The Clinton News-Record, 1898-05-19, Page 54 ^•, .. ... ...,,.. . . -� �� "That'; Ah, a ver temttrkable man y l suaLhed you. ',,here is the coming of NORTH POLE. VICTQRIQUS IN THIS WAR. The oandidatutre of Prince Geor a of -- Y good. ho wttl could Bbl tm'ure those , �-, Greece for the Governorship oP Crete !WHAT IS GOING ON IN ' M13 FOUR indeed, I suet him last year amldut with whom it has esl(Lbliahed an affin- age ori your'bruw, and ilia ow(11 is re- •, Lha caves op The Haunted Houcse Tile Ring of Italy'a Nephow line an Or,g- over Three- Hundred Years Age Since is a striking hlluistrationJ oil the per- CORN1BIt3 OF Tt!!; GLOB$. I'+ftr esthe scriptural la its, , over whom it forces n example taxed in Lars calls df the brain. still Anel Pian ter invading the Arcus He- Spain won A Nural llnttle-she Lost onk w is the best ompa a, scholar away, I wilt now (mugine an example that will, Lhuutc,iu euftaebled, exceeds all sonal relations of the reigning houses _ 1 kuaw• \Ve v.ned Com •uA had an that ins be wii;lti,n the laws of nature, glens -Ito Au,ceuded iloaut St. Alae Thoueuade of itlou In Tryluyt to ltetulce audveuture wlt rubbers, kin ywhich he yet seem wil, as than £rubles of a be- that mon khe++ bn[ure yau;through the Luet Year. /.lhruirar-Entliy Ilenten at '1 rn1'alxar. b utape' die wrote a letter to hi8 t)Id sad New World Events at interest Cbron. showed a coolness that saved our lives; wild®red mtrnpr. will you live on gnawed with famine. ooutstnb the Ergperor of Russia, asking. afterwards he invited me too s end a ! " You will reanember that Alt>t rtus And natiure no lunger obeys you in Prince 'Luigi, of Saivoy, +Dulte of A.b- American naval officers are absolute- Icicd Brletly-lateresting ,„oppanings al him to support his claims. '!'hs Em - day with him in a house he had bought I Magnus, after deSeritring minutelq the that aeuth-Vreadiug region; -the sky ruzzi, is certainly to born explorer, ly confident of success in the war with p Ina ent 1Datethe £trema,, wear water at Datnaacu,a--a hoose buried amongst process by which spirits may W invok- Ia a sky of iron, and the air has iron Otherwise, how account for the fact Spain, not only because they have the error at once ado ted him as iha Rus- almoiad-blortee,its t,ud roses -Abe most I ed and eornmr,nded, adds emphatically, clamps and the ice -rocks wedge in the Stan candidate, 'T"hey are not only ackets, with a double skin, which beautiful thing I lie had lived there I that the rocess will instruct unci avail ship, liark how it cracks and groans that this maxi, woo la i4 nephew c>f the beat navy, but beoautre Spain has had m j Lor some Years, quite as an Oriental, I only to the few --that a man tuust be ice wfu imbed it a,i umucr imbeds a King of Italy, should ab present be long, unbroken record of naval defeats CO1�ins, ecioh bein•q a grandson of King they are able Co fill with water from Christian LX. of Denmark, but are also the hose, in grand style. I half suspect be is born a mugioian 1 -that is, burn with straw. And a man Las l;una forth, Liv- bent on malnking til triyi to the North Eva• three centuries and a quarter, and Intitnute friends of Aeart .I.� inrx>,mea tax of Indltt is leve a Mae.�atie, immeulsely rich, % cry mid; a peculiar plc,} Sisal temperament, as a ing yet, irum the Ship and its dead; and pole. Moreover, thin is not the first a victory this time would be an excep , y the Same dl � by thety, a areal mesmeriser. 1 have train is bora a post. Barely are men ' }ie has clambered ud .the spikes of as age, they ,ero comnpanions in a jou;- all incomes of £33 and upwards, and a Bean hdm with m uw a ea ,reduce aA iu whose cc n:stitutuou lurks this occult iceberg Jtztd the two moons gaze down proof which he has giv%3a of his love tion. , .. then only one man in 700 comes w•ith- Y n y I nay around the world, and 1 t in e effect on fuauimate things. 1f you take power of the highest urd,r of intel- , un fits term, 'that man is yourself; and of adventutre. As our,readers know, he The last naval battle coon by Spain George, by his coolness and courage, cit its scope. a letter from your pocket and throw lest ;-usually in the intellect there is terror is yn yuu—terror ; and ter- ascended Mount St, Eliras, in Alaaka;J was that of Lepatnto, fouight in 1571, I heel saved his cousin's life from arq ae- 1 lhWrei h I e been 71,000 deaths from it too the other and of th,% room, he will ruse Lwisl, [erversity, ur disease. But, 'roe has awaltowed cue will. And I h fleet was defeated P+rg n ndia so far, accordi to a Y last year, thus acwmiplbshiIIg til feat when the Ttirkis I ng order it to come to h;is feet, auci you air the other hand, they must poSSas8, I Sea Swarming w,, the Steep ice -rook, which bad baffled several older and This was one of the reatest battles in I sassin's attack in Japan. A personal recent report by the Secretury forindia til see the 1:•tter t; ribgle itself clung to au uston:• ping degree, the faculty grey grizzly things. Th:s bears of the g appeal for support could not be stere- to t'arliament. f} tllI It hoe .obs ed fits com t(f cvuctatrutu chart ht on a ®in la ob- nurtq baro acentdu Lhrir utrr Lh(: more e bleier but the 4 Wish hal not onl mains. 'Yon Y g g q Y- Y xl:er(enced men. Y' Y g,arcleA. Jealoursy of the first husband of the y r• Lis Lrue- Ihave jest -the en: rrgic faculty that w•e call come n.ar yuu and nearer, shambling 1`he I'rince'S grgttt aim ndwtriS to ap- their ablest warrior at their head, but aeexl him effect event rias weatbN, dis- will. Therefore, the h th •ir intellect ama rollin their bulk. And in that 'J he Governorshi of Crete has re- widow• he had uaarried drove a French- lig g proach hearer the pole than Nansen' were given effeet.ive assistance by the P man to kill his wife and then himself Perse or collect clouds, try means a0 a be not. suun i, it. is exeeedin,gl y forci- day every mumeont Shall Seem to sow Genoese and Venetian fleets. , muined an unsettled question since the ,. glass tube or wand. But he does not ble for the atta,inmtent of what it de- longer thou Lh-+ centuries through did, ams in the ddlctht of his heart recently in loris. like talking of these ,natters to stran- Sires. I will imagi.ne Such a Iverson, which you ha✓u passed. And head this! there, is a wild hu;.e lhiit he, may have Since tbat battle Spain has not won i war between Turkey and Greece. The A 130 piound conger: eel. has been rs, He has onl ust arrived in Pre-ealinrn,l ' ifti•,i with this eonsti- -atter itfo, moments continued make' good fortune to plant the Italian a victory on the seas. At one time or , Eultrofean powers, while pledged to pro- ht in Lock Lon Scotland. It !fie Y j y g the I ug g, England; says he has not been here dor tution and its concomitant forces. I - Chia bliss or the hall of eternity." I another the Castilians have been en- tw,,t the isaand and to reform its Gov - a great many years; let me introduce will plaoe him in the loftier grades "Mush," said the wbisper; "Lut the flag a the very uenbrac of the pn just ernment, had been unable to a ree u mgaigth d 6 feet 10 he lna hes in i':'.a him to you." of society. I will Suppose his desires day, you assure me, is far off -very I is especially spurred to action just gaged with Englund, Holland, }trance, g P" leggth and 2 Feet 7 inches [a girth far t I on a cand date for Governor. One ' Certainly 1 tTie is English then 2 emphatic. t fly lh�>Se of the senSuali'st- ; gu back to the almond and i now, bectrwso he ltnows that Captain the petty ttal(un States, crombinutionS Il u:ssia's estimated livirulation ie �+y What is his name?" he bus, the r(sfurr, a strung love of life. !ruse of Uama:nwsJ-sleep!" I of German Pintas auci various other I names after another had been proposed, 106800,000; the combined ovulation of , :;, Oh l -a ver Svordr•u sip is also b=t on, a Polar ex- P L arse' y ltomedy one-Rieb- Har is an ubsulute egotist -bis wilt ia; The room S%%am before my ayes. I countries. 1`he revolutions in Central I only to be rejected. The wily Sultan German and Austria iaSB4110,01)0, add convemLe.red in himself -he has fierce' became in�enaible, When 1 pec°vered, lreditiun, axis ilea idea of playing sea Nested on y " And !what is his birth -his famil ?" pass -ions -he knives no enduring, no I 1 fu,und G-- holdin • m hand and I and fiddle to any onod even to the re, andoulh America cawed her to make o J general principles to every that of the United states is 7'�,3(IU,000, " Flow do I know? What does ,t SL hot affections, but he earn covet ea 6 Y t Sverdru , is abhorrent to use of her naval skill, But always I cacndidate, When Nicho:as Il. ordered I Thexe are annually killed in Africa g' )• g` , amilina. Ha said, ' �•u,u w'ho have al- I dual, able i A, his lYlinister " reify? -no doubt some parvenu, but erty what Pur the moment he destres- ways declared yourself proof against', him, with the same result. She h -is won no � to propose Pr(aee , a minimum of 65,000 elephants, yield- rieh-so infernally richl" he can hate implacably what opposes mesmerism, have siuccumbed at Just George's name the significsance of the ' tag• the production of a quantity of C*— drew me battle which ha? bud the sti ,blest ef- u,p to the stranger, itself to his objects -he can commit , to my friend, Richards," HELPED B'i: THE I{ING. E � I raw ivory the sollinR, price of which feet. toward battering her fortunes. � namina,tion as the ,Sonat choice of � £&50000. °gI and the introduction was effected, '.Che fearful erimes, het feet small remorse "avttere is Mr. Richards?" Bing fluwl-ert, though he hesitated i the :•overetgn was perceived through- • manners of Mr. Richards were not -be resorts rather to curses upon oth- I "Gone, when you passed into a trance It was only seventeen years after the '!'here are in Galicia 600,000 children those at an adventurous traveller, ers, than to eniteue" fur his misdeeds. at first, etas at last given his sane- � vat Europe. France, as Russia's closest who cannnot et an schoolin* ►' sayta, quietly to me, 'Your friend I battle of the armanda at Le nto that g y s . Aa al vellers are in general constitution- Circumstances, to which his constitu- i watt nut rva.ke for an hour.' " tiun to his nephew's plan, and has even Spun Sent Icer su.pposedty invincible ! ally at once supported the candidature. many as 1,173 new schvo!-houses are y gifted with animal spirits; they tion guides him, lead him• to a rare I asked, as collectedly as I could. Shown his pra,,Gual interest iu it bey I arm•mila-thy reatest fleet in a ear- I Lord Salisbury seconded tt gladly, es called for, the cost of which is esti,- are talkative, eager,-rmperrous. Mr, knowlel.ge of the natural secretsw•hich wheie ::Cir. hi,•hard5 ouged. promising to eontrii,grte 500,1,00 lire' V g pedally as the Prince was the nephew mated at 4,612,( U florins. Richards was calm and subdued to may serve his egotism. He is a close anc•e that. the world had ever seen - "et the '1'raialgur Hotel." towards the ex ,eoses of Lha ex edi- I I of the Princess of Wales. Ital ac uie- An Ali ht ear -old els hant, whose tune, with manners which were made ! observer where. his passions en°our;ge ! "Give ,tree yuur arm," said I to G-, I P ag:,inst Great Britain. But they were i Y q g Y -y P distant by the loftiness of punctilious observation, he is a minute calc•ulat tion, aced. The attitude of the Kaiser is not life has hitherto been devoted to crush. courtesy -the manners of a former age. I or, not from love of truth, but where i let; urs call our him; I have something Itie Prince does nut ro ose to follow cie'e ted overwhe,m,n,gly by a British qct full to say." p P force that -,vas insignificant compared y known, ting the life oRtt of condemned criminals I 'observed that the EaglLsh he spoke love of self sharpens his faoulties,- fn Nansen's footsie s, 11tS tan is to Greece had ptluniged into war in or- fru India, has been acquired by a Han',. was not exactly of our clay, I should therefore he can be a man of science. ! vv fieri we arrived at the hotel, we p P wi! h Cha gee t 5punish tleet of war- der to Jlberate and annex Crete, and burr dealer for a Berlin menaQgrie. Y were told tba.t Mr. Richards had re- o b sea as far as, Fruncis-Jose h's ...., even have said that the docent was II I su;,post• such a being, huvin, by ex- turned twenty minute, ipefore paid his g Y p shilsa. had been disustrotisly defeated. The A French author, 1vI. de �[erg•uil, hoe slightly foreign. But then Mr, Rich- perir•nce learned the I;over of his arts' Lana ane to completa his jcuurney by aPpoint•ment of a son of the Kin of ards remarked that he had been lit- over others, trying what maty be the bili, felt directions with his servant means of albdges and E's:,mu canoes, • UNABLE TO KE![.P GIBRALTAR. S (w•,ri,tteia, a book on AladavWec,ar, int tle in (he habit fur Worn ears oP -,per of will over his own frame, and (a (:reek) tv l,a k his effects, and pro- knu,%n its ku akS. AppuleuLa he is the, Greece as Governor oP Crete would be y y p° Beed to Malta b • the Ste. finer that Y Y Sirtin wan unable to �retui❑ Gibral- a considerable victory for the pros(,rate which he claims that that i5lund was speaking in his native tongue. The studying till that in natural philosophy y t first to con.,eivu ate idea of arriving tor, the greatest of the +vorld's fortres- 1 little kingdom. Thee Aaltan refu:;ed to colonized by Greeks, and that Ijonw - conversation' fell upon the changes in may increase that power, He. loves life, , should leave Sout h' mNtun the next day at the North L ole in this manner, L,wt Ses, Ert land w•on it in 1704 after an consent to It, and a $ ppealed Io the Ger- was no one else than Ulysses hiIIlself, thetasueet of London since he hath last he dreads death; he w�ilis to live on. Ile' DIr. Richards h.td tuerely said of hie the ar•gummenu which he brings Lurward attach by Sir George Rooke, the prince m:Ln Emperor. Russia at once applied a reat traveller. visited our metropolis. iG-- then c•a.nnot restore himself' to youth, he, o%vn mo%emonts, that he had visits to in favor of nes 1, n show thut'he isnot of Hesse-Darmstadt, Sir JohW Lealte ,assure b dsmiridin the merit of g glanced off to the moral changes—lite-' cannot entirely Stay the Progress of ; ay in the ueitzlihorhosd of London,and actin•* rash) or without due fore- and Admiral B •n S Lin re eatedl aarrears ofyinterest on the unpaid war The Swiss Government is makingneff-- rap social, it was ,u.ncertnin w•hot her he should bei y y q' p Y forts to roteot useful, buds, t,!.' • y', Political -the great men death, h • sonnet make himself immorl- I thoauaht. tried to get it back but h-ts never been indemnity contracted by Turkey in the P who were removed from the std a with- al in the iiosh and, blooil; but lie ma able tv reach Soulhunnlun in time lie Claims that the main' reason wh in the last tweet g Y Y � sueceasful, and it yet remains in .E:ng- ; oaanpaiigns of 1877-78. Wbenever the ' thi:ng• can be dune without Italian co- y years -the new great arrest, for ct time so prolonged as to fur that steamer: if n rt, he, should fol- his ascent of vloutnt SL, Elitas-a feat j land's possession. The Spanish and ; Sul,tan is obstinate he is forcibly re- operatloa, and the Italians, even in igen' who were coming on, Tn all this appear incredible if I said it, thus ; low in the next one. which was vainly attemilsted by a party French lost 10,000 man in the first at- 'minded that Tnrrkey awes Russia a Switzerland, continue to slaughter '' Mr, Richards evinced n�o interest. He ' hardening of the parts which const i- The wait -r aske l me my name. On of tourists a few days before he ac- tempt, three months after its capture, ' great dell of money. Tlri,v candidature, birds in the most ruthless manner. ' had, evident, read alone of our livi my informing him,, ha gave me a note Y lig totes old age. A year may age him comlptiyhed it -+was sw• h a Pronounced while the British loss was about 40U. which will at ante do much to retrieve T'he town of Dornstettin, iII Wtirt- authbrs, and seemed scarcely acquaint- no more than an h, •ur ages anottler. His that 57 r, iii; h+rrls had left for me, in success, was because he had with him Another attack by the Spaniards( in ' the fortunes of Greece and will offer a rt• ed by name with our ,younger states- ;intense trill, scientificall trained in case I called, temburg, has its funds so wall invest - men. O :e and onl once he tau fed; y a largo and 'thurough,y org<Lmiz+d 17_D was repulsed with great loss. In praotical solution of a troublasotne I ad thrat the inhabitants instead of Y g to System, operates, in short, over thel The note was as follows: -"I wished caravan the memirers of which were 1727 their attack cost them 5.009 men_ I ques,tisotr of European diplomacy, is the a of 15 each) �" `� It'vas w�eu G— asked him ,whether wear and tear o,f his own frame, lle', You to utter what was in your e & trained mountain uiimbvios, Now• he while but 309 of the :mall British gar outcome of the intimate relations of I lug' taxes receive l�� art a d he had any thoulg•hts of getting into I lives on. That h' ma • not Seem a; You obeyed. I have therefore reat;uais that, if he anJ sltur.h men could ,,son of liritiah riefomders perished. In the t+vo cousins, who were together in 'annually, be;•ides free firewo u Parliament•, And the laugh was in- I portent and a. miracle, he (ties from', fished power over you. Fvr three � 1779 the french and S niards made a far Mast. free use of land for raising vegetables. aisuena Mount S�t, hlin.s, th•�re is nc pea -1 lis ward -sarcastic -sinister -a sneer rail- 1 months from this day you can com- ' concerted attack, and altlyou; h th I In the same wa the German Em- pard Bate (has tried to encolilra' I time to time, seemingly, to cerLaiii per- Son why they shawls nut succuss in g v3 y go ed into a laugh. After a few minutes sons, Having schemed the transfer of municate to no living man what has, raaohipg the pole. employed the greatest armament that , Peror, in entering upon a diplomatic marria. e at Cardiff, Wales, by offering G— left us to talk to same. other ac- a wealth that swffLees .to his wants, he paced between us-yuu cannot even Lits Ian then is to take with him' h td up to that time been brought ; and naval camyxiitgn in China, commis- , $ to thetianc s who had just lounged in- disappears from one corner of the, show this note t.o the friend by your, ataout twenty of the most skilled Ital- against a fortress they were over- s{oned his brother to visit Queen Vic i a dowry once a ye:Lr to a deservir>gl m, and I thea said, quietly- world, sand contrivers that his oksf cies side, During three months, silemse tan mouutuineera, as wall as several thrown. Another army of 40,000 men � toria at Osborne. Prince henry is a girl. The 52ayor of the town reports, "I have seen a nrixiiature of you, DTr. ip q' complete. as to me and mine. Do yout, Esruimaux and teams of •do s. When, w'it.h a naval force failed in a similar j favorite amohg the Queen's randsons, hgw'ever, that during a whole year he shall be celebrated. Ha pea , ears at' l g g Richards, pe the house you once (rehab- I another corner of the world, where heI doubt my peeve, to lay on you this the Darty approaches dangerous effort in 1781, and in con:%equaance pf his visit more has re:eived not a single pplicatiori. iced. and, Perhaps, built, if not wl3olly, re tees wndetec tact, and does nut re_ command ?-try to disobey me. At the ro'ttnd scouts wilt be sent ahead to The most determined effort made by ! friendly relations between F,ngland Liverpool's Ch'.Lmber of Commerce is at least in part, in -- Street. You visit the scenes of his former career till end of the thir,l anon! h, the spall is reconnoitre, and thenceforth the jvur the French and Spanish to regain the i and Germany have been established. I ging the . passed by that house this morninig." I raised. For the rest I slra.re you. I I ree -,sill tro maxle b matins of tela s, fortress wgs in 1781, when 12,000 of the I Whatever map be the rival policies of I cionsidering the Klan of grid Not till I had finished did I raise n1Y all. who .could remember his features Y shall visit yrus grave a year and a Y best troops of ,France were engaged, ! Russia and England in China, the fam ' r, y by a su'sFena,on bridge 1, are no more. Ile rau,uld be profoundly 1n either words, tit+ larl.y will form in- teat above hi*h water. with a central oyes to his, and than fids £fixed, cry gaze day after it has 'received you." I One thousand pieces of artillery were fly relations of the two courts tend to 6 y mi_erable if he had affeuticws,- he S° ends this strange story, which TI C,r a sort of bhrintn ladder, the duty brought against the fortress i.esides promote compromise incl peace, Nicbo-' an 'L,000 feat lorog, and two Side spans so steadfastt that l could not with- P' draw it -those fascinating serpent eyes. hats none Lwt for himself. Nv good man of the foremost Irein, to take pos Lt g g each of 1,09U Leet. The e. timated cost would accept his longevity, and to no ask no one to I„•)ieve. I write,it down I forty -:;even Sail of the line, all three is TI. has married a ,susses titer of But involuntaril and as i'f the words Session of a certain point, g g Queen, and is strongly influenced that translated my tivowght were <trag-; man, good or bad, would lie or could', exactly three •n•,nt}vs after I reeeiv-I deckers. ten reat floatiR batteries, th,e is $12,500,000. Prince L'ui i maintains that in this C-1 from me,, T added, in n low whis be culumwn(cate its true secret. Such the above note. dI couldrvnot° Gite in,' way, Wok only i, flue risk of physical Su posed lot lie invincibl , carryin 212 by his other, who is a sister of the I Karl Marx's rli hteSuE')east(c ars a mon mi h.L exi6t; swig. ai,man as I 1 }afore, n r r dare ei redo^ed to a minimum, but 4 corupteted a on per, "f brave Leen a student in the c sl,lte of his ur,ront request, the note, g such as xehec.s, frigates, bomb catches, mysteries of life ane! nt:turo ; of those I have described 1 see now before me 1 the ebance of reac:hing the pole, also roe- un and mortar boats. For weeks 6, I ser by ending her oven .i'e w tth i,it Dr. mysteries 1. ,have known the occult pro- - I which T read under the gas -lamp by g -Dar,ke of - in the court of--, di-, comes much greater. General Boldin- 000 shells -,vera daily thrown, but the acid. tihe lived with the Socialr:;t I)r. fessora. .I have the r'aght to apwak to viding time bet%+een Just, and brawl, his side• era recommended that the same tae ou thus,” And I uttered -a certain alchemists and wizards; a ain, in (Toe End.) tics he emrlu edi diu,'in the recent Barri.on of only 7,0(10 British held the FREAKISH FEATS. inquest and bore his name, but at the y g T y" fort. inquest ha asserted that they had nev- 16.ftw..�w�--�„-'^--I---,•... the last century, charlatan anti crimi- _ i lta:ian campaign, Wt unfurt uuately At a meeting oa the high seas Slain � � er gone throught the form, of mar- e , said he, dryly, " I concede the nal, with name less noble, domiciled his recomm-•ndation came too late. had a more Severe lesson in the prow- Some foolhardy ♦�'tt�ers Dhule lay Foolish I riage. right -what would you ask?" in the hose at which you gazed to- The expedition %will certainly not fall ess of the Anglo-Saxon tars. A Span- lndrvl,lun,x, ' Brttiph traria ethics are about to ap GRAINS OF GOLD. I 1 to the Xlrndike. Liverpool. has To what extent human -,vitt in ser- day, and flyin„� from, the la%r you had for lack of funds. "Nu't only will i fish fleet of resents -nine, sail was total- 1 erttafs the most forlharcfy feat on rain ternperaments can extend?" outraged, none kne%v whither;- i rap -- gave my umcic's SUO,U00 fire," said ly defeated by fir Cleorge iiyng int the record rues that of a. Itr rich cabinet. I - Y "To what extent can thought ex- veller once more revisiting London, Speech is the small change of silence. Prince l.ulgi to a friend the other day, Faro of Messina, Jul 31, 17EO. Near :ant out on the steamer lrgest nse- tend? Thivk, and before ou draw' -,-,lith the i_am,o earthly passions which "lint I will also have ample fundis oP y maker n%mecl Paul Parmentier, who,; bound for St. Mich'+el, the largest car- t Thought flies beat when the hands Cape Vincent Rodney �rv-hipped an- white drihkin in a -,+•fine she p breath you are in Chinal" filled your heart when races now n° are easily busy. my ow•n. My intention is to d-evote.my other .fleet in 1780; and France and g f in the go of liquor Aver -hipped. It includes "True. But my thout,ght has no pow- more walked through yonder streets; entire inserts of L%1},ir90 lire to this Spain together fought desperately but Ripa £teller, in PFLCiS, a s}rort time ago 14 0it11 ciises and 1,1'OJ barrels of s, frits, Friendship, I fancy, means one heart vain! a ainst En 1 and in the ba of offered to la a wa er of five frilmry ehiefl whisks and 3,000 barrels of ei• in China. -outlaw from the s ool of ail the object during the three years that Cha y g g ; Y y y. ys tvetween two. y g • ' "Glue it expression, drn•t it. meq brave; nobler and diviner mystics;- execrable journey will hist, and isf that �s not G;braltar. � Spain alwlrys had allies. that be would beer. you may write down it thought which, Linage of Life in Death and Death in A metaphor is the Deus ex m.tchina enough C_ am, ready to encroach up- England was fighting half the rest oP I jurnli nut of i> fouTtb! T.hou'gh only sixteen murders of chil- sooner or later, ma.y alter the, whole Life, 1 warn your back from the cities of an ari;ument. - on my ew,ital." the world. floor -,vindow without hurting him - condition' of (china. What is a law but . and homes of health£tul men; back to Observation is the most enduring of The 1 rinse is only twenty-five years BATTLE OF TRAFALGAR. ' self, seen have ba,c traced certainly to t}re a thou ht? Tberefore thou ht is in- I the ruins of de .acted empires; back to the leasures of life, murderer Vau]ter, and eighteen more g g I P old, and he looks even yvtrnger. One Tlne last. of the more im 'Creating the rifer as a joke his finite -(.herefore thought has powek ; the deserts of natadre unredeemedil" All life is a lesson that we live to who did not know hien. would say that portant naval were probably his work, it seems that battles erugaged in by fif-ttin was that comrades accepted rise het, but were in the three years after his ,stases n it in proportion to its value -a bad Chore answered me a whisper so mu- env but in the S irit, ,he has not the robur it ness or physical from w madhouse there were, no less j Y P of Trafalgar, in which the !'ranch and horrified vehen Irarrmentier ruched iri- though't may make a had law as pot- sieai, so potently mtursical, that it seem- Earne,staass works out its own cure strength which is nec'e,,sary for the sus- Spanish together attempted to give ent as a good thought carr, make agood ed to enter into my whole being, and more surely than frenzy. cessful comilrletion of Such tq hazard- battle to the Engli,h fleet after having to the roan, a.n,l, climbing up four ;b,;Ln ninety eight rnurders and at- one.' subdue me despite myself. Thus it ous enter'Iprise. He, is of slight build, fli hts of stairs to his o%rn room, threw , lerR is to mlurder and out,ra a {a " Yes; what you say confirms my own I said - there is xl'otbivg the body suffers medium beigh't, and, so far as out- dodged it for months, "l hey relied on g P g theory. Through invisible currentwone "I have sou ht one like ou for the that the soul may not profit try• ward a n.rances go, is nit to ire com- a numerical superiority, but were easi- himself into the Street, fie %vas pick- Prance, where the police were unable g Y ppe. ly beaten by Nelson, tau find any clue to the perpetrators, 7rurnaa brain may transmit its last hundred ears. Now I have found Two hearts that make one Soul do not ,.aped to stub hard ex rlorers as Nor- - ad urp 'tvit�tt Fits left leg broken and neri- ideas to other human brains Y aeparatel count their ifts. 1 Y L Since then Spiain has not attempted ; ours, in ured interna,ll At rehearsal Sir Henry Irving will with the same ra idit as Y°u, we Start Writ till I know what I Y g denakiold, Nansen or Sverdrupp against to fight on the seats except with the y y' a rho ht P Y desire. The vision that sees through We women miss life only when we whom he ha's fearlessly entered in I A short tittle a, o the cirrus at Bol- sit upon the stage among his players, tug promulgated by visible the Paat, and' cleaves through the veil Ameri republics r vi tri h and Central q g q means. :1n l as that ht is imperish- have never met the man t.v reverence. competition. On the other hand, be America. Tme I'eruvi tnv and Chileans 'tun, England, was the scene( of an ex- watchiiu aver movement and li8ten- yB of the Future, is in you at this hour; A goldesl miracle, Good looks and gold bas an immenae fund of, energy and' easily beat the Spanish in the .wars of tug to every word, and constantly ahle-as it leaves its stamp behind it never before, never to come a Lin;- will ower, a•s his swooessful' ascent, of M citing incident, a local barber, gam- in the natural world even when the $` together are rather superhuman. Tr mfr and Imit d sui the Spanish ad- stopping sues' one -`Miss !terry as thinker htus passed owt orf this worlrt- the vtgio,n of no I:atling fantastic girl, Mount St. Elias amply proves. miral, committed suicide in 1864 Fe- ed 6ettle, ha%�ing undertaken to Shave of no sick -bed somnambule, but of a The slave of a pession, thinks in a ,A TRUE SAVANT: cause of his defeat by the South Amer- a man in the lion's den. The event'duly readily as the messenger -who does sol the thought of the living may hive strong maxi, with a vigorous brain. ring, as hares run; he will cease where not do exactly right Mr. Irving rises, power to rotae uo 'and revive the His brother, the L'ount rf Turin, icons. His successor was the blunder- I came off, The building was crowded thoughts of the dead -such as those Soar and look fortljl he begun, aptly described him some time ago. ii4$ and ro+wardl,v Nunez. who t:ombard- . explains the fault, and gives the pro- tbnu fits wrrA in lite= though the As he spoke I, felt as if I lose out Gossi is a beast of re that does peaking of the mom�lsers of the fa.m- ed Valparaiso and dest•ro ed the to excess, and the lrarlper, attired in g of myself u,)on ca, le yr to s. All the P p Y ' Y prO- per form, and that part of the scene thou ht of the livin cannot reach the g g not wait for the death of the, creature it he said: "My oldest brother, the party of FuroPeall thus arousinig the all hes ask amid halvmost ro ou d ex - g g y, is immediately repeated. As hs is very thoughts' which the dead now may en- leeight seemed -roof from airdo roof- it devours. Duke of Aosta, is the 'handsome one ind'ugnation of ail Europe. ed the task am{d the mast prrGvuntl ex - leas the room, -roofless the dome of youngest brother, the Nunez attempted to repeat this same citemAnt, exact as to every saran, and requires tertain• TR it. nr,t sat" slsCe, C was not in the txrdy-where I That small motives era at the sot of the family; my , trick at Callao, but some vessels that I deelipe to an-4wer, i , in dg- Duke of Abruzzi, is than savant, and Another extraordinar feat, was that its Lly iaagin to a nicety,, you can ment, th mi. ht has the limit knew not -but aloft over time, over tom of matt illustrious actions, is a ha Y readily imfygiae that the scene does y peened to be in the harlsor fired a g yru would I am simply a good fellow.' PIs to it ; but ,cored. Yau' have' a s ,e- earth. modern disoaverq. A Savant Prince Lui •i incised ie, but few shots and be fled. perfrrmad by a Cienna shoemaker oat n,ot quickly reach perfection. 13ut his p T A ain I heard thA melodirtts whir r- It is this record that makes the na- lou a o, This individual undertook patience holds out against every test C it has beeen established that we do it receives. Over anal over again the sial question you wish to put." g by ao means one of the ordinary, type, f3 g " Intense malligntty in an intense will, br •`You say richt. I have master- not wax diviner by dragging down the "A fin de siecle savanW he is," says a val officers believe they }rave an easy front a given calf to manufacture a tine is recited, or the bit of acorn engendered in fL peculiar temperament, ed great secreta by the horse, of Will; gods to our level. , French •journal, "and there is nothing task before them in the war with pair of txvots within tw•ent four hours a'nd aided by natural means within the .-tru,e, by Will and by Science T. can r•+- Enthusiasm is a heaven sent steeple- ! i" ,nrr ,u ' etneen him and the gegen- Spain, and they would be surprised if y Lyse, untn all {a perfect. At the tard the process of ears; but (loath „ this witr should prove for the first time of the animal's death. Lyceum one :.ees the perfection of reach of Science, may produce effects y 'dory scientiat: Early in the morning of the ap 8ta{ge discipline, and in Mr. Irving the like those encriiie,I of old to evil magic. comes not by age alone. Can I frus- chaser, and takes a ,flying leap of the that Spain could defeat Anglo•Saxgns, 1 y rfe di,on li stage patience. Tt might thus haunt the walls of ale+t- er•v on of the Quir{nal is much rr ,eluted da tL, calf was killed in they trate the accidents which bring death ordinary barriers. or any other nation for that matte interested in the forthcoming asps- •presence oP numerous witnesses. Tho man habitation with s ctral revivals upon the young?" Masculine ideas are one thing; but dition, and the Italian people in gen- -- shin was tit the tannery shortly aft- af all guilty thoughts and guilty deeds "No; every accident is a providence, let feminine ever be feminine, or our eral are proud to th,n;c that a mem- erwards; it was properly tanned, and once conceived and done within those Before a providence snaps every hu- civilization perishes. ber of the royal family h•tq the sour- TWICE A GREAT NATION. turned over tr the spirited shremaker MARVELLOUS INVENTION. walls; all in short, with which the evil man will." The young who avoid the region of age to undertake such a pertlous,work that very evening, and next morning ib will claims rapport and affinit im- ' Shall I die at last, ages and ages perfect, incoberant, , fragme tary, hence, by the slow, though inevi- Romance escape the title of Fool at the and 'Ithe scientific knowledge without Fpuln Roar Frons ,ler Flrat l;etbnclt Iq,t appeared in the shape of a pair of Tho Moon srongrit FiNhta EnRy SPncri at !1azt0kes at the old dramas acted there- table, growth of i isnn, or by the cause cost of a celestial crown. whi fi n; cess is ; hardly a to kid for Laerir lend ret 1'r este boots, which were worn by the meq On the other hand; i;he ]mmediatr mem- Spain was once the greatAat nation who owned the calf the day before, the. �Varid Ly n Srccul. Cm,lrivance. in years a Thoughts tbus crossing that I call accident ?" Women don't care uncommonly for leers of Prinne Ludgi's family, with the onl the face of the globe. Say, rather, Reverting to feats of a different )ear Herr Jobatn Mayer, an Austrian each other hasp -hazard, as in the night- By a oau% you call accident, thA men who love them, though they possible exception of Icing Humbert, Lure, we may mention the performance Lieutenant, has just disoovered a meth - mare of a vision, growing up Intopban- "ls not the end still remote?" aak- like precious well to tie loved. are rather frightened at the thought she was twice so, First, as a centre of Signor Gravagni, a Milanese pianist, od by which the moon can be, brought tom eights and soun,ls, and all serving ed the whisper, with it, slight, tremor. After fart men have married their g P Y to create horror, not because those "Regarded as my life re ards time, Y of what th'e yrvng man [s atxvut to oP learnin and science under the who made a bet that he would la fpr within istlol-shot o'f the world, fi ur- g` habits, and wives are only an item; in undertake and they would not, be sor- Saracenic rule, when the city of Cor- twenty-five cunaecut.ivo hours, with P g sights and sounds arts really visitations it is still remote." yv if some unexlier,ted obgtaole were only an interval of half an hour for atively speakingg. Nothing among the from a world without, but that they "And shall I, 1'eforA then, mix with the list, and not the mast important. doves had a +mile of gas lit streets and t:o prevent him from carrying out his fountains of uicksilver refreshment. He won triumphantly, many marvels of modern invention is are ghastly monstrous renewals of the world of !n„n a+ T dil ere T dAnrn- Whether a woman loves a man or q plaged in tine for he went strati ht on without• tall what have been in this world itself, tmtention, g mgrs astoniahiug than oris +same dis- set into malt n•+nt la ed these secrets, resume eager inter- not, ire is her lover if hey dares tell her palace yard of the calif>h. Second, when tag the sti•Pu�latfd period of rest. St.art- B P y by a malig- est in their strife and lhetr trouble A.LI, PREPARATIONS MADE. covery. By his inve.nMft Herr Mayer na&F mortal, And It is titre h the -battle with ambition, and use the be loves her, rind is heard withn atten- 'hat any such Obstacle, however) she was the greatest military power ing art eleven at night, Ire kApt on ,wn- materia,l algawtaq oP that human brain ower of the sae to win the power tion' 'Rill arise is extremely improbable. ire Europe. But Spain could not stand til. m[dnight °£ the Pollu-,ving day play- says the moon can Ire brought withx- P g True poets and true women have the Ing -,works by Wbgner, comio spars, a diistunee of 100 arse, i tact, and ex- thnt these thimga would ae mire even that belongs to kin a?” Prince Twig[ has made all preparatirns the march of modern invention, She ballet music, and Y e humra.n ower- q g native sense of the divineness of what for startin and those who know his has steadily shrunk and shrivelled and grand olpera, plored must thioroutlghly. Prof. Gates's P would red m h with "You w{ll sat play in port on the g, th,r ahnrli o�f rlectrir,ity, suet might kill, earth that will fiIl ©firth with commo- the world deems gross material sub- ragohute cbaranter are sat.lstied that hA lost her posaessiavns until now all she FroRn time tr time be wag fed Icy a tS t.he. thought of the personn asses{led did stance. has left worth s friend, who poured' down his throat combined anierosoope-telescope was will start, The Axar;t. date of his de- peaking of is Culla. tion suet artnaze. I yr wondrous d� The Philippines are insi coffee, tea and eggs, beaten up wit N brought to ire a marvelous contrivance, sot rise sulwrior to 1.hA dignity on the signs have YOU, m wonder yourself, been The simplicity of the life of labor I+arture from Italy leas not yet lxjen gnifoant pea- wine.. A ,jury of ei ht musicians too), r�rl;Qina1 assailer -might kill the most fixed, but all thn indications are that sessions, g but thin latest additidNl puts it quite ;:ermitted to live? on throuah the cen- looked beautiful.. What will not look - -• --- -- It in tarns to watch' the prrformn.nce. powerful animal if unnerved by fear, turies, All the secreta you ba,ve stor- he will begin his jrwrnep within a in the shade. In his success Herr May - but not imftrre fbo, frehlest lveautiful cont•rftated with the fly in Sr far from tieing rxhiausted at the while his flAsh errlrt, hiR mfg tan, if, ed will then have their useal-all that the ,tieb? few weeks, LIVINGSTON S GRAVE, end of these extraordinary proceedings, er haq mattle a wide departure from cus- The Prince will ire the actual and out, fearless, Thus. when i,n old stories en m°io s soot a, stranger amidst the Drolleries, humors, reputed wittie- Hu Genthe, the English traveller, Signor Gravagni vffe ul to ep a fur- tomary methods. Ln fact rho monster. bilis read of atria ician rent to Benerations will contribute then to not ffi:p edy the nominal leader of gr cher bAt that he vvou1d kAAp nn ire telescoPps do stat digure in hie raticul- g pieces make you their lord, As the trees a,nd isms, are like odors of roast menta, past this ezgrodition, as he was rf t.hA'Mrtunt who lecentlq visited the grave of Dr. another six hours, but there ware no ations whAtever. Without ,gring into by the f;endii he,, hall rvrrked-or stili with the pickin of the int. Livingsttoon, under the old Mpundu tree teleses. more, in Enatern legAnds, that onA ma _ the adrawa era drawn into a whtrpool g fo St. Fliaw ezpAdltion. Hie liautAnant, tclan sar•reedq by his arts in rlestr+ag- '-al's they spin rotund, lyre sucked to the Ideas, mew bore and naked, original who is atlhsa O0r tenorat a riT Inndrn in Africa, found that an ornamental � a loxrg dra,wll opF rtrittties�h� ec �&9xp�nu_ Y atian of tate a itLg another -there Jenny bre sr far deaf,, slid aaggain tossed aloft by the ed- ;de s, are acceptable at no time to( the fence had been erected around the tree. strueted, it is a novel affair, in that true, that ,material being ha.q cloth- dies, ao shluil raocis and thrnnes lxs lrumanitq they visit to help uplift it distingudshed offleer of marines. M. sal, from lis or✓q evil p,rniaerogiis per- plunked into Ylhe ob'arrmr t in desire,- Capri h'as for home tfm(� acted as aide When Mr. Genthe tusked the native who T� OZAR AT HOME, an enormous petralralin mirror 0 yard, from the stat,te of beast. in diameter that revolves upon a fixed 9 i'Rr3 flulds, usual, Success is cost] We find we have de camp to PrinnA Lulgt, and on alt fibs done It he wits told that "a white Alexander Til., the IntA Czar rf Rw�d- axis is ilia matin scheme of tb:v upper• Y quire- tax. Awful Destrogor u y r, eexit orr hPt lesa,*Tthi awful Sha inx, mode, against yawr own will, a Y• file POretgn pxrteditdrns }IA bas been mein amid his aiionna, who had corns pe a.nd Pledged the better part of ourselves hie most tttilsted irir+nd and comTriinion• from the Noz'thweat aP the Laupula, s[a was, said to lie nn aattrcra.t, Aven atus, This canoave mire,, vvhfch is oh tArrif{o •farce;=-�u(tt eR f.h�+ lightn;n,g �Onstrtu+aton!" hn,d caused the fence bo be made. Mr, in the bosom of his family, Nicholas li. rho ordinary "silvered" glass hfla a t.halt haul lain hidden and Innocent in "And that dahe, too, is far off?" to clutch it; not to be redeemed with - Geni.he'n discovery bus excited great small convex parabolic mirror suspanrl. "Ear off; where it comes; think your the whole handful of our prize. interest amon t however, is the very reverse, He re- thy+ t•)mrrl hrcrmrs by ntsfiur:+l law R„ri_ RO'Y'AL LfAMfI,4 OF BOXETtB, g he European common- ed at its Ensue ; and this small mi,•rot denl,y visible., tnlr"s n cdistin,f Rh:tpr to end lit fbis worlds in a;t h'.al 1" Published. memoirs indicate the end ity at Zomba and Blantyre. gards his consort its a, good comrade) focuses the rays received from the larg; Ihr AyA, and ,titin strike dentruetlrm on "H°v' a'nd whilst is the�end9 Look east, of a man's aotivity, and that fib ace Boxing is a, favorite sport of th'e - � and when, In urgent cases, Ministers er ones, and throws them. on thei lens W' an (muteusel rwerful microsco r thA rhjerl it which it is 10traet,,A,” went, agoullth earn nort.lf. gets this ens,. The are his fin- DtlnLgb ro9a1 tamil Prince aI spear SPAIN'S STATIM RELIGION. " You a,re not wit hunt itnowled q being the best Ironer amore them. seek tWi aarxl ahly tato [n rho evening, Y Pr I e• aiimivy(,a ret "Tri the n°rthi, wbnre sow ne�vor yet al ohafrter, making mummy of the g 7`htia a ,.tear and brilliattll,y lightacl pic- n very mighty ts�arr+." ntirl Mr fif�h- teed -towards the points wllano6 yotux grand f' When }tA chttilengod thn In,ie Emper- The staite religion of Spain is the h® {s invariably to bA found in her tura of the moon or alar un,lAr Axam- arrin, rrmpnaprllq. " Arr�,rlini to ingttrtets hilus wn.rnpd yrvl, there n i8iire thtrnq wrnp ssl bile print` or Alexander III. of Retests, laowaver, company, ohatting and laughing with- ination is brought. imnwdintely under a goer . od stud!. Roman Catholio, which is maintained view, could n mortal rel,+ain the speetre will ,seize yrYttl. Tleu neathll I _________ hle mat more thin his match. .King ouk regirahnt, The Czar is gonerallq the microscope, which has a, magnify Ar •veru sf+,ak of, hu, ,mold nopessaarll nap ashirr--it fa ha..1m ted -'tis abased- Msdifled Mourxifalg --I ttotioo that old George of Gretuo, is also skilled with bq this Gnvernitypnt.' This constitution occultied art his desk, whilq the Czar- ing� power of mainy mi I lion dkvinot.orv. hie a mnli,g•nant and evil bring" y it sails o,n. Flatflecit'mnaviab stall after the ggloves, The misnat Eumper'or of permits non-Caithol{es to 'worship as Ina tousles herself with embroidery herr Mayer explains that it will thus "if file power Were AxrrvJAPd al; f that ship, Tt Antem the region of ICA. rim Grtnnieks has quit mourning for Rku"kon hie travels ,around tl1A world, they pleoAm. bttk they must do so pri- work. Immediately a Minfstor enters lie possible, almost, to see t.ho time hnvA syid, menet malignant an,l most Tt pauses n tatty red with' meteors. Twp his late+ wide. Lf►dehd he hrasn't. FTe baa used to have a bout with Prince George vately anal wh'thrpwt maaki,nig any puh. she- rises as if to retire lxut more often by thie walob of t.9tr " roar. in the evil• --though I hell,evo in the anr•Ient rrr,eons Af.arld on hiq•1it, over toe -reefs. T tak6" thte 010)0 off his hat,,, but( he has op Greece, everq morrSing ext this bridge do tinuounosflnentaf tha►ir raligioixs sor- than othenvtso the Czar informs her myon,' or t.o see the Isaieygp% if ar►V, trad.i,'ti,ane t!'3De,t file otiufd tort injure the peA tb,, shin {ooked bctttween white dyed hie beard tend haliz blaok, , of the steatmer, vhoesr, that she Is not one too manly. over the ca.nal:s of Dfnrs. "4,. 15 . ,� `� �" Y r p Y , y{\ ". „ i. tl�f ii,, �,y/,,,, o , yyy��� TED T �� U HO t SE• uead s -they are tee-roaLla I bee �e id, g ,strew the do their�tark . AA axe CLegreets motors on their li Allan, DARING ROYAL EXPLORER, ,�,, SPAIN ALWAYS DEFEATED, USES OF ROYAL KINSHIP. —� �� (�ti�j��jj 'i�` (((ri(((��� jjjjjj��t (({���r fi ��� 11 �J�L �� 0 � _- T__-_ _--_.--_— I B aeau cwt and man -it iS you 1 lint years, thutign so slowly.tbey coxae, have then PRINCE LUIGI HOPES TO FIND THE THE UNITED STATES SHQULA I3E Sotue /neluucee to Rooeat lutrrnatloual ARat,'s in the Old 1t'orlill. ty' MIL ! S "That'; Ah, a ver temttrkable man y l suaLhed you. ',,here is the coming of NORTH POLE. VICTQRIQUS IN THIS WAR. The oandidatutre of Prince Geor a of -- Y good. ho wttl could Bbl tm'ure those , �-, Greece for the Governorship oP Crete !WHAT IS GOING ON IN ' M13 FOUR indeed, I suet him last year amldut with whom it has esl(Lbliahed an affin- age ori your'bruw, and ilia ow(11 is re- •, Lha caves op The Haunted Houcse Tile Ring of Italy'a Nephow line an Or,g- over Three- Hundred Years Age Since is a striking hlluistrationJ oil the per- CORN1BIt3 OF Tt!!; GLOB$. I'+ftr esthe scriptural la its, , over whom it forces n example taxed in Lars calls df the brain. still Anel Pian ter invading the Arcus He- Spain won A Nural llnttle-she Lost onk w is the best ompa a, scholar away, I wilt now (mugine an example that will, Lhuutc,iu euftaebled, exceeds all sonal relations of the reigning houses _ 1 kuaw• \Ve v.ned Com •uA had an that ins be wii;lti,n the laws of nature, glens -Ito Au,ceuded iloaut St. Alae Thoueuade of itlou In Tryluyt to ltetulce audveuture wlt rubbers, kin ywhich he yet seem wil, as than £rubles of a be- that mon khe++ bn[ure yau;through the Luet Year. /.lhruirar-Entliy Ilenten at '1 rn1'alxar. b utape' die wrote a letter to hi8 t)Id sad New World Events at interest Cbron. showed a coolness that saved our lives; wild®red mtrnpr. will you live on gnawed with famine. ooutstnb the Ergperor of Russia, asking. afterwards he invited me too s end a ! " You will reanember that Alt>t rtus And natiure no lunger obeys you in Prince 'Luigi, of Saivoy, +Dulte of A.b- American naval officers are absolute- Icicd Brletly-lateresting ,„oppanings al him to support his claims. '!'hs Em - day with him in a house he had bought I Magnus, after deSeritring minutelq the that aeuth-Vreadiug region; -the sky ruzzi, is certainly to born explorer, ly confident of success in the war with p Ina ent 1Datethe £trema,, wear water at Datnaacu,a--a hoose buried amongst process by which spirits may W invok- Ia a sky of iron, and the air has iron Otherwise, how account for the fact Spain, not only because they have the error at once ado ted him as iha Rus- almoiad-blortee,its t,ud roses -Abe most I ed and eornmr,nded, adds emphatically, clamps and the ice -rocks wedge in the Stan candidate, 'T"hey are not only ackets, with a double skin, which beautiful thing I lie had lived there I that the rocess will instruct unci avail ship, liark how it cracks and groans that this maxi, woo la i4 nephew c>f the beat navy, but beoautre Spain has had m j Lor some Years, quite as an Oriental, I only to the few --that a man tuust be ice wfu imbed it a,i umucr imbeds a King of Italy, should ab present be long, unbroken record of naval defeats CO1�ins, ecioh bein•q a grandson of King they are able Co fill with water from Christian LX. of Denmark, but are also the hose, in grand style. I half suspect be is born a mugioian 1 -that is, burn with straw. And a man Las l;una forth, Liv- bent on malnking til triyi to the North Eva• three centuries and a quarter, and Intitnute friends of Aeart .I.� inrx>,mea tax of Indltt is leve a Mae.�atie, immeulsely rich, % cry mid; a peculiar plc,} Sisal temperament, as a ing yet, irum the Ship and its dead; and pole. Moreover, thin is not the first a victory this time would be an excep , y the Same dl � by thety, a areal mesmeriser. 1 have train is bora a post. Barely are men ' }ie has clambered ud .the spikes of as age, they ,ero comnpanions in a jou;- all incomes of £33 and upwards, and a Bean hdm with m uw a ea ,reduce aA iu whose cc n:stitutuou lurks this occult iceberg Jtztd the two moons gaze down proof which he has giv%3a of his love tion. , .. then only one man in 700 comes w•ith- Y n y I nay around the world, and 1 t in e effect on fuauimate things. 1f you take power of the highest urd,r of intel- , un fits term, 'that man is yourself; and of adventutre. As our,readers know, he The last naval battle coon by Spain George, by his coolness and courage, cit its scope. a letter from your pocket and throw lest ;-usually in the intellect there is terror is yn yuu—terror ; and ter- ascended Mount St, Eliras, in Alaaka;J was that of Lepatnto, fouight in 1571, I heel saved his cousin's life from arq ae- 1 lhWrei h I e been 71,000 deaths from it too the other and of th,% room, he will ruse Lwisl, [erversity, ur disease. But, 'roe has awaltowed cue will. And I h fleet was defeated P+rg n ndia so far, accordi to a Y last year, thus acwmiplbshiIIg til feat when the Ttirkis I ng order it to come to h;is feet, auci you air the other hand, they must poSSas8, I Sea Swarming w,, the Steep ice -rook, which bad baffled several older and This was one of the reatest battles in I sassin's attack in Japan. A personal recent report by the Secretury forindia til see the 1:•tter t; ribgle itself clung to au uston:• ping degree, the faculty grey grizzly things. Th:s bears of the g appeal for support could not be stere- to t'arliament. f} tllI It hoe .obs ed fits com t(f cvuctatrutu chart ht on a ®in la ob- nurtq baro acentdu Lhrir utrr Lh(: more e bleier but the 4 Wish hal not onl mains. 'Yon Y g g q Y- Y xl:er(enced men. Y' Y g,arcleA. Jealoursy of the first husband of the y r• Lis Lrue- Ihave jest -the en: rrgic faculty that w•e call come n.ar yuu and nearer, shambling 1`he I'rince'S grgttt aim ndwtriS to ap- their ablest warrior at their head, but aeexl him effect event rias weatbN, dis- will. Therefore, the h th •ir intellect ama rollin their bulk. And in that 'J he Governorshi of Crete has re- widow• he had uaarried drove a French- lig g proach hearer the pole than Nansen' were given effeet.ive assistance by the P man to kill his wife and then himself Perse or collect clouds, try means a0 a be not. suun i, it. is exeeedin,gl y forci- day every mumeont Shall Seem to sow Genoese and Venetian fleets. , muined an unsettled question since the ,. glass tube or wand. But he does not ble for the atta,inmtent of what it de- longer thou Lh-+ centuries through did, ams in the ddlctht of his heart recently in loris. like talking of these ,natters to stran- Sires. I will imagi.ne Such a Iverson, which you ha✓u passed. And head this! there, is a wild hu;.e lhiit he, may have Since tbat battle Spain has not won i war between Turkey and Greece. The A 130 piound conger: eel. has been rs, He has onl ust arrived in Pre-ealinrn,l ' ifti•,i with this eonsti- -atter itfo, moments continued make' good fortune to plant the Italian a victory on the seas. At one time or , Eultrofean powers, while pledged to pro- ht in Lock Lon Scotland. It !fie Y j y g the I ug g, England; says he has not been here dor tution and its concomitant forces. I - Chia bliss or the hall of eternity." I another the Castilians have been en- tw,,t the isaand and to reform its Gov - a great many years; let me introduce will plaoe him in the loftier grades "Mush," said the wbisper; "Lut the flag a the very uenbrac of the pn just ernment, had been unable to a ree u mgaigth d 6 feet 10 he lna hes in i':'.a him to you." of society. I will Suppose his desires day, you assure me, is far off -very I is especially spurred to action just gaged with Englund, Holland, }trance, g P" leggth and 2 Feet 7 inches [a girth far t I on a cand date for Governor. One ' Certainly 1 tTie is English then 2 emphatic. t fly lh�>Se of the senSuali'st- ; gu back to the almond and i now, bectrwso he ltnows that Captain the petty ttal(un States, crombinutionS Il u:ssia's estimated livirulation ie �+y What is his name?" he bus, the r(sfurr, a strung love of life. !ruse of Uama:nwsJ-sleep!" I of German Pintas auci various other I names after another had been proposed, 106800,000; the combined ovulation of , :;, Oh l -a ver Svordr•u sip is also b=t on, a Polar ex- P L arse' y ltomedy one-Rieb- Har is an ubsulute egotist -bis wilt ia; The room S%%am before my ayes. I countries. 1`he revolutions in Central I only to be rejected. The wily Sultan German and Austria iaSB4110,01)0, add convemLe.red in himself -he has fierce' became in�enaible, When 1 pec°vered, lreditiun, axis ilea idea of playing sea Nested on y " And !what is his birth -his famil ?" pass -ions -he knives no enduring, no I 1 fu,und G-- holdin • m hand and I and fiddle to any onod even to the re, andoulh America cawed her to make o J general principles to every that of the United states is 7'�,3(IU,000, " Flow do I know? What does ,t SL hot affections, but he earn covet ea 6 Y t Sverdru , is abhorrent to use of her naval skill, But always I cacndidate, When Nicho:as Il. ordered I Thexe are annually killed in Africa g' )• g` , amilina. Ha said, ' �•u,u w'ho have al- I dual, able i A, his lYlinister " reify? -no doubt some parvenu, but erty what Pur the moment he destres- ways declared yourself proof against', him, with the same result. She h -is won no � to propose Pr(aee , a minimum of 65,000 elephants, yield- rieh-so infernally richl" he can hate implacably what opposes mesmerism, have siuccumbed at Just George's name the significsance of the ' tag• the production of a quantity of C*— drew me battle which ha? bud the sti ,blest ef- u,p to the stranger, itself to his objects -he can commit , to my friend, Richards," HELPED B'i: THE I{ING. E � I raw ivory the sollinR, price of which feet. toward battering her fortunes. � namina,tion as the ,Sonat choice of � £&50000. °gI and the introduction was effected, '.Che fearful erimes, het feet small remorse "avttere is Mr. Richards?" Bing fluwl-ert, though he hesitated i the :•overetgn was perceived through- • manners of Mr. Richards were not -be resorts rather to curses upon oth- I "Gone, when you passed into a trance It was only seventeen years after the '!'here are in Galicia 600,000 children those at an adventurous traveller, ers, than to eniteue" fur his misdeeds. at first, etas at last given his sane- � vat Europe. France, as Russia's closest who cannnot et an schoolin* ►' sayta, quietly to me, 'Your friend I battle of the armanda at Le nto that g y s . Aa al vellers are in general constitution- Circumstances, to which his constitu- i watt nut rva.ke for an hour.' " tiun to his nephew's plan, and has even Spun Sent Icer su.pposedty invincible ! ally at once supported the candidature. many as 1,173 new schvo!-houses are y gifted with animal spirits; they tion guides him, lead him• to a rare I asked, as collectedly as I could. Shown his pra,,Gual interest iu it bey I arm•mila-thy reatest fleet in a ear- I Lord Salisbury seconded tt gladly, es called for, the cost of which is esti,- are talkative, eager,-rmperrous. Mr, knowlel.ge of the natural secretsw•hich wheie ::Cir. hi,•hard5 ouged. promising to eontrii,grte 500,1,00 lire' V g pedally as the Prince was the nephew mated at 4,612,( U florins. Richards was calm and subdued to may serve his egotism. He is a close anc•e that. the world had ever seen - "et the '1'raialgur Hotel." towards the ex ,eoses of Lha ex edi- I I of the Princess of Wales. Ital ac uie- An Ali ht ear -old els hant, whose tune, with manners which were made ! observer where. his passions en°our;ge ! "Give ,tree yuur arm," said I to G-, I P ag:,inst Great Britain. But they were i Y q g Y -y P distant by the loftiness of punctilious observation, he is a minute calc•ulat tion, aced. The attitude of the Kaiser is not life has hitherto been devoted to crush. courtesy -the manners of a former age. I or, not from love of truth, but where i let; urs call our him; I have something Itie Prince does nut ro ose to follow cie'e ted overwhe,m,n,gly by a British qct full to say." p P force that -,vas insignificant compared y known, ting the life oRtt of condemned criminals I 'observed that the EaglLsh he spoke love of self sharpens his faoulties,- fn Nansen's footsie s, 11tS tan is to Greece had ptluniged into war in or- fru India, has been acquired by a Han',. was not exactly of our clay, I should therefore he can be a man of science. ! vv fieri we arrived at the hotel, we p P wi! h Cha gee t 5punish tleet of war- der to Jlberate and annex Crete, and burr dealer for a Berlin menaQgrie. Y were told tba.t Mr. Richards had re- o b sea as far as, Fruncis-Jose h's ...., even have said that the docent was II I su;,post• such a being, huvin, by ex- turned twenty minute, ipefore paid his g Y p shilsa. had been disustrotisly defeated. The A French author, 1vI. de �[erg•uil, hoe slightly foreign. But then Mr, Rich- perir•nce learned the I;over of his arts' Lana ane to completa his jcuurney by aPpoint•ment of a son of the Kin of ards remarked that he had been lit- over others, trying what maty be the bili, felt directions with his servant means of albdges and E's:,mu canoes, • UNABLE TO KE![.P GIBRALTAR. S (w•,ri,tteia, a book on AladavWec,ar, int tle in (he habit fur Worn ears oP -,per of will over his own frame, and (a (:reek) tv l,a k his effects, and pro- knu,%n its ku akS. AppuleuLa he is the, Greece as Governor oP Crete would be y y p° Beed to Malta b • the Ste. finer that Y Y Sirtin wan unable to �retui❑ Gibral- a considerable victory for the pros(,rate which he claims that that i5lund was speaking in his native tongue. The studying till that in natural philosophy y t first to con.,eivu ate idea of arriving tor, the greatest of the +vorld's fortres- 1 little kingdom. Thee Aaltan refu:;ed to colonized by Greeks, and that Ijonw - conversation' fell upon the changes in may increase that power, He. loves life, , should leave Sout h' mNtun the next day at the North L ole in this manner, L,wt Ses, Ert land w•on it in 1704 after an consent to It, and a $ ppealed Io the Ger- was no one else than Ulysses hiIIlself, thetasueet of London since he hath last he dreads death; he w�ilis to live on. Ile' DIr. Richards h.td tuerely said of hie the ar•gummenu which he brings Lurward attach by Sir George Rooke, the prince m:Ln Emperor. Russia at once applied a reat traveller. visited our metropolis. iG-- then c•a.nnot restore himself' to youth, he, o%vn mo%emonts, that he had visits to in favor of nes 1, n show thut'he isnot of Hesse-Darmstadt, Sir JohW Lealte ,assure b dsmiridin the merit of g glanced off to the moral changes—lite-' cannot entirely Stay the Progress of ; ay in the ueitzlihorhosd of London,and actin•* rash) or without due fore- and Admiral B •n S Lin re eatedl aarrears ofyinterest on the unpaid war The Swiss Government is makingneff-- rap social, it was ,u.ncertnin w•hot her he should bei y y q' p Y forts to roteot useful, buds, t,!.' • y', Political -the great men death, h • sonnet make himself immorl- I thoauaht. tried to get it back but h-ts never been indemnity contracted by Turkey in the P who were removed from the std a with- al in the iiosh and, blooil; but lie ma able tv reach Soulhunnlun in time lie Claims that the main' reason wh in the last tweet g Y Y � sueceasful, and it yet remains in .E:ng- ; oaanpaiigns of 1877-78. Wbenever the ' thi:ng• can be dune without Italian co- y years -the new great arrest, for ct time so prolonged as to fur that steamer: if n rt, he, should fol- his ascent of vloutnt SL, Elitas-a feat j land's possession. The Spanish and ; Sul,tan is obstinate he is forcibly re- operatloa, and the Italians, even in igen' who were coming on, Tn all this appear incredible if I said it, thus ; low in the next one. which was vainly attemilsted by a party French lost 10,000 man in the first at- 'minded that Tnrrkey awes Russia a Switzerland, continue to slaughter '' Mr, Richards evinced n�o interest. He ' hardening of the parts which const i- The wait -r aske l me my name. On of tourists a few days before he ac- tempt, three months after its capture, ' great dell of money. Tlri,v candidature, birds in the most ruthless manner. ' had, evident, read alone of our livi my informing him,, ha gave me a note Y lig totes old age. A year may age him comlptiyhed it -+was sw• h a Pronounced while the British loss was about 40U. which will at ante do much to retrieve T'he town of Dornstettin, iII Wtirt- authbrs, and seemed scarcely acquaint- no more than an h, •ur ages anottler. His that 57 r, iii; h+rrls had left for me, in success, was because he had with him Another attack by the Spaniards( in ' the fortunes of Greece and will offer a rt• ed by name with our ,younger states- ;intense trill, scientificall trained in case I called, temburg, has its funds so wall invest - men. O :e and onl once he tau fed; y a largo and 'thurough,y org<Lmiz+d 17_D was repulsed with great loss. In praotical solution of a troublasotne I ad thrat the inhabitants instead of Y g to System, operates, in short, over thel The note was as follows: -"I wished caravan the memirers of which were 1727 their attack cost them 5.009 men_ I ques,tisotr of European diplomacy, is the a of 15 each) �" `� It'vas w�eu G— asked him ,whether wear and tear o,f his own frame, lle', You to utter what was in your e & trained mountain uiimbvios, Now• he while but 309 of the :mall British gar outcome of the intimate relations of I lug' taxes receive l�� art a d he had any thoulg•hts of getting into I lives on. That h' ma • not Seem a; You obeyed. I have therefore reat;uais that, if he anJ sltur.h men could ,,son of liritiah riefomders perished. In the t+vo cousins, who were together in 'annually, be;•ides free firewo u Parliament•, And the laugh was in- I portent and a. miracle, he (ties from', fished power over you. Fvr three � 1779 the french and S niards made a far Mast. free use of land for raising vegetables. aisuena Mount S�t, hlin.s, th•�re is nc pea -1 lis ward -sarcastic -sinister -a sneer rail- 1 months from this day you can com- ' concerted attack, and altlyou; h th I In the same wa the German Em- pard Bate (has tried to encolilra' I time to time, seemingly, to cerLaiii per- Son why they shawls nut succuss in g v3 y go ed into a laugh. After a few minutes sons, Having schemed the transfer of municate to no living man what has, raaohipg the pole. employed the greatest armament that , Peror, in entering upon a diplomatic marria. e at Cardiff, Wales, by offering G— left us to talk to same. other ac- a wealth that swffLees .to his wants, he paced between us-yuu cannot even Lits Ian then is to take with him' h td up to that time been brought ; and naval camyxiitgn in China, commis- , $ to thetianc s who had just lounged in- disappears from one corner of the, show this note t.o the friend by your, ataout twenty of the most skilled Ital- against a fortress they were over- s{oned his brother to visit Queen Vic i a dowry once a ye:Lr to a deservir>gl m, and I thea said, quietly- world, sand contrivers that his oksf cies side, During three months, silemse tan mouutuineera, as wall as several thrown. Another army of 40,000 men � toria at Osborne. Prince henry is a girl. The 52ayor of the town reports, "I have seen a nrixiiature of you, DTr. ip q' complete. as to me and mine. Do yout, Esruimaux and teams of •do s. When, w'it.h a naval force failed in a similar j favorite amohg the Queen's randsons, hgw'ever, that during a whole year he shall be celebrated. Ha pea , ears at' l g g Richards, pe the house you once (rehab- I another corner of the world, where heI doubt my peeve, to lay on you this the Darty approaches dangerous effort in 1781, and in con:%equaance pf his visit more has re:eived not a single pplicatiori. iced. and, Perhaps, built, if not wl3olly, re tees wndetec tact, and does nut re_ command ?-try to disobey me. At the ro'ttnd scouts wilt be sent ahead to The most determined effort made by ! friendly relations between F,ngland Liverpool's Ch'.Lmber of Commerce is at least in part, in -- Street. You visit the scenes of his former career till end of the thir,l anon! h, the spall is reconnoitre, and thenceforth the jvur the French and Spanish to regain the i and Germany have been established. I ging the . passed by that house this morninig." I raised. For the rest I slra.re you. I I ree -,sill tro maxle b matins of tela s, fortress wgs in 1781, when 12,000 of the I Whatever map be the rival policies of I cionsidering the Klan of grid Not till I had finished did I raise n1Y all. who .could remember his features Y shall visit yrus grave a year and a Y best troops of ,France were engaged, ! Russia and England in China, the fam ' r, y by a su'sFena,on bridge 1, are no more. Ile rau,uld be profoundly 1n either words, tit+ larl.y will form in- teat above hi*h water. with a central oyes to his, and than fids £fixed, cry gaze day after it has 'received you." I One thousand pieces of artillery were fly relations of the two courts tend to 6 y mi_erable if he had affeuticws,- he S° ends this strange story, which TI C,r a sort of bhrintn ladder, the duty brought against the fortress i.esides promote compromise incl peace, Nicbo-' an 'L,000 feat lorog, and two Side spans so steadfastt that l could not with- P' draw it -those fascinating serpent eyes. hats none Lwt for himself. Nv good man of the foremost Irein, to take pos Lt g g each of 1,09U Leet. The e. timated cost would accept his longevity, and to no ask no one to I„•)ieve. I write,it down I forty -:;even Sail of the line, all three is TI. has married a ,susses titer of But involuntaril and as i'f the words Session of a certain point, g g Queen, and is strongly influenced that translated my tivowght were <trag-; man, good or bad, would lie or could', exactly three •n•,nt}vs after I reeeiv-I deckers. ten reat floatiR batteries, th,e is $12,500,000. Prince L'ui i maintains that in this C-1 from me,, T added, in n low whis be culumwn(cate its true secret. Such the above note. dI couldrvnot° Gite in,' way, Wok only i, flue risk of physical Su posed lot lie invincibl , carryin 212 by his other, who is a sister of the I Karl Marx's rli hteSuE')east(c ars a mon mi h.L exi6t; swig. ai,man as I 1 }afore, n r r dare ei redo^ed to a minimum, but 4 corupteted a on per, "f brave Leen a student in the c sl,lte of his ur,ront request, the note, g such as xehec.s, frigates, bomb catches, mysteries of life ane! nt:turo ; of those I have described 1 see now before me 1 the ebance of reac:hing the pole, also roe- un and mortar boats. For weeks 6, I ser by ending her oven .i'e w tth i,it Dr. mysteries 1. ,have known the occult pro- - I which T read under the gas -lamp by g -Dar,ke of - in the court of--, di-, comes much greater. General Boldin- 000 shells -,vera daily thrown, but the acid. tihe lived with the Socialr:;t I)r. fessora. .I have the r'aght to apwak to viding time bet%+een Just, and brawl, his side• era recommended that the same tae ou thus,” And I uttered -a certain alchemists and wizards; a ain, in (Toe End.) tics he emrlu edi diu,'in the recent Barri.on of only 7,0(10 British held the FREAKISH FEATS. inquest and bore his name, but at the y g T y" fort. inquest ha asserted that they had nev- 16.ftw..�w�--�„-'^--I---,•... the last century, charlatan anti crimi- _ i lta:ian campaign, Wt unfurt uuately At a meeting oa the high seas Slain � � er gone throught the form, of mar- e , said he, dryly, " I concede the nal, with name less noble, domiciled his recomm-•ndation came too late. had a more Severe lesson in the prow- Some foolhardy ♦�'tt�ers Dhule lay Foolish I riage. right -what would you ask?" in the hose at which you gazed to- The expedition %will certainly not fall ess of the Anglo-Saxon tars. A Span- lndrvl,lun,x, ' Brttiph traria ethics are about to ap GRAINS OF GOLD. I 1 to the Xlrndike. Liverpool. has To what extent human -,vitt in ser- day, and flyin„� from, the la%r you had for lack of funds. "Nu't only will i fish fleet of resents -nine, sail was total- 1 erttafs the most forlharcfy feat on rain ternperaments can extend?" outraged, none kne%v whither;- i rap -- gave my umcic's SUO,U00 fire," said ly defeated by fir Cleorge iiyng int the record rues that of a. Itr rich cabinet. I - Y "To what extent can thought ex- veller once more revisiting London, Speech is the small change of silence. Prince l.ulgi to a friend the other day, Faro of Messina, Jul 31, 17EO. Near :ant out on the steamer lrgest nse- tend? Thivk, and before ou draw' -,-,lith the i_am,o earthly passions which "lint I will also have ample fundis oP y maker n%mecl Paul Parmentier, who,; bound for St. Mich'+el, the largest car- t Thought flies beat when the hands Cape Vincent Rodney �rv-hipped an- white drihkin in a -,+•fine she p breath you are in Chinal" filled your heart when races now n° are easily busy. my ow•n. My intention is to d-evote.my other .fleet in 1780; and France and g f in the go of liquor Aver -hipped. It includes "True. But my thout,ght has no pow- more walked through yonder streets; entire inserts of L%1},ir90 lire to this Spain together fought desperately but Ripa £teller, in PFLCiS, a s}rort time ago 14 0it11 ciises and 1,1'OJ barrels of s, frits, Friendship, I fancy, means one heart vain! a ainst En 1 and in the ba of offered to la a wa er of five frilmry ehiefl whisks and 3,000 barrels of ei• in China. -outlaw from the s ool of ail the object during the three years that Cha y g g ; Y y y. ys tvetween two. y g • ' "Glue it expression, drn•t it. meq brave; nobler and diviner mystics;- execrable journey will hist, and isf that �s not G;braltar. � Spain alwlrys had allies. that be would beer. you may write down it thought which, Linage of Life in Death and Death in A metaphor is the Deus ex m.tchina enough C_ am, ready to encroach up- England was fighting half the rest oP I jurnli nut of i> fouTtb! T.hou'gh only sixteen murders of chil- sooner or later, ma.y alter the, whole Life, 1 warn your back from the cities of an ari;ument. - on my ew,ital." the world. floor -,vindow without hurting him - condition' of (china. What is a law but . and homes of health£tul men; back to Observation is the most enduring of The 1 rinse is only twenty-five years BATTLE OF TRAFALGAR. ' self, seen have ba,c traced certainly to t}re a thou ht? Tberefore thou ht is in- I the ruins of de .acted empires; back to the leasures of life, murderer Vau]ter, and eighteen more g g I P old, and he looks even yvtrnger. One Tlne last. of the more im 'Creating the rifer as a joke his finite -(.herefore thought has powek ; the deserts of natadre unredeemedil" All life is a lesson that we live to who did not know hien. would say that portant naval were probably his work, it seems that battles erugaged in by fif-ttin was that comrades accepted rise het, but were in the three years after his ,stases n it in proportion to its value -a bad Chore answered me a whisper so mu- env but in the S irit, ,he has not the robur it ness or physical from w madhouse there were, no less j Y P of Trafalgar, in which the !'ranch and horrified vehen Irarrmentier ruched iri- though't may make a had law as pot- sieai, so potently mtursical, that it seem- Earne,staass works out its own cure strength which is nec'e,,sary for the sus- Spanish together attempted to give ent as a good thought carr, make agood ed to enter into my whole being, and more surely than frenzy. cessful comilrletion of Such tq hazard- battle to the Engli,h fleet after having to the roan, a.n,l, climbing up four ;b,;Ln ninety eight rnurders and at- one.' subdue me despite myself. Thus it ous enter'Iprise. He, is of slight build, fli hts of stairs to his o%rn room, threw , lerR is to mlurder and out,ra a {a " Yes; what you say confirms my own I said - there is xl'otbivg the body suffers medium beigh't, and, so far as out- dodged it for months, "l hey relied on g P g theory. Through invisible currentwone "I have sou ht one like ou for the that the soul may not profit try• ward a n.rances go, is nit to ire com- a numerical superiority, but were easi- himself into the Street, fie %vas pick- Prance, where the police were unable g Y ppe. ly beaten by Nelson, tau find any clue to the perpetrators, 7rurnaa brain may transmit its last hundred ears. Now I have found Two hearts that make one Soul do not ,.aped to stub hard ex rlorers as Nor- - ad urp 'tvit�tt Fits left leg broken and neri- ideas to other human brains Y aeparatel count their ifts. 1 Y L Since then Spiain has not attempted ; ours, in ured interna,ll At rehearsal Sir Henry Irving will with the same ra idit as Y°u, we Start Writ till I know what I Y g denakiold, Nansen or Sverdrupp against to fight on the seats except with the y y' a rho ht P Y desire. The vision that sees through We women miss life only when we whom he ha's fearlessly entered in I A short tittle a, o the cirrus at Bol- sit upon the stage among his players, tug promulgated by visible the Paat, and' cleaves through the veil Ameri republics r vi tri h and Central q g q means. :1n l as that ht is imperish- have never met the man t.v reverence. competition. On the other hand, be America. Tme I'eruvi tnv and Chileans 'tun, England, was the scene( of an ex- watchiiu aver movement and li8ten- yB of the Future, is in you at this hour; A goldesl miracle, Good looks and gold bas an immenae fund of, energy and' easily beat the Spanish in the .wars of tug to every word, and constantly ahle-as it leaves its stamp behind it never before, never to come a Lin;- will ower, a•s his swooessful' ascent, of M citing incident, a local barber, gam- in the natural world even when the $` together are rather superhuman. Tr mfr and Imit d sui the Spanish ad- stopping sues' one -`Miss !terry as thinker htus passed owt orf this worlrt- the vtgio,n of no I:atling fantastic girl, Mount St. Elias amply proves. miral, committed suicide in 1864 Fe- ed 6ettle, ha%�ing undertaken to Shave of no sick -bed somnambule, but of a The slave of a pession, thinks in a ,A TRUE SAVANT: cause of his defeat by the South Amer- a man in the lion's den. The event'duly readily as the messenger -who does sol the thought of the living may hive strong maxi, with a vigorous brain. ring, as hares run; he will cease where not do exactly right Mr. Irving rises, power to rotae uo 'and revive the His brother, the L'ount rf Turin, icons. His successor was the blunder- I came off, The building was crowded thoughts of the dead -such as those Soar and look fortljl he begun, aptly described him some time ago. ii4$ and ro+wardl,v Nunez. who t:ombard- . explains the fault, and gives the pro- tbnu fits wrrA in lite= though the As he spoke I, felt as if I lose out Gossi is a beast of re that does peaking of the mom�lsers of the fa.m- ed Valparaiso and dest•ro ed the to excess, and the lrarlper, attired in g of myself u,)on ca, le yr to s. All the P p Y ' Y prO- per form, and that part of the scene thou ht of the livin cannot reach the g g not wait for the death of the, creature it he said: "My oldest brother, the party of FuroPeall thus arousinig the all hes ask amid halvmost ro ou d ex - g g y, is immediately repeated. As hs is very thoughts' which the dead now may en- leeight seemed -roof from airdo roof- it devours. Duke of Aosta, is the 'handsome one ind'ugnation of ail Europe. ed the task am{d the mast prrGvuntl ex - leas the room, -roofless the dome of youngest brother, the Nunez attempted to repeat this same citemAnt, exact as to every saran, and requires tertain• TR it. nr,t sat" slsCe, C was not in the txrdy-where I That small motives era at the sot of the family; my , trick at Callao, but some vessels that I deelipe to an-4wer, i , in dg- Duke of Abruzzi, is than savant, and Another extraordinar feat, was that its Lly iaagin to a nicety,, you can ment, th mi. ht has the limit knew not -but aloft over time, over tom of matt illustrious actions, is a ha Y readily imfygiae that the scene does y peened to be in the harlsor fired a g yru would I am simply a good fellow.' PIs to it ; but ,cored. Yau' have' a s ,e- earth. modern disoaverq. A Savant Prince Lui •i incised ie, but few shots and be fled. perfrrmad by a Cienna shoemaker oat n,ot quickly reach perfection. 13ut his p T A ain I heard thA melodirtts whir r- It is this record that makes the na- lou a o, This individual undertook patience holds out against every test C it has beeen established that we do it receives. Over anal over again the sial question you wish to put." g by ao means one of the ordinary, type, f3 g " Intense malligntty in an intense will, br •`You say richt. I have master- not wax diviner by dragging down the "A fin de siecle savanW he is," says a val officers believe they }rave an easy front a given calf to manufacture a tine is recited, or the bit of acorn engendered in fL peculiar temperament, ed great secreta by the horse, of Will; gods to our level. , French •journal, "and there is nothing task before them in the war with pair of txvots within tw•ent four hours a'nd aided by natural means within the .-tru,e, by Will and by Science T. can r•+- Enthusiasm is a heaven sent steeple- ! i" ,nrr ,u ' etneen him and the gegen- Spain, and they would be surprised if y Lyse, untn all {a perfect. At the tard the process of ears; but (loath „ this witr should prove for the first time of the animal's death. Lyceum one :.ees the perfection of reach of Science, may produce effects y 'dory scientiat: Early in the morning of the ap 8ta{ge discipline, and in Mr. Irving the like those encriiie,I of old to evil magic. comes not by age alone. Can I frus- chaser, and takes a ,flying leap of the that Spain could defeat Anglo•Saxgns, 1 y rfe di,on li stage patience. Tt might thus haunt the walls of ale+t- er•v on of the Quir{nal is much rr ,eluted da tL, calf was killed in they trate the accidents which bring death ordinary barriers. or any other nation for that matte interested in the forthcoming asps- •presence oP numerous witnesses. Tho man habitation with s ctral revivals upon the young?" Masculine ideas are one thing; but dition, and the Italian people in gen- -- shin was tit the tannery shortly aft- af all guilty thoughts and guilty deeds "No; every accident is a providence, let feminine ever be feminine, or our eral are proud to th,n;c that a mem- erwards; it was properly tanned, and once conceived and done within those Before a providence snaps every hu- civilization perishes. ber of the royal family h•tq the sour- TWICE A GREAT NATION. turned over tr the spirited shremaker MARVELLOUS INVENTION. walls; all in short, with which the evil man will." The young who avoid the region of age to undertake such a pertlous,work that very evening, and next morning ib will claims rapport and affinit im- ' Shall I die at last, ages and ages perfect, incoberant, , fragme tary, hence, by the slow, though inevi- Romance escape the title of Fool at the and 'Ithe scientific knowledge without Fpuln Roar Frons ,ler Flrat l;etbnclt Iq,t appeared in the shape of a pair of Tho Moon srongrit FiNhta EnRy SPncri at !1azt0kes at the old dramas acted there- table, growth of i isnn, or by the cause cost of a celestial crown. whi fi n; cess is ; hardly a to kid for Laerir lend ret 1'r este boots, which were worn by the meq On the other hand; i;he ]mmediatr mem- Spain was once the greatAat nation who owned the calf the day before, the. �Varid Ly n Srccul. Cm,lrivance. in years a Thoughts tbus crossing that I call accident ?" Women don't care uncommonly for leers of Prinne Ludgi's family, with the onl the face of the globe. Say, rather, Reverting to feats of a different )ear Herr Jobatn Mayer, an Austrian each other hasp -hazard, as in the night- By a oau% you call accident, thA men who love them, though they possible exception of Icing Humbert, Lure, we may mention the performance Lieutenant, has just disoovered a meth - mare of a vision, growing up Intopban- "ls not the end still remote?" aak- like precious well to tie loved. are rather frightened at the thought she was twice so, First, as a centre of Signor Gravagni, a Milanese pianist, od by which the moon can be, brought tom eights and soun,ls, and all serving ed the whisper, with it, slight, tremor. After fart men have married their g P Y to create horror, not because those "Regarded as my life re ards time, Y of what th'e yrvng man [s atxvut to oP learnin and science under the who made a bet that he would la fpr within istlol-shot o'f the world, fi ur- g` habits, and wives are only an item; in undertake and they would not, be sor- Saracenic rule, when the city of Cor- twenty-five cunaecut.ivo hours, with P g sights and sounds arts really visitations it is still remote." yv if some unexlier,ted obgtaole were only an interval of half an hour for atively speakingg. Nothing among the from a world without, but that they "And shall I, 1'eforA then, mix with the list, and not the mast important. doves had a +mile of gas lit streets and t:o prevent him from carrying out his fountains of uicksilver refreshment. He won triumphantly, many marvels of modern invention is are ghastly monstrous renewals of the world of !n„n a+ T dil ere T dAnrn- Whether a woman loves a man or q plaged in tine for he went strati ht on without• tall what have been in this world itself, tmtention, g mgrs astoniahiug than oris +same dis- set into malt n•+nt la ed these secrets, resume eager inter- not, ire is her lover if hey dares tell her palace yard of the calif>h. Second, when tag the sti•Pu�latfd period of rest. St.art- B P y by a malig- est in their strife and lhetr trouble A.LI, PREPARATIONS MADE. covery. By his inve.nMft Herr Mayer na&F mortal, And It is titre h the -battle with ambition, and use the be loves her, rind is heard withn atten- 'hat any such Obstacle, however) she was the greatest military power ing art eleven at night, Ire kApt on ,wn- materia,l algawtaq oP that human brain ower of the sae to win the power tion' 'Rill arise is extremely improbable. ire Europe. But Spain could not stand til. m[dnight °£ the Pollu-,ving day play- says the moon can Ire brought withx- P g True poets and true women have the Ing -,works by Wbgner, comio spars, a diistunee of 100 arse, i tact, and ex- thnt these thimga would ae mire even that belongs to kin a?” Prince Twig[ has made all preparatirns the march of modern invention, She ballet music, and Y e humra.n ower- q g native sense of the divineness of what for startin and those who know his has steadily shrunk and shrivelled and grand olpera, plored must thioroutlghly. Prof. Gates's P would red m h with "You w{ll sat play in port on the g, th,r ahnrli o�f rlectrir,ity, suet might kill, earth that will fiIl ©firth with commo- the world deems gross material sub- ragohute cbaranter are sat.lstied that hA lost her posaessiavns until now all she FroRn time tr time be wag fed Icy a tS t.he. thought of the personn asses{led did stance. has left worth s friend, who poured' down his throat combined anierosoope-telescope was will start, The Axar;t. date of his de- peaking of is Culla. tion suet artnaze. I yr wondrous d� The Philippines are insi coffee, tea and eggs, beaten up wit N brought to ire a marvelous contrivance, sot rise sulwrior to 1.hA dignity on the signs have YOU, m wonder yourself, been The simplicity of the life of labor I+arture from Italy leas not yet lxjen gnifoant pea- wine.. A ,jury of ei ht musicians too), r�rl;Qina1 assailer -might kill the most fixed, but all thn indications are that sessions, g but thin latest additidNl puts it quite ;:ermitted to live? on throuah the cen- looked beautiful.. What will not look - -• --- -- It in tarns to watch' the prrformn.nce. powerful animal if unnerved by fear, turies, All the secreta you ba,ve stor- he will begin his jrwrnep within a in the shade. In his success Herr May - but not imftrre fbo, frehlest lveautiful cont•rftated with the fly in Sr far from tieing rxhiausted at the while his flAsh errlrt, hiR mfg tan, if, ed will then have their useal-all that the ,tieb? few weeks, LIVINGSTON S GRAVE, end of these extraordinary proceedings, er haq mattle a wide departure from cus- The Prince will ire the actual and out, fearless, Thus. when i,n old stories en m°io s soot a, stranger amidst the Drolleries, humors, reputed wittie- Hu Genthe, the English traveller, Signor Gravagni vffe ul to ep a fur- tomary methods. Ln fact rho monster. bilis read of atria ician rent to Benerations will contribute then to not ffi:p edy the nominal leader of gr cher bAt that he vvou1d kAAp nn ire telescoPps do stat digure in hie raticul- g pieces make you their lord, As the trees a,nd isms, are like odors of roast menta, past this ezgrodition, as he was rf t.hA'Mrtunt who lecentlq visited the grave of Dr. another six hours, but there ware no ations whAtever. Without ,gring into by the f;endii he,, hall rvrrked-or stili with the pickin of the int. Livingsttoon, under the old Mpundu tree teleses. more, in Enatern legAnds, that onA ma _ the adrawa era drawn into a whtrpool g fo St. Fliaw ezpAdltion. Hie liautAnant, tclan sar•reedq by his arts in rlestr+ag- '-al's they spin rotund, lyre sucked to the Ideas, mew bore and naked, original who is atlhsa O0r tenorat a riT Inndrn in Africa, found that an ornamental � a loxrg dra,wll opF rtrittties�h� ec �&9xp�nu_ Y atian of tate a itLg another -there Jenny bre sr far deaf,, slid aaggain tossed aloft by the ed- ;de s, are acceptable at no time to( the fence had been erected around the tree. strueted, it is a novel affair, in that true, that ,material being ha.q cloth- dies, ao shluil raocis and thrnnes lxs lrumanitq they visit to help uplift it distingudshed offleer of marines. M. sal, from lis or✓q evil p,rniaerogiis per- plunked into Ylhe ob'arrmr t in desire,- Capri h'as for home tfm(� acted as aide When Mr. Genthe tusked the native who T� OZAR AT HOME, an enormous petralralin mirror 0 yard, from the stat,te of beast. in diameter that revolves upon a fixed 9 i'Rr3 flulds, usual, Success is cost] We find we have de camp to PrinnA Lulgt, and on alt fibs done It he wits told that "a white Alexander Til., the IntA Czar rf Rw�d- axis is ilia matin scheme of tb:v upper• Y quire- tax. Awful Destrogor u y r, eexit orr hPt lesa,*Tthi awful Sha inx, mode, against yawr own will, a Y• file POretgn pxrteditdrns }IA bas been mein amid his aiionna, who had corns pe a.nd Pledged the better part of ourselves hie most tttilsted irir+nd and comTriinion• from the Noz'thweat aP the Laupula, s[a was, said to lie nn aattrcra.t, Aven atus, This canoave mire,, vvhfch is oh tArrif{o •farce;=-�u(tt eR f.h�+ lightn;n,g �Onstrtu+aton!" hn,d caused the fence bo be made. Mr, in the bosom of his family, Nicholas li. rho ordinary "silvered" glass hfla a t.halt haul lain hidden and Innocent in "And that dahe, too, is far off?" to clutch it; not to be redeemed with - Geni.he'n discovery bus excited great small convex parabolic mirror suspanrl. "Ear off; where it comes; think your the whole handful of our prize. interest amon t however, is the very reverse, He re- thy+ t•)mrrl hrcrmrs by ntsfiur:+l law R„ri_ RO'Y'AL LfAMfI,4 OF BOXETtB, g he European common- ed at its Ensue ; and this small mi,•rot denl,y visible., tnlr"s n cdistin,f Rh:tpr to end lit fbis worlds in a;t h'.al 1" Published. memoirs indicate the end ity at Zomba and Blantyre. gards his consort its a, good comrade) focuses the rays received from the larg; Ihr AyA, and ,titin strike dentruetlrm on "H°v' a'nd whilst is the�end9 Look east, of a man's aotivity, and that fib ace Boxing is a, favorite sport of th'e - � and when, In urgent cases, Ministers er ones, and throws them. on thei lens W' an (muteusel rwerful microsco r thA rhjerl it which it is 10traet,,A,” went, agoullth earn nort.lf. gets this ens,. The are his fin- DtlnLgb ro9a1 tamil Prince aI spear SPAIN'S STATIM RELIGION. " You a,re not wit hunt itnowled q being the best Ironer amore them. seek tWi aarxl ahly tato [n rho evening, Y Pr I e• aiimivy(,a ret "Tri the n°rthi, wbnre sow ne�vor yet al ohafrter, making mummy of the g 7`htia a ,.tear and brilliattll,y lightacl pic- n very mighty ts�arr+." ntirl Mr fif�h- teed -towards the points wllano6 yotux grand f' When }tA chttilengod thn In,ie Emper- The staite religion of Spain is the h® {s invariably to bA found in her tura of the moon or alar un,lAr Axam- arrin, rrmpnaprllq. " Arr�,rlini to ingttrtets hilus wn.rnpd yrvl, there n i8iire thtrnq wrnp ssl bile print` or Alexander III. of Retests, laowaver, company, ohatting and laughing with- ination is brought. imnwdintely under a goer . od stud!. Roman Catholio, which is maintained view, could n mortal rel,+ain the speetre will ,seize yrYttl. Tleu neathll I _________ hle mat more thin his match. .King ouk regirahnt, The Czar is gonerallq the microscope, which has a, magnify Ar •veru sf+,ak of, hu, ,mold nopessaarll nap ashirr--it fa ha..1m ted -'tis abased- Msdifled Mourxifalg --I ttotioo that old George of Gretuo, is also skilled with bq this Gnvernitypnt.' This constitution occultied art his desk, whilq the Czar- ing� power of mainy mi I lion dkvinot.orv. hie a mnli,g•nant and evil bring" y it sails o,n. Flatflecit'mnaviab stall after the ggloves, The misnat Eumper'or of permits non-Caithol{es to 'worship as Ina tousles herself with embroidery herr Mayer explains that it will thus "if file power Were AxrrvJAPd al; f that ship, Tt Antem the region of ICA. rim Grtnnieks has quit mourning for Rku"kon hie travels ,around tl1A world, they pleoAm. bttk they must do so pri- work. Immediately a Minfstor enters lie possible, almost, to see t.ho time hnvA syid, menet malignant an,l most Tt pauses n tatty red with' meteors. Twp his late+ wide. Lf►dehd he hrasn't. FTe baa used to have a bout with Prince George vately anal wh'thrpwt maaki,nig any puh. she- rises as if to retire lxut more often by thie walob of t.9tr " roar. in the evil• --though I hell,evo in the anr•Ient rrr,eons Af.arld on hiq•1it, over toe -reefs. T tak6" thte 010)0 off his hat,,, but( he has op Greece, everq morrSing ext this bridge do tinuounosflnentaf tha►ir raligioixs sor- than othenvtso the Czar informs her myon,' or t.o see the Isaieygp% if ar►V, trad.i,'ti,ane t!'3De,t file otiufd tort injure the peA tb,, shin {ooked bctttween white dyed hie beard tend haliz blaok, , of the steatmer, vhoesr, that she Is not one too manly. over the ca.nal:s of Dfnrs. "4,. 15 . ,� `� �" Y r p Y , y{\ ". „ i. tl�f ii,, �,y/,,,, o ,