The Blyth Standard, 1903-07-09, Page 8No need to worry about neat strikes if your home is hooted with u "Sunshine ' Furnace. By placing our patented wood grate over the coal grates it will burn seed or coke nod give as perfect sstisfactiou as with coal --- also FH Yrs starting a coal fire in spring and fall when a wood fire will take the shill off the house in a few utinutes. Ford doors aro double and extra large --will admit rough chunks, leediu1 it is bmdo of heavy steel plate and encircles the demo in teeth a way that it leaven a wide apace between the two for the cireuletion of air and gives au ilnrstsige radiating surface. The "sinehine" 6 the ally Canadian heater which will burst coal, coke or wood with entire satisfaction. $old by ell Enterprising Dealers. YOpklet Free, McCIary's LONDON, TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, VANCOOVaa, ST. JOHN, N.B. BLYTH LIVERY anti SALE STOLES M Ofd 00 64i Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. C DC the CO 0 Firetrolasa Horses and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates. Best of accommodation to Com - menial Travellers om•merofal'fravellers and others requiring rigs. Veterinary office at livery stable. ORO AND QUEER STREETS, BLYTR. Sault Ste, Marie, in which locality he has spent the past few months. He looks as if it ago ed well with him.,,. Mr, W, Michio paid a recent t ieit to his brother at Hespeler, who works in one of the greatest wooleu trills in Canada, Mr, Michie also went to Preston and reports the crops as looking poor in Waterloo county, . -, Mr. hose Stubbs is homy from a short trip to Manitoba..., The w'll'0 :suspension foot bridge being put across the Maitland river by Mesere. Sherrie Bros, for passenger traffic is about completed. It is a 182 -foot span with wire approach and will be n great convenience to ,the builders and their friends. The outcome of this bridge is heing closely watched.... The Misses Docket, of Alpena, Michigan, are visit- ing with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, James Hall„ —Our hearty congrat- ulatione are extended to Mist. Marion McKenzie, who was among the success- ful students attending the Hamilton school of pedagogic. She now holds a professional first -clave teacher's certifi- cate and will no doubt succeed well in the profession of her choice ....Mr Wm. Cunningham has built a tine new wire fence on the front of his farm,,.. Messrs. John Clegg and James Croaker have arrived home from a four week's enjoyable trip through the west. They went as far as Banff and Edmonton and MORRIS. NOTES.- `its. Donald Currie is home from an extended visit with relatives in Hamilton. She wag accompanied by Ion grand -daughter, Mise Carrie Bayne, who wi!1 holiday here.... The new resi- den se of Mr. Albert Howlett is well nn towards completion and will he a very comfortable and modern home when finished, in which we hope Mr. Howlett end family will spend many happy pros- perous years Messrs. A. T. Cole, S4muel Jordan, F. Martin and W. B. Wilkinson each had the circular sate eating wood the past few days... Ail re, George Caslick and daughter, of Tees - water, are visitors at the home of Mr. James Shurrie. Tho senior visitor and Mrs. Sherrie are sisters. ... The new brick resldonne of Mr. Albert tIrooke has been pushed along so welt th+st the roof is on and plastering of the interior being done..., Tuesday of last week Mr. W. R. ]looney arrived home from met with many former friends while en route. The crop prospects are pro• uonneed tie first-class, Curscu. MEM O:SQ.—The council nest as a court of revision u1 Julie 29th, The following appeals were disposed of: -Hubbard Cornel.l)entered M.P.. Si lot tt, ems 2 ; Joseph Hogg, entered tenant, and 7, G. & S., Bluevale; F, Keys, entered 11.F.Si 25, con. 6; U. Halli- day, mitered F.J., Si 6, con. 5; A. E. ,tones, entered occupant, lot 21, Bel - grave Alfred J. Lowry, entered owner S', Is, con, 5; George Best, enterer owner, Si 21, con. 6. Moved by Nr. Taylor, seconded by Mr. Shaw, that the court, of revision bo now closed and 'hut the assessment roll as now revised and corrected be confirmed and estabtiehed as the lasseesment, roll for the township of Morris for the current year.—Carried. Olt 'notion of Messrs. Shaw and Code, Mr, 'Taylor wee instructed to expend 220 it; gravelling on sideline between lots 5 and 6, con. 5, On motion of Messrs. Code and Jackson, the reeve Ives instructed to have /Martin's bridge, 1st line, retloored. A communication was received from Mr, E, L. Dickinson, on behalf of Mr, Isaac 1'erraud, claim- ing damages to his property in the event of the construction of the Lenient drain, (hi motion of Messrs. Code and Taylor, the reeve was instructed to procure legal advice in the matter from Mr. R. Vanstone and report to the clerk. Mr. A. MoLaughlau applied for Resistance towards building a wire fence on east boundary at lm 32, con, 4, On notion of Messrs. Jackson and Code, Messrs. Shaw and Taylor were instructed to examine the locality lit said fence and report at next meeting. Accounts were ordered to be paid as follows:—John JlcCall, three culverts, 88.75; Wm, Mines, gravel on mirth boundary, $2,06 ; Mts. Milligan, gravel mi north boun- dary, $2.21; John D. Miller, gravelling on north bounders., $28.85; P, Moffatt, inspecting work on north boundary, $8.50; Win, J. Slater, gravel, $3.60; 1), Irwin, gravel, $8.10; John Duckett, gravel, $2.10; Al. Lamour, damage hauling gravel, 50c. 1V. J. Henderson, do., $2; H. Kirkby, work, gravel and damage, 880.15; John Hunter, inspect- ing. $3; John McCall, gravelling, $28; C. Taylor, inspecting, $1; It. B. Aleut 2, digging ditch, $15; John McElroy, tile ditch, $6; Jetties Golley, gravel for 1902, $4.2o; Wilton A, 'Turnbull, hard- ware for east boundary, $31.49; Wm, Skelton, gravel, 87,30 ; .Tames 'I'hymo, gravel, 11,10; George McCall, tile for culverts, $5; S. Irvine, gravel, 811.60; It. McMurray, gravel, $5; J. H. Sellars, gravel and damages, 85,27; George Kerr, gravel, $3,71 ; R. Yonill, job on Ross' hill, $25; M. Watson, gravel, $1.70; W. J. Souch, gravel, $1.5(1 ; George Peacock, gravel, $12.10; A. Shaw, gravel, $4.80; N. Bosman, gravel, 25.2$; 1. Breckenridge, gravel, $3.65 Win. Lib le, gravel, $5.70; George Proctor, gravel, 87.10; Corporat'on of East Wawauoeh, gravel, 81.90, James Taylor, gravel, 90c ; Geni i o McFarlane, plow broken on east boundary, 82.50 ; C. Wheeler, cement tile, $1,25; John McCracken, tile ditch on north boun- dary, $2.60; James Shurrie, tilling holes on river bank $1 ; Chanes Pollard, gravel and workk,$39,14; James Bolger, inspecting on 9th line, 82.18; James Bolger, inspecting on east boundary, $1.08 ; Charles Pollard, contract on east boundary', $50.117 ; Charles Pollard, cul- vert on 7t11 hue, $4.10; D, McLean, gravelling and inserting, $12; A. '1'. Cole, repairing road, $1.85; E. Laundy, gravel, $1388; Win. Michie, shovelling gravel, $2; It. 1•enstone, legal advice, $1 ; 1). Sommerville, gravel, 90c ; A. Proctor, gravel, $1.15; T. S. Brandon, gravel trod damages, $7.04. The coun- cil then adjourned to meet agein on August 3rd next,—W, CLAW', Clerk. Cement for Sale. The undersigned keeps in stock all kinds of Cement, including Quoenston and Portland. Convent Building and flooring a specialty. ---- JOHN STEWART OLYTH, ONT. ALCOHOLIC DRINKS AND MEDICINES. Several r,aropean and American governtnents have made comparative tests of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages for eoluiers on forced march. These testis have invariably resulted in the withdrawal of alcoholic drinks during all strenuous work, chocolate and other sweet beverages being given instead. The result of these scientific re- searches is applicable to the army of feeble and overworked people seek- ing strength. Liquid medicines are necessarily alcoholic; they merely stimulate and their effect is only tetuporary. Weak people should take ST. JAMAS WAFERS, which are a recon- structive and a tissue builder ; their effects are lasting, and a permanent improvement will always follow their steady use. ST- JANES WAFERS help stomach, digest food and send the nutriment through the blood, and this is the honest way to get health and strength, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy which accom- plishes much. "I eeesteer et. James Wafer* most excellent preparation for the nerves and shall recomtaead them generally," Dr. Thos. Brooke, M;antheater, Meg 5v *FO' SlItee N TOil1NC- d 0aUN1UNCTI efif.S. tot °t' ( EN RICH tNt81g008Stio50411 g; TNC CONSTITUTION' afarldon'ENtereel'G+Basl $RITAIN)L AMCRICA di MPS* rl then .a PrkNH Caesda t 81.001 bottles for 85.00 • SI. Ja urea Wafers are not Secret remedy : to the fed arrows doctors rt - tom wending 1htm to their jafitnts eve mail the formula wham refwe.f. Where dealers are not felling the Wafers, they are mailed upon re- ceipt of price at the Canadian branch : at, Jones Wafers Ce.. 1124 8t. Whale. IL, Mentnu. Jim Dumps on Independence Day, Said: " 1 orce freed us from Eng- land's sway. Now independence let's declare From indigestion's tyrant snare, Good friends, shake off this despot grin. 'Twas ' Force' that freed your 'Sunny Jim.'" r c\e" The Re d7.te-Serve Oteaii 00 ' always on duty. A rood for righters. "It may interest you to learn that' rose.' Is being served at breakfast several time* each week 10 the metebere of the Second Reg- iment, N. Li, 1'., now on duty at this plans "Baur W. Baowt." W-10 Iron and Brass Bedsteads. There in nothing so comfurtnble these wsrdn nights as an Iron Bedstead. It allows free etr- cutatinn of 11e air end then ,ou know iron 1s always coot. We soil a very good Iron bed for $4, s battler one for tea still better bed for em and $10. Those wishing health, comfort and freedom from every eche or pain should buy an iron bedstead, J. H. CHELLEW - - BLYTH DUNGANNON. Lust:--Dlcrvves.—A very pretty end fashionable wedding was that of Miss Lena Deeves, youngeat daughter of 51r. and 11 re. Stephen Deeves, at their home in Dungannon, to Mr, Albert Lusk, of Goderich, at six o'clock or Wednesday evening, June 24th. The ceremony was performed by Rev. M. Al. Goldberg, of St. Paul's church. The bride entered the parlor on the arm of her tither, and was prettily attired in white Swiss muslin with Inc. and inser- tion; she wore white roses is her hair and carried white roses. Her mister, Lizzie, was similarly attired end carried pink roses. The groom wee supported by his in other, James, of Lucas. The dining room was tastily decorated with orange blossoms, ropes, pinks, carna- tions, etc. After congrat ulatione about 40 guests sat down to a beautiful wed- ding tea, to which everyone did justice. The bride's travelling suit wee of blue ladies' oloth with white silk and appli- quo end ribbon, and hat to match. A. very pleasant evening was spent in d,uiciug and other einusoinents, every one enjoying themselves immensely. The bride received very useful and beautiful presents. The young people left for their home in Goderich the next morning. Among those from a distance were Mr. and lire. Lusk, of Luatn, father mrd mother of the groom ; Mr. J. Carroll, of Loudon; Mies Mayo, of Leven ; 51 r, end Mr*. George Crabb and Italie, of Bratltford; Mr, James Leek, of Lucan; Rev. J. W. Robinson and little daughter, of Goderich; Mr. Mc- Kay, Mr, and Mrs, Hardy, Mr. Shor- down, AIr, J. Black, of Goderich, and many othere from Crewe, Dungannon and other plscse. We all wish the young couple a long and happy wedded life. Mr. and lire, Lusk era now at home to their friends at No. 24 East street, Goderich. At �.� GEOI POWELL PRETORIA BLOCK BLYTH WANTED Before the 1st of July, to fill an order already placed with us for 6000 Boxes and Tubs of Good Dairy Butter Also eve must have 5005) dozen Eggs weekly to fill our or'der's, for which we will rimy the HIGHEST CASH PRiCE We would ask the makers of butter not 10 salt the butter heavy as the heavy salted butter always has to sell at a reduced price. Make the butter so as to bring the top price and you will be the gainer in the end, The Western Fair. The combined victories of peace and commerce in this third year of the new century are designed to illumine the brightest pages of Canadian history. Prosperity is abroad in all the land, from sores vest and plentiful, and from mining fields hoth east and west comes the harmony of buoyant progress. To few will be granted the iuepiratiott of witnessing the activity in the east, the west, the north and the south but to all ie .open the opportunity of seeing the 1A 1 frA 11 8: K K ( K 0 tiX K Kr K Kt:4 K K&r( K&K K SINFUL HABITS IN YOUTH MAKE NERVOUS, WEAK, DISEASED MEN. THE Roma of ignorance and forty In yoath, overexertion of mind and body laduud by Int and exposure are constantly wrecking the lives and future happiness of thousands of promising meg men. Some lade aad wither at an early age, at the blossom o1 manhood, while others are forced to drag out a weary, 1rn lttessand melancholy existence. Others teach maul. mooy but Rod no solace or contort there, 'Meridiem are found hi all stations of life—the farm the eliet, the workshop, the 11 put , the trades and tits professions. Nurses Debility ed geminal Ileums are guaranteed cured by our New Mathad freshen' er Na Pay. You run no risk 15 years le Detroit. Bank security. CURED NUN ALL ELSE FAILED. SeQauaused wittiest eiltdia "I am 33 years of age sod married. When pods/ I led a gay life. Harty Indiscretions and Mummies made trouble for me. I became weak and envoys. My kidneys became affected and I feared Bright's Disease. Married Life was aueatlsfsctor,y and my home unhappy. I tried everything --all felled tilt I took treatment from Drs Kennedy & Keegan. Their New Method balls me up mentally, phpalcatly and sextrali . I feel and act liana man in every respect. They treated me six years ago. They are honest, skilful and reIpanelble financially, so why patroalre Quacks and Pekin when you can be cared by reliable doctors."—W. A. Helton. ORES OWED OR 10 PR On li l free- ) I, s free--0llsHtR (lank free O l ! ireeleHl, Drs. Kennedy & Kcrgan,10 Olt yNl K&K K& K K&K K&K K& i(&K K K K K iQ( auto total of Canada's current develop- ment summarized and represented in the great I'Veetern fair to be hold at Loudon on September 11th to lf)th, Do net be the one to mise it. The footsteps of the exhibition man- agement never did lag. No sooner were the gates closed upon the lest fair than the directors commenced broad liberal planning for this season's show. Splen- did features of unique interest have heed thought nut and beneficial ideas devised for rendering the exhibits of the main building end other departments even snore alluring than ever before. The art gallery will he particularly attrac- tive and the competition ie the different classes unusually keen. Details are being perfected for dis- playsof machinery and agricultural im plemeute that cannot fail to illustrate the latest creations of inventive genius as applied to farm cultivation• ana- lecturer* on this and the other side of the line will be present to demonstrate the merits of their respective machines, and when it is said that the live stock department seems bound to excel Inst year's success no further words aro neede3. Farmers and breeders interest- ed in thorough bred animals cannot afford to neglect this all important part of the western fair. The list of special attractions has not been completed as yet but those already selected augur well for the coutimied triumph of the ring and platform events. Watch for the readers and advertise- ments to appear in this paper later on and remember that the Western of 110)11 will out shine all its glorions predeces- sors, Prize lis's and all information may be had for the asking. A. 0. U. W. m Myth lodge, No.144, Ancient Order of United Workmen, wow( in the Workman he li, Anmo block. on the hod and 41), Thursday in every mouth, at eight p.nn. Visitioe hre'i``ren an+ cordially Invited. N CuMt:<d, W.At T. J. 110p1C- iTi r, NRe0RPoR 4L 60 YEARS? EXPERIENCE PATEOT$ TRADE MARKS DEMONS I COPYRI6tnTe Ac. anyone sending n Ant eh and description mar do ekly ascertain nur oploion free whether an lurentton la pr"hahly i,ateotuhle. C.mmuniear tlnns strictly contldentiat Ilnudbnoknu patents tent tragi. Oldest wenn, for s o s ring patents. Patents WWI kwithou6c , Int he o. recotve medal not ice. Sctentifte .American. AhanAeomely tllantrotet weekly. Largest Mr - ciliation 01 uU 8nlentldn journal. 'i'erma, r ear 5 jour month,, bL ao d broil ngwadealern. 3ot8roadway, H en be1et•.WakMBYY�O,