The Blyth Standard, 1903-07-09, Page 3r /
What woman is not a tea epicure? The
most satisfying. delicious tasting nerve
soothing tea in all the world is
Blu •: Ribbon
Ceylon Te a
Women who delight in the best of every-
thing will not permit any other tea on
their tables.
Black. Mixed, Ceylon Green. Ask for Ped Label
His ustra1ian 5rie
And then they all walked up the
'twit together to where tea awaited
there ht the ver,uttlt. The bride's
(lark eyes grew round rtt sight of the
gemming (sliver teapot and dainty
Dresden Melia; she took her scat in
silence in a low wicker chair, while
the others talked around her; but
presently she wan heard exclaiming:
"No, thanks, no milk, and I'll 8weet-
on it myeeit, please."
"But It's cream," meld Lady Bligh,
good-tbtturesdiy, pausing with the
Dream-j'ig in the air."
"The memo thing," returned (lladys.
"We never took any of It on the
stations, so that I like it better
without ; and it m`in't be too strong,
11 you please. We didn't take milk,"
alio turned to explain to Sir Jntne,i
"because, In a general way, our
only cow wait a tin moo, .and we
preferred no milk at all. We ran
e Dep, you see, not cattle."
"A tin cowl" said Sir Jamas.
"Sha means they only had con-
densed milk," said Alfred, roaring
with laughter.
"But our cow le not tie," said
Lady Bliglt, smiling, as situ sill
poised the creaming; "will you not
change your mind ?"
"'No, thanks," said tho bride,
It sus another rattier awkward
moment, for it did seen as though
Gladys was 'disagreeably independ-
ent. And Alfred, of all people, made
tho moment more awkward still,
and, Indeed, more uncmnfortrtble
than any that hail preceded it.
"Oladdle," he exclaimed, In lads
airiest manner, "you're a satage!
A regular 'ravage, RN I've toll you
over and over again!"
No one said anything. Giadye end-
ed, and Alfred chuckled over
hl $ pleasantry, But it wart
pleasantry that contained a utost
uupleesaut truth. Tho others telt
this. and It made teeter 9llent. It wan
a relief to all -with the poeslblo ex-
ception of the happy pair, neither of
whom Appeared to be overburdened
with seif-eonHet,ustle1e-when Lady
Bligh onrrled off Gladys, and deliv-
ered her In her own room into the
safe keeping of Miss Bunn, her ap-
potntod maid.
This girl, Bunn. presently appeared
in the servants' hall, sat down in an
Interesting way, and began to twirl
her thumbs with great ostentation.
Being questioned, In fulfilment of her
arches design, she said that she sus
not wanted upstairs. Being further
questioned, elle rattled off a string et
the funny things Mrs. "Maitrei" had
Raid to her, along with a feeble na-
tation of Mrs. "Method's" very funny
way of suyhtg them. Tills IR not a
matte of Importance; let it was
tho making of Bunn below Shits ; so
long as Mrs. Alfred remained In the
house, her mold's popularity as a
kitchen entertainer was assured.
The bride wished to be alone ; at all
events she desired no personal at-
tendance, What ehotdd she want with
a maid 't A Lady's mall was a "fixing'
she did not understand, and did not
wilit to understand ; she said seruld
lass Bunn Bunna`oat he didn'te p
; and then!
Bann had gone out, in convulsions.
And now the bride was alone at last,
and stood pensively gazing out of her
open window at the wonderful green
trees and tine glittering river. at the
deep cool shadows and the pale even-
ing sky ; and dollght was In her bold
black eyes; yet a certain Meuse of
soutetning not quite as it ought to
be -a sensation at present vague mei
undefined—etude ner graver titin
Weak, kttkly babies are a great
trial to mothers. They need constant
Mee botll night and day, and moon
wear the mother out. Baby's lithe
stomach Is the cause of most of the
troublo; It is vary weak, and In con-
sequence very easily upset. Baby's
Own Tablets will cure all baby trou-
bine. They are mildly laxative and
give prompt rellof. Concerning them
Mrs. It. Balfour, Omemee, lint.,
Suye ; "I 11avo used Baby's Own Tab-
lets for Stomach troubles and con-
sttpntioo, from wldah my little girl
Sintered, and they entirely cured her.
They produced Round, refreshing
sleep, and I regard them as Indis-
pensable in any home where there are
little ones."
Motbere from all parts of Canada
Write In favor of Baby's Own Tab-
lets, proving the claim tint they are
tho very beet medicine for all the
minor ills of Infante and young chil-
dren. Guaranteed to contain no opi-
ate. Price 25 cants a box at all
drugglete or direct from the Dr.
Williams' Medloine Co., Brockville,
emitmoe. .1111 eo die stood until the
door wag burst suddenly open, and a
long Term curled swiftly round her
waist, and Alfred kl.vsed her.
'ode d,riing! tell car eitiokiy--"
"Slop!" said Madre. "I'll bet I
gesso what It Is you avant net to tell
you! Shall I?"
"Yes, If you cn.q, for I certainly
do want you to tell ate something."
"Toon It's what I think of your
people 1"
"How you like them," Alfred amend-
ed. "Yes that was it. Well, then?"
"Well, then -I like your another. She
has eyes like yours, Alfred, large and
still and kitul, and She is big and
"Then, oh, my darling, why on
earth dldn't you knee her?'
'Nies her? Not mo! Why should
"She meant to kiss you; I atw she
"Don't you believe it ! Even 1f els
Sad, it would have been hely
for your eake. You wait a little
bit; wait till she knows ane, and 11
she wants to kles ate then -let her!"
Alfred was pained by hie young
wife's tone; he had never before
heard her speak ro strangely, and
her eyes were wistful. Ile did not
quite anderstaud her, but he did
not try to thee; ho varied the sub-
"How about Gran?"
"01t, that Greed" cried Gladys. "I
can't suffer him at all,"
"t'en't suffer Graft! What on
earth do you mean, telndye?"
"I mean that he was Just a little,
beast in the boat ! Yotu think he was
its glad to era you ns you were him,
be'nuso you Judge by yourself ; but
not a bit of it ; I know better. It
was rill put on with him, and a small
'nil' too. Thea you asked him to
tell me about tine places we pasted,
and he only laughed at me. Ali, you,
may laugh at people without mov-
ing a 'muscle, but people may on It
ell tlo same; and I did, all along;
rend Jost before we got here I eery
near told hhn so. If I had, I'd have
given lint one, you stake your life!"
"I'nt glad you didn't," Raid Alfred
devoutly, but In great trouble. "I
never heard hint Ray anything to
rankle like that; I thought he was
very jolly, if you ask nae. And really,
Waddle, old Gran's aR good n fellow
ns ever liver] ; besides which, he has
all the. brains of the family."
"Perhaps," said Olttdyo. softening,
"my old man has got a double mimeo
of something better than braille l"
"Nonecnse, darling 1 But at least
the Judge was pleasant; what did
you thinker the Judge?"
"I (linked hila."
"Good gracious 1 Why?"
"He's' so dreadfully dignified; nail
he looks ,you through and through-
out ! metily, like Gran does, but as
if you were somethiag tunny in a
gleet case."
"What stuff and nonsense, Glad -
die! You're making me miserable.
Look hero; talk to the Judge; draw
Mini out a bit. Tltat'e all he waste,
and he likes
"What am I to call him -'Judge?"
"No ; not that ; never that. For
the present, 'Sir James,' I think,"
"And what am I to talk about?"
"Olv, anythhrg-Australia. inter-
red ltim about the Bush. Try, dear-
est, at dinner -to please me."
"Very well," said Gladys; "1'11 have
n slot."
And site had one, though it was net
quite tine kind of shot Alfred would
have recommended -at any rate, not
for a first shot. For, on thinking It
over, it seemed to Gladys that, with
relation to thio Bush, nothing could
interest a Judge so much as the
manner of administering the law
there, whlolt she knew something
about. Nor was the subject un-
promising or unsafe; It cane only les
way of leading up to it that was
open to criticism.
"1 suppose, Fir James," she began,
"yea halve pots of trying to 00 ""
"Try ing T" said the Judge, lok-
Ietg up from hie soup; for the Bride
had determined not to bo behind -
hand In keeping ,her promfee, rind had
opened the attack time early.
"As if he were a, tailor!" thought
Granville. "Trials, sir," lie mug -
gusted suavely. Ile was sitting next
Gladys, who was ou the Judge's
At, triode!" said the Judge with
at faint -a very faint -smile. "Olt,
yes -a great number."
A sudden thought struck Gladys.
She became the Interegted Instead
of interesting party. She forgot the
Moth. and eared at her father -to -
la* In sudden awe.
'Are there mune murder trtole
among them, Sir Jameg'?'
:tern -reeve Ir,mnt Nervous T: oublcs Are
11) a state 1,1('1)111 ilIltltlIt T'ortu a--
Kulteemeine tie to Hew the 'i'roable
Ca tt he 0 .e
v t r ate.
ellen tlur 11i t; :ire shaky your
'i t -.'i Idem is ¢hntterea-your wtll
Ireesre' Is moron. Suttlett boltlldt
u : year temper 1s Irril:tb.o;
emir Immo tremble,; there is weak -
1;1.f la in t Sur knees ; your skin Is pale
and Perched ; you etre reetloss at
aieli nut tired when you wake. It
all conies from nervous exhaustion,
peril doe to overwork told worry,
bate Moire, hid ttiye and want of
blest. lee weenies' 1'Ink'1'ills 1s the
fele cure. They make new, rich, red
bion!. They lienee no Purged nerves
'el e,ireugthen tired lxtcks. They
nit o hoe 11 and energy to dull, weary,
de>vsatde 1)t men end women. Strong
preot is offered In the ease of Mrs.
11'un. Wcetcott, of Senforth, Ont.,
Oho sa,t s : " For a long time my
Ian ,
Irl 'its
w i v
as n a .bad tutu. I t
rubjeet to headaches, dizziness and
, , a veus t xh,ntetion. My appetite
wee poor, and I was so badly run
down I could not stand the least
exertion- I tried several-medlchtes
end emu -tater! different doctors, but
they melte not help me any. One of
my ne!ghls)rs strongly urged me to
try Dr. Wlliiltmo' Pink Pills, and
emore the second box was finished
the turning. point for the hotter had
leen reaehel, and by the time I
had 11)0 1 a half dozen lwxoe, to the
surprise of my friends and neighbor•
I woe again enjoying good health,
and have since been strong and well.
I do lot *now anything to equal
Dr. Williams' I'ink MAIN when the
system is run down;'
11'hat the pills have done for others
they will do for you, If you will give
them a fair trial. Sold by all moll -
eine dealers, or sent pout paid, at 50
cents a box or six hexes for $2.10,
by addressing tho Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
By the deliberate mate ner with
which: he went on with Ills soup, the
Judge apparently did not hear the
question. But Lady 1311gh, and Al-
fred heard It, and were horrified;
while Granville looked grave, and lis-
tened for more with all his ears. He
had not to waft long., Gladys feared
Oho had expressed herself badly, and
quickly tried again.
"What I meant is -Sir James -do you
otttui have to go and put on the black
bap, and sentence poor unfortunate
people to be hung? liecauec that mat
be very trice, Sir Jamce-is dt?"
A faint flush mounted Into the
Judge's pule cheeks. "It is not of
frequent occurrence," he said stiffly.
Granville, sitting next her, might
easily nave stopped his sister-in-law
by a word or a sign before this; but
Alfrei was practically hlddou fate
her by the lamp, and though he tried
very Irani to kik her under the ta-
ble, he only rnoeeeded in klcking foot -
gods and table legs, and Lady Bligh
was speocltlees.
The Bride, however, thought that
Alfrei held exnggernted het ease
with which hie father was to be
drawn out. But eau heir not given to
yet. That would have been contrary
to her nature.
"Whitt a goal thing," shit sold. It
would be so-so horrid, If 11 Imp
pened very often, to wake up and
say to yourself, "That poor fellowle
gat to swing In a minute or two; and
it's lite that dente le' It would be a
terror If that was to Iteppen every
week or so; and I'm glad for your
snake, Sir James--"
Site broke off oudelenly, why, It is
difficult to Ray, for no ono had
npwkena; but perhaps that wag the
very reason. •41 all events, she re-
unembered her experience of Bush
haw, and got to iter polut, now,
quickly enough.
"I wag onto at a trial myself, Sir
James, in the Buell," she said (and
there wag certainly a generale ease
of relief). "My own fatter was boss -
or judge, If you like -that trip. There
were only four people there; the
sergeant, who was Jailer and wit-
m+ss art well, father, the prleoner,
teal me ; I looked on."
"Is your fattier a member of the
Colonial Bar ?" Inquired Sir James,
"Lord, no Sir James! Ibete only a
magistrate. Why, he'd only got to
remand the poor chap down, to Coo-
tammslra ; yet lie had to consult
grnelous knows low many law -books
elite tergeant had them ready), to
do it properly 1"
They tilt laughed; but there was
re good float that ought: not to have
been laughed at, A moment before,
when ler subject watt just
about as unfortunate as it could
have been, she Mut chosen her mere
worths with a certain amount of care
and peel taste; but now that she was
on her native heath, and blameless
in !natter, her mnuher had become
dreadful -her exprosslous were shock
Ing -ire twang worse than ever. The
one subject that she .carts at home
hi excited her to an unseendy degree.
No sooner, then, Ind the laugh Rub -
stied than Lady Bllgh seized upon the
eonvereatlen, Mirlet it well over the
leered of the Bride and keep It there,
high anal dry, until the end of des-
sert ; them she sailed away to the
,Irawing -rootn with the utwo utciou
It We time to end ihle uneonecious
"My dear,' said Lndy liligh, "will
you let hue give you a little lecture?"
"Certainly,'• Had Glti ys, opening
her eye,. rather wide, but warn at
once by the old lady's manner.
"Then, my dear," you should never
interrogate peolf% about their pro-
fesxaolutl duties, least of all a Judge.
Sir Jnmen does not Ilke it ; and
even I never dream of doing it."
"Goednees gracious," cried the
Bride. "have I been and put my foot
in it, then r'
"You have evil nothing that really
matters," Lady Blighreplied hnst-
ily; and she determined to keep till
another time came observations that
were apon her mind on the heels of
"slang" and "twang ;" for the poor
girl was blushing deeply, and seem-
ed, at last, thoroughly uncomforta-
ble; which was not what Lady Bltgit
wuntel at all.
"Only, I meet tell you," Lady
Illigh continued, "It carts unfortu-
nate to hit upon the. dentlieenteuee
for a subject of conversation ill
Judges aro sensitive about it Sir
James IR particularly eo. 13u t therm!
there in nothing for you to look
grieved admit, my dear. No one will
think anything more of emelt a trifle;
and, of course, out In Australia every-
thing must bo quite different.'
Glndye bridled up at 01100; she
would have no allowances made for
herself at tin expense of her coun-
try. It is n point on which Austra-
lians aro uncommonly sensitive, small
kinin, to them,
"Ion't you believe it 1" she (5 -led
vigorously. "You mustn't go blaming
.Anstnnlla, Lady Bliglt; It's no fault
of Australia. it's my fault -my ignor-
e nee -1111) that's to bluetit ! Oh, p1e300
to remember, whenever I do or tiny
anything, wrong, you're not to ex-
cuse me beuuuee I'm an Australian 1
{ a got nothing to do with
It, (t'e mo that elocsn t know what's
what, and liths got to learnt 1'
Hrr splen lid eyes wore Bill of trou-
ble, bud. not of toare. With a quick,
ancmneetous, supplicating gesture she.
Otero! and fled from the room.
A few minutee later, when 1at.Iy
Bligh fultowed her, she said, very
briefly end Independently, that she
was fatigue! and would come ,down
no more. ,And so Ler fleet evening
In England passel over.
hlr. Justico Blight was an inveterate
and even au Irreclaimable early ricer.
lla the plenetttvt months at Twicken-
ham he became worse In this respect
then over, find it wits no urmsual
thing for the slow Kummer dawns to
find this eminent Judge, In an old
tweed ouit, and with: a silver frost
upon Ills cheeks and chin, pottering'
about the stnblce, or 111e garden,
or the riveree brim.
The morning following the arrival
of the happy pair, however, le scarce-
ly a ease 111 point, for it wars fully
sly when Sir Janice sat down in
hie dressing -room to bo shave) by
Itis valet, alio sober and vig-
ilant Mr. Dix. This opera-
t!ou, fur obtlous reasons, was cone
money conducted Ln dc.ttd ellence; nor
was the Judge 000r very commundoa-
Urr. with tae servants; se that the
:interlude which occurred this merit-
ing was remarkable In itself, quite
apart from what happentvl attcr-
A aeries of loud reports of the
nature of fog -signals had come sud-
(1 117 through the open window, ap-
parently from :omit part of ttte
premisee. The Judge held up dais finger
to atop tho shaving.
"What to tont 110100, Dix?"
Phrase, Bir James, it rounds like
soup, pereon0 a -cracking of a whip,
Sir demote'
•'.A whip1 I don't think so at all.
It le more like pistol -shooting. Go
to the window and see if you can
see anything."
"No, Sir ,lames, I can't see noth-
ing at all," said Dix from the win-
dow ; "but ft do scan to come from
the stable -yard, ploitse, Sir .tames."
"I never Heard a whip crttt'kcd like
that," etiht the judge. " Bear me,
hone it conthmes! Well, never mind ;
lather m0 afresh, Dix,"
So the shaving went on ; but In the
stable -yard n fit ntusl!c wear was
In full play. Its origin MIR In
the elle behavior of the ot tble-
boy, who had interrupted his
proper buslncse of Swilling the
yard to crack a carriage -whip, by
any of cheap and Indolent variety.
Now y-ou cannot crack any kind of
whip well without past practice and
present pales; but this lad, who was
of a mean moral calibre, had neither
the character to practice nor the
energy to take panne in anything.
Ila cracked his whip ae he did all
things -execrably ; and, when hie
writ -reigns suddenly and firmly seized
from behind, the shock nerved the
young ruffian right. Hie Jaw dropped.
"The devil 1" he gasped ; but, turning
round,, it appeared that he had made
a mistake-unleoo, indeed, the devil
had taken the forenl of a dark and
beautiful evoung lady, with bright
contemptuous eyes that sande the
lad shrivel and hang his head.
"Anyway, you can't crack a whip,"
said the Bride, Scornfully- for of
course Lt was 110 one else,
Tho lad kept a sulky! silence. The
young lady picked up the whip that
Heil fallen tram his unnerved 'ting -
era: site looked very fresh; and buoy-
ant In the fresh summer morning,
and ver,V lovely. Site could not have
felt teal fatigue the night before, for
there was not a lingering triton of it
h, r appearance now; and If she had
bon really tired, v,lty be up and nut
too very early this morning '1 Tho
stable -boy began to
glance 1)t her
furtive) d
y u❑ to ask himself this lust
ipawtlon, will° Gladys handled and
examined the whip In a manner 1nd1-
entiug• that oho httd handled a whip
"Show you how'!" mho nskol, sud-
denly; but the lad only dropped his
eye') and shuffled Ws feet, and became
a degree more oulky than before.
llludye stared at Idm 111 astonish-
ment. She was new to England, and
Imtl yet to discover that there is a
certain type- of lout -a peculiarly
English tope -that Infinitely prefers
to he ground under heel by its bet -
term to being treated with the least
approach to freedom or geniality on
their paart. This order of being would
rowed the familiarity
A ch
ml of an r -
bshup much moro bitterly than Hie
( raco wout1 roseut the vilest abuse
id the lout. It comblies the toucht-
a,ete of the sensitive plant with the
gout of tho ween ; and it was 1110
bride's first introduction to the vari-
ety -which, Indeed, does not exist in
Anoint 1.1a. She cracked the, whip pret-
tily, and with a light heart„
an the boy glowered upon her.
The exercise pleased her, and
brought a dull rid glow into her
dtuaky- cheeks, and heightened and
met off her beauty, so that even
rho lout gaped tit her with a 'ad-
ieu Pease of satisfaction. Then end-
d'nIy, elle threw down the whip at
itis feet,
' Take the beastly thing!" she
cried. "It teu't half a whip! But you
just hold on, and I'll show you what
a real whip is!"
Sao wag out of the yard In a
twinkling. Tito lout rubbed ltl9 "yet,
scratched his head, and whistled.
Them a brilliant Idea struck him ; 110
fetched tate coachman. They were
Suet in time The Beide was back In
N moment,
"111v! two of you, elf ?" oho erelalm-
ed. "\%'ell, stand aside and I'll show
you how we truck /dock -whips In the
(To bo Continued.)
Cheery Dumplings.
Prepare a rich balling powder bis-
cuit dough as for tho elortcake ; roll
out half an Inch thick and cut into
squares. Place to the centre Of eaoh
square of dough a tablespoonful of
pitted cherries; fold the corner of
it over, wetting the edge; press
them together, folding from oppo-
site corners. Placa it the steamer
with tight -fitting cover and steam
ono hour, or bake in the oven in is
dripping pan, surrounded by three-
quartors of a cup of sugar and two
'cups of water, basting several times
while baking, which will mean about
twenty mtnutet In a hot oven. Serve
with cherry Rance. -Chicago Herald.
An Eccentric Prince,
The. death of Prince Edward of
Sc.hoenburg-Harteneteiu in the
meeatetory of Emmaus in Prague
sorvee to recall 1118 most remarkable
career. The prince was born In 1863.
Ila entered an Austrian cavalry re.
gtntett and for a decade he was no-
tovtout as the wildest sad most die-
sipated young blood In Vienna. Sud-
denly,ant the age of 30, when lie had
reached the tank of captain and had
galled the reputation of a smart
officer, he threw- up his military
career to become a monk. Hitt re-
nunciation of worldly things was
quite dramatic. Ho rode direct from
the manoeuvre field to the monas-
tery, doffed his uniform, broke hie
sword and assumod monkleln attire.
Distend of going through the usual
period as a novice, he observed the
str!cteHt rules from the beginning.
Tho cause of hie withdrawal to a
moutetery has never been definite-
ly nscertalned.
"Will you mouse Insert tills obitu-
ary notice?" naked an old gentleman
of rho editor. "I make bold to ask,
because the deceased has jL great
many (clench; about here who'd be
glad to hear of hls dead✓,•
Illustrated In
the Case of Airs. Turner Who Was Thoroughly Restored by
the Use of This Oreat Food Cure.
The eummn body ly eomoosed of 1
pertain Plemento, ,u'h as Iron, pot-
ash. lime, scala, magnesia, etc., and
nature replaces waste! cells and tis -I
Rues by extrnetiug these elements I
from the ixol 500 eat. Consequently
errors in diet, Insufficiency of food
or failure of the digestive organs 10
properly perform their ,work are
among the most usmtt causes *Of
Once the syo!rrn is weak, run down
or exhausted the natural process of
reconslrueti01 is tediously slow, usu-
ally slower than the wasting pro-
co,se, and the cud can only ho 0751 -
cal lstnkru,ptcy and collapse.
It is just at this point that Dr.
C'hase's Nerve Foal proves its won-
derful power as "an asstttant to
nature. This great gxxl cure con-
tains In condensed pill form the very
elements required 1» stature to re-
vItalze and build up the gystem.
These Immr,tl,tidy enter the blood
Stream, and through the medium of
the circulation of the blood and the
nervous system carry strength and
vigor to each and every organ of
the body.
dirs. F. Turner, 338 Aylmer street,
Peterboro', Ont., and whose husband
Is omployett at the Hamilton foun-
dry, state.; :
" For Rome months past I found
roy'seif growing very nervous, and
gradually becoming a victim of
sleeplessness and subj.•t't to frequent
nttueko of nervous headache. Allam
six weeks n,go I began using Dr.
Clinoe's Nerve Food find cannot
gpeak too highly of this nnviletne I
can elect) well now, and headaches
have entirely dirnppeared, and I be-
lieve that my syst,at generally has
been much Improved 10 the use of
Gee treatment."
Nervous prostration and cxhatte.
lion, lterutltv1, ,, ,I 01ptiota, dizzy and
fainting eforllo, parttlydis, locomotor
nL�xia, fe, bangs o! wruknseo, depres-
elon and deep affil 'y '1010 readily
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