The Clinton News-Record, 1898-03-17, Page 3I I . I . .1 I I . __ . . "'. .1 I—— I I ..... -- ­1 I ­ 11111- ,".., ­­11. . 11 I � ..."'....­ �­ ".11— �.� - -.1 , ­ 1-1-.1 . . I . . I . � � . . . .� . � I I . . I L .. . . � I . I I � I— 1� - !­ � � .7 � . ­ - �.­' - I­-:- , . I I . . , —,,-. , . ­ �­ —_ - �­ , I ­11 [ 11 I _1111� " - , , " . ­­­Pt . I . I I I I . ".,— , 1­1.11-1 .­­", 4 -.7411- � I � � . . . . 11 7 - -, ­ I .1­1 _. t — 11. 1. _11""7""i ff .. I I -'!�­- 7 ­­­1­ - ­""W�­71-7 . , . it � I � � . � I I . � . I I - - ____ � ____ I . NN, hen applied to Gol's providence. NY ho � THE FIBITE VISION I has not come to Soule in life thux- - - I .----.- ,----..--.- - --- We got very imlarlfeet ideas of the rouaivas of bea sit We think of hoino __.____ ___._ — -I —_ 8: Oke of the " leaven at Herod :lag identival % th the leav tb; I I ---.------,--.--- - ,h,:M-, - Oa,3 marvals at tho bardi- - Anothor iattance in wbit h we swooped — kaoy�n, anti Lt is scarcely possible that I : . & __ Oughly inexpliml-le 1 �6.1113 say: "What - - fftilal -lay on earth when f!!ther and $a" .", t�adduoees. Compare M,rk 8, 15 with I Od Of PbAIIP Of ItUr", Who Ventured & fely muath,i lat,or, to ma.rry tLiA girl. dow" like a wolf wa.sl in RIM, when, in the words of a Daivish writer, "The everyone will forget. ,do?4 this me" i What is God going to , OUR PRESENT KNOWLEDGE IS DIM do %i+4 me now ? He tells me tha,t all mother ��ero yet living and the child- ran came hoi.tie. A good time. that I Matt. 16. 6. But when , man has per- sonal fears theories 1A, the contrary I Sibe brought It to hor mother, Ana Goverptaolit, of Denmark saw tile Bug- One ,of the boarders in a fashionable AND UNSATISFACTORY. thingsl�sork together for good. This llut It ba I this drawbaek-all vv ore not do not hold. Herod had in urdered witlit this Scene, the young girl hand- LOS the bleeding head of the prophet )6h ships of ',va,r on their coast N%ith- out oven the conjecture tiiat they were boaxiling-house one winter had a posi- , _." dws noe'19ok like it." You continue there. That Im,ther went off tol sea John, apil of all this IL%vful faeta which to her mother, the two women pa.:ss tobeempluyed againit Denmark. Ile tive mania. on tile subject of fire, and to study the dispensation an4 after . IVID DISCOUE $9. .whil. guess about what Gal means. TAIMAGEW Vi and never was board from. That sis- ter-did we nut lay bat- away in the aa exei,ted iinagloatim coulid tear tibat of the return (it a Aurdered out of sacred history. Only tile general facts Island of Zealand was surruunded, the alwxyb kept a fst-uut rove tied to her bed : L — " Ile. means to teach me this. I think freshness of her 3LOung life never more prophet, to life would be nitot dreaded. That of theLr sut*aqueat history is knto,wn. Herodias urged bar husband capital throt6tened, and the Danish ter- ritory violated, before the Court of head and coiled on the floor. When at last the - Fire I" The Great Divine Oputrasts the Dinknefiss ar he meem,s to teach me that, Perhaps it is to humble mY pride. Perha­s it lCarthlY Eyesixt,t Willi else Grald"' "'id in this world to took upon her? Ah, there was a skeleton at tha feast, and Herod's conscience U�8 terror-StriCkOo, Lls to be seen here 4nd in the corres- tA), Seek] the title of king, but ,Aben he went to Rome on this errand his Gaffi- Lotladon had made use of a single word to express the hostility of its feelings " cry of came a,t midnight she forgot the rope and stood . is to make me feell more deveDent. � More t4uspirtc willissil let tho itra-eniter- Perhaps to teach me the uncertainty of tears ,mingled witlil our laughten on that Christmas day. Not so u ith hea- poluding accounts, �nd his supersti- tLous fear afterwar4 became almost ean encinies conspired against him. He La reality, England entertained act, ' at the window, with a veranda roof . . 310r1al Head Appalled by the Celestial life." But after all it is only a guess . Gravies. van's reunions, It will be an uninter- provpIrbial in ancient, Rome. Therefore was deposed even fronal his tat- rurchy, and was banished tq a town HOSTILB FEELINGSTOWARDS tell feet below-& roof wbioh ran along a wholse row of houees,--screa,mimg end -a lookink through the glass, darkly. rupted gladness. Many a 0bristian !nighty works do shpvr forth themselves on �ho site of the modern city of Lyons, DENMARK, � Washington, March B.-From 1. Car- The Bible assures us there shall be a, " parent will look around and find till "Ahl" Inhim. Rising frocathe dead he would in France. Una good thing may be and the for wringing her hands. But a fellow hathians xiii, 12, "For now we see satisfactory unfolding. What I do thou knovvest not now, but thou sba,1t through a glass, darkly, but then face his children there. he says, "can it Le possible that we are all here be expected to possess more mLra,cu- lous powers, and we kjww that in his said at bar, that having loved him i n his honor, she loved him, even i n his reason this sudden move was that memurabi m sting of Napol- a a eon and Alexander the Nie- boarder, a man with a cool head, re- membered the rope, which was a jest I know hereafter," You wUl know why to face." Ile— Dr. TaLmago preached God took to hinaself tha.t only child. -life's perils over? The Jordan pas- sell, and not one wanting V Why, even lifetime �ohn did nat wprk any mir- _ acles. John 10. 41. degradation. Salome, as we have soon, married 11billp the tetrarch of Iturea, on river Men, when they agreed to divide the 4n the hou;e, an,t saved not only hog a most powerful and vivid seiruon. He Next door there was a household of the prodigal is here, I almoatt gave S. Herod hatti 194d hold On John. Had &ad when he died, maxtied her first yvorld between them, and as a prelim- bat half a dozen others by Its use. I ,, � said: I seven children. Why nut take one from I that him tip. How long he despised my but sent his soldiers into the wilderness cousin, Arlstobulus. According to tra- knary, to compel Denmark, in company wit1t Sweden, and Portugal, to declare (XWO THINGS TO REMEMBER. group instead of your only onal The Bible is the most forceful and Why single out the dwelling in which ,:pungsant books. While it has the there counsel, grace bath triumphed. All here, all here 1 Tell the mighty joy through the Let the 1*11s; to arrest laini. 11his wets a,borat a year before the birthday banquet, And bound dition, she slipped in crossing a It's and] the, Lee severed her head from her r Wax against England. In self protee- tiGta England hastened to upset their There are two Important things to I eiiaber when ordinary means of ea- �111 . . . . . . of was only one heart beating re- sweetness of a motiker's bush for hu- i isponsive, to yours'? Why did God give vity, ring, and the angels mention it in their him, Chained him. Put him in prison. From Josaphus we leiira that John's body, a fate that good people rogardid as retribu4tivpI Plailia by seizing the Powerful Danish fleet. caps seem cut off before the last re- I � man trouble, it lies all tile lZounness of I you 9- chilli at &II if he meant to take it away ? Why fill the- cup sung. Wave it from tho� toll of the walls. All berel" prison was in Perea, the most east- ern Herod's in the 12. His disciples came, andi took tip Dyer, blistoricia, says: "Great Britain sort of jumping from a window. The first is that you ma,y break your 86 solmiter and the crushing po%N er 01, of your.gladness brimming if he meant . No more breaking of heartstrin go, of provinces, and castle of Machaerua, which, "a many the body, and buried It, Herod prob- ably made no objection, to these last lias always been- accustomed to coin- fall by throwing rnattrel:uies and pjbish� a lightning bolt. It portrays with! to dash it doNvu? Why allow ail the ten- but fape to face, The orph-insi that castles in Europe and Asia, did duty honors. John's popularity was too meace hostilities without a declaration lows to the pavement below, se,:OiftF more than a liainter's power, at one, drils of your heart towind around that object and Ahen, when every fil�er of "re left poor and in a mercitc-40 world, kicked and cuffed of many at once as palace and prison and fort- M'kbauer the great to permit the authorities to per- of war," But all other countries do pre- olsely the same. The Untited States, for that a rope. strong enough to bear an one of ordinary weig-lit, may be 3e stroke, pictui iag a heavenly throne; . and a judgment conflagration. The Your own life seemesd to be interlocked hb,rdshitis. .shall join their parents, ress. is modern name of the place where U stood. Apparent- secate his followers. Went and told Jeeps. it is vexy Ifukely blislit the int3tance, in 1812, declared war against by by tearing sheets and counterpane in- with the child's life, with strong b-ind strings of tids great harp are fingered. to tear you apart, until you fall, bleed- . over whose graves they so long wepk and, gaze into their glorified count- ly Herod was makilng his headquarters here while striving to the war majority of them f am this time lle� r Lord's disciples. us an act of Congress on June 18, but it had actually begun hostilities the to tfera-inoh strips and tying them to- get�er. To do this put the ends of the by all the splendors of the future, I Ing and crushed, your cl,welling desol, enances forever, face to face. We may from the push on Nvitth King AretatI, who had been his came our Previous April by layiag an embargo 0.0 all Alps in American " together, double a.nd tie in one ir now sounding with the crackle of con- ate your hopes blasted, your heart broken ? Do you suppose that God -will consuming words, now t1irill come up different parts, of world- one from the land and another from the depths the sea; from lives father-in-law, The war, an we have seen, %%as a di-matrous one for Herod, and WAR COMES SUDDENbYl parts. It was not until July 25 that we learned what the state of affairs was; togetJler, not across; the harder you pull on a knot such as this the the joy of the everlasting eman-s— ,� explain that? Yea, He will make it plainer than any mathematical prob- of affluent and prosperous, or front the Jews concluded that John's death the h tion from tighter it is. Two sheeti and one coun- terlitime should make a rope long en- ad. It tells how one forbidden tree In - lem-as plain as that tivo and two make scenes of ragged distress, but we shall was reason. For Herodias' sake, his brother Philip's wife. Herod had — . Uncle Sam, but by mean,i of despatches ough to reach from a fourth story win- throne you the garden blasted the earth with ["'ililr-see all meet in rapture and jubilee face , two brother Philips, one of whom he HOW MODERN NATIONS PROCEED sent by the schooner Mackerel from Halifax. (low very nearly to tile ground. If it that it was right-all right, sickness and death, and how Un- true are all thy ways, thou tc) fAce- Many of oux friends h'avel entered th-us, wronged, and the other of whom was tetrarch Iturea. Herodias TO HOSTILITIES The United States war with Mexico, taust be longer use the double blamkot also. Tie one end of this rope around - it g other tree, though leafless and bare, hits I" ( I ,J,,wt.,,,n.d, planted on Calvary, shall Here is a man wbo cannot get on in upon that joy. A few days ago they sat with us studying these gospel of was Herod's evil spirit; she Participated in his — A Warning to veiry saitiom Given - The likewise was not the subject of a for,mul declaration, tW May 13, al- the bed log, or gomething equally hes.y-y vernambering that your life depends on yet, yield a fruit which shall I the -world. fle alwuys seems to buy at more i themes. but they only Raw thr h oug a crime against Philip; she precipl- t tated he exe,oution of John the Bap- Powers Generally iteglik vightlail Wilts though hostilities bad been in progress the strength of your knots, then tie than antidote the poison of the other I the wrong time and to sell at The worst . ,disadvantage. Rio tries this enterprise glass, darkly-now revelation bath came. Your will also corne. (',ad will tist; and she led her husband into in- trkq-tites, to have the title of tetrarch out a lrorulal Deolartallops. The feeling that Great Britain I � a on Ance, Maxob 4, 1846, Oat the Continent the same kind of the other end to your waist, and your loap maly be made in comparative 5a.f. It tells how the red, ripe clusters oflailld fails that business and is disa, P_ God's wrath were brought to the wine � poi!ited. The man next door to him not leave you, floundering in the, dark- —m. You stand wonder atritok and changed for the title of king, and thus . this eve ofsometh-Lug more serious tba,o rule bas been followed. In 1859, for Instance, Ftance declared war against 6 ty. Another thing. If are forced to P ress, and Jesus trod them out, and' I'll' " lucrativo trade, but he lacks cus- amayed. You feel &a if all the love- line-se life dashed Y013 uninUmtionally a,ocomplisbed his ruin. 4. John euid unto him. This is going frontier wars in- Africa and India is . Austria by saying she took Austria's antry into Sardinian territory ,&a an you try the descent of a smoke filled hall . tomers. A new prospect opens. H is how,, at last, all the golden olialices , ineoLue is increased. 113at that year his of were ont. stand gazing into this open ch'ism of lack in the history. Notice the ord- er. Herod said certa4n Wrigs con- gala ing ground somewhat, and a recent article itathe London Daily Mail comes act of hostility; but the French troops remember that the amoke is less qense lit the floor, and crawl, instead of heaven shall glow with the wine of I family tire sL,k, and the profits tire ex- ha It clazzles the.ponded in tryiug to cure the allments, the grave. Wait 9, little. In the presence of your departed and of him cerning Josus; tho reason he said them because had imprisoned as a reminder that the great wars of Were act in motion ten (lays before the Auatriatris, committed this act. In of tryIng to stand upright. � iel,s vision of wheel Ile gets a discourag�d look. Beco eye with an Ezek , who carries them in big I�osorn, youl was he John; the reason he bad imprisoned recent times bave broken out with 1866, agai% we hav a Prince Frederic Charles sayi,nig to his Prussian troopsk TO EXTINGUISH A FIRE, The fire may generally be extinguish- and wing and fire and N%hirIvAnd, fn.ithlom as to suvo;as. t ex i Peet disasters. Others waiL for soma- shall soon ,,3tftnd face to Dice, Ch. t1lat our last hour may kindle up with John was becawie John hlid said unto h I In, It is nut la-wfat for thee to have great suddenness, The writer says: When the commit- " Austria, witbout declaring war, has ad, without difficulty if it is detected and stoops down so low thot. it can t'hi ng to turn up; he Walla for it to Its lips to the dying child turn down. Others with only half as this promised joy I May we be able to say, like the Christian nob long ago, I-jer. Lukd tells us that John's re- tee of the Board of Trade was consider- violated the Silesian frontier. Imight likewi,je, without declaratiom have in time, Provided one has presence at mind and is quick, To tear down a . put ear of a . and say, "Come up higher." much education and character get on � geparting, "Though a pilgrim, ivalk- I uke was not limited to Herod's sin ,,&I, t 0 wit.h. Herodias, but included It - Ing the channel tunnel scheme, some crossed into Bobeeniti, But Ibava blazing curtain which has blown ag- twies as well. He sometimes guesses And yet P&ul, in my text, takes the I as to what it all means, Ile says: I the mountain Ing through the val ey , tops are gleaming from peak to paik I" evil whieb he ha,d clone." . years since, a prominent member ask- "Is not done so. To I have sent a -day, public declaration, and to-day we an- alast a It glited gas jet, or to smother the fltvmes in a, heavy ouriatin if one ."Per- responsibility of saying that it is Only, haps riches would spoil me. Perhaps or. like mv dear friend and brother, 5. When he -would have put him to dpath. "Although hp was willing to ad: it possible theA war could be declared tor the territory of the eaemy." This hangs near Lt, to dash apitcher ofwa- an indistinct mirror and that its a,is-: poverty is noccosary to keep ins humble. L " Perhaps I inight, if things were other- Alfred Ovokman, who took his flight to the throne of Go 1 sayingt in his last putt hini to d;eabh." Heroctius was the against us, as we ,might say, out of a clear sky, without any pre- waa practically carryIng out Baron Brulanow's advice: "'Me blow must be ter i-ristantly into a, waste basket or a, drawar where 9, lighted matah has been I sion shall be suspended. I think there I wise, be tempted into dissipations." But moment that wbioh Mi already gone active spirit in accomplishing John's ruin. Herod was, afraid of John and ViGus notice *,hat a quarrel was Ira- struck before it is announced." carelessly let fall-to do this without may be one Bible in Lea% an, fastened, there is no complete solution of' the into Christian clasil��s, "I am swee.p- at the same time deeply impressed by pa�%ilng T, . . Every cone remembers how the Greeks detaly is to conquer the fire fiend at � to the throne. Just as now, in a mus- , mystery. He sees through a glass Iva have a ]amp exhumed from darkly and must wait for a hgher un- ,Ing through the pearly gate, washed in the blood of the Lamb I" him. Read the story as given in Mark. Josephus The ,matter was then very exhaus- begam war a couple of years ago, and hoW they have oxtee, , 'reach everyone in Your household cum, Herculaneum or NineN LE, and we 1,ol, folt"119- Will there . bi an explana- . _­ ­�_. - tells us that AntIpas feared that John the Baptist's direct preach- 1 tively inquired into by the War Office, . NOT YET DROLARED IT. tb at the best -waiy to put out a fire Is . *is lion ! Yes; God will take that man in . at it with great interest and say, "How ihe light of the throne and say: "Child ME SUNDAY SCHOOL* ing would incite the Galileans to an opea He feared the With, the startling result that during __�_____._�_,_ 4 ,J,e it-air as essential as fuel. doors and -windows tight shut. I poor a light it must have given cont- immortal, bear the explanation I N ou rebellion. multi- tra,de. Again we urge the teacher to a Period exteadIng over 170 yetirs, Only of those frubtful sources of fire, pared with our modern lamps)" .so I remember the failing of that great amp enterprise- your misfortune 1857, tLInk that thL3 Mule. �% biQh was a I in - INTERNATIONAL LESSON, MAE, 20, study the story m told in Mark, ,�vho tells us that Herod feared John because Gab case could be found in which the attacking nations lodged formal warn- in, to, il be upset, don't pour water on t-it spr�ads the blazing oil, throw ting , your disaster in 1867. This is the ex- to our feet in ihi3 world, Inay lie near, planation." And you will answer, "It — " 410111, the 11uplist Beheaded." Itinit. 14, :- of his justice and holiness. ''Did many thiings" in Mark's lie tag. I 001. t;# heavy over it, iishawl, a lushion, or 9, woolen dress skirt. � I the throne of God, exciLing our inLer- is all right.` 12. Nokloss Tevi, Prosr. 4.23. story should tran.slated "was much perplexed." BW'ORE COMMENCING HOSTILI­ pr.� I . , I u will find it blotted out. Damage ltnbr is likely W do m 'ov mt to all eternity by the contrast be- A see, every day, priotound mysteries PRACTICAL NOTES. Herod was too weais: to be consistent- .. TIRS. sad, I R� tauch PiLrm than destruction by fire. tween its comparatively feeble light of Providenve. There I,.-, no question we The ask oftener than Why ? There are hun- Verse 1. At that time. Afattbmv's ly Voo,q, and,too vvea& to lie comfortably bed. Herodias walked firmly where lie ' -rhat nation was France, In 1870. The � Jone of couriss; it you hams no 'I tne and the illumination of heaven. I � Bible, now, is the scaffol(ling to the dreds of graves in Oak Hill and lGreenwood dian,gard of the order of tiuie litakes atagg,ered, but the footsteps of both practical importance of this is verY �Nlv' of your own send to the ; your small bay can do that. . and Laurel Hill that need Flaing temple, but wilen tile building It, lie explained. dlospitals for the the meaning of sucb phrases as these were am the direcit path- to ruin. They , great at the present bime, unless the Oz. " � i IN AN EMERGENCY, is done, there will be no use fur the blind and lame, asylums for the Idiotic uncertaint but froin Mark's st<kry we counted hirn as a propliet. And there- fore lifted by ('.ad above the authority Past is no longer to be taken, as a pre- 0 I -.I;-,Lze a bucket brigade to the ing. il,hc idea I shall dovelop to-day is; and insane, almshouses for the. desti- ar6 led to inter that 0101a "time" was of kings. They belonged to a generation cedent. How are actually commences - is, therefore, faihl . W_ . -ails from hand to Worn, passing i - that in this wurld our knowle"'ge isitute anti a world of Pain and misfor- d1uring tb-- missirm-ary journey of the which " built se.pulchers to the pro- a matter bf interest. reJ N th�� Wong Ithe line to where the I vumparati�ely 41im anti unsatisfactory, tune that deLuand mare than human tw,elyve. �Iprosd. Herod An,t:lpus. He phests, not to the kings." They rever- Away back finhistory, when. folks took �Wt member of the family stands �iut, ne;emliale,,is is intruductory� to, Isoluticim. Ali, God will clear it till up. . . and more complete In the light that pours from the. l,hrone, vislon'l was a, son of lfaoad the Great, and big "call the memory of.riija.h more than Ahab; of Isaiah mom than Manasseh. th-Ings more leisurely than. nowadays. it TO . we Ito empty them on the blaze; Tpleiss the fire To already beyond grander 11,is is eminently true in regard to our no dark mystery can live, ,Ibings now . n,tterJy inscrutable will be illuminati as mAlmir was's Samarl,tan woman. 00 was brought Rameb They respeoted John more than Herod believed him to been b� was always announced by heralds, . and ample t4me was given for preparLt- FrI, , D, . control before being discovered, M, usually keep it under until view of God. We hear so much about I plainly as though the answer were 1, God tilat we conclude that v�e under- I up at married an Arab'b.a Princess, to whorn, his was Un- and have sent God. I tion. As the centuries rolled on, how- the, til"J, I Mmea. , , Written on the j. rided �tand him. H�, is represented as.par wall or sou the, will fathers bav-: in the. temple anthem. tBartimeas Lrae, and than ' st"u"& t'ala w"Cle of P11"li-01 6. Wheii Herod's birthday was kept The sill'ondor of Herod's ever, the eaegrity did not receive so, much -� P� Big a wise 0an to gather up cloth- 4 F wardrobes and bureau draw- ut a Ing the tenderness , firmness of a judge, the majesty of a tbauk God that be was blind, and Laz- who was Moo a son of Hl&rod Ube Great, gorgeous birthday parties is alluded to by a poet consido,ation, thougli neutral Powers p,.T W tie thorn up in blankets or "to king and the iove, of a ickother. W a arus that be was covered with sores, buit by atiother motlUer, a-ad who li�vod of the time, Possius. The daughter of were duly informed, For a long time ink throw from the window, tak- hear about him, talk- about him I -rite . tud Joseph that bo was cast into the in wead-th, amd retirement at IWme. Herodias. Whose name was Salome. She now the otistom has beeA to conceal co'n ,,- that thing breakable is in -Ap no I .v, . i pk, and Daniel that be donned with about Lim. W'e lisp his name in in- fancy, and it trecubles on the, tongue! ons, anti Paul that he was humpl. ack- Fuan:V reiatZaaah,Lps were so k1tralige- ' a.ft-erward was married to another Her- ad PhLlip, the tetrarch of Itures, Danc- the Intention until the cotminencement i W-age. le --ar-beaded worriam once saved all . of the dying ocLogenarian. We think � ad,. and David that he was driven from IY Iiii,boed among tha Heruds tih4t Her- ad before them. The dancing girls of of actual hostilities disclosed iE. And . � Itbes at a fire in- a hotel by this that We know vory much about him. I Jerusalem, and that sawing woman that � oillas -,Vas 2318M to both of djair husbands. antiquity seem to have been as Papa- It is tolerably certain that the next for� F though she lost her trunk. She Take the attribute of morcy. Do we: �ho oouJd get only a few pence for mak- To the Jewiibb conlacitonce, the marriaWe bar in Jewry as in Rome. They made . war will open with, far less wdrnLng ati� � 'It -ard the alaren. dreamed quickly, . ,,,ha Bible blossoms all itig a garment, and that invalid that understand it ? I for 20 years he could not lift his head , Of 1LUTud and'Herod,lats wlas itnexpress- dancing a profession, like the hetera Greece the than. usually precedes a thunderstorm. I -� T� �pidiy mq.oe everything intotwo, L-1, ying am t , th into the sheets ol over with that word-mercy. It speaks . again and again of the tender mercies from the pillow, and that vvidow that bbl5r sliacking; it came undiar proldbi- of 7 and nautell girls of India. Pu,r,e livt�s were not experA_ There are many good reasons for this. t.1 Id, A friend rapped at the door. , , of God; of the sure mercies; of the she bad such hard work to earn bread Cbla., ETS-t, W ald,ullitery; secolndly, as an ad of them. Ttbia,t a; royal mmiAen Swiftness of communication, destrue- i-,n � , I l, instantly," he said, " there is . . great marcies; of the merqy that an- i for her childr6n. You know that in a ­ " -� , act of double iaix%st, be,oaluse niaxrjage sholild take their place %vas startling tiveness ofmodera artillery, ease of &S �1 ,a to 60*8 anything." "Not to Nbom 7- dureth, forever; of the muttitude of: song different voices_f.-� I � I parts. The sweet and cive-irw ,r6�-,w,L � his mercies. And I know that the ire n I , , IL a. nL,ce wa(d anarriage wit.D a sist- to the b4liqueters, "Danced before them" should be. "in - the midst of mobilization, the telegraph, and the -'; I �Ial out," she asked, with one I already on the window sill, It yet , views we ,huve of this great Being are part of the halleluiah of heaven will � be ehr-iml-1,aw were both so repa�rded. it them." Pleased Herod, No ,vw.�rlfiee great Advantage, of striking the. first ha , I � - n a and when the ;_ The not carried by those who rode in roost indefinite, one sided and incom-1 . wuli a, po�i-ti�:al blumbeir too; Cur the f,_ Unt she coadd have made for thE9 ty- blow, have entirely altered the aspect to I stirmeeituto' ba3f strangled wN. likr plate. When, at death, the gates shall high places and gaie sumptuous . enter- Ing fly open and %ve sh,,tll look directly up-,'Utialnents, but pauper children %� I I S, thi,xr of Herod's deserted , x,lle took 'Up . rant's glory would have been so richly rewarded by N.m as this sax,rifice of her of warfare. er, I hat and scorWed by the flames on - floor.% the clothing was there � it. Lpggars will sing it, redeemed had i on him, how new and surpi ising I AN's bar catioe, waid deWamd 'nA war 1194 ' maidenly modesty. Hom is how some of the wars of pro- . rap It . t, � rxiers will sing it, those who see upon canvas a lAoture, of the morn- i ca were, 11,�rod- This wax havolved incie'aiied 7. Whereupon. Immedhifely, and as seat century ,commenced. There must, not I aHPARF AN INVENTORY. ing. We study tile cloud in the sky .once the offseouting of earth will sing � ' t111L;1t,n of tlw Ga1loaii Jews, and very a.,reward for the dancing. Promised to be many people living able to recall of t sate to assert that not one A , - tie hus it, The halloluiah will be all the thil dew upon the grass and tI to the field Deau: I grander for earth's weeping eyes and kikoly also this draftLog of a uldiers from give Iter whatsoever Nhe would ask. Ac- to Mark, he the reading of our declaration of war 'from. gild all- ,,older in a hundred has an in- I headman on thio, v, ay � tiful Picture 61 1 "le morning! but'uo aching head.9 anti ex1jaustad bandk and . a111,014 them; and, as TIV w-as diree0y cording offer ad hai f of his kindgom, which, of com,rse, he , against Russia the stells of the "de-1 ,ti ,y of the contents of his house of the insurance company rise at daybreak and go up on a Ilili. scourged backs and martyred agonies. aga-List, Wdi ta,!c-Ar taste anti their %:.Qn- was conddent would not be asked for. Royal Exchange. That was, a " as to settling damages. The to see for oui,6ek-cs Lnut. %%bich wus Again, t%-- thou'rilt, of th.') toxt is ;Ust 10�'H:e vhen ailplied to the enjoyments of'thi, au..eji(m, d,4i:qyaXty sin,ead far aud wide. 8. ]king before Instructed of her mo- "Before claration. of Nvar," no doubt, but it ! has to lie done by guess and represented to us. we look the . TI , I mountains are tiansfigured. 1`1 righteous in h,Raven. I think we have ThLn thia wax ended disa,sLxuuw'.y aii ; d ther. instrur-ted" might I'la translated "insttgaLed." It does not came long after war bed actually brok- Hij ad who can possibly re- �, tile contents of 8, single - . burnished gates of heaven swing open I but little Idea of ttle number of right- wadic,ir such conttitions -to Lilive a, pro.. me,an that the girl it as inst ructed be- on out, and it was -not made at St. Pet- rn, less -the whole house. and shut, to Let past a host of fi,,.,, eous in beave.u. Infidels Pay, "Your 1 hteaven will be a very small place ' The Dom- pb).-.t so itiflOtienLittiL as Jol4A the 1:tap- fore she danced, becau,ge ahe did not know that ersburg but in London. �Wu do not keep valuable papers splendors. clouds are all ,;)Iodm I pared with the world of the lost; and hang Pendent from arbors of ala-, for, - . I Lcsi, dlemquIrice tile cr�na endangered li,,�rod's throne. Tlhla the offer would be made bar. Mark tells us that 8he Avant di- The events preceding it were briefly th ... : To begity with., Russia had Wi 1. r,"Ife, or at yt).ur bariker's, by all -_ eep them all together In a tin 11 basto-or and antot.11hyst. The waters according to your ttaciring, the ma- make pathway of inlaid pearl for the jority of men vvill, 1v destroyed." I tetra-rch. That la, till,, ru�er all a, quarter. W 4san the (:on- rectly from the banquet to bar mo- tber to ask her advice, The banquet THE, DISPUTE WITH TURKEY. I Fth E6 Yale lock, and the box on Mrobe or closet shelf, where Lt � �Ight to walk upon, and there is morn- deny the charge, I suppose that the ing on the sea. The crags uncover I rualtitude of thip. finaQy lost, as com. querillig legililas of Rome parte I the I,&- t.uns oX th).� wor.1d axamI,g; tAbie inipteria.1 waa, according to the airstona. of the time, for men only. Give me hero John about the "holy places" In Palestine, I Mul W 1, easily accessible in, case of fire. A . their scarred v isage, and there is morn- pared with, the multitude of the final- I ly saved, will be a bandful, I suppose . VWWrs Lt became li,Linilctst a mwtom to divide king4g)aw !nto Baptist's head, By going to her "'a' and selzed the Dlinubian principalities. 0a May Sl, 1853, Rwssia issued the order I A6 Jew-elry the same way. ��s well to tra,lp the children, at ing among the mountains. Now you go home anti bow turne your picture of the that the few sick people in the hospital quarters, and Put a t*t.rarch. or quartor-kmip uver otlob., ther Salome hall turned her triumph into a triumph for Ilerodia,s, and in to cross tho Itiver Pruth ; on June 2 the T! *- same extent, telling them what R first amd what each ought to morning seems in contrast I Greater to-daY, -as comile,red with the bu ndreda of thousands of well people in the city, &Lich a. ma,n was orbein oonx,-JAmenLa,r1- lbr called "kitig," iiii Mark 6. 14. blan thour of success ane's strongest 141.nglhsb and French ,admirals were ordered to Beigika. Bay as a counter- beea, I )i older to took out for the young- . e 'r than that shall be the contrast between' � this Scriptural view of God and .that would not be smaller than the numb- as �Her - od sixtat ouch tinisa ain,d energly in an ,tra.it is apt to Lv manifesied. Hero- dias's strongest rharaeteristic was move; then some Lnglish and French buili instance, while etich is to re- 6mething precious as his or her which we shall have when standing face er of those who lih.rill be ca4t out in to facea. This is'a picture of the suffering, compared with tho.4p, who morn- effort to be anod-e fiClilly a, king aind Lt may have been to iiis trip U) Rome for revenge; now was the time she cotild it. A Mila-r4ex. The ong- warships were sevA to Ccnstantinople; (go October 22 the J�nglii-Ai and French ove�' I mor . ,A charge. 0 Ing that will be the morning itself. shall have upon them,the health of' this purpoae 'Lftat Our .Lord a6;udes ba ,have 'Inal wrwrijing of tthe -woaxi tililas ,trs,n,+- fleets, in, spite of the treaty of 184t, en- tered the Dardanelles; on October 23 ad J je are certain precautions, so a(51f- �,t that were they not constantly Again, my text is true of I. ne ' Savior's heaven. For we are to remember that excel] eney: By imags anti lv�, act rhythin we are living in comparatively the he- . Luk-0 19, 12; but he faii-ed, a';141 in 1,!ie fus.111iost his The fa,ije opf Jes- bat-d ils a flat wooden dinbi. bait t)�Ia plat,R orr pla-,qpio imn,y havla bum, made Turkey declared war agalot.A Russia; '.I'uTkiA far I Xed, it ,mould seem ouperflUOLIS Nitiort them. The these is . . . of expression, and startling antithesis, ginning of the Christian dispensation . and that this world is to be popu at( -d � fortb-his us. "Heard the report vj�lizarjl,:Irg Josue," who had bea,ri of any wlwte,r a'_ Dr. Carr comAects t,be "cibrirger," next Russia destroyed the fleet at Slicope; then, on January 4, 1854. the,, , chief of itce, It costs comparatively lit- Christ is set love, his com- . passion, his work, his life, his death, and. redeemed, and that ages of light 710IN tea,.-h.aig and workiing niiravlos for a. litile less ti.an word w34h 9, horse anid car- 0 all 1)'L' n gp, thn orIgi)-mil ,mea,ning f b tb ' 9 ' the Emulisb an([ French fleets entered t k the Russian ho.Wac Sea, notl� " iii - - " 4t how often is there no insur- lor absurdly little, and how often hie resurrection, We are challenged to I and love are to flow on. If tLia be so, nivasure it, to compute it, to weigh it. this maltitu(tes, of the .saved will be in a yt&r; ts, good part of that year bud been spein� in Judea, wh,an I,js fa,m, that upoln w1Wt:h a lowl is plac,.-d. 9. Tlhs ki)ng wLis sorry. Doubtless 9.in a,ad a r(iored ships to retire to Sebastopol; the Itus- ipf*yi I I the fire take place people � In the hour of our broken enthrallment vast majority. � into high Take alt the congregations that have began to spread sudde-a,:y, Us -%va.4 the "ss,nsat:011" the kour, rocalled t1he kbly rolsolut,lunri he haid t9ialis Ambassador Nvas next withdrawn frokm London; after that the French FIV I oco ailed to renew rough careless- tj Ir forgetfulness. We Mount Up experience of � bis love, anti shout.until the counten- to-day aawmbled for -svornhtl Put; ' them together of anti what, all, th-3 gtookl folk talked atboat of co rae MMO 111nideT Jqhfn'S Pma.,�il:tne. Very Likely ,hie recallol religi,rque caniversm- aAad Englls,h Anibassadors left St. Pat- emburg, and it was not till Maroh 28 arl � OIL AND MATCHES. 1 to the foolhardiness,%ybich � and they woluid mall:6 . iince glows, and the blood bounds, and Imt, Ft small audlenm nompared L the wbole nature is exbUtirated, " I with Roon u Mine echo:irig to Qja eauxt, where the tetrurcb ,A as tryi,y)g W drown t'ms wi4h ,*hli3 foste�r brother Mla,naen. Bfut Hip.rai was onto a many mien, soma that the Sergeaat-at-Arms ;mounted Piini ii neg- V insure comes that which oil- � have found him I" And yet it is through the thousands anti tenti of thousands and (An thouv.in I time-s ten I bou.mnd, (70�115f',i'exlce In tt round of p4eaciure. of w,hom arts grmt in en,dowmentzand the Royal Exelia,nige bteps and form- ally declared war. France, by tl;(% At � lvlessne�s with kerosene oil and IN of the 'ILI latches. The � aglassdarkly. Wnseenotbalfofthat � Compassionate face, We feel not half and the, huii(l)-.,d and forty an,l four 2. Said unto his.servants. Not, lils slaves, as in many other cases, bit[. of- - lax.ge jo, -0,11, wft�) by Ul.lAr very ,na, tiir,:�s sulymIt more reatNily aind cadre way, dill it a day somier. Of course, galal�l stutitAics &ctor's office in any large city the wArmth of that loving heart, thousand tbat �hall stand around the � We throne. Thos,.% flat,hod up to heaven for death to let Into his ficials of higher rank. Whowere these mon who ll&d . uiox�pservetdfly to 1�he doallintainro of at this decla.ratium was, v.-hat. declarativas always are now, a notice not to the mor TI! I V tove that the majority of fires ivate houses come from one or wnit us rush outspread arms. Than we shall be face in martyr fire.%, thoF,,, tossed for many I conference with Herod al)GtIt jesus? NV43 do not know; but ws.ymwi tlhain to tibuLt of tiny man. Thnre Oil"' probably "las not a courisMor gn Her ' esnomy but to the People, ju;;tifying the war, and asking approval aml� , ,of these causes. Next to them to face. Not sbadlow then, but subs- years upon the invw id couch, those tAnce. Not boM but the fulfilling of fo,Mffht In the lirmies of liberty and � It is very likely, as Dr. Plumptra sug- gests, t1at Chaza, the royaJ steward, domliti lions w1ho con) d T1 1vo secured Job n Bapt;stls doat'n, T4\)tr tba olatb's sake. progressing and fielp. tQ . I tfective flues. Extilosive matches on the floor and trodden on 01 prefiguremedt. Tha,t will lie a mag- he se tumbled from high se � nificent unfolding. The ruslaing outi in affoldings or slipped from the wliosa wife Joanna is rientioned in Luke 8. 3, as ministering Jesus I dn Dr Pluimptre bas a4 stbsDrt mmark "Litiva Her- Some years before this England mado war, on a. very smal I scale, as abruptly v - escl used uncounted numbers of �9- A -womaa steps on one and � mast or were Waahed off into the sea. view of all hidden excellency, the com- They came up from Corinlb, from Lao- unto of her substamce, was one; and that I thi� clealso: most we*)k main od feared 'to be bboulgibit welak. A false as the f`&A of a meteor. Some time in 1850 thriteen Brifi-ill war vessels sailed ., - � ir skirts ablaze. Now, it she has �-sl flat I Ing again of along abs2ut .Issue, to dirAa, from this Red Sea bank and Gen- meet us, not in mgR and in 1*nury and Mamma, b wi is foster brother, brought up ta, him from babyhood, and mV_ regard for public olpilnion, for wh,a,t will aay or t-bink of us in our Into the Bay or Salamis. No doubt we deffl the' sense enoug on , . h to sitt :-1 r and eruob out the flames, ail � death, but limidst a light and pomp and nesaref.'s wave, from Egyptian hriek- yards and Gideon's thr'lisbinsr floor, outbursting joy suelt oz none but a bionad in Acts IS, 1, was anolf.er; and that the nobleman the haWing people ow-n- narrow drela, wais In this, as in instances, Inco to had been pressing Greece to pay certain molasys due but so ignorant was that � tio " i well, beyond o. more or less had- ecbed skirt. Very probably, how- � Those thousands of years 0,90 slept � glorified Intelligence could experience. the last steel), and these are this mo- of whose sick soin at Caparnantriwas fibasecond many other an ntive guilt in,Aead of a restraint." If Herod country of the intentions, of the Sa- lam'is fleet th-st tile Kiing tilad Qu eon SiA . ohe loses till presence of mlind t1s screaming out of the room, Oh, to gaze full upon the brow that was triont having ths,ir eym closed, and lacerate.1, uron the aide that was pierc- miracle that Jesus did, Jobe 4, 54, was a, third. This is John the Baptist. hadsworn, to Salomr,� only, and none of the goests bad heard hilm, anebalf of asked for ' I a Mr, A Viring her own destruction. ed, upon the feet that wars nailed; to their limbe stretched out for the sep- iticher. Tillree opinions of our Saviour's eharac- the reason which brought about the A LIST OF THE OFFICERS. fi;� I fg the fla,mes. breathing the fire stand close up in the presence of him A genera-I exi,ia�tlng an at,ta,',.k from wb6 prayed. for ws on tho mountain, ter floatea in the mindIs of tile Jews. Some maintained that he w&3 Elijah murder would have vanisbed; if he bad sworn. to God, and not even Salome in order to invite them, to an enter- talimment, and the admiral actually paid i Woman over catches fire whon ,Jre present. take the searest the enemy stan' and thought of d9 on a hill and looks us by the sga, and ag- throngh a firdlig'aag and Fees in the Gnized for us In the garden, and died returiaed to the earth, as Jewish folk- l0ft taught Elijah would return; norne karvvlt it, it is very doubtful whether his conscience would have led him to a friondly visit. But -next day be dis- closed the fact that he hall come to I T p, shawl or rug and throw C-b , rb a-, r.-keeping the flames away for us in boTrible . CHI I great di,staneA multitudes approaching I ; to fool I:ut hat% no Mott, of their numbers. "' �a' He that, it not 14,'Iija.h, be was another keep bits onth. enforce the immedia-te settlement of our . - � Nf"'i lthe head as Tnuch ag possi,14a. Internal injury from 1weathing of him, to embrace him, to take his ' gays: "r cannot toil anytHril; about hand. to kiss his feet to run ur fing- prophet come back from the grave; and ,tilt others-tivat he was John the Bap- 10. He sent. The executioner was always ready in an oriental court. Be- claim. slid gave the Greek Government twenty-fatir hours iln' which to cont- ire WWoh i-i moftt to he dreaded. . trh,m. I merely know that t here are ,.k )_ era along the wars of anote t suffer- a, great niumber." And so John, without I ­ Ing, 'to say: " This is my .I esu I He gave , ttst. Them conjectures were all &traneglely oharacteristio of that strange headed John In the prison. The king was supposed by the people to be the PIr. After that be proceeded to has- ti Me.%. laid an embargo an the Greek , 11p, , I I I 'my, wrap is near, you may put. the I ut by thro%ving the person flat 'r so attempting to count, says, "A great hiinwIf for me, I shall never save his multitude that no People a,mong whom Jesus was born God-a.ppoitntod arbiter of life and death; merchaat vessels in the port, find seized _� 90. � Nor anti crushing out the 6 man ran number." presence. I @hall forever be Id his b h I , h We are told that heaven is aplace glory. I sball eternally bear h voice, -a people ,ko t4ed to the past, to tra(li- tion. and history and ritual, that 1,hey noverthisless, the killing of John was popularly looked upon as a foul mur- msjnjy others on the high seas. Greece, at course, did not fight, but it was R, I pid .- __ � against the carpet, IK - .,w.;;�idetpbildron play with matches, of happiness, �.ut what do we know Lord Jesus, now I see thee I I behold alxmt b4ppiness 0 Happiness in this had no power to th6nk of anything der. A,s we have already seen, the much olo,sar t,bd(nlg with France, for that there is iftot the leaZt IX-ox;ae for this. 74tv, mother ;Nlio, finding her 2-,jnar-old itself where the blood sta.rted, where the world IS only 0, �alf-fladged thing - Ae.w, aael when a strange eharacter ap- pirkon was in all probability in the country recalled her Ambelisador froin Every oecupant of a bouse should make gle(41111Y Am`asi,ag with li box of teftra coursed, where the face was dis- a flowery path, witil a serpent biasing torted. I have waited for thin hour. peaxed, concluded, as a matLer of counse, that lie was am of the great hasetment. or cellftr of the clistle of Maclia,orus, 11ft wbose banqueting blill I,onfdoel, find the Frene-h people were a.,3 eager to give battle as the Ameri- bimself or herself familiar with the matoben. struck one of thAm and de- liberritely burned the tittle finger, across It; a, broken pitchoar, from whiell I shall norer turn my bar.k on thee. No th, watAr lies dropped liefore we could of the past come back again. It In the feast was served. go that we may carth appear to have been a couplo of eAsiest means of escape from every part showing th4p datiger in the strongest � more looking through imperfect glass- drinlc It; a thrill of exhilaration, fol- probable that Herod discussed with "Ilits th.1wh of three scenes at the one hour yean$- b"k. of the house, through P. trap door, light, ,%as svise, though few of us mi ght 08. No more sturly;mg thee in dark- )owed by dlsaotrouM reactions, To 8srvnaW' these three theories, undor the Ptime roof--&-ilomla and Hero- on anothar or.cwtion, 1804, we were Franvo, along the edge of 9. mansard roof, over lie rLhIe to eopy her Spartan fixtrinem. As; for the -.,,ho fires 1�065. flut as long as thiA throne help us understand the joy of heaven gtrmyls and thla everlasting river flows, vditch are mordioned In Matt, 16, 14, Luke 9. 7-0, end, belped by a, guilty daaA trerabling with passion over their , viotory in thAr privat-) obtarnber, Herod hotly fighting (Lnd negotiating with Hpain in the, most friendly man- a portioo or back bull,ding, down a we- peolxle st.tirt with keraqenp and fill ILghted lamps, thA Bible taken us to a river. W�, and thoso garlands bloom, n. nd these stand on the graltsY hank. We gee the ousicionce, rejected that of Elijah, and still driuking Ids perfumed wine among nier. Th,fact, our vemols were being ter spout -, there is sciLreoly a dwelling there, sooms nothing to do, blit to IeMV4 I I arohos of victory rema;n to great home watera flow on with masoless wave. heAven's conquerors, an )on I shall see But the filth of the ettle.4 are amp tied that of anothor prophet, and decided on that of John, Ile Is risen from the dead. M44 noblea In the banqueting hall, and 06 YOMU9 ropbet breathing out his PrOvW01111oll in the latter country's � w4l' parts, wb.en� without a word o n. which does not furnish one ;T more such porblous pathe to safety. I ' Mom to work their own destructiod. Novertheless, they axe so miany tli&t thee, -t"18 Of MY 0110i0e,f I Aind yvt tillare Is strong res,son to be- 68118 Of MY Into It, and the I%anlcs aro torn, and emls to Goapulader this fatal stroke. iteilg, we captured four of fier frigatet; . It In true that when the danger arlses insurance companies have been fortod . isong, Jesus of luy triumpfi, forever and ufth&$1th exhWationA F4 ring from It, forever, fje6 to tiwe I'- AAd We 10.11. to gdt an ileac of LbA riv- lievethat Herod wasaSadducee. He (mrtainly wu In wa,rin friendship with 11. IVA head well brought In a charg- I or. V,very dota,ll of the proml,(.tes must , seized all the morolutat vessois of mor � tboAm 100 tv-1111� blardon, and nank ail the knowledge may be torgotten, but in their ovm defenslo, to do-lsfg 01 policies void when Caused by tho 6X_ The 1<146 60 the test Is .just as trab " oi, ILE4 in b"vert, . the Sadduceita party, and our Lord I be w4entatiously kept, Given to the I Palmier ore,ft, thTLt eame (in our way. evou thet ono In nb wotoo tot h4ving . . plosion of IL 1APTIP M161 ei,ttev dark. . . � �, I �� � . . . . tF ., � I . p . � � � '­ I I I .1 , � � ­ I I - '. , . �', I � . . I I I 1-� 'a f, � . � I I 11 . . I I � I .. % . I I . � I . I I . . . I I . I � . I — I -.1 ---- I—- . - � ­". ­ ....... "I . 11 ,—,,-Ik"�,�,�,�..�,-.--.-,.,..�'...�, - 11 "I'll ­­­. 1­­1­1­­�­'­­,. ­..:1­.­11­­ ,��.1,�.,.L.::,�,�,<-,---,.L.,.ju,�—� ���,,..,:.�,�,--,,,Ii--..-�,----�--�..!.,..4,��,���,-,,,..,.,.,..,,��. " _', " _._,-�_� _­*�­­­'I'L" ­W­­ I I 11.1­1 11­11"..... __ ___, ... ­­_1­.­­_.­ ... ..... x­.A'­.­­­.­.­ , - .­,­�,�­ ....... . ,,.-,.,,.,.,..�,,,,,,��""."�,�� � "I ­ _..". 11­1�11­ 1:11 :­­-.1... I—— 11� I t',.,�, �4 .1 I - ­� 1. . - _..., I I : . I ! . , _,� . � — " 11 I I . I , I I I . I I .. . �i . I . . 11 I -�.A