The Blyth Standard, 1903-06-18, Page 4JAMES rilcBIURCHIE BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. BLYTII, ONTN111t10. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Sale Notes a specialty. Advances net 30 to homers on their own notes. No additional security r 0 - (mired. INTEIEST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates, We offer every eeconimodatioo con- SiStemt with Fate and touservative Welting principles. ONLIVITED PRIVATE FUNDS To lose o11 Reel Estate at lowest rates of interest. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their properly on our lint for gale. Rents collected. CONVEYANCING Ot all kieds promptly attended to. HINDRANCE. We represent the leading Fire and Life Assurance companies, and re- spectfully solicit your account. OFFICE HOURS: 10 A.M. to R P.N. Business Bards. L. DICKINSON, E. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC., Lo.u, OIfoe, Meyer bleator for Bank of ts, Wioe stn. to 0Y. DLAIR, BARRISTER. SOLICITOR,ETO, Sohettor for the Village of Blyth, the Town- ship of Gob, the Howlett Mutual Plre Insurance 'Om, and the Metropolitan Dank. Prlvete cud Oompsu, money to loan at lowest rates. OffiW over RMndard (lank, Brussels. OR. G. E. LONG, DENTAL SURGEON. Suotelo0r to Dr. Jerome. Graduate of the j1 •yel College o1 Dental Surgeons. An uonor Orefse of Toronto lJnivvav. OMa �over eoePowe( store,lIt4li j 0. LINDSAY, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Sueoeasor to Dr. TOt. Graduate of the Vol- eerBit of Tompto, Member of College of Phy Neftel and Surgeons of Ontario. Formerly of letuden, ICptland sod Edinbnrglt,gootlend, hoe• Oen 0 Sloe and reaideone, cost lately pomp Vied er Dr. Taft, Dlyth. 11y J. MILNE, M,D.C.M. Iv PBYSICIAN ANL SURGEON, the f loth Panbarb. ND.O-M., University of Trinity College; M.D., ptoseda Uolveralty ; Felice of Trion," Monest thlllege, end of member College of Physicians sod fAwtrgenoo of Ontario. Coroner for the (loamy o Bunn. Mee, one door north of she pomtnanti0( hotel, QueenMoat, HOS. a A. E. BRADWIN, PusLIagb Duncanson. We congratulate these Young people on t heir success.... Messrs, L. McDonald & Go, have finished sew- ing this year's cut of logs, end will now turn their attention to the manufacture of barrel heading.... Mr, Thomas Bolger Tint BLVTH STANDARD, published every has had his barn raised up, preparatory Thursday morning, is s live e_ocal pew•• to hit Oil) ft cement, wall and stabling paper, and has a large circulation in placed ulderneethit...,Mr. John Short - Blyth and surrounding country, making reed, jr., is also making preparations rt a valnahle advertising medium. Sub' for enlarging and building a cement blocic wall ander his learn_ ..lir. W. G. Neal spent a few davit in Toronto Inst week.... Mr. wren. Pollard, jt'., is back from the west for a short time,.., Mr. R. H. Ferguson le adding a wet of shingles to hie residence '11r, Wm. T. J. HUCKSTBP, BARBER AND TOBACCONIST, Chola Emit of'rehaoaoe, Cigars and Pipet on hand. Agent for the Parisian Steam Launder, tlnean Street, Birth. acription price to any part of Canada Or the United States only One Dollar per annum in advance ; $1.50 will be charged f not so paid. Advertising rate, on application. Job Printing meetly end Cheaply executed. Correspondence of , newsy nature respectfully solicited. ,\l. Smith is erecting a kbtahen at the ----- rear of his resiienc,.-„The Ladies' Aid THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1903. society of Duff's church will hold their annual garden party at the manse ONTARIO WANTS MEN. Ontario, the most populous province in tiff Dominion, has joined in the cry for more men. The stringency- in the leiter supply has become general both in the cities and in the country dis- tricts. The colonization department of the government is constantly receivieg •applications both from farmers and herds of industrial euterpri000, fcr ad - Premises of one who is not their owner, ditional help. It is estimated that tl'te there are two courses to pursue. As scum 08 all animal is discovered on a Ian's premises, he may drive it to the pound and notify the clerk of the muni- cipality, who will attend to its reluaae or disposition, or he may secure it. on his own preulises and retain it while 1.e is complying with statutory require' 1110010 for its disposition which are these: He must first publish a notice of the presence of sitelt beast nn his pro. perty in a newspaper issued iu his locality and keep the same running for three consecutive weeks. 1f the °weer• f:;tie to (.lain' the animal its custodial' must keen it for two menthe and if its value exceeds 820 it mulct be sold and after all expenses of harboring and elle, which muse not exceed 820, have been deducted, the b lance must be handed to the treasurer of the municipality, in ease the lawful ovreer of the animal has not in the meantime been found. Di the value of the animal is below $20 It Weenies the property c1f the roan on to whose premises it has strayed after lie has properly advertised its presence. When an twined loclaimed and expenses of pasture or feeding aro detertnined, the law makes provision against exhor- bitant chargee. Any person harboring animals which are not his own and does not advertise their preeence is liable to prosecution when a heavy fine may be unposed by the justice of the peace, C. RAMILTON, ArCTIONEEIt ANA VALUATOR. Leath Loge and Inenranoe Agent. Office, on Queen street Myth. Orders lett at Ttto 6$144.0000 of9oe will receive prompt attention. groumde on Tuesday evening, June 80th. ....Rev. Alfred Andrews, ex -president of the Manitoba Methodist conference, is the new pastor of Walton Methodist church. He will enter upon his new duties the fleet Sondey in July. About Stray Cattle. The laws of Ontario regarding stray cattle are very definite. In cases where cattle are vet large and wander onto the prov,nce regulres et (east 15,000 1mm1- ggrauts to supply immediate demands, How to seem,, them is the problem the government is now earnestly endeavor- ing to solve. The reason for this lack of help may he briefly summed up in the increasing demand for labor, and a decrease in the supply, duo to the steady exodus going from the older -settled portions of the province to Now Ontario and the 1111a- dian west, Tite rural districts have been subject to a two -fold drain, from its population flocking into cities to work in the ntanufacturi'tg establish- ments and from othere migrating to the west to take up new land. As a result there le a great demand for labor in the agricultural industry, and the wages offered to farm betide have been increas- od more than one-third. On the other heed the exodus from the rural districts has not in recent years kept p80e with the demands of rapidly extending indus- trial concerns, and several lrianutacttil•- ere in the province are in 'teed of one hundred to nvo hundred men each. Al- though wages have been raised in almost every branch of employment, this has not proved a sufficient lure to keep mem from flocking to the new territories. Still another cease for the scarcity of wet kmen in the province is that of the incoming population from Europe, a very small percentage ultimately settle in Ontario. Last year there were 5000 arrivals from foreign countries, hit it le estimated that less than one-third of that number settled down, the remain• der comtiuuing their journey farther west. The Ontario government is dealing with 110 matter eeergetictily through the celori2ation department. They have laid the matter before the immi- gration departmetlt of the Dominion government, and have asked that a largo number of the immigrants now being brought to this oountre be sent, to Ontario. In addition to this they are doing some lossionary work in Uneat Britain on their own enema, and they expect that the immigration to the province will be at least doubled during the present year. pROY. S. L. TAUBE, MANIIPACTDRING OPTICIAN AND EYE SPECIALIST. All kinds of Spoorooles and Eyeglasses made to order. Special attention 1.1ve0 to dtting the eye. Grams by mail momptly attended to. Beware evr.e as employ travellingies agent' using Satisfaction gttua0Ned. Established 1075. 231 Richmond street W., Toronto, OUR MOTTO: "High Grade Work Only." Our graduate. readily teems posil!ona I beoayse ,or high gran" i3Oi, Lig prrr terl • them t tmu.ler tl...1 chats `OYv,cee, plies,• • Ila., 01011 want an;tciass worker. and • • b-,ve no time to waste .tp,m the other ♦♦ kind, Commence a course now and be ready for a poeit,o0 in the tall. Write • for handsome cotelegue.• W. J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAL 42 g♦•♦11♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ALMALADIESTho' mCOLLantECE St, as, , (TWENTY-SECOND YEAR) T{iehe farthest south, and ono of the IaPreparatory studies.at and best ped In Canada. graduating Uoua:ses-M.L.A., M.E. 74„ Piano, Organ, Sinp,itig. Violin, Fine .ort, Elocution and Physical Culture, Domestic Science, Cotemercial. Healthiest location, Moderp,te char- ges. write for catalogue to BEY. I1IUN. WARNER, 31.A., 'EXETER. Nl)TEs.-Mr. 1V, L. Parish, the evan- geliet, has been holding open air meet- ings of Main street for the past few niehts.,,.The congregation of 'PH vitt Memorial church, on the occasion of the return of their rector, Rev. R. J. Id. Perkins, and his bride, presented them with a beautiful secretary The Independent Order of Foresters will attend divine worship in the Main Street Methodist church on Sunday next.... Mr. and Mrs. le. E. Pickard left Wednesday last for M.ttti•eel, from which place they Will axil for England. They will be accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Braune, of New York.... Miss Norse Bobier has returned from her visit with Chatham and Detroit friends, .... Misses Bethenin end Maggie Gardi- ner, of llbinleck, Iowa, aro visiting Exeter friends. They expect to remaiu iu this neighborhood for a couple of m eths....Mrs.l'iwell and Mise Cora Fowoll halo returned home, after spending elle mouth with Woodstock friends. WAGGONER EXTENSION LADDER Ree no equal for any kind of wor4 ; rep ire painting, staokiug, hay tort, fruit picking, etc. ' Thousands In Daily Use. Weggener Fo'diug Lawn Swings, Teems 140c rde, C,othee Horeee,Paete aides, Eta. Write fa 01teiogue, It's fro. WAGGONER LADDER CO., LTD. Landon, Canada. ST. HELENS. Weietesa BELLS. -One of those happy events, when two lives are linked es one, took piece on June Srd at the home of Mr. Thomas Todd, when hie daugh- ter, Charlotte, became the w•ifeof Mr, E. McRoberts, a prosperous young farmer of this vicinity, At five o'clock, to the strains of the weddhig march, played by Miss A. 11. Clerk, the party took their places in the parlor, under an arch of flowers. The bride was assisted by her cousin, Miss Jean Todd, while Mr. te. Mcttuherts, brother of the groom, performed a sinelar office. Mise Verna MacDonald made a charming tittle flower girl. Rev. S M, Whaley sol- emnized the marriage, in the presence of about 100 guests. After congratula- tions, all repaired to the dieing i'oonn, the team are as follows :-101r. R. Clegg, whore they e111oyed a beautiful fowl din president • 51r. A. M. Crawford, vice - Sports and Pastimes. A football match Was played on the Agricultural park here on Monday even- ing between the Blyth and Westfield teams. Owing to seine misunderstand- ing in the arrangements for the match, the Westfield team was not expected and the Blyth team was not prepared to play, but an emergency team was pick- ed up end a good genie resulted. The score was a tie -ono goal (soh. The Bleth players were: -Goal, T. B. Mc - Ai ter ; becks, Dr. Love, 'Thomas O'Con- nor; hall hacks, W. N. MacDonald, Wm, Smith, Ed. Meson; forwards, John Heroes, David Somers, R. M. Mc- Kay, H. L. Haines and R, H. Somers, The Blyth baseball team went to Goderich on 'Tuesday and trounced the county town aggregation in all -inning'? game by a score of 12 to 10. Below is the summary :- 'Myth- 11 0 D. Sowers, o....... 1 0 MacDonald, 0b .. 6 7 MoArter, 20 1 4 etewart, rt 2 8 Porte+aeld, u2 2 Bougies, p ....••1 8 H. goners, If . 2 4 McMillan, of . 2 2 Allmon, lb 1 8 19 38 (101ege- B lByt y t h ..... 9 0 1 0 9 0 2 9 0 0 5 -19 Godwin/1 0 2 0 2 0 1 9 9 0 0 1-(0 Brussels football players are cham- pions of district No, 5. The Brussels W.F.A. intermediate football team, ao- compernied by 100 admirers left Brussels on a special train on Monday for Mild- may, to play the final genie for the champiotieltip of district No. 5. The score was 1 to 1, which gives Brussels the championship, as goals count. Brus- sels having scored one more goal in the two games played between these two teams. Aa an evidence of the good article of ball played by the Brussels team it may he said that they are the first team that has visited Mildmay in six years mid come out victorious. This game shuts Mildmay out of the finals, and gives Brussels the bye for the cup. This snakes eight consecutive wing for Brussels, which is every game that has been plcyed, Mr. T. J. McLean, manager of the Wingham baaehall club, hes tbis year gathered together a very fast nitre, which promises to give the patrons of the gatne something worth witneseing. They have so far played four games, and have won them all by good mar- ►tiLe, Among these defeated by them is the champion Cargill loam, who were unbeaten during the season of 1902. Doyle and Daum compose the bat. levy, and much credit is due their pleverness. The officers and personal of (lo-lerl'h- 1t 0 Itueesbaw, o .... 0 4 McLeod, If 0 e Anne, 8b 3 It 9at,lb 9 8 Oampbeil, p 0 7 Mohaoohlln, ae2 8 McAuley If 2 8 Oarroli, 2b0 9 MoDlaruild, of0 2 10 88 i 2215 ME rills IriR " r, Right in Front . . WITH SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Our range of White and Colored Muslins excel. To see our Prints means to buy -they are beauti- ful. A full range of the celebrated Crompton Cor- sets on hand in all the newest styles. It will be well worth your while to see our Dress Goods be- fore buying. We have exceptionally good values. A lot of Boys' Clothing just to band. Trude in the Millinery department was never better. Our staff have to work all the time and over time, COME AND SEE US Jia A. ANDERSON xt i777'rl ""'r''''A'r !""r"^P^7 '' EillESS .1la..iuOa•i'ti,, ..�,...s!SHOES FOR WOMEN .. lT OUR Blyth.. nor. The evening was very plemetetly spent in music on bagpipes, violin, gramophone, etc. '1'he high esteem in whipli the bride 15 held was shown by the numerous and costly presents re- ceived, the choir of Calvin church, of which she was a meneber, preeeuting a silver tea -service. We wish Mr. and Mrs. McRoberts a pleasant and prosper- ous life voyage. WALTON. Jo'Ttees.-Communion services were C0101 ted in Duff's Presbyterian church on Sunday'est...,Mr. James Simpson is attending the military camp at Lou- don....Among the successful students from this vicinity who have been at. tending college at Toronto, wa notice the names of Miss Ma get' McDonald, Mr. John Gardiner, 11r. It. C. Neal, Mr. R. L. Hutephl,ies alid Air. Robert "They're the greatest blessing ever invented fcr the woman who is on her feet all day. They soothe and comfort tired, aching fee till they feel more like feathers than lead, They care for every tender spot, support firmly, squeeze nowhere. Uppers -Soft, velvety kid. Soles -Ample, easy, smooth, Toes --Roomy, comfortable. Heels -Low, broad, fiat. According to quality -$2, $2.50 and $3, They're a very paradise of rest for weary feet and a para- dise of economy for weary purses. president ; Mr. T, J. McLean, manager ; Mr, H. Wightman, treasurer ; Mr. E. A. Hammond, secretary. Players - Pearson (captain), Kent, Walsh, Hill, Daum, Doyle, Moore, Lockridge and Hammond; spare men, Laurasou and Rattenbury ; mascot, Madigan. The management has on' band communica- tions from Toronto, London, Guelph, lmcan and others, and good Eames will he the order of the season, The town has ably supported their team, and good sport has been the result. THE ALTAR. W1OHTMAN-OARR.-At the residence M the bride'sareae, Westfield, on Jane 10th, by Hf rjeet�Wawenosll, to Loam, dter. &hart engntersof hit and Mrs, A. B. THE 'TOMO. GRAY. -In Hutlett on June 16th, Mr. Stephen Gray, Ked 74 year, BUTTER AND EGOS TAKEN. S. HERRINGTON, BLVTH. BLYTR MARKETS. Blyth, June 17. -Wheat. 100 to 710. nerloy, ton to 430. pest, Win to 610 Oatn, 206 to 31c Eggs, 110 to 190. Putter, 13n to 14c. Potatoes, 6'o to 1100 Ride., 61 to 60 Hs y, $5 to $7. Lard, 12c 1014'. fork, e7 to *8. Fluor, *1.00 to 12.40. Grand Trunk Railway System HO FOR THE MODEL FARM Big Excursion to Guelph A Big Excursion will be run to the Agricultural College, Guelph, Under the aiepicea of the Huron Partnere' Institutes, on Saturday, June 20,'03 The fare from the different stations is as follows; Motion Adult Child Relgreve 4121 .60 Blyth 1 rA .e6 Lnudesboro 110 .00 Cilnon 12 An .60 Neefu.111 116 AA St. C,dumbau. 1 16 .80 Dubin 110 Loimeenue 120 eD Oouer'oh 128 .05 Bluefield 120 .00 Kippers 195 .f5 Hen.atl 120 23 Exeter 125 .6i Centralia 120 .00 Arriving in Guelph at 10.28 am, Tickets will be pod only on one train, valid to return on any Bun tip to and including Monday, Jnoe 91nd. A anoint train will leave Centralia at 830 s.m.; Exeter, 6.49; Henean, 007; Kinpeu, 7.05, aid Braoedeld, 713 oouoeotlug with the regular train at Clinton. Passengers trout ober a11(00. will use reviler morning train. Re, turning a epeeist train will leave Clinton et 10.33p In. for Centralia and diten0ediat s points. Gun wilt also leave Clinton et 10.40 p.m. for Hal grave and Intermediate palate. This yid be the only exeurem0 from this county W the Agricultural College this season, and every person should take advantage of it. Amp,. ea. oowmodatRm will be provided. A substantial Iu on will be served at the College by the Gov- ernment. D. Mo1NNiI, President eolith Huron; '100[01 Motdlt.4,AN, Pr, ardent East Horan; F. C. R1.rosn, Sooritary Won Huron; S. hltmt04, Secretary.' - 440 House For Sale. A nom'ortable brick house and four lots (one acre 0.+ all with good irawe stable and a nein. bar of fruit terra. This property is worded on the north side of rtiueley sneer in the Village of Blyth. Conveulott dl..taacn from 1.11, eta - Hon, post onl:•e, churches anti ',Moog. Also six lots west '•} sod adjoining the 1,11 th brick yard. For further utManiere appy to the undersigned. N. B. YOUNG. •. 8208 Tomato Plants Of the finest early varieties 1 e per lox, 2 for 25c, at thin STAB. BAKERY. Foreign and Native Fruits In their season always in stock at lowest prices. Pleasant Soft Drinks and Ice Cream For the restaurant, also Con- fectionery, Bread Stuffs and Groceries itderior to none in the business. Call and see US. OPPOSITE QUEEN% HOTEL. R. R, DOUGLAS . BLYTI-i A. 0,11. W. Blyth lodge, No, 143, Ancient Order of Un1t d Wurkui ny wrote m the Workman hell, Mi10 blook, on the god and ch Thursday in every won h, et eight p.m. Vlaltpes brethren ire sordlelty invited, N Cowan, IV.M. T. J. Hoon. B1'. 0, Ra00np0M. ' - • 49