The Blyth Standard, 1903-06-18, Page 2...._:...
QUEER SITUATION OF saint It, so broken up, that I of-
ten thought after tlertie dtod that
LL would he better if Ile were to go,
lou. John 1V41.8 feeling had one night,
is rotgde of week. a f ter Gertrude
dial. 11,, tante to me and wanted
something to quiet hint. 1 had two
or three of the eapsniee on my
$ dr, o4e1, and I told him to go and
ere one of them. 1 didn't mean to
time Iti 3, but I thought that it
wvu1,1 soothe ham, and thou I
thought that it would be for the
bent if he were to go anyway. He
behesthiu>se1f. I dant Pana
Belief That a Di„solution of
whether he took one or two Then
lir went to hed and bye -and -bye he
calls! me. Mother came, too, and
ho began to have time' temente. I
Parliament is Near at Hand. 01,(gtHe Hutt the etreehttine xylan
working. He soon died.”
The whole of the ccnfeseion was
given yolnntnrily, and Mr.. Mc-
Knight edgiest' it Lifter Prosecutor
emit!' lad written It out. It is
rumored to -night that Mrs. Me-
Kuiget las confessed to the mur-
der of eeverel outer relatives. This
assertion lacks confirmation.
Mre. McKnight tried to collect the
lfltalra We 011 her brother's life, and
else attempted to eeCare payments
011 mortgages by h1(11. Hrr actions
In regent to shove 'matters aroused
xuepu•10ms 'el feel i ;n y.
Eight other persons. beoidee the
three to callose Wunder Mrs. 11' -
Knight (mdesgel to -day, investiga-
tion ehowg, have died In the palet
fourteen y'enRt 'leder circumstances
that in clew of the woman's cons
feedlot] are thought to be eery Nue-
pielous. All of the eight were either
rl1311hos or intimate triemle who
died while living with Mrs. M'-
Knlght, or while elle wee at their
London cable sl1 s : Perplexity is
the result of lids morning's out-
come of yeeterduy'x 4otraordinary
proceedings and much ironical e0111'-
ment Is made on the figure of
"each for himself" that 1110 Cabi-
net cute. The Tory Jlorning Poet
describes the situation as a "spot
barred debate," In which every one
played the "spot stroke,' rind says
the debate has not cleared the air,
but shows that tho air wants clear-
ing. Tide idea permeated the com-
ments In this morhing'o papers.
That even if the Cabinet 10 con-
tent with Its "open mind," and Mr.
Chamberlain meeting his seat en
the ground, In which he hag only
invited the country to discuss the
question, nut a patching up can-
not possibly last long and that a
Cahiuet break up and a dissolution
of Parllament is not tar distant.
The latest gossip In best in.
formed quarters le to the Meet
that Mr. Chamberlain wilt not re-
sign, while tho tlovernment will
endeavor to dispose of Lite Irish
'and b111 add 'taro oft a oriole un-
til October.
It le generally agreed that Sir
Michael Hacks -Brach's onset war n
serprtee to Mr. Chamberlain, wife
had not expected such wholesale
protests against has proposals.
The Daily Chronicle (Liberal/. re-
ferring to Mr. Chamberlain's state-
ment to the secretary of the Bir-
mingham Liberal Unionist Aosooia-
tion, pointe out that Canada gives
a bounty on steel and Iron and
askswhether Mr. Chamberlain
would put a countervailing duty
on bounty -fed Canadian imports.
This, It le said, would bo to em-
bark on a tariff war with the Col-
The Tames believes that the Pre-
mier will exert Ids influence to the
utmost to preserve harmony in
the Cabinet, In the hope of postpon-
ing a dissolution of Parliament
until it has passed the domestta
bills now, In hand.
That the interest in the politlenl
situation had been enhanced by the
dramatic develepinents yesterday
Wog hilly 0vldene0l to -dray by the
remarkable animation and alertness
of everybody in alai about the house
when the tltne approached for the
resumption of the debate in the
Ileums o,' Commons oil the amend-
ment of Henry Chaplin to the budget
The debate was resumed by Major
Seely, Conservative, who as a con-
vinced tree trader- rejoiced In the
repent of the grain tax.
Sir t'barlee Diller, Advanced Radical,
contended that the house had a right
to demand an opportunity for pro-
nouncing judgment on this important
fiscal question. whit speaker denied
Mut protectionist countries were
cutting out Great Britain 'front the
markets of the world. 'Germany had
net even hurt Great BrItntn'o market
In South Anterum, and when ono 0011-
sidertd the great natural advantages
of the United States, her size and
her highly' cultivated population, it
was marvelloux that she had mot
years ago attained the fleet place In
trade. The commerce of the United
states had progressed independently
of protection, but it htu1 been re-
tarded rather than advanced by the
adoption of protection.
A London cable say* There
was a subsidence in the excitement
In the House of Commune yesterday
owing to tato acceptance of the
general rumor that a modus vi-
vendi or a concordat of ileum kind
had been arranged in the Cabinet.
The debate teas euntitlmd languid-
ly, with the confident expe11111(111
OD tete part of the oupporlern of
the Government that Premier Bal-
four would come up Retin0g at the
end. mmooth oyer everything atilt
lie comfortable optimism, and
prove that everybody was llrtuote,
that there w'aa "mesh ado about
nothing," and that under the
strictest theory of the collective
responetbility of a meted Cabinet,
every Minister Wad (ntltlxd to Ovule
latitude as to 11181 private 0101110118.
The Premier's Speech.
Tile is what he did towards mid-
night, after there had been a drib-
bling debate, and atter Mr. .tx-
t".tith had succeeded ht ridieultng
Lav merry plight of the Mitttoteri;tl-
i.ate In general, and Mr. Chamber
lain 111 particular; and Mr. LloVd-
George had made a most Incisive
ep0::ett. der. Balfour spoke without
an air of conviction, mad even more ,
carelessly titan usual, die:dosing Lie
difference to the gravity of the Is-
sues rased, by both lily �iluhnel-
Blues-Beach and Mr, l'hentbc'rlattt,
and an open mind respecting the
entire question of fiscal re011011.
lie 11111) 'Milted the (petition of Min-
isterial reeponetb;Jlty for the state-
Ment0 of an individual Miaieter,
and while he reiterated hie opinion
that no tax could be put upon Im-
ported food without the full as-
sent of Britteh workingmen, he en-
larged upon the phenomena of a
huge tariff wall against the United
Kingdom, the growth of the trent@
is the United States and the In-
erealln$ ardor of the colonies for
closer Limon with tete mother rout-
A Serviette llefere 1'e.
ale closet with a tweeter refere,toe
to Uladstune's conversion to home
rule and Pitt's adoption of tree
trade without cousultntiou with the
general electorate, but nege.ted to
add that both etatesnyen had settled
coneietlone respecting tete politica re-
commended, whereas he 111mse11 did
not profuse to know lie own mind.
Motion Overwhelmingly lllli'ai(-d.
The divleloa was taken with a full
House, and only .18 Tprtes voted 'for
Chaplin' s amendment, tato
vote against being 4,24. The Liber-
ate were united In supporting the
repeal of the corn tax, and the Irish
members, as they have generally
done. voted solidly for the English
system of unreetrtctel free trade.
A Related Appetit
Mr. Lloyd -George had cut out ter
Henry Campbell -Bannerman, but the
Liberal leader, after being jockey-
ed out 0t Ids privileges, made a be-
lated apleal for another dtecussiou
of the whole subject.
The Mielxterialisle ('orllde'ni.
Mhlleterlahlete have recovered
their spirits, and assert that no
reeignatiou will occur, anti that the
3ovrrninent will enact the toed bill
,end close the session with undimin-
:die1 prestige. They neglect t0
Add that the Unionist party has been
'itlpelesely divided by the discustione
of the last two days, and that the
country can have little confidence
in a Government whose men -Mors are
aft fu' apart on flceal and economic
Policies us the east to front+ the
welt. I. N. 1•'.
Inspector Murray Landed Thein Alter
Patient Trailing.
C'hatbanl, Ont., June 15,--Inspec-,
tor John W. Murray has been track-
ing a couple of cit aps who were os-
tensibly selling bedsprings In the
tow'na and villages of Western On-
tario, and who gave their names as
Barber. The detective nays while
selling bedsprings they were elm -
ply "spotting" places which they,
would later on burglarize. They are
alleged to have broken Into Brown's
hardware store at Thalmeevdlie, and
stolen, among other things, some
The bedspring men also visited
Platteville, Oxford County, and, it Is
alleged, smelled the door of the
Rafe of the Platteville Milling Cont-'
puny, but failed to get into the
vault. They also, it is charged,
givaslled the door of the Bate of Mc-
Kee Bros., erase eld'act)ory(In Plattte-
vlile, but got hang. It turned out
that the ee.fe was not locked, nod
labor was thus waited. Mr. Murray
trailed the men to Kent County, se-
cured their arrest, mid they arc now
in Chatham Jail awaiting trial. Mr.
Murray expects to go to Chatham
to prosecute after his evidence has
been given here.
Woman Poisoned Brother
Wife and Child.
Detroit, June 18.—A despatch front
Kulknake, Mich., says; After two
weeks' work L'rusecutor 1'. C. Smith
has secured ire eouleesluu of Mr,a.
yf:1'y Mt Knight to the cold-blooded,
premeditated murder of ner own
brother, John Murphy, G1i'trude
lllurpby, his wife, and their three -
n& ohd Sabo .1 partial coo-
les00)tt was made Monday evening,
111 01111(111 Mhw. McKnight denied kill-
ing the baby.
Late last night Smith again call-
ei at the wowau's cell at ler re-
quest, and title title she made a
complete confexlian. In her first
statement ape admitted giting Mr.
and sere Mo'phy ctlpbulex of strych-
nine and quinine mixed. Last night
she acid. "1 didn't Intend to harts
them. ! did give the baby the
strycludno. It woke up and cried
while Its mother wan gone, all 1
111134el up a little strycnoine lu a
glace with some water and gave a
spoonful to the baby. 1 didn't mean
to harem the little thing at all. 1
t0nfessetl all to the Lord title af-
ternoon, and I (eel that He has
forgiven me. I really didn't mean
to harm any of them. When Ger-
trude came home and found the
baby dead she got awfully nervous.
She came to me and said ; ' Mary,
can't you give. me something to
quiet me, eomethdng that you would
take younwett.' I said that 'would,
and 1 really didn't think that it
would hurt her if I gave her one of
the capsules. She had epaeme right
atter that, and I suppose that it
wee the strychnine that killed her.
1 really didn't mean to hurt her,
Then John seemed to feel Ito badly
eAiVfVeellt J4Ve1'1
Toronto street car earning for
\fray were $17.5,1.:11. City's percent-
age, $17,52;1.
A alae-year-o1d Ind, Hoy Gillett,
has been arrested in Toronto, charg-
1a1 with arson.
By the collapor of a 0lenarr'H
gangway at .1.11off, 1lueein, twelve
percents; were drowned.
The seat of Senator Magoon was
declared vacant In the Senate be-
etled() or non-attendance.
The Ontario Government has prom-
lse;i $50,000 for a convocation !tall
for the University of Toronto.
Two or three tramps arrested in
convention with the Glory Wleilen
murder cane have been released.
\Value Mese, the lad stabbed by :m-
other boy in a quarrel In the Davies'
packing hoagie, Toronto, le dead.
Wllulpcg Catholics will build a
$7.0,000 school, having a.bandoned nc
gothattons with tato Public School
The C':anndiau Order of '4Vroilmen
of the. IVorld'a bill arae reported"by
the Senate Ballking and Commerce
The Toronto Doled of Control lot
the contract for a new 15,t'00,0tio-
gallon pumping engine to the John
Inglis co, Toronto. Price, 8155,000.
Coroner Johnson W1 Nil m111oa 1110
civic. authorities 111 connection cath
the death of (Tums. Irwin, killed at
the focal of So1ge street, Toronto,
I'. 1'. R. freight 110ployceg, who
went on strait,' all Vancouver and
other weeteru codas, have declar•
el the strike oil, and w111 be Luken
Intel: as required 011 the 00wpmuvel
Mr. 11'illirun Nichol, 8011., While ell -
in spreading gravel on .lxnhn
street, Atwood, dropped dead Irons
heart failure ale heel been la resi-
dent of Elute township for a great
number of years.
There Is no 0110 article in the line
of medlclne0 that gives so large a
return for the money an a good
porous strengthening plaster, aueh
Lie Carter's Smart Weed and Bella-
donna Backache Plaetere,
Lord Minto Mae boon elected one
of the vice-presidents of the Amert-
ican Congress of Tuberculosis. Dr.
E. .r. Derrick, of Toronto, was
elected president, and Dr. P. h.
Bryce firer vice-preellent.
The reservoir on the mounlalth
side at Nortlt Bend, British Colum-
bia, gave way, aid the town watt
nearly overwhC11ned by a torrent
of water. The railway track for
some distance and enteral smell
1100848 were swept Reny.
Ottawa Woman and Three Children
Severely Burned.
Ottawa despatch : Mrs. Charles Cas-
to1gey, 73 Labreton street, wife of
m C. 1'. 1t. lineman, was probably
Intn.1ly buried by the explosion of
a. lamp In her house to -night. The
keep fell from her hand as she was
glebe (townie:0ra and set fire to her
clothing. She rushed updates,
mussel her six ehildren, broke a win-
dow with a chair, and, telling Iter
children to follow her. took Iter
111remenenths'-old baby In her arms
and jumped from the second story to
the pavement. tine Witt the ltaby aid
two children were so ba'iy burned
find bridged that their recovery le
despalied of. They were taken to
the Water Street hospital. The
fire was put out before it had done
much damage.
Hereafter the Canada Atlantic
Rahway Company, will not recognise
the International Brotherhood of
Maintenance of way employees.
It in understood that an item of
$35,000 will be Inserted in the sup-
plementary eetlmatee to cover the
rope of the Stratton-Oamey hives-
ttgation. This w111 Include the judges'
stipend, the lawyers' fees, and other
expenses, such as the rent of the
Court -room, constables' wages, eto.
Earthquake Shocks Terrify Mexicans,
Who Pray for Mercy.
('lnrendon, Ark ., Juno Seen
Dorset's were drowned on 11 rdaesday
at 1tltetdleen, twelve 111111'44 below here,
on 1311ite River, lie the capsizing of
.a houeo-boat. Tee victims were R'.
B. Moneymfeer 111m wee, J.. M. Clark
uua ,vi'.;, two boys and a girl. The
people were engaged in gathering
mussel $belle.
111 i'ade, Tex., June 12.—Twelve
bodies of flood victims have been re-
oovered nt Clifton, Arizona, but 1110
death list generally is placed Lit
thirty-one. Many of the 1ltudles will
never be recovered. The reel of
waters bore most of the bodies from
Chase Creek into San Francisco
Harrowing tape of death are
brought in by people living along
Chase 0011011. One man relortel
emuhting twelve people struggling in
the water and belleves all of them
were lost. One Mexieon w)nmu1 lost
the chlldren, who tv,'re swept sway
n-tth the wreckage of her Melee.
Chinn had her hero on horeolaek,
similar tte the man ivies rode down
the valley of Jolmatown, Pa., on
horeeltlrk, and warned the people of
the impending danger. The Clifton
hero rode at breakneck speed (Ive
minutes ahead of the torrent, and
shouted to the people to flee to
higher ground. I111 warning saved
hundreds of laves.
In Terror of Earthquake.
Mexico Clty, June 15.—IMspatebes
from Acap uLco report continuous
earthquakes of a terrifying stature.
There were violent eltocke reported
at ,sea. Those slhucke took place on
the night of the 100, when simul-
taneous shocks were experienced at
Tulnnelego and Mescal. The people
rat Into the streets and, falling on
their knees, prayed for mercy.
5100,000 LONDON FIi3EI
WholesJle Dry Goods Ware-
house Destroyed..
Le,ndua, Uut., report : The whol'"-
saaa ury goose waree.%une of 3(e.
Mallen Ai Granter was completely
destroyed by fire to -night. Notlieg
tut dehrei an -1 biakeued walls 0e-
1min. Tile .1'aroerm40 31118 Nil ualed in
1111 centre o; the Granite block, the
adjoining tv'holeo'lle8 of A. M. Smith
& Co., grocery, and Bowmen & to.,
hardware, suffering to the extent of
between $5,000 and $10,000 cash
front Smoke and water, McMahen &
Granger had just received the full
complement of the sea0otee goody,
and parried a stuck estimated 10 be
worth $85,000. Their lose will 11e
covered lie Insnrancu to the extent
of ,$65,000. The huiid11ng tens tweed
by Mr. C. 1V. Adams, who curried ue
Insurance of $50,000 In the Strnt•
ford and Phoenix. Tho other cool
patties tulevestexl are the Confiner.
Mai Unfoat Union London Mutual,
Norwich Union, .tthae, Caledonian,
London Assurance, Liverpool & Lon-
don In about equal tamouuts.
The cause of the fire is a mystery,
but 18 1lid at the door of boy's who
were smoking near some waste at
the rear of the prenliset during the
nfterncein. 'When dlecoveref the fire
Wei gained considerable headway,
and egged on b>,0 a Stiff north wind
it made rapid progress pun l 11 had
gained ci.uq,lcte possession, and was
belching forth flames from the front
from the basement to the fourth
The firemen did excellent work In
preventing the flames from spread-
ing. A number of 1tell/en1 fires were
discovered just 111 One.
Orange 04 81111 Lodge Makes Import •
ant Change in Collet Rut ion.
Winnipeg, June .15.—The sessions
of the Orange Grand Lodge of Brit-
ime North America this morning
and afternoon Were devoted almost
entirely to routine work and the
reception of reports of committers.
'Po -morrow the delegates' will be
Shown around the city, and ban-
qu0t1vl in the evening.
The constitution was (henget to
make tt impossible tot' 11a1' manu-
facturer of liquor to belouu' u
member of the Osler. The motion
was. carried In a very full lodge by
oyer three to one.
Terrible Death of Three-year-old
Child Near Brockville.
llrocky;l'.e, Ont., June 13.— Ni -iso
comes from 'tock Spring of a ter-
rible, accident, which resulted fat-
ally to it throe -year-old daughter
of Alex. McDonald. The iniad was
playing with matches, which set
fire to her clothing. She rail to her
father win) lnteeeeelerl 111 smother -
Ing the flnmex, 'mit not before the
child was frightfully burned, par-
ticularly' about the head. She diel
a few hoots later in great agony.
N'Ill of Alexander Framer, Centime -
man, in Pnlbate Court.
(Attica,Out., ,tutu' 15.—.t he -
them was (fled in the Surrogate.
Court 10411ay for the probate of lite
will of the late Alexander Fraser,
lumber man. The applloatlon is
nettle by lie two sone. John 14. aid
IV. 11.:t. Eraser. The value of the
estate is placed at $3,125,000, of
which $3,087,000 1s personal and
$ 6,O1N) de real estate. There Is
no outer information contained in
the pttitfon. No affidavits have
been filed, nor le the will filed. Mr.
J. G. Fergie, of Pembroke, Is act-
ing solicitor for tie estate. It le
understood that about five years
ago the late Mr. Fraser transfer.
red about $5,000,000 worth of limits
and lumber property to his one.
Children are uneemproutlelug ra-
tionaltets In ao far as they think et
all. Thole moral instincts baso nut
been allied by habitual compromise,
and they have not yet learned
through experience to accept u p1i:-
tesophet' of expediency.
Thiel their Judgments of mod'l1l
queetione are made purely with ref-
erence 1.0 what they consldor the
ideal. Many a father hew been shamed
out of 11011141 051101104111110 Mullen by
his ehild'e 8111310 wonder that if one
censldere a certain course to be
right one can think of doing anything
Therefore, aays Edward Howard
Griggs, the must bo scrupulously
careful to be just to children. Auy.
(lemeatt of favoritism le ruinous. But
what do wo mean by Justin? Ie it
to be "no respecter of persona "? la
Justice the blindfolded goddess we
erect Mien our Court -houses 1
Let us couslder the question In its
negative aspect, punishment. There
are jut three hlstorloat juetlflca-
ttonns of punishment, one of which Is,
or 0ugnt to be, obsolete to -lay. Tile
old conception of punlshmeat was re-
venge—"all eye for an eye and a
tooth for a tooth"; so much suffer-
ing caused, so murk suffering to be
1)11141 beck.
This old notion of phniehment as
revenge lingers on In the State, but
eerily should be obeolote 111 our deal-
ings with children. Revenge is not a
virtue to -day, whatever it was la
primitive times. We cannot believe
that revenge ever does other than
cloud our spiritual vision and disturb
our jUdgmemt of what to right.
There are parente who continue to
say that they have the "right" to
punish their children because the
children are their own. such par-
oute 811o111d have lived—and died— In
tato old Boman days when the child
was the Where] properly, but they,
are out of place In our time. The,
right 10 punish our children be-
cause we own them? No; the sacred
reeponxlbility to give the Wdldren
entrusted to us the moral medicine
which will help them an 'toward the
11negI muses life.
It to clear that such moral medi-
cine 111118t always be individual. 11
your child were physically HI you
would not think (I hope), of giving
him teems patent medicine without
reference to the particular charac-
ter of hitt disease. You would ''call
In a wise physician, who would make
a careful dlagtloeIo and then give a
prescription 10 meet the Individual
And yet people continue to dtaeugs
corporal punishment as if It either
were or were not to be glvon as a
general medicine for curing all mor-
al dloeaeesl And even well-educated
people continue blindly to adminis-
ter arbitrary punisltmonte and then
wonder why children are not re-
The highest skill and training and
the most careful and long continued
study of the individual child are In-
dispeueable even to a passable judg-
ment. There le 110 question that
111e time is not far distant when
we Shalt bare among the highest
paid officials bf our schools, con-
gulting experts to whom teachers
can go for a special dlagnoefs of
their more difficult eases. There le
no question about this because It
will nteaoi 8o great a Having of time
and money—not to speak of chil-
The Rev. Iingn Wendell Ras Eight
Hays to Recant.
Philadelphia, June 15.— The Rev.
Hugo Wended, of Trinity Church,
Treu.tou, w118 convicted to -day by
the Lutheran SOnieterimn, assembled
at St. Paul's Church, of heresy, In
"claiming to have communication
with deported spirits told the angel
Raphael." The charge of healing, by
the laying on of hands wait not
touched upon. lie will have eight
days to subsalt a written recanta-
tion of Me errors or undergo HU6-
p0ns(011. It was further decided, how-
ever, that If he would agree to re-
frain from all ministerial functions
whatever mad take a vacation for
three months, the time within which
he may consider whether to recant
or oat would be extended for that
T11e majority of men who rod Peter
to pay Paul neglect to pay Paul.
The wisest tool is the one that
talks the least. 1 1 , tel