The Blyth Standard, 1903-07-02, Page 1V0L. XVI. WALTON. LoeAfa,—There is a prospect of Wal- ton being on the proposed line of rail- way to be built by the Canadian Pacific railway Co. from Guelph to Goderich. A surveyor and an engineer were here lest week looking over the proposed road. They were very favorably Inv pressed with the country and the pros- pects, and if they get certain induce- ment, they will push the road through shortly. It will be a good thing for this Notion, and much needed ,,.,Mies E. Smith, of Manitoba is at present visit- ing her parents. life are pleased to eee her, as she is a general favorite.... Mrs. W. H. Sholdioe has been under the doc- tor's care for a few days, but she is get- ting better now, we are pleased to say. Dr. and Mrs, Waters, of Detroit, are visiting the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Berry.... The roads in our immediate vioinity are receiving a goodly share of fresh gravel. Would it not be well If a little more attention was given to the cutting of noxious weeds by the roadside. Apart from giving the roads a neater and more tidy appear- ance, it pear- anoe,it would prevent the spreading of foul ends on adjoining forme. BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1903. No. 47. and corrected, eo far as this council is concerned, be passed and the court Mored for the present year.—Carried. Mored by Mr. Menzies, seconded by Mr. Wiieon, that Mr. Joshua J. Walsh be appointed caretaker to look after the township grate! pit at lot 42, eon. 6, and that he be paid 13 this season for his services; also that Mr, Alex, Pat- terson be authorized to look after the gravel pit on sideline 88.87, con. 2.— Carried. Meagre. John Martin and John Jamieson were present, asking assistsnoe towards building about 25 rods of either a wire or close board fence on division line non. 10, for the purpose of preventing excessive snow- drifts in that locality in the winter season. No action taken in the mean- time. The reeve and treasurer were authorised to negotiate and borrow from the Dominion bank, Wingham, a sum not to exceed $800, for the purpose of defraying ourrent expenditure. Bylaw No, 7, confirming the same, duly read and passed. The treasurer reported cash on hand to date, 1841,71. Deben- tures were issued for payment of the, following amounts:—Win. Nethery, gravel, 40c; Georgn Mason, bottle of ink, 75c; James F. Young, drawing tile and building advert, $18.80; Jame Tunny, drawing tile for two concrete culverts, tib ; Robert Tunnel', putting in concrete culvert and repairing another, 11.254 Robert Campbell, cleaning out township {,ravel pit, $8.50; R. Beattie, gravel, 12,52• estate of late Mrs, E. Reid, rent of road allowance, 12. A number of other township matters of minor importance were brought up and discussed, when the council adjourned until July 21st, at two p.m. ST. HLLLNS. Noiss,--Mr. Wm. O'Loughlin died at his home near this village on the even- ing of June 18th. Mr, O'Loughlin took the grippe during the winter and it soon developed into that dread disease con- k*tmption which rapidly did its deadly work. His brother, Thomas, who teach- es neer Itaysville, was sent for but did not arrive In time to see his brother alive, .., Mr. Thomas Phillipe has a new pump at work in his briok-yard pumping out the pit. The pump is run by a threshing engine. He has also a new brick and tile machine lire. Neely and her eldest daughter, of Michigan, are visiting with Mre. Neely'e daugh- ter, Mrs. I). Todd, jr... .The Foresters held a very successful social on the lawn of Mr. W. 8, MaCrostie last Fri- day evening, Music was supplied by the Luoknow braes band and all seamed to spend a very enjoyable evening..., Mr. C. A. Tebbutt presided at the en- trance examination in Dungannon het week, while Mr. H. I. Morrish, of West- field performed a similar duty here.... We are pleased to know that Mr, J, Webster, of the 10th, who was badly hurt In a runaway some time ago to improving rapidly, , , .The beef ring ago, popu- larswing, th the tor bomber, dr. JamSaunders, kill- ing and dividing. . . . We understand the ROMs* of the school here have engaged Mr, F. A. MacDonald, the popular and painstaking teacher of S.S. No, 12, to ooee'd Yr. C. A. Tebbutt after summer oll tAt Mao Donald nee& no in- ;eoducionothe publics hen, being known widely ars a young man of titer. Mug ohm -wee and more than average ability, Hie many friends wish him every suocees. WLATFILLD, BREEEEe,—Mr. Herman Wightman, who epent tho past week visiting friends here, returned to Sault Ste. Marie on Saturday last. Ife was accompanied by his sister Annie, who intends to spend the summer thee.... Miss Lizzie Keith, of Albany, New York, is visiting Misses Mary and Christiana McClinton at present,,,, Mr. B. H. Taylor�Lost a valuably horse last week ....Mrs. Clam - ens, of Heepeler, is at present visiting relatives in this neighborhood..,,Mrs. John Bowler underwent a yery critical operation on Saturday last, Drs. Gunn, Kennedy and MoAeh performed the operation. Her many friends wish to sae her well again.,., Mr. Wm, Howitt, accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Robert Johnston, jr., took a driving tour to Munoey last week to visit their slater, Mrs. Charles Wightman, formerly of this place. ...A number from here took in the excursions to Detroit, Niagara Falls and Guelph,.,, Mr. David Duubar and daughter Mary visited Mr. and Mre. W. Graham, of Stratford, last week.... Four pupils of Westfield school were writing oa entrenoe examination last week. The sohool was closed three days last week, Mr. H. I. Morrish being examiner at St. Helens. • WEST WAWANOSH. Prom—Mr. W. J. McIntyre has been appointed general agent in this town- ship for the Sawyer Q Massey Co., of Hamilton. He succeeds Mr. John Grif- fin, who was a faithful agent for many yeare. Mr. McIntyre was with the firm 10 or 12 years previously, so that he is by no means new to the business. and should prove successful.... Mr, Henry Tisdale, who has been teaching school in North Dakota for the past few years, has returned home for a short visit..,. Statute labor has been the order of the day in this township. The carelessness of some pethutaeters is easily seen. While some have used the garden rake and removed all the large stones from each load, and then covered theta with the tine gravel of the following one, others have left them exposed, in pass- ing over which we are reminded of the old crossways of a bygone age. The question often discussed is whether to commute statute labor or not, The small amount of labor performed in some parte causes some to favor com- muting the labor. The failure of public contractors to perform their contracts acoording to agreement, the careless- ness of township officials in guarding the public purse on these occasions while some contractors aro so forgetful where they procured the material as to fail in making the necessary visit after the contract is taken off their hands, cause the doubt whether we would be any better. AUBURN. BRIEF/.—Tho grain chopping machin- ery le now running in first-class order at, the Manchester trills. The machinery is ail new and patrons of the mill can depend on getting the best possible ser- vice at the lowest current rates. No one but skilled mechanics will be em- ployed. Flour, bran, shorts and mill feed kept in stock for &ale or exchange. Mr. A. E. Cullie is proprietor of the mill and Mr, A. C. ,Jaokeon is manager. „The civic holiday picnlo held et Mennesetung park last Thursday was a day well spent. The weather was not very promising in the morning but when the mist had cleared away and merry sunshine appeared again, it re- vealed one of the brightest of summer days. The number was not as large as generally, but the day was thoroughly enjoyed by those who were there. Mennesetung is the park in which to spend a summer's lay....The Auburn band took part in the Donnybrook picnic last Saturday and will play at Londesboro social on July let.... Mre. Bolster, of Sealorth, has been visiting her daughter, Mies Clara Sclater, teacher la Auburn public eohool,...Mr. Charlie Asquith, of Goderieh, spent Sunday with hie parents....Anumber from here attended the Sunday school picnic at Donnybrook on Saturday. —.Mies Elva Wallace, of Londeeboro, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. W. T. Riddell.... Mr, Martin Armstrong and family have returned home, after spend- ing a week with Shelburne friends.... Miss Cora Ferguson, of Ottawa normal sohool, has returned home, after a trip by boat through the Thousand islands, Thomp- son, of Londonbec and normalhal school, levisit- ing friends here. -,.Mr. T. Sheppard, of Nile, spent fiends), with Mr. J. Nichol- son....The German Sunday school of the village held their picni' on Monday of this week at Mennesetung park. DUNGANNON. J tNOB.—Mr. Alex. B. Pentland stud Miss Ada 13. Auguetine were mar- ried on June 17th at the home of the fide's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benj. ugustine. The ceremony was per - armed by Rev. 8. V. R. Pentland, of fine River, cousin of the groom. The utifel and spacious lawn, where the eteremony walk performed, was beauti- ftali decorated for the occasion.... Rev, T. R. alcN&ir preached his farewell ser - Mons in Dungannon Methodiet church oa Sunday last. Large and attentive raongrsgations were prosect and listened to eminent and powerful sermons. .The hew rector, Rev, J. W, Robinson, ho hes just closed his three years tstorste at Victoria street Methedist ;sltinch, Goderioh, will enter upon his eisw duties on Sunday next..,, ....The re- gent showers have made the farmers hopoful of a good hervest....The trance examination was held here tyft week, Messrs, T. G, Allen and C. A Tebbutt Ming the examiners. Quite eo� large number of boys and girls from 1Y1 surrounding schools wrote on this egaminetion....Mr. John Mitchell is Seriously 111 of pleurisy ....Mr. Isaac lfamiin, we are pleased to state, is con- valesoent,...Mr. John Jones is visiting [Mende in this vicinity.... Mr, David PSI Ii laid up with a severe cold .... A amber of zooms folks in the neighbor - god are afflicted with the measles.,.. r. Charles Whyard has returned from litratford, where be has been taking a eqes�qrte et the Central Business college, Itad where he succeeded in coming out Mb top in his exeminations, He obtain- ed 89t) marks out of 700. ...Dungannon Col closed on Tuesday evening of t week and will not open again until uguat 10th....Mrs. A. McDonald, of water, and Mise A. McNay, of am, are guests of the Misses Jherford at the manse. EAST WAWANOSH. Oousou. MEtcrtxci.—The council met oa .lune 18th, pursuant to adjournment; members all present; minutes of last meeting read and passed. Court of re- vision reopened, 1 Same - ion Appeal of A r.. Sam - aim Carter, Si Ni lot 81, con. 3, laid over from lest meeting, an again 6v$ttght up. As neither Mr. Carter nor $*Y ons else on his behalf was present q look after this appeal, the assessment f this lot for 1908 was confirmed, Mr, vid Crawfordto be assessed as owner Ei lot 80, non. 1, instend of Mfr. Henry Levier. Mr. George W. Conitee, of Bel- �yar. e, seconded had a dog struck off. Moved by I1 Elii b Mr. Beecroft CLINTON. Sguins,—Mr. George Lee, who left this section some 29 years ago to take up hie abode in the west, finally settling itt Manitoba, is at present visiting his cousin, Mrs. W. C. Searle.,..The mar- riage ie announced of Mr. Harvey JJ ack- enn, formerly of Clinton, to Mies Edythe Florence Orr, an estimable young lady of Keewatin- The ceremony took place at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Isaac Orr....Tho death occurred on Wednesday of Mr. Wm. Bowers, at the residence of Mrs. Bea- com. For nearly five years he had been suffering from consumption. =•...o.... •aeeage•,000000 t BREWER'S Art Gallery ova PHOTOS BLL AYE. Satre,—We clip the following from a Ciucinnatti paper of a reoent date: "Cards are out announcing the mar- riage of Miss Frances Hobelmen, the handsome daughter of lir, and Mrs. Charles P. Hobelrnan, of Avondale, and Dr. Edward G. McCassev, on June 10th, b at nine a.m., at Sr. Xavier church. They are both well known in St, Xavier parieh, the doctor being a member of the Elks Knights of ColumLue and numerous other societies." The pros- pective bridegroom mentioned here was a one-time resident of Belgrave and left here some years ago to seek Itis for- tune in the United States, and where he has won both fame and fortune, His many old friends in this section join in wishing him every success in his new undertaking The English church congregation at Belgrave have decided to improve their church building. A new stone foundation has already been laid. The building le to he bricked throughout and a new channel added, with vestry room on one side and Sun- day school library room on the other, The inside of the church is to be finished in narrow -beaded wood -work instead of plaster. There will probably be new seats and other improvements, the whole to cost in the neighborhood of 1900 or 11000. The congregation is to congratulated on its zeal and enterprise. Mr. Richard Proctor and the rector, Rev. J. Edmonds, were around last week soliciting subscriptions and they succeeded in getting nearly the whole amount subscribed. It is expected that the re-openiug services will be held in October. BANK OF HAMILTON Capital, all paid up, $2,000,000. Reserve, $f,7oo,000, Total Assets, over $22,000,000. JAMES TURNBULL, GENERAL MANAGER. BLYTH AGENCY. Notes Discounted and Collected. Drafts Issued. • General Banking Business Transacted, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Sums of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed compounded half yearly. T. W. SCOTT, AGENT. i•%*- THE GREAT CASH STORE July Bargains! July Bargains! It has been a rush in our Millinery department week after week, and for the next two weeks we will clear out everything in that department at sweeping reductions as it is our motto not to carry anything over. You will also find bargains in other departments of this store, as we always clear out Summer Goods during July Of every kind and finieh. The • Sepia and Olive finishes are very popular at present. • i ' Prices right and satisfaction • • guaranteed, ♦ I ALL SORTS OF VIEWS TAKEN, • Amateurs' Supplies nn hand. i♦ Call and see us, T. B. McARTER, B LYT 1-I. that the ameee ent ro I as now revised :engem, meg... mom Some Great Snaps in Odd Lines of Boots and Shoes. men's Sommer Coats at Clearing Prices, If you need Fruit Jars it will pay you to see what we are showing and get our prices. M. McBEATH 313LeYTH [ HARLOOK. WEDDING BELLY.—From the New Richmond (Indiana) Record we take the following, which will be read with iptet'est here, where the fair bride has many frieud% and admirers: "The mar- riage of Miss Margaret Geneva Parsons and Mr. Edward Makin, which occurred in the New Richmond Methodist church at four o'clock on June lath, was one of the prettiest Juno weddings this uoigh- borhood has ever seen. The church was tastily decorated for the occasion in white and green. At four o'clock, to the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march the room and Ma best nProfessor L. A. '!'est, of Purdue, entered by the right aisle, '!'hen the two ushers, Mr. Vert Bailey end Mr. Arett Arnett went down the centre aisle and took their places at the sides of the altar. They were followed by the bridesmaid, Mise Beth Taylor, a cousin of the bride, who was dressed in a dainty gown of green organdie and carried a large hunch of white sweet page and maiden hair fern. Then came the brid who made a beautiful picture in her clingipg gown of white crepe de chine over white of 'taffeta silk, with train and veil. Her only ornament was it necklace of pearls, a gift of the vroom, She carried a bouquet of pink le Preece roses. After the ceremony, the bridal party left the ehuroh to Mendeletohn's march. Di- rectly after the wedding a reception was held et the home of the bride's uncle, Mr. W. W. Boland. At six o'clock the bride and groom led the way to the diet- ing room, where covers were laid for 80, to partake of a dainty supper. The tables were beautifully decorated with roses and ferns, and were presided over hg Alias Ruth Bailoy and Mies Jessie Hieth, The happy couple lelt at seven o'clock for Le.Fayet'e, where they will be at home to their friends alter July 15th, at 828 Grant street. The bride waft a former Huronito, being the daughter of Mr. Arthur Parsons, of Harloclt, and who has been a very successful and nopuler school teacher in Jackson township for four years. The groom is a Purdue greduate of tete, and to now a member of Purdue faculty," SAYFIELD. HELD BF"rw:Ex Loris.—A eel acci- dent, which rnight have t"rrninated fatally, happened in .1.yan's bush on the Varna road on Wednesday evening last, kit•, Joseph Antler was drawing logs for Mr, Wm Mustard, of the Bat -- field saw mill, and was in the act of loading when the accident tock place. He got one to on the trucks and war standing astride another placingthe chain under it when the log let the trucks, rolled down the steep skirls and caught Mr. Archer's left leg between the two logs, meshing it badly. He wan ell alone at the time, and as the blood was pouring rapidly ftrotn the wound he realirvd that help mutt soon be procured, He called to his horses, which canto to hon, and by a great effort he Teenage.? to get astride one of them aid directed then to the road, where Mr. harry Peck was within call, and quickly calm) to his assistance. The injured man Wes at once put into a buggy, brought in haste to the village, and taken to his boarding house, where he stili lies, and is likely to remain for home tune to come, The doctor% are doing their utmost for Mr, Archer, but at best ho will be laid off work for several weeks. He is an energetic and industrious young man, and in this affair displayed groat nerve and endur- ance. A couple of years ago he had an arm broken. We are clearing Fancy Mulling, Ging• hams and Drees Goods, 0. E. Emu, tVifigham, 471f