spread from .11"lle,1111 to tile Klondike. ;,inging that day you were.gathering er, yet to be.,.' . out below. � owers." From tha, moment Ramon was smiles 1".ight thousand feet, they had been To the Klon(like in a.balloon I ilre- Helen drew her -breath so, sharply and good -humour combined. Piacid as t��ia was the height of the quiescent pOiste*ous as the idea seems, it is 1--e- that I here was a sound in the darken," on, of the v.luanoes of the island sleep- volcano; but the words had fallen upon . I ng room as of a painful sob. Then ,ng and covered by time with grass and deaf ears. for there was a question ask- Ing seriously entertained by several , � " -by san,k back flower - there was silence as Dig. s, with noLhing to tell -that they ing itself -at the portals of their bearts, Frenchmen.. According to a leading in his chair with a feeling of misery were not pleasant Mounds, till a stick "How is this io end?" Parisian journal, the idea first sug- crushing down upon him such m,$ he had was thrust in deeply, and then a quaint The sun was getting low in the west never felt before. � , vapour arose, invisible to the- �ye, but as the Pine ZULe upon the mountain gested itself to M. Va.666, 'a well- � "I'm an idiot I" he said to him i fusing an odor of sulphur that was was rearlied; and once More in the ob- Icnown balloonist. He expresses no "What business had I ever to harbor sLrangeiy suggestive of heat far' down scurity ithey penetrated, everything doubt as to his ability to make the trip, such thoughts ? But if it had been an- below. seemed more dr1eAmy and swee� than other, I should not have cared. ', , Redgrave was always friendly to the ever. . and be says that'h2s will surely start He kn,ew he was thinking a lie as he two men, but he, made no proposals for Fraser and Redgrave were, "veil on for the Klondike, before the middle of seemed to start back into Conscious, &IV� in the island; he never invited- ahead; the -track Nvound here and this month. . , ness, for the chords of the guitar rang them to come. there ,, but dim as the woodland be - out in a wilet, half -minor refrain, and "I'll do nothing," hie used to mutter 04me. the mule Was familiar M. Varinle first began to think seri- before him, �e;,couJd dimly see Helen to himself. "My att,empts always fail. %Vith -the way, &nd X)aLed slowly on ously of going, to the Klondike when he , on the other, si�dd of Ahe room, seated I'll leave everythin to fate." with its bridle upon its neck, and Dig- read in certain French papers of the opposite the window While the sweet "When are we toghave the I ng -talk- by walking now with his hand upon the . pure notes thrilled him through and ed -of -trip to your works?" saliod Fraser saddle -bow. ,,darker it grew, . save hardships which th-3 gold seekers were through. pne evening, when he had been watch- Darker and suffering there through the extreme But different, now. ing angrily the looks,which Digby dir- where the ruddy light of the westering - the %Ong seemed , ., cold and want of food. In the words of In place of the vivid greenery Of the acted at, Helen. sun pierced the garden pine -boughs, wood, and the face of the singerlook- "Eh? Ali, when you like," said Red- and cast, strangly lurid rays through a French journmAst, as soon as he heard ing bright, happy, and surprised in the grave, I the douse forest. And still darker and that "thousands of reckless adventur- encounter, everything was ",To -morrow be it then," said Fraser. darker, till it gurgling stream W%s, , essive; even the song seemed sad, ,tri -a turn- reached; the mule stopped of its own ers, ignorant of the perils and of the ff a -n and drink and - - OP en in , � iY. accord to bond do%N ,,gor,u, climate of the Klondike, were wri, it wus as if a blow had be ': es; on ly to the works." Di "' hand took that which waii near impr - & last no -to ranC out and ligby 0 pom die. , struck as the h, yes; very interesting. -You will on th Mel of the sad isoned in these i(�y solitudes with a voice from the window cried "Brava I "Helen P, he said, and his voice was out the pos.�.il)ility of returning home , brava Ill with the addition of hearty e e L morrow, Redgrave?" The laLter nodded. . a Whisper among the pines. before sum -nor," and that these famish - plaudits. was ed mlMonaires, though surrounded by Dig�y sprang to hie feet with the hot "I wish you a ,pleasant, day. -You t,Sbe did not speak; but her hand . bl will start early, as it is farf" midly resigned to his grasp, and the gold on all sides, would Almost gurely ood in his cheeks. .d I "Yes. Boon after sunrise. -I. shall next moment big arms were about her. come to a liqrrible end, the thought at "Ali, my dear Senor Digby, I di not; know you were there. -Is nab Helen's have everything r6ady, gentlemen, so "My darli�n,f I" were his words; "I love once occurred to him that there was, be here in good time." you with a a man's first true love I" no reason why he should not go' to voice delicious I" Ramon smiled to himself as he went There was no reply, a timid shrjn,kT their assistance with a fleet of halloons. , Digby tried to speak, but he bit his Ing, and with a sob Helen lot her head ' would not away in the beat of humor that night, 1. I He interested his friends in the pro - lip with rage, for tile words but he smiled too abon. rest up n hr.8houlder, as if that.,were , a plan was forma - come; and Ramon continued: "Come, the place� w re she might find safety, ject and in due time senor, confess she singis Our Spanilh Redgrave saw it, and he was very from the fate, that seemed to her worse lated. A new lalloon, entitled ... The- ' thoughtful as he bade his, other visit- Fram," was built by M_Laohambre for s In a way which thro— yours in ors good -night. than death. a 9 sOng There was a strange grating Loise, t4,e .hadev" the purpose and N% a,, tested a few d y 'Miss ' . "Nally, my darling," ,he said as they this Redgrave's singing is a Visa- re-entered the house, "it is very cold such as might have been made .y a ago. According to the Figaro sure to hear" said Digby [pid y.- frightened bird but it was caused by aerostat, which hai a capacity of. 1,200 "Shall we join'your lather in he gar- up the mountain, and the way there ivory gritting a�d grinding upon wory. metres, ascended at La Vil otto and don Ill , . . is scorching and,dusty; but if I had the Digby started round -to see dim[Y', came down sonig hours afterward at I sIde-saddles clapped on one of the -a-dozen yards away, Ramon stand- anks of the Seine, Next "Thank you, Mr. Digby not this mules, you could half Hericy, on the 1), V -sound to with us." ing by the bole of one of the thickesh - ' " said Helen, her oice - le evening, - Th ,e sad aspect led from Helen's face . -y voice ahead �Iay the a,sronauts, set off again, 'stee'r Ing as If it had caught the inflection on the instant. "Ali yes," she cried. pines, while a cheer Ing the balloon as they cho;m " and at ' of hi.q. "That's righb,"said her father ... rhen shouted back; "Come, you people; don't noon they passed over Font�in,0)leau , ftt you will come, my dear senor," be ready. 'Thick boots and cloai ready .lose your way." toward the southwest. The. I;arty in - id Ramon. 111 have brought You a for the cold." , —_ gal eluded ATM. Variele, Mallet,. Magnier few of my latest made cigars."' Helen flung her arms about his neck, CHAPTER VI. and Bureau, and their main object wan In the meantime, ftedgrave had led mnd hid her face for a moment in his Tom Digby's right hand clenched, and to make final experiments In steer- . the way up a path through his ground% breast before, kissing him and saying, as Bolen clung to his left, she felt ing the balloon and. to test a contrM . followed unwillingly by Frasert to a "Good -night.' his nerves and muscles quiver with ant-, designed to enable its 1�assengers seat out in the steep stone, frainwhich "I've seen him smile before," said rage. A curibus sonsatioo of faintness to stop at will. they could gaze right away to s6a and Redgrave to himself; "and it means came over her, and she struggled to Twelve fellow explorers WILL mccom( ever the sleeping town. mischief. As soon as we were Oaf Of be firm, as she told herself that she paiiy M. Varicle on his trip to the "Peak looks well to -night," said Red- the way, he womld be, here I pestering might- prevent some terrible encounter. grave, pointing to w3mt seemed like a my poor girl. Checkmate there." . a But there was nothing of the kind, Klondike. The party will go first to fa,int cloud where the last rays of the "Treacherous enemy at least," sai for Ramon came forward eagerly. "Ali, UIrpool and thence to New York. departed day still Vingered. "It's a Ramon,'as he returned home. a From that point they will go yto Van - beautiful world tbis-a bad world.'� "Tom " said Fraser suddenly, as they there you are I" he exclaimed. " Had ouvor by the Canadian Paeffic Rail- radoxical " said Fraser dryly. two wZked together down, the stee pleasant day ? Why, where are the 0 q -es, air. We spoil it, and make it slope. P othersl"' ' - way, and a day later they will arrive . " Did Von not hear them 1', said Dig- at Victoria. There they will remain bad.,, "'Ehl Yed" sald Digby with a start. about a Week for the purposi of ohtain- . There was A long silence, during What do you say to I by�, rou§h m etting back to ly6h .vs.- I heard Senor Red- Ing provisions and other necessarios. catch one of Trave call, I missed them cis I came Thence they will go on to Junf-au, and which they aht and smoked; and from r�ita Cruz and trying C 17 O. I time to tilm faintly beard, came the 'the Castle boats home fl, I the trees. -What a delightful at. this point the balloon asr.ont will tinkle of He rils giitttv- . 'brou They hope, nay, they are I , ::No... ' "You hava been so friendly be us. Ell V Iveni I passed three years in Loni, take place. h,y" 14 Mr. Redgrave," 'J'said Fraser ati last, "I mid No, I'm very bad, out of don, Dlgby; but I never saw 8'coll confident, that from this point t'MFWP . —" aorta, Horace; and this place is doing an ,v ng as this." He chattered will be able to ma'.ce the -trip to isolated Awn Klondike within twenty houirs. "and you seem so I of & as he stopped to the other side "Yes; this is Isola," said the other me worlds of good. Emphatically, No. mule, keoping on without wait- I with a half laugh. . Besides, you have potl half -dons, the isl- It "A stranger among str"sril, tbAt I and yet. You (Aid so the other day," Ing for the other's reply, "You have _ ake the liberty of speaking, ,' continued "True; I did." . I I. had a splendid day, but very hot down Fraser, without beedi the interrup- "Then do it propetly while )on are bt the town, You have felt it"cold up � I DISTINGUISHED. . Mile Ill here; and don't b6tber. Why, You are t *rriountain, Mr. Digby 7" tion. "You are It trbn Is , I 11 yes' very," said Digby shortly ; and Mamma--Thitt's a nice little'I)OY YOU "To the very eyes, air." always wanting to go home. I h It lielen press his hand gently, play marbles with, Bobb�, "Can I, as a fbIIc;jj-oaU,atryman, help Fraser's countenance grow more sad 0 ft you 11, ' as he gafed sideways at big oompanion-a as if she were imploring him not to Bobby -You belcher I an' he's bad th' ." ::No�,' said Redgrave shbrtly. happy fact, and he sighed gentl be arilry. . measlas four times. - t r I Meant wall.,, ityOulda-liAnds iris-volatilej he said?o - a you could not have bad A clear- - I be# you pardo .� Did you feel the "Of Course tou dit my'dear air, and himself-. 'land he lava& bar dearly; while 6r day for the viow. " I thank you; ut you can t help mp.-I oilie"- Rd 86otned to hava Como upon 'told much, XiA4 11010nt . A FRATIM, RED COURTSHIP. , ,, No -no," she said quietly. "I don't have two oreat tfoublimi-debt, and my a doafumd M6At&I tanglement, and It thl, It The JV,Arent Owl -Minerva, has that I �. .�fz�i.,I-A. Aff-h. Uliil.Al M,i.A, Ak Was, v6r cold." ,0'*%*�& Owl "One 'vet.? I I , = I A Man oulght to be happy I daughter. ,, A ourm�and a blemiIng," saidPrasok Ra G J W i t b ""' ' o of lhougb,�, ot 1: 011.fi rl�ttors ,,Generally !is. IbI pardon, Mr. Mg- by I H&vo a algar 111 � I T,J,3jerva,_XO, -Pal 0-, ,you are n6tt" said Vrima dry - . ar 11 I&, 41P 4 I, it 8.0 if you like, air 01 cried RsA- � that "but i tg 1,6m t mid a"te go tirig 11 0 06 jnfi6t� , I ,,It -1 refuse It, he'll tAke It ftT a db0.It%r&t1oa of War# and I don It want to The Papebt Owl -91'd better get 6; I � 1 movo on, mbbava. It's two llou�s A& J . , t6 Mine v6d. It6d. - Of taourso 11JA bapp , tattlin with My WId, I riwo, film"t fibriably; bWe Xish dog =0 tMn I CA11 iivaf � I )MAMA V, , I ""A# .4iti ,U-�MfAll� bigby figlit. Why should It poor ,Wrtteh I I IiTboro You Are." Mld Ramon, ctimIng I ter sunrise &nd he tioght go . mud turn [A. . wffig it 6,11, bly d6ilt bdyiltiit. m, He JiLa led hit on fift JAY 10309. Ill - 18 6tib(I " .% I - . I I . I I � . 41, . I I . . I � . . I . % I . , . � 4 . I I � . I " .1 ,. I . I � � I . . I � . . . 1. . . �. , 1 1 . I � _ � I I I IV - � . I I � .. lk I 1* � I. . t " , I �. . I I ! I I �. , �# , I � . . I I , � � . . � .1 1. 11 0. . , , . � I I , � � I I . . :. I , , , , e I . . ,It . . I 1, I.., � I I � I � . I I . ie. . I . . . ,11 I � � . I V I I �, " I I I � � I I � . . . . I I . I . /I . . I � I . I I , '. 11 I'll ,. C'. I . , I . � 1, I ", - � 11 1, . 11 . . I , Ih- I . ,,� � I I � . 1:, I Sswiwwiii�_.IL. , ,� Ill . ... "I I - , I � I .. I 41 11, � -J � ­ ". I'll, --­­ ­ ­­ . . . . . . I I I _� �� �� llNN" � . .ft.i� l% I , 111110, III&' I is h I.,. __A__e� L' " , , I 1, 4 _�Zll -1 ­.­ . , igiou I