The Blyth Standard, 1903-07-02, Page 8TEOUDir
LNDS of men e prisoners of disease as securely
as though they were confined behind the bare. Many
have forged their own chains by the vices of early youth,
exposure to contagious disease, or the excesses of manhood.
They feel they are not the men they ought to be or used to be.
The vim, vigor, and vitality of manhood are lacking. Are
you nervous and despoadent? tired 1n the morning? have you
to force yourself through the day's work? have you little am-
bition and energ77 are you irritable and excitable? eyes
sunken, depreaged and haggard looking? memory poor and
brain fagged? have you weak bock with dreams and losses at
night? deposit 1" urine? weak septally?—you Ws
Nervous Debility and Seminal Weakness.
3 Our NEW METHOD TLEATMEAT is goarauteed to
Cure or No Pas. xe 'entre to Detroit. Beak
Security. Beware of quacks—Consult old established,
• reliable _physicians. Consultation Free. Hooke
Free. write for Question Blank for Home Treatment.
Ora, Kennedy & Kergan,
4irtarfi'.11� /�`i_�� ` _p. Ella. ' aJ•r �6-;
yea le
Nr�\,„ would ask the makers of butter not. to salt the bettor heavy
as the heats salted butter always has to 111111at u redur,vl price,
N31 die the butter so as to bring the top price and you will be the
gainer in the end.
Before the 1st of jell•, to fill stn order already
placed vrid) us for
(i00O Boxes and Tubs
of Good Dairy Butter
Also we must have ;die
hirltgee }lyi to Lill our orders, for
hih tveB pA
r ,�►- �► �► ��'� ,�p° ,,/► /� /� //' �►':moi
0 00 00 00 0
Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S.
P V0 0.0 00 b
First -elites Horses and lugs for
hire et reasonable rates.
Best of aceomrnpdation to Com-
nnercial Travellers and other); requiring
Veterinary office at livery stable.
Grand View, Manitoba, who eras (knif-
ed in white silk organdie. The bride
and groom left for their hone that night
midst showere of rice and best wishes
and have n host of. friends who will
loin with us in wishing then a smooth
and pleasant journey throughout their
married life....The barn on the farm of
D1 r. J oho Shortreed, jr„ has been moved
preparatory to being raised up and a
(sweet block wall plead underneath,
It will wake an Al barn when com-
pleted —.Mr
onnpleted.,,.Mr and Mrs. Johu Scott, of
Deloraine, Manitoba, former residents
of the Om con. of this township, are at
present renewing the (rieudshie of old
friends in Blyth and Morris. It is Ili
years since they left these parts and
this is their first visit since going west.
proved and take with them stock and
all, We understand. Mr. Alex, Wilson,
formerly of limn ise's, lives near the
saine locality. lie is 0 brother to Mr.
W. ('. Wjlsot.... Mr, Win. H. McLeod,
of Cypress River, Manitoba, was renew-
ing old friendships for a few days. He
is a tousle to 111aesre, dames and John
Sherrie. The visitor was here for a
car load of home, hence hie stay was
brief. It is 21 voars sines Dir, McLeod
removed from Morris township. rjrhe,y
have prospered in the west and the crop
outlook there this season is Al. He
loft bn Thursday for hie home but may
be back shortly for another consignment
of horses....Rev. A. Ii, Brown preach-
ed his farewell sermon to the Sunshine
Methodist congregation on Sunday last.
....Mrs. Win, L.rwry, of London, was
a welcome visitor here during last week.
She came to 000 her mother, Mrs. James
Sharp, who was ill.... The bricklayers
are at work at the new residence of Me.
Alex, Clark.,,.\very little change is
noticeable in the condition of Mr.
Thomas Miller, who suffered front a
stroke of paralysis a few weeks ago.
His many old friends will be pleased to
hear of his recovery —.Miss Marion
McKenzie is .home for her vacation.
She has been attending the Toronto
normal school and is now awaiting the
results of her recent exams.... A garden
party will be given at the Molle of Mr.
dames Russell, under the auspices of
Sunshine Methodist church, on the even-
ing of 'Tueedey, 1uly' 7th A very
pretty but quiet wedding was witnessed
at Sonny Side farm, the beautiful home
of Mr. John Shortreed, or Juno 17th,
when his second daughter, Lizzie, was
tined in holy wedlock to Mr. George
McSpadden, a well-to-do farmer of Win-
throp. Abort four o'clock Misi Carrie
Shortreed, cousin of the bride, began to
play the wedding march and in a few
nuuutes the groom entered the parlor
followed by the bride leaning or her
lather's arm and was attended by her
little niece, Miss Ella Shortreed, of
WAtvt,wrs.—hlr, Jantes Snell has
heen appointed district supremo presi-
dent of the Huron and Bruce district of
the Sone of England.....A. few days
ago Mr. Win. Lynn, who had engaged
with Mr, 0. E. Erratt for the mummer,
pn pretence of having some financial
phligation to meet in Goderielt got what
wages ho has earlletl from Mr, Erratt
mud going to 1 ioderich procured a con-
yeya»ee v:',111 which lie returned during
the quirt Lc.o•s and removed his family
and ltuuaehuld effects, Several are
nttufn;ng hie abrupt departure.
'\Virga,—Mr, Donald Black, of Al-
goma, has been visiting reletivee and
friends in this township and locality.
Ile is a former Morrisite and is a broth-
er to Messrs. John, Malcolm and Nell
Black. It is well on to a quarter of a
century since be moved to the northern
country.... After successfully passing
his second year's examination in medi-
cine and also writing off hie council
examination, Mr, Donald McKenzie is
now enjoying a well earned holiday on
ha farm with his parente. He will
likely spend the summer here ]ridding
up brawn and muscle fur the resump-
tion of his studies next fall. We wish
inn success,.... Messrs. Wilson and
Love, W110 wells weal this spring, have
decided to locate at Minnotis, in the
Hwau river locality, The latter is ex-
pected here to arrange for the remota
of the other members of the families.
Their ruanv friends wish them great
, icoees, The properties bought are int -
LAcoxtes,—Miss A, Dorrington end
Miss It, \Valdrou will spend their va-
cation in England. They sail from
Montreal on July 4th on the steamer
Parisian of the Allan line Mr. John
Evens has secured the contract for the
brick work and Mr, John Somerville, of
Kirktol, the carpenter work, of rhe new
manse to be erected at once in coneec-
ti,.n with the Thames Road Presby-
terian church....TheIndependent Order
of Foresters attended divine service in
the plain etreet Methodist church on
Sunday morning last. It was probably
the largest gathering of the kind ever
befog held in town, there being lit
members of this worthy institution in
line, Rev. ]t. Millyard preached....
Mr, W. H. Lovett, who recently under-
went an operation for appendicitis, still
continues to improve.... Sir. Fred Dav-
idson. who hos been visiting his broth-
ers in Michigan, returned hone on
Thursday last and left again on Monday
for Listowel, where he will Femme his
position as operator on the Grand Trunk
railway Arrangements aro being
made for the organization of it band.
'j`ooirs.—McKillop will shortly have
the best piece of road in the county.
This is that part of the north road be-
tween Sesforth and Winthrop. A pat-
ent grader is being used over the whole
road and it will be made wide enough
for tines coaches too abreast. When
the gravel le all laid and the gravel is
rolled, it will bo the best piece of road
in the county aid no government aid
has been given either. The cost will
not exceed ;530. If any of the neighbor-
ing townships desire to have work done
with this grader, they can secure it by
applying to Mr. Robert Grieve, who is
doing this work ,—The home of Mrs,
Peter Dodds, of IticKillop, was the
scene of a very pretty wedding on June
10111, it being the occasion of the mar-
riage of her second daughter, Mary B.,
to Mr. John A. Smith, of the same
township. At live o'clock, to thestrains
of the wedding march, played by Mies
A. Dodds, the bridal party took their
places on the verandah, under an arch
of evergreens. Mise Etnma Brumley,
of Londeeboro, supported the bride, and
Mr. T. Dodds, brother of the bride, acted
tie groomsman. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. Noll Shaw, of } g-
mondville, in the presence of the imme-
diate relatives and Montle of the bride
and groom. After the ceremony all sat
down in the dining -room to a table well
laden with delicacies, to which all did
ample justice. The remainder of the
evening was spent in music and comic
songs, rendered by Messrs, Trogan and
Bert Seldom, The bride wore a dress of
cream serge, trimmed with white silk
and carried a bouquet of white roses,
and the bridesmaid wore white organdie
and carried pink roses, The groan's
present to the midi' was a diamond pin,
and to the bridesmaid, a gold broach.
The bride was the recipient of many
useful and valuable presents, allowing
the high esteem in which she was held,
We join with their many friends in
wishing then a long and happy mar-
ried life.
Cement for Sale.
The undersigned keeps in stock
alt kinds of Cement, including
Queenston and Portland.
Cement Building and flooring a
1 ENRICH 1H1 IRO CD85TR': ii
gad°n(sMontrfa1CC, Saio„j).i
an Druogisrs barn'
When a baby is coming the ea-
pectlnt mother needs to take special
care of herself, for upon her health
depends to a great extent the health
of the unborn babe, If diet, etc.,
etc., etc., is not watched, the start in
life of the future offspring will not
be a satisfactory one. It is a mistake
to take liquid medicines at this time,
for they all contain alcohol. Their
steady use has the same effect as
habitual liquor taking, consuming the
vitality and hardening the tissues.
1f you are weak you need a tonic,
not a stimulant. Don't take medica-
ted wine or alcoholic medicines ; but
take ST. JAMAS WAFERS, they are a
tissue builder and a reconstructive.
ST. JAMES WAFERS help stomach,
digest food and send the nutriment
through the blood, and this is the
honest way to get health and strength,
the kind that lasts, develops and
breeds the energy which accom-
plishes much.
"I have need at. James Wafers
for years. Nose better."
Dr. A. 3. Maddox,
Loudon, Elm.
peke In Canada : $1.00 ;
pis bottles tor $LO() t
S1. Jinxes Wafers art nota stat
moody go the agsrrroardaatont,.
camwenhinr hear Io their paiiratr
me mat, the for Mala apes reque4t.
where dealers are not selling the
Wafers, they are mailed upon re-
ceipt of price at the Canadian
branch: at. luau Wire Cs., I18
St. tragus It,, Neetrtal.
Jim Dumps' physician once
telt 111.
Said he "1'11 have no ,
draught or pill."
Said Jiin: "Ho, ho, you're
on the shelf,
You who cure others,
cure yourself."
Then Jim sent up some
"Force "to him,
"That's what he nude,"
quoth " Sunny Jim."
The heady -to -Serve Cereal
for doctor
and patient.
Rae Dania Three Cams.
"1 was attacked last May by appendl-
cltls. As I showed gigue of recovery doctor
and I began to cast around for a suitable dict
and as a result we fell upon ' Force,' wltlah
has been a wonderful boon to toe. I hese
eaten almost three ems, 11. 11. MILLER."
Iron and Brass Bedsteads.
There la nothing to comfortable those warm nights as on Iron Bedstead. It allows fres Mr-
culatron of the air and then you know iron U always cool. We sell a very good iron bed for tt, a
better one for so, a still bolter bed for 80 and 011. Ti oee winbing health, comfort and freedren
from every ache or pain should buy an iron bedstead.
Pmeee.—The first tourists to arrive
this 0000011 were Dr. Atkinson, wife and
family, who camp the first week in
April, taking the cottage they occupied
last seamen on Louisa street, overlook-
ing the lake.... Mr, and Mrs. Chattuck
and laughter, of Detroit, ere the guests
of M s, Sellers. They have their car•
liege, told greatly enjoy the beautiful
drives here..., Mrs. 5. 1', Glass and i
family, of London, have arrived, and
are now occupying their cottage..,,
Mrs. Sims and family, of Wallacoburg,
arrived Thursday, and have taktn
rooms 111 Mlae Simpsoi's cottage....
Mrs. Brewer and family, of Clinton,
arrived last week and are the first to
take 111) reel deuce this season in .1ewett's
grove ....The backward weather is de-
laying a great tawny who had arranged
to tomo earlier. With warm weather
we believe a larger number would spend
their holidays here than ever before.
Each season Bayfield's popularity as a
Rilnlmer resort beeoines better and more
favorably known, and more accommo-
dation is provided .... Mrs. E. Elliott,
of the Albion hotel, has greatly int
preyed the appearance of this house by
erecting a double verandah. This hotel
is popular with the commercial teen.
Provision is made for a limited number
of summer guests ....The Queen's hotel
ie under the management of Mr. John
Biggart, who has ranted it for the slim-
mer mason, This house has had in
past seasons a large patronage, and we
bespeak for the proprietor a liberal
support....The River house has re-
ceived a g"neral brightening up at the
Bands of the painters and paperhangers,
several bedrooms have been added by
raising the roof over the dining -room,
aid this year this hoose will sustain its
popularity and be filled as usual..,,
Miss Wright, who has been assistant
teacher in the public school for the past
year ite
leaves ah
for her home at Stratford ned. this
week. She will be very touch missed
by the children as she wag a favorite
with thein *IL...Mr. Bright Smith,
who nes been touring the Yankee cities
with the Kiltie hand has been visiting
his brother, Dr, G. W. M. Smith.
—Tux SrANDAnn—balance 1908, hoc
To preserve or restore it, there is uo better prescription
for men, women and children than Ripens Tubules. They
are easy to take. They are made of a combination of medi-
cines approved and used by every physician. Ripens Ta -
bales are widely used by all sorts of people -.-but to the
plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need,
Ripens Tubules have become their standard family remedy,
They are a dependable, honest remedy, with a long and suc-
cessful record, to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and
stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism,
sour stomach, bowel and livor complaints. They strengthen
weak stomachs, build up run-down systems, restore pure
blood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody
derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripens Tabules.
Your druggist sells them. The five -cent packet is enough
for an ordinary occasion, The lltmily Bottle, 60 cents, en-
tities a supply for a year.
K&K Ktit K1.K •KdtK K KtrK
,K KorK K
K K K i ' K sK
—Tile county council of Wentworth
have decided upon a system of rode
170 miles in est0nt, and have epplicd
�r ., i ,I,tl rov
for their jam.) ion of the 1 uv 1 gov-
ernment grant , otnomtting 10 nbetlt
$38,000. Arrangements are now being
made by which the work will he under-
taken at owe, 'Tile county will spend
about 5(10,00 in addition to the govern-
ment grant.
—The photo group of Mr. and Mrs.
W. 11. Davis and family, of Mitchell,
is to he shown at the Cork, Ireland,
exhibition, to be hell this month, The
picture is considered by friends in the
old land to be such an excellent apeci-
nten,of photography and the 0ixe of the
faintly so unique, that it has been decid-
ed to give it a place in the art gallery of
Ireland's great rnideummer exhibition,
Mr. Davis Is editor a( the Mitchell,
Anyone sending n sheteh and description may
it rh'lob,.
aeee ',e,
invenlowlspiably patentable, 1,nmIea
gent. roeIdedngency for nocnnugJatente.
Patents taken through Munn a W. receive
rperiat nottre, wlllout. charge, In the
Scientific .American.
A handenmely Illustrated weekly. Largest eh,
nrlatim, of any ,cienitho loornnl. Teerrme.e. *5 aa�
Y�Scr Nit toe. OI Soro d by rn nett 10r r\
jlu�1 aersteaaw.r, N
rare Aloa, 415 F Me, Washington, D. C.