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The Blyth Standard, 1903-06-18, Page 8
DKIff.NNEDY81 KERGAN The Leading Specialists of America. 25 Years in Detroit. Bank Security. Nina out of every ten men bare been guilty of transgression against mature In their youth. Nature never excuses, nu matter how young, thoughtless of ignorant he may be. The punishment and suffering corresponds with the crime. The oat, escape from its ruinous results is proper sclentitic treatment to counteract its effects. The DRAINS, either by nightly losses, or secretly through the, urine, must be stopped—ore NERVES must be built up and invigorated, the blood must be purified, the SEXUAL ORGANS iambi be vitalized and developed, the BRAIN must be nourished. Our New Method Treatment provides all these ,equlrements. Under its influence the brain becomes active, the blood purified w that all plmples, blotches and ulcera disappear; the n became strong as steel, so that nervous. nen, bashfulness and despondency disappear; the eyes become bright, the face fust and clear, energy return', to the body, and the moral, physical and sexual e s- temsateiavigorated; alt drains cease—no more vital waste from the system. The The various organs become natural and manly. We invite all the afflicted to call and consult ua confidentially and tree of charge, Cures Guaranteed or ae Pay. We treat and cure: Varicocele, Blood DI , tltrlata». Glee!, Emlutone Urluary Brine*, S ermatorrhoea, Unnatit• ral Discharges, Kidney and Bladder Diseoua. CONSULTATION FREE, BOOKS TUBB, If unable to call, write for a QUESTION BLANK Inc Rome Treatment. K K K i► einz,,.: n► `Ezio:• 1s ! Ls►. A� f A iti TAA A . A V A ri WANTED Before the 1st of July, to fill an order already placed with us fur 6000 Boxes anti Tubs of Good llairy Butter Also wo must have 50011 dozen Eggs weekly to fill our order's, for A�whist wt, will tinyy the A HIGHEST CASH PRICE Woo would tisk the makers of butter not to salt Ute butter heavy fie the heavy salted butter always has to sell at a reduced price. Make the butter so as to Lring the top price and you will be the gainer in the end. PRETORIA BLOCK GEO. POWELL BLYTH BLYTH LIVERY versity students.... ,lir. Henry Lawlor returned hone from the Soo. accom- panied by his delig'htcr, Mrs, Ack wage. anfl SRLE STA3LES :fibs 1:, A. Blair and Miss Jiaggie Itatclilfe left Saturday to spend a few weeks with friends at the Soo..,. Mrs, ti ©ce 00 Goy 0 Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. a0000ceou First-class Horses and pigs for hire at reasonable rates. Best of accommodation to Com- mercial Travellers and others requiring rigs, Veterinary office at livery stable. ICiNG AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTH, BELORAVE. LoeAhs.—Mr. John Armstrong ship• ped a car trod of hogs on Monday,,.. Miss Renwick, of Mount Forest, is visiting at the residence of Rev, J. J. Haetle.... A strawberry festival will be held on the Presbyterian church grounds on Thursday evening, June 25th, Spe- cial music will be furnished by the choir of the church and the Wingham brass band. The admission is 25 cents and 15 cents.... Mr. Win. Clegg, of Wii.gham, has sold the elevator at the 13elziave station to the Meyers Milling Co., of Listowel. A flour And feed business will be run in connection with the buy- ing of grain, AUBURN. CONCDui.—A concert under the ans- picea of the Auburn public library will be held in the Temperance hall, Auburn, oa Tuesday evening, June 23rd. Ad- dresses will be given by Rev. .1, Ed- monds, of Blyth ; Rev. T. B. Couplsnd, of Auburn, and Mr. Frank Metcalf, of Blyth. Recitations by Rev. J. L. Small, of Auburn, end Miss Mona Wal- ters, of Colborne. Musical se)octious by Mr. Norman Murch, of Clinton ; Vise Patterson, of Auburn ; Mise ,Johnston, of Carlow; Carlow quartette; Auburn , anion choir ltd by Mr. George Toth,. bridge, and Blyth tuouth organ band, Admission, W cents and 15 ceute. Pro- ceeds in aid of public Ithrary. LOCALS.—Postmaster Munro ons in Toronto the latter part of last week end attended the animal dinner of the Joseph Beck, of Goderich, is visiting the Misses Sturdy Mr. Joseph Hun- ter, of Sunshine, spent Sunday at Mrs. Errata's .... Mr, Win, Caldwell in the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Ctddwell at present.... A number front hero at- tende,l r he lawn social at Mr. Rutledge's last week..,, Mins Sadie Carter is visit- ing with Nile friends...•A mmnber of Auburnites were at Nile on Tuesday and witnessed the laying of the corner stones.... The Sunday schools of the village contemplate holding a union picnic in the near future.... Mr, W. Cou}Hand bit this week for Manitoba. ..Mr. D. Echlin, Miss Potter and Miss Gledhill, of Nile, visited Mr. S. Echlin on Snnday....Auburn civic holiday will he on Thursday, June 25th. The villagers intend going to Meuese- tuug park to spend the day, All those who wish pieces in the conveyances must epply to Mr, Joseph Irwin not later than Monday evening, June 22nd. CARLOW. Rlaoiaxie i Saavlc,F:s.—The first an- niversary of the induction of Rev. J. L. Small es pastor of the Carlow Presby- terian church was successfully cele- brated by the reopening of the church on Sunday, 7th inst., after a course of renovation, The walls and ceiling have been papered, the outside of the church has been repainted and the chnroh At do have been repaired, and both iueide and outside the edifice is now bright and tidy, as every church should be. Ou Sunday afternoon Rev. AIPx. hlcliihau, of St. Enoch's church, Toronto, fernier- ly in charge of the church here. occupied the pulpit and preached 10 a large con. gregation. In the evening Mr..McMil- Cement for Sale. The undersigned keeps in stock all kinds of Cement, including Queenston and Portland. Cement Building and Flooring a specialty. JOHN STEWART BLYTH, ONT. ST. JAMES %YAFER *tot OIVt MUNOTN11)M'f lig j?fYNINACN,WEq(HFART,WEA -1 �fyEtti{iltjtg 1AOI1eSt1/4-i st, nit CONSTITUTION pct orad �Montreel.C,s B019a PRICB BRITAIN 'I//- AMERICA elf Druggi5t5 d Demi Peke inCanada: $i.00; ,$lx bottles for $8.00 No remedy covers so large a field of usefulness as ST. JAMES WA1 RS. They are indicated whenever there is a weak condition, as they tone up the different organs and bring., strength to the tissues. Palpitation of the heart, poor di- gestion, sleeplessness, weak nerves, aua'nria, and chlorosis, are quickly rclie ed by ST. JAMES WAFERS; they also repair the waste caused by hard work and fatigue. ST. JAMES WAVERS help stomach, digest food and send the nutriment thrtmgh the blood, and this is the honest way to get health andstrength, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy which accon1. pushes much, "et. Jemea Wafers furnish a most powerful evidence of the vastly increased power of medi- cament by combination of 'Nal - Clogs pharmaceutic propane Stone. I have used them wllti good outeres when my Wiente needed strength." Tn. Charles Halt, Liverpool, Eng .St, James W'aferr are net a weer remedy: In n uonerour 1' tonne' (ing // en to thein Inciter{{ rue mall the farpgta apaa ',Pea. Where dealer ore not selneg the Wafers, they are mailed upon re- ceipt of price et the Canadian branch : it. Jotnes Wafers Co., Ind St. Catherine St., Montreal. lan preanhed attain, having it fainly good audience in spite of the heavy rain. On Monday evening the church was filled to the door for the entertain- ment and lecture. Rev. .J. L. Small, the esteemed pastor of the church, pre- sided, The feature of the evening was a lecture by Rev. Alex, McMillan ou the subject, "'tab and His Friends," The revet'eud lecturer told of the environ- ment of the gifted author, Dr. John Brown, of Edinburg, and spoke in gen- eral terms of his literary work and his plat:! among Scottish authors. He thought that after Sir Walter Scott the first three Scottish writers would not include Crockett or Maclaren or Barrie, though some of Mr. Bal'rie'e work was very good, but flint they would be George Macdonald, Robert Louis Stev- enson and Dr. John Brown. Mr. Mc- Millan then read some extrects from "Rall and His Faiende,'' which were greatly enjoyed by the audience. At the conclusion of the lecture a vote of thanks wee tendered to Mr. McMillan, whose address was a genuine intellectual treat. Other numbers on tho program were a chorus by the church choir, solos by Mr. James F. 'Thomson and Miss Brown, of Godericll • Miss Patter- son and Mr. Milton 'Adel!, and a re- citation by Miss Mona Welters The program throughout was well carried out, nod everyone wits well pleased a ith the evening's proceedings. WESTFIELD. HAPPILY WEnean.—On 'Wednesday of last week a most pleasing ceremony was celebrated at the residence of 51 r. and Mrs. A. 13. Carr, when their daugh- ter, Lsuya, was united in matrimony to Mr, Robert Wi limen, a prosperous farmer of Last W awenosh. The silken knot was tied by Rev. T. 1i. Cot—Wand, of Auburn, in rile presence of about NO guests, moatty near relatives of the contracting parties. Miss Bertie Carr, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, while the groom was supported by his cousin, Mr. Herbert \Vightmen, of \Vingham. The bride was dressed in white silk and the bridesmaid in white lawn. The wedding march ons played by M fes Carrie Slater, of Blyth, cousin of the bride, The ceremony wee per- formed on the beautiftd lawn in front of the house, after which all sat down to a sumptuous repast, which Was served in the dining room, The numerous plies - ants given to the bride attest her popularity. The evening was spent in games and ente•teintnent of various kinds. A good program was given, in which several took pare. Col. Hoare, of Clinton, gave several selections with hie Regina: Messrs. Tyndall Brom , of Carlow, rendered several vocal numbers, and the Westfield choir also took part. Instrumental eelections oti the violin and organ added to the pleasure of the occasion. Among the guests from a distance were Dr. and Mrs, Carr, Kirk - ton; the Meseta. 'Tyndall, Mr. and Mrs. Been, Col. and !urs. Hoare, Mr, and Mrs. \Vm. .Killuuglt, Clin- tun; the Tyndall family, Carlow; Mr, and Mrs. Robert dater and .Miss Carrie Slater, Blyth. One of the prin- cipal items on the program was the christening of the belie of Dr. end Mrs. Carr, which created considerable merri- ment. THE STANDAR!) extends best wishes fur the future happiness of the newly wedded couple, 0.11110411.11. MORRIS. BRIEFS,—Mr. Sanders Sharp, a for- mer resident of this tete ushi1, WON mar- ried on June 4th at'Toledo, Ohio, where he lies a good position, to Miss Nettie Goddard, of Jackson, Mirhigen....Mr, A. K. McAllister, of Sault Ste. \aerie, was here during the pest week renewing old frlendshipe. His father-in-law, Mr. Hislop, returned with him for it visit. Mee has it host of friends through this section who are only tantalized by his tonch-and-go visits. He is well pleased With the prospecte at the Ontario Liver- pool Pim rots shed is about com- pleted at the Sunshine church, Itis a tip-top building on cement foandttiou. ,...Rev, A. Kalinin, of Pelee Island, was a visitor at Mr. Thomas Bielby's fora bew days. He Is a relative and a good fellow.... Mr. James Keruaghan has been and is yet nursing a very sore hand, caused by a felon. We hope be will noon be able to resume work as usual.... Messrs. John Clegg and James Cloakey have left for a trip to the Peel - fie coast, They will visit et verione points along the route and will be away a month or six weelis....The garden petty held et the residence of Mr. Win Clara: cu Tuesday afternoon Walt a very successful affair. 'Ttrere was a large crowd present aid the receipts amount- ed to $40. The Brussels .0Nccuhee hand furnished gond music and there was bot'. of ice cream, etrawborries and other delicacies....11rs. Peter Jerkson, ac• oompanied by her sister, Mrs. T. Alcock, of Grey, and her sister-in-law, Miss Rebecca Jackson. of the Toroulo indus- trial school, leave today for Hartuey, Manitoba, where they will visit for Nome time with friendslir. Frank Kelly moved his born 2u rode yesterday. It will also be raised and stone stabling put under it. Mr. Albert Howlett's new house is ready for the rafters. Cotrscit, MaarmNO.—The council met on Jane 8th for the purpose of holding court of revieion on the Lamont bylaw and for rho transaction of other busi- ness. Mr. David Agar eppealedacainet being assesse 1 for said drain unless be is guaranteed an outlet through Ni lot 16con. 8, Na the owner of said lot holds a lease giving him the right to back the water on his land, making the dram of no benefit to him. Moved by Mr. Code, seconded by Mr. Taylor, that t his coun- cil do not consider that they have ower to give such a guarantee and that the engineer's reports and eseeestllellte he ronlirrned and that Bylaw No. 4, 1908, known as the Lemont drain bylaw, AS now Mad, he finally pared.—Carried. Ordinary commit hu-iness wag then proceeded with as follows :—On motion of Messrs. Jackson awl Code, Mr, Win. btrl'aito wee greeted 20 cent per rod fur ebectilrx, 8u rade of wife {ellen o11 east hound,iry at lot t8, con. (i, On motion Messrs. chew stet Taylor. Mr, Jeck- ,11011 was instraoted to toteud 120 in i 3, K QK & nK G K Pin Damps found Mrs. Dumps distressed Abont an unexpected guest. et There's nothing in the house to eat I" tt There's something better far than meat," The guest endorsed Jim's view with vim When Helped to "Force" by "Sunny Jim." The Readyto-durve Cereal ready for any emergency. Farman tun Eating "Faroe." "Thanks for 'Force,' I eat It three neon day, Folks call me'Fnuny Jim! 'rook some to the country with net on a visit and the formers out there are eating 'Force' now. "WILL Boor." W-7 Furniture Bargains, —�J Twenty-two Bedroom Suttee just arrived, mostly cheap and taedtnntpeIced goods. Times Suites are till new designs, well autehed and are everyone a bargain. Wo have Maitteepe and Springs to Bt them. Eighteen now Counuet are ren ly for gout lnapeoton. )tato a fine lot or Hookers and Easy Chairs. Wo are offering great values in Lounge Coveting, Table Covers, Car• pets and Hata Iirtegra your Pictures and got them Flamed. J. H. CHELLEW BLYTH Malin YsIMV"'R iF" 1 "1 i lr1 FOR GOOD HEALTH To preserve or restore tt, there is no better prescription for lien, women and children than Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take. Ther; are made of a combination of medi- cines approved and used by every physician. Ripens Tia boles are widely used b A all sorts of people—flet to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their standard fancily remedy, They are a dependable, honest remedy, with a long and suc- cessful record, to cure Indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver complaints. They strengthen weak stomachs, build up rundown systems, restore pure blood, good appetite and sound, natural Bleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripans Tabules. Your druggist sells thein, The five -cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion, The Family Bottle, 60 cents, con- tains a supply for a year. R•I•P•A•N•S K&K K&K K..K K&K DRS. KENNEDY 4 KERGAN, 148 SHELBY ST., DETROIT, MICH. K&K K1i(11, K1KK K&K K&&thi Kr:K gravelling at lot Sal on 11'b Coll liar, also have hinder) and two culverts In same locality put in it proper 81 ole of (0)101 . On motion of :Messrs Shaw and '1'.1' tor, the reeve WIie 11101 tonal) to have ',ink- well's bridge on 3rd con. line floored end repaired. Accounts were ordered to be paid as follows:—John Caeenmre, repairing bridge at Plotle seltaol house, Fl; Joh.. Hopper, gravelling on side- line, 921; U. McCallum, repairing cul - Vert, 51.1e ; George Christopher, wire bit fence on east boundary, $14.80. Coun- cil then edjourned to meet again on Jule 291h next for court of revisivitaud other business.—W. CLARK, Clerk. —.lune is now in the last half of its preaelt exietellee, and file pal'eolts ort' still xvillolg to earn a lib/ lot of wedding (nes before the mouth is VOL leaks up, buys! , 60 'YEARS' EXPERIENCE ATENTS, TRADE MARKS DESIGNS • COPYRIGHTS Ac. Anyone sending n eke e( and deaee)ptl n may invention le pni,hnhotly pnien 141ilo. oainur se ninte, Ham at. Maly confidential. Iiuudhnnk on !Webb sen free. eldest Agency for xecurtngpateetl2 patent thou through Munn a hu, reerave special nonce, without charge, Intim Scientific American, A handsomely Illn,trnfed weekly- Leraesi etduuun of any ,eleoma journal. Terme. lea ear, tour mmths, e61. Sold by an NewMYq a6IfNew Bran%, eb