The Blyth Standard, 1903-07-09, Page 6SLEEPY SHEEP. Some Noted Instances of Bleeping in Church. "Slut the doors 1' cried Father An- dre ooe day to the Suisse on duty. Whale he observed the Archbishop of `Paris asleep during file discourse. "'Shut the d(xm>, the shepherd ie asleep, the asleep will get out !" "Some men preach," sid Sidney Smith, "as if they thought sin is to ,bo taken out of a man ns Eee was 'taken out of Adam, by casting him lbto a profound shnulam" So at any Pato thought not South, 33 ho, preach- ing one duty at Whitehall, observed King Charles H. and oeveral of leis 'attune -emits asleep. Stooping down, bo cried out to Olin of the delin- quents, "sly lord, 111m sorry to Int( r - rapt you, but if you more so loud, you will wake the King." HLo Majtety theremem awoke, and, turning to Ids neighbor, remlu'ked with Lis /mem:tom:el good tint ure, "This man most be made a bishop ; remind me on the next vacancy." Too Much for Endurance. Baltimore American, It site In the courtyard of the Bul- garian royal palace. ' Yonder conte the anti -revolution- ists," shouted the royal ehnmixtrlaln ton servant. "fun and call the King quickly 1" Taking a card from his pocket the servant began to spell out the name. It was Karageorgevitch. " And yet," he said, bitterly, "they expect me to call h'm quickly. It Makes me sick!' Suiting the notion to the word ho threw up his job. Vac Lever's Dry Soap (a powder) to wash woolens and flannels, -you'll like it. 32 The efarried State. Philadelphia Ledger. "It al'waye stems no strange to me When I hear of a saleslady marrying A floorwalker," said the young thing at the ribbon counter. "Why so?" Inquired the sour man in the Linen department "Because it's second nature for a saleslady and floorwalker to fight." " Woll 7" oft. A. W. CHASESCATARRH CURE a e"2c, la sent direct to the dteease, pans ley the Improved Move.Heals Me ulee,n, ctcartetbe ale passages, stops dropplu�+ In the throat and permananty Lytes Catarrh and Hay Feve lower free. Alt dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co.. Tarnowand Bahia holes in it. "Please give me a poled of cl motel" Said Mrs. Nuwel to the grocer, "and, say," she added, haughtily, "1 want good, solld cheese: the last I got base Maui holes In 11 !" t $CRAiCNINC makes an Itching skin worse. Weaver's t,erate allays the pain, takes out KY 0 luftammattou, cwnus the akin ni erup- eas and sores. Why not buy a bottle to - Won the Het. Bechtel American. A London commercial, who had a very ruddy complexion, after 'work - Ing' Olaagow, had some time to watt for his train et St. Enoch station, and bethought himself of a good joky "What is the name of this station, my good man 7' he asked of a porter. "St. Enoch station, sir." A few minutes later he met the same porter and said : " What did you call this station, porter 7" St. Enoeh's. Dae ye no' see the name abmte the hotel there 7" Just then the train was shunted in, and our English friend got c0111- forta.10 seated In tl third-class smoker, along with a few more pas- lengers of the male persuasion. "These railway officials are about the worst 1 ever acme across; they can't be civil," remarked the Lon- doner. "That's a confoueded lee!" said n Scotch farmer. Well;' Raid the' Londoner, "I'11 bet you ten bob Idon't get a civil an- swer from the first porter I tisk a question of,' " Done P' replied the old farmer. Looking out of the carriage win- dow he spied fits "green" friend and calling him over asked In his most polite tone: ' Woukt yon kindly tell me the name of this station, porter 7" " Gang awn', ye hacon-faeo l (kl buffer 1 Pit yer daft Reid In 1" was the answer. 3tinard's Liniment Cures Colds, ole. Betrothed Before Birth. During the Middle egos 1t was cus- tomary for princes and princesses to become betreotlted and married in childhood to Inauro succession or poi- itical advantages. But it was only In exceptional cases that tinhorn c1',ldren were disposed of in the same way. Such a case. however, is on record. It occurred in Ft68. whoa Prince Sigmund, not of Emperor tlllaries IV., watt flown. Oe his bap- tlsmal day he was betrothed to Katherine, daughter of the Count of Nuremberg. On tint (rcetbslon It was art cod that a daughter Of Chnrive iV with whom Le expected to 103 ble*ead within five years, should be married to a eon of Count Freder- ick, of whom it was also hoped that o .should so be provided. This de edito youngest bridal couple on r( leo'. The hoped-for daughter came trot 1878, the last year Of the al- {cltted period,. and else in time be- oaao the wife of Johan III., the non the Couot, mato also justified the pectatiorss of his parents. - St. &olds Post -Dispatch. LUMBEBIAN TELLS HIS EXPERIENCE. How Dodd's Kidney Pills Quickly Cured Ills Lame Back. William N. Raskin, of Norwood, Gives Good Advice and Others are Fol- lowing it With Splendid Results. Norwood, •Ont., J uly lis-tSpccinl1 -William N. Deakin, thewellknown lumberman and railroad contractor of this place, tells of an experience with Bolide. Kidney Pills that is bound to he G interest to the pub- lic generally, "For two yea.re," says Mr. Bask- in, "1 wars laid up with Latae Back and Kidney Disease. I would at tines become weak and have to leave oft work. People who knew me as lumberman and contractor on the C. P. le. and Parry Sonud Italhvaye knew how sick I was. "Beading of wonderful cures by Dodd's Kidney trills ltd me to try talent. I used three boxes and nm completely cured. I can any now 1 brave not jlad any pains since I used Dodd's Kidney fills." Others who have followed Mr. Buskin's advice and tried Dodd's Kidhey Pills report similar requite. No form of Kidney Disease eau stand before them. Would Be Glad to Pay Illustrated Bite. Mina Frances -Don't you think there should be a tax on bachelors, Mr. Mucltlywnl-I'd gladly pay for the privilege of being one. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and blemishes from horses; blood spavin, curia, epll'dt.. ringbone, sweeney, suites, soratun, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc, Savo $,',O by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. A Relation ny Marriage. "Children have queer Ideas;" said the happy father of a bright young boy- to a friend the other day. "I don't, as a general thing, repeat the sayings or tell of the doings of that young one of aline, 'but really a thing ho geld to me Mat before Christmas, is worth repeating. "Toddie wanted to give a present to teeth member of tile family. I en- couraged his generous thought and prom6vod idm all the material aid he might need. So lie made out the list of the things he Intalned to give and applied to me for the money to buy them. 1 nskod to see the list and found that tho present for Ills mother called for a much larger sum than the one for me, "Of coatis., I agreed with his Idea that hie mother should have the best qf anything that wan going, but I woo rather curious to know why he thought 0e, and 1 netted hint how 1t was ode mother was to get a better present than his dad. His anower staggered me. "'Well,' he oil(L seriously, 'mam- ma iv mamma always, but you arra papa only beeetuse you married into tho family.' "-Exclaange. "THE ONLY WAY." There le but one way to property appreciate the advantages of a trip to gees York or Boston on the trains of the New York Central Railway, and that le to use the line. See your ticket agent. Not an Edged Tool. Annie Louise was re -arranging her mother's work basket end found a small gourd. She asked what 11 was. Being told sate inquired: "Is that what you cut gored eklrtn with ?IP—Little. Chronicle. No Benefit Derived. La Rlre. Bertle-Did you hear any rich old uncle was dead 7 Oueale-No. What did he leave you? Bort le -Not ting ! Gus91e-Well, what's the good of his being dead 7 Mlkn WHIM Work With the Cklid: Play New Century Bali Bearing Washing Machine and a couple of ave year old ehildren- the washing need not stand over Five minutes to a tubful and you will have no use for wash boards. It clean- ses perfectly. Von cannot afford to be without it. Order through your deafer. We will mail you a booklet ou application. The DOSWELL MFG. CO., Limited HAMILTON, ONT. Lost a Good Snapshot. Judge. He -Look, look ! I think that man out In the breakers is drowning! she -0h, hearens ! and I have Left my camera at home ! LONDON AND PARiS. Differences are strongly Marked and Are Often ()ppoalte. The contrasts presented by Paris and Lundun are rather emu:angle put by Felix Prj(1 ill the tutu, of tate former city. Ile says "1':tris tlo's 10001 things Willi the right haat or at the right Icoh1 side ; Lundell follows the left. "Parisian coachmen keep to the right, those of Loudon to the lett. Paris grown by absorption, Lou- don by expansion. "Paris is Melt of stone, London of brick. "Peril/ Ince high houses and nar- row streets, 1.011(1uu's buildings are low and its streets wide. "7ehr windows of Paris open Tike doors, those of London a to guillo- tine. "Ihtrle Is eolleetivistie, It dwells In houses which are really earnvan- series; London Is Individualistic, enols family having its uw'n house. "Paris has Its pprt!er, London ids night key. "Paris gets up early from its bed, which is against the wall; London arises late from Its bei, WL1.+h is In the centre of the room. "Paris dines, London eats. "London said Voltaire, has 100 religions, and but one sauce; Paris has 100 sauces and no relig- ion at all. "Paris is gay, London end. "London has too few, soldiers. Parte too teeny. The soldier in Paris wears blue tuulo and pant- aloons, while the London tuan-oft war et 01141 in a lid court aud blue trousers. "In Paris priests perform the marriage ceremony; In London they marry themselves. "In Paris the married women are free; in London when a woman marries etre ceases to be, "Paris has mora suicides, London more honeeklee. "Paris works, London traffics. "In Paris the street crowds fight by kicks, in London ndon by blows of tho fist "Tho proletariat of Paris refer to the patvnl:hop 0e "my Hunt," while In Loudon they say My uncle.' " BINDER TALK, Some or the important features of the Massey -Mums Bander are: Folding Dividers --No bolts or nuts to unscrew. You merely release a spring on the outeitbo Dickler and unhook the inside one to fold them. A youngster can do 1t easily and properly. The Dividers are very rigid le their working 10,31ll o e and remain at whatever angle they are folded over the conveyor canvas. Floating Llevatolra-Tiley literally flout. The grain cannot stick or choke In the Mnsst'y-Harris eleva- tor, no matter how much It 1l/ bunched. Simple Knotter-Capable of ad- justment to take up wear. Roel -Suited for handling the crops under all conditions of wea- ther or land. It tv111 pick up tan- gle' or laid gratin and lay it neatly on the table. it 011,1 handles long or reborn grain w•if11 splenlid success. Roller Bearingv throughout to lighten the draft and snake the work eugy for the Gorges. The beaeto know when they are hitched to a Mptesey- Itavele-it rune so easily. Another Peaceful Blockade. Chicago Post. She (Indlgnnntly)- SIr, what do you mean tl)' putting your arm around Illy ivaiet? Ho (meekly) -Why, 1-er-thought you wouldn't object. She -Well, I do, and I'll give you Just three lours In wlticli to remove I.t" I was cured of Bronchitis and Asthma by MINARD'S LINIMENT. MRu1. .1. LIV-INGSTONE. Lot 5, 1'. E. I. I was cured of a severe attack of IWtenmatlsm by olINAi1D'S LINI- M1EN'T Mahone Bay. JOHN MADER. I was cured of a severely sprained leg by MINARD'S LINIMENT, JOSHUA WYNACHT. Bridgewater, ABOUT THE REDHEADED GIRL She Poetesses Qualities of Which Her Darker sister Cannot Hoaet. A champion of the red-headed girl has come to the front. Not that the girl In question 1s greatly In need of a champion. In nine eases out of ten she id abundantly able to care for lterselt without aselstanee from any source. But Ole advice of "the girl with the auburn hair" defies the world to dispute the truth of these five propositions: The red-headed girl cnn- 1. Detect the odor of a peevlotus high Loll further, quicker and with more finer/lag Instinct than any other being on earth. 2. Nail a Ile and bore deeper (holes with her penetrating eye In 90 doing than any other thtug that Inas eyes. 8. Mika any hie nae of a liar look Ilke thirty cents quicker and with logo effort than any other living thing. A. Break a man's morning nap and hustle him to build the fire Ie. the range quicker, tourer ani with lees back talk than any other style of womankind. 5. She le the only known species who can throw a miftele with accu- rate aim and who does not endan- ger the levee of innocent by -stand- ere. A little Sunlight Soap will clean cut glass and other articles until they shine and sparkle. Sunlight Soap will wash other things than clothes. dB 1(hnt. for Saving Alimony. Chelsea Gazette. Lawyer -You can't get a divorce on such evidence es that, Client -chert how out I to get rid of her ? Lawyer -Well, some automobiles are nail to be dangerous. Millard's Liniment Cures Diphthe- ria. Mabel Rocas Her Business. Puck, " It is a great mistake, Mabel, to trifle with the affoctions of a man who levee you by encouraging sem('- ote elec." "Well, he's a little slow, Auntie. I think he needs a pacemaker." Minard's Liniment Cures Garget In Cows. A (TREAT FRONTIER JUDGE. He Sentenced 172 Men and 88 01 Theta Were Hanged. Front a *thatch of Judge I. C. Park- er, in Frank Lesllo's PON bar Month- ly for July. this is taken: A man who stwteneed 172 crim- inals; tc deaths, 88 of shorn were hanged ; an upright judge, holding sway for 2 1 years over 73,000 square utiles od the most lawless territory In the United elates; a stern, just Judge, whom name became a terror to ovtl doers; a very kindly, Heel - pathetic gentleman and public spir- ited citizen -few characters Ilitvo been developed In our west who have played a snore striking rola than Isaac C. Parker, United Slates Dis- trict Judge for the Weider!) Dte- trict of Arkansas, from May, 787:,, to September, 11417(1. The story of Gla work, which le told in art article In Leslie's Monthly for July, is as thrilling ae It is truo. How sternly he pursued his ap- pointed task anti with what aid he succeeded In accomplishing It la :Mown by the empire record that, during his term of office, sixty-five of Ills deputies were killed in fights with Saw-broukers. Good Tuings to Know. Leather bags can be freshened by rubbing with a cloth slightly molel- ctnod with sailed oil. Pullet: wttlt dry dusters afterward till every vestige of oil id removed. The low shoes are generally laced with wide rlhbtus. Red ribbon is thus used Le a black Orford tie, Strap effects :Ire much in vague .0 high Aloes and slippers. The high shoes may be fastened with eight or nine of these straps, encl. ornament - tel with a scone buckle In sliver, gilt or bronze, Thane Str;tps have euper- sedel the colonial buckles on low Hee. Whitening the Skin. If a remedy 19 wanted to produce Immedlato and wonderful effects In whitening the skin use tar and olive oil, heated together and cooled. Use upon the face when go- ing to bed wttli a musk of thin old linen or uranin put on to prevent coming off -further protecting the pillows by an ofd sheet thrown over them. In the morning a bath of white cnstlle soap and water brings the face ant pare and softly ttntel teuuJ q;!!m pepvaq putt eoll ewe e as a elders. Tials 1s not only the best, but one of the most harmless and cheapest preparations that can be procured. Innocents at Home. 1.itn. Mrs. Cnsophlot-They must fit three men's ebubst up very gorgeously in- side. Mrs. Worldley-Why 7 Mrs. Unsophist -I heard your hus- band tell mine that he wee playing the whole evenllg on velvet. ISSUE NO. 28, 1903 Mra Winslow'a Dootbmg fiffl'ap .botdd always ba need for Cblldreo Teething. 11 soothes the child, softens therms, aura wind code and le the beet remedy for Dt whore, W.1 N'1'F0—t11t1(1IIT, I: NN. 11 17.T IC young men 101111 rho Garro, with good address andibiek that cannot lie turned ((170, 0011 1)1010,- from $b 1 to 12(1 por week .riling oar specialties of recognised merit to the wholesale and retell merchant. In (1. Potted Sturm 011 00111111 10/0011 ; travelling et. 11000,0 advanced. address P.O. box No. 68 Hamilton, oat. 1)1HW. 11.1.. 711'1,3'tNEV TAPE WORM cure IN safe and Kure. Write for 11st of names of people cured to da Queen street west, Toronto. Summer Excursions 7'o Itoeheator, 1 00 Islands, ]ray of Write, }tuphin Cit. Lawrence, to Montreal, Quebec, 31 array Buy, River du Loup, 'I'ndousac, Saguenay Inver. Steamers Toronto, Kingston atm by steamers Hamilton, Spartan and Corsican. Farther inform] tion apply to H. Foster Chaffee,western Passenger Agent, 'Toronto USE 1,000 MILE AXLE GREASE It Has No Equal Manufactured only by THE CAMPBELL MFC. CO. of HAMILTON, ONTARIO. For solo by all leading dealers. 'NATURAI. —FLAVOR CIS TOP ,1' Summer fy' Luncheon ' t.jt Foods Meet cv ., s r. taisite of the impromptu r hot weather meal. Polled Nan, Bat and Tongue, or Tongue (Wats), Veal Lal, Deviled Nam, brisket Ike,, Salad Smoked Bat Cts All natural flavor foods -palatable and whole- some, your grocer should have them. Fart—Tbe booklet"now to Wks Good Thine* to gat." Hm,d Kivu 2e stomps for Llbbr'. big Atlas of the World. s Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago, 111. A Cockney'N Spell. Kangas City Journal. Jonathon -I say, Britisher, can you spell horse 7 Englishman -'Orae? Why, certainly, It honly takes a Leitch and a ho and a har and a Gess and a he to spell 'orae. There Is more Catarrh In this section of the country then nil other dlseaaes put together, met until the lint few years was supposed to be Incurable. Fora great many 3'eare doe. tors pronounced 1t a local dlsease and pre*. eribed local remedies and by couetnntly fall. Ing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. science has proven catarrh tone a coiistftutfonnl disease and therefore re. quires a constitutional treatment. Ha11'eCe. tnrrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney Se Co., Toledo, Oleo, In the only constitutional. cure on the market. It It taken internally la doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It act' directly on the bleed and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one handfed dollar* for any muse It falls to cure. Send for circu- lars and testimonial.. Address F. J CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Drugghats-7 Lc. Hall's Family Pills are the best. She Was Posted. C lenge News. "Say, mamma," queried little Elsie, "what is a stag party 7" "Stag, my dear, is an abbreviation of stagger," replied the knowing mother. jeflnard's Liniment Cures Distemper. "There goes a spanking team," raw marked Willie Brown to Tommy Jones ass the two boys' mother walk. ed down the street together. It Tells in the Show Ring It you hope to exhibit your stock at the Pall Fairs, .tart now and get them in per- fect health by using Dick's Blood Purifier It will bola loo to carry off the l alae Ribbon. Fifty Cants par package. LESSHNG, Intatt a CO.. Meatreai, Agents y, oir tSVP!E_'rRIOR TO ALL OTHICRS E. S. EDDY'S NEW INDURATED FIBRE WARE TUBS, PAILS, ETC For sate by alt first char dealers M- INSIST ON owl TING woov's-Mip