The Clinton News-Record, 1898-07-21, Page 8_-_ __—.- -- -_--------.-- _-___._-- _ ---I IiVhilhMt�M1hNN►NtliYtrfi it after it bled once been thoroughly treated and aired. This can be easily HOUSEHOLDo fursoffectedby in the case of clothing and fora by wrappping th®tat tightly in 1. stout paper or inclosing in well -made A....r1Ui4i�i bags of cotton or linen cloth or Rtrong paper. SUM4 &BR HOUSEWORK. • ROLY-POLY. It tis almost mid -summer's iday and the last lora olf June before the house- A cherry roly-poly a wholesome delirious dessert. Prepare a delicate keeper is compelled to u•eigulate her crust oaf two cups, of pantry flour, sift - work for sultry weather. June is pro- ed twice. with ,two even teaspoonfuls vertidally the ,month oil roses and of of baloing powder. Blake a hollow in Ire rant breezes blovin from Plower the illuur and pour tin half a cup of g y warm milk in which a teaspoun'rul of meadows. -Housework on'8ino days is butter has been mebtetd. Add a salt - usually accomplished with all the in- epxlonlrul of salt. stir in a well -beaten centive that delightiful weather can egg mid then suis in the ,flour thor- oughly. Ju A oughts. g }y and August, on the Don- Turn the paste out on a '!loured' traxy, ase months when every contriv- boards and roll tit out about a quarter ante must be resoa•tedt,tq to lessen the di an inch thick, Spread it thickly with stuned cherries. Bull it up, be - heat within doors, and to do the work . IIn•3 curelful to seal the ends, and fast - with the leash expenditure df nerve an ,it closely togother. Egg it all and muscle. over and lay it in a thickly puttered A lditohen detached (from it he main and '.lour•enl cloth. Leave conaidorable gortign DIP the house is very desirable room iin tate cloth for it to swell, ty- ind it together with narrow bands Of dulling the last Itwro months of sum-vluth. Lay the roiy-poly in a siteamei• mer, and may be advantageously used I and set tit direcitly into a pot hath full . six months of the year. The chimney 1 tri theisteumerr and let hth eapot . ter ieaua CIE -the klltchieat, in, any event, s}iould be steamer be both clu3elyy covIred. Al - 1. built on the outside or the house. I low, the water ,to boil .steadily without There lis nothing gained by having it stoppiinr, Do not disl.urh It tion half i wfrthin the wa1L9 o'I !the house, except an hour, then add water tto replace th it sci the coldest Ida s DIP w6niter. A which has builed away. and turn tli9 a y pudding quickly. Let it steam hall kitcheu chimney Passing through ,the an hour lonjor, V the roll it,long house occupies valuable room, and is a.nd thin it will •l,e :done in thi, time. casually a cause ole annoyance during at Li preforred the pudci,ing may he cook- ed directly in boiling water. Turn it least six months in :the year. In sum- also once, -in that case, and wvhvia it ig l mer lit clften wendersltwo or more rooms hap. -dune. It need,i nut-:itwok in hdiiin,4, uneomlfortable. It heaps the, attic era ! water more than three-quarters of ;'.n It passes through, and .this heat, to- I hour, :Serve nit with a rich. hard sauce. 'wether with!the heat gathered from the Cherry 11,ie.-The bimpinr a cherry pie rout, affeots the altmwiphore of all the can be made tho better ,it ts. Lin- a upper [roosts In the house. tin pieplate with plain crust and put The attic otr all houses with metal ,in -about a quart ori stuned cherries. or slate soolLs should be ,isolate•d by a Cherries urs generally suld in the paokinle dP mineral wool or some other I market by the pound, ,though "a pant material, which will keep aNwty the .is usually a pound the -•hole world beat ;' but comparatively dew houses around." It will require more thin aro built in this way. In old-afashion- I two pounds ar stones cherries tto make ed times the ample chimney of the kit- I a buod-.viztvd pie. It. is better to stone open took kipso much room t ht"t it was the lfru•it. III-, with it, however, every 'generally built upon tho outside of ! drop of julce that can be saved from the Move of gasoline or of oil nowI the se.tun'ing. 11a in, also, uliou,t a takes the place olf Ithe winter cook stove I ,luttch r i a pound iv sugar, veran-put that burns wood or coal, ,in man ,the sherries a the 1,lepla,ie ; lAt them Y � with a rich pastry rooms, and laitke the kitchens in summer. On gensral hak- hntg days, or [for the heavier work Of I Pie .Prom three-cpualLars of alk hour to tift.y minutes. the kitchen where ithere is a large amlily, an oil or gamolinei stove should ,y,.--- -•e supplemented by an oven of iron PU}1tiL7'liltl: �Ili.iJlCItii?. 0 V. oft hriick or the use dr a cooking stove . "Thr secret of never wan+ing new tui' certtdin days in the week, things is to ke,rp thn old ones well where is a 60realhdea.l gained in suen- dictatorial, she replied. He wants to mer when the kitchen is a une-spurs mended," said a wise housekeeper, as extension and there ,we ventilators she exhibited the shelf where she kept placed over the cook stove ,to ciurry what :,h, called "furniture medicine." away the odors of cooking,. as well as the heat. rope roof of such a kitchen There were tins of different colors of . should he isolated Itrom the kitchen P aims apes- enamel, inosites of several ce'ilin'g by a heavy packing cit some mea- sizes, a bottle of liquid gilt, some tenial thalt will keep off the heat of good glue, and remnants of all the the roar. There should be a venbilait ectly space or a shallow rata a r der diLfitirent kinds of wall paper. A hand- under the rooU'to assist to the assist to soma, six -leaved Japanese screen had same same end, been badly mutilated by a oareless Df there a ce kitchen or "cold hou-a•maid, so that two of its panels room" c under the main kit- were unsiglitly. She p a,t ched the gush - directly s may or cart', where dashes mayy prepared,require es carefully with court plaster, and Part's oP dishes, do trot require to riot with a box of water colors and the Ore. be cooked over a !coo the arrangements liquid gilt so eonccaled the patches en too summer cooking will he. that it w-ris as good as n:w•. A some - An abundant I dant eptly satlWis what to,: -heavy but sturdy little hoy lfLow of stir is neaellssau•y sero a summer ne el macre a seat of the handsome Chinese kitchen, and this can only he secured Porcelain umbrella jar, when down without !flies and other' annoying in- came both boy and jar, the latter in Ir s�e�_is I t}ief 11se•dP wtfre screens apt . •windows a dozen pieces. It was not therefor --� tlye and doors. discarded, i.vt piecing it with the A speclial oven [for use on baking days greatest care with cement, a brush Is a great help to -the housekeeper, wa; dipped in liquid gilt and cover - and gin that case ithe conking di. a, large ed all the cracks, which, from (heir Ifamlily can be done on a comparatively zig-zag directions, really added to its small ran'g'e. Oriental appearance, WAYS OF SERVING [BLUEBERRIES, UECORATIVIC DO V'T8. [Blueberry 1B'iscuits-Take I quart. all Don't put borders On carpets for ,flour and, sift inl d it 2 teaspoons leak- small rooms. inig powder and 1-2 teaspoon sail`. Mim Don't bang ch'rndeliers or lamps in well, then add 14 cup bulAer and pour low-eeiled rooms. Into I:he mixture a scant pint of sweet Don't be chary of rich, warm tints milk. Add 3-4 cup molasses into in ,northern rooms, which 1-2 teaspoonful soda has been Don't believe for a moment. that ex - stirred, smucA hies but little. Add 1 pensiveness is essential to beautiful effet t. print or more df blueberries. filar Don't make a table a pivotal point gently and 1,.ake spoonful lin the hands from -•bich, the rest of the furniture and mold Into .shape. (Bake in u holt 1a,Aiates, - oven. Don't make. a narrow doorway nar- IBlueberry Griddle Cakes -One pint rower with a heavy drapery, We disco, 1-2 teaspoon sallc. 1 teaspoon drape too much. soda, 1 scant pint:. sour milk, and 2Don't soda, ww decided 1•atterns for up - if you have done so for eggs well beaten. Sift soda and salt wall and floor coverings. into I.he'flour and mix thoroughly. Don't u. -t,- large patterned wall pap - Add -the milk and beat: well. Then add er in small rooms, or a deep border the beal;en yolks and then the beaten with low- ceilings. whites. Add 1 pint' blueberries picked Don't have any fanciful fixed ar- over and rolled sin irlour, rang -meat of window draperies in rooms in daily uw. (Blueberry Cake -One pint silted l Don't buy chairs that, are not Weil !flour, I-2 teaspoon sallc, 2 even tea- inad./ and comfortable on lounges that spoons baking powder, 1-4 cup hutl,er, are not low and broad. 1-2) cup sugar, 1 egg, yolk and white —_ beaten aeparaltely, 1 cup rrkilk, 1 heap- HOW TO PREVEN'r SUNBURN. ling cup blueberries. Mix Dour, salt Just now lit is almost Impossible to and baking powder and sift. Rub Lhe buti.er to a cream.! add sugar and beat etvo'id 7,eroniirng sunburned it Das -scut gmin. Add yolk, well beaten. i„hopes df doors much. And although we are tm'llk. F- it this into, the .flour and as carci:ul as possible, the disfiguring )ea horou'ghly. Add the. white heat- irroeklehsand tnn will show themselves. en stand lasl,.the berries, which have 'bee sprinkled with IPlour. (Bake There are ,usesly y simple remedies at do shallo ,-pans or in mutlfin • rings hand, whereby we may reduce this about hater &k hour. menace to our beaul, y. (Blueberry Pie=hkne the dish w -if b a good crust and will dVfl.h herries, Add An excellent way a,' prevem-ina sun - 1-2 cup molasses, 1-4 cup sugar, and 1-`2 ]turn, Is to wash the ,face previous to teaspoon allspice. • Thnn cover w,2,h griLng out, wil.h it solution made by dis- crust and press - down i7irmly around sotrimg• ten grains dr, horax lend one the edge I.o prevent • the juice from drachm dr alum, in. it pint of rein wa- escaping. wet ter. IBlueherry Cake -One cup butl,.er, 3 To welsh the face several times a day i cups suigar, 8 cups • Vour, 5 eggs, 1 with ifre-h hal termilic will also tire - cup sweet milk. I i'Leaspoon soda 'dis- vent sunburn and -sill I;.eikd In bleach solved tin a litl le hot wafter. I teaspoon evorn a very darlo skin, nutmeyg, 1 ►teaspoon oinnamon, 1 quart A very simple decoction, a.nd yet., blueberrdes dredged with dlour. • H:.ir one which ig said by an exchange to huther'and su'gan- to a creiam, add beat- he one , dP the very be.4, cosmetics en yolks, then milk, Dour and spice, known 'our keeping the skin fair and whites bealten st6t:f an,d, thn soda. Last- clear, its to ',Ake a hundhful of freshly ly stir in khe blueberries, being careful plucked paewtey and put, ,if;, into a ,jar not 1.o bruise them, !Bake, in a loatif in whiiclr h -is it lid ; pour on it a pint` or a moderate but:. steatily oven. more oP boiling water, shut down the (Blueberry Pud'd'ing -One pint milk, Uid and allow the denooJon to become 2 et,pgs, 1 saltspoon salt:, 1-4 teaspoon petilectl,y cool. Then halhe the fAce, soda, dissolved in a litl,le hot. wester. neck Awl nrrrr+ with this. Thig IN rer- 1-2 teaspoon cream I,.a•rtar, nitfted Cninly simple enough to deserve at through a cup of flour and added I,o least- a. tAol. . enough -dour to make a I hick hsr( ter. One Vint ifloured blueberries stirred in at, the lost, (Bahl 1 hour in a buttered mold. PROTECTION FROM NroniS. To protect carpets, clot hes And eloth-covered furniture, furs, etc.,they should be thoroughly beaten, shaken, brushed and exposed as long as is practicable to the sunlight in early spring, either in April, May or June, depending on the latitudA. The brusli- In.g of garments is m very important consideration to remove the eggs or young larvae which might escape no. tioe, %(,.h materfa.l can then he hung away in clothes eloseis which have been thoroughly cleaned and if nceg- sary, sprayed with benzine about the cranks of the floor anti I he vasehoards, If no other protection he given, they should lie examined at least once n rnnnth during Aummt-r, brushed, and il' necoygary, exposed to the sunlfillif, It. •vould be more convenient, however, to so ineloa� or wvra) such m•iferial a:+ to (prevent the access of the moths to GIVE EGGS TO iIABIES I have seen a smn,ll baby of a few weeks old, to whorl, all kinds of food was repulsive, take a raw egg and, mills with great relish, says a. writer. The egg was first placed in a oup, the "speck” removed, and then beaten with a fork for a quarter of an hour ; then a little hot waterl and milk were added, with sugar to taste. It will greatly depend on the digestion of the child as to then quantity of water" and milk added, and this whole egg must navies be. given at once, but divided in- to two meals at le:nst. One egg during the twenty-four hours will probably suffice with other foods between. For a delienie obild of two to six or seven years old, a properly beaten eaa and A. little milk is an excellent early morn- ing beverage. TO CLEAN STRAW tIATS. . ,A nice st.rax may be r.%-aod and freshened at home with ]-ut little lrou- hle, Have a pail half tell of warm souls (a dessertspoon of peardne will ,- ,r ,w., make it just right), immerse the straw, life, 'but extremely explosive. Lb has to . I AN FVEN FaS RANGE. Every leaf is melee" with the greatest care. ti I )I be handled with great care. In spite moving !t , and down until every g how- Chief ie in assize was once try- oP the danger attending its use, MONSOON fiber is wet, then lilt ft lrcrny the Rat- �lo T�re ing a Daae in an assize tpWn where the ever, It is more and more employed by court -house abutted on the roan. Aor. Lay it upon a board or table, and As tired in Iruing as when Igo farmers and others, and new applica- progress, INDO-CEYLON TEA Why is it? g fair was in ro gess, and just outside brwsh it thoroughly with a stiff Bois- to bed I ruing, 1 because tions of the gas are constantly made. Imply the court a number of asses were teth- tle brush. After all solla a is remov- your blood Is in such a poor, thin, The present use seems likely to bring Is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or you cad ed, rinse in clear warm water. Allow sluggish condition,, it does not keep about a new application of the agent. It coed. n. counsel was addressing the gg P court one Of these begun to bray. Bet your money buck. All grocers Bell le, lq it to drip for a few minutes, then up your strength and you do not hap been discovered that vermin have Instant! the chief baron stopped the lead packets only, 26, $0, 40, 60 and 00o. Ib. r t n new — "iron it, with a thin cloth between. get the benefit of your. alae To been brought into he camps opo Press the crown over a bowl, pail or feel strong and keep strop p speaker. .it a moment, Mr. Bushe, 1g p g just trygarments fresh from the sweat shops, he said, I can't hour two at once. I frORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL offers epeotal any article that matches it in shape the tonic and purifying effects of and the suggestion has been made that The court rouged, and the advocate inducements to young than desirous o and waren this is dry press the brim, Rood's Sarsaparilla. Our word for it, hereafter all such clothing be treated I tul¢ln up Cuttlag�� Full particulars on septi. using the bare !run upon the wrong 't will do you good. In the mass with bisulphide of carbon. grew red. But presently, thly, when s batled „3 YONOB ST.. TORONTO. side to Increase the stiffness, after No stain or permanent Ill odor would Dame to slimming up, the judge was � in Cull awing when another ass struck which it will look as fresh its when Hoods Sarsaparilla result from such treatment, as the in whether by the counsel's contriv- CHIP YOUR-"utmo� new, Blw, k hats are freshened by a extremely volatile character of the 3'rsaib. Ssarbbros*. �46'�h•. coat of shoe dressing. Is Canada's Greatest, Medicine. a gent causes the disappearance of ever ecce or not, carpo shall Bay? Anyhow, g p Y up jumped Nir. Bushe, with his hand to And other Produce to BOOD'C PILLS cure all1iverille, 26'oeatte: trace of it when cloth thus treated is his ear, and said: The DAWSON COMMISSION CO., Linlited. _ exposed to the air. It is believed that Would your lordship a little IRISH HUMOUR. the bisulphide would destroy not only p speak PAID UP CAPITAL, - • - -30,000. CHINESE SHOES. the live vermin, but the eggs as well, louder? There's such an echo in thea Cor. West Market& Colborne St..Toronto. "w_" court. Rubber stamps and Shipping Cards sup - A Fair Colleetion of the Latest lrlrh 611111ji, Moat of Those 9eeu Micro Collie From Can- plied. Correspondence invited. The London Spectator questions telt- Their Con.truetionan4lCom. SUMMER SMILES. whcthor the capacity of the Irish na- The thick -soled, white -edged shoes � AN EXPERIENCED COUPLE.�+ tion for making bulla bps become 'in- seen upon the feet of the Chinaluen in Yes, said the veteran mind reader, 1 1 hope you fully appreciate the fact For Sale that •when you are married it is for • • paired, and quotes a fair collection re- this country are all imported from can read u woman's mind, but don't life, and that the obligations you US eently made, to ,,rove tlutt this laugh- China, most of lhi'm from Canton where pretend to be able to understand it. surae are mo4l solemn, said the min- Iron Turning Lathe, sixteen inch swing, ai,le confusfun of thought still flouritihes they are made by hand. The white edge Only Single Alen Know.- Du you ister to a couple about to be married six foot bed, rod and gear full, counter is of a .thick, rt know how to manage a woman? \Wh1y, in his study. shaft: complete, good as new, VER ,rhe writer visited n hairdresser's shop gid sole, made of oma- of course not. I'm married. Yes. sir, repliod the bride, cheerfully, CHEAP. Apply, in Ireland, and was offered a bottle of terial resembling plaster, and if it be- w•e know all about it, for I've been mar- The WILSON PUBLISHING GO. Browvnleigh. visiting friends in the 1 hair -wash. comes dirty can be cleaned and whit- ried three times before and hint twice, LIMITED. ened a= cnunl.ry-i don't often get such ugoud and we know the .ro es nett well b " \\'list sant of stuff is it?" he ask- pedge Some shoes have the wide supper. Johnnie, sun of host -Neither this time.ed. P' pretty Y 73 t0 i1 Adelaide 8t. W., Toronto. white edge of this sole finished with do we. "Oh," replied the man, "it's grand it glazed or polished surface, which can •rho-4'an your friend du any tricks Established 184 stuff. It's a sort of multurn fn parvo. be cleaned by rubbing it, with a clamp ,A.ltll the bicycle? He -.I should think Beware of Ointments for Catarrh L. COFFEE COy — 'i'hn lessou take of it, the better." cloth. that contain Mercury. GRAIN AND COMMISSION y sup fie succeeded in getting the one as mercury will sure!} dostcoy the sense of Celtic fancy has been described as a The bottom soles of these shoes are lie rides on credit. smell and ecmplerely derange the wholo Sys- MERCHANTS, reaction against the despotism of nlado of a number of layers of rather Sunda Huntsman, boustin Hardt tem whenenterinir 16 througa the mucous sur- f Y y g Y feved. Such anio:cr Should never bu used ex- Rooms 40fl-12 Board of Trade DuUging, fact." An extrava int statement gives thin leather placed one upon anuth- had 1 Leeu hunting a quarter oP an eepton preeoriptien+ corn reputable physic• g' TORONTO, ON'1', er, making a built-up sole. This Rule hour w•hexi a dead hare, lay at my feet. inns, m the duinage thenr will do is ton fold to Lh:+ I rishmati, a mental uplift due to the good you can possibly derive from them. , TaOMAR FLYNN. Joiw L. Cows¢, ritoIs stitched through and through in Do ubLiug l rlend-llO heroes over cum- Hall's Catarrh Cu o, manufactur,d by F. J. Lo other cause. A surely at, a his- mit suicide ? Cheney & Co., Tolodo,0„ contain, no m(rarry u,ric,a society was surely the happier many places on regular lbies, giving It Sometimes Ila ens. -The Maid- "rid istalceninternally aotingdirectlyupon the , 41' 1 *01111111111111v% for the extravagance of his statement the bottom of the sole a sort of quilt- Pp blood and mucoue surincesof the system. In , But, of course, you expect to marry buying Hall'd Catarrh cure be sure you gee I1EYE, J.N.A TORONTO. c•oncorntug the fact; that in China a ed effect. This work is neatly and the genuine. It is taken internally and made I TORONTO, Out. o� your ileal when you du marry 'I The In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J, Cheney & Co. Testi, E�R & THROAT magi condemned to death can easily hire trimly done, even on the cheap shoes. Coquette -Oh I I don't. know. Per- moniale free. NO air There are soure Chindse shoes without Soldb lit uRgats, Ice a substitute to die for him. lutes I shall marry some other girl's 3i' P� � SPECIALIST "And 7 believe," the debater went. the. chit racteristio lbielc while -edged ideal. Hall's aintlyPilesirethebest 0Vklftmk1 t,, IWIlb. on " thatmany poor fellows get their soles, and provided with soler of lea- (Tara -I see that Cynthia has decor- TIIUESIII:R,S ENGINNElft, i living by acting as subsLitutes in that ther only, ated her room with guns, pistols, ARTIFIC•IAi, BEAUTY. way., The til, of the Chinese shoes is of swords, and the like. Cora-� es; she :Ella -Where does !Bella get her goo:! - �'A'Srl'�DR vh1iA�'!�{U E Y cloth or silk or satin and the. linin w l: A i neat girl for havin looks ilrom-her father Y Indeed, words are not quick enough r g ai Luys h,ts a it i g g g athe or her mother? L I�II9I)E:IC in drelaud to express the rushing of the same material. Velvet is often aruts around her. (Stella-1,'rom her [father. He keeps a t.hoaglaLs of this active -minded peas- used ou the top, cut in patterns that hicks -Hello, \licks; stopping at drug -store. Iriid�Q'')iINE PACKING aiid antr•y, li'hen Ro+tor 1\'alsh, the Arch- err laid over the body of the shoe, -_ wtbich Lna. t this hotel? Wicks-tSLopping i Not a . , hishc;, of I)ul;lin, visited a ramoLe vil- Y >e of silk or safari in some THICESlEfll'iRS RIELTS. tales in his diocese, an old woman hnh_ Iirig•ht color, while the velvet may he hit of ft. Paver since I gut here I've bled up to Bim and exclaimed: of binck, producing' picturesque sand Jaen kt•pt running around for some-Emm���� Get our prices. We want your trade. "Wixha, now flint I've seen your, striking effects, Costly shoes are made body to look ,tCler my things. lordship, ye. may die and the Lord I of title materials and ore often richly Some of thea}e summer young men, WILLIAM C. WILSON & CO., roan meeting aper- 6' style, with the thick, white -edged Cayenne pensively. re- 6� 9C8 embroidered Chinese shoes of the re- y ! y, LIMITED, be praised.", = il•tr sk. i•emurked Joss --......._ _ _...... ....._ ..._ .- .. 1111) sante clergyman, sole and the leather I,w tubi Sole and mind• me of Drescit n China, Becuuae STEAMBOAT, nA1LROAD and MILL SUPPLIES, ishioner who was much addicted to I they are beautiful? Yes, bind they 'PAINT go CHEAP yonoanpee it nn old drink, [misted t.hatt h,� shoul•i• take the cloth top, may he pought for as little •Bingle roofs or etdae of pledge as the only protection against as $1 a pair, H:rnrlsnni: Chinese shoes get broke so easily I. build lot. --Used 22ympt, withhgooilaprny,•ryoucan 24 Front SL Hast, - . TORONTO, 1 . g may be I ottght for $2 and upward a 'Phis is the commencement season, re- psluta arnln half n dos- Write n. for odPres and temptation, tive & na nt Coniabout puint70 �eaThe West, Wood Pre.ona- " You've never get+n a. teetotaller pelf. Cbirlese, rhoes worn by persons marked tie observant boarder' at (be I tivekYalatOon,pavy,870Queao Woet,Toronto. _ A Handsome Gold Citing Set Wilih drunk, Torn," said the priest. of rank mtt5• be much more expensive, breakfast table. Yes, repliedt.heoross- y� ©entllno Qarnets anditarls " Ah, your rewe.rence, replied Torn, cost ing for ^hoes worn wit h court dress eyed boarder, and the sun is confer- 5' AR S AND ESTATES bought soid & a wan drunk, but 1 from $20 to $nd and more, ox,1%& {ped. Terme mailed FREE I "I'vo seem many ring degrees upon the thermometer• free, I. Pi. 8t1i1.ON, Ro"I &tato and couldn't tell for the life o' me whe- - -- - Applicant -1'm afraid, mem, I can't Financial Agent, Montreal, Quo. a you pa npthina•, etrq, t her they were teetol atlerg or not." - - - nl sendyour NA:e and A poor woman way advised to avast I a I . A resit h i t TO CURD. A COLD IN ONE DAY. take tho )lace. Lady of the house— dp p }4( ++ rltten Take Luxrti�p Brom., Quiniu,+ q'ablets, All Drn,�• ao we ill 8�nd sort herself of a free distribution of soup. caste refund rho iriniwy it it rail. to Cure. Va. But. the wages are liberal and the work 0 -- � packag�a it i1 "I)o you call that stuff soup?" cried _ is not hard. Applicant -That's all tecontA Ries 11Q1,J gee. " �4'ay, ye only get a quart of wa- right, menu ; but t hert•'s no place in i • 1 t ' I t cloth, a new discovery ivhtoh far eusset, a 7, then and boil it, dawn to make it BISULPHIDE OF CARBON, the house to store pie bicycle. - - - other porfumeries for the Dating uforoA Have you written « „n sweet a d Iragrant odor, to 6e1� for us sthrong I" Mrs. Naborly-So your name is the ��T�A��'� OR �EAVliilta yquoan� mod,friends at loo. per paekA more contemptuous description t•heml„try'n DeadiJrut Mlnemy Is Germs and same as your a)a's, Harr ? Harr Exemtuationsthisieart hen eol� remttl Rs the aroney, and we could hardly be imagined. papa's, Y Y- send you free for your trouble the above da Pert+. If oo Bend name. ad Ire", school, teacher, and whioh ex. scribed ring, whieb Is stamped and warr4 a One absolutely genuine saying comes Yes'm, Alts. Naltorly-How do you amination, to CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, ed Gold, pet with genuine Oarn�t and Poar- from a recent tourist in Troland, It Bisulphide of carbon has become of know when your mamma calls who she yoxr.,E & r.Euxnttn sms., Tcn,oN ro, saga rreeir. -send address at once, mentlon h�e,apgr an owes a notice posted to a pleasure late years one of the most useful means? Harry -Oh, she always calls partiovlam about free seholarshlparnrnurnn.sfv Daunt exl��"T�,I.1 U WA.XTftiory�Ie' std ve " me kind of c•Uaxlll oleo. Felt term oDena 8.pr. , th .addrr:'1, W1Il scud it. No moa Jti1f re inch B• W. H. SHAW, Prino al. rt a- belong•ing to a steamship company. agents known to chemistry. It is a � We take all gists O�ods returnable s4n "Th- chairs in the cabin are for; the colorless, ill -smelling liquid, A Logical Inference-BObby-IOP, _ some premiums inproportiontoamoun�soa. ladles. Gentlemen are requested not to g q t9enolo Agency. 84 3ie,0an1 St., Toroutg. prates., so rapidly p does missive mean a letter? Mond Par - make use of them until the ladies are iX p lly when exposed Lot ent-Yes, -lobby. Bobby -And does A`9P seated." atnuasphere thrtt when a quantity of it sub mean under'?' Fond Parent -flight A is pourer! out upon the grass in the Bobby. Buhby-'Then submissive must QuickcUrc LLA� LII" sunshine hoar frost rapidly forms ahout mean a postscript,mustn't it? �j the spot. Perhaps the most important Directory Canvasser-\W}rat is your For all pRoyal Mail Rll pain or soreness a i beamsj iP Co., ANAEMIA, OR BLOODLESSNESS. gig Vieltma are rate to Calor, Subleet iii Dlzzlness, Palpitation of the Heart And Other Ielatressing Symptonts.w From the Echo, Plattsville, Out. Anaemia, wbich literally means hlundleasness, is prevalent to an alarm - Lag extent among young girls, and young women of the present day, and is a fruitful source of "deciine" and consumpLiuri. The avmptoms of this trouble are many, but among tine niost noticeable are pallor of the face, lips and gums, shortness of breath on sli.ptht exertion, dizziness, severe head- achevs, weakness of the vital organs, palpitation of the heart, and dropsical swelling of'the limbs. The more or. these symptoms shown, the greater the necessrly for prompt treatment, Among those who have suffered front 'uraemia and found a (cure is Miss Emily Webb, a young lady residing near Wolverton, Out, Miss Webb, says: -My illness first came on w•hon I w•as about sixteen years of age. My com- plexion was a pale waxy color; I 'AWS troubled with general weakness, dizziness and palpitation of the heart. I was placed under medical treatment, -pull t.he. medicit'o presciribeld by the doctor did not appear to do me the slighLesr good. As time went by I was slowly but surely growing worse. I was unable to do any work about the house, a,nd my limbs would trem- ble to such an extent at the slight- est exertion that I could scarcely stand upon my feet, Then my stom- ach became so weak that I vomited almost everything 1 ate; I grew des- pondent and feared I would not recov- er. While in this condition a friend urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I followed his advice. After f had used two boxes I noticed an im- provement and my heart was glad- dened with the hope of renewed health. At the end of sfxl boxes my appetite had fully returned, and with it strength, color to my cheeks, and brightness to the eyes. 1 still con- tinued taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills until f had taken in all twelve, boxes, and I can truthfully assert that I ant healthier and stronger than I ever was before. I owe this to .Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I would urge all girls who suffer as Idid to give them afair trial. Ur. Williams' Pink Pills have done more to make strong, healthy, rosy- cheeked, brigbt-eyed girls than any other medicine ever discovered, and mothers should instst upon their daughters taking an occasional course of this medicine. Sold only in boxes, Ihn wrapper around which bears the full name, " Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People." Offered in any other form the pills are substitutes intended to deceive. NO BRADY MONEY. In Ihe British selllernent in the great. Chinese city of Shanghai ready money is practically unknown. After you have had lunch at a restaurant. you calmly get uir and walk out wLt.h- out. a 'thought of paying in cash, Some. tune later in the day a coolie arrives at your residence with a, tiny slip of paper -a " chit," as they call it -sim- ply a memorandum of the amount.. You get a shave at your barber's the same system is narrie,d out. You pur- chase a newspaper or a buttonhole, n "-Dail" is the result. The vary shoe. black does not oak for coppeTa, but brings ata hill 0 the end of the manth. T)LFF'ICUI,T 'TASK. What's the matter, old man? You look hot And excii(eid. Jugt been trying to dddge A. oroas•• eyeA W rl on a bicycle. use of the bisulphide arises from its first name, Mr. Peckl Mr. Peck -1t ' quality as a germicide. It is a deadly wvass (aaudo before I got married. 'Di- pIrn -_ s, boils, bunions. Montreal t0 Liverpool. enemy to'life, both animal and veget- reetory Canvasser -Am I to under- Montreal.sit able. its ractical use as a ormicids stand thatmarria aaltered ournameZ steamers sail vel rainsfeveryrontoand P g S Y TAMMERERS.the es nn artE9o' of trains from Toronto andand in,ectir•irie, dep.'tiiis in large part J1r. Peck--N-no, but 1 spell !t Clawvedthe Nestabout 9o'olook, upon its rapid evaporation and upon ILnwi=, only I hale lop to h dote for the aura of RATES OF PAssACi>C overyDhnse oP yDoeoh du[toGEstahll.hed the fuel. thtt. the re; ultant to is much A visitor to the British Museum re- )it Toronto, 1890. Cure gu urantsed. Cabin $52.50 and upwards; Second Cabin, t t S01ErU.R0H'8 AUTO -VOCE INSTITUTE, $34 and and $36.25; Steerage to Liverpool heavier than atmospheric air. ports that he saw a oountryman stand- o Pembroke st,, Toronto, Canada. London, (31asa w, BouaAt Londonderry or, The ver latest application licat ion of hisul- Ing before the bust of a woman in a Queenstown Si:.50 and $23:60. y I P A reduction of five per cent, is allowed on plaids of carbon was made tho other collection of statuary, ,The woman Mille, hullo A MathN,, round trip firat and second cabin tickets. Fool Barrint•rs,eto., remeved sailings of stcamors or other information apply# day by a farmer in the state of Dela- was represented in the act of coiling LA to -dale BIdf3R.. Blob• toanyauthorizedagenL wit re. ;IIe poured a quantity --of the her hair. and, as the visitor citme up, _'_ tnont$tW.,Toronto, the oount.ryman was saydng Io bimself; -- H. Bourlter, 1 Hing St, W Toronto stuff down.a rat hole, waited beside.. No, sir, thiLt Mutt true W,nature. She THE TRIUMPHS ` or H.'& A Allan_Montreal the hole with 4 clulk and in ten or twel- ain't got her mouth full ,of hairpins. ADJUSTABLE STOVEPIPL8. d1 ve minutes, killed twent five rats. Conductor-Sa can't you read? Ensy putuDandtakendowa. Cin ONBOY'S IM R0110 CA�PI�GE TOPS Y- Y• he alepned, neat.d, Dud put sway in . The liquid, evaporating as it went•, Alan With the Cigar -Of course I can. ",.,l, soaee. n.kynar donter. for formed a heavy gus that quickly per- Conductor- Well, don't -you see that them, G. oARCLured y 'q egtaivedthohi e C. 03e BARCLAY, "' t est awards at t�,a meate,d every part of the burrow he- sign tha'L says'. Gent Wil l Not Smoke ,66 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. World's Fair 1893, low the vent, and the suffocating rats on This Car Man With the Cigar, in- - OONOOY'S PATENT made for the open air as rapidly as pos- dignuntly-I wmnt. you to understand. Dominion 'Lino Steamships. bevel met with sir, that i am no gent. Bach universal fa. sible only to encounter the farmer's a Moqtreal and Quebec to Liverpool iu aimmer, Large 1. do so ad11ili'e Air. teddygure, aftldl Dad toot twin eorew deam.hip. 'Lahrndnr,' 'Yon• m�snnfaoturthat len club. The witunishing thing to those the young woman, He is so original, couver,' 'Dominion ' 'Sootsmau,' ' Yorkshire,' are now merles that know the deadly character of the Su portor aoeommoaation for First Cabin, Sao. g Reaily, Miss Phlippers, salt! the bright and Cabin and Stoerage passengerA, Rates of inferior imitat . gaps is that the rats were able to reach nun man, you should not Ile so sac- passage—First Cabin, $62.60; i'econd Cabin, ons. eietonhavin9 young Y 131; 81eerage $22.60 �rn upwards according to the open air, for many small animals castle. I'm not. ; he is the only young steamer and berth. For all information apply the Couboy mike have been known to perish in a vain malt] i know whop ds not always trying to Local Agents or DAVID TonaANCE & co" as imitations are attempt to escape the fumes of the hi- to say something bright and new. G0111 Agents, 17 4. Sacrament St., Montreal, I never am good as I; the menaine. sulphide. John, she said,, you ought to. punish _____ -'- -_.. 1' t' th atter with - '--- ---� . _' -�- Millers and the owners of grain ele- that, boy. 1 ha s a m vators look upon the hisulphide of car- him? he asked. He's altogether too bon m one of their most useful agents. dictatorial, she replied. He wants to When a mill, an elevator or a grnn- rule everything. Oh well, be replied, arsy becomes Infested with weevil, b!- let him enjoy himself while lie may. sulphide of carbon is the cheapest. and he'll marry [sometime, and that'll enol most effective thing to exterminate it. w the peat. So deadly is the gas, how- i t L9 a pretty name, the, impression - ever, and so rapidly does it aot. that this traveller murmured. But., toll u the utmost care must be taken in ap plying the hisulphids. It is usually me, why do they call you Manita? sprinkled over the grain from watering There was an arch smile on the savage pots. The liquid is rapidly converted maiden's face. Evidently, she said, as - into a gas and the latter sinks quick- she signalled to her hrothers„who were ly through the grain, carrying death ooncealed in the brush with Mums, you to the weevil and even to I he unhateb- did notknow our favorite food. ed eggs. -.- So long ate the persons applying the I!- I l Lh '-t of n ]felt- To Cure a Carn. KNITTING ®MACHINES, OLD AND RELIABLE Established IS72 TH1R IS Fon YOU— Clothe, your family from head *#* to foot with our MONEY MAKER Prices only $15, $20 $30. CRUALMAN BROS., Georgetown, Out. FOR TYPEWRITERS WRITE W, quui is a pove a k- n pp tion they are pretty safe from the 'there is no lack of so-called cures for fumes, but occasionally the workmen thr, common ailment known as corns. ----''-'_. -- __--._-. _ . _----_----.____-__—_.,_____—T- breathe a little of the gas and have to The vegetahle, animal, and mineral he removed at once to the open air. As kingdoms havee been ransacked for the heart is quickly paralyzed by the ,tires. Tt is a simple matter to remove action of the I,ivttlphide. It is usual to coins without pain, for if you will gn tla ��QI ®,� , as ••• 4 treat. the lower floors of a. granary to any druggist or medicine dealerand first, so that, those employed in the I,uv a I.o;tle of Putnam''+ Painless Corn �%+ �, �► work may keep eonstantly above the Irxlractor and apply it as directed the gas. Any Animal, its n cut ora (Ing, thing is done. Get. "Iput.nn m's,” And I he hi- ®a� 669 JAS shut up in an apart ment where no other. AMBERINE" sulpiride is doing its work. is found — __. dears when the place is opened. I CAUGHT. The officer of an agrieultnral experi-' A country merchant from it Western suprrinlending the app!!- I nrent station rurnl dial riot visited the eit.y to pur- ation of hisulplttde ofearbon to At ehase goods. ills proper punishment large farm granary, employed several for a shabby trick fs recorded by one t®ti45! -Sada ar® 1i1IS1 g ft to Itta,lrptllit0q. negroem to sprinkle the liquid over the of our exchanges. thorn. pie took the to have He bought a (,hen{) but. pretty table *War 1000 Ill Teronjfto sock 1,.044104. l almost them wear monis, vert almost y sterids caster for which he paid a dollar. On AN they t ramped over the newly sprink reaching hams. he nil on it. n to a put began to complain of reachingmiarkpd I • 3 -mo Dandruff in One Week. 1MW $hi end ed grrtin they a present of it pains in chair feet.. One fnslsterl that to Methodist: rroneher, whoserhurehI his feet were hurning. They were kept I The //.�� /1 C Cures Itching o'1 the Scalp at the work with difficulty, When his family at.tenrled. minister they finally reached the open air they took the 1)nrkage home, after thanking the donor; but the next da,y he fotelied L! • Nredents Breaking of Halo. wvere told to feel of their moots, Each hack snatched away his finger, exclaiming the, caster, with the tAg attacked, his hoot was burning hot. As a to The merchant, and said to him: Stops Palling Out. that of fact, Although it was asum,- I T nm too poor in this world's goods matter mer day, the ,Ata ours very cold and to afford to display so valuable a Cas- were, the Crostlt and I tor on my table, and if ,you have no oh- POSITIVELY GROWS HAIRo tle feet. of mens ,v 'rhe rapid evaporation of the hisulph- I inclfors T should like to return it. and ide had greatly reduced the tempera- take fourteen dollars' worth of grnc- in its NO- IM OIIR TUTIM011 ku Sm BREL t.ure of the wheat, and it, in return, I eries stead. tug robbed the mon of animal heat, The merchant. could do nothing but As the bisulphide is not only fatal to Angerl, to so reasonable a proposition, �tRyt� s• � ��� g� v ri'.e6M , ,.h Popularity of LU®ELLA Ceylon Tea leaves no doubt that it is well worth your most careful attention. Try it. Lead packages 25, 40, So and fioa. SUM ow battle from Druz ghts, or on ® roodvil; of peke to D� � #. ® ti` Cwt Ng Co., I.oWen, OA �Al �,c� c>�' �uI�E i � #) i � ., .- I , 1% ' I i -4 �41 � 4,9 �s ¢+ ,.. �, - 1 �` +r++.. .. ...,.AYta ii .;vii-„ ..e '