The Clinton News-Record, 1898-03-17, Page 7- _._. _ Tha g�q E OM. - -- _...- ld be slowly thhwod out. '%Vh'le it will be impossible to save the ful- 7"o be derived l perhaps F1'Om it. Hood's Father -'Has the young man an Y g y tags of tender trupieal planter, the Sarsaparilla is N Plants themselves, as well as the fell - r�y liperiOr t0 all THE LATSM COIFFURE IDEA. ago of the hardier cines, can often Other preparations P P 1'ush:lom kips dxa�aued that not the be saved. They should be rem'ived from the direct rays of the sun and kept at 16. Serb*, Hage Least suapi,eiVia a..f ,a coil may appear bot- a temperature of 35 t't 40 degreest until As a spring medicine 1J iveath tibia hat. Those who are clIB dared they have thawed, when it may ire Be'.1L1Se It 1S wut•horky on such subjects are twist- gradually raised. Cold water can ale-, Unequalled for iaig the iiiaisr back LnILb a tall and coil- be used to advantaga in thawing them, out, but the temperature bit uld be Making pure r Ink ilt out this tiqh of tihla head). This Is kept as law as 35 degrees as Mintz as Rich, red blood, for wiear in ttha diaytafmia of course. frost remains in the plant. 'Vater used _A, For e,ve'nangl iihe baiilr may be arrang- at 50 to 60 degreas will generally do 'h:a.rm �, ed as el!aloolra is as desired stud dressod more than to allow the plants to thaw out of themselves. -- - -- - - -- _.. - either W.136 otr low to suit omla'a fancy Me Governess -Of course you want Highest Market Value aiattl t 1hie slablpe of darn's head. IRONING NOTES. PAID FOR RAW FURS and 8KIN0 Despite *illi Mat (Maas been said to the In press:ag *many kiim'ds olf goods or t 242k Been' Wax, Ginseng, eta coinkary, ttha 4bn.1,r is as ®much waved) oltoltthea w-hore it is oustotrasa,ry to place u I ala ever, the onilly diitference being tdib,b a cliath, oven them before bronlim!g�, e Consignments wanted Ht ,a , preespaid. Mondike Moose 'tke lkurgle wave ie tato longer cons4lbrecl' paper instead; tit Igiv'es a g'.la'ss to ribb._. dI , Moecsetne, Fur Coate, Robes good form, a snfe.11har and much nectar oa• siflk, leaves ,no linit, stiffens cambric, - and Snow Shoes a specialty. fit'• plane ilaviaig taken its Ipillam. if slegihtly dalntp,emtad, wild wthien sell el lrch- p, H. JOHNSON, Tthi3 Tthi3 Ih,akr i molt; worm pial•ted, as form, ed, own tw thir"wn away wt no ]nasi and _. _ Wholesale Furrier �lj, but is rolled bx.ak fri, pompAdloux a finesih vine procured.-Va� 404 St. Paul St. effect, witU pemli,aps a few Iiiittle curls If warms ,aire Vayssed aver a broom - ..,..d_ - -_ oin tths foraThe thick curbed st''vk or a,ny rounded eclige., w,iitih care WINTER RESO'lT. "Lang,try baing," wN,dh in so youth- in keepimig ,tlhe!m s,traigh,t, there will. _ Aft T.CHARLES l*vuing and beootiuing is struggling for be no ebJnW,g etdeiaik to mask bhoir w ptaoa ila the faslb,lrnable, world agawo lemlglth, as ss kaftan, tire, cage -when the pri.ss:mlg ie dune tupon a Galt surfa-ei, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. so its also 'this Greek knot. as uiuitly:tnlg can strike the wood but i The very newest fall im thiwirpins is thr3 poirnt of tL'ie $ewui:. OPEN ALL THE YEAR. ai Lilttle oirinlWinlent w,hluc! i will be most! If tlhlexe is vellvet to press. heat .ad FINEST HOTEL, ON THE COAST, g1ladly welcomed by w!outo(n' wiltih mainy' 8wap-stani3- quAe IhNt.. cover wilth, w damp ohoth„ lay it on the velvet wiith the, Sun parlor 800 feet long overlookinip stray loolk9'hhialt hip, amiqunt of trainiingi, r:fgbit sil:le up, ward brush lightly and ocoan and beach esplanade. Vacataid brusth:mg or coa.xiing with keep in place; quickly wltth a cholht`s-hrush until the heating sy:'tem. Elevator to and so.it cis to filli tibls long-talt want surl'acia its as sm,00ltih and velverty as street level. Hot and cold, fresh ands Chat blue .,.,, h6J:1rpLn has been devised. w1him new. ,As tbte dia ng Ocilla over the salt water in all baths, Rooms en Ill 1 ttha onnamer.t consists of asl stoma* becomes dry, it must be wet again I suite, baths attached. narrow ha•i,i or g,o:ii 1)itwpen two and as it is tlie steam with the brushing, " three incllies long studded with Thine- which lifts up the tiny threads and re- ston,�s. ,lige basic of tlh,a bamil is fast- stores the beauty of the velvet. -- erred to a IhA:apdin -viUcih is s:flppod 'un- CATARRH CURE. -- - - der the llaa.tr, drawn up to the Lase of A FEW GOOD THINGS TO EAT. l t Fal Use knot, ail wnhon the hal'.ir to smooth tibia owtsiale baind of rUflntestones is shut, Apple Salad.-iTsa tart green apples dbwar and fes r ed to the, ahpun un cut into di ce •cut one fourth as much _ kleaweath wad your stray Lacks are sup- celery into squares. blix all carefully rj-�, posed to reimia.'!n in perfect order until and pour over it mayonnaise dressing. i = . - -- -- 1,nhoto the next dress:uug,. If tlhle siim!p'e device Fried Potatoes. -These two ways are [Is successful' this Wventm Chas indeed excellent: Slice them the long way, dip rate of tom per cent. per annum, have cvmf-erred a JuisUng benefit to woman- k:lad. into egg and then into srea;l crumbs, QI re,hs 1C Tau•'• wulmom. 46 'asks about caring amid fry in deep lard. Or chop cold for titter !hoar 'Ivithl hwve giahned sans boiled potatoes, season well with salt. k.r,U,vhod!gs id shla whirl remember a few land pepper, put into a skillet, with WHAT THEY PREFER. dionits. Dant bireak yuuir bear, nor ix- very hot fat and covers, Stir frequ- .Buntin'g-"You often 'hear of self- r!ttat; the sed..0 by utsilnlg' too many, or emtly, then let a broxn'crusb form on i too ).heavy blairp tins. Db,'t -use an iron the bottom, lift this and stir 'again. men." an your ihaitr ¢un.y oftener tthan its neces- Put in a cupful of milk, cover tightly Larkin -"Women prefer to be tail - sary. Don't usa too fine w comb upon untU the milk is hot, then serve im- I your haiu•; iit breluka it, snarls it, and mediately. Torontb, 18th February, 1898. its wry il:ijurlous to it. Don't use sods, Veal Loaf, With Tomato Sauce. -One jI ( upon pair '•t' r; ''L Aril,,s it, cuairse,,nis It, amid its epliit• pound of veal, chopped fine, three Bos- f One. ,s of at the best treatlm,aants far the fon crackers rolled fi'no ands sifted salt r hu;T Its to •wsisl:n i,t every two weeks and pepper, one egg -well beaten. Work , wilth tax soar*. .Allow i't to ihanigi loose- until thoroughly mixed, form into a , ly for awY13 and dry naturally. Avoth foal with the hands, butter a tin, place Balance . mama $ 149,845.055 Appreciation in I psi,ng toe amity fluffy towels on Lit. Nev- the loaf in it, rub a little butter on ' er arrange it w,hiSe it is tible least 1;1t top, pour over this a cupful of tomato ' da,'nitp. catsup. Bake one hour, basting often. Prob.t for the year.. . .$ 168,226.21 I if your ihnitr its Lmirlimed to oiliness, a Serve cold with water -tresses. , taniie, iln w-laldh quinine appewrs, is re- Scrapple. -Take the amount of meat c�oinhm,mrled for A. If your h'ui'r is thin and dry. crude v'atse.li!nie rubbed well ,in- you wish to use, two pounds of beef and t to tit- roots of tlhe;hwilr, willl irlcrea;se, one and one, half poundal of fresh pork r its growt-h. If yon wi'shi your hair to Cook in pilenty of 'water, till tender, ' ho bewti l oil and ;g;Lossy you ,must caa•e, remove the meat, stir corn -meal, into foe• it wit'h great tenderness and hcus,h the liquor as you woubd make mush. r ' it wi't'h groat regul,rity. Tih'e best Cook unti9 done. Chop the meat very comb is cr:ua of me Balm size with short fine ; season with salt, pepper and a r coaxss teet'h'. Tlhie !nest brush is one little sage; stir this into the, mush, and w':'tb ra-hht�r stiff bristles, wtiidl renmem- turn out into dishes to cool. Fry as , b;ir, the brush must. be absolutely ifm- you do mush for breakfast. In cold imarulate. weather this will keep for a week or -� I more. Watch it tbait it does not mold. VENTILATING SLEEPING ROOMS. A Delicious Chocolate -Pie. -Line two it is of the utmost importance .to deep pie -pans with a rich short crust, have the air of sleeping rooms fresh prick ,with a fork to prevent blister - and pure during the night, The morn- Cmg, and bake a,plicate bro`.vn, Wben . � �-^ ^ ing airing is not sufficient, for before cold, fill v, ith the ftillowin.g: Four eggs, � dight the air will have become close onP-hQf pipit of sugar, two ounces of and impure. As soon as cold 'weather good chocolate grated, one quart of I approaches many people are afraid to milk, one-half teaspoonful of vanilla. open doors and windows, and copse- Beat the yolks wel l wi th • the sugar, less two tablespoonfuls, the r gaen`ly they become pale and sick, and and choco- , so susceptible to cc -IA imam that they sneeze lata less one heaping tablespoonful, then the milk, !seated to boiling, and r and cough all winter. It is not neces- boil in a double boiler until it thickens. i eary to throw open the entire house When cold, flavor and fill in the pies. to the cold air, but by 'taking one room Then beat the whites of the eggs to a !alta time the entire plane may grad- stiff froth and gradually acrd the two i• *tally be filled with oxygen. t!ab•lespoonfuls of sugar and one of chocolb.te. Spreart: on top of pies and 1 Some people Nava become accustomed Sebe in a mo9erate oven until tali ht g • to sleeping with the windows open all brown. Serve cold. the year. By lifting the window a trifle _-_._ - from this bottom and as much from the AGE OF ICE CREAM, top and placing a board in front of each , Ice cream," according to Cho, Gen- I opening proper ventiLation•may be se- cured. This board should be placed an tleman's Magazine., "is an older sweet - inch or snore from the window, so that meat than many would supp::se. In the " di,w,t drafts are avoided and still leave beginning of the seventeenth century room for the air to enter. Impure air will flow out at the top and pure air gdblets made of ice and also iced fruit will. come in at the bottom of the win- -i e., fruit frozen over -were first low, thus creating o T n constantly a - g y cur . i brought to table. the l,monac'.iers or g ' rent and keeping the air sweet and lemonade sellers, of Paris, endeavored pure. It is an excellent plan to opento the windwvs of a sleeping room wide increase Ebro popularity of their for a few minutes before retiring for wares by icing them and one, more the night. I''he room will then be enterprising than the rest, an Italian flooded with pare air for night con- named Prw,,pe Couteaux in the year sumption, and bring restful and health- fol p e, ee t 1660 conceived this idea of converting ...- One of the very worst practices is such beverages entirely into ice, and - that of keeping a lamp burning during 20yeara later iced liquors i.e., liquors the night, especially in a sleeping room, changed into ice -were the princirral Barning oil consumes a good quantity, thlings sold by the lim,onadiers• By the of the Best properties of the air in a end of the century iced liquors were room, and. if the lamps are poor they quite comm ,n in Paris. Ice cream, or C mama actually poison it. Many mothers have iced butter,' as it was first called from ' given their children the habit of not its supposed res`niblaunce to that sub- ' going to steel) without a light in their stance socmn followed. It was first r rooms. Certainly sleep does not come the coo sr with a strong light glar_ k•niawn in Paris in 1774. Tule Duo de Chartres, often vent at that time to ie n directly Tec in Litethe es. Besides e.• g e e d ,5 Hein Paris coffee h .uses to drink a lass r g r a foolish custom, it e,6 dangerous, If a of ir'.ed liquer, and, the landlord, hav- bj• light is absolutely necessary, the lamp Ing one day prevented 'him with his should lee well made, the best oil used 'arms' formed in edible ice, this kind and the light turned high. A low -burn- of sweetmeat be.•ame the fashion. Ger- ing light produces a mo -t disagreeable man co -4s. at once took up the now smell, besides poisoning the air.�trt. It was not long in reaching Of course it: is essential to have pure England• for in 1770 a French cook air throughout the entire house con- resident in London, maned Clermont, stantly. lane thing is of absolute im- wrote 'T4le Mrdern Cook,' in which !ortance, and that is, the cellar should sweet ices were first described for the i;e kept scrupulous[v clean and free C:nstrnetion c,f English gooks. Present ' from foul odors or smells. Where it is day cooks leave elaborated the ice en- uged for storage, great care is neves- ormlolisly." sary that no decaying fruit or vege- - -- tables are permitted to lie about. COST OF ROYAL GOWNS. Dampness is so dangerous that no one should live it day over such a cellar R+oyeArty, wi41h orale or two notorious I,I- twichout taking precautions to have it exceptions, is singularly economical in corrected.. Lime and charcoal are Both dress. Thus, the German Empress, who recommended. _, *Stains ,her hest robes in Vienna pays . HOUSE PLANT TEMPERATURES. from £40 upwards. , Mhe Empress of On cold nights when there is liar Austria rare Ly goes beyond £20, Queen Shitty that the temparaturo will fall Victoria is also economically disposed, I below the danger p.iLnt, it is well to and 'has never paid a really extravag- I spread newsIm lers in the window andI aalnk price st any time. The young Qu, -,en of Holland usually giirves .610 draw shndev so as t t prevent as moth 1 for a dress in Paris, but 'Haver more possible site liras of heat. The plants thann title number of Iass themsely. q should I;e c.,vered with pair I co storesw!hi!chnr goyal ladhe have i is ers, or, it possible, should be removed to wear. tlhoiir moderation wonderful,. I The German Emperor is said to 1% the from close proximity to the windows. most extravaganit man in Europe for ,most, if blared in the centre of the rcom, h:mg, nod thio' Prince of Wailes, 'the -dressed preferably upon tables, or at least rai- j whi to beat to be the most economical. sed! wet! above the fluor• they will of- ten ew`apo injury, while similar plant's SO THT4 TELL US remaining in the window_ wcuId be frosted and perhaps killed by o Id. First Boarder -They say that tbere's a scientist who claims that the human Asa a rule, plantq do best at a tem- stomach is abssoltutely unnecessary. nerature 10 or 15 degrees en1der than, Second Boarder---,Tf so, it is a decidgd- Ih'ny nod durinlg the day, and most ly expensive luxury. of I hr !gaec,!es commonly used as house ---- plants do not need over 50 or 55 deg- ANSWERED. f: .-es at. night and will not suffer if the Tones --I started to ask Newlywed i• Dwiaperature falls aq low as 40 degrees, whether two could live an what one alt.hbugh if such a line Yemperntuna, could, but- ' be rnnFnu,gd for several days it will Brown-Ilut what? t; cheolt this growLlt of most piants. in Jones -But ,he struck me for a. teen 11 oa..,lo planitA bi*vas Imn frozen they, shout before 1 could finish'. _"T A SERIOUS EXPEDIENCE PASSED THROUGH BY ONE OF BROCKVILLE'S BEST KNOWN MEN. IHa Legs Guve Out and ,thou He fiat Down He Haul No Control Over Them -Dr. 11Vllllams' No. fills 1lestored 1117 to Activity. From the Brockville Recorder. There are few men in Brockville or vicinity better known to the general public, and there is certainly no one held in greater esteo_.i by his friends, than Mr, L. deCarle, ar. Mr. deCarle came from England to Canada forty- four years a,;o, locating in the county of Glengarry. Eigut years later he removed to Brockville and has made his home here ever since. Ile estab- t.ishted the large marble business still clarried on by his :,ons here, and Ls himself one of the most expert stone- cluttera Jn the Dominion of Canada. He. is also wall known as an artist in other lines and as a draughtsman has few equals and no superiors. Ample evidence of tlds, is afforded in the fact that when the conrstrtie Lion of tine Canadian Pacific Railway was begun, Sir Sanford .Flaming, chief engineer of the great trans -continental road, requested him to join his staff. Mr. dei arle accepted the l:osition at Sir Sanford's request and remained with the company for nirle years, during which time he drew nearly, all the pro- files of the road and the plans of the bridges Let -ween Ottawa and 'Thunder Bay, His work was commended as the best done by any draughtsman in the company's) employ. Since leaving the company's service Mr, de Carle has liv- ed a retired life, enjoying aw-ell earned competence at bis co0y libme in the west end of the town: Mr. de Carle is possessed of a rugged constitution and ha•I always enjoyed the best of health until the fall of 1896. Then he w ahs stricken with an affection of tbolimbs which much alarmed him Speaking g with a Recorder representative the other day, the conversation happened to turn upon this event, and the cir- cumstances connected thore--ith can best be told in his own words. "Last fall" s'tid he, "my legs became in such a condition that when 1 sat corn 1r had no power over therm. I could not move, them one way or the other, and was naturally much alarmed. I was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I had read of their curing cases sim- ilar to mine and so I decided to give them a trial. I purchased a sup- ply of the Pills and commenced tak- ing them according to directions. I had only taken them a short time when I found that I was regaining tllq� use of my legs and could raise one un and cross the other with- out muc4h difficulty. I also remarked to my wife that the pills were doing me muc+h..gcod and she was both sur- prised 'and delio•Ibted when 1 showed her with what ease I could move my limbs. I continued taking the pills for abomt a month and by th'tt those, A had as full control of my legs as I ever had -in fact was completely cured. I have never had a symptom' of the trouble since and am now as well al ever I was. I attribute my cure en -4 tirely to Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, In Pact. it must have been the pills for I took nothing else in the -%ay of media cine, and I cannot too strongly re- commend them to anyone afflicted a4 I ,"Jas. FUNNIGRAMS. He-Whatart ugly maul I never taw anybody t:o ugly! She -flush, dear I You fort -et yourself I Friends, They Say -Amy- Isn't that a small shoe, dear? Maud -Yes, dear -for the footl First Friend -So he married in hastel Did hie repent at leisure? Second Friend -No; he repented in haste, too. Shop-Walk(l,r-Slee comp'alns th`it you didn'tshow hear common ck i4ty." Shop - Girl -I shv-ved her everything in my department, sir. Papa, dear, wilhy are these water- proof soles called"'gutta percha ?" Be- cause, my lad, they, enable you to 'perch un the gutter without getting wet. Little Teddie-Pa, what does "infra dig" mean? Pa -Infra dig? Oh, that's Klondike slang. Don't ever let me hear you use them words again. Mr. Yowng'bud-Why so pensive, dear? .Mrs. Younrgbud-I was just trying to decide, lovey, w.Ich I would like you to rescue first in a shipwreck mo or my dear little Fido. The Real Reason -Clearwater Cal - W'hat was Nuggit Nuggi,ns arrested for? Pwdiandle Pete--Fer not car- ryi!n' concealed weapons, -when de sheriff tapped him an de shoulder he wuz totally helpless. Little Boy -Papa:, when the preacher talked about wicked people he didn't look at the co2slgregation., he looked up hoar the air. Why was that? Papa - He was probably looki-nig at the choir. Putting Into Practice- Mamma - Dorothy, do V oto knlow who ate my raisins? Dorothy, turning over the leaves of her book more rapidly,-Mam- m,a., you told mo yesterday some things are better left unsaid. Isn't that one of them? ft her arrival, - t da a after Cook on the Y fiery at times I'm a but er 1 mum, Please m Y and whon I am fiery, I'm apt to he a bit rough spoken; but you needn't let that put you about -with a little press ent you can always bring me round agailm A Source of Comfort -•Summer Visi- tor -You must take lots of comfort in, wiinter from that :great fireplace. Green Mountain -Wal, you see we don't Mev mulch time; I'm busy chappini' wood for it most of the time, ain' Johnny he's busy lugg•ln' it in, an' ma she's busy puttiin' it on the fire. AlmxIous Motble.r-I think you should. uniterfere, Ed -yard. There is youngi Sttilmps sittinig for the last Half hour with Mabel, holdlnlg her hand. You know that lie's not in a positidn to marry i Father, complacently -True; but let bio, hold her hand, Martha;'it will keep her from the piano I Colnnubial Cruelty- Young Husband -What's the matter, Ethel? Young! Wife-Nothii ng, sir I No'thin!g. If you ahoose to out the pages of the maga- lines witch' the same old penknife you use to out off the eructs of your cigars with, when I gave' you a nice pearl- limadled paper -cutter for a Christmas present, it's 'nothing td ,me. , A Query Answered. Awdouls questioners ask, "Is there no sure cure for corns?" We are glad. to be able to tell these sufferers that Puttlmim's Painless Corn Extrao- for will relieve then, In a day, and ex- tract corm without pain. It never fails. It Tells its Own Story...., juUD ftyet, paolai 6ddtaaka011roareag, E,,d p ________ LIFE IN TO SEA DEPTHS. . An Unending Ivaar is neing \vassal 19etween Denizens of the Pecp. Placid and reposeful, tempest -tossed or current -whirled, the unchangeable yet unreating surface of the ocean re- veals to the voyager no inkling of what is going on below its mobile mask, and even when furrowed deepest by the mighty Lut invisible ploughshare o8 the storm, how slight is the effect felt twenty feet deep. Yet in those sound- less abysses of slade beneath the wav- es a war is being incessantly waged which knows no truce, ruthless, un- ending, and universal. On earth the struggle for existence is a terrible one, exciting all our sym- pathies when we witness its pitiless- ness, being otarselves by some happy accident outside the arena. Nature, "red in tooth and claw," weeding out the unfit by the operation of her in- exorable laws, raises many a doubt- ing q•w?stion in gentle isouls as to why alt this suffering should be necessary. They see but a portion of the revers- ed pattern woven by the eternal looms. But the fauna of the aand are by an enormous majority herbivorous, mild in their habits, and terrified at the sight of blood. Even the Carnivora, fierce and ravenous as are their in- stincts, do not devour one another ex- cept in a few insignificant and ab- normal cases, sued as wolves driven mad by starvation. Much less- do they eat their own offspring, although there are many instanoes of this 'FJ:TDW)UU APPETITE Among the herbivores, which are fa- miliar to most of ups. In striking con- trast to the conditions the tribes of ocean are all devourers of each oth- er, and, with thea excel;tion of the mam- malia q ditstinc- and the sharks, make no r tion in favor of their own fruit. Cue single instance among the inhabitants of the sea furnishes us with a vana- tion. The halicone, dugong, and man- atee, now nearly extinct, are without doubt eaters of ierba;ge only. This they gather along the shores whose waters are their hal its:, or call from the shallow sea -bottoms. For all the rest, they are mutually dependent upon each other's flesh' for life, unscrupulous, unsatisfied, and vigorous beyond. helicf. "Vao Vie Lis" is their matte, and. the absence of all other food their sole and sufficient ex- cuse. Viewed dispassionately, this law of Intan't-pendence direct is a I enefi- cent ono in spit* of its apparent cruel- ty. Vast a9 is that,. sea, the fecundity of most of its denikens is well known to ice so :great that without effective checks always in operation it must ral4dly become putrid and pestilential from tN, ilnm^mase accumulation of de- caying animal matter. As things are, the life of a fish from first to last is a series of miraculous escal:es. As ova, their enemies are so numerous, even their own parents greedily de- vouring the quicl:pntng spawn, that it is hard to understand how any are overlooked and allowed to .become fish. Yet, as fry, after providing food for countless hordes of hungry foe:a,they are still sufficiently numerous to im- press the imagination as being in num- ber like the sands of the sea. And so, always being devoured by millions, the progress towards maturity, at which perhaps one-bil•ionth of those si- finit de- posited as ova arrive. This infinitesi- mal n e mal remnant is a mighty horst requir- ing such supplias of living organisms for its daily food as would make an astronomer dizzy to enumerate. I RS. HUGHES' CASE, The Wy Writes Another Tetter tc The Dodds Medicine Co. Five Deetore and a Specialist Said She Neel Bheurnatlam --They Oould Not Help Her - Her Trouble Was Kidney,Diseaee-our- ed 6y Dodd's Kidney Pills. Morley, Oen't.:-Interest is Me wond- erfinl• recovery off 'nvs. T. Hogilies is still'u'nabati--d Mare, and tibia case is the primci,pal toque of con,varsation. Mrs. Hulgihrns liras rece'rved a letter from The Dodds Mledici'i:(I Co., Toronto, asking -shat `nature h,er uloe,tors gave her dis- ease. Replyi'n'g. Mrs. Hughes writes thus: "ln triply to yours of the 7tihi inst w•ou111 say tliak tl'ol3 dactors said I had RilaeutmaCurn. Tit'i!ay sartl that my age, 48 years -vent agaanwt any recovery, than I wduld b3 better when, I got over Chia ohangie of 1;8e,, amici tlhia.t nothimg but Vane would cure 'me. ,, "I blrli'eve I ,Laid kid'noy end bladder ditsea.,se. I grew worse and. -verse daily; could east not,hi,mg but cornstarohl, or soup., un,t i,l I be;gain to use Dad-d's K i d- ney Pills. When I was ill I weighed 147 pounds; mono I %vici,t.lah! 112 pounds - my weight. T be to ate a in mY .g Ea' g , that Dodd's Kidney Pills saved .my life. " Anyonee wishing further informa- tion moV write to me, and i'll gladly give it. " Mrs. T. Hughes." In the face of thei emphatic evidence that is coming to Light daily, no man can say that J:odd's Kidney Pills won't cure Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Rheu- matism, Lumbago, Diseases of Women, and all Y 11 other Kidney Diseases. Kill c- •ti Pills are sold b • Dodds m y all tiruggidts at fifty sen t. q a box, six boxes $2,50, or will lee sent, on receipt of price, by The Dodds bfe•dicine Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. HIS PEN Pompous Gent -I make my living by my pen. Rustic -So do I. Pompous Gent -I wouldn't take you for an author. Rustic -I ain't; I raise hogs. - W P C 90 *1® * B0Il ** Built In One Grade Only- - ' And that the REST. The nBsT is the one thatd is CORRECT in every point. Goodrich 118 Res -Flex are constructed of the finest materials and skilled work- manship, and are free from faults. SINGLE OR DOUBLE TUBES. Not expensive because tb*r are the 11198T. $end for -- T ' catalogue, It will Interest you. Dealers quoted. AMERICAN TIRE CO., Llmited, 40 188 and 108 KIraS St. W., -TORONTO. IVB***16044"• ..•• ELL CEYLON TEA. Padlcagss. rom Loading grooara 11Tarch April May Are the months In which to purify Your blood with Hood's Sarsaparilla. The system is now . In need of such A medicine and Is host; susceptible To the benefits 1! 1 RiAVAGANCE IN CORSETS., l " to be your gold* to bvylog too- EXTALLOW Oa It has not been enough for the lux- ury loving damsel to pay $10 to 820 MONSOONNNININ to have her corset made to order. She must now hove gold stays and clasps INDO-CEYLON TEAy and jeiweiad hooks. Solid, gold Books 19 recommended as the best. can be bdulgilut plfain for e5. Jeweled 25, 30, 40, So and 6oc. per pound. chose vawry from $15 to $50. The heal l• edt of sr,atiln brocade is not considered, too fine for this bit of loveliness. Tho rT i(' Airente wanted 1» lntcoduoe oa corset hook is a good idea. It keeps MUSIC SIC Ce taloguo and terms. We snail prepaid "Hot 7'170 in Ol' this dress skirt from sipping up in front Crown " with music. for 6 cents. stamps. and noakes iit hang wolf!. But any large POPULAR MU810 DEPOT, W Alexis St. Montreal willite or black ,book„ such as is used to fasten skirt bonds, will serve quite Have You Seen It 1 I1 Can You DO It i 111 ars -mall as a gold one. The New O K P 11 111 I Dividpinds on stock. . . .$ 100.000.00I Total asslets. . . . . . . 2,415,086.41 Rp"serve fund . .. .. . . 1,155,134.42 I Cash capital. . t . ,. 1,000,000.00 Subscribed capital t. . . 1,000,000.00 i Secur4ty to policy -holders . 3,155,134.42 The election of Directors for the cn- 1 suing year was then proceeded with, and restrlted in the unanimous re-ela:c- don of thefollowing gentlemen,viz: -IIoia. Goo. A. Cox, Hon. S. C. Wood, Messrs. Robt. Beaty, G. It. R. Conk - burn Goo. McMurrich, H. N. Baird, W. R. Brock, J. K. Osborne, and J. J. I Kenny. A•t a meeting of the Board of Direc- tors held subsequently, Host. Gco. A. _•� .�----- ®. Cox was re-elected, President, and Mr. �` --�'- J. J. Kenny Vice -President, for the en- WINrr,R1R R7080Rru_ suing year. Plorida of the North -Rest 11 UJIL SnoW and the Cold North, For the average person, riding the average Idis_ tance, over the average roads, HARTFORD and VIM Tim are perfection and stand for comfort, safety, durability and longevity. We re- ' I every pair of our road ti! es FREE OF CHARGE, Write for Catalogues" Montreal, Windsor Hotel Block. TORONTO TIRE C®., Winni Tice o bitCo.1AM iTED p Rnr ax C 'eg lig Halifax OFFICE opens rat A til , pe p 0 Adelaide St. W., TORONTO q AFTER MARRTAGVNm. Do Brush has become wedded to his art. I thought so. He's getting awfully careless in his -work lately. ­M�a_aasr.+rccc a.:a.�,xerrw. •+ _ n pf, N'Sih 0 4 4 00. . 14 8 .0 n, ... I 4.1VE, syRolrd The most suceeeehil and reliable preserlptiorl of a dlatinguished physician for �y 11 id®UGHAtOCIO DS BronchUl and Lung Affections. Cantatas Honey Hops, Skunk Cabbage Root, Lobelia, Tolu anA other most effective ingrecH onto. 1?'len•ant to the taste, it is readily taken by Children, and is magically effectivd in Crow & Whoof,ing Cough. PricoABi�60ots. Soldby ruggleteaudDealem Dominion Line Steamships• yfontreal and Quebec to Liverpool in sumuaor. Pert and to L((verpool in winter. Larne and aattwln scro* steamehipq Labrador.' 'Van. 'ouver,' ' Dominion ' 'Scotsman,' ' Yorkshire: 9uptierfor acoommeantfon for First Cabin, Seo. ►rad Cabin and.gqteerag pea angers. Raise of lartrage .FirstOabiu r�60; lPecondCabtn,$3C; lreerage $22.50 ana upw,atde according to Itealnor and berth. or all information apply to Local Acento or DAVID ToRRANom &M., LI Agenta, 17 46. Sacrament $t., Montreal. tel I_ 0 ® e • 7 Atlantic City, N. J. a �.>rscY Oo i.� its :Em:L g]v®r D,Bt i ��a3os alaa,p y sit, a,. -���� ti . w.` _Z �'^ A - ..��, . A9 •el. 7 , d.,.jf, ! t g� t ;{ M i lam , " ^YS ;F'i'st}li+."91icI pa.,;" •^��A.n�i ! tis - r' f t3r�' i _. Ir t ., ,a :i �- li i . t , t �ia � 1 . i:a � ,til r i �t 3 1 t t�.. r^ I 'L'!tiif,'+�r,S i` r1 �,j tiF„ ^1't 1 rA•. F .r"�� ,� ,,,�1�^r.. Ir,'`<�. ,.r? 'r�::tcx ; <4 t,s1CIIIMI 1 '. . . �. u a q Ct „r , m 'f J._ 'atrims, vE•a.,! ld r c7 vim il _rt �,.TrYr _ 1 _I -x,, e•- Y•. " t} �aipl.t fly `-r"' - -�''. s r:.,wrl'""'•..x.. �.'' "•'�5;--�: ,,,a.' 't e'7 t .ft: x„I yc-- cit- -.Itg"=. ,..>:.`;"'s±la.`Fr:t4,`t�...'::R.R't'.'3±�,:�; i lrc�: >tri r �. \ ;� y� %r'.�riA•r,: �.4G%l:T.%IJ!//.r/ 1/!r'�y iriiii"`aii2'kzi a".i��' ��'4. R Isri�e'.- f u n yr ,hoar e t si�.�i•i! s7 ✓� u�if!mi ,r t{l l 1i sn_tom' I' 12. VARIETIES FOR, 25 Cts. This Is • BONA PID13 offer made to Introduce our Vegetabta and Plower Seeds to now customers and which we guarantee to please you or the amount paid refunded and the Seeds given as a present. SEEDS'At these prices we can om,r offer the varieties named below. Order by nnmber. Bay �whab you aaant. They are senb by mall postpaid. $oloct from the folio wing list V8013TABLBS. 16. water Melon, Early Gonad I O 1 i d wetherafi*td (order by Ntambenl _-... - uzz e Tho most fascinating puzzle of the day, KLONDYKI 7"o be derived SOMEWHAT REMOTE. HOW TO REAM $old everywhere. Axents wanted. Send 20% F1'Om it. Hood's Father -'Has the young man an Y g y for Eamon.mple. T. $ t., - apb Commiselon.re St.. Montreal, Quo. Sarsaparilla is ,prospects? 6. Tomato, extra early Atlaatfe r�y liperiOr t0 all relatives �in ).bel Klondike. ' he has SHIP YOUR PROODU,, Other preparations P P I fi0. eters, tntxed 16. Serb*, Hage 26 ignonetie awe" Butter, Bgge, Apples, Fruit. &c., to .` As a spring medicine 1J Cure Yourself of Rheumatism. THE DAWSON COMMISSION 08., Limited, Oor, of West Market and Colborne 819., TORONTd Be'.1L1Se It 1S The application of Nervilinec nerve pain outer -which possesses such mar- __ -V '-' Unequalled for venous power over all nerve pain, has proved a remarkable success in rhea- [� Making pure r matism and neuralgia, Nerviline acts gw lelveonelisn yi®1®RI��i!,1r,,!,T.,t,v.q jig Rich, red blood, on the nerves, soothes them, drives pain out and so graves relief. Try it and be tod64o1d ran ranted, toanyone who wll s U }*dos.IldestructibleLarn W e (ueedpot,Mln6) mOlgIrl gpdsatl04to. eaa A _A, convinced. ---- e and we w 11. M you t Wie1u. You soli he .... and Bend uR the moueyand wowill Ipail row tope I STAB CHEMICAL I_ Bo _a.Ot®te!,? o!L r. o - �, CAUSE AND EFFECR A DESIRABLE LOC_'_TION. -- - -- - - -- _.. - Phlilosopher-I shall never regret Me Governess -Of course you want Highest Market Value that, I was once an industrious man. to go to ''heaven, do you not? PAID FOR RAW FURS and 8KIN0 1''riend-Because you feathered your Little Miss ,P, lite -Of course 1 The t 242k Been' Wax, Ginseng, eta nest, I aupllose. best people o there. poi $ u I Yh11060pdieT-NO. It 19 because the __ Dr. Invers, Consignments wanted Ht ,a , preespaid. Mondike Moose memory of my past industry enables Henry Quebec, writes:- dI , Moecsetne, Fur Coate, Robes me to thoroughly enjoy my present "One of my children sprained herr. - and Snow Shoes a specialty. fit'• laziness. ankle; which became much swollen and p, H. JOHNSON, diocoloured. Some "Quickeure" was _. _ Wholesale Furrier spread an linen, and applied; the pain 404 St. Paul St. I1Ip arpE�1�h Western Wss110rSC,&9{y� c easE;d at once, the *welling was gone the ed day, and on the fourth day she Montreal, Que. _ - walked to sah.00l as usual." WINTER RESO'lT. COMPANY. --- -=- WHERE TMJ' Dili'si'ERENCE LAY. _ Aft T.CHARLES The aJnal meeting of Share Ho an (watching the golf rs)-Or . holders was heldat the Compan's of- don't sae any difference bechuue thot ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. (ices in this city yesterday. The Pre- anwor-rk. i slident, the Hun. Cleo. A. Cox, occupied Lacy-Yez don't, eh ? Well, yez OPEN ALL THE YEAR. the ,Chair. would whin pay day kin around be- FINEST HOTEL, ON THE COAST, The following Annual Report of the gorrah. I Sun parlor 800 feet long overlookinip Directors, with accompanying Finan- ocoan and beach esplanade. Vacataid cial Statement, was then read by the STATE OF 01110. CITY ob` To:,FDO,steam heating sy:'tem. Elevator to Secretary, a, d, on motion, adopted, Luces COUNTY I.- street level. Hot and cold, fresh ands viz.:- FRANR,I. CHEM Y na1r090ath that. he IR the salt water in all baths, Rooms en t•'tllit'I'dl-,.w,vl:aT11 ANN1rAL IMPORT. senior partner of u,u firm of F. I. 011x0 sr & Co., doing buslne-s in the City c`. T„!,•do, I suite, baths attached. The Directors beg to submit herewith County and State aforesaid, t,nd Thal poi 1 Ili -tit will pap the sum t.,f ONE HUNDRED DOL- !! JAMES B. REILLY, Owner and Prop, I * statement of the results of the trl'ns- LARS fir each and every case of CATARR1i actions of the, Company for the year that canner, ba cured by the use of HALL's -- 1897, together with the Assets and Lia- CATARRH CURE. -- - - bilities at the 31st December last, a.nd FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to bofore me and subsoribed in my l t Fal the Auditors' report thereon. p presence, this 6th day of D'cember A. D. 1986. The balance at tine credit of Revenue,,} A. W. GLEASOY, i M__ Account is $149,845.05, and there has {_A NotaryPnblio rj-�, been a gain of $18, pare in the value of securities, as compared with their Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, and i = . - -- -- 1,nhoto market price a year ago. Two half -yearly dividends, at the I acts directly on the blo)d and muooue surfaces of the system. Send for keutinioniais free. F. J. CHP;NEY & CO., Toledo, G ��l �'enoo� rate of tom per cent. per annum, have Sold by Druggist^, 7oc. Hall's Family Pills are the beet QI re,hs 1C o� been declared out of the year's earn- ings, anti $68,226.21, added to the Re- serve Fund. The amount of the estimated liabil- WHAT THEY PREFER. If you don't know• but wish to see Lty upon risks now on the Company's , .Buntin'g-"You often 'hear of self- how Page fence looks in .actual use. Nooks is 775,661.51, and a net surplus ; made men, but never of self-made wo- 'and get some good pictures of fence, is shbwn over capital and all liabili- men." ilet d you some of our illustrated us aanyor-made." ties o[ $379,472.91. Larkin -"Women prefer to be tail - (advertising matter containing engr;ev. GEC. A. COX, Pres in s made direct from p g photographs Torontb, 18th February, 1898. of Page fence on Canadian farms. 'out SUMMARY OF THE FINANCIAL-w STATEMENT. i Skin Sores not regret it. If there is a Page. you, dealer near yo, apply to him. If not Total cash income. .$2,283,632,48 a� Total pxpenditure, includ- ing for loss- I p WW gR� 1g�� KING OELENOY TNG BLOOD apply to ua. appropriation E THE ' aIS under adjustment. mama 2,133,--- I I ' And never fail* heel and note akin diseases- Sold by all druggists. ,25 cents a large package. WOODW�aD U11DlCnn{ OO., TORONTO, CANADA 1 THE PNGE WISE FENCE CO 9�NY, Balance . mama $ 149,845.055 Appreciation in I ' - - - - 1 Litnited, (value of ,veuri.ties. .. . . .. . 18,381.16 I Proft for the year . .$ i 168,2213,21 ' MILLS -steel, Galvanised, Roller IN® and Ball Bearings, Iron Pumps, I WALKERVILLE ONT. ' ----- I 8pra ere, and Or•n.in Grinders. 0oukk - •. - Prob.t for the year.. . .$ 168,226.21 I shar'sy& n uir Oel, Limited, Brantford, Canada, P. S. See our "ad" in tho next is+4ue.- Dividpinds on stock. . . .$ 100.000.00I Total asslets. . . . . . . 2,415,086.41 Rp"serve fund . .. .. . . 1,155,134.42 I Cash capital. . t . ,. 1,000,000.00 Subscribed capital t. . . 1,000,000.00 i Secur4ty to policy -holders . 3,155,134.42 The election of Directors for the cn- 1 suing year was then proceeded with, and restrlted in the unanimous re-ela:c- don of thefollowing gentlemen,viz: -IIoia. Goo. A. Cox, Hon. S. C. Wood, Messrs. Robt. Beaty, G. It. R. Conk - burn Goo. McMurrich, H. N. Baird, W. R. Brock, J. K. Osborne, and J. J. I Kenny. A•t a meeting of the Board of Direc- tors held subsequently, Host. Gco. A. _•� .�----- ®. Cox was re-elected, President, and Mr. �` --�'- J. J. Kenny Vice -President, for the en- WINrr,R1R R7080Rru_ suing year. Plorida of the North -Rest 11 UJIL SnoW and the Cold North, For the average person, riding the average Idis_ tance, over the average roads, HARTFORD and VIM Tim are perfection and stand for comfort, safety, durability and longevity. We re- ' I every pair of our road ti! es FREE OF CHARGE, Write for Catalogues" Montreal, Windsor Hotel Block. TORONTO TIRE C®., Winni Tice o bitCo.1AM iTED p Rnr ax C 'eg lig Halifax OFFICE opens rat A til , pe p 0 Adelaide St. W., TORONTO q AFTER MARRTAGVNm. Do Brush has become wedded to his art. I thought so. He's getting awfully careless in his -work lately. ­M�a_aasr.+rccc a.:a.�,xerrw. •+ _ n pf, N'Sih 0 4 4 00. . 14 8 .0 n, ... I 4.1VE, syRolrd The most suceeeehil and reliable preserlptiorl of a dlatinguished physician for �y 11 id®UGHAtOCIO DS BronchUl and Lung Affections. Cantatas Honey Hops, Skunk Cabbage Root, Lobelia, Tolu anA other most effective ingrecH onto. 1?'len•ant to the taste, it is readily taken by Children, and is magically effectivd in Crow & Whoof,ing Cough. PricoABi�60ots. Soldby ruggleteaudDealem Dominion Line Steamships• yfontreal and Quebec to Liverpool in sumuaor. Pert and to L((verpool in winter. Larne and aattwln scro* steamehipq Labrador.' 'Van. 'ouver,' ' Dominion ' 'Scotsman,' ' Yorkshire: 9uptierfor acoommeantfon for First Cabin, Seo. ►rad Cabin and.gqteerag pea angers. Raise of lartrage .FirstOabiu r�60; lPecondCabtn,$3C; lreerage $22.50 ana upw,atde according to Itealnor and berth. or all information apply to Local Acento or DAVID ToRRANom &M., LI Agenta, 17 46. Sacrament $t., Montreal. tel I_ 0 ® e • 7 Atlantic City, N. J. a �.>rscY Oo i.� its :Em:L g]v®r D,Bt i ��a3os alaa,p y sit, a,. -���� ti . w.` _Z �'^ A - ..��, . A9 •el. 7 , d.,.jf, ! t g� t ;{ M i lam , " ^YS ;F'i'st}li+."91icI pa.,;" •^��A.n�i ! tis - r' f t3r�' i _. Ir t ., ,a :i �- li i . t , t �ia � 1 . i:a � ,til r i �t 3 1 t t�.. r^ I 'L'!tiif,'+�r,S i` r1 �,j tiF„ ^1't 1 rA•. F .r"�� ,� ,,,�1�^r.. Ir,'`<�. ,.r? 'r�::tcx ; <4 t,s1CIIIMI 1 '. . . �. u a q Ct „r , m 'f J._ 'atrims, vE•a.,! ld r c7 vim il _rt �,.TrYr _ 1 _I -x,, e•- Y•. " t} �aipl.t fly `-r"' - -�''. s r:.,wrl'""'•..x.. �.'' "•'�5;--�: ,,,a.' 't e'7 t .ft: x„I yc-- cit- -.Itg"=. ,..>:.`;"'s±la.`Fr:t4,`t�...'::R.R't'.'3±�,:�; i lrc�: >tri r �. \ ;� y� %r'.�riA•r,: �.4G%l:T.%IJ!//.r/ 1/!r'�y iriiii"`aii2'kzi a".i��' ��'4. R Isri�e'.- f u n yr ,hoar e t si�.�i•i! s7 ✓� u�if!mi ,r t{l l 1i sn_tom' I' 12. VARIETIES FOR, 25 Cts. This Is • BONA PID13 offer made to Introduce our Vegetabta and Plower Seeds to now customers and which we guarantee to please you or the amount paid refunded and the Seeds given as a present. SEEDS'At these prices we can om,r offer the varieties named below. Order by nnmber. Bay �whab you aaant. They are senb by mall postpaid. $oloct from the folio wing list V8013TABLBS. 16. water Melon, Early Gonad I O 1 i d wetherafi*td (order by Ntambenl n on, Arge re Onion Yellow Globo Danrwn I. Heat, ��e.l(lpse, round 15. Paran{p, Hollow Crown 9. Hest 1t tlaa, flet roWA 10. Radish, French Breekfasf, & l74RW.S lrinni4rtptad/ 91. Radleb, Rosy Gem ♦ Cabbage, I ttlets Hranawkir Rquaeb, Hubbard K Oaeot, halt�tpo *sari" 6. Tomato, extra early Atlaatfe I. *trek 'L Tomato, Dwarf Ohampton Oeoumbsruaakl0sa o fag 1.��oumbi LOpr.��ttqq�•s.n FLOWERS. 1. deiorryy� Boyden 8a16.1#laneffeg fi0. eters, tntxed 16. Serb*, Hage 26 ignonetie awe" 1L Serb** Savory if. Hot Marlorana 97. assay muted & Ittunisi mlxad , lA Lettaoe, Noupar i (Oabbagel 20. asturt ems to mltc!d It Lettuoe Dearer Market Htvlladl bbR sweet Yeas, fine mixed r �, 1 I6. Mask Rilon, extra early. Ifutntiew 31, wild Flower. Garden rifted I t�1 p� Rosy Gena Radish. p I�,'"� We tl .046k ti aft A4O40�cted tWn the a Va Uat More O � r 'W M. R E N N I Eo TORONTO. � O O. . . I * - . ..