The Clinton News-Record, 1898-03-24, Page 1TIIE CLINT I N
W. J. MITCHELL, Editor and Prop.
WHOLE NO, 1,009
From my cel'rbratc•d prize winning White P.
Rocks, Light 13rahmas and Indian (lames. All
of the above are high °Iasi bred fowls and have
won the highest honors wherever exhibited.
Will furnish Eggs for hatching at $1,50 per 13.
Guarantee a fair hatch and from the same birds
as I breed from myself. Can ship eggs anY
distance. Orders booked in rotation.
LACK KENNEDY, Clinton, Ont.
Looks just the same as a
stale one until it is opened,
then it's different. 1 is the
salve with Canned Goods.
If your Grocer is not care-
ful in buying, he is likely
to get something careless-
ly put up, and theft,
there's trouble. We buy
nothing but what we are
sure is all right, and this
is true not only in our
Canned Goods, but of all
Foods. You cannot afford
to forget this fact. Your
health depends largely on
what you eat. The quali-
ty of this depends Iargely
un you Grocer.
Just now we are offering a line of
BAKING POWDER put up in Pt.
Jugs. l lh. of Baking Powder and the
Jug only 25e, duality guaranteed, just
the regular price of a Pound of Powder
OGLE COOPER & C01, Clinton
Phone 2.3.
tl .1? L;
Everybody in Clinton
feels jubilant over the re•
sult of Monday's vote as
they know that the
Doherty Organ Factory
in Clinton means brisk
Just as this factory is
the pride, delight and
shining star of Clinton so
Is the brighest and ghost
ttrae'.ive that Looney can
buy. See our samples
and get our prices before
you buy.
All paper trimmed free
of charge.
l {
=' .ee'eeee% cJ c'7. R at eeeg
Listen 1 Don't You Buy Until You
We have the Goods you require and
the prices will please you.
We do our customers justice and give
them up-to-date Goods.
We Lead in Styles,
Ser' Them.
We Lead in Qualities,
Try Thein.
We Lead in Prices,
' Get, Them,
We Lead in Botts,
Get One.
.American and FIATS and
English (tomlesPfe3.
A Good Fedora Ilat, the Latest
Style $1.00
N the spring the young
Iran's fancy turns to a
Spring Suit and as Suit.-
ing is our bu-iiness we
guarantee to make him a
Suit that will Suit him.
Cloth and Price will both
be Suitable.
Is the topic of our thoughts as well as yours just now.
In fact, we've been thinking about it for some time, and
have been getting ready for you. The result is we aro
showing today as fine a line of Ready -Made Suits and
Overcoats as you will see anywhere. We don't buy
what the generality of manufacturers make, but select
our own styles and patterns and dictate what shall go
into our suits from the inside lining to the outside but-
tons. We know what we are getting and you know
what you are getting when you buy from us.
We've Suits at $5.00 that are just as good as you eau buy any-
where for the same money.
71We show the Newest Styles in Fancy Checks. The very lat-
est colorings, &c, at $7.00, $8.00,$10,00, and $12.00, and
we clans they are the best value ever offered in Clinton.
If you are ibterested, come in
and see the goods for yourself.
Established 10134.
Victoria Block, Clinton.
Jordan of the 33rd Retired.
The last ('areel>1 Gazette contain°
the following :--3'.3t•(i "Huron" Batt.
I'.ryiklaster and !Immo ' try Major. Fran-
cis Jordan is retitcol melee the pr( -
visions of parageorph 55, and is per-
mitted to retrain the liumor>u'y rank of
wit joy on retirement.
Houses Ought to Pay.
>l I)wclliugs are even now scarce here
— and with the inflow of population,
which is hound to coma' shortly, there
ought to be [Honey to it for the capital-
ist who will erect >anumber of comfort-
able houses to let at a moderate rental.
The supply is not et prosect equal Lo
the (letter nil.
C. O. C. F. Special Meeting.
A special meeting of Clinton Coun-
cil, O. O. (3. F., was held Saturday
evening to take into consideration
resolutions to be discussed'. at the
(resod Ocluuci1 111 T011(11(0 t1118 week,
This is a gond feat tire of the O. O. C. F.
anti ensures the passage of only well -
thought -out amendments and additions
to the constitution and by-laws.
W. Cook Buys a Clyde.
Mr. W. Cook, Varna, bought a
therobred Clyde stallion from Mr. Jas.
Addison, of Toismto, bast week and
brought it iii) of the late tilde Monday
night. It Ise, fine-looking animal and
has the points, shaggy and otherwise,
of the Clyde and will help improve
the stock of the dist) lot around Varna,
Mr, Cook is an experienced horseman
and takes not a little pride in securing
and owning the hest..
The Best Horses Are Being Picked Up.
A half dozen of as fine heavy horses
as any hue would want to see left the
Dowson House stables Tuesday noon,
two span of thein for Exeter and the
other team to a farm towards Whig -
ham. The Exeter -bounds were part of
a coisigmrlent of eighteen which Mr.
Maccloiald, of that town, will take
across to the Old Country market,
leaving to -day, possibly. They were
bought by Mr. Thos. Mason who knows
all the gond points of a horse and can
spot its defects at ca glance,
They All Say it Has improved.
DL'. IRobet't Diedd, of Auburn, in re-
new(ing his Soh. to Fun N1 ws-REeoxu
says that he considers it shout the
best local paper in the county. So
many ('f our old sobscr•ibers glove ex-
pressed themselves in somewhat the
same terms that we cannot but con-
sider that our efforts are being appre-
ciated. But. THE Nlew0-R000ltr) has
not yet arrivedatt'astandstill, so feu as
improvements are concerned, not by
any manner of )means, fur we intend
malting it a still more lively-, newsy
and popular family paper.
The Commercial Hotel Changed Hands Monday..
The Commercial hotel changed
hands Monday when 111. A, Shrenk
stepped out and Mr. John McCaughey
in. The latter is a dative of Iiuilet.,
where he was been and bred. iit has
farmed and catered to the public and
being an affable, good -mi tired fellow
has fitted into the latter business quite
Snugly. Ile first entletr•ked in hotel -
keeping in Goderich, where he man-
aged the old Colborne House for three
years, and subsequently the Queen's
hotel, Blyth, for the same period. He
came direct from that hostelry to the
Commercial and from the looks of
things around the house Monday and
Tuesday will do his share of the busi-
Mr. Terry May Go To Montreal.
Mr. F. W. Terry has received
offers from the Cricket Club of McGill
University, Montreal, and from
Guelph to act as conch for
the season and nr)ty accept, one
of thein though it will he a
pleasure otter on to he able to
announce that such arrangements
have been made as to secure his ser-
vices on behalf of the local Club. Mr.
Torry is not only a great cricketer and
superior coach, but, what is better still,
he is a gentleman and as such exercises
a good influence over the boys learning
the game and who are to be the crick-
eters of the future. Outside ('ricket
Mr. Terry will also be missed Should it
so come to pass that he goes to Montreal
or the Royal City.
Ensign Wakefield Will Farewell.
Ensign Wakefield, who has leen in
command of the Salvation army corps
here these five months past, has receiv-
ed marching orders and will >1.ecording-
ly Farewell next Sunday. The S. A.
system is itinerancy out and otit, each
officer being allowed to remain only
from three to seven months upon any
field of Jabot', so that the Ensign has
just about reached the limit. His
stay was made the more lengthy here,
no doubt, become° of the success which
has crowned his labors is consequence
of his devoted labor. He has also
brought the Brase halal up to a high
point of perfection, notwithstanding
the many disadvantages under which
he hero had to labor. Much as the
come will miss him, the loss to the
hand will he still greater, especially rf
the incoming officer ie not an equally
skilful musician. Ensign Wakefield
has been in the active S. A. work for
five years and it Says much for his un-
selfish zeta that he continues in the
ice which provides so poorly for
he temporal wants end allows of no
provision whatever for >t rainy day,
Boom in the Cattle Trade..
Cattle dealers are realizing a tee-
m>cndous bourn in Comedian cattle.
The removal. of the three months'
t{uoitatttine by the Ani(110an Govern-
ment has opened up the American
u>>trket to Canadian stock. In addi-
tion >a vast market for grazer's is open-
ing up in the North-West >18 a 1'e51111
of the reduced rates of the transporta-
tion. By virtue of this the North-West
ranCh>n('n find it more profitable to
hely yearlings in Ontario instead of
breeding their own cattle. A beast
can be fattened at it very small cost
in the Territories, seed for this reason
the business is growing more and more
Death of Thos. Farquhar.
Many of the pioneers have this win-
ter passed away from the scene of
their struggle with and victory over
the forest primeval. The latest to re-
spond to the great Roll Call wits Mr.
Thos. Farquhar, a veteran of seventy-
eight year's, who died at the residence
of his Son -in -flaw, Mr. Wes. Moore,
Mondry noontime. Mr. Farquhar was
a native of the North of 14 eland and
for many years a resident of Hallett,
where the hon>estoad is still in posses-
sion of his son Thos. The deceased was a
)member of the Church of England and
a Conservative. The funeral obse•
(totes, the interment took place in
Clinton cemetery, were conducted by
Rev, J. F. Parke.
Parker's Profitable Poultry.
Dir. John Parker, of Goderich town-
ship, [makes good money out of poul-
try, though not what alight be called
at blowier, inasmuch 11s he has not as
yet paid any particular attention to
any particular breed, having an assort-
ment of Plymronths, Leghorns and
1-Iatnhurgs.' Probably the reason for
not paying more care to breeding
is the fruitfulness of his Co>nmon hone
which grille as often as not deposit
eggs six inches roundabout and eight
inches the either' way. Mr, Parker
thinks this is doing quite as well as
could tacklers with a pedigree.' Tit
ducks Me. Parker is partial to Ayles-
bm•ys nncl having >t good roaming
ground is enabled to raise them to per-
fection. Those ducks are great layers,
1� oz. egg not being >t rarity.
Slaughter of Robins In the South.
A "Travelling Salesman" writes as
follows :—Who has not noted with re-
gret the growing scnr'city of our beau-
tiful robins each year? How• many
have enquired as to the reason for this
great decrease in the eanl(s of our
feathered songsters? To these the fol-
lowing facts may prove of interest :
Robins we know, hatch their young in
these parts, As fall approaches they
rnigr>ite to the Soul h. There they are
found in colonies, rind are hunted and
slaughtered indiScrinlinately. You
will fine) them offered 00 scores of
market stands for sale; you will find
them served at restaurants and way
stations on the arrival of trains. I
have seen titers picked by the dczens
from under tete China trees, after hav-
ing become intdecicared by the insipid
and overripe juices of the fruit. Here
are a fete facts that go to show the
reasons for the scarcity of robins and
answer the question annually asked on
the arrival of spring: "Where are
the robins 1" Shall they become ex-
tinct? 1 pray Hots
Salvation Arany Notes.
Ensign and Mr's.Wnkeflei(l, atter hav-
ing charge of the Army operations for
the last five menthe, have received
orders to Farewell for other peels. A
trunked im'pr'ovement has been made
in runny branches of the local work
since 1 heir arrival. Thirty-five people
have professed conversion during that
time and quite a number of the lat-
ter have taken their places in the ranks
of the Army. The Junior work has
also made good progress and the Band
of Love has been organized in connec-
tion with (he Junior work. The Brass
lettt(1 is also in a ;101better condition,
and promises to he one of the best Army
bands in this Peovin'e• The Officers'
Quarters have been replenished with
Nome needs, art kilos of furniture, etc.,
to the ('xtent. of $15.00 and, despite the
h>l.r(lnese of the winter months, the
local corps has done remarkably well.
Nmlday next the Ensign and Mrs,
Wakefield will hold their farewell
meetings. Quite a number will be en-
rolled as sr ldierM at the afternoon
meeting. It is not known n. yet who
the new officers will he, but it is hoped
that the Christian sympathy arid prac-
tical help of the general public will be
extended to the offlcers and local corns.
of the Salvation Army....( tom.
Doherty's Horses Will Train In London.
It is expected that Mr. Doherty'
(Clinton) horses will be brought L
.lathes' Park dere shortly for training;
among them the pacer 1'uulruy.—Lou
don Free Press.
s ILittle Locals.
Tin'ono gives the horse
1 4181.475,
' Mr. Lack Kennedy reports a good sale
- of eggs.
Sid Smith shipped a carload of cattle
to Toronto Monday.
Some of our poultry fanciers have
lost sonde of their fiwl front roup.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Sperling have
moved into Mr. Dlilne's residence, Vic-
toria St.
Heywood & Prior Have the Contract.
The contract for the construet)on of
a Methodist church at Londesboro has
been awarded to Buchanan & Mynas,
Goderich, who have sub -let the mason
work to Heywood & Prior, of Clinton.
The building is to cost $3481.
Who Is Robbing the Wood Plies ?
Ratepayer's of St. Andrew's Ward
complain of raids 'being made upon
their wood piles and have interviewed
the Chief of Police in regard to the
mutter. They claire to have a pretty
accurate idea as to the identity of the
raider and intimate that if the mid-
night work is not stopped they will
known the reason why.
J. J. Fisher a Good Sign Painter.
Mr. J. J. Fisher, who is Mere than a
handyman with the brush, has for the
past few days been busy painting signs
which have been hung at various points
of vantage around town. The work
has been clone artistically, as is J. J's
usual style, and is in addition so plainly
legible that he who runs may quite
easily read.
A Social Evening With Rattenbury League.
The Rattenbury;St. Epworth League
had a social evening Monday which
was :t source of pleasure to t he large
number present. Among those who
contributed to the programme were :
—Miss Clara Scott, solo ; Miss Ida
Boles, solo ; Miss Jennie Shannon, reci-
tation ; Misses .Boles and Scott and R.
Manning and E. Davis, quartette; Miss
Jennie Shannon, recitation; Miss
White, reading.
Hotel Changes.
The tondeshoro hut el changed
hands Monday, Lax Hill selling out to
his brother Thos. Frill, while on Friday
the Queen's Hotel in Blyth was trans-
ferred from John McCaughey to John
Shoemaker who conies from Zurich
way. These two transfers together
with that of the Commercial make there
changes in a week. Have not the
bonifaces leen Moving about rather
more freely than usual of Irate?
Shrenk Bought Hulled Colts.
On going back to his farm near
Stratford Tuesday Mr. A. Sin eels took
along a trio of Clyde cults which he
bought from Farmers Brown, griller
and Wallis, of 'Juliet[ township. They
were remarkably fine aninmle, two of
theta "dealt" suites, for which Mr.
Shrenk confidently expects to get a
hundred dollars apiece 0 year hence.
Tilere is a good profit in horse -raising
again, that is provided they are the
right kind.
1.0.0.T. Open Meeting.
Notwithstanding the unpleasantness
of the evening, the Good Tenrplars held
a very successful Open Lodge last Fri •
day. The programme was rendered
throughout )(r good style. Among
others, the two tableaux "Temptation"
and "Pardon" were par Mettlal'ly tine and
the Delsarte movements by Misses Gill
and Goodwin were worthy of note. C.
M. Bezzo acted as chairman, filling the
place admirably. The address by Rev.
Mr. Clement was or, great inspiration to
the Lodge, renewing the zeal for Tem-
perance work and a desire for noble
actions. A full attendance is desired
at the riext meeting.
Robert McLean Shipped Horses.
Mr. Robert McLean, of Goderch,
passed down on Tuesday afternoon
with a carload of horses for the London,
En1.,land, tnn,rket. They were not of
the heavy draught class, but rather a
medium sized lot. and intended for
"Bussers" and "Tram niers" in the
world's )metropolis which makes haste
slowly in the adoption of electricity as
a motive power. However, if by
holding off they add to the vaIiie of
our horses there is no reason why we
should complain. Mr. McLean (lid
not intend going across the pond with
the consignment himself, but only see-
ing in safely in an ngent's hands at
M on trenl.
Progress of the C.O.C.
From the report of the grand record-
er of the Canadian Order of Chosen
Friends the following figures are glean-
ed :--Two t housnnd eight hundred and
ninety-six approved applications were
received during the year, 107 in excess
of the previous year. The membership
at the close of 1896 was 12,693, and at,
the close of 1897 was 15,027, composed
of 11,032 males and 8,995 females, carry-
ing it total insurance of $18,848,000.
The total amount Collected in the
relief fund department for the year
was $140,769.41, of whish amount
$105,700 was paid for 85 death claims,
and $2,750 in disability claims, The
total paid out since organitration for
death and disability claims aanounts to
nearly $400,000.
Five passengers for I3. C. points
Lour Lucknow district passed through
on Tuesday pan's train.
The Young Peoples' Mission Band of
Willis Church will hold an "At Home"
in the basement of the church to-tnor-
utow, Friday, evening.
The C.P.R. ran seven special trains
to Manitoba and the Coast last week.
The cert rates atilt continue, the Com-
panies yet being at loggerheads.
Mr. A. T. Cooper will give an ad-
dress on "What our Leagues can do
fur Missions" at the ()Mateo' St. Metho-
dist church League meeting next Mon-
day evening.
Mr. Wm. Snell, of Hallett, has pur-
chased from Mt'. W. Cants 0 number of
his thoroughbred pullets, also a well-
bred cockerel from 111r. A. J. Holloway
through his agent. These are all well.
bred birds and DIr. Snell is to be con-
gratulated on adding such valuable
stock to his coop.
G recce McMuvrey's delivery horse ran
away Friday last and made >t mad
dash down Victoria to Alpert St..,
taking a tumble oi' ttyu the while.
Mr. Fred. Powell's 1'in away Tues-
dayy d leaving ng th
e cart. up one of the
hack streets, in a demoralized state,
it headed for' the Gore.
Goderich 'TTownship.
Mr. J. Jervis is preparing to build a
new house.
A young daughter of air. Jno. Col-
borne who was buffet ing from an at-
tack of pleurisy is improving.
Mr. R. Thompson is making timber
for a new barn.
Sad heath.—With deepest regrets
we are called nom: to chronicle the
death of a proulisit'g young elan in his
21th year in the person of Wm. Lionel
I.aitllwaite. The deceasad was in his
1181101 health a week previous when he
took 0 severe attack of scarlet fever
and in spite of all medical attendance
the disease proved fatal on Monday
evening last. Much sympathy is ex-
pressed for the grief-stricken parents,
especially when hardly a mouth since
another son two ye>u•s younger sue-.
Climbed to the same disease. About
three years ago en older brother went
to California for a pleasure trip and
while there contracted typhoid fever
and WAS brought home dead.
Rev. Jos. Edge, of Goderich, preach-
ed two very good sermons on Sunday.
Rev. G. W. Andrews preached at Sea -
Mr. A, MacFarlane returned to out'
village lust week.
Fred. E. Stanley has taken 11 situa-
tion in London,
Mr. S. Murch, of Clinton, is in our
oiling° for a few (lays.
Miss Lorena Talbot returned from
visiting her parents at Wyton.
Mr. A. Eleoat and wife, of Bruce -
field, spent, Thursday with their sister,
Mrs. Stanley,
Rev. G. W. Andrews paid a flying
visit to Toronto, Napaneo and other
Farmers' Institute turas held on Fri-
day when some good ()retake) ac;dres-
es were given. The attendance was
not as large ns it shank] have been,
owing to the inclemency of the weath-
71f'est'll'a('kct'icntid.b. -
Rev. Mr. Findlay returned on Fri -
(ley and tend charge nl' his work here
on Sunday. Although not fully re-
stored to health he Ioclkei the better
for his three months' vacation.
A report of the recent ronvent.ion
held in Clinton ward given at the 1;. 1,.
meeting on Sunday evening last.
Mr. A. T. Cooper, of (Iliuton, will
address the IC. L. on next Nun>lay
evening, His topic for the evening
will be Dliseion s.
Mrs. i. (4. ('rich ie this week visiting
frien(18 and rel>thit'es 00 her old home hl
ic>lrn1 rs commenced spring plowing
Wet week in this locality.
A selcrt number Spent n i,lr:)Sant
evening on Wednesday last at the
residence of Mr. F. NV. Crich As they
have had oysters every why irmngin•
able and oysters enough, >1 change in
this part of the programme was made
and frnit galore took the place of the
paor little fish. 'Taves in the wee >41)0>t+
hours when ell retired to their homes
With the hope for a repetition of their
evening out,
The roads are in a very muddy con-
Mr. George A. Mace, of Toronto, was
l in town on Monday and 'Tuesday last
renewing old acquaintances,
.Mt'. Merman Bali, Attwood, is visit-
ing relatives here this week.
Mr. Mines Cuchnore is visiting rela-
tives in Seaford) this week.
141r. Gro. ('udn>ore had a wood lee
on Monday afternoon last.
Mr. Andrew Stewart has' purchased
a half interest in the Exeter grist mill
from Messrs. Rollins end Williams and
will take possession May 1st.
Messrs. Alex. Dow and Wesley Snell
intend shipping a car of horses to
Brandon, Man., on Tuesday next.
Mr. A. Q. Bobier spent last Tuesday
in London on business.
Some 1>f our bricklayers have com-
menced their season's work.
Blesses. Junes & 1)ectvitt sold two
Maxwell hinders on Saturday last.
Mr. James Bissett, Sr., who hots been
sick the past few weeks, is recovering
The ('omn>eecial Hotel is receiving
a thorough renovating cert the hands of
its proprietor, Bile F. W. Hawkshaw.
"'Ten Nights in the Bar-Roorm" will
be played in Gidley's Opera House on
Friday evening next.
Mr. J. 1:. Toni, I.P.S. South Huron,
wits in town on Monday last.
The 1i. 1'. of Tewperauce held a con-
cert in Gidley's Opera hoarse on Mon -
(10y evening last. Crediton and Hensall
talent assisted in the programme.
Honey 1?ilher, M.P.P. South Huron,
was; in town on Saturday last shaking
hands with his numerous admirers.
Mr. McN►oel had a wood bee and
dance 011 Friday. ,An enjoyable time
was spent.
Dir. Jno. Dale tilts his house almost
completed and is now busy removing
his barn from the 2nd cors. to the
Huron road. We may 'soon expect a
change in some person's name. Whu
will she be ? Watch your chance,
lath its.
Mr. William Miller bas purchased
fine driver from Mr.Jas. Steep,Clinton.
It seems as if spring had set in for
plows have been gotten out at their
work, while all kinds of spring birds
have been seen, blackbirds, robins,
crows. plovers, etc. Snakes have also
been noticed. Surely this is an indica-
tion of spring.
We are pleased to leer n that Mr's.
George Dale is getting better.
Making maple syr up and pruning
trees is 1 ho or (Ire. of the day.
Mr. Bert Lindsay has gone to Kil-
larney and Mr. Geo, Munns to Morden,
Manitoba. Both these young wren are
well known throughout the commun.
Our village is rather quiet on account
of the bad roads and dull weather.
Accident.—While Mr.RobertMcKay,
of Tuekersmith, wits corning home
from a sale one day last week, his
horse got frightened :and started
rather suddenly which caused the cart
to tip sideways on account of 801110
snow on the road. This threw the
driver out rather unexpectedly. He
escaped with a bone broken in the
shoulder. He now wears his arm in a
South East IGo(lerich.
Mr. George Green, of Dont�e,gal, as
visiting friends in Goderichtownship
and Bayfield Monday and Tuesday of
last week,
Mrs. James Mudie has employed Mr.
Sherman, of Detroit, to work the
Thistle Grove Farm.
The house of lir. Hanley Cantelon.
of the 1)111 con., tuns consumed by tete .r
Wednesday of last week. While Mr.
Cantelon was 11t the barn attending to
his stock the stove pipes burned out
rind the whole entire part of the house
was in flames before any person saw
it. A number of the neighbors gath-
ered Around but ton late to save any-
thing as the flames were too far ad-
vanced. Dlr. Cameron's loss will he
considcrnble ns be had only live hun-
dred dollars insurance on house and
ilev. Jos ledge, of Godcrirh,preached
in Sharon Methodist (•lurch Sunday.
Mrs. Janle> Mose is visiting friends
in Stephen township.
A Hnlnbee of young people of Bay.
field and Goderich township assembled
at the residence of Mr. Jas. biose Wed-
nesday night of last, week and Spent a
tlloSt enjoyable time in dancing and
olher games. Messrs. Armstrong and
ih>rt-ow fir 'ni,ehed the mimic.. Floor
Manager Sterling failed to get there.
The 110118e of Mr. Wm. ('•trig, of the
15tH can., had a narrow escape from
destruct ion by fire last week and had
it not been for Mr. ,Jas, Livermore
wnnld, it. is altogether likely have gone.
np in smoke. ,lay. happened along
,hist. in the 'del( of time and with the
assistance of Mls4 Craig extinguished,
the dames.