The Clinton News-Record, 1898-06-16, Page 6JUNE 16, 1898. 1�•;1 1: yl lies lint iiia On Iv,�/ taut 0.4., (Sor.-5,11 2 Q.,1,1 (S;5,1 1;(33 1:(71 i+(P4 P:1 gra .T., (O 0.t WE have purchased the Drug Business; of Messrs. Allen & Wilson and solicit a continu- ance of the patronage accorded th We commence busi- r----range here with a large of experience and are fully quali- fied to attend to the drug wants of the community. We continue business in the same old stand, opposite the Market, where you will still receive Pure Drugs, Good Goods at reasonableP rices and satisfac- tion or a refund of your money. se om•• SYDNEY JACKSON GRADUATE DRUGGIST. Successor to ALLEN & WILSON. 4 A LABOR SAVER. THE WETTLAUFER H ER P fR NA R NESTER & BUNC saves labor and time, clean the way for the horses and machine and prevents the shelling of grain. It has only to be seen to be ap- preciated. Those who have used it willingly give testimonials. ' Can be attached to any Reaper or Mower. FOR SALE BY A. CHRI T lit Implement Warerooms Huron S't:.; nearly opposite Commercial hotel, Cliotori. IMMO CHEAP RATES C.P.R. WINNIPEG per boat from Owen Sound $15. SU. SAULT ST. MARIE per boat from Owen Sound $O.SO. WINDSOR and Return $4.10. TOROTON and Return $$3.35. For all information in reference to travel apply to W. JACKSON, C.P.U. CLINTON. GRA1D.TRUNKS s EM REDUCED RATES TO THE WEST To Winnipeg & Return (By Boat, 1st class, including meals, and berths.) 2nd Class no meals or berths, 531.0. �c Low Rates to Dakota Points. A. 0. PATTISON, I'. R.HODOENS. G.T.R. Depot. Town Agent. CANADIAN PACIFIC RY. WILL RUN Home Seekers' 60 Day . Excursions To the "''"'anadian North West AT RETURN (Moraine - - Roston - • - Estevan • - BInscarth • Moos0 min • - Winnipogos is - Regina • • 'Moose Jaw - Yorkton - - Prince Alban • Calgary - - Rod Dear Edmonton - FARES $28 } $30 } $35 } $40 Going June 2t$ct.l Returning ingAlbuntil Aug. 27 Going July 19 Going July 14 (ABRAM until Sept, 12 ascan Going July 19. Returning until Sept. 17 (All Rall or S. 8. Alberta.) ro. tickets apl>ty. to any Canadian Pacific Agent, or to C.It.MePREftSON, Asst, non. Pacer. Agont, 1 King St, East, Toronto, MAGIO SILVER POLISH FOR-' GOLD, SILVER and PLATED WARE To which it imparts a most beautiful lustre by simply applying and polish- ing off with a Jewelers' Soft Brush, chamois or Canton flannel. It con- tains nothing injurious and will not scratch the most delicate surface. If a trial fails to convince you of its merit we will refuned your money. PRICE 25 CENTS A BOTTLE. COMPLETE WITH BRUSH 50 CENTS. PREPARED SPECIALLY FOR P. S. CREWS Jeweller and Expert Watch Repairer. Work An •�f— Ad. .. Our work is an ad for us, be- cause we do repairing of Watches, Etc., so thoroughly that the owners come back to ns if they have anything else in our line, and they not only come themselves but also sug- gest to their friends that A. J. Grigg's is the place to go. Do You NEED A WATCH See Our Stock and hear Our Prices. We sell Good Goods. A. J.GRiGG Successor to .. , . J. BID D LECO11IBE. ...- Boarders and Roomers Wanted, Boarders and Roomers Wanted. Large land comfortable residence on Townsend St, just south of Public School, J. It. COLLINS. June 7th. ��---, Phaeton For Sale, Phaeton for sale. in good order. Can be seen on the premises of the subscriber JAMES FAVI. Clinton, June 1st. Remember the Maine Tiling its HANGING \VAIs. PAI'iut is to hang it to stay. If you buy good paper don't get it put on bad. "When we do it, we do it well." J, J. FISIIER. Clinton, June 1st. House and Lot For Sale. House and lot for sale on Cutter St. in rear of Queen's Hotel. Apply to C. MILNF, Clinton, June 13th. Queen's Hotel. To Let or For Sale. The undersigned offers for sate or rent that 14 story brick residence on Raglan St. There are 1 bedrooms, dinning room, sitttngroom, kitchen. Also good stable, In connection with the residence are two acres of land and a large number of fruit trees. For particulars apply to OANTELON 131108., Clinton, IIARRY CANTELON, Idt, Forest. March 14th. Fire ! Fire! Now is the Lingo to fire nl] the (girt and dis- ease in your mattresses and feather beds. The old and reliable Feather Man from Goderich is here again and in the old stand next the Dow- ser] House. if not in the shop'when you call leave your orders at N. 1tobson's and they will receive prompt, at( ention. (let your Ina 1.1ressns done and don't forget old ones made new. S. J1A INT EAI). Clinton, June 7th. Godfrey's English Band VICTORIA RINK Goderich, June 20th, 1898. The Finest Military Band in the World. Our Grand li'erforulance on itbOVC Date. 40c. from Clinton to Goderich and return. Reserved Heats 5l .(10, Special Train hack from Goderich at close of performance. Subscribers will have first choice of Seats on Monday next,. Reserve plan at Jackson Bros., Clinton. To Improvers of Stook. The undersigned has on his promisor, Kith concession, Goderich Township, A Thoroughbred Dorsey Bull. Tormn:—$1 and $2. A Thoroughbred Chester White hoar, rogie• torod. Terms: --4)t, with the privilege of return- ing. A thoroughbred Tamworth Boar, registered. Tormn:--$1, with privilege of returning.' This is a rare chance to improve your stock T. C. EAMtrtnsi, 115-t.f, Owner MARRIAGES. TAYLOR -MIDDLEMISS-Ju M1i^a ^tt 8th inst., at the residence of dleuliss, by the 1tev. J. T. K Edgar Taylor. of Paris, to D miss, of tate same place. CAMPBELL--MAX-]n Hartsell by the Rev. Henderson Mr. ( to Miss Alma Max, both of H BISHOP -WOLF --In Winnipeg by the Rev. J. (toy, P. L. Biel Out., to Bertha L. Wolf, your of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wulf JOHNSTON-BLACK-At the 1 age, Wingllam, on Wedueed by the Hev. Jas. Hamilton, T to Miss Margaret Melinda 1 Ashtfeld. STEEL(]--Mu(111E01111 In Setif day, J tine 7th, at the residene tuothor, Michael St.eelu,M. D. to Annie Robertson, oldest 3 lata Donald McGregor, of Mc LEVER MANNINO On 'rues( at the residen -e of the bride's by Rev. R. Paul;" Mr, Jaeol Flesherton, Grey County, to Manning, of Morris, VANSTON 0 —I1A MILTON -At Saturday, June 4th, 1808, by Anderson, B. A , George Val borne township, toMitll>ieHSE W a wan osh, BIRTHS. KING- In'I'urnbnry, on June 91 \Vn>. Ming, of twins, son and 1 LAWSON-InHullett, on the wife of Rebt, Lawson, of a du BATES -hi Goderich, June 4th Mrs. (leo. Bates, a sou. HEALEV.-At ]leu miller, on Sat to Mrs, David Healey, of la da 1'ENNINO'l'ON--10 Grey, on J wife of Mr. Walter runnings '01.7178. --At 4521 State street, June 3rd, the wife of Mr. 11. C ly of Brussels, of a daughter. LONG. -In Com hrnok, on pond the wife of 11.r, Jacob Long, ARMSTRONG -At 210 Keyston 3)ufalo, N. A'., on Saturday, wife of 1Ir. David Armstrou Brussels, of a daughter. JACKSON- In Brussels, on Tl' 0th, the wife of 541r. H. L. Jac; of a son. HANDFORD-Ll Centralia, 011 wife of 'Thos, Handford, of a DAY --In itxeter, on June 2nd, t. Louis Day, of a daughter. KL'N'I"L-in Exeter, on June 81 Wni. Kuntz, of twins- Loy or MASER -In East \Vawanosh, c wife of Daniel A. Frazer, of n SOBYE-In East Wawauosh, on wife of Win. Sobye. of a dant JOHNSTON-In Clinton. on We 8th, the wife of Oliver Johust 1v101)RE--In Clinton, on ']huts( the wife of Vcsloy Moor), of -- DEATHS. G11.h-lu Grcy, 011 311110 8111, ;1(40(100 years. SCOTT • in Emil, on Friday, .1u rant yon of Mr. and Mrs 11011 hi Elwa, 011 Jane ath, \vesley, only son of ('has. years, (; months and 27 days. 5'1515 55) - In Goderich, on Toil 1805, Samuel Fisher, late of aged 50 )-oars and 3 months. MAI1'5 5N 1i) 1ks1)ri)'h, on Ttiei 1808, 31cliu1la Stafford, wilt Henry Marlin, aged Gni and 5 \VI:I 51 In Goderich, on Sunda 1488, Alexander Weir, aged ,i H1-IIIIELL-On May 3lst, at li Lon avunne, Toronto, 1 ho re bi•ot her-iu•hlw. . Dr. 1\lctb Ilovyat Hurrclt, in the 71st 3i 1ENi(5N-In Colborne, on Fri 1898, Lee Joukin, aged 1 moral hs. 11)1(11(1ts--1n Brussels, on timet Frederick Charles Rogers, d Mc('Al,Lt'51- ii) Newark, N..1 day. 8th lost., .11(0. 31c('ann( Brussels, aged 37 years. 111'155'>IY -In Beech wood, Tow Zlirhaul Ziurphy, aged 78 Ore 1)EA'TT\- -In lfal•risto(, on 'rue 18114. R..1. Beatty, aged 14 y and 5 days, DAV IS •111 ',neat], on May 30th, aged 88 years. 1CR511V -In 1'sboruc', on Juno 1(ed3y, relict of the late 1 aged 88 years, fa >nonth.s. ARM AN5--In Nltna, on the 1 AleNfn ne, aged Su yours and 1 HELLAIt • In Elma, on the :31st, ZI. Aollar, aged 78 Yew's. 71 days. 6 SC011' -In Monk lon, on the Send, eyed til ycarv, 1)011ERT\ -In Logan, on flak Alex. Poh0113'. aged 72 } ua�3 LYN('H--In Myth. 0i) .fun0r Lynch, aged 00 years, PROC'1'Olt-In Myth, 0n 'Ara Edgar Proctor, aged 12 yea{i 10 days. • d� TIIE THREE STA Jb For the early stage Sco is a cure. For the second many. And for the last sumpion it soothes the co longs the life. Henry B. Western, a Canada Life Assurancse, tread office at Hauniltcn, below the heart. Ile will PLAIN, IIONEST W Cararrh and cold in the IIe ly Dured by ;Dr. Agnes Powder -It's Painless. gays Alex. Edmison, c Ont.:-'hI have been ti catarrh for several years very much. No end of re used, but I oan honestly 1 Agnew's Catarrhal Powder remedy i have used that h mrnent relief. It has in it the disease. -Sold by Wat, ,,,, 11, a THE CLINTON GOOD ROADS REF upplement to The Clinto News-Reeord. J nue 10th. Frost & Wood Delivery. LIST OF I\MI'LEMENTS SOLI) THIN SEA- SON FOR FROST & WOOD IHY A. >,('t1HENIC THEIR LOCAL AGENT, TO- OETHElt WITH THE SALES MADE BY U. LAV IS, OF MASSEY•HAttRIS. The Frost & Wood implement de- livery, the first of the kind to take place in Clinton, Thursday atftel noun last was such a success as to gratify Alis A. Schrenk, the local agent, to- gether with the other representatives of the Company present. The pur- chasers came in in the forenoon and after loading 11p their Machines re- paired to the Commercial Hotel where dinner awaited thein. At 2 30 p. in. at procession was formed, the Citizens' Band, the buys wearing stri ped blazer's, leadimgoff. Next cause a carriage con- taining Reeve Kennedy and Agents Schrenk, Thompson, Kippeu and Pat• ton, followed by the farmers' rigs. After driving around a block there was a round -up on the Gore where the trio of agents ,wade each at shunt address. Mr. Schren k said lie was trot a speech- maker ; neither was it necessary that he should he as every implement he sold put in a good word for hint. Frost k \Voud make good nlachi- met•y and such confidence has he in them that after it good day's sales he is enabled to retire to rest knowing that he had obey- ed a golden rule in doing good 0050 others. Ile paid it compliment to Friend I.,te•is of Maesey- liaises and said that tht,atgh c'ompelimt with each allot' they were fn every respect Its amicable as brothers. 541r. Patton, of (4)1011011, also :sang the praise. of Trus( & \\'0(d. machinery \vas sellilIL weli amd prov- ing satisfactory 30het•ever 0)1 d, General Agent l'huulpson, of Lon- don. 0;11(1 the Coumpet>y feared no out- side (•i>Illln'Lit.ion nor \vas it al. cnlmldiue. 11e was pleaSecl to See 4n 111any in Lite procession which would have 100n 11)nch larger had not a number of put - chatser.') been unable to collie out, H0, found that the Frost. d \Voud inachira- cry was giving the lest it satisfaction and said that if the good, \vete nut a4 repres0nte1 all the purchaser. had to do was to rt-'lnru the iunpleun'nts and their money or notes, as toe eal0e may be, avoutd le refuteled. The following is •t list of the sales made hy Mr. Schrenk this selieen Binders -I:d word Slide -et, llullc'tt; Thos. O'Brien, T'ut•kesswith ; J. H. \Vlfte, Tuckerstuith ; .las. Cartwright, 11(11105 C ; Benson Tyeru,iul, H 011ctt ; John S. Burton, (1dcrsch ; 'Thounas Crunyn, (;'>derich ; :\rthusr ('nt tie, Gociei'icl> ; John Pottle), lludericll ; A. Herne, (;odhrloh ; Thos. Mufrs, Uodi- rtch; .11>l>n Little, Hullo t; i':dwarl (telawty, Hullett; '1'. 1'..1':du>onds, (1( 101011. \0\e1SJtI1, White, Tnckersulit h ; lCol,irt (Guih-'i h •` Win. M+oir,.flutlett ; F..11c(,atlg;1e'y, Ii011t'tt; .James 1litnn, .'t1'I liup; Ralph Tip - lady, Mullett t 11)1) ry Freeman, Ilull'tt; \Vim. Currie, Gndericl ; George Van- derburg, Goderich : ,John Alexander, Goderich : John Fogden, (40(101.1011 ; John Harrison, Goderich ; 1E:. Itlathweli, Gederfc1; J). Sluanoititaun, Mallett; (suint.. iliow•n, Ilullett; Ur. Jlc(Z(taig, Town ; .John Kyle, 'Town ; 1+,. Glenn; Stanley • .J. ,J. Scott. Stanley; J. 11. Whit c, Tuekerwsntth. ('ultivatorsHenry--- Miller, Gode- rich ; Jas. Craig, Hullel.1. ; John Hal- stead, Goderich ; Wal, Beacom, Gude- rich ; E. I3ricketulen, Hellen ; 1'atr•ick Crony 1, (1oeleric'h ; (George }'nngiludt, Goderich; Peter Brennen, 1lullet.t; Chittenden, 11111101 t ; C. AVett liiu'fer, Ellice; Nelson Yoe, Goderich ; Andrew Flynn, liullett Drills-Wm. \Vier, Goderich ; John Atann, Hullett ; R. Govier, liullel•t. ; \\'In) Hardy, Goderich ; 1>. Reynold'(, H011t'tt; John Reynolds, 1Iollott; John Mcfntosh, Mullett; J. H. Bayley, Mul- lett. The three•year-old daughter of Vic- tor Sor fell into the lake at Rat Por- tage and was drowned. For Over Fifty Years Mits. \VINsaow's Swan ixet Svaor has bee,( used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed nt night and broken of your rest by it sink child snfrerhlg and crying with pain of Cutting Teel h send at onee and get a bottle of "Mrs, \Vlnslow's sooth- ing Syrup" for Children 'Teething. It will re- lieve the poor 11111e sufferer immediately. ))e. pond upon it, mother's, 111(11-1150(1(1 mistake about it. It coresDiarrhirll regulates the Stomach and bowels, corny Wind ('olio., softens rho Gums, reduces l nflnmmn tion, and gives Lone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup' for children teething is plea• sant to the taste n.nd is the prescript ion of one of the oldest ftlid hest female physicians and nurses it the United States. Price twenty -Ileo Jenls a bottle. Sold by 1111 druggists Lhrongh1 out the world," 110 stn•0 and ask for "Mum WINSLow's $•1oOTII1NG SYRUP, ^✓V WN /% Rheumatism? SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUMATIC CURE A UNIVERSAL LIBERATOR. Relies in six hours t What a glad mem- nage to tho pain -racked, bed -ridden, des- pairing sufferer from rheumatism's cruel grasp -and this is a fact, borne out by volumes of evidence, for this greatest of pain conquerors. Rheumatism is eurablo--Sonth Ameri- can Rheumatism Cure Is an absolute epeclflo, and radically cures the most stubborn cosecs in from ono to throe days. " I suffered intensely from rheumatism and‘ciatioa. Tried many remedies and many physicians without any iastingg benefit. A few doses of South Arnett. can Rheumatic Core wonderfully helped mo; two bottles cured mo," --1d. Errottl, Morriokvlllo, Ont. Thousands of freed shwas tell the samo story -don't Buffer an hour IonE'er.---22. Sold by Watts & Co. Plow's --John Forder (2) plows, (lede- r rich ; Katie! Disney, Gimlet ich ; (l4org4 Dale, Hullett ; \\'m. Snell, II idle! t ; 11 Miller, Goderich ; George Iifucaid, Hullett; Thos. ('ar101), Mullett ; Geo, Pfulmnter, Colborne, Setif -Hers -Geo, Pfinnewr, ('llhorne; Thos. l'aibett, Hulett; S. Switzer, Goderich; John Fordeu, Goderich ; .1, Schrenk, Murnington ; G. Kincaid, Hul- lett ; W. Morrison, Iltillett ; Jas. Hay Discs Goderich ; .104. Baerhler, Col- borne; J. H, Bayley, Mullett; S. Sturdy, Goderich ; 'funs. Matsui), Gode- rich, Rakes -Kaye( Disney, Goderich t Thos. Fetu', Mullett.; John Ford)u, Goderich ; John Ilerrisou, Goderich ; Thos, Alison, Goderich ; \Tru, 'Town. send, Goderich; Murphy Bios., Gode- rich ; ,i, H. \V11{te, Tuck rsinitli ; J. Tighe, Mullett. Miscellaneous - Scotch Diamond, lLu'ruws --,John Forder, 11ullet.t ; Utinder- Kltpel Disney, Goderich; Pea Harvester -Geo. Holland, Goderich ; 1). Shannahan, llullet.t; Hayfork Out- fit-Eph. Brown, Hnilttt; Turnip Seed - der -Geo. Plummer, Colborne : Bug- gies-- Geo. Mann, 11 ; J. Schrenk, Mornington ; Rollers-Kapel Disney, (Goderich; D, Shannahan, linnets; Geo. Elliott, Goderich, lie Dead Beat the Liveryman. Air. Beat.t.ie atnd others, of Brussels, were last week the victims of 0 roan said to hail from the direction of Jamestown. Itis name is Jas. McDon- ;Oil, formerly of Ilaylield. It appears that he lorr'owed a hie se from 0 far- nncr ill 51cliiIlop on Sal utility ;old, ne•c)51)plluit'd by his ;VIII', sieve to town, putting lipid. the ('entree] 1 Intel. Atter hiving tine burse shed on tk'k, hy Air. \1'islner, he sold it to ells li(trke, but before paying the money ever 1 he pnrc1111.s0r wa0 unade awlu•e of the real owner of the (5)>iu11(1. 111r. Zi1- 111)x was secured by retaining guy gen- tleman's watch. On M(mul,iv he hired .4 horse :1(111 rig teem the Beattie Liv- ery Baru and nothing more was seen I f thein menti( \Vednesdny when they were 1 ()turned by young; Miller, who said the lean just this side of the etcttien asked 1fu) to brineesel he horse, its Ire was Slt(ll(iug and felt, ill, noel h)' would call and p1)' Inter. A; sena ass he wits (suit 0f the rig;, h0 took t0 the railroad track, and nithlugl ,Jars. Ile1•Itlfe followed him immediately 00 111101' of Line could be found, Hest Huron P- artners' Institute. At the mutual meet ng of the \Vest Huron Faultless' Institute held at the Nile on 'Tuesday week the following officers wore elected :- Ashfield. -.(times Ilayden, Hugh Gir- yin, ,Jns Hutchins. \Vawauoslt.- M. l'ourig, Geo. Bowen, 1l. Bailie E. \Vawanosl. -11. Lockhart, It. C. McGowan, A. Currie. \Vinghai n. --11'. P. Grierson, \V. Clegg, ,John Hanna. '1'urubul ry. -Guy in Wilson, \1'm. 1.'ruickshanks, Blyth.- F. Medcalf, A. E. Br'adwiu, C. Hamilton. Mullett -James Snell, A. T. McDon- ald, WM. Jackson. Clint( n.-11. Holmes, S. • G. D. Mc, Corvie. Goderich 'Township. --\\lee. Marquis, Geo. Acht son, F, 1', Elford Goderich. - A. McD. Allan, 'Wm \Vat• nock, \\'m. L'urrows. Colborne. -11. Young, N. Icernighan, John Dustow. Auditors.-11. Mcllwain and Chas. 0irvin, The Directors immediately assem- bled and appointed. Ale.ssi's. iletherfng- ton and 'J'ocld sc'utineeis, and elected the following officers :- President, \Vm. 13nilie, Dungannon. Vice -President, Roderick Young, Car- low. 2nd Vice, IF. Mcdcall', Blyth. Sec. -'l'i'ens., 541. Lockhart, Auburn. of itself possesses very few of these qualities, and unless the operator does, dissatisfaction and failure will result, BRIDGES AND CULVERTS. Experience has shown durable im- provements to be the most economical. One of the most common leakages of municipal funds arises from the main- tenance of temporary wooden bridges and culverts. The life of a wooden structure is, at the outside, not more than one-half or one-third that of an iron bridge, or culvert of cement or masonry, while the cost of keeping the former in repair during that period is very considerable. The price of the timber is constantly rising, and, in many localities, first-class material is difficult to obtain at any reasontible price. The cost of iron has been very much reduced of recent years, Scrofula, hip disease, salt rhuem, dyspepsia and other diseases duo to impure blood are cured by hood's Sar- saparilla. Alvin Orton, an Essex farmer, was truck in the abdomen with a wagon ori tie, dying as a result. Mise Jeanette WIloon of Hamilton fell downstairs and fractured her skull, dying in a few holies. St'CCESSFUL AT LAST. "I was a sufferer from ,neuralgia in my sidles and headaches. I followed nnmsrous prescriptions without bene- fit and was persuaded to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. When I had taken only one bottle I realized it was doing me good and continued taking it until I was cured." MRs. CARRtg PAWS, Georgetown, Ontario. - HOOD'S PILLS are the favorite family cathartic, Easy to take, easy to operate. 25o. MelLillop. A pleasant event took place at the residence of Mr, Jas, \Viltse on Wed- nesday evening last being the Ma 1'- 1 of his third slaughter, Miss Julia, to 54Ii'. John Dennisen. We wish the ynlnlg couple notch ,joy and happi- ness, Mr. John Olaughli1) had the frame Of it Ile 111 haul) raised on Tnl'sday last. There were 100 (men and fifty ,waren ;Intl girls present ou the occasion, The Bite showers have clone an im- mense amount of good. Mr. Edward Drager had a bee haul- ing out manure to his fields one silty lest week and on the following day 11Ir- \Vw. 1)rager had a bee of the sauce kind. Mr. Win. A. Gray accompanied by two sons s . i 1, and xl twdaughters attended •t religious meeting here last week. AL•. (Gray's 11)11110 I8 In Hibbert. Mr. \Val. Kay who has put. n1 hie third year at the Cnfversary is home. Chancery Sitting. At the Chancery Sittings in the high Court of Justice held in Goderich, be- fore ,lustier (Ferguson, the following cases had a hearing ;-Muir vs. Squire et, al. -Action to set aside the will of the late Valentine Pframmer, Colborne, ou the grounds that testator could not understand English and that the same was l.ot interpreted to hila by a person un,lerstending German. The action 3004 dismissed, costs of both parties to be paid out of the estate of the deceas- ed. Bell vs. Herr -Action to set aside a °ouveyance as fraudulent. After 1,i On vs trorn date, Jur)arnent ordered for pill'., setting aside conveyance will> costs. i)alton vs. Ashfield Tit.-Aotio» by Michael Dalton against township for damages alleged to pave been caused by the corporation ('au011)34 till 11114 lie ellall- tity of water to flow on his land. Judg- ment reserved. Palmer vs, Pelmets -Action to recov- er legacies and annuities. Costs reser- ved until accounts between parties have been settled. Smith vs. Smith. -Action furelfmony, po0iporle(1 until next sitting. Ronald vs. '1'itollr,as.-Action to cnrn- pel deft. to insure • tlle Its -mulct Eire Works at Brussels. Ills Lordship gave de,fsf011 that dolt, keep insured the inortgeeell, premises in accordamee with the agreement. Murray vs. McIver. -Action to recov- er a legacy, postponed till next sittings. East Huron Fanners' Institute. At the meeting of the East Huron Farmers' Institutes in Brussels'l'uesdny afternoon week, the following Directors 4te re e^lecte l Morris -Messrs.' Fraser and Smillie. '1'urnberry-Messrs. Evans and El- liott. Wroxeter -Messrs, Gibson alndBreth. our. Hnwfck-Messrs. Gipson and Edgar. Grey:Messrs. Dilworth and Stra- ellen, McKillop -Messrs. Murdie and Mcs Millan. ' Mullett - ,Messrs. McMillan anti Hn>chle.)', Brussels - Messrs. Blair and Kerr. The following officers were then chosen •- Presiden t, Reeve 'Plias. Strachan. Vice -President , ,J. W. Fraser. Secretary, Thos. Hood. Auditors, Jno. McIntosh and J. B. .McLaughlin. itestutnr meetings will be held at Brus- sels and Wroxeter anti additional meetings at Fordwich, Ethel, Bluevale, Walton and Londesboro. Milch Cows and Springers -Not many offered and all sold at firm prices from $25 to $45 each. Choice comers want- ed. Hogs -Firm, Choice singers are sel- ling at from $5.15 to $5.20. Too many light hogs are Doming forward. Prices for light and thick tat hogs rule from $4.70 to $4.75 per cwt. Sows for breed. ing sell at from 30 to 3,',o and stags from 2o to 2'd,c. We quote :- Milch cows, each $26 00 to $45 00 Export cattle, pet' cwt3 75 to 4 50 Butchers' cattle, per cwt 375 to 425 Butcher's' good cattle, cwt i 3 40 to 3 50 Butchers' cora. cattle, cwt 325 to 330 Bulls, per cwt 2 50 to 3 00 Feeders, per cwt 3 75 to 4 25 Stockers, per cwt 3 30 to 3 85 Export sheep, per cwt3 00 to 3 50 Butchers' sheep, per cwt 300 to 840 Yearling Lambs, per cwt 4 75 to 5 50 Spring lambs, each3 00 to 4 25 Bucks, per cwt 2 75 to 3 00 (Salves, per head. 300 to 0 00 Choice bacon hogs, per ewf 5 16'to 5 20 Light hogs, per cwt.,. 4 70 to 4 75 Thick fat hogs, per cwt 4 05 to 4 75 Sows, per cwt 3 00 to 8 25 Stags, per cwt 2 00 to 2 25 SI:iN ON FIRE. Torment of Torments -Is there scro- fulous tendency ? Is there irritating eczema? Is there unexalainable itch- ing, stinging skin eruption ? Dr. Ag- new's Ointment Is a noverign' balm for ail such, . One application soothes and patient treatment produces a baby -like softness of the skin. It destroys the disease germ effectively. Dr. Agnew's Ointment will euro piles in from three to six nights. 35 cents, Use Dr, Ag- new's Liver Pills, Large vial, 20 Dents. --Sold by Wattt & Co. Stanley. A number from this vicinity took in the excursion to the Alodel Farnn at Guelph on Friday. The pupils of S. S. No. 3 and teacher Miss Jean Cau>pbell will pi01110 with a nullifier of other Schools in 11uyH&Jd oil Friday, 17th of Juno. Mrs. H. Peterson and sun, of Gie township, visited her sister, Mrs, J$. Reid, recently. Miss Isla Elliott i4 et present visiting her sister, Mrs. John Heil, Jr, The members of Bayfield ltua(1 C.E, Soc'iuty have appointed delegates to attend the Union Epwo, 1 1 League and C. E. Society in \\'inghaut, the 21st and 22nd inst. 11It•, \V. Smith of the Sauble Line, visited friends on the Front Road re- cently. Bev. Mr. McDonald, of 'a1 • 't , "Varna, Is at Il('s1'nt attending thGeneral Asseml- dy ii) Alcnntre't1- Spraying Fruit 'frees. The Standard has been asked to state the law bearing upon the spray- ing of fruit trees %Olen in bloom, as sevOI:tl parties chitin heir bees are hying injured by spraying being done at lilat. period, The act was passed in April 1802. and caner in force on January 1st, 151)3. It is as follows : - 1. No person in Spraying or epriuk- ling fruit trees during the period within which such trees are in full bloom shall use or cause t,o be used any (mixture containing pans green Or' arty 00141' p0fs011)u4 5(11etal>4e fn- •InriouS 50 1 e1'0. 2. Any peisen emit ravening tlu' provisions of this act shall on 8010 - Mary 4000541.1011 551441'4 before •t .ill; t,f('!e of pence, he subject t0 a penal ty nt mat less than $1 or un>re 151:(11 tin With ur without (v,;ls of prust't'0tiun, and in (:101' til 'i fine or a tine nod costs hying awarded, and of 1h^ some not. being upon conviction fortlwit11 pail, the justice uney commit. the offender to the eiminiee goal, there to be im- prisoned m- ri na ! for any term aro .•', 1 t exceeding thirty day's unless the lino (111(1 costs are 01)01119' Pani. The HVW Weights anti 114asures art, passed Inst week 110011111.0 that 1310'1'0 - Dot all(es ere- potatoes are sold by 1 h bag, such mg shall contain SO pounds. Al 1 he regular meeting of Ow L. O. [.. Brussels, 11, L. Jackson was engag- ed t0 take charge of the fife and demi) laud, They will hold practise twice each week up t0 the 12th of .July. First practise ea 'Ibi-o'sday of this week at S 51.I», i n the death of 1L'. h'. ('. l'. gets, Su)<lay week at the age of 72 years, Brussels lust one of its most prou)f- neut citizens and One who through the wh01e ismr0e of his long residence in the village has been foremost in any movement Lovvards its inlploven(ent and the prosperity of its citizens, Born in 15211, at lied Lodge. 8Outlrt+mp- 1o11 England, he clone to this country will( his wife' 35' years ago and esokere(I into partnership with his brother in Delftware. Ont.. ill' removed to Brus- sels in 1874 nod purchased (he business of Neil ,Lfvirlgsten, which he carried on for ulnmy veers at the premises since imus tlow'n, near the bridge, 0n the \Vest side of Turn)erry St.. In 18711 Mr. ROgers was elected Reeve, which position he hell c)mtirununsly tint il15.81. During his ILeevesl>ip he founded the salt. block, still in stn'c'es4- fnl operation by Coleman Bros„ (cul the bell, forme' ly-on Ile Town Hall, slow 01'1 the S( -1)0I, 1)('11I'0 w•frn0s4 to his generosity. Decen-' l helol)ged to the English church, was an honorary mem- ber of St. John's Lodge A.F. c\: A.1I., and in polities a strong ('onservatfa-e. I -le had leen failing for seine time ;inti 1110 end was 5)01, unexpected, Mrs. Rogers las the heartfelt sympathy of the whole village. Ile loeves no child- ren. Airs. Dutton; of Ste/Wont, is a sister, and among his near relativc.s are Geo. Roger's and Mrs. T)eadman, of this village, 'Mrs. Clark, of \\rood - stock, and 111r. Parfitt, of London, ItiA 1 LAW' i KrX ®rt A°-1 CLINTON. 1898 New Dried- Fruits 1898. Raisins—Malaga, Valencia and Sultanas. Currants—Filiatras and Fine Vostizzas. California Prunes and Elirne Figs. CROSSE and BLACKWELL PEELS, Lemon, Orange and Citron. NUTS -Filberts, S. S. Almonds and Wallnuts. COOKING FIGS for 50, a lb, NICE OLD RAISINS for 5c, a lb ---Headquarters for TEAS, SUGARS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE AND LAMPS, J..W. IRWIN, McKay,Block, �Clinton. OATS Wanted in exchange, 12 lbs. Choice 1 bust Oats, Oatmeal for 13 lbs. choles 1 bus Oats Family Flour for ' These are our present rates but we don't know how long they will Sant. Oats taken in exchange for (groceries, O. OLSON, CLINTON VICTORIA STREET. MERIT WINS SUCCESS ! Zlu1G?Z.l� �U STRA'rFORD, ONT. Tbis school does lIret•olase work In every depart- ment and enlo3.09 a large patronage. A Domino.. Mal School of the highest grade—none hotter in Canada, Students San anter at any (Inc. Catalogue t roe, W. J. ELLIOTT. Prt notal. PUMPS ! PUMPS ! 11 gin want a first -ohms, wolf rondo pump, one lba will give yon entietnotton, Fiona your order to tit nndornigned. Ifo will dig and clean welts and do it a the closest prions. Ile also handles a first -alas FORCE PUMP. JAMES FERGUSON Oppoelt Queen's Rotel - high Street Clinton 800.11