The Blyth Standard, 1903-07-09, Page 1tb 1. '5;4.4, w le • VOL. XVI. BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1903. No. 48. THE NAME A GUARANTEE OF ITS MAGNIFICENCE AND MERIT. fewest. Ctffestiii the 46rj, A Special Train Required for I its Transportation. UNDER A MONSTER WATERPROOF TENT, Seating Capacity for 2,500 People, SEE THE BIG NOON -DAY PARADE, 500 -RESERVED OPERA CHAIRS -500 An -Immense Stage, Elegant Scenery; GRAND TRANS ORM TION SCENE PLEASING - UP-TO-DATE • SPECIALTIES THE OPTOGRAPH at EVERY PERFORMANCE ?ROF. BUIUNBER'S CELEBRATED BAND AND ORCHESTRA MK of SIBERIAN BLOODHOUNDS Admission - 15 and Thc mon OPEN at 1,36, - BISE3 8;15 Ooe Granil Nihf Performance at 8 �20NI�AY, .1 U LY I 3 WALTON. WAIFS.—Dr. F. C, Neal has arrived home from Toronto, accompanied by hie friend, Dr. Singer ....Rev. W. W. Leech and daughter left here on Mon. day of laet week, the former having concluded his pastoral duties in the Walton Methodist church, He did a Ane work hero considering tho adverse circumstances existing before his arrival over the unsatisfactory removal of Rev. C. R. Carecallen. Mr. Leech is a fine preacher, a good worker and his stay here will be pleasantly remembered.... Mrs. W. Hay is at present in Fowler- ville, Michigan, attending her father, rain about 9.30 o'clock made a program impossible but the Brussels Maceahee baud were in attendance and were lib- eral in their number of selections, thus making any other performance less needful. The proceeds amounted to $80.... On Sunday last Rev. Alfred Andrews preached the initial sermons of his pastorate on Walton circuit in connection with the Methodist chnreh, Cho Waltonians should feel highly honored as the reverend gentleman was recently president of the Manitoba Methodist conference and both he and Mrs. Andrews are splendid workers, We welcome them to Walton .,..Miss Lizzie L. Smith, a former well known resident of this village, but late of Sin- teluta, A»siniboia, is now a welcome Visitor in our midst....The contract of moving the Methodist church Into our village has beets let to Mr. Wm, Riley, who will commence operations shortly. When completed it will be much more convenient for our villagers. AUBURN. BRIEFS.—Miss Flossie Beadle left last week for Toronto,... Mrs. Stewart, of Detroit, ;vas the guest of her brother, Mr. Archie Robinson, last week.... Mr. and Mrs. ,Tames Armstrong, of Brus- sels, imaged through our village last week.... Mr. Ed. Mole, of Seaforth, is spending a few days at the parentalhome.... Miss Sara Rowed, of London, returned to her home last week, after spending a few months with her aunt, Mrs. Caldwell ....Me. Wtn, Caldwell, who has been visiting his sister, left last week for his home at Bolton,... Miss McDougall, of Bolton, is visiting her sister, Mrs, A. MaDonald....Mies Jenkins, of Clinton, is visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. J. J. Washington ... ,The re- mains of the late George Fluker passed through the village on Tuesday last to Ball's cemetery. Mr. Fluker is well- known in this vicinity, having spent a number of his earlier years here. He has been living in Manitoba the last years of his life, coming home the week before his death to spend his last days with his parents here. Cancer of the stomach was the cause of his Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter were visiting friends at Milverton the former part of this woek. who is seriously ill.... Mrs. Alex. Gard- ner was a recent visitor with friends at Guelph and Hamilton..., A few of our citizens took in the games at Seaforth ott Deminion day ...Mrs, James McDonald, who has been poorly for some menthe, is much improved in health, we are pleased to state, and wilt soon be con- valescent we hope.... Mrs, W. M. Moore and children, of Toronto, aro visiting relatives in this locality....Coneidering the threatening aspect of the weather on Tuesday evening of last week, a large crowd assembled at Duni church manse and enjoyed the bountiful tea provided by the congregatjon, $ heavy fall of 0.01.410. CODIRICN. LOCALS.—About 800 of Huron old boys arrived in Goderich from Toronto about noon on Saturday. No attempt at a demonstration was made on account of the heavy rain falling. They were entertained in the evening by an open air concert given by the Goderich marine band. Most of the excursionists stayed over till Monday, very few going back to Toronto on Saturday night ....A very quiet wedding was solemnized in St. _Peter's church at 5.46 last Thursday morning, Rev. Father 'Vest officiating, The contracting parties were Mr. Thom- as Long, of Toronto, a well-known and wealthy gentleman, and Mrs. Kiely, of Goderich. Bridesmaid and groomsman were diapeneed with and only the im- mediate relatives of the bride witnessed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs, Long left on the early train for London and other volute. ...Mrs. W. D. Shannon and Miss Shannon have arrived in town on their return front Dawson City, after an absence of one year. The ladies look none the worse for their year's sojourn in the land of heat and frost, and have praises for the city of gold, and the many kindly people it contains ....it is understocl that Rev. Canon Young, formerly rector of St. George's church, Goderich, now of Siencoe, will preach to his old congregation here some time this rnonth....A visitor in town last week remarked that those residences burred with wiro or pipes showed n much better then those fenced with wood, but those without fences showed up best of all.... Miss Edwards has left for her home in Chicago, after a pleas - an t visit to the Misses McLaren and Mr, and Mrs. Noble Smith. Miss Edwards was accompanied by Miss McLaren, who will be her guest for e. few works. The granolithic platform at the station is cmnplete and work has cour nuanced on the ,crossing connecting it with the walk on the north side of East street ....Mr. Coulee Washington may be seen on the verandah on lino days, •••••••••• ••••••••••••••• • 13RE\VER'S • • • PHOTOS Art Gallery • • •• • • •• Ole • • • Of every kind end finish. The • • ;epic and Olive finishes are very A 2 popular at present. • • Priees right and satisfaction guaranteed. a ruuteod. • •ALL SORTS OF YiEWS TAKEN. • j• Amateurs' Supplies on hand. • Call and see us, • • Of. • T. B. McARTER, • BIXTI1, • •••••••• •••••••• ••••••.• BANK OF HAMILTON Capital, all paid up, $2,000,000. Reserve, $i,7oo,000, Total Assets, over $22,000,000. JAIIIES TURNBULL, GENERAL IRANACZR, BLYTH AGENCY. Notes Discounted and Collected. Drafts Issued. General I3anking Business Transacted. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Sums of $i and upwards received and interest allowed compounded half yearly. T. W. SCOTT, AGENT. THE GREAT CASH STORE July Bargains ! July Bargains ! It has been a rush in our Millinery department week after week, and for the next two weeks we will clear out everything in that department at sweeping reductions as it is our motto not to carry anything over. You will also find bargains in other departments of this store, as we always clear out Summer Goods during July Some Great Snaps in Odd Lines of Boots and Shoes, men's Summer Coats at Clearing Prices, If you need Fruit Jars it will pay you to see what we are showing and get our prices. Any Quantity of Eggs taken l in exchange for goods. li D. M. McBEATH PRETORIA and though not able to resume duty, is children, of Clinton, spent Dominion evidently improving, and before litany day here.... Mr. sr' Vie,. G. W. Sow. weeks pass away he should be his old lar, of Chicago, are vi, c r; at :1,3 home self again... .The Court blouse park of Mr. and Mrs. George sea, hit Mr, has not looked as beautiful in years as 'Phomas 1f, Taylor, accompanied by at the present Limn. The work of Care- Mr. Currie, of Wingham, are preparing taker Wait daring the past two years to leave for British Columbia in the is now eliovingsplendid results.,..Dr. near future.... Mr. 'Milton Tyndall and Taylor has returned front hie holiday Miss Allio Tyndall, of Carlow, event trip to Dakota.... Mrs, Colin Campbell Dominion day at Mr. A. 11. Carr's..., is at present on a month's tour as a Rev. 1', Swann, accompanied by M.S. delegate at a series of women's institute Swann and son, Harold, of Bluevale, meetings in the eastern counties of warn welcome visitors at the ice cream' Ontario. social.... Dr. A. S. McDowell and Miss WE8TFIELD. Lizzie Keith, of Albany, Sew York, were quietly married tit Lucknow on Jorrtrcas.—llr, and Mrs. Jackson Saturday. Congratulatiocs ere extend- \Vigirtnuut left Goderich on Saturdayfor ed to the happy, couple. ...The annual Lariviere,'Manitoba, and other points, ire creams social which was hell in the where they, will spend the summer 'Westfield church ur. Woduosday even - months... J r. A. � ti . McDowell, aceom• ing, July 1st, was a decided success. panied by Mr. Spading, who spent the Excellent addreeies were delivered by pest week visiting friends, returned to Rev. J. L. Small, of Auburn, and Rev, Bay Port, Michigan, on Monday morn- 1', Swann, of Bluevaie, who was a fot- ...Miss Rebecca Sowlar arrived mer pastor here. Recitations were given hero last week from Chicago, suffering by Mr. Sperfui;, Miss Mona Walters, frotn lung trouble and is still 'very low. of Sal tfurd, and Miss Annie Conplend, .Mrs. J. W. Sowlar, who under- of Auburn. Mr. Tyndall, of Carlow, wear a critical operation, is improving and Miss Ella M. Patterson, of Auburn, nicely Nies Carrie Humphrey, of St. rendered several musical selections Helens, accompanied by her niece, Miss which were appreciated by all. Pro - Edi thTaylor. of Guelph, are visitors at reeds amounted to too, home Mr. d M'61Tayjur. Mr. ,wluofd Jars.an_,rs.M1'.ctiittie. Sud Tiie Sre.;p.tttn—balance 1009, 50c, the