The Clinton News-Record, 1898-08-25, Page 6' I - w1wws""" . _ _ _ 1 q. \ •. A .. _ HE IS A FORCELESS ONA(AMPAGN IN POIRTO ICVe - but they cannot say that he has ever %,bragged of his personal successes in politics, or that he has ever triad ,to boom or grandize himself, or his of floe l -for be never tried to make things -9i. "� 01 C,� L + ! , a l i + • t a very say, sometimes, that his is not lovable oharab �` / �c =� - 'I« ter, and that his, t� fl are bitter. u. - A 1+ hob P ,..�-.. � �, :•:•+�--- � • : But sea him out of 'the House of Lairds - LI�r.tpo_[,i, h # '� '• ,? '4� _� .. -�.•" *.� r among his own politic4l people, and rlrlol. .s_ , y ..� "YAR ., _ ., = you wall find no trace of the oyuto ! `���• -�� - - i4+,Is: <�.. --,.,.,_ r 5pq-" -- - �, or the cold-blooded man then. His " \ - =- ..Y. " , i '` .: ,s -W :-�-a .. -� stately, but very kindly, manner with ir�tc :�. is +rx, ._r �...�.:::�•• _'` r,. �. - • �, - % _ _ ^----_, "`.:— �n stranger and friend alike, his hearty `•� _ �' ; � hand of good -fellowship, his way of -yi t .�• �.ill ��` y r -" a - =- - 1 �- • -�. throwing himself into social and poli.- ' �� ^ _ �r/ '; . ,%!M �-•�~ �;w �� _ ` ice' s ' _ Mme" - - tical festivities cannot but at- f- �� `�` c-";3_;-' - °; ;' �� ' - rr = `� � �+�- .' _ - � tract all who have witnessed them. - - tic. �� m -� , �✓ .;, • `�• _ +G' -ti �,..�,=- If you had held all your life Khat r _r �" Lord Salisbury was unfeeling you lJ z f � �r '� - would have ceased to have held that . 'L, view after hearing and seeing him in rrl� f %f'N i"'�,,,••• F...'-"�, , �� •�'' the n Ml . Gladstone to the �� deUate o ", . ' r. "' �" ``^+ •�� = House of Peers. Mr. Gladstone had :� r J �� yr y-. 1- ` w. ,- -'- "'C- s many a tribute, but surely no nobler % ..,,, �i , r.� 1 •_ `.'.- , . '.r or mora feeling one than that of his - inveterate opponent. Who that knows THE ROAD TO SAN J UAN. "the Old Chief" can wonder that he . - iwipires the affection of all who serve _ 1-__-__-_-____ _ him and enjoy his intimacy. As fox little mustard seed is an improvement Petnut}Salad.-Make a nest of let-' his taunts, there is no malice about S1S1%J %,d4%AW_ -��N1O P f '(�(J ¢ them -the leave no sting.There is ® to the vat i mh choi,ped pickles and man- tuce leaves on an individual salad dish. I Warm ♦ r e a [.her nothing mean or little about the goes, but must bo used sparingly. ;grange on it several pieces of dates Prime Minister any more than there A Ginger is the most whulesome, of the and raisins, celery and a spoonful of I Weakness is quickly overcome by the was about Peel or Pitt, LThe Home spices commonly used in pickling; cloves are the strongest, mato next, Peanuts which should have been soak- toning and blood enriching qualities of Much regard for power Lord Salts• - ,�gyw�Q Then allspice and cingest. e good "d for an boiur in diluted lemon juice- Hood's Sarsaparilla, This great medi- bury certainly has, a regarf Place on each a 'tiny speck of mayon- which overcomes the instincts whicl HOUSEHOLD DONT'S. Pule for spicing is to allow a level tea- stud curds that tired feeling almost as draw him when out of office toward: spoonful of whole black pepper, the raise dressing and serve. Don't put border on carpets for same of allspice, a tablespoonful Of Peanut Candy. -One cupful of gran- quickly as the sun dispels the morning the pursuits of the farmer on the oni stick cinnamon broken into s, alf riot, It also cures pimples, boils, salt hand. small rooms. ibithMated sugar, and one cupful of nut rh,+um, scrofula and all other troubles a teaspoonful of cloves, mustard seed, meats. A'telt the sugar in a spicier, originating in bad, impure blood. AND THE SCIENTIST ON THE Don't hang chandeliers or lamps in of horse-ra,tish and a small piece of OTHERI• being very careful net to let ltd tin low coiled rooms. ginger root to one unit of pickles. d's ,�FA,P3iA,- Here is a leasant story, the truth o', q P Put the nuts into a well haltered Lin,H o o r y' Don't be char of rich warm tints in Gart.en peppers may be used instead of which perhaps Lord Salisbury woulc and when the sugar is melted, our arllll Y black peppers, in the proportion of two g• P p not question, that helps to show hip northern rooms, rings of green and one of red, no seeds, over them. Cut in squares. Ir+ Cnn tdii a Greatest Medirtne. 31; six for $5power of detachment. When calle< Don't buy what suits the fancy re- to one quart of pickle. Many persons Hoods Pill. cure Biliousness, IndiKestion. upon to take office in the last Consel• prefer to boil the spices of whatever vative Government, Lord Salisbur; gardless of their combined effects, kin,l in the vinegar. — was makingsome experiments tit hit Don't select anything because it is A dry woodenspoonshould be the A SISTER'S HELPS 1 laboratory t Hatfi,,4d in which a cer fashionable, but because it is only instrument used in handling pick- BRITAIN'S PRIME MINISTER Iain bit of wire played a 'part. H1 good. las, either in making or when in the r..., gave the wire to his factotum, wh' Don't have any apparent, much less Jar's- The color of cucumber picklesBROUGHT RENEWED HEALTH TO A put it by. Six years later, immediate any regular, arrangement of furniture. may be retained by steeping grape SALLSBURYNEVER BOASTS OF WHAT ly upon quitting office, Lord Salisbury leaves, or those of cabbage, spinach or DESPONDENT BROTHER. HE HAS DONE. asked for the wire, and the factotun Don't believe for a minute that ex- parsley in the vinegar, through which I r.e.e instantly produced it 1 pensiveness is essential to beautiful of- the color will be imparted to the pick- nip, health Had Fatted and Medicines � Against the old 'theory, that wbel feels. les. . Statesman and Setcuttst—When Ashed to In puttingawe pickles never use Others to ai u,w . Coams' Ir ere Lord Salisbury and the Tories are iI Take Ofnce IIt::i'np, Dnp,y In Ills Own Don't make the table a pivotal Y P Oltscra IIA#1 FAlle#1, Dr. Williams' Fluu o there will beastrong foreign policy p point jars or other vessels which have held Laboratory. from which the rest of the furniture grease of an sort, and he ver care- Tills Mot 1YHh 4rrnt Success, and that when Liberals are in thea y y A lath painted to look like iron, a will be nothing but scuttle, there to radiates. fol to store them in a cool, dry pinto, Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.:- k>eenarather strong reaction of ]ate but where there is no danger of freez- Gentlemen, -A few years ago my fatalist, a pessimist, a patriot, a dic- er people who bawled this out very lout Don't make a narrow door narrow- ing. Although most housewives in system became thoroughly run down, tat -or, a strong man who knows his once are inclined to be quiet now with a heavy drapery. We drape these days put up their cucumber ky blood was in a frightful condition; strong mind, a. funk, „ a master of Chinese "legends," Blue -looks abou too much. , I pickles after the process described in medical treatment did no good. Isur- Port Arthur, and so forth, stare thin Don't use decided patterns for u cook books as 'way some still felted myself with advertised medi- flouts and gibes, ase some of the in the face, and they grow silent; taut P- cling to the old way of putting them in cines, but with equally poor results. I ternl'i of praise and dispraise that have holstery, if you have done so for wall these things indeed are very, ver; and floor coverings. brine, and freshening when needed. was finally inoapacitatod from work, been applied to Lord Salisbury byfoe awkward for the old theory. Wes B When this last method is used, an oa$- beoame thoroughly despondent, and and friend. Africa is likewise troublesome. Don't use long -patterned wall- ti er en tub or cask should be provided; the gate up hope of living much longer, On the other hand, it is idl for Lon P• P It is true Mr. Gladstone, whose ac On should be strong enough Lo bear While in this donditiohl I visited my Salisbury's critics to shut their eyes t, }n small rooms, or a deep border with g heaping p father's home near Tara. A sister, tions nowt to eveky one seem to "smell Veneznla, to the European Concert Low ceilings. up an egg; a hen tar int of salt to one gallon of water is a good propor- then and now living at Totronto, was sweet and blossom in the dust," was to Egypt -- .Don't have any fanciful, fixed ar- tion; the pickles must always be kept also visiting at the parental home. Her at one time, not so very far !back, WHICH IS THE APPLE OF HIS EYE rangement of window dra eries in well under the brine. In case it Is de- husband bad been made healthy zooms in dally use. P sired to keep a long time before using, through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink judged by quite as divergent stand- the darling of his heart -and to th it is better to use even more salt, fresh- pills, and she urged me to try them. ards as those that have been applied Present happy relations between .Eng Don't buy chairs which are not well ening before using, in weak vinegar. Tired of trying medicines, 1 laughed to the Prime Minityter; that it was in land and the United States. Now w, made and comfortable, or lounges All such vegetables as cabbage, caul[- at the proposition. However, later on begin to reap the barvest of his pa which are not low and broad. flower, tomatoes and the like, when she provided me with some of the pills days of bitter party strife. Now we tience over Venezuela, his patience ove used for pickling, should be perfectly and begged me to take them. I did have no party strife -each of the three the aggravating European Concert - fresh and tris and should stand at g parties in the House of Commons which has saved Greece despite he p so, And before I had used two boxes big folly and her rash friends -his brit THE DANGER OF HOT STARCH. least over night in brine that will bear f7 was on the road to restored health. being perhaps, too busy with various liant policy in Northeast Africa, bi Ther® is a shade in blue this season, an egg, then drained on a sieve and I am commending their good qualifies not as green as the old "robin's a ., pressed within a dry cloth before pro- almost every day I live- because I feel interesting domestic questions to refusal to bind himself to a sort o egg,ceeding to the next step of adding so grateful for my restoration, and I devote itself much to outside matters "Holy Alliance" against Ameripa. •Th, more beautiful and less trying than vinegar and spices., much was great," admit much to satisfy those who o be -and yet Lord Salisbury has comp in, the Edinburgh Review of this montl either this or. delft, China blue. This have concluded to write you thIfisis lei:- of late, for suchachorus o! censure, in regard to Venezuela; and so ist3lc will wash beautifully with ordinary ter wholly in the interest of suffering g care in not using too strong ADVICE TO THE YOUNG WIFE. humanity. I am carrying on business especially, perhaps, Conservative cen- good result of Lord Salisbury's resist sea Of course you want your mother -in- in Owen Sound as a carriage maker. sure, as has scarcely fallen to his lot Ing that aggravation. p, or very hot water and rinsing Thin town has been my home for 28 DURING THE STORMIEST OF POLI- Lord Salisbury may not be stroni in cold salt and water, never allowinglaw to gain a daughter, not lose a years and anyone enclosing a reply enough to -day to fill the two posti the article to stand in any but the I son, when you are married,. If so, tTICAL TITY09. which he labors at without respite three cent stamp can receive personal even if he was strong encu salted water, and that only for aurin- treat her with confidence, as you indoisaticn of the foregoing. This Lord Salir+bury, it is said, chiefly done so fifteen or twenty gh to ears ago y blamed for doubting after taking so Y Y g utl or two. would your own mother. and it will g confines his newspaper reading to the but were he to retire from office to• many rather preparations without be - This "heavenly blue" sometimes turns go a great way toward making her ing benefitted. You may do just as leading articles of the Daily Tele- morrow, what other man on his side love you. The young wife will some- you like with this letter. I am satis- graph, and to the space in the Times is there who could adequately take hir to an ugly brown, merely by the use of hot starch. This will also chane times say: "I know T never shall feel fied that but for Dr. Williams' Pink commonly set ap nt• for the "intelli_ Place? To ask such a question is not g Pills • I would not be able to attend to „ to unduly disparage the abilities of at ease with my husbarid's mother- gent anticipation of events indulged MT. Balfour, Mr. Chamberlain, Sir a delicate rose pink to a brick shade, my business to -day. Perhaps T w•ou13 and heliotrope into an indeserible hue. she is cold and distant. I don't be- not have been alive. in by "Our Pekin Correspondent " In Michael Hicks -Beach, or the Duke of Allow. then, the starch to become luke- lieve she likes me." Perhaps it was Yours very sincerely, the lat.t,r he reads the "legends" of Devonshire, warm; dry always in the shade, bring her own coldness that caused her to Frederick ('clover. 1 Tulienwan, e.t^., and wonders howth.ese The attempt to make him out an. y see.a,laok ot-warmth in her mother -in- ' quaint stories get into the papers; other Addington has been a trifle overdone. thn ga:rm""eat ifi when' just damp enough law's manner. Perhaps the latter while in the former he must greatly to iron, and one may dress oneself and children in any of the lovely new col- thought she had [cast her son, and FODDER IN THE TREETOPS. enjoy the daily and ever-ingeniou ea- FIRST RUN ON A BANS. ors and revel in a good quality w cot- had not realized, that she had gain- ' --- cure for British throwbacks in China. ed a daughter by the means. You cattle. in Newall $fay 1n Time Develop It is therefore quite likely that he The first "run" on banking insti• Con goods at from 10 to 121-2 cents a Scansorial Att.rlbutes. tutions in London was in 1667. Many moat act toward her in such a manner• has hover even heard of the " Balis- y'ard., , , . Lombard street goldsmiths and bank If cottons are apparently spoiled by that she will soon respect and love A cow cannot climb a tree-undoubt- bury Legend," and If he has by any ars had lent out the money entrusted the careless use of a strong alkali Aith- you as her own. Mothers-in-law, step- ed fact in natural history. Yet if chance happened to have done so, he to them, and being called upon for or in soap or water, should the mistress mothers and school -teachers are three environment can effect what some be- has probably laughed good-naturedly payment were unable to meet the de. be appealed to before the mischief of lieve it can, a few generations of eat- as he is said to laugh at the i.diosyn- wand. A crowd of creditors and drving has been accomplished, the chases of humanity very often etas others assembled, and a riot followed, tle in Hawaii are likely to evolve a crasles of that ver funny fellow, 'Mr. 9t which four ed,anbankers were hanged at colors, if pink, green, red or blue, may ed and misunderstood, as in actual 9 be restored by rinsing the articles in experience the number among them race of scansorial kine, for the tom- Chamberlain. their own doors before order could be a fresh tub of water with a teacupful found unreasonable and "hard to get mon fodder for cows and horses grows To drive to the Foreign Offi)ee in leis restored, and the angry creditors per - of vinegar mixed through it. along with" is very small. You know on trees. little brougham from King's Cross re- suaded that they were not being pwin- Many of the lovely shades of titan or filed. violet need setting once for all, after There are only two direct.ioas in gularl ever Wednesda morning, "even a worm will turn" when abused, Y Y y which they will require only ordinary and perhaps the One who started the the islands of the Pacific, and every- whatever befalls, to have his chat and Charles Costello, who in 1882 was etre. Alum is the proper acid for this stories about mean mothers-in-law and body uses the terms windward and lee- jest on the woolsack with that pro- sentenced to twenty years' penal ser - purpose, and the goods the first time step -mothers had been abusing one of ward as glibly as if bred aboard sb{ap gressive and imaginative politiclln, vitude for sending explosives with in. thev are washed should be soaked for them, and she turned on him and to use sailors' English. In Hawaii the Lord Chancellor, and to move- tent to murder at Edinburgh, ha: half an hour in a pail of cold water gave him "a piece of her mind," thus in which a lump of alum as large as a fastening upon her class a reputation these two directions are distinctly commonly at about 5 or 5,30 p.m.,- been released from Parkhurst, on the walnut has been dissolved. w for a sharp tongue. marked. On the windward side of that this House of Lairds do now ad- condition that be does not go to Scot- t The secret is to forget that your every island tropical rains, growth of joutti-is it necessary, to do more than land. husbdnd's mother is your mother -in- green things to jungle luxuriance; on these things to keep oneself quite in The exhibition of French art at Chi FLINTS ON PICKLING. law. Just think of her and treat her touch with the feeling and talk of the Guildhall, London, continues to draw asyour mother and all will be "merry the iceward side drought rarely brok- day, it it is, you must look ,elsewhere unprecedented numbers, over 50,00( If your family must and will have i as a marriage bell." en, scanty grasses precariously exist- for acquaintance with such matters. having visited it within two weeks pinkie, see to it that none makes its Always preserve a discreet silence ting in a sun -baked soil, for most "I have not read the Times this;knorn- This number shows an average of 42( with respect to family matters, and a.npearance upon your table which does ; remember that what you learn about months of most years sere and brown. ing, ' would per hour on week days and 630 or not at least possess one virtue --that of ! your husband's family is to be kept, But as not evetry one can live to wind- NOT BE &UCH A BAD CECIL MOTTO. Sundays. being home-made. Never be persuad- to yourself; that when you married ward, and it seems a pity to lot 'so Make no mistake. This indifference ell into using "store pickle." The I him and took his name you became much leeward go to waste which might to the state of the public pulse from Take Laxat CURB B o o COLD Quinine Tablleet DAY sli Are,:• making of this appetizer one of the family, and the little# trou- otherwise. be good, the algarroba tree day to -day, and this undesire to skim 0starefund the manes IfItfails WCure. £50. poetizer requirAs great ble, the little skeleton, is not to be g the daily press -as some of his collea- , care and patience, more than is gen- I discussed with the members of the fam- has been introduced from the African gues do -are not the result of aristo- GRAINS OF GOLD. erally thought worthy of applying to I ily in which you were horn. To your aridities and has made cattle ranching cratic haughtiness, or of a contempt q -- it; sister it may mean nothing that some a successful for what Mr, Radcliffe Cooke, M. P., it; hurl in order to obtain desired re possibility . on the dry They also nerve who only stand and I trouble has come to your husUand s in a reproachful complaint to his lva,it,-Millon. sults by more speedy methods, the deal- brother. You may Cell it to her in lands• leaders, calleld the middle -classes in er Often resorts to reprehensible means. I secrecy, and it may seem of. so little 'Priests rot the French mission were politios- Rather regard it as t he sign ofThe man who pardons easily courts When tempted by the array of bottled , importance that she will repeat it to the introducers, they having become u. supreme absence of curiosity as to injury. -Corneille. pickles which the 1 her sister-in-law and gradually what what people are saying of him and his. The best teacher one can have ie grocer assures you acquainted with its value in Algeria. are "perfectly meant to be kept quiet is told "They say? Who says? Let necessity, -Shakespeare. p y pure and su erior tothe ,was As its name shows, it its the Caroti P. all around. the neighborhood. them sap[" There is not very much of Good manners and homemade ones," recall to mind that The art of keeping to sou of the "Arabian Nights," the good morals are yourself what source of most the "bloated aristocritt" in a man people's knowledge of sworn friends and fast Allies.-Bart.ol. nine times in ten the beautiful green, you hear on each side of the house things Araliia The tree grows most who will travel third on hik-i own line, To be good and disagreeable is high is one that you must cultivate, for it luxuriant) in most Hawaiian soilsand if there he any difficulty in finding A treason against the royalty of vir- whir,h is so pleasing to the eye, and means the keeping of peace. When y place in a first, who has been seen Y y the crispiness so agreeable to the bears oonta tier- f the year import.- tae,-liannnh More. palate, have both been obtained b a you enter his mother's house, anything This is a matter of particular import.- going Into a penny barber's In a Y that is told you in confidence must P• 1 mean London street to get hit beard It is not tit's place that maketh the y anon for it is the fruit which , is of person, but the person that maketh questionable process --the color, by I Ire forgotten when you leave it, unless, value. The tree grows to tiro height trimmed. ; P boilingthe vinegar in brass or co indeed, it is discussed with your hus g A certain rude •carelessness as to the place honorable, -Cicero. B copper attained by large maples, and branches band. - luxuriant[ many things in which most of his Tho opportunity to do mischief is vessels, thus forming an acetate of cop- y so as to shade u consider- per; or, as is often done by the more 4 Don't Imagine that Query ,little male nren„unrl, As flan loaves Are both class are sticklers is one of Lord Solis- found n hundred times a clay, and that. frown, every little disagreeable word abundant and ini-go, there is formeda: bdry's characteristieq, As Carlyle says of doing good, but once a year. -Vol - unscrupulous, by adding that salt it- is meant for you, and do not retail of On,, of Ilia heroes -whom, by Cho- taire, to our husband tut thin unpleasant: Protection against the haat which self to the pickles; tiro crispiness is the Y (Lilything p asant: stook appreciate. The trait n large way, Lord aAlishury does not in other The conditions of conquest aro al - that may have happened wben you flesh pod filled with beans the site of Te•P"ts r`ombie-"no hollow formal- oils e(tsy• We have but. to toil a result of the free use of alum, which I Y P S' Ware visiting at. his mother's house, ahorse chestnut. It Is upon 1x10 p0(is 1St he." IIfriV a}lOClt{ilk t0 t11P stickler while, culture tl. while, believe always when used in any but very small pro- Think that she is your mother, Loo,• and the beans that rattle feed. This that, sending of a secretary to .Sir and never turn back. ­Simms. portions is injurious. Although every- l and give her the privilege of speaking fodder is so satisfying that, for long IIenry Ca"mpbell-Bannormaal to ask Ho remarkably pervor;sT is the na- one who eats store pickles is not pots- to you as your mother does. periods cattle aro fed on nothing else hitu to doliveir up the sea's ofidheWa,l• Cure of man tihat. he despistis those And reach market n prime condition, Office! or that proposal to give a titin court him, and admires w'boever chert, yet very many serious and often Igaudy Primrose league modal to a will not. bond before him,-'rhucydtdes. fatal accidents have followed in the PEANUTS. great Continental ruler) Decidedly Mental pleasures never cloy; unlike wake of their consumption. Peanut Soup. -Shell and carefully re- correetitude In form is not obe of those of the body, they arra increased Even when homemade, their whole- move the skins from the e'anuts. Put A MODERN FABLE. Lord Salisbury's strong pointa-or ie approved by reflootion, p by"repetition, someness is questionable; yet if pre- two cupfuls to soak over night in one Once upon a time a tramp was sore- not one ahis besetting"faults. and strengthened by enjoyment. - They tall k about big s blazing indls- Colton, pared with great care, and eaten judi- quart of water. In the morning, add ly in need of something to eat and cretions," and bis "Salisbury's; but Much ostentation and much loarn- eioualy, they area very agreeable ad- two quarts, of water, and boil slowly a roacbing a farm houAe he spake how genuine and utterly devoid of PP hubabug the Prime Minister isl They I" are seldom, met together. The sun, clition to our food, and are considered an hook; then add an onion, a stook unto the farmer, saying: "If you will gay too, that he has now been 'found rising and declining, makes long sha- provoeatives to appetite. In the first celery, acrd boil until it is.soft en- give me the wherewithal to satisfy Cho out, and that, far from being a forceful down; at midday. whbn be is highest, place, use none but the boat older ough to mash through n sieve. Return not at all.-Biahbp Hall. vinegar, and beat it in a porcelain ves- to the stove, add two tablespoonfuls of "1 cravings of the inner man, I will kill man in foreign polttcq, eel -under no circumstances use metal. lemon juice, a teaspoonful of salt, a all the rats about the place." "Agreed,"11­11 ]Bring the vinegar to a boiling point dwb o(f pepper, and serve at once. maid the tiller of the soil, and belorder- only, as actual boiling will weaken it,Salted Peanuts, -Shell and remove ed his good wife oto give the tramp a GIVE IT A TRIAL, ee and thus destroy its preservative pow- square meal. After this tramp had de- tars. iButlia be sure that it has coached the rod skin from the nuts. t�prtYad the th'e w d-pileh{ng in sight he went. to������� ������ Tea' the boiling paint and will scald the nuts in a dripping pun with a little th'o wood -pile and selected a stout. piekles, or the latter will be insipid. butter, and place In a moderate oven. club, thou seating himself on the porch I Never use raw vinegar, it becomes rept' Let them remain, 'ttvatching them e'lelden - he said to the farmer: "Now bring on and does not keep well. Bits of horse- ly and stirring often, until they are your rats." IS NORTH YOUR MOST SERIOUS CONSIDERATION. tradish or a few cloves will assist in a delicate brown. Qnrinkle salt overMoral--Always have the details ape- Lead Packages, 2$C, 4OC# ,SOGt acid 1300, J oreserving the life of the vinegar. 1A them while hdt. i elfled In a,contract. , fest tea in the world � S1Bl;L•tIAN EXILIiS, __ The most conclusive evidence as to what the life of the average convict really is is furnished upon the best of evidence by the convicts themselves, who certainly ought to know when and where they are well off. Not more than one fourth of the exiles, when their time has expired, elect to return to Russia, whither they are attracted by i that love and attachment to home so strong in every human breast, so par- ticularly strong in the Slay. The fact is that they have found life in Siber- ia pleasanter, the road to ease, acorn_ . potency, and even to wealth less rug- ged, less crowded with competitors; so they become colonists, and of their own free will and choice remain in Siberia, throwing their fortunes in with the destiny of the new land. ' I . •, TORONTO IS PROSPEROUS. Building in Toronto is very brisk. Returns for July show that permits aggregating $122,150, as compared with $103,295 in the correspnoding month of last year, were issued. Of this amount $39,900 was for the addi- tions and alleraLions to Public schools. The total permits for the year, up to the present are $1,027,735, which is greater than in any previous year. Nearly all house property is reported to bave been rented, and the demand has never been better since the boom. Imitr.tion I9 sometimes called the sincere form Of flattery. This may account for the number of imitations of the original and only positive corn cure-Putn,lm's Painless Corn Extractor. All such fail to possess equal merit, so when pur- chasing get the genuine "Putnam's." Safe, sure and painless. All druggists. A PERSIAN CARPET TEST. The test of a true Perisan carpet -- that used by the natives tbe,mselves -is to drop a piece of red-hot charcoal upon it, which leaves a singed round spot, If the carpet is one of the first quality the singed wool can be brushed off with the hand without the least trace of the burn being aft- erward discernible. . A plaster made with "Quickcure" will remoi a difficulty in breathing, and mora quickly reduce inflammation than aa}s�td p.rol,aum Pio oq3 At Marlborough street Police Court, London, Messrs. Hampton & Sons, of Pall Mall East, were fined £9 on three summonses for selling china as " Dres- den" which they got from Samson, of Paris. For -the defence Mr. Avory said, the china was so cheap that no buyer, could imagine he was purchasingreal " Dresden." I , , CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. This reliable Business school invites the attention of all young men and women interested in Commercial Edu- cation, and will be pleased to receive correspondence from any one who de= sires to qualify for a good business position. Write for catalogue and particulars. See Ad. in this issue. Spread a little "Quickcure" on the surface of corns and cover with thin paper; the soreness will be removed at once, as it reduces the inflammation which causes' pain. TONGUE AND TASTE. Tile tongue is divided into three re- gions of taste, the first of whitb is chiefly sensible• to pungent and acid tastes, the middle portion to sweets or bitters, while the back in confined en- tirely to the flavors of roast meats, butter, oils and rioh and fatty subst- ances. How's This Y We offer Oae Hundred Dollars Reward for Any owe of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, F. J. CHENEl &CO., Props., Tsledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Chaney for t`ae last 15 years, and believe him perfeotly honorable in all business transne- tions, and finanelal)y able to carry out any obligation made by their firm, Wiles & TRaax, Wholesale Dravgists, Toledo, fl. WALDINO, ICINNAN & MARVIN, Who,eaale -Drugggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Cata*rh Cllre le taken Internally, act, Ing direollyupon the blood and mucous Fur- faces of hu system. Prlee 75c. pe bottle . Sold by all Druggisti. Testimonials free. Hall's family Pills are the beat. THE CZAR'S CROWN, The crown worn by the Czar of Rus- sia on state occasions is surmounted by across formed of five magnificent diamonds, resting upon an immense uncut, but. polished ruby. The ruby rests upon 11 large diamonds, which in turn, aro supported by a mat of pearls, t iI a I I , 11 1 W PC 933 PAINT so CHEAP leu can use a an old shingle roofs or sldosof bulldioge. •-Used 49 years. With a good sprayer yw Dan ppSint a barn in half a day, write ns for airculare end tolorm'tion about painting. The Finch wood Pressrva• tine d Paint OompanS, 670 Queen west, Toronto, TOPONTO CUTTING SCHOOL offers special indneomonte to ?olnxg tion desirous of taklna up CuttingR.� bull partlenlors on applt. batiou. rr3 YOIVGB ST., TORONTO. KNIT Mics Vt51liD POSTAGE STAMPS of all kinds wanted for cash. Stato Sind and Quantity of each when writing. Canada Starup dotn- pany, 540 Sherbourn , Street, Toronto. LAWMills, Mills - Halos Barrletore,etocemove to waglovlo., }tloh• mond ibt . - orontto. d •wft"ll,�'r'vo' J. N. ANDIRSON, M.D., Ha a 801lego-st TORONTO, Ont. THROAT EYE, EAR, NOSE �aPBCIAALVS �� y • - SHiP YOUR PRODUCE, Butter, Egg¢, App1ips, Fruit, hc., to TNM DAWSON OOMMI881011 CO., Limped, tor. of West Market and Oolborno Ste.. 7011411M_ . STAMMERERS1111 Only Institution In Consda for the quire evrypb%soflipaeof,at,Uss�blWd , tu[pMOSBv9 ot®nPembrke Io Teet% lali► Dominion Lime Steamships. Montreal and Quebeo to Liverpool in sum er, e and Gut twin screw st@W�psi •Labra lir' • ag. couver.' 'Dominion' 'Bcotsmap of r ishlm. Superior accommoaatlon toe Fliet Cabin, Sol and Cabin and 9teorago paween`ers. Ra.tos e[ assage-8'irst Cabin,8g52.60; 8pcgnd Cebin. $34; Steerm $22.50 and uppwards according to steamer and bertig. For ;ll ipfOrinabion apply to Local Agents��tt, or I?AViD Tprt NQA l ,. Goal Agents, 17 Ct. Saorament 5 ., Montreal, lR 0+0 F I N Q Rnd Sheet Metal Wgrket,' no0FFTT�1G S TE, n Blaa}� Rd or oreen. SLAV nLAC1K80A 8 (we Pati p1� ppuubl{� nail High 9agogls.TeropLo►. itoellog Felt, PltoyIi Ooal Mail oto. R01% WO TILE gee Neq CIIt nuiliy Ifysn��gs,T44oronto done bl qgr arm). L1}eg) Oeilla�g, Oor-, in�tm, Il�to shlyiy, to ae -Stam 11 of the stoqukall. prhtoae1k n.OIITNIRAea S,Adolaido4Wldrrior�te.,Torontoo INVITATION Is hereby extended to cit Saulf men end women Iuterestpd o ractical education to writs for the New Prospep sof fha(JLNTRAL 8U81NL880eLLat0anr TnitANT0. PALS Ticim Orarm a srT. 10T. Eight reggular yeaohers uo- excelled faoil ides for Acoounting, Te'erraphr, aired. hand, oto. Many students eeotue splendid positlons each term, Getparticulars, Address W. A. SHAW, Principal, Yong a and Gerrard St., Toronto, THE TRIUMPH►• ADJUSTABLE STOVE PIPES. gas y put up and taken down, van be cleaned, nested, and put away is a small appace. Apk your dealers for them. Manutadured by C. 3. BARCLAY, a68 Adelaide 3t. W.. Toronto. NESTED CLOSED FOR BALE—Highly Improved FarmnearWinnlpegl 310 acr, s : No. 1 soil ; Improvetnenta alogqp cost $9,000; prlce$$,060, say twothoueandeaail, balance in top yearly payments; 1Aterest 8 pori 11 cent.; will cell implements coating $1.35Ufdr 18?0. say five hundred cash, balanao 3 yearly payments, interest 6percenl» Address, Frank S. Nugent, BarriAer, Winnipeg. L. COFFEE & CO., 11,W .... bad 184a CRAIN AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS,- • Rooms 409-12 Board of Trade Building, TORONTO, ONT. TrrolitAs FLvxx. JOHN L, Courts, W.G. HARRIS,Toronto Pays the Best Price for -SCRAP, . LEAD, ALS A IN LINE Royal MaH Steamship . Co., Montreal•'Iro Liverpool. W06-44 Steamers Pall frcen Montreal every Thuradar Inorning on arrival of trains from ToronLo and the West about 9 dolook. RATZS or PASSAGR Cabin $52.59 and upwards: Second Cabin, 4doli5Steerage LeroiLonGasow, ll1ondondryr Queenstown $32,50 and 823.30 A reduclUon of five per cent, to allowed on,� round trip flint ani second cabin tickets. Fort callings of steamers or other information appi7l►l to any authorized agent. 8. Bourlior, 1 Sing St. W. Toronto or S & A Allan. Montreal. IONBOY'S IMPROVED URRINI ,TOPS m reoeiVodtho'high• estnwardA attha World'r Fair 1893. OONSOY'S PATENT ROLLER TOPS have met with aucb universal fa. vor, that othcr manufacturen are now makla inferior imitate dna. Insist on having the Conboy mnko as imitations ire never as good as -- __ ._ -- ___..•_ _ the aonulnc— TIMESHERS ENGINEARI, m CASTOR AIA,CHINE CYLINDERNIF ENGINE PACKINGS and THRESHERS' BELTS. Get our prices. We want your trade. WILLIAM C. WILSON & CO., LIMITBO, STRAIISOAT, RAILROAD and MILL SUPPLIES, s+ Front St. Fast, - TORONTO, < . . . -- ._ -_ .___ 'TING WMACI ■INES. OLD AND RELIABLL 'we M FOR no- EstaNtshotl tayZ illsthe your &WIly from head to root With our "' MONEY MAKER Pricers only vs, no $30, fin GREELKIN UK, Georgetio R, oni. "A ikYl►iiYiRnln INg111t ft A, \ •. A , - IV fest tea in the world � S1Bl;L•tIAN EXILIiS, __ The most conclusive evidence as to what the life of the average convict really is is furnished upon the best of evidence by the convicts themselves, who certainly ought to know when and where they are well off. Not more than one fourth of the exiles, when their time has expired, elect to return to Russia, whither they are attracted by i that love and attachment to home so strong in every human breast, so par- ticularly strong in the Slay. The fact is that they have found life in Siber- ia pleasanter, the road to ease, acorn_ . potency, and even to wealth less rug- ged, less crowded with competitors; so they become colonists, and of their own free will and choice remain in Siberia, throwing their fortunes in with the destiny of the new land. ' I . •, TORONTO IS PROSPEROUS. Building in Toronto is very brisk. Returns for July show that permits aggregating $122,150, as compared with $103,295 in the correspnoding month of last year, were issued. Of this amount $39,900 was for the addi- tions and alleraLions to Public schools. The total permits for the year, up to the present are $1,027,735, which is greater than in any previous year. Nearly all house property is reported to bave been rented, and the demand has never been better since the boom. Imitr.tion I9 sometimes called the sincere form Of flattery. This may account for the number of imitations of the original and only positive corn cure-Putn,lm's Painless Corn Extractor. All such fail to possess equal merit, so when pur- chasing get the genuine "Putnam's." Safe, sure and painless. All druggists. A PERSIAN CARPET TEST. The test of a true Perisan carpet -- that used by the natives tbe,mselves -is to drop a piece of red-hot charcoal upon it, which leaves a singed round spot, If the carpet is one of the first quality the singed wool can be brushed off with the hand without the least trace of the burn being aft- erward discernible. . A plaster made with "Quickcure" will remoi a difficulty in breathing, and mora quickly reduce inflammation than aa}s�td p.rol,aum Pio oq3 At Marlborough street Police Court, London, Messrs. Hampton & Sons, of Pall Mall East, were fined £9 on three summonses for selling china as " Dres- den" which they got from Samson, of Paris. For -the defence Mr. Avory said, the china was so cheap that no buyer, could imagine he was purchasingreal " Dresden." I , , CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. This reliable Business school invites the attention of all young men and women interested in Commercial Edu- cation, and will be pleased to receive correspondence from any one who de= sires to qualify for a good business position. Write for catalogue and particulars. See Ad. in this issue. Spread a little "Quickcure" on the surface of corns and cover with thin paper; the soreness will be removed at once, as it reduces the inflammation which causes' pain. TONGUE AND TASTE. Tile tongue is divided into three re- gions of taste, the first of whitb is chiefly sensible• to pungent and acid tastes, the middle portion to sweets or bitters, while the back in confined en- tirely to the flavors of roast meats, butter, oils and rioh and fatty subst- ances. How's This Y We offer Oae Hundred Dollars Reward for Any owe of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, F. J. CHENEl &CO., Props., Tsledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Chaney for t`ae last 15 years, and believe him perfeotly honorable in all business transne- tions, and finanelal)y able to carry out any obligation made by their firm, Wiles & TRaax, Wholesale Dravgists, Toledo, fl. WALDINO, ICINNAN & MARVIN, Who,eaale -Drugggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Cata*rh Cllre le taken Internally, act, Ing direollyupon the blood and mucous Fur- faces of hu system. Prlee 75c. pe bottle . Sold by all Druggisti. Testimonials free. Hall's family Pills are the beat. THE CZAR'S CROWN, The crown worn by the Czar of Rus- sia on state occasions is surmounted by across formed of five magnificent diamonds, resting upon an immense uncut, but. polished ruby. The ruby rests upon 11 large diamonds, which in turn, aro supported by a mat of pearls, t iI a I I , 11 1 W PC 933 PAINT so CHEAP leu can use a an old shingle roofs or sldosof bulldioge. •-Used 49 years. With a good sprayer yw Dan ppSint a barn in half a day, write ns for airculare end tolorm'tion about painting. The Finch wood Pressrva• tine d Paint OompanS, 670 Queen west, Toronto, TOPONTO CUTTING SCHOOL offers special indneomonte to ?olnxg tion desirous of taklna up CuttingR.� bull partlenlors on applt. batiou. rr3 YOIVGB ST., TORONTO. KNIT Mics Vt51liD POSTAGE STAMPS of all kinds wanted for cash. Stato Sind and Quantity of each when writing. Canada Starup dotn- pany, 540 Sherbourn , Street, Toronto. LAWMills, Mills - Halos Barrletore,etocemove to waglovlo., }tloh• mond ibt . - orontto. d •wft"ll,�'r'vo' J. N. ANDIRSON, M.D., Ha a 801lego-st TORONTO, Ont. THROAT EYE, EAR, NOSE �aPBCIAALVS �� y • - SHiP YOUR PRODUCE, Butter, Egg¢, App1ips, Fruit, hc., to TNM DAWSON OOMMI881011 CO., Limped, tor. of West Market and Oolborno Ste.. 7011411M_ . STAMMERERS1111 Only Institution In Consda for the quire evrypb%soflipaeof,at,Uss�blWd , tu[pMOSBv9 ot®nPembrke Io Teet% lali► Dominion Lime Steamships. Montreal and Quebeo to Liverpool in sum er, e and Gut twin screw st@W�psi •Labra lir' • ag. couver.' 'Dominion' 'Bcotsmap of r ishlm. Superior accommoaatlon toe Fliet Cabin, Sol and Cabin and 9teorago paween`ers. Ra.tos e[ assage-8'irst Cabin,8g52.60; 8pcgnd Cebin. $34; Steerm $22.50 and uppwards according to steamer and bertig. For ;ll ipfOrinabion apply to Local Agents��tt, or I?AViD Tprt NQA l ,. Goal Agents, 17 Ct. Saorament 5 ., Montreal, lR 0+0 F I N Q Rnd Sheet Metal Wgrket,' no0FFTT�1G S TE, n Blaa}� Rd or oreen. SLAV nLAC1K80A 8 (we Pati p1� ppuubl{� nail High 9agogls.TeropLo►. itoellog Felt, PltoyIi Ooal Mail oto. R01% WO TILE gee Neq CIIt nuiliy Ifysn��gs,T44oronto done bl qgr arm). L1}eg) Oeilla�g, Oor-, in�tm, Il�to shlyiy, to ae -Stam 11 of the stoqukall. prhtoae1k n.OIITNIRAea S,Adolaido4Wldrrior�te.,Torontoo INVITATION Is hereby extended to cit Saulf men end women Iuterestpd o ractical education to writs for the New Prospep sof fha(JLNTRAL 8U81NL880eLLat0anr TnitANT0. PALS Ticim Orarm a srT. 10T. Eight reggular yeaohers uo- excelled faoil ides for Acoounting, Te'erraphr, aired. hand, oto. Many students eeotue splendid positlons each term, Getparticulars, Address W. A. SHAW, Principal, Yong a and Gerrard St., Toronto, THE TRIUMPH►• ADJUSTABLE STOVE PIPES. gas y put up and taken down, van be cleaned, nested, and put away is a small appace. Apk your dealers for them. Manutadured by C. 3. BARCLAY, a68 Adelaide 3t. W.. Toronto. NESTED CLOSED FOR BALE—Highly Improved FarmnearWinnlpegl 310 acr, s : No. 1 soil ; Improvetnenta alogqp cost $9,000; prlce$$,060, say twothoueandeaail, balance in top yearly payments; 1Aterest 8 pori 11 cent.; will cell implements coating $1.35Ufdr 18?0. say five hundred cash, balanao 3 yearly payments, interest 6percenl» Address, Frank S. Nugent, BarriAer, Winnipeg. L. COFFEE & CO., 11,W .... bad 184a CRAIN AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS,- • Rooms 409-12 Board of Trade Building, TORONTO, ONT. TrrolitAs FLvxx. JOHN L, Courts, W.G. HARRIS,Toronto Pays the Best Price for -SCRAP, . LEAD, ALS A IN LINE Royal MaH Steamship . Co., Montreal•'Iro Liverpool. W06-44 Steamers Pall frcen Montreal every Thuradar Inorning on arrival of trains from ToronLo and the West about 9 dolook. RATZS or PASSAGR Cabin $52.59 and upwards: Second Cabin, 4doli5Steerage LeroiLonGasow, ll1ondondryr Queenstown $32,50 and 823.30 A reduclUon of five per cent, to allowed on,� round trip flint ani second cabin tickets. Fort callings of steamers or other information appi7l►l to any authorized agent. 8. Bourlior, 1 Sing St. W. Toronto or S & A Allan. Montreal. IONBOY'S IMPROVED URRINI ,TOPS m reoeiVodtho'high• estnwardA attha World'r Fair 1893. OONSOY'S PATENT ROLLER TOPS have met with aucb universal fa. vor, that othcr manufacturen are now makla inferior imitate dna. Insist on having the Conboy mnko as imitations ire never as good as -- __ ._ -- ___..•_ _ the aonulnc— TIMESHERS ENGINEARI, m CASTOR AIA,CHINE CYLINDERNIF ENGINE PACKINGS and THRESHERS' BELTS. Get our prices. We want your trade. WILLIAM C. WILSON & CO., LIMITBO, STRAIISOAT, RAILROAD and MILL SUPPLIES, s+ Front St. Fast, - TORONTO, < . . . -- ._ -_ .___ 'TING WMACI ■INES. OLD AND RELIABLL 'we M FOR no- EstaNtshotl tayZ illsthe your &WIly from head to root With our "' MONEY MAKER Pricers only vs, no $30, fin GREELKIN UK, Georgetio R, oni. "A ikYl►iiYiRnln INg111t ft A,