The Clinton News-Record, 1898-03-31, Page 7THE URON NEWS -RECORD Dublieked every THURSDAY aS 1p t Nltlya-Rcooen Priating house, Albert St., ��tiC13L*i 71-b4c*3m, C)ijm*,. .4n :-n ADVEalibi'o KATZ& ,,. - mn �-µ••, ... 1 Yr. 0 Mo. 9 Ma 1 Mo CO Ii 1 15 5 30 00 i7 00 00 00 `, Calatua......., 85 00 20 00 g12 00 8 a0 Colima•••..... 20 00 l2 00 7 UO 2 60 Coluttin...... .. 1600 0 r,0 600 1 00 •, ` Too h.........•. 6 OU 850 3 up 125 -1 /sPSpeolal poalbloa from ,m to 3n per cent extra. ' For transient advertisements 10 cents '' ry per line for the first insertion; 3 cents 'r per line each subsequent insertion - `;i nonpareil measure. Professional cards, not exceeding one inch, $5.00 per annum. Advertisements without spec - ilio directions will be published till ' forbid and charged for accordingly. x Transient notices -"Lost," "Found," "F91 Sale," etc. -50 cents for first in- sertion, 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. THE NEWS -RECORD will be sent . tto any address, free of postage, for $1.00 per year, payable in , advance - ""if' Q1,60 may be charged if not so paid. 1'!`.°'s> Tba date to which every suhvcriptiotl ir; t paid is denoted by the number on :r ;,� the addreas label. No paper discontin- :'=':t tied unl,ll all arrears are paid, except ';,.' at the option of the proprietor. j' W. J. MITCHELL. •.'? I Editor and Proprietor. ,;. e - _ . —.--. '1 THE M®LS ' QN S BANK Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855 CAPrTAy $2,000,000 REST - a $11500,000 ;11. Head OfHoe, -- MONTREAL. li' WM. MOI.SOV. MACPHERSON, President F. WOLFERSTAN'I HONTAS, Gen. Manager, Notesdirrounted, Callacttons made, Drafts Issued, S'erling andAmerican Exchange bought and sold. Interesi allowed on Deposits SAVINGS BANS. i, Interest allowed on sums of $1 and up. FAUMEIIR.S. 's Money advanced to farmers on thI. eft own aotee with one or more endorsers. No mort- gago required as security. H. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton. G. D. MoTAGGAR)T '� Banker, v ALBERT STREET, - CLINTON A General Banking Business Transacted. Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued, Interest Allowed on Deposits. -- — _ _ CONVEYANCING. John Ridout, Conveyancer, Commissioner, Etc. ,--- Fire Insurance. - - Real Estate. Money to Lend. Office -HURON STREET, CLINTON ____ MEDICAL. Dr. W. G�'unn, X C. P. and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh. Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Night -allot at front door o - residence on Ratten- ,g i O Street, opp. Presbyterian Church. Dr. Turnbull, J. L. Turnbull, 1YI.B„ Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; C. Al., Victoria Univ. M. C. P. & S. Ont, ; Fellow of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late of London, Eng, and ,,dinburghospitals. Office --Dr. Dews - ley '§ stand, Itattenbury St. Night calls answered at Office. B . Thomlinson, et." Surgeon. I -,I. ' s Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Vet- " r nary College, Toronto. r, -� ,;Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals 1, f,? Ahe most modern and scientific principlesDay and Night calls promptly answered. Residence-Rattenbury Street, West, linters, Ont, tty: a tios.iw _..__T . - _. ,�, LEGAL. 1. Scott, Barrister, &e. ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, CLINTON. `L !Money to Loan. E. Campion, Q O., er, - Solicitor, - Notary, ,\v., GODER(CH, ONT. -Over Davis' Drug Store. Money to Loan, M. O. Johnston, p inter, Solicitor, Commissioner, tete . GODTERECTI, - ON 1'. 'PIL' .-Cor- Hamilton and Rt. Andrew's Stressq. - �----- W. Brydone, rrit,tcr, Solicitor, Notary Public, ,\c., OrFicr, : 69AVFR BIAX IC, - CLINTON• IVa- Gripe When you take !load', Pills. Thu big, old-faeh. toned, sugar-coated p}lls, which War you all to places, are not in 11 tth Hdbd's. Rasy to take ood's and easy to operate, Is true of t Hood's, Psis, y res are P I I � up to date in every respect. Safe, certain and sure. All druggists. 250. O. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mase. The only Pllia to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla The 11dillop mutual Fire lnsurny. Farm and Isolated 'Down Property Only Insured. OFF10ER9 i George `Nath, President, HarlZirtph'.' k O.; JaaBroadtoot Vlce-Pres, SeacorthO.: W. J.HhaaonBoc'y'treesSoator }},,, O.MlohaolMardi.. inspector of loAaea, E+eaP.O. DIRECTORS. Jamas Broadfoot, SeaforLh ; Michael Mur die, Seatorth; George Dalt. eaforth ; Geoa Watt, liarlook ; Thomas E. Hqg, Seafo{• ; Alex. Gardiner, Leadbury • The llbbas Garbu .t, Clinton; John McLean, Kipped. AGENTS: Thomas Nellans. Harlo •h; Robert McMlll%�n Seaforth and James Cummings, Eumondvillo, Parties desirous to efreot insuranco or tran- sact other business will be promptly attenle to on appltoxtion to any of the above officer addressed to their respective post offices. GO TO THE Union Shaving Parlor For first-class Hair -Cutting and Shaving. Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton J. ENIERTON, Proprietor, CENTRAL BOTCHER SHOP FORD & MURPHY, (Successorsto.l. W.l,ingford.f Hiving bouglA out the above buainoss, w intend to conduct it on the cash principle, an will supply our customers with the best ineaL at the lowest paying prices. Ford & Murphy: Live Hogs Wanted, __ Highest Market Price Paid, D. CANTELON. Clinton. Removal of Night -Soil. The undersigned w,. i n-Idertrke the removal of Night Soil and thorough cleaning* of closet: on short notice and at renconablo rates, All refuse removed out of town. ROBT. it1ENNEL. GEO. TR,OWHILL, Horseshoer and General Blaoksmith Albert Street, North, Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork Ironed and flrat-Gass material and work guaranteed. Farm implements and machines rebuilt and repaired. TO THE FARMERS! ,Study your own interest and go where rou can got RELIABLE - HARNESS I manufacture none but the best of stork. Beware of shops that sell cheap, as he. have got to live. (� ,Il and get lir Das. Orders by mail promptly attondod John Bees, . Harness Emporium, Blyth, Ont 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 2"A _ TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone seudrag a sketch and description may gntckly nseertain our opinion free whother an Invontlon fa probably patentable. Communlpn- tlone strletly conndenttal. Handbook on Patents sent free. oldest agency for soeuringpittentc. Patents taken throw h Alu n Co. receive special t.tce, without c arge, �n It 0 Scfentiflr jimericane A hnndsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest dr- ou)atiop of any %etc ttmo journal. TerTas, $a a yonr; oar months, V. Sod by all news ealers. UNN & Co 861hlroadway, NeW York Hrwwh ofnee. 126 F St., Washington, D. C. LONDON CLUBS. A study of clubs brings to light som( curious facts. There are naw over 141 clubs iin London, of which only thirt3 existed half a century ago, while sev. enty-five have been founded during ill( past twent.•y years, dividing hetwper them no less than 100.000 membors. Al the hegi.nming of the century there were prohaNy nut. more than 1.200 men who had secured election to a LoAdor rluh, and no,., 'there are more Ihan :.'0,1,• 000. Of course no dislinrtion now tit Laches to being a, "club roan," but ii in curious to observe that the revolu tion, ns regards clubs in London. onl3 commenced iun4 twenty yeo.rs ago, tint lyre raged w•ilh unabated energy ever sicca. - - - -= - I 7r M 12� I I Itis i >: SAVOS Thousands of Lives. Fonr years ago Jneob Dewitta, of Ha; isln»d, wits dragger) to the verge a donth by drendful heart disease. ITe era gives tip to die. From TlKorogs mnnhoo, Ue land onq to�i+ broken poll ant, wreck 1e p. .ur d Dr. ennto A (t c fopp th, Heart, heart it fnithft3`ly, And to•d ��irl1velghs 2188g ppunds, and Ilves to T)less th toyhim a it orelfevoeef r 'S.) 11 it tel'. 44e, • ....-- �. -_ ].......-..- 11 m d a e d Dr. Shaw, Y Office -Ontario SlreOt, ppyosite Rilglish church„ formerly occupied 6y Dr. Apple. _._ ton, . - DENTISTRY. I Dr, -BRUCE, - ' Surgeon Dentist. But there is no second c3hoicq OFFICE -Over Taylor's Shoe. 13tore, ]�%( ,intoe, Ont, Special attention to presev- It is Scotts Emulsion or ,..,tion or natural teeth. (� �1 N. B --Will visit Blyth every Monday and 13ayficid every Thursday afternoon during ��• the summer. 11 OR. AGNEW, DENTIST. Mll"l i,' ",,;I" Hours, - q to B 1, t- m Zurich the second Thursday of each 1 . 1, month, m heli wuuld nmt, Buow again, if it _ VETERINARY. ,',, ` J. A € lackall, ,1 pp t'I;TERTNq y SURGIEON A-1) i 7 V1 TEIi1N;11IY iNSPECTOR. I tM Ott Is%c Stpset next Now Era office t !dunce, Ibcrl St., Clinion. 11 '111ce I - B . Thomlinson, et." Surgeon. I -,I. ' s Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Vet- " r nary College, Toronto. r, -� ,;Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals 1, f,? Ahe most modern and scientific principlesDay and Night calls promptly answered. Residence-Rattenbury Street, West, linters, Ont, tty: a tios.iw _..__T . - _. ,�, LEGAL. 1. Scott, Barrister, &e. ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, CLINTON. `L !Money to Loan. E. Campion, Q O., er, - Solicitor, - Notary, ,\v., GODER(CH, ONT. -Over Davis' Drug Store. Money to Loan, M. O. Johnston, p inter, Solicitor, Commissioner, tete . GODTERECTI, - ON 1'. 'PIL' .-Cor- Hamilton and Rt. Andrew's Stressq. - �----- W. Brydone, rrit,tcr, Solicitor, Notary Public, ,\c., OrFicr, : 69AVFR BIAX IC, - CLINTON• IVa- Gripe When you take !load', Pills. Thu big, old-faeh. toned, sugar-coated p}lls, which War you all to places, are not in 11 tth Hdbd's. Rasy to take ood's and easy to operate, Is true of t Hood's, Psis, y res are P I I � up to date in every respect. Safe, certain and sure. All druggists. 250. O. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mase. The only Pllia to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla The 11dillop mutual Fire lnsurny. Farm and Isolated 'Down Property Only Insured. OFF10ER9 i George `Nath, President, HarlZirtph'.' k O.; JaaBroadtoot Vlce-Pres, SeacorthO.: W. J.HhaaonBoc'y'treesSoator }},,, O.MlohaolMardi.. inspector of loAaea, E+eaP.O. DIRECTORS. Jamas Broadfoot, SeaforLh ; Michael Mur die, Seatorth; George Dalt. eaforth ; Geoa Watt, liarlook ; Thomas E. Hqg, Seafo{• ; Alex. Gardiner, Leadbury • The llbbas Garbu .t, Clinton; John McLean, Kipped. AGENTS: Thomas Nellans. Harlo •h; Robert McMlll%�n Seaforth and James Cummings, Eumondvillo, Parties desirous to efreot insuranco or tran- sact other business will be promptly attenle to on appltoxtion to any of the above officer addressed to their respective post offices. GO TO THE Union Shaving Parlor For first-class Hair -Cutting and Shaving. Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton J. ENIERTON, Proprietor, CENTRAL BOTCHER SHOP FORD & MURPHY, (Successorsto.l. W.l,ingford.f Hiving bouglA out the above buainoss, w intend to conduct it on the cash principle, an will supply our customers with the best ineaL at the lowest paying prices. Ford & Murphy: Live Hogs Wanted, __ Highest Market Price Paid, D. CANTELON. Clinton. Removal of Night -Soil. The undersigned w,. i n-Idertrke the removal of Night Soil and thorough cleaning* of closet: on short notice and at renconablo rates, All refuse removed out of town. ROBT. it1ENNEL. GEO. TR,OWHILL, Horseshoer and General Blaoksmith Albert Street, North, Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork Ironed and flrat-Gass material and work guaranteed. Farm implements and machines rebuilt and repaired. TO THE FARMERS! ,Study your own interest and go where rou can got RELIABLE - HARNESS I manufacture none but the best of stork. Beware of shops that sell cheap, as he. have got to live. (� ,Il and get lir Das. Orders by mail promptly attondod John Bees, . Harness Emporium, Blyth, Ont 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 2"A _ TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone seudrag a sketch and description may gntckly nseertain our opinion free whother an Invontlon fa probably patentable. Communlpn- tlone strletly conndenttal. Handbook on Patents sent free. oldest agency for soeuringpittentc. Patents taken throw h Alu n Co. receive special t.tce, without c arge, �n It 0 Scfentiflr jimericane A hnndsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest dr- ou)atiop of any %etc ttmo journal. TerTas, $a a yonr; oar months, V. Sod by all news ealers. UNN & Co 861hlroadway, NeW York Hrwwh ofnee. 126 F St., Washington, D. C. LONDON CLUBS. A study of clubs brings to light som( curious facts. There are naw over 141 clubs iin London, of which only thirt3 existed half a century ago, while sev. enty-five have been founded during ill( past twent.•y years, dividing hetwper them no less than 100.000 membors. Al the hegi.nming of the century there were prohaNy nut. more than 1.200 men who had secured election to a LoAdor rluh, and no,., 'there are more Ihan :.'0,1,• 000. Of course no dislinrtion now tit Laches to being a, "club roan," but ii in curious to observe that the revolu tion, ns regards clubs in London. onl3 commenced iun4 twenty yeo.rs ago, tint lyre raged w•ilh unabated energy ever sicca. - - - -= - I 7r M 12� I I Itis i >: SAVOS Thousands of Lives. Fonr years ago Jneob Dewitta, of Ha; isln»d, wits dragger) to the verge a donth by drendful heart disease. ITe era gives tip to die. From TlKorogs mnnhoo, Ue land onq to�i+ broken poll ant, wreck 1e p. .ur d Dr. ennto A (t c fopp th, Heart, heart it fnithft3`ly, And to•d ��irl1velghs 2188g ppunds, and Ilves to T)less th toyhim a it orelfevoeef r 'S.) 11 it tel'. 44e, • ....-- �. -_ ].......-..- 11 m d a e d oa'tiam, I was goyng -to sa[g tbfng or _:_ :— _._ I0 MuchQoo.i," she sal l to herself as 6.10 put the, little pink caps and Mau- —__-�'"�•�.�__._.-=._=-......_....,r,—,.».-••— vers carefully away in their places " I I wonder it I shall over be quite as milk, water, coffee or tea, otbar-a pic-nio, I tdrimik-anad I want- But there is no second c3hoicq TWO�� j® �� 1�%� ]�%( the shore when the stars frame out and It is Scotts Emulsion or ed ber to cue my 'huhu for me. you edtitiviakbe (� �1 � i ��• ' style woulidiru d Not she 1 It was the a gleamed out tin white stateliness When you need the best through the warm dusk. Elinor sat in the haxamock with her w ronig time of the moon, she saiiid, and .1 - phosphites and the best s the radiant dimness of the moonlight: Harry, leaning against a tree and look- m heli wuuld nmt, Buow again, if it � --- !"- .- _ _-�`_Z__ -"' - seen anyone balf so spirituel or so lovely. He was boyishly happy; the were cwt then." MART L I "But I doA't believe ishe has feeling "I 'believe there is a little totucth of Love took up the glass of time sail enough to even get angry. I owe her superstAilon in most of us," said 11"file. tunwed it in has glowing hands, a grudge for spoiling Tial -she has "When I see the new moon over my Every' me'nh lightly stinkers ran it _ tut mad him into a spooney chap with r ht s de 1 li t t3 1rou1 1, m s confess Ido veli in golden hands. mot a grain of sense in pais eolmposition, f., -,el the happiest lhttle thrill of de - I can't for sly life sea vvhut he finds blight." It was siteth a delightful, old -fashion- i.m ,her to admire." If I drop any parasol, I wouldn't pilc.k d,in.ing•roolm, wlhrere the long table was "She is very beautiful," protested it up im,yself foe• tdrs world!," said Hat- sprearl acrd Kathlleen was waiting for Mary Reade, faintly. tile. t:Ne,m a3J to coarse int to tea. The win- Ted shrugged has shoulders. "I suppose so -to those who admire "When I fiord a four -leafed clover," said MadVa Rerkde,," I feel the greatest dowswere high and broad, curtained. by statues. Canft say I do; but every- sa.tisfaetian. And Mary bore wouldn't thin, airy draperies that waved softly one to b6s own taste. Want me to help be!giur amythiing on Friday, if it were to aInd fro, in this summer winds, out- the raspberries, Kathie?" never begun." side 01a!mberimig vines made a green No. Harry will do that when he comes in.., Two Summers "I mover bike to take avnyt,hiing sharp gloom, through which the sunlight "What is ]Harry to do?" demanded for a presan-;, confessed Loie. flickered uinf teadily. a clear voice from the doorway, ' In Juliet Douglas alone seemed) super - The walls were wainscotted half wa3 whioh its owner stood -a tall, handsome for to such -rveakn'esses. She smided a up, with sdmla der$, polished wood; Yount; fellow, with fine dark eyes and a pleasant smile. He was a trifle boy- I'Atbe canxleseemdi,n!gly abol said noth,- M9. Harry and ELLmor were talking built into alae of them w•as am old fash- ish in appearance, owing in part to to each at -her itnheedimg•by, tamed cupboard, with big glass doors. the dark curls that clustered about his "Just thilrteen of us a,t the table," re - behind which one might catch tante- forehead and the ;smooth, beardless :woo,but more to a certain frank air marked Rick, im.nocently. Juliet sprang, to her feet. "Thirteen [!zing' glimpses of rare old silver an I of careless satlsfaction visible about at the table. Oh., Kathie, how could thio delicate, gold -banded china of a ::dm; the satisfactiolm of a school boy you?" past generation. There were drawers 'viho has yet to learn that there is "!Hone could I whaut I Julimt„ you sure - much, much more iuv life than appears un its everyday surface. ly don't" - "Juts is certain that, if there are fantastic brass handles; and these Harry Casto,a was certainly noschool thirteen at a labra, one of Che number drawers, as Kathleen very well knew, boy ; he stood six feet two ka his stock- will die before the year is out."' were filled with the very finest of lin Ings, and his physique was superb. He "I don't care,, Ruck I It's true," said en, bleached to a snowy whiteness and was studying. law, and was spoken of Juliet, posLtively, "I sat at a table of as a young ,man likely to make his thi-rt,een Ilefore, a,nd one of us did die carefully folded away. by her ow•n martk. But to the cou,9iins and second before six months were out." housewifely little hands. cousins, with whom lie had spent every "wouldn't she have died anyhonv? Some wonderfully sweet, spicy odors August at "The Bdrehes," since the clays of kilts and .mud -pies, 'he was still Don't be such a goose, Jule. Sit down." "Nott I," said Jill -he -t, "You can laugh from a wide blue and gold jar on the Hal Cestan, of old-time romps and as ,much as you like. No never mind: mantel -shelf, floated through the room, frolics -thea light-hearted, high-spirited li;athie. I'm not hungry; and I'd ra- . suggestive of roses and all other subtle sharer of all their innocent, delightful thea starve tiho,n sit down with thir- perfumes. merrymakilaige. They, at least, had tken," Kat'hleea was stan.ling with her back mover seen any difference in him until this sumllmer. to ripple of mvixth followed her exit to the table, and her hands resting on Kathde's small, white hands bad flut- from the room. Ted Irvitnlg• excused hlsmself a,n,d went out after her, they the bi�gh-backed chair behind her, look- tered somewhn,t nervously among her ate raspberries hn the garden until the lag thoughtfully up at the portrait of cups at the souad of his voice. But she spoke as calmly trod sweetly othf,�rs caime out,, ready to go for a boat her great-gra-nNimother do the wall, as ever. sail, ,Hairy and EUne Went to their favoTi(te tick, under tis bLreh trees, w+it'h her long, gmooth curls and bare "Please sit at the head and help the follonved by di.ssaitisfied glances. sloping shoulders. raspberries, Harry, Monde has ahead- ache and cannot come down this "why can't they coupe wAh us anal There was a certain curious, unde- Ung.. even - have Solara ways questioned Melville, "Hal was always the life of our expedi- finable reseiemblance, felt rather than Harry tours a mndff of the rose -bow] tions lar other awnr.mers." seen, between the young girl and her as Ile passed it. "Hu's im love this euknmer„” remark - stately ancestress, who in her time had "Sweets to the sweet," he remarked ed Alec Grant, dryly. "11h,wt makes hee.lr a beauty and a belle. beauty ty comli°ally, "You !have imprisoned all the perfumes of Araby here, you gat- n differeuce doesn't Lt, Ted? Hurry is this oldest of us so he ought to be the Ina. neither a beauty nor a Y lade -witch 1 That's the same old blue first to sober down." belle -shy little Kathleen, whose only jar I so nearly smashed years ago, KiAll'a fives left aldne at the table, c•Ialms to prettiness were her long-- when I was a little chap In knicker- sAtina there in the rose -scented cline lashed hazel eyes a.nd the soft brow ni hookers and tried to wash my face in it. I think I can see the look of hor- mess, -with the family portrwits staringY drown through the dusk of the viae - hair, curling in the daintiest of ring- ror on Aunt Ada's face yet. I've h;(d slha.&M room. There -was a liit.tle, i,vck- lets over her bead. a genuine anve, of that jar ever since- err on her foreha,a,d and the white kit - She seeMed to accord singularly well vb'Ouldn't touch itt for a'nytAbiiing. Ilaisp- torn„ mewing for Its supper a.t her feet, with the atmosphere of the room. There berries? ,Well„ 1 sd,all 'help them,, as got pusdik,i impation,tdy away. At last, my lundlady at home does. "Miss Reade long after the voices Ln the garden had was a kind of evanescent charm aboutyou don't care for any of these, do you ? di?M away and the lig}hlt filtering both, that evaded all attempt at ana• Nor you? Nor you?" , throulg,h the vine leaves hard deepened lysis or definition. It might only bo: In the latngdl that follonved Eliaror to the red of smnset;, she rose and crept felt, never explained. p Gordon took &_,r seaut, oppoSAe Melvblle softly upstairs in,Lc, a, darkened roam. Reade, and a s6igh,t but visible owl_ A sweet-faced, silver -haired womra,n when the tall, grave clock in th, strwi+ntt fell ufpan the gray circle, Kath, turned with a tender smile, as Kath - corner solemnly hammered out five, I,een alone seeaned unaffected by iit. She i,. --en knelt besMe her and Ia,Ld her the others began to drop in -by pairs, passed a cap-o,f tea to Ell;mtor and went brawn b,ead on the pid•low. "Hbw is the torr generally. They were little more than pourinig ulJ t;,y. .A faint, riuh. odor Of aamr Pore,gai perfume floated around heudache, momaie, dear?" ",E3,_tter, Eittle girlie) The pain is a,l- big boys and girls, together, in all de- th,e table anti almost drowned out the must gone. )How died you gel on Li" green of cous4nship, and any amount of breatlw lot h,he rose -jar, Mary Reade aft,ernw , Saph,is? 1 am afraid you a !hindof innocent flirting went on had spoken arilg•ht when she said that must be very Ore)d." at "The Birches" in the dreamy August Elimor Gordan -wale bearatLful, Beside her rare, im.pet•ilal loveliness the com- "Just a Httbe„ momsie, But every - thing went nicely. I was a wee bit weather. By and by their vacation) uie)a place prettimess of t)he othergirls, lomesome just now, so I thought I'd would be over ai,nd they would go back ever, of pink -and -'ladle Loie Lisle seem- aoule up and get you to mother me a to their half forget ed faded wnd clheagr. little while." work wntd a'll,about eaob other; but it was pleasant while ' p She was tall„ wiith a figure of perfect symmetry face Mrs. Arnold stroked the brown head tanflerly. They,were very dear to each it lasted. "The Bircbes" was just the amid a as faultless- I bea,uIti-ful as an fa Y face, Iackimg a caul, of a}' this nuotber Wad dalughter. b spot in which grown-up children )night , could be.; the ekiln was dazzlningly clear ,re aro the others, dear?" enjoy tbemselves. and pure and the features almrost class- ,.Gone for a Wa)t-sail•—all but Harry Melville Reade and Hattie Beach ileal, except for a trifle of over -ripeness tend Ebinor. :they (tire out under t;he biro came in first -as usual, with a laugh. int the full real anoutlh, Tho long lashes quilting around lnzr dark blue eyes, and e.re 1'Ih.re was a silence agttiln. Present - He was a medical student, for wham the fine strae,gdit brawl above them ly Mrs. Aruold broke it, prefa,ciing her life a- yet held ,notbing better than a wrre black as jet; but the splendiid haix, reunurks with a liatle sigh. gh.nor, joke and a plea,�an.t companion; and heaped iin lustrous amasses on her head "Harry is very fond of I think; offal or, be fraternized with Hattie, because she and rippling away from t,hre wihite neck � �t'ell she is very lad charm - was a :mischievous, teasing puss of a and brow, was of that rare, perfect ti,nt ins. 'Harry need a wife, for th,i,,ag, as thoughtless and frolicsome as between (gold and mubuin, so seldom o 4i rEd he. 's sure to ,hw,ve a buldiant career, himself. Melville and Hattie were al- seen and never W be sitm,ulated. 1VLtha•1 1 bK,n:, she is not n,erelly trifling with ways at the bottom of every practical there nvas a certaifn cool 'hau,teur about him -he. is as dear to me as my own juke at "The Birebes." They quar- relied incessantly -they were tpo much' t}aerthat suggested Ted's n,ickn,ame and chilled back wll dermaonstratuvtrness. I sm. 'Th,�lt's just Lt," awi,d Kathileen, with alike not to have done so -but their quarrels blew over harmlessly and Not ani of the other girls at the twble liked trusted her, , a def'nnt sib," I cannot help distrust - b,er, memsie, I knotty you think it tiiere way a certain amount of fun or bhougg''h they were all in a anreasuro fascimuated with her beauty,tnery vier wicked of ane, but I don't believe In makin u g p• Will Gra followed, tit with the Reade t.l'aCting before him, life two t 1,hley felt t,h,at she looked do,vn an them witch a 0erbaln disdain, which they re- sh,: really cares for hian,l and U will I.rewk his treart memsie: 1f she is anily a,mua.tntg. mretrself wLtlli him I will never girls obedient sheep. Maud and ,two sul.tred b,otly, but were powerless to ap- . It "The forgiroe her -never." Ih,ade were twLn6-plain, rosy-fac d pose. was her first stammer at ,Birches„” so that sbe was vvrtualrl a Kathleen lifted her flushed face in- girls with twirl,kling blue eyes and fart 'i Y etramg,ar a,migrag tihem. dignantly. Her mother touched the hot chock gently. hair; n absurdly alike that the re, sernblanse led to any amount of mi Ti„:, boys did mlot care for her eiitber, W-1 wtith tine simlgile "You must not ha too hard oil our your pro,oking 2nistakes. Anyone ran enough to attempt a flirtation with one not(uble exception of Harold Caston, whose imfattrat�iaII was cousin, dear. nernernber, she is Y }oval, and has been accustomed to It generally found thbm both on his t:he sta.miling joke of the sumrmer. The ofhers al,l raged unnva.rdly at hien and great deal of admiration. She has lived Lands. Will Grant, who always got himself teased about Maud, had to look the l:oys diol not hesitate to put their a very different life from our quiet one. 1 think she loves Harry ; I hope after Diary, too, althoug,b Alec Grhnt' disgust un words. They declared that hs avis completely spoiled for all prac- so, for the,•hoy's sake, since, he has le.•rrned to care for ber. Don't who sauntered in alone behind them, wm suspected of a w•ilUn;gness to re- oral purposes. grieve g your tender little heart over h[m,Kath- ' Ider'e thin. I ]Y[nki,n a re mlar fool of hian(self," g g T(,KL grum.bled," trottimg around after re. He is old enough to take rare of himself -tee forget that hq is not our Rick Douglas and Loie. Lisle-com- I meanly called "Baby," from Ler infan-Ieven her Irko a tame god. The idot hasn't school boy flat any longer. I am not Lite prettiness and wide, innocent blue tense enough, to see that she is at all sure that this is the real love eyea-ea,nme in hnIId in hand, much to'ri.ght o„ily amusing hie.rself. Itwbll serve him if h,e gets IiLs fingers burned." of his life, pet." "well, C[ must and wash the, tlr„ amusement of the others, and Ted I Ir,ing and Juliet Douglas followed Kathleen a.l(1ne treated thle matter go dishes. As you say, Harry must look them, mur;h more seriously. She held known 'Y• out for himself -though 1 know I shal I Juliet was "divinely gall," and wore ! Harry from their babyhood and saw or hate Elinor if she breaks his beart, Is spectacles. spectacles. Sire was handsome and . thauighlt she ira,w, wham the others (lid, lave deeply in- there anything I can do for you, mo- Moreover, everyone knew that &be intended to out to India as a n1A-that this entered the very springs of his lila-that 2 a]e" "Nothing just note. Don't tire, your- go mis- sionary, •ind was studying with a view I It wits nomere Lnfa,tuat.iun of a sc,haol' self out,, Kathip- ,Dear heart, „bat, to t hal: end. what affinity could exist I boy, but the first pasainnate, love of a would mother do without you?" between her incl feet Irvin the bi _ g' g man. KahhiN grieved over it, for she distrusted Elumbr Gordon„ and Harry t'`'= — get scapegrace In the connection, WAa hard to understand, unless, as Melville. suggested, Juliet wanted to try her i was u.s dr_ar to her as id h)e had been, her brother. She clenched her liltLle MA101fte mom GelHIS hand at turning Ted from his evil ways !'hand umd:ew the taible as she wbmderod IV lyn before tike became a missionary in go6d iif eannest. They El•iihbtr w„auLd dare to trifle ,with so earnest a love. agreed excellently, however, however, anti, as it was nobody's con- Elinor -was lookiing supremely lovely bloom her cern but tbeir own, were left as much at the moment. The rich on In peace as was permissible at "The ual,;, a ," where every pair of "mut- � ualv," ns the name went, had to be duly cheeks vied with the crimson, roses at the bit UL at her white gown, her h !n- 0atohrmg sormre of the flfickering sun- Ltself into of I S torlmented. I',ght, turned an aureole "Two minutes late, Ted," said Rich Douglas, judicially. "That's against the ! glory. II,rrry gazed at her across I he table, Why is ]t every sarsaparilla regulatiomg ps you know. Kathie, ! w•:bat punishment will you deal out t.o w -Ah ,his Saul In his eyes, quite rook- less of who m,;lgiht 'interpret his gaze. which tries to sell itself, ranges them?" 116K•re was onlay- one person im bhle world itself against Ayer's as the stand- "14'e'x•e mot the last anyhow," said I for hilm just t,hon -ti, violet: -eyed„ red- and ? Why is it that all have to 'red, lazily, "and what use is there In' lipped 'girl, whose calm a.ec.eptance of Yt',s huwar,g,, tb6!led him ,with rapture. offer extra inducements—bigger hurrying on as hot an afternoon as this. ,Kathie will he merciful. Huw ! T -iv-. glamor of hiis p-assion wrapped her bottles, fancy wrappers, cheaper deliq�htfully cool this room is. Smells I wwa.y from conimun murta:;,ty; h^ saw the price—anything, everything, but like a rose garden." He sniffed curl- no fault iin h,er. To hitm she was the one inducement of unlit ? q Y ou•4y, "�';-lrat .is it, Kathie?" leribodimen.t of his ideal -his proud, "My rose -jar, don't you see?" Kathie b.autiful ELLnor, wbmn he must win nodded Tier hear) at the quaint bowl on i anKi -wear forever, else what would phis the mankle.. life be wotrth to dt,imi. gers "Ob, Kathie. I know. Tbat's the jar' . Kathbaen sa,w h tv ra,:rt, silent. waor- that has bervn in the family so long; -four gelneratio'ns, is it.? or six -the ship, alhd siighed a little. The others had hegum thie'ir l,ight ch:adLer again. one with a hi -tory, \i'hnt is it? i)o Hvnttir., hieaah,, t.ve( sat next to Kath-sarsaparilla tell us. Katlyde," coaxed Hatl.ie Reach. 1 -:,en, al -one nOL.r,•e,l (,he dark circles Kathie smiled mysteriously, as she around 1wr eyes wad i;h'e pa!eness of poured the cream from a tiny, pink gilt her delirate face. piteher. "You look t rred, Kathie. What have bag never been equaled by any "Olt, I eouldn'tl It's a family Seo- you been d:o'.mig l,b,iv afternoon t" "Mair[trig Clea imitation of it and quality p ret; and very horrifying. You must enjoy my rose jar, and not nsk any thera•ke f0T tea," said Kath- leen, wilhh a smi,le," Jemima. Anal left r tells, just as blood tells. queatio.np" me im the lurch to -defy. She heard the trd "Where are Hal n.The Statue?" t.w• rooster crow flit, elive laist ni ht, and ,t Is the Standard. delmanded Ted, abruptly turning the conversation "How long are we. to ahe firmly believes it to be an amen of dewth. to sorne07W of her hcruseho}d, "I have sold Ayer's Sarsaparilla for more Walt for thr;m? I saw them an hour Stu, 'henrd yesterday that. het brother than twenty-five yearn, and have never heard anything but words of praise from ago, sitting out under the birches- was affected wRih same slight ailment-- my customers; not a single complaint has reading poetry, I've no doubt. Rating and drinking and the striking of the notlii,ng aarinus-but now she is con- vitnre,d tibatt hie will) die, fund glo home ever reached me. A preparation must clock seem to bave no interest for Hal sire Im.iat. I tritod do axgnre her out possess great morittolnaintainsuch arepu- nlotd, C'an't some of us h,it on a way of it. hu'l. Silly) persisted. Bihar said she tation. I believe your sarsaparilla to bo to brim him back to hi, right And pro- had hrard a rooster crow apt m,Ltbn.ight the heat blond pnrifler that lana ever been per senses?" once before and bhmit t1Le next week Introduced to the general publie. I oftgn "Si1-h, breathed Mary Rends warn- sive got word Chat her cousim out in hear other manufacturers say that title s ingly, "They're in the hall neay. Rlinor Cali,forn'in, wag dread ? i hadn't 4,110 "as �ood an Ayor'A," but no one ever dot " tvonrt like it if sire"hears you cnllinr hnnrt to keetp ber, so home she went•" hear 1 t aald that Ayer's was na good I as hor 1Ure 9ta.tue." "if "Jemima Ann was always suiperstir any other kind. They always setAyer's ap I thomicht it wouldf annoy hcr, I'd tinge" stud 1Tt'trry. "Why, I reimemher as the stimil.Ard o! iwelloude,"---5. F. gh,out it out," said Ted, perversely. years oo-,, w.hlon i was 1wre for my va- i10Y01tl, Duluth, Minn. Kathleen went down with a ligllter ea hrt. • If you cannot get boob "A talk with momaiei always does me muttell will answer. I0 MuchQoo.i," she sal l to herself as 6.10 put the, little pink caps and Mau- You may goose between vers carefully away in their places " alone all 'winter, Rhe must he fright- I wonder it I shall over be quite as milk, water, coffee or tea, good as she is. I'm o me,afraid not. meThere's too much of the old Adam in , as But there is no second c3hoicq Jemima Asn says." The others Dame noisily back from for Scott's Fimulslo,n. the shore when the stars frame out and It is Scotts Emulsion or EL lustrous August moon was creeping ca.n you teal me about the rabbit ?" up over the tree -tope. Ellnor and Har- nothing. ry were still under the birches that. g gleamed out tin white stateliness When you need the best through the warm dusk. Elinor sat in the haxamock with her hod -liver oil, the ' best hypo - white yes trttilion the grass. Her dark eyes were liquid mad tender to phosphites and the best s the radiant dimness of the moonlight: Harry, leaning against a tree and look- glycerine, all combined in lag down at ber, tb.ougbt he had never the best possible manner, seen anyone balf so spirituel or so lovely. He was boyishly happy; the you have only one aboice. witching influences of the summer dusk were in .his brain. There was no It brings prompt results world for him just thea outside of "The Birches." in all cases of wasting, or "1 had a letter from my Lister to- day," Elinor loss in weight. was saying, linking Ther r words together i,a lazy, musical caden- An arug&ts; see, and $i.00. ces. "She is at the sea -share, you know, SCOTT b 60tt11N11, Chemists, Toronto. she says she is having a very gay time a,nd want, me to loin her" "But you are not going, Elinor." He leaned forward breathlessly, "Why not? Would anyone here miss Ole ?" , Elinor i" She dropped her eyes. Eli -nor never allowed her flirtaLianis to verge on the serious, and sic detested unexpected "scenes." Well, I'm not goring," she said, ra- ther coldly." It is too late in, the sea- son for one thdng. Then -T rather like it here. To be sure it is fearfully quiet. Do you always spend your va- catiows -here? Don't you find it dull?" "We ,never Lhoutght it so," said.Har- ry, retrospectively. "There has al- ways been. lots of fun, you know; we were all children together. We have spent many pleasant summers in this old spot. It seems a sort of second home to us. This has been the pleas- antest summer of all, Tlimor." Elinor made no answer. She pulled an overblown rose to pieces and Har- ry weak an, "T expect this is the last vacation we will all spend together here. There must be changes soon. We are all grower up pow, though it seems hard to reali2e. Melville and I will gradu- ate 'next spring and life will hogin for us !a earnest. No more, long, lazy summers at "The .lurches" for us. Hat- tie Beach talks of going abroad -and i Juliet, I suppose, will go to India." "I don't see, how she can," staid Eli- nor, with a little petulant shudder.I "Fancy, going thotrsands of utiles away from; everybody to waste her life tn, such a place." I Juliet is a good girl," said Harry, gravely, "and I think she believes it her duty to 'go. ' IShe is sincere, I ltlntow. Sbe has always wished to be a missionary from childhood •" "And thatt (grand Trunk Railwa.y. shy, brown little Kathie? Whatever can she find to do here . alone all 'winter, Rhe must he fright- Trains arrive and leave Clinton Station as fully dull." follows r (To be Continued.) Buffalo and Goderich District:- istrict:- . . Going West, Mixed, ........... io.iq a, in. Natural History. -Teacher-" `,That " " Express........., i,ol p.m, ca.n you teal me about the rabbit ?" " 'a Mixed., , , . •, , , ,. , , 7.05 p, m. Pupil-" its left bind -foot is lucky." " " . Express.......... io,j7 p.m, _____ - -.. .- .. - -_. __ -_ Going East, Express .......... 7.46 a,m. (� News-Reoord ,. .. Mixed............ 4, 5 p,tn, V London, Huron and Bruce. -- Going Soul h, Express ....... , , 7,47 a.m. Is Not ,1 11 a ......... 4,30 p,m. Excelled Going North, ......... 10.15 a.m. a 11 1. ......... 6.55 P.m. As an Al. C. DICKSON, Dis. Pass, Agent, , AdvertisingToronto. W. E. DAv1s, G. P. & T. A„ Montreal. Medium, A. O. PAT'riSON, G.T.R. Agent at Clinton . .—...---..r—...�r.r�•�.-�r•►.�...—�...— 7 A Pretty Foot i Goes a Long VVay ; But what is the use of a pretty foot, in this country in the winter time, if you do not have a perfec:l, 1 fitting Rubber or Overshoe. Now, this may be news to yoll, i but you will find it to be a fact ; . there is only one make of Rub- bairs and Overshoes, in this coon- try, that are right up-to-date ill I finish, quality and durability and they are the I want to see "Granby" on the bottom then I know what I am getting. Granby Lubbers and O VZRSSO.GS thin, light, comfortable. Extra thick at ball and heel. 11 " GRANBY RUBBERS WEAR LIKE IRON." ONE GIVES RELIEF. Dail"Ift Smend a. Dollar for Medicine until you have tried . J �� .; 11 I Y'• V.I " f ti 'a�■',+.•'[�'1aH 73U 1 t13AY ice{ '�, a ti. - You can buy f'heln in the raper 5 -cent cartons Ten Tabules for Five Cents. fWa ,w,•s to p»t up ehe.piy to gratify tho nutyenml prosons d.ma.A for a low prim If you don't find this sort of l�ipalas T�bul�s At the Drugn-6ist's 10 Send rive Centq to THU RIPANa Cttr:MlcAt, COMPANY, No. Zp 5 race St., New York, and they will be a tit to ypu by Mail; of r3 cartons will be mailed (0r 48 c0nta. �hgS•• •chtCnces orb ten tb one that Alpans Tabules are the very medicine you rood. N . ra / . Ll..M�,-z )_1.1�hw * .1, I I I.� ­­­­ _­�­ ; 11, I'll 11 I 11 I � .� It. I , � ...... ­ -1 .. 1. � ,�, . " . ��.A,