The Blyth Standard, 1903-07-16, Page 4JRWES mcmURCHIE the 1 #h tanbarb`
Side Notes a specialty. Advances
made to fano rs on their own
notes. No adtiu roual security re,
We offer every accommodation eon-
sistent with safe and conservative
banking principles.
To loan on Real Estate at lowest
rates of interest.
Persons wishing to sell will do well
to place their property on our list
for sale, Rents collected. '
Of all hinds promptly attended to.
We represent the leading Fire end
Life Assurance companies, and re-
spectfully solicit your account.
OFFICE HOUl1S: 10 A.M. to 9 P.H.
Dusinoss Cards,
Louttors. 0ffi s, Mor eyer block,ouk of 'gingham
1Money to
Aol14fot or the Fillip of 81ytb, the Town -
p of Ore , Lhsp Howlck Mntual Mire Insurance
Rad etMetro Metropolitan Bank. Private and
W ig
piny moneraftri y Y $mat lomat raise. Moe
DR. 0.:H. Lova,
tsveesatnr to Dr. Jerome. Graduate of the
thoFTjI�47II Cullens of Dental Surgeons. An h0n0r
C P o/ n Toronto store, UnivinsitPretoria block, ck, Blyth Ofibie over
Mr8/ Fury store, '---
j O. I MDMAY, M.8.
aseeMeer to Dr. Tait. Graduate of lbs Inn.
or Toronto, sooiep▪ u and flagons t Onrtrio.Fo College of
on, Zealand
annd residence, to toletsy eau ed by Dr. Tait, Blyth.
W. L MH,NE,140.0.M.
Y,D.C.PL. i ntvereltvof Trinity College'*M.D.,
Uiversity; Fellow of 1Ylnity atedloal
Hellegs, Ogrd of member College of Pbvetoyans
CooIS yuat 1arrea. Ofilcof e one door north of thor e
pours /30,11,14 Wan street, Blyth.
j` J. 40O .STEP,
Cholate stook of Tobaccos, Cigars and Pipes on
• Agent for the Parisian Steam Lsaodry,
tilitees Wept, rh
Qts nitres6 81ytb. Oand rdersslRAR at Tintbra•
DAM aloe will receive prompt attention.
poor. S. L. 'PAUSE,
Oil SWIM M speetaeles and 3>egl made
Is order. Spacial attention chow to fitting the
eye. Orders h nail promptly attended to.
iteware of parties veins my nave as 1 employ
o erave111ug agent, whs.sver. batiafactiou
gaaranuted, Establtahed 1879. 254 Richmond
Skeet W., Toronto.
Hog to England
'Mils summer ?
If so take passage by the
Best Line from Canada.
Sail every Thursday during
the summer from Aloutrpal
direct to Liverpool.
Safe Bents, Fine Staterooms
and Courteous Attendance.
Call at TRE STANDARD office or write
for circular and rates.
TiO3 T . - - BLYTH
Ao Nr
!CM Wain Lahr
A. E. ERADWIN, Puat.reana-
Das BI.'TB STANDARD, published every
Thursday morning, is a live !oral news-
paper, rod ]las a large circulation In
Blyth and surrounding country, making
it a valuable advertising medium. Sub-
scription priee to any part of Canada or
the United States mile One Dollar per
annum in advance ; $1.50 will be charged
(1 not so paid. Advertising rates on
application. Job Printing neatly and
;heaply executed. Corrospondence of a
seway nature respectfully solicited.
T1IUI SDAY, JULY l0, 1003,
The redistribution committee at Otta-
wa has completed its work as far as the
province of Ontario is concerned and
Huron county has been dividtd as
follows: -
West Huron -Townships of Ashfield,
West Wawanosh, Mullett. Colborne and
Goderich, the towns of Goderich and
East Huron -Townships of Howick,
Grey, Turnberry, Morris, East Wawa -
nosh, town of Winghain, villages of
Blyth, Brussels and Wroxeter.
South Huron -Townships of Stanley,
Hay, Stephen, Usborne, Tuckeremith,
McKillop, ten'll of Seaford' and villages
of Exeter, Hensall and Hayfield,
no. unequal for any t Ind of work
repairs, painting, stalking, bay fork,
fruit pinking, etc.
ThouUadl In Datil Use,
Waggons,' Folding Lawn Swinge,
Ironing Roads. Clothes Hoisx,
Pute 'fades, Etc.
Write for catalogue. Ws free.
London, Crum*
081515 AT OTTAWA.
For aeveret days past the daily papers
have been predicting cabinet changes
at Ottawa, but the climax came on
Monday when Hon, A. G. Blair banded
in his resignation as minister of rail-
ways and canals. The resignation has
since been accepted by the premier and
Mr. Blair split with his colleagnee in
the Laurier cabinet over the Grand
Trunk Pacific railway bill. He could
not agree with thein on the suicidal
policy of paralleling the Iutercolonial
railway, which is owned by the Cana-
dian government.
A despatch from Ottawa says that
the air is full of political rumors, It is
said that Tuesday afternoon's cabinet
meeting was one of the stormiest that
has ever been held in the white chamber.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier personally made
the agreement with the Grand Trunk
Pacificpeople and is chiefly supported
by Sir 14'm, Mulock, lion Clifford Sifton
and Hon. James Suthel1 Ind, while Mr.
Blair's principal aupporters aro Hon. W.
S. Fielding and Hon Wal. Paterson,'
Hon. John Douglas Armour, a mem-
ber of the supreme court of Canada and
also a metnber of the Alaskan boundary
commission, who had been ill for some
time, end recently suffered a relapse,
died at the residence of his son in Lon-
don, England, o1 Saturday morning.
The death of Hon. John Douglas
Armour removes frotn the public life of
Canada a gentleman who was an Orna-
ment to the bench, while his social
qualities made him a general favorite
with the bar and a large circle of
friends. He was the youngest son of
Rev. Samuel Armour, rector of Cavan,
and was horn in Peterborough county,
May 4th, 1830. Graduating at Toronto
university in 1850, he was called to the
bar in 1858 and began practice in Co-
bourg, Iu 18. d ho was county crown
attorney of Durham and Northumber-
land Conntiea, and in 1877 ho was nude
a judge of the court of Queen's bench.
Judge Armour had been buth a Conser-
vative and a Liberal in politics, and at
one time he favored Canadian independ-
ence, In court he never allowed any
time to be wasted, and hie decieious
were alw'ay's respected. He declined
knighthood on several oocasions.
Sports and Paetlisoe.
Wingham juniors defeated Blyth jun-
lore at hese bait on the Agricultural park
on Monday afternoon by a score of 12
to 2,
An interesting and good game of
baseball wits played on the Agricultural
park Monday forenoon between. Blyth
and Goderich. The former won•by a
score of 0 to 5. The summery follows :-
Blyth-- 11 O Goderich— R 0
D. Burners, o 9 3 HOeeehaw 0 1 9
Rhona as..,-_.. 1 4 MiLAuOhlln, se0 9
McArter, 20 0 6 McLeod, rf 1 0
Stewart, rt....... 1 9 Aline, 3b 1 4
McKay, ab 0 4 MuAuiey, If 0 3
Donates, p o 1 Tat, lb 0 4
N Homers, If .... 0 1 Carroll, 9t- 0 3
McMillan, el..... 1 1 Morn atntd, of9 1
Allison, 10. 1 3 Cawehell,p 0 s
004 527
the realm that he lied to walk all
the way. lis went through Bowman
ille ant had a breakfast there, the
kind wife of the innkeeper refusing to
accept any motley from Mtn as Le had
told her of the reason that be wished to
go to Toronto mut the condition of his
pocket -book, if he had ally. Later in
his life he always remembered this kind
lady when he went to Bowmanviile.
As ho neared the outskirts of the city he
was very tired and despondent and sat
down on a stone tomtit his weary limbs,
A ratan came riding by and questioned
him as to his destination, purpose of
going there and in fact, nil about him-
self in general. Dr. Dewart, then
yonug Dewnrt, answered the questions
readily enough, and the horsemen told
hint that when he arrived in town to
seek hint out, anti stay with him until
lie was hatter eitoaled to cope with the
necessities of life, end gave hien his
cord. Dewart was very much sur-
prised to neo the name of Egerton Ryer-
son, M.D. Ho wished to emetic to the
illustrious promoter of education then,
but he had ridden away' but he re-
mained one of the firmest friends of the
iron lentive Methodist as long as he
li ved,
Biaell Fiend Skinned Alive.
A desiateh to the Wheeling Register
from Bluefield, West Virginia, says: -
The full details of one of the blackest
crimes that have ever blotted the his-
tory of the state has just reached thin
city, In Devon, a little 14 -year-old girl
was assaulted by a negro, The negro
was afterward lynched by an enraged
snob of over 200 men. The little girl
was caught a short distance from her
home by the negro and carried to a
neighboring wood, where she wee tied
to a tree, hound and gagged. Her ab-
sence was noticed by the neighbors, who
iminodietely formed themselves into a
searching party. The girl was found
in an almost dying condition, bur, was
able to tell her story,
After a consultation it was decided to
lay in wait for the girl's assailant. Iu
a short time he appeared, aid was about.
to renew his assault upon the helpless
child, when the lynchers made fur him.
He was dragged to the village common
and hound to a tree. Only by the groat -
est efforts of the leaders was the crowd
held from tearing the man to pieces.
His clothing was torn from his body,
and pins, tacks, pen knives and every
conceivable weapon of torture was stuck
into the negro'e /With as he struggled
and pleaded for life.
The almost lifeless form of Ms little
victim was than placed before the eyes
of the negro, while willing hands cut
the tongue from hie swollen mouth.
His cries became incoherent, and before
the enraged citizens could be checked
the skin was literally cut from his body
and distributed among the villagers,
The negro died with hie eyes on the
little girl he had assaulted. His heart
was then cut out with jack knives, his
toes and fingers chopped off and carried
away as mementoes. His mangled
body was then soaked with kerosene
and fired.
By inntngs-
(Myth......... 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 v-6
t>oderleh 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 1--d
Umpire -Vim Allen, Ooderloh.
The New Free Consumptive Hospital
Will Admit Consumptives Absolutely
W ithoutl0harge.
The appeal being made on behalf of the
new Free Consumptive Hospital, built
under the auspices of the National Seni-
tarium Association -the drat Free Con-
sumptive Hospital in Canada -is one that
touches closely the heart -strings of every
man, woman, and child the broad Domin-
ion over. Where is the community, far
or near, without its sufferers from this
dread white plague? We are all in-
terested in bringing these relief sod re-
storing them to health, family, and
soave citizenship again,
One important step in this direction
has been taken in the erection of the new
Free Consumptive Hospital, due to the
beneficence of two Toronto citizens, and
which ie now nearly completed. When
the workmen go out of the building, and
that will be almost immediately, alt that
is wanted to make it ready to receive the
consumptive is that it he supplied with
beds and other furnishing appointments,
no charge whatever being mad.) for
'Phe National Sanitariutp Association
are already carrying too heavy a debt to
undertake the furnishing themsolvee,
but the way is open for each one to belp
in raising t11. $10,000 needed for this
purpose. The sum 1s not a large one.
Ten thousand individual contributions of
31.00 oaob out of a population of nearly
6,000,000 people would accomplish this
end. Some, of course, with their hearts
racked by the puttering* of relatives,
friends, or fellow -citizens, will, out of their
abundance, do better than this. Fifty
dollars will furnish a bed. What is needed
is Mutt the amount be raised quickly, that
the many knocking at the doors of the
National Sanitarium Association may
find a place open for them.
Contributions for this purpose, $1.00
or more, willbe received by Sir Wm. B.
Meredith, Chief Justice, 4 Lamport Ave.,
Toronto; W. J. Gage, Fsq,, 64 Front St.
West, Toronto; or National Trust Co.,
Limited, Treasurer, 22 King St, East,
Toronto. Fifty dollars will furnish a
The Late Dr. Dewart.
A good story of the determination
and zeal of that great, brave and good
man, the Irate Dr, Dewart, is told by the
Toronto Sunday World. Dr. Dewart,
when he was young, was little less than
a " bushwhacker," or lumberman, and
as that class are ueually under straight-
ened circumstances, he wart not excep-
tionally well to do. He was working
near Peterboro, when he made up his
mind that he was going to attend the
grammar school in Toronto, and study
to be a Methodist minister. But his
pocket was so empty of the coinage of
-Mr. Nixon Sturdy, the well known
clerk of Goderich township, had a
narrow escape from death ou Tuesday
morning of last week. He was helping
to unload hay into the barn, and gave
the rope attached to the carrier a pull
which brought it over the end of the
beam, and the cradle came down on him
with all its weight, one prong entering
his right breast, just over the lung, but
fortunately being turned aside by a rib
it made only a long but deep flesh
wound, which required several stitches
to close up, Mr. Sturdy had the wound
hastily dressed and drove into Goderich
to Dr. Whitely, who attended to it
properly, remarking that half an inch
more world have been certain death.
Mr. Sturdy will be laid up for a couple
of weeks, much to his regret during this
busy season.
Right in Front .
Our range of White and Colored Muslins excel,
To see our Prints means to buy—they are beauti-
ful. A full range of the celebrated Crompton Cor-
sets on hand in all the newest styles. It will be
well worth your while to see our Dress Goods be-
fore buying. We have exceptionally good values.
A lot of Boys' Clothing just to hand. Trade in
the Millinery department was never better. Our
staff have to work all the time and over time.
Wash Goods are far in the lead at present. Everybody wants to be
right ready with cool dresses at the moment of the first arrival of the hot,
scorching days that we all dread. Wo are ready for all comers witlt many
leaders. Read over the ones given below, the rest are just ns goal if nut
better, The saving warrants your attention.
28o for American Organdy, a dainty fabric for street and evening
wear, In two patterns, colors Ruch as pale blue, dark blue, satin, stripes, de
inches wide, worth 4011 a yard, special at 25c.
At 35e and 40c -Canvas Cloth, popular material for Shirt Waist
Suits, colors linen and satin etripe effect, 28 inches wide.
At 15c and 120 -Up-to-date, fresh, crisp Dress Muslin for dresses, in
every coloring, 29 inches wide, worth 18c,
At 121,c -For regular 20c quality of Printed Ducks, polka dot, pin.
head spot, blue, pink, black,
"Good Old Summertime" Underwear for mon-Silkaline Underwear,
cool and light as the name suggests, for summer wear. Prices 20e, 25c,
35c, 50c and 750.
Any quantity of Butter and Eggs wanted.
333L."1" 1"1 -I.
-Timber is 'met: up in price, The
Elderslie council hart to pry $100 fu:
four ,.edar atringery 40 feet i(1 length.
—THE STANDARD coveys the ground.
BI.YTH 000(1KET8.'
Myth, July 11 -Wheat, leo to 73c. meet:,
40^ W 43o. Peas, tel to ole. Oats, 211e to 01c,
Egg , 12.: to /3o, bettor, lea to 14o. Potatoes,
5,dt0 now Hides, 5o to Oa. nay, e5 to 07. JAI
12o to 14e. Pore, g7 to id. Flan, $1.90 to $2.40
Fall Term Opens Sept. 1st
Scores of Business Colleges
have applied to oe for our crudestes, to act t,e
teachers in their schools. This fe the evidcnen
you are looking for as to the hest Reboot to
attend. Tli0oaauds of our fo uier students are
now in buelueee 1(10. Write for cur handsome
Mail Contracts.
to the Postmaster General, will be received at
Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the Mat ray of
August, 1003, for the conveyance of His Majesty's
Mans, on four proposed Contrsute for tour
years, 6, 8, 6 stud 3 Mom per week each war re.
epsotively between to Auburn and Blytb Rail-
way ate Mon and 8t. Augustine: (3) St. Aususttne
to BeleFrave Railway Station; (3) Westneld to
Blyth Railway Station, and ie) Dungannon and
Prosperity, from the lot of October, oast,
Printed notices twentieths farther informa-
tion an to condition of proposed Contracts may
be seen and blank forma of Tender may he ob.
tatted at the Pod Odlces on the said contra and
at the Ofaoe of the Pod Mee Inspector at
London. leo
Post Mos Department,
Mall Contract Braneb, 0. C. Anpzssoa
Ottawa, 3rd July. 1992. 8upprintendeat.
House For Sale.
A com .ortablo Dna 1,00,0 end four Iota (one
sore in all), with gout frame ureide end 0 imp
bsr of fruit tides. This property is ennead un
the north side ul DwiVey street In the v111age
of Blyth. Oonventeut distaoee from N,11. ste,
tf.m, poet 0(005, chorohss Std Mourn', Aho
110 tote wort of and adyoluing the ((h tit brink
yard. For further nmtimilars apply to the
undersigned. N. 11. Yoeso. 52(1
Farm For Sale.
The undo atoned none bin farm, lot 9 and S
10, eon. 12, ti051ett, coutatnto$160 acres, for sale
on reasonable term§ On the place la a storey
tud a ball Irawe bonne with atone Geller; driv-
ing 1100,0, baron, abode and all eeoossarr Out.
bnlldibge; two small aroharda; never felling
spring creek and never falling well;.7616.40(144
aures cleared, 10 acres bush. Moe tulle and a
quarter Trow church, eobool and post omoe.
t or full particulars appy to R. B. Knox, Bl th,
Out. 47t1
In Abundance
With -
and JARS
or anything in the Bakery or
Grocery line.
Barrel Salt Kept In Stook.
Good Butter and Eggs wanted at
either cash or trade prices. Also a
quantity of Potatoes wanted.
8b4T� STAR 818811