The Blyth Standard, 1903-07-02, Page 6I CAKEWALK CRAZE iN PARISThe Athlete and Hla Stomach.
the most important eon- ISSUE NO. 27. 1903
eidenallon for an athlete In train-
Ing fg the condition of hie stomach.
The quantity and quality of food
and. the regularity of meals and sleep
aro ell carefully watched, because
lit is LICOS4 8Py for the stomach to U REDUCES
be in peritet running order if the
athlete wonbi wake the moat of his
powero. For thle Important
organ affects the nervous system as
Writ aw the musete,, and the peeves
and head have no much to do nit ill
Whiffing a race all the sinews. There
Is danger lo over -eating as there
le In insufficient nourishment, the
trainers say; because, while the
latter stay weaken n man, the for-
mer produces duilneem and inertia
"A man with his atom/cell fall," said
Trainer Ilitxhberg, at Columbia
Univervelty, " hntnl't the clean,
quick nerve force that an athlete
must have to get the most of hie
musses." -Harry Beardsley In Les-
lie's Weekly.
i ye—
ems; Capital Quite Captivated
PerlbrnttngStrange Antics.
But then the Cake -walk started and
l "11. le`tt'ing of swims.; and lodging"
ingrain to Creep upon us as one after
• another of twenty-four couples came
Out into tho circus ring (wd uuao
. glowing idiots of them.elveil at lin
Amertoatne to the tepee of "Whist-
, 111311 Aufns," "You Aro ley liuney-
aunllle," "A Georgia l',"
"A Hot Time 1n the (11(1 Town," and
tate rept of the old familiars. Amer -
10a at its worst never Imagined suc11
�-a rag -time epldetnh: as is raging in
-Paris tovktr. 'Rile manager of the
, Nouveau Cirque -an American, by
Use way, who knows n butintse pro-
, poaltioo when he sees it -told the
tater 1n the evening time it is the
greatest foul be has ever seen in
twenty-five year, 80 a circus and
theietrloml manager. That he has
'given his public rug -time and en la, -
Walk now for seven luuuths without
a change of bill, and that it gets
1Or0 find more popular every day
tied that the Nouveau Cirque 10(1)
tollpse(f all business records in theat-
rical Paris.
"Wonderful 1" I exclaimed, and
turned again to where favaonalee
Parke was disporting itself in the
oirous ring. Some of the, women were
beautifully gowned and managed to
*cake themselves as attractive 8s a
woman eon be 111 that onbeuutiful
Owlet,. But the leen ! Well, the most
melancholy s'gllt on earth Is ft man-
s well-dressed, well-groomed, well-
bred, ordinarily dignified 1(1,10-mak-
tng a consetaumafc idiot of hlmeelf for
the amusement of n jeering crowd.
He look, week, helpless, adapts, pitl-
ahte, and all the time he seenm to
half realize It anal to be la.borlug to
ovenoomo It. The duly meal In that
orowd of twecty-tour fashionable
oakeewneters that I didn't reel pro-
found pity for was the One who was
entirely, ettahse.l in a grolentilue bear-
bido. Everybody knew everybody, and
the conversation between the ring
and the bo!,0s 014(0 geucrni, 1l11lis^rim-
loatc, and cntvrtaainieg, and every-
botiy was etldietly very happy. TJte
Whole titmice glittered with Jewels
and beautiful women. Every scat In
the big midi 1.01111111 was oe: (111 11, and
everybody Wild ha evening dress, and
the effect was almost startling in
• He brilliancy. A rim' of gents had
even to be put around the inside of
the ring for the accommodation of a
oouplo of hundred unaccompanied
bachelors who made a nice study in
black 8183 white sitting elose toge-
ther aide Ina comelete circle.
-Eleanor Franklin's Pavia letter in
Leslie's Weekly.
Stay Home and Save Money.
\. Y. Herald.
Baxter—I suppose you're going to
the Comlque to -night to see the wom-
en With oho iron jaw ?
Seenpex--Yo,I'm going to stay at
home and hear her.
Hassey-flarrle Co., Limited, added
the Corn Harvester to their long
Zine Of up-to-date farming imple-
ments because their numerous pat-
rons wanted a Massey-ilnrri, Corn
Harvester. Charity.
Ire success In the heavy crops of
reoon% yearn has been marked. Its ex- Lite.
Delimit, work and wearing qualities " Papa, what id charity 7'
pp,O'ptn10(11100 It a eni,ta,'bie mato for the "Charity, my son, le giving away
Massey -Harris Grain Binder, which what you don't want."
la sold by the tens of thousands ev- " What is scientific! charity ?"
"&nentific ehnrlty Is giving away
what you don't want to some one
who 4100e not want it."
" What is organized charity 7"
"Organized charity, my son, Is
giving away 'something that you
don't want to same .oeiety which
will give It array to some one who
does not want It.
Remarkable Cure of Dropsy by
Dodd's Kidney Pills
George Itdbrrtson, of almatreal, a Phy'•
si841 Wreck, !teetered to Splendid
Beat( ft by the Great. Kidney Remedy
Montreal, Jour e.--(1pevi,tl'-'Pile
case of George iluberisun, u( :311::
James street, this city, is looked
upon by those interested in medi-
cal platters as one of the most in-
teresting on record. Mr. Robertson
was a sufferer front Drepsy and was
so led that tapping was resorted
to, Decide Kidnov Pill, cured tum.
Inter%ieweti regarding !till euro,
i111r. Robertson said: "I was troubled
with Dropsy and Rheumatism for
five velars. t was a total wreck be-
fore I startr( to use DOdd's ICid- This watt the battle of Culloden
nee Pills. Before 1 got out of bed Moor, April 18, 1748, 0. S. 11 Walt
do the morldng 1 could hardly put fought 01) it plain about five ranee
my feet on the floor, they wore 1 front Inverness, Scotland. It was the
swollen so much Irem Dropsy. lust attempt on the part of the
H to
so that rI could not (litines
on. tite
not 1 utmy coat throne Great Britain. Tills
Before i had taken two doses tempt was made by Charles Edward
of Dodd's Kidney Pills I felt great- Stuart. "Bonnie Prince Charlie," a
Iy rrlievrt. N.ecrn
bo cured ne• grandson of James II. He defeated
contltl'tely. I also had lumbago, but
111(41 1 used Todd's Kidney Pills 1
don't know what 1t le to bo sick."
Drop. -y. Lumbago and Rheumatism
are all caused by diseased Kidneys.
TJpzre can bo no disenscd Kidneys
w'h0(1 Do,td'v Rldury Pills are used.
Last Battle In Great Britain.
Why They liked Her.
(levees. News.
Ida -She Is )t'ry popaLer with the
young people.
*4 -Cut 1 hear elle sits with her
buck toward them.
Ian -That la why they like her.
Sit' is the chaperon.
Sl. Martin, gee., May 18, 185,
C. C. . MIC111JWs da COt:
Gentlemen, -Last Novem,iner my
child stuck a nail in his knee, caus-
ing inflammation so severe that I
was advised to take him to Mont-
real and have the limb amputated
to save hls life.
A neighbor mined us to try MIN-
ARD'S LINIMENT, which we did,
and within three days my child was
alt right, and I feel so grateful that
I send you this testimnntltl, that my
experience may be ,f benefit to
others. Lotti (IAONIER.
Limerick intelligence,
Penn. Punch Bowl.
';'la said that old Earl of Warwick
(A personage very hislnrwlek)
Dtnulissod lila physician,
A man of posieian,
For making him drink paregarwlek.
Millard's Linimeltt ('urns Gargct in
Cry' year.
The Massey-Ilarrie Corn llarvester
has an all -steel Frame. The Clears
are the largest In nee on corn hind-
ers. The Dividers are of ample length,
and tett nu:t^_Juno bee a wide raage of
The Butt Pan can be raised or loty-
ered to suit differete lengths of corn.
This admi!tll of 1110 Buelles being pro-
perly bound.
The Knottor is the famous Ilaseey-
Harris Knotter, which has done such
unfailing work on the Grain Binder.
The Massey -Harris Cori Harvester
should be the choice of every progres-
sive farmer who appreciates quality,
and wants good 1,11111.3 for ble money.
Lever's Y-2(Wise Ifoa )DiainfeotantSoap
Powder is • boon to any home. It disin-
fects and clams at the arae time. s
Cornell Observations.
Cornell Widow.
An' oculist Is pat necessarily, an eg-
otlat because he always talks about
Punishment ler Talking. tho eye.
The Duko of Argyle tells this story "That," said the eon of old Ell,
of Winston Churchill, witch 1"OWS } poluti'ig 10 the New Haven pollee
that the talent for talk develop:al station, "1e the original Yalelock."
young 1n the author end member of
Berne yenyeantBODY STRONG
some ra ago he clslted Harrow
and noting n boy' running around the
cricket field nil by h11( Ch asked BRAIN D���Dg
what h(1 was (Wag it for.
' That's Lord Rnneoleh Churehlll'e
son, and whenever he tells too much
era make nem rat tl"'ell tmett x011111
the cricket field." This Makes the Perfect
Man --the Happy
htfaard's Liniment Cures Dlatrtnp"r. Woman.
South Amer.
thisIR the norlitwestcrn towhee
of ' ican Nervine,
city there is n whoc, has
charge of a primary chase.
dale wee one morning giving her The seat of the majority of chronic
pupils a lesson on the civil war and diseases is the nerve centers, Cure them
wanted to hnprere on their mninds -build up nerve force there -and you
how long ago it happened. cure the disease. This is the secret of
"Just think, children,' she said, the amazing results attending the use of
"It w -as so long ago that even I the South American Norville -a vet.
don't remember it." itable life -builder and eradicator of
"0 -o -o-0 (;ell )" esniaimed One of disease, Cures Stomach and Liver
the boy.. Complaints, General Debility, Impure
A Fife Story. Blood, Female Complaints, and every
A gentlrll was telling In the disease which indicates impaired nerv.
train the 0th r day n curious the .nus force. Read what it did for the fa-
tut relent he ily of A. W. Stephens, Strathaven, Ont.
got from He writes: "A bottle of South American
a canny nativo ei irll{sbir0. Driv- Nervine Tonic did more form sister
Ing through the "1:iuq,lmn" oneY
day he cam^ to a nice litre Vii- fad than a whole summers doctoringL
nage, "id he Iral101 a l,as'scr-by (1nd sad drugging curedar after effects of La
asked the t(atm0 of the place. 'qt's 1O th5 It my foils. atter
Oa'd Fronehi'." -,A, Peres ie. lees pontis of torture from boils. Only
!s it Cali: t Ereurhle?_,vltitt does ed two betties and has not been
Frouehie. lucent ?" ''Whaul (lar, a :roubles now for seven years, It's the
,some frar?" Asked the. native. "dye Ireateatof remedies,"
Dome freta Gl:tsllolt'." "On, lay:' Mr.gical Relief
Glasgow, An' what die (Ilasgow , In Rheumatic and Neuralgic pains fs
wall ? Au' h-,0 i11 it reed tllas- tfforded by the South American
low T. t', r tort. Th(' saran- ! Rheumatic Circe. Cures in one to
icer io;'lr':-r 1.11:1.(NI the Berea to ' .hree days and does it thoroughly. An
iFgc ,: 1 " t disputable sct0 '1 No. 40
!teal Ancient.
Philadelphia Ledger,
the English in the nettle of Fal-
kirk, but ill rt second battle, at
Culioden, was finally defeated by
the Duke of Cumberland. Fie wand-
ered as a fugitive in the highlands
for five months, finally sneceded In
getting out of the country and died
in Remo, Jun. 3), 1788.
Removes all hard, soft or calloused
Lumps and blemishes from horses ;
blood spovin, rurl,o, splints, ringbone,
sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and
swollen throat, coughs, etc, Save IVO
by use of one bottle. Warranted the
most wonderful blemish cure ever
lir Wet l Sandwiches.
8110(1 the crust from the bottom
01 a fresh loaf of tiandwich bread
lengthwise, continue slicing the loaf
In very thin slices until you have
cut it nil up; remove the crust and
spread each slice with mayonnaise ;
lay crisp heart lettuce leaves first
dipped quickly i11 French dressing •
drain web and iny on each slice of
bread, letting the feige of leaves ex-
tend over the slices of bread fa trifle.
Roti slices 111(11 fasten then( with a
Wooden toothpick until ready to
srrl'e pick must thiel( be removed.
Nasturtium blosooms 111(ly be used
Instead of lettuce leaves or the very
thinnest ellces of cold chicken or
turkey trutrted partridge makes a
fine filling for those sltdldwiches.-
Elizabeth 0. Hiller in Juno House-
A Much Felt Want.
Buffalo News
" What's this thing?" asked (Linen,
who was inspecting- it music emior-
lum. "That? Oh, that's used on
noting. 'AYe call It a rltin-rest."
"Gimme one!" excl'tim'hl the visitor.
"8'p0se It would work on my wife 7"
Piles Te fir Ton Dr.
se'e reOintment is a certain
and absolute cure for ,sob
and every form of itching,
bleedingand protruding piles,
Um nannfactnrers have guaranteed it. See tog -
Unionise' in the daily press and ask your neigh -
bore what they think of lt, Yon can use it and
get roar money back if not cured. flee a box, at
all dealers or EDMAasoN,BAves & Co.,Toronto,
Dre'Chasel's Ointment
Feinting e'en.
Ethel -There, I've forgotten to at-
tend a fuuctiou to which I was In-
vlted clow careless. George -You
quells! have an etlgagemeut calendar.
Fahel-Olt, Bio rgr, this is yo sudden 1
-Chicago Record -herald.
Ile (otter a tlff)-.Going home to
your mother, eh 7 She -Yes, Iam. He
-Huh 1 Whitt do yon suppose she'll
s11,5' to you ? She -She'll any, "I told
you so." (Ile muds n -p.) Now York
Kitty -They- tell me Fred hug pro-
opee(I to you. Bertha -Well, no; not
exactly ; but tt amounts to that. He
asked me night before last If my
father was worth Its much as they
say he is. -Boston Transcript.
" To tell ',you the truth--"
"8hshsh! Don't try It, oW man!
George Wnchington Oki that once,
and look at hire now -he's detu 1"-
Bnitimore News.
Wantanno--I wonder if Gabsky will
recite for me at my little party tide
evening? Dunno-lie will unless you
know 118 yet some undiscovered way
to prevent !aim. -Baltimore ,American.
A Difficult Task.
An Irish drill sergeant ane In-
specting Rome recruits on parade,
and wad loud in Ile threats of whet
Ito would do if th*'y ever dared
turn out so dirty again. lie stood
in front of ono recruit and swore
that he hadn't cleaned his boots
for to month. Th. n, walking round
to tho brick of tern he concnlse(1
everyone with laughter by shout-
ing: "Private Murphy, sure you're
the filthiest baste that ever walk-
ed. B(xlad, turn round and look at
tho back of your neck ; you haven't
washed It since you 'lisle]."
Accounted lar. •
Mr. Froutpow-I'm glad yen belong
to our church choir, my dear; It is
math an orderly organization. I never
see you whispering to one another
duffing* eery lces,
Mrs. Frontnev: -N,, none of na are
an speaking trrnu;, a ,
'1,000 Reward wilt bo paid by
Leve" Brothers
Limited, Toronto, to any person who
can prove that this soap contains
any form of adulteration whatsoever,
or contains any injurious chemicals.
Ask fee the eetagon Rnr, pts
I'be Wisdom of Age.
Attan(a Constitution,
"80 you quarrelled with your
Wife 7"
" No, soh -she quarrelled who ole,"
" Don't yon ever answer (sock 7"
" Jodge," replieed the witness, "I'm
forty years 01(11"
Mlnurd's Liniment Caron ('olds, etc.
Getting tlatis18olion at Law.
Cleveland Plait Dealer.
'Hier did you coma out with your
lawsuit ?"
"1 won It."
"Get tlamagoo?"
"Sure. 1 got almost enough to pay
my lawyer."
hflnard', Liniment Cures Diphthe-
Rio, Cake,
A delicate rice cake for dessert
may be made as folio'tve : Put a
pint of Cold, fresh milk in a sauce-
pan over a hot fire. When it bolls
add a heaping cup of well washed
rice. Let the rice cook slowly in
the milk for twenty minutes, then
cool it ht the saucepan for half
an hour. Add six heaping table-
spoonfuls of sugar, and stir teem
In well 'Then add three whole eggs
and flavor with a tablespoonful
of orange flower water or orange
extraot. Roll some good puff
paste eery thin, line a tin pudding
mould, holding about throe pints,
with the paste; odd the rice with
the eggs, sugar and flavoring, and
put the pudding In a moderate
oven to bake for forty minutes,
Then cool the pudding, cover it
with an icing and serve. This make*
a term cake, whichshould he well
flavored with orange extracted and
garnished with a little aced jelly.
The orange extract la manic by
soaking the yellow peel of a Cal-
ifornia orange in DO per cent. al-
cohol for at least two weeks,
Orate the peel Into the alcohol or
pack it in titin slices, and Hee that
there is enough' of It to fill the
bottle completely. -Tribune.
There Ls but one way to property
appreciate the advantages of a trip ('fleet 8Tribune.
to New York or Boston on the Ho mcrhrr just ns he stepped on the
trains of the New York Central 8110 141w he wad smoking a cheap
Railway, andthat ie to use the line. cigar,
Seo your ticket agent. Hn spoke not, and she was equally
For she (4:1101 he saw she was chew -
Wisdom of a Kind. ting guns.
Chicago Journal.
A laugh Is worth a hundred groans
In arty market.
Mrs. Winslow's homing map Amin
always be used for Children Tsetalsg, 1
rootbes the child, softens Merano, awes Trial
cotta and lathe beet remedy for Diarrhea,
WAN'T:1)-f(tn111T, N81308TIO
.young ua•n (runt the fNnrm, with good
(lddrl',a and pluck (int cannot he 11111.580
down, Inn make from 01(1 to 090 per week
selling oar s mrl+dth', et rel'ognhed merit to
the wholesale Bunt re all merchants In the
1'nited Stones on condulfstnu ; travelling ex-
laspelmet,advtineed. Address P.O. box No, 8R
lnnthtou, Out.
0I1N'I' (0N'l'ilh—TO HANI11.J1 08
/I. good atma(,slon, our Illevnture In this
district, .1 relit No firm or punt, preferltbly
couneeted with building hnsiuro,. Amines
Canadian Iii Elevator Company, Limited,
Monition, Ont.
To Rochester, 111(11, Islands, Ray of Muinte,
Rapids Rt. la wrelief', 1,1 Montreal, Quebec,
Murray May, River du Loup, 7'adoueac,
Saguenay !fiver.
Steamers Toronto, Kingston
u .0 by steamers Ilnmlltoa, Spartan
and Corsican.
Further Itnh,rin't lett apply to 11. Foster
Chaffee, western Passenger Agent, Toros to
1t Has No Equal
Manufactured Duly by
For sale by all leading dealers.
"! G, 11151, New York, erpt.0,1303.
J. A ISSIA1.1,('u.,
Grad least: -1 have "rod gourepavin Curs en
my horses for the pant fourteen years and 11 hu
now op, rt, en me good mains in every particular.
101,, have one of your bookalhatl have Lound
11 IriVe
the "Trent8101 his DLeues,
8111 you kindly bend,ne ono.
Ileapccti oily yours, B. F.5RIe1IE.
n (e as et,,nutrty reliable remedy for Spaying,
splints, Curt*, ltinghonee, etc. Removes the
bonnie and leaves no erne. Price g1; e14. for 43.
a liniment for family nee l t her no equal. Ask
,your drna4la for KRNDALI.'a SPAVNN CURE,
alio "A '1'rratl.o on the clone,' the hook free, or
Cunt ret cusps.
It Is natural that the man who
gives himself away should feel
What a good world this would be
if all mea did what they. boast of.
A postponed teak more toil begets,
and borrowed money pays no debts.
Some people get credit for brok-
en hearts when they have simply lost
their nerve.
It takes one to make a mind, two
to make a bargain, three to make
a marriage.
PERFECTLY HARMLESS and yet effectual
Painkiller may be administered by :Sexi/er•
lenced persons without fear of accident. J"or
ell bowel complaints 11 le a sure spectre.
Avoid substitutes. 'nitre le but one "Pain -
kilter" -Perry David.
Venomous Things,
Patience -She says some one was
pleased to hear her talk for an hour.
Patrice -Perhaps elle was talking
to herself.
There ie more Catnrrlr ,n thin section of the
country than all other diseases put together,
and until llm last few years Waal supposed to
be Incurable. Fora great many years doe.
tors pronounced It 0 local disease and press
milted local remedies and by constantly fall -
Ing to cure with local treatment, pronounced
It incurable. Science has provencatarrh tot»
it constitutional dite(we and therefore re.
quires a constitutional treatment. Bnll'$Ce,
tarrh ('pre, manufactured by N. J. Cheney
Co,, Toledo, Olio, In the only constitutional
care on the market. It Is taken Internally to
doses from 111 drops to a teaspoonful. Itacta
directly on the blood Glad mucous surfaces of
the oyster!), They after one hundred dollar*
for any ease 111,111w to cure, tend for citat-
ions and testimonials,
Address F. J. CHI:NEY h CO.,Tolsdo,O.
Rohl 11y Druggists -75c.
Hall's Family Pills 'Ire the beat.
Quite a Different Matter.
Chicago Post,
"The lay's are throwing stones At
a poor peddler."
"That's what I think."
"Whose boys are they?"
"0h, well, boy's will be boys. Let
the children play."
Dick's Blood Purifier
Is the beat Tonic for
Horses and Cattle
It puts cows in perfect health, and increases
the flow of milk.
DICK'S gives houses ■ smooth glossy coat,
and puts life and spirit into thein.
Try a package with any run-down animal
you may have and you will be convinced.
60 cents a packego,
For sale by ail first cies dealers