The Blyth Standard, 1903-07-09, Page 4JAMES plcMURCBIE
Sale Notes a opts/lolly. Advances
Made to farmers on their own
notes. No additional security re-
INTERF.Ci 9 DEPOSITS at Current Rates,
We offer every accommodation con.
Mieteot with safe and conservatite
banking principles.
To loan on heal Estate at lowest
rates of interest,
Persons wishing to rail will do well
to place their property out our fiat
for sale. Rents collected,
Ot all kinds promptly attended to.
We represent the leading Fire and
Life Assurance companies, and re-
spectfully solicit your account,
OFFICE HOURS: 10 A.M. to 8 w.M.
�11$3nus earls.
Lego, Mos, Micitor tor eyer block Wing 11 i n.n. to
gpWtor for the Village of Blyth, tbe Town -
Alp of Grey, the Howlok Untold Fire Ineuranoe
00, pand the Metropolitan Bauk. Private end
ooze Stanmoney& k,loon at Brussels. rates, Omes
Iaeessapre College
Pr. Jerome. Graduate of the
aRoyal rad0I of Toronto Univeritty, Os. ffice over
peggr Powell'$store, Pretoria block, Biyth,
eame00t 10 Dr. Telt, Graduate of tbe Unt•
Witt) of Toronto, Member of College of Pty.
Millaa4 sad Singsong of Ontario. Former) of
ipt1tMaatOileis sue 100295ate, teatootland, how
is2.17 0 p
Wes by Do. Pdt,Blyth, - r
the f lith gtanbazb.
TAA BLYTI2 STANDARD, published every
Thursday morning, is a live local news-
paper, and has a large circulation in
Blyth and surrounding country, making
It a valuable advertising medium. Sub-
scription price to any part of Canada or
the United States only One Dollar per
annum in advance ; $1.50 will be charged
If not so paid. Advertising rates on
application. Job Printing neatly and
:heaply executed. Correspondence of a
Oeway nature respectfully solicited.
w 7. Yat" M,D.C.M,
Univertity of
'4 ) Fellow of Trinity ee
ellid .1 member College
of Pdeisne
01 Gotario.
Coroner for the
o eros. OMNI, one door north of the
hotel, Queen street, Blyth.
THURSDAY, JULY 9, ltkl8,
Blyth Connell.
The regular Monthly meeting of Blyth
council was held in Industry hall on
Tuesday evening. The members pres-
ent were Reeve Sites, Coun. MoNally,
Coun. Milne, Coun. Sloan and Coun.
Minutes of last regular and special
meetings were road and adopted.
Coun. Milne Moved, seconded by
Conn, McNelly, that the following ac-
counts be pard :- Thomas H, 'Taylor,
'ember for tanks, $109.10; James Barr,
salary and meals for tramps, $25.45;
Reeve Sittig end Coon. McNally, ex-
penses to Clinton to purchase street
sprinkler, $2.50; Jacob Miller, street
sprinkler, $1:25 ; Grand Trunk Railway,
rent of weigh scalp site, $1, -Carried.
Couu, Milne moved, seconded by
Coun. Stothors, that all travelling
shoe, merry-go-rounds, eto., exhibit-
ing under canvas in Blyth on July 118th
next be charged a fee of $25 each. -
Bylaw No. 7, re the appointment of
John T, Carter as first engineer of Blyth
tire brigade, was read three timee and
panted on motion of Coons. McNally
and Sloan.
Council then adjourned.
Mae tlaek of Tobaoaae, Cigar* and Pipes 0n
boa 4Pit� rtthe Pu4ieu Wean Laundry,
1,004�,yiao and lnaara08* Agent. Once, on
at Tee
DUO Moe will teoelte p mpwit, Intib. Orden tt.ttentiou. grew
pound, while the ppt�resont prime of the
article in New York Is between 12 cent.
and 1 (t 00015, One would expect that
the long Series of upward tnovemontFt in
the prices of cotton and dress goods
would have led to some curtailment in
the demand. But tit 18 002,110t bo sail 10
have proved to be the case. B0Slnese has
been fully up to normal in extent, and,
especially of late, all articles required
for summer use have been in even more
then average request. The fact is that
the goods chiefly affected by the rise in
cotton are precisely those which pantile
cannot do without except at great in-
convenience and, while conditions gene-
rally are so prosperous as they are at
present throughout the Dominion, they
do not see the Porro of nutting themselves
to that inconvcuience. Business there-
fore keeps up web.
Teet and Promotion Eaaminaslone.
Following is the result of the recent
test and promotion examinations hold
in Blyth public school. The names all
appear in order of merit :-
Div. No, 1. -Percentage given. Class
,Jenkins 69. Class II --J. Bell
98, K. Marshall 67, A. Cowan 52, N.
Stewart 62, H. Armstrong 44, A, Lot -
man 40, B. Taylor 80. Clare I -\f.
Barr 80, E. Mason 70, F. Ar ustrong 98,
W. Sellars 02. Failed in: (a) arith-
metic -A. Cowan, A. Gorman; (b) Brit-
ish history -A. Gosmatt ; (c)Trench-
11, Armstrong ; (d) physics -A. Cowan,
B. Taylor ; ,((1,e) euclid-A. Cowan, N.
Stewart, A. Quintan, FI. Armstrong.
Div. No. 2. -Jr. IV :o Sr. IV -Pearl
Gidloy, Florence Somers, Iva Govier,
Willie Nicol, Euphemia Steinhoff, Stan-
ley Buchanan, Robbin Brown, Annie
Stewart, W iliie Watson, Clyde Herring-
ton, Fannie Mason, Cecil Vail, John
Watson, Nino Begley, Dottie Cowan,
Fred Jackson, John Potter, Evva
Stothers, Sr. III to Jr, IV -Passed :
Sophia Barr, F. Somers, Jessie 'Drone,
Lena Plaetzer, Cheriie Willows, Herblc
McElroy ' recommended : A. Coombs,
Clara Ilottzhauer, Leon Scott.
Div. No, B, -Jr, III to Sr. III -Pass•
ed : Muriel Chellew, George Leith, Roy
Sims, Bernie Edmonds John Carter,
Fred Willows, Robbie Wanless, Russell
IJenhohn, Melvin Ni vine, Clara Copp,
Rose Brown, hose Wettlaufer, Sr. II
to Jr. III -Passed : Frank Plummer,
Grace Stewart, Lillie Wanless, Mary
Carter, Albert Somers, Myrtle Nicol.,
Emma Leith, Birdie Kennedy, Eva
Campbell, John Emlgh, Wesley Camp-
bell, Iva Mains, Pearl Plaetzer. Jr, 1I
to Sr, Il -Passed: Tom Moon. Myrtle
Pallman, Herd Herrington, Hazel Ben-
nett, Walter Cowan, Milton McWil-
liam, Sam McLaughlin, Archie Wells,
Edgar Begley, Stanley Chellew, Flor-
ence Taman, Lelia Begley, Evvy Mc-
Commine, Lillie Wettlaufer; recom-
mended: Willie Mains, Annie Willows,
Willie Potter.
Div, No. 4. -Sr. Part II to Jr. II-
Paesed; Willie Burling, )thea Emigh,
Elmer Nivins, Birdie Davis aod Dorothy
Tierney equal; Gwendoline Edmonds;
recommended : Jimmie Kennedy,
Ato il kinds of oM1r. Spooledeattention Mesa glasses
ttigpgg the
ge, Orders by mall promptly attended to.
)/MHO 01 pontes wing my name as I employ
SO inwenth agents whatever. &ettslaetloa
ImeiWfee., Td,-Ee
oronto,llrbed 1879. 054 Richmond
Doing to England
This summer ?
If so take pumice by the
Best Lino from Canada.
Sail every Thursday during
the summer from Montreal
direct' to Liverpool.
Safe Boats, Fine Staterooms
and Courteous Attendance.
Call at THE STANnAlin office or write
for circular and rates.
Ooderleh and the Canadian Paola*.
From the (lodertoh Signal.
The revival of the long-delayed pro-
ject of the extension of the C.P.R. from
Guelph to Goderich, as reported in the
Signal two weeks ago, seems to afford
substantial ground for the hope that
this scheme is now about to be realized.
A fow weeks ego several of the directors
of the Guelph Junction railway had an
interview at Montreal with President
Shaughnessy and received from the
latter a statement which is regarded as
a practical assurance that the line to
Goderich will be built. Ono of the
freight officiate of the C.P.R. has been
through the district examining into the
prospects for business, and the company
has also had a surveyor looking over
the ground in this neighborhood.
On Tuesday, on the invitation of the
Guelph people, Mayor Lewis and Mr.
A. Saunders, president of the Goderich
board of trade, wont to Guelph and con-
ferred with Mr, Win, Bell, president of
the Guelph Junction railway; Mr. J.
H, Hamilton, mayor of Guelpph; Col.
Macdonald, secretary of theG,J,R„ and
other members of the board of directors
of the railway. Mr. Wm. Doherty, the
organ manufacturer of Clinton, also was
present, The subject of the extension
was discussed in its various aspects,
with a view to doing what can he done
for the furtherance of the project, in
which the Guelph people are taking a
lively interest. Aline byway ofMonk
ton and Clinton to Goderich is suggest-
ed by the C.P.R, engineer, but Mayor
Lewis held out strongly for an alterna-
tive route touching Bruseele and Blyth.
This, of court*, would not meet the
wiehee of the Clinton people, but would
have some obvious advantages over the
former route, The Guelph people aro
indifferent as t0 the route so long as it
connects their city with Goderich.
It is understood that the C.P.R. will
not ask for any bonus, but will look to
the municipalities for the right of way,
Mayor Lewis proposed that Goderich
and Guelph each look after the securing
of the right of way ter the half of the
line nearest to the town and city, respec
tively; that is, that Goderich attend to
Huron and Perth 00001iea, and Guelph
to the balance of the route. This pro•
poaiti, n was accepted. and es soon ea
the C.P.IL. decides upon a route active
work can be commenced. Correspond.
Once with the company is now proceed-
ing, and it is expocted that very shorty
there will be something definite to work
tour Ladder
Dont be bothe red with the cumber.
some, olddas oned kind; it does
not pay,
One Man an Easily
4landl a Waggoner.
If you wap a mu,ladder for any r•
pose ask torour llhstrated 01*
logne. mire*.
Farther Advance In Cottons.
The Monetary Titnes has the follow.
ing to say regarding the advance in the
price of cotton :-
Until a fow days ago it was thought
by some people in the dry goods trade
that much of the high cost of raw cotton
was due to epeculative manipulation,
and that it w Id be shown before long
that the crop)iid not promise so badly
as some parties were endeavoring to
indicate. The United States govern.
most crop report of last week, however,
showed that such hopes were doomed to
disappointment. The cotton crop, Re-
cording to the latest advices, continues
very backward, the abnormally low
temperatures having caused slow and
poor growth. Insects, too, have done
considerable damage, Theresult of this
condition of things contineee to make
itself felt in enhancing prices, to which
there seems to be no end. The latest
changes in prices of textiles we hear of
are in ticking, which has advanced }-
cent to h-oept per yard, or five to 10 per
cent; cottonades, which have gone up
five to 10 por cent; flannelettes, Saxon -
lee, shirtings, etc., 15 per cent ; denims
10 per cent, and some lines of shakers
about live her cent, All lines of yarn
also [rave gone up about five per cent.
It is not unlikely that, unless eo:ne
rauical change in the position of raw
material takes place, further advances
in these cotton fabrics will be mase, for
it is pointed out that the cost of the
finished article is in many cases still
considerably below the parity of raw
cotton. Some lines of white, bleached
and grey cottons have already gone up,
and others are likely to follow suit,
while an increase ip the price of linings
is looked for shortly, that the increase
in the value of the above linos of cottons
is not unree.ottable may be jgdged from
the fact that the prices which prevailed
Sports and Pastimes.
The intermediate lacrosse match be-
tween Seaforth and Brantford played
at Brantford on Saturday afternoon
resiilted in favor of Seaforth by a seeps
o( 4 to U.
Wingham on Saturday defeated Luck -
now in the eecond lacrosse game blayed
in Lucknow this season by a score of 6
tot, Rain fell during most of the game,
which made good lacrosse impossible
and prevented any combination work.
This game makes Lucknow and Wing -
ham a Ge for first place in the district.
A baseball match was played at the
Belgrave picnic last Wednesday be-
tween the Blyth and Wingham teams,
tho former winning by a score of 14 to
4. Summary ;-
1311th- R 0
0. &omen, e.... 1 3
Rhone, Bb 1 4
NoArtor, 2b 1 a
Stewart, of 9 9
Porterfield, es1 9
Douglas, p 2 9
R. $amore, If , 8 8
McMillan, of 9 8
Anion, lb 1 8
14 84
Wingbam- R 0
Burgess, se 1 9
Small, lb 0 6
Bush, If 0 1
Armour, o . 0 3
Lang, .1 ...... 0 4
West rf...... 0 4
Bell, Iib 2 0
Perrin, 80 1 9
Lewree')n, p 0 4
4 97
By innings -
Stith 1 008 0113 •-14
Wingbam 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1- 4
Umplree-Adam McKenafe, of Blyth, sod
nook Bell, of Wiaghem.
WAGGONER LADDER CO., OTD. until teat veiett were based on raw cotton
Lee , Canada. prelims/A at Si cents to 9d Genie per
Lm oqi e
== r .=etjtv�YAtdAS`�itM74
Right in Front t$ a
Our range of White and Colored Muslins excel.
To see our Prints means to buy—they are beauti-
ful, A full range of the celebrated Crompton Cor-
sets on hand in all the newest styles. It will be
well worth your while to see our Dress Goods be-
fore buying. We have exceptionally good values.
A lot of Boys' Clothing just to hand. Trade in
the Millinery department was never better. Our
staff have to work all the time and over time.
Wash Goode aro far in the lead at present. Everybody wants to be
right ready with cool dresses at the moment of the first arrival of the hot,
scorching days that we all dread. We are ready for all corners with many
leaders. Read over the ones given below, the rest are just as good if not
better, The saving warrants your attention.
25c for American Organdy, a dainty fabric for street end evening
wear, in two patterne, colors such as pale blue, dark blue, satip, etyipes, 80
inches wide, worth 4(k) a yard, special at 25c.
BABE. -!n Blyth, on July gid, the wife of Mr. A.
M. Babb, of'1 eeawater, of a daughter,
OUNNINOHAM.-In Hullett, on Jay 41(1, the
wife of Mr. Walter Cunufogtum, of s daugh-
DEL10N, In Brunels, on June 20th, the wife
of Mr. Henry Dellon of a daughter.
500105.-1n Blyth, on .idly Brd, the wife of Mr.
Win. &nigh, of a eon.
BHOR'I'BR ED. -In Morrie, on July let, the wife
of Mr. Win. Shortreed, of a daughter.
TIORVEY-In Morrie, on July lot, the wife of
Mr. Wm. Towey, of twtna-spa and daogh-
DUNLOP -COOK -At the residence of the
bride's parents, Ford 'doh, on June 30th by
Rev, D. bogere Dr. Holston Dunlop, of *hal-
low Lake to Janet E., eldest daughter of
Mr. and tire. B. S. Cook.
ROBERTSON - BALDW IN. - At Bt George's
ohm oh, Montreal, on June29th, by the Most
Reverend wtlltan Bennett Bond, D.D.,
LL.1)., Lord Arebbteho p of Montreal, aton-
ed by the Ret. Dyson Ragne, M.A., rector of
the Memorial church, London, coudn of the
bride, and Rev. M. Gay Baldwin, M.A., broth-
er of the bride, Annie Sarah Jessie, second
daughter of the Bight Reverend Maurice
&collard Baldwin, D.D•, Lord Bishop of
Huron, Loudon, to Mr. Alexander Robertson.
of Montreal, oldest son of the late Andrew
MA1171N.-In Londesboro, ou July Srd, Mte. Ann
Martin, aged HS years.
WAToON,-In (1018 t, on July elh, Mr, Wm.
Watson, aged 70 years.
Shaw Coming. Jody 13th.
The John F. Stowe's Monster Uncle
Tom's Cabin Co„ the largest and best
ehow of its kind travelling on their
own special palatial care, will exhibit
in Blyth under their mammoth water-
proof tents next Monday, July 1Btb.
Admission reduced to 15 and 25 cents,
On date of exhibition Prof. Puliinger's
At 350 and 40o—Canvas Cloth, popular material for Shirt Walat
Suits, colors linen and satin stripe effect, 28 inches wide.
At 15c and 120 -Up-to-date, fresh, crisp Dress Muslin for dresses, in
every coloring, 29 inches wide, worth 18e.
At 120—For regular 20e quality of Printed Ducks, polka dot, pin-
head spot, blue, pink, black.
"Good Old Summertime" Underwear for men—Silkaiine Underwear.
cool and light as the name suggests, for summer wear. Prices 20e, 25c,
35c, 50c and 75e.
Any quantity of Butter and Eggs wanted,
superb military baud of '20 pieces will
give a grand free noonday concert on
the principal streets. Dmttfail to hear
this treat, Advertisement on first page,
Blyth, 3ely e.--Whert, 700 to 730. Barley,
40o to 4So. Pees, 6130 to 010, Oats, 2110 to Slo.
Nov, 110 t0 120. Butter, 1:), to 14e. Potatoes,
Mb to SOs. tildes, So toile. Hay, 50 to .7. Ler),
12e to 14e. Pork, $7 to 88, Flour, 81.30 to $2,40,
Fall Term Opens Sept. 1st
Scores of Business Colleges
have applied to a for our graduates, to act as
teachers in their schools. This 1. the evidence
you are looking for as to the heat school W
attend. Tb0uta0de of our fa mer students are
now in boohoo lite, Write for our handsome
Mail Contracts.
House For Sale.
A emntortabla bruit house and four lot, (one
.ore fu ala, with good frame el able and a num.
her of fruit trees. This property is eltuated oa
the north side of thualey street in the Village
of Myth. Convenient distance !row tt.n. HA,
tiou, poet canoe, churches end schen.. Also
e11 Iota west of and aijnining the myth break
yard. For turtber partloulate apply t0 the
undersigned. N. H. YOUNG. 321! Farm For Sale.
The undersigned offers hie farm, lot 9 and Si.
10, con. 12, Hallett, coats/Mug 160 ems, for sale
ai reasonable terms On the plus to a storey
and s half frame Longe with stone cellar; driv-
ing house, barns, abode and all 000105101 out-
buildlogs; two small orcherde; vever falling
spring oreek end never failing well ; 0262408 ; 140
scree cleared, 10 ernes bush. One mile and a
charter from ohuswh, sobool and post ntlloo.
For full partioulara apply loll. H. Koos, Blyth,
Out. 47tf
to the Poetmaeter General will be received at
Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 21st ,'sy of
Auggnet, 1903, for the conveyance of His Majority's
Mails, on four proposed Contracts for lour
years, 6, 6, 6 rod 3 times per week snob way re.
e psotively between 111 Auburn and Blyth Rail.
way Station and St. Augustine; (01 St. Auxuettne
to Beigrave Railway Station; (31 Westfield to
Blyth Railway Station, and 14) Dungannota and
Prosperity, trow 100 let of October, next.
Printed nodose containing further Informa-
tion as to oondltione of proposed Contract, may
be aeon and blank forms of Tender may be ob•
talned at the Poet Mom on the said routes and
at the 0®oe of the Post Moe Inap.otor at
London. 48o
Post OMae Department,
Mali 00ntraot Branch, 3 3, O6npegaeO7lt t
Ottawb Ord Jnly,1903. llll
In Abundance
and JARS
or anything in the Bakery or
Grocery Line.
Barrel Salt Kept In Stook.
Good Butter and Eggs wanted at.
either cash or trade prices. Also a
quantity of Potatoes wanted.
MTH STIta 8d8L�31
. , . B1.YTH