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The Clinton News-Record, 1898-03-10, Page 7
&. RETAINING A SEAT. A Jinlgnu•11t Ovhlrh it. of Interest to Hall- 'llay Travelers. A judgment of the greatest Import- ancic and interest to railway travelers was delivered recently by Judge Em- de,a. A gentleman traveling from London to Hastings had occasion to leave the carriage at -Tunbridge, Wells, and Look the ordinary precaution of reserving Itis seat with his vnnbrella and newspapers. While he was ab- sent another passenger seized his place and refused to vacate it until forcibly ejected. As a result an action for damages was brought aga,itast the ori- gralal aw'ner of the seat by the intrud- or, and a counter-olaim for similar damages was ojitered by the other side a. well. The judlgme'at delivered was one which will common 1 itself to nine- ty,nina out of every hundred travelers, The claim for damages for ejectment was dijinusad and the counter claim al- lowed. For the future, therefore, the can- t k ersis' Ln ar, oro individual who us nd P dd�turbing the cc.mt'ort and convenience of trat oler;s on the manner indicated will know how he stands, and that if the owner of the seat thi'n'ks fit to bundle: trim out neck and crop the lat- ter will not only have the sympathy of the public but the law as well an his 61". TUrere can be no question what- ever that the universal made of retain - }'ng a seat in a railway carriage is a ,most reasonable and convenient one, and the thanks of the public are due to Judge E'wden for his very clear and -emntble interpretation of the law. Not tho least important point in his judg- mmit is his assertion that the holder of a seat was entitled to use reasonable force to eject an intruder. __- __ _ THE OLDEST 'THRONE CHAIR. The oldest throne or state chair in existence is that ,which belonged to (use � an Hatsho1 isu who lived about 1000 years B. C., This throne is now in the British museum. It is made of hard wood and highly ornamented, the carv- ing being very curious throughout. Round the legs there is a quantity of .;old Wigrea work, ;and from these Ftp l'ITlf,r out, as it were, two cobras mod -.bed in silver. The termination of the throne legs are well de=igned hoofs. The back is inlaid with silver and tbere are other cobras enlacing the arms, which are highly gilded. MAKING A SALE. Misfit Dealer -Mein front, I zell you dot coat shrnta. Dot coat vas made vor' de. Prince of Willes." Customer-'1'ltie back o' me' hlaind t' ye, ye sp,halpheme. D'ye think I'd wear a co -at carp. ruir tali' 1'riswy ',\'ales? Dr•,alpr, see:hlig his mistake -Mine fr:emrt, I vou!d nest i,nzult you py offer - '.,ng you a coat- via;t dla Prli.nce of Wales would veer. De priuwe lie refuse dot carat. lfI say it Lilt him, but he hate dat coat, and nod buy it, C'ustoarler-lino hates tth.:s coat? Be- gorry, thim Oi'ld tayik e, it, an' wear it, pihwether it fist me or not. THE REPLY UNKIND, Gerald -You can't really live With- out brains. Geraldine -How long have you been dead ? . ANOTHER VICTORY WON IN GREY COUNTY BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Mrs. Tlwn►ns Hughes Tells Her Story, N. Ledar, J. P.. Corrol/erntem it--Dodd's hidlisey Pills, 111141 They Alone, I'11n, All I rllm.l Ili IRtilRe P. Morley, Ont., -This little town is excited over as occurrence that -would, La early days, have Leen looked upon lbs it manifestation of magic. The c•ir- cumiti.nces are clearly detailed in the following 'letter sent'%y Mrs. Thomas Hughes of this place to The Dodds Me- dicine Co., Limited; 'Toronto: - "I cheerfully testify to the wonder- ful work donne by Dodd's Kidney Pills, believing U at too much. praise cannot he given, them. I was for four years a great sufferer from pains in my back, alone my spine, in my head, especially over the eyes, in my left, and occasion- ally ,in my right ,side. "Five doctors treated me, and I also had the care and advice of an American specialist. All failed to help .me. I tried nearly all the patent medicines I could get, but none of them' did me any good. For two and three nights at a time I could not close my eyes in sleep. 1 vias bloated. so terribly that f could neither sit nor walk. My agony was simply indesoribable, For nearly three years I was hod -fast. " Finally I tried Dodd's Kidney Pills. From the first do, -e T began to mend. I have used fourteen boxes, and am completely cured, a,nd as strong as ever was, and can da' a big day's work, thanks to llorld's Kidney Pills." -Mrs. Thomas Hughes. "I ,have known' Mrs. T. Hughes for EL number of years, and I can truthful- ly state, ..bat the foregoing statements are strictly true." -N. Leflar. J.P. 'Dodd's, Kidney Pills, the only- cure on earth for Bright's Disease, Diabetes. Rheumatism, Luml•ago, DLseases of Wo - mein, and all other Kidney Diseases, are sold by all druggists, at fifty cents a box, six boxes, $'2.50, or will be sent on receipt of price. by The !)adds Medi- cine Co., Limited, Toronto. COCAINE -CURSED FAMILY. Death of Dr. John Devel'. Formerly , I -Known Lospiwille, lly., Phy0clnn. Canada's 0% lest real -A 2410 cdlclnct. Greatest, Because in cases of Pysl:e sia It hair a tioat•h like( magic, v, hb h just hits the spot, brings relief t the sufferer, and gives tone and strengtll to the stomach as no other medicine dcos. Qould Not Eat Without Pain. "For many year# I have been a Suf- Jerer from a pevere case of Dyspepsia. could not eat without great pain in my s'torniaeb and would be sick and } omit up what I did eat. One day I read olf a kasse cured by Iliiod's Sarsaparilla. {T told my h,u:9band I believed' this med- icine would ,help me. He went right {away and gat a bottle of hood's Sar- saparilla. I took four bottles and 1 was inured." Mrs. Allen Stivers, Makanda, Illinois. ® 1 Stoarsa- I H ®d arill a ;Is Canwia's Greatost Xle•llcine. g Sl; six for $5, Sold by all Druggists. Get only Hood's, Hood's PiIIS are tt)e best after-dinner pills, aid digestion. 25y IN THE WEST. First Citizen -Pete is get tin' to have a lot of new-fangled notions. Second Citizen.-W'hat's the latest? First Citizen. -He says he has a pre- judire ag'in lynchin' a man on circum- stantial evidence. 111 RON hzna hou. SIXTY-FOURTH ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the share- holders of the British American Assur- ance Company was held in the com- pany's offices, Nos. 18, 20 and 22 Front street east, Toronto, on Friday, the 18th February. The President, I•Ion. Geo. A. Cox, oc- cupied the chair. Mr. P. H. Sims was appointed to act as Secretary, and read the following report, which, on motion, was adopted: ANN UAL REPORT. In presenting the Sixty -Fourth An- nual Financial Statement of the Com- pany, the Directors have pleasure in calling attention to the following re- sults of the year's business. The balance of income over expendi- ture, as shown by the Revenue Ac- count, is $100,832,74. There has been a net appreciation in the market value of Securities of $14,147.93. The Reserve Fund has been increas- ed from $5•'8,883.84 to $5911,361,51, after providing $52,500 for two half -yearly dividends, at the rate of seven per cent. per annwn. The estimated liability on current po- licies is $511,982.86, an amount more than ample, according to the Com- ,:any's past, experience, to run off all existing risks, and after providing for this there, is a net surplus over capital and all liabilities of $79,381.65. In all departments a decrease is shown in loss ratios as compared with those of the previous year. The Directors express their appre- ciation of the efficient services of the Officers, Special Agents and Represen- tatives of the Company during the pass: year. ,111 of which is respectfully submit- ted. SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL STATE- MENT. Total cash income ...............$1,470,339 40 Total expendit:ere, includ- ing appropriation fir losses under adjustment... 1,369,56666 --- Balance ...... ...... ... ...... ... 100,832 74 �. _ . Dividends declare¢... ........52,50000 Total •s_,ets:.............. ...... 1,510,927 88 Total liabilities ...... ............ 169,,'63 b7 i Surplus to policyholders.. $1,34101 51 The followiilg genl.lemmi were else ed to serve as Directors for the ensu- ing year: Hon. George A. Cox, J. J. Kenny, Hon. S. C. Wood, S. F. Mc- Kinnon, Thomas Long, John Hoskin, Q.C., LL.D., H. M. Pellatt, R. Jaffray, A. Myers. At a (meeting held subsequently Hon, George A. Cox •.vas e)octed Pregident and Mr. J. J. Benny, Vice -President. UNGRATEFUL. 'Hungry Higgins, I wouldn't feel no gxat:tulle to a doctor 'tud take out my Stomach. 1\',ary lVattki.ns. Not oven if it was a needcessAy ? Naw. Everts. then I'd feel th'arckless, Nothing equals "Quickeure" as a dressing for Burns, Scalds, Cuts or Wounds. My rmowshoe strings out right into rho flesh across my toes, and I was quite lame, until I used "Quickeure," ,which removed the pain at once, and healed the sore completely, in two clays. W. H. PPITRY, Quebec Bank. DOUIBLi�-EDITH D What is am 'aggrtmsuve policy,' grmnstt pa ? Well, it is a policy wthich makes it mam so mad thaat has wants to fight, but w,hirh scares bim so that he doesn't dkl-re. to. Dr. John Develi died on Saturday af• W P C 9119 ternoon at a snnitarbum In New Al .,,,, .„��..,-,,,,_. -. bany, Ky., w'herehe hall been taken in the hore th tt he could hn cured i f 0 6 � Zi4 1 9i410 (i1 • the cocaine habit. Two weeks ago h• and his daughter were found union' What and Why ? scious in one, xoom of a miserable tenement without. food, fire or bed 10IT is WIIAT THa clothes. Both vvwre far gone, but they C®odrioh Res -Flex were taken to Lha city hospital and re sponded enough to treatment to ,justify SINGLE TUBE TIRE hopes of complete recovery. 'rhe d.a.0 ghter, though a skeleton, and with it 18 THAT OiV1ta THE REASON WHY iiody covered 4v}th sorea, is only 20 rc I8 Tan BEST. The wAY it is AL years old and will got well, but Develi's 1 made, the material used, the toots vitality was so exhausted that he had It Is subjected to, the personal in- to seientlflo exactness. a est Ion i t may clr at an p a fatal rely and e ase Y Y I it moment. and being as true Inside as out, VP LIKE THESE o .e was a wealth aids. DON'T FACTS Fifteen ears a b been physician, y livinginfine style and OONVINOE YOU Our catalogue is greatly respected. He contracted the fall of intereat, send for oatalo. cocaine habit and Caught it, to his dau-gue •'T." Dealors Quoted. 9 Whter and wife, and the family sante Into poverty and degradation. For 4 AMERICAN TIRE CO., Limited, Years they subsided on charity. Dov- 4 104 and tea Mir St. W., Toronto all tools great quen'titleA of the drug and resister] every attempt of broth- er physicians to ©claim him. ®� 0 *410 VA 1� 6701 --..,...,_.....r..__.,.........a.- ..-....�.... wv"� ._.... _ YouHave-q$011i"""'-probably read this advertise. ment many times, and thought no more about it. This time make up your mind to try I,UDELLA GsYLON Tea without delay. It will do the rest. In lead packages. 25, 40, 5e, and 6oc. From leading grocers. a I 1J I -IN ,I C'. N XILNTIOUS PAPSON.'!ld7: YOU RUN NO Reap• Iles Itefused to leant er Accept a Salary insist Hti. congrommion. MONS00111p�00P014 The minister of , u Noncomformist IN -�r1p N ' 11 I)4 *,IaY1,,A A. cthapel in the pleasant seaside, town of is packed in lead and cannot lap a.c ,tluglbox, says tha LonJors Daily 'L'ele- gxat plb, ,has struck aeaimrit receLving a Ulterated. a5, 3oi 40, SO sail tTpE salary. For aua,ny years h:s congraga- per Pound. All grocers loop it, '- Con paid 'him a stilwnd mutually Iy,',I 6 e 0) fR agreed on,, and lne was grateful for it, but prayerful wrestlino witch the sub- � . ject has ntaw con.viinced him that the t I t acoaptance of monmy for preachung the - --- - ... __ ___ _ _ Gospel is wnon,gr, if not actually un- n p��� ser.rptural, aAad Ove has therefore pub- ®®�/ ��1j[ R � hs,brd a pevimphLet rervaurtoing his sal- ' Frewll gglreonellal roul d lnq lsk olled6ie.1platoawt► } cry tie a anlmi49ter ty.ntd giving his Peas- rant d, toanyaR0whowl Ie 11 oma far doitrrg so. 1doz.gndeetructtblaLnmD to= is f a m r c(need potrlmmtng)amouggiriendsatl(lete.eaoh,krl is aA aninot Live on air or sleep ns trtia we wtll mall you tlta Wlisks. Yostsell thut�g in- a puppet, owad in urger to gain an snAsendtie the mone nndwew111&.11Yea theRlall. ?. independent liv,olkhood ,he devoted his BTAU OLLEMICAL G`O.,BoxTA. a �terbroolt,Corub week days to b is:uiess w-Ith so marked success that hie is able to do wLthout the Mille, Mille A HsIN, Barrlatore,uto., romovsg money provious',y given 'him as pastor. to Wesle Bld a. Mob. _ N mo a he is dot r i LAW wand oron " Nay, r e m,ry,ed to pity o ,� tu, back to tdrn chapel the sa.htries od form,- ; - -- --- fi ted tt Agents wan to intro oe e s a�ai :bre li • es to be able to g 0 r year Ud music th.tuloaue and torms, We w l a Year. this feat alt the rale of one mail prepaid "Hot Time in olid " a year. 'Tide exile a exte it' a novel one Q•,rwn" With mesio. (Ora cents, a.autpe. and is 'hardly to ba extensively, triad. � POPULAR MUSIC DEPOT, 20 Alexia St. Montrs A DISTINCTION. ( Toronto CutinIs 1Strainger, to Hig,hl;,am•d in full uniform YOUNG MEN, Learn to ('uIt No to -:=and ase ow coPid w!rth the kelt ? or profession. Writo for particulars, y Y 11:. Yonne St., Toronto. -Samdy are you cold witch tbie kilt 9 wi'the ,atulld. SHIP YOUR PRODUCe !t The Probabilities Butter, Eggs, Apples, Fruit, &c., to j- Are, that our temper will improve, THE DAW80N OOMM18810N 00., Limited, $ Y P Oor, of Went Market and Colborne Sts., TOROii and you will enjoy walking and skating - _ . _______ _ _ ___ ____ _ in real earnest once that sore corn is removed. Pitnam's Painless Corn Ex- i Dominion Line Steamahipe. tractor never fails, gives no i;ain and tlontreal and Quebec to Liverpool in suatiner" wilt relieve you in twenty-four hours. ''or'l wed to Liverpool in winter. Large att� Give Putnam's Corn Extractor a trial 'asttwin shrew aieamahlps 'Labrador.' V. louver ' 'Dominion.' ' Scotsman ' ' o tYsh r and be ha % erlor i I, A, R accommoation orFf�e y p r t Cabin PPY• --- in g Cabin and 5teerago passengers, Rate9s9 of I tassage-First Cabin $60 � c nd 0abt sal THE CHEERFUlj IDIOT. 1 the markets? asked \Ve how arra h ), the sarceatic boarder, who knew that tiho Cheerful Idieot had been guessiug wrong lately on wiheaat. Window blinds. replied bila Cheerful Idiot, closed a shade lower. WHAT IS YOUR TRADE ? Rash Trade or occupation Has Its Special Disease, It Is well known among' medical men that certain diseases are more rapidly, developed in certain occupations than In others. That each ogcupation has tte attendant physical weakness, lrn- gineers, railroad men, and similar oc- cupations suffer mostly from kidney troubles,, and men who are often ex- posed to the weather suffer from rheu- matism, while clerks and professional men, in fact the army of people whose business kees.s them indoors, are of- tentimes gt•eat sufferers from piles and a..nstinaticn. In this connection the following letter 1s of interest to r.eople whose occupation will not allow sufficient outdoor exercise. A Dromfnent Grand Trunk railroad roan says:-" Having suffered Intense- ly fOr veers with Hiles (not being able to sleep for nights), and having tried different ointments with only tempor- ary relief, I was advised to give Trask's Maxnetto Ointment a trial, which I did, and feel thankful. After using three bottles, I feel that I am completely cured. I consider its as- tnnishing efficacy truly marvellous. Wherever I have recommended this ointment, the results rnroved as satis- factory as in my case. Any sufferer should Give this wonderful remedy a trial, and I feel certain they will say as I do, that it cannot be snoken of too highly."—J. C. I'rt ster, Toronto. Trask's Magnetto Ointment is not only the safest and surest remedy for piles, but it is the, best-known and rnest popular•. Every phvsician and druggist in the country knows it, and what it will do. Sold by all druggists at 26 and 400 per bottle. Francis IT. Kahle, 127 Bay street, Toronto. . Croup, Corsbs, and Colds cured by Ransom's Hive Syrup turd Tolu. 980 all druggist?. I VERSATILE. Your Son is'sarinl to lr., remarkable for his v:-xsatUity, Mr. SRiply. I :guess ile must be. IIe never stinks to owe thing- for more than a month. CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED ovith LOCAL APPLICA-110-'s, as they csn- not reach the ,eat of the di,euse. Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional disease, and in ordor to cure it you must take intutosl reniedles. Hall'a Catarrh Cure is isk- en internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surtaces. hail's Catarrh Cure k not a quack modioine, Ib was Area. cribed by one of the beat physictnns In this country for years, and la a regular prescrip. tion. It is competed of tho bet•ttonics known, combined w1bb the b(st blood purifleret, acting directly on themucous ourfaeeR. The perfer•tr,9mbinalIon of t.h:t two ingredl,ata ie what produces Fuel woode-fui resulta in dur- ing ('atnrrh. a"nd for te+timonials, free F. J. CHENEV .k. CO.. Props., Toledo. A Soldby 1,ruugiAs. p-.ca75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. AN APPROXIMATION. Do you knalw wiliart a prize you would bo get Ong in my dr,uu.ghter ? asked the old R' ntleman of the young man who was tryinn(g to negot::ate for her hand, Not proc'.sel.y, sir, but, from what I g-atlraex through the last anrthentic souscps she will be wortbi close canto a w i Ilion. Ili3C�l "estion cUnRED CELERY KINDS Stiengtheps the otomaoh• aids digestion; acts pleasantly on the bowels. Large package, 26 its.. Bold by all druggists, or wooDWAaD ttcDICINc co,, TORONTO, CANADA. Moorage $22.60 and upwards according to iteame rand berth. For allI n formNion apply Y :o Local Agents Or DAVID 0R AE Co.. Gesil Agents, 17 All. sacrament St.. Montreal. - HAVE YOU - A PIG WITH TWO TAILS 4 — IF 90, WRITE — W. G. HARRIS, M 8U9ANT, William St., - - - TORONTO, OAL- g-OZ?, 40Z73MM. ` "SPE WANT Y 0 U QUICK4111 Intelligent ladies and gentlemen can be sup. plied with genteel and very PROFITARL11 employment. Industry Is the e,sential NEC. ESSARY to a;rcure GOOD NERA TION. Can glvo .he address of renresentativo-•_ who has just ote,red $113 in 21 DAYS, $5 can be made right AT von,• own HOME, J. L. NICHOLS & 00., - 33 Richmond Wash Toronto. CONTAINS THE me NEW INCREMENT PRICE, 25 CENTS. FROM YOUR DIMUC HST. OR BY nAll. PROM The S. S, RYCKMAN MEIN. CO., LIMITED HAMILTON, ONT, ;ONBOY'S IMPROVED CARE[ TOPS received the high• est awards at the! World'" Fair 1893. 00NDOY'8 PATENT Rouen T(iPs---- have met wit.} such universal fa- vor. that other I- I manufacturers are now- makin inferior imitatf. one. Insistonhaving the Couboy mnki as imitations are never as good all the genuine. - JE — 'See ! page Fene6nw is Cheap ! Oar dealers can supply you with the reliable, time tried, thoroughly tes- ted Page woven .vire fencing', in dif- ferent styles for general farm pur4- poses, at from! 45 to 65 cents pen rods These prices for such fencing as Pagq are very low. And when comparing, with the cost of Other kindsof fence( the difference in favor of Page is - still greater, as so many less rusts are' used with it. A .recent railroad order -1 for 200 miles is good evidence tbat PJ F. is in the lead. r Send to us or apply in pernpn( or by, mrd to any Page Fence dealer. I PRGE ME FENCE COMPANY Limited, WALKI?IZVILLE, ONT. P. S. -Seo our "ad" next weok. .. � litliliot on SELDS 12VarictoFrIs C For This Is a BONA 12iDS offer made to Introduce our Vegetable and Flower Seeds to new custolners and which we guarontea to plea.ne you or the amount paid refunded and the Seeds given as a present. At theso prises we, can ONLY offer the varieties named below. Order by number. Rut' what you want. They are sent by mnii postpaid. Melect from the following list: VEGETABLES. 16. Witter Melon, Early Canada (Order by Nnmber.1 17. Onlon, larqa red Wetheralleld 18. Onion, Yet ow Globe Danvers 1. Beet, E0111130, round 19. Parsnip, hollow Crown 2. Beet, B' t,tlan, 6A round 29. Radish, French Breakfast q # i 3. Cabbage, `Viunhigstndt 2l. Radian, Rosy Gem ` 4. Cabbage, Fott.ler's Brunawiok 22. Squash, Hubbard I I��! 6 Oarrot, half lou f, acar,et 83. Topnato, urtm early ,k0witle 8, Carrot, Gueran,ia aearlot 24. Tomutu, Dwarf Champion `'li 7. Cuuumiser, Chicago Pickling FLOWERS. ''' S. Cucumber Lona Green , 9. Oslo Golden Self-Blanohtn 25. Astern mixed I "-, i N. g II 10. Herbs, Sao " . Mignonette, sweet a - Sago <8 t �. 11. Herbs, a a mlzod �++1' ti y 27.rny I, 12 Herbs Mar oram d , 1 28. Fo�unlo mire 13 Lettuce, Nonpnrrn (Cabbage, R9. Na,tnrtinro, tall mi:ed I 14. Lettuoo Denver Market (cured) $0. Sweet Peae, ulna mixed I 16. Musk 111!eloo extra earl Nutme 31. Wild Irlower Garden misted 7 Y, g 1) E E WITH RER Ry rrovidinq this Coupon Is OUT OUT and sent to us with an order for U p iokot we will include 1 pocket Now 0 ,%ntObll- Ian Hrdpillosels,�pyr�ice silo. Fr,e of Obant10 TU eUBSORIBIMS or TILIs &tit. We will NOT ACCEPT AN Oltt)ER at these prices where f I Inn,, 9 i V111 7 - the packets are NOT selected from the above his Address ell orders to t No.,6 Oatrot, half i.olig Dwavbra. Wi'W. RENNIEs TORONTO. ,.z■ The Golden Klondike. //►� [gyp es j child o obliged with its tiny feet and f'Ltbo�::`i tb�, Ii Noua�'va lege to keep up with the pace of the Tillil CONIING MAN. parent or nurse who never stops to realize how many steps the little feet A pair of eery chubby legs, lin in hose; have taken to their one. No grown Person could walk long with his arms N ENORMOUS BUSH ON GOLD abet scarlet A pair of t the .+tubby buottl rake, I al'ove his htad, much less being SEEKERS GOING IN. With rather ('oubtful toes dragged full speed by some giant four A little kilt, a little (.i.tt- tunes his own size. Yet mothers scold •onto Sound Advice rrent One who Hsi Cut as a mother can— little ones for crying when they have 6ladetheTrip.and linowsSomelhing0 An l lo! l:efore us Stands in .,.,ate, been hurried this ,p,y for long dis- lite Hardahlp+ the "alal-4eekers Must The futuro's ":owing man." tames. Lot the little ones walk alone hndeMm. His eyes, perchance, will rea I the stars, or flat l the Land of some other small chill. It is not safe to strain or over- 1❑ the rush towards the golden fields of the hluudilco there ars thous - An I searob their nknown ways; ta,x their ten ler muss es and it may ` ands ,A hu are til -fitted to st,cnd the Perehance the human heart and soul save many a crying fit. a strain of hardship and eNiosur•o whi. h Will ol:en to their gaze; Perchance their leen and flashing --- CUILDREN'S QTIESTLONS. ace inseparable front' that trip. 111 - ness, disease and death is ulmk st cer- glance, Will he a nation's light- g , Try your utmost to lie patient with lain to .Maim many of the ill prepared' adventurers. Phe folio„ing totter Those eyes that now are wistful bent them at all time's. They will try your from one who has undergone the hard - On some, "big fellow's' kite. nerves to lie sure, 1'ut you must re- ships of the trip, will prove intere.Aing, 1 hose ban is -those little, busy hands- member that some children have na to those who intend guing into the des - plate but gold laden north:. - So sticky, small an l brown ; turally inquiring min,la, and it is the Sliagway, L`ec. 11th, 1897. . Those hanle whose only mission seems natural result of its activity that they Dear S.ars-My object in, writing To pull all order down ; question you. If you ,will use care in th's :,atter is to give it word of adv i e Who Icnows what hidden strength may Ile I answering them and explain every- thing ai simply and thoroughly as pos- to Lh.osa wilco contempliate f3,u:utg to lire Hidden in their clasp, sible, you will he well rewarded, for, Yukon goad fit_)ds. For ter yeiaTs I have .fdlla>twed tlhe accu :steam of pros - ']'hough now 'tis but a taffy stick In sturdy bold they grasp? by this moans, the mind will develop naturally, and its education can be car- p,rcti,ng., titmLer estimating and rnin- ries on without harmful strain or ng, and than hlardships and privaiLOns Ah, blessings on those little hands, Whose work is et on lone ; erfort. If elders would only reason, i wh:ob. ane has to Lui,.!ergo, a.re enou.;;h' to wreck alis Strongest cons L:,tutiun. Y And blessings on those little feet, an consider what a sweet, frail, help- less, innocent thing a child is, many In thea spring of 1897 1 was stricken Whose race is yet urrrun I would perhaps be more willing to ex- with plr•nt.risy, as this result or exposure. [ recovered from tltv's, but it left be - And blessings on the little brain That has mot learned to plan l ten:) helpfulness at a cost of l:ersonal sacrifice, and certainly the child's life hand bbia Seeds of disease which mani- Whate'er the future holds in store, "coming would be brighter and happier. e lted t heinselves lav the farm fa heart andkidney troubles. 1 God bless the man i” ___+' - -- mamagod to rea•rh Va,noowver., but _ DESSERTS FROZEN WITH SNOW. ETIQUETTE OF WE, dial nnot have, much hopes of recover- , ing. I was advised, however, to give EFotnolmlical housekeepers will be P The rules of etiquette which under- Dr. \Vilhictuns' Punk Pills a trial andaL quick to follow the suggestion of a lie the formal and informal wedding f'Tst purclhased but two boxes. Before those were I found beyond a tvoll known cook, who says that snow cannot be said to, 1 .equally to a ]p Y e q - � gone laubt twat they were he'.piing. tae, and nay be used In place of ice for freezing both. Under no circumstances does the th-is ea,:nt,iiuued use "mut me on my purposes, except ,:here cracked ice it- groom pay for the wedding invitations. feet itiglaay." to use a camanon. expres- All the expenses of the wedding should s""n• I thepr engaged to go to the f and fol is called for. Ices, creams r Ire met by the father of the bride. The Yvi,an country and sally those vale, puddimigts can be frozen with wet snow have made Lire tri p to Dawson City Lind salt, using• the salt in about the groom pays tyle clergyman's fee, and can form even the fadntest conception ' , used, e t vv ice is is ub proportion one as m P P in addition to hiss gift to the bride he cyf the hardships that have to be borne ,tom tmld the labor of cracking the eco i�ladded may present t t e Y en bridesmaids, I hushers , Ila making i •f Lantra 1 m n the trip. Before starting � to my outfit two dozen !:ores raved. Jellies may be ohilled with wet and best man, with a souvenir if he so of Dr. William- Pi'n'k Pills and 1 can know alien, without the danger of wishes; these are his only expenses. hon,,stly say no part of 'my outfit Prov- , reezing Chaim before they are hard- The invitations to a wedding core. ed of such invaluable service to me, nml L would strongly ergo every 'man who anted, which often happens when they many should be sent out two weeks goes in to take a supply with him, as ►re exposed out of doors in winter with. before the Wedding. he will fintl the need of such a tonic; iho thermometer below 322 degrees. In AnJtrouncement cards should be sent and u builder of the system an many and rising snow In this way it is necessary to the friends who were not inviter occa,iorts, I ,vent. in returned to this place by the Daltan' trityl, which that it be wet, so th'wt it is as trans- to the ceremony. They should be issued cin ,4.9ts of 350 miles of old Indian trail )arenit as snow ice. Another practi- mediately after the wedding. The •carting at Pyromicl Harbor. In go- al advantage of snow over ice is in announcement card reads: Mr. and Mrs. Wharton Elkins itr; over the trail one has at times to v, ado through mu'1 more tban a foot looldmg' water for table use. As ev- announce the marriage of their daughter, Annabel, deep, and ford rtrearcis waist deep in ,ry one knowp, ice is often almost as to Mr. Albert Forrest, on December ice, cold waters. When I started for tile Yukon my weightw•as only 1'9 impure as the water int the streams 20, 1897, at Albemarle, Canada. pounds, an•l T now'weig`h 169 pounds, !rom wb;ich it is taken. Thus in or- If the wedding is to be held in church thank; to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. ler to insure pure ice water. filtered and the friends invited to a reception 1 I am snon starting for another trip.. +vatermust be iced in carafes by being} to 1'ar.t•son by the same rotate. Thi, nttc]red in ice and salt. But this i9 no a thisther or a v;edding I.reakfast, a small card anllounoing this fact is enclosed with tine, ho',` ever, the ti-twellina will tic ort snowshoe•( and you may del•end up- rmall Cask families where is a imited number of servants, and if snow fsere the invitation to the lied. Ing ceremony, �,n it Dr. \1'illiam %' Pink Pills will 8s used it is a simpler matter to pack o t carafe s that the The invitation to a w•eduing breakfast mast be acknowledged immediately, aga'n form part of my outfit. I write this letter for the two fold water iced "naugh for service on the table.' When and n the act awl u n s me t sent to g n the , purpose of lett'm you know what I [ g Y ° used Ln the freezer the snow must be m other and father of tile bride, or to whoever invites you to the breakfast. your medicine has dons for me earl urxinm those -who in to take a su il'ly backed Bowen firmly with salt. Orange Jelly. -Talks 1-2 box gelatine, if it is a home ,wedding, the brides- go with them. Every man, whether he. 1-2 cup cold water, 1 cup boiling ,a- maids are generally omiLted. The cler- is sick or well, who undertakes the gyman siands at one end of the room trip to the Yukon will require some - pugar and I pdint orange juice. Soak, facing the guests. The bride enters the thing to brace him and ke p his con- jJhe gelatine rn cold water until soft, room on the arm of 'her father, or stRu.,tion sound in that country. I mar %dd boiling water, the lemon juice, whoever is to give her away. She is met by the graoin and his best man say that my home is at Copper Cliff. Ont., where, my wife now resides. sugar and grange juice. . Stir until the uWgar is dissolved, then strain through when she ha.i reached the clergyman. ,.rhe Yours very truly, films linen into mol'ets or shallow pans father of the bride and the best John Pirtle. which have, been wet in cold water, and put away in wet snow to cool. man sLel, a,ido an L the bridal pair face the clergyman. After the core- �r CreamJelly.--Put 2 tea,,p:tons grana- mossy mons has been perfoxrned they turn lated gelatine into 1 pint cre•tm, add 1 and receive Lite congratulationsturn QUEER FAMILY PLOT, 1-2- cup granulated .sugar and 1 tea- of their friends. An Louor two is is the accustomed time that a bride apace, vanilla; st!nd a.vay in a cool should give Lo her friends before leav- place, 10 minutes. Then stir over hot `u•ango r''ttletery Lot at ;;ayfeld, ,eater until the cream is sufficiently i ng the room to don htraveling her rave Kentucky, hot to dissolve the gelatine. Strain and when cool, net thick, turn into g'ow'n,, The refreshment for a quiet borne It is doubtful, wihMt'her there 'exists small dmdividual molds and stand away may vary from a punch acct anyar}v"re a parallel to th,e strange in wet >'naw. Serve icy cold. fansivedc fancy cake to an elal,orata menu of Cemetery Idt. at Mayfield, Ky., whie.b. Fruit Orange ,felly; -Take 1-2 box bouillon, oysters, salad, game, fancy has been for 'Uhie bast ten years the gelatine, dissolved in 1 pint cold ,eater, ices arld wine. bobby of "Ulnoh? Henry" \VoolrivLg.e, as add ] pint boiling water, 2 cups sugar, The bride cuts the wedding cake at a wedding breakfast. Whether 'hese is knrm•n faem,idiarly to his frienrls juice and. imide of 1 lemon. Have in a dish 6 oranges sliced and pour the gel- at a small 'or large wedding, the guests and neiigh:boirs. Although born in 1822 FAL-ne over them when nearly cold. should find on depart ing small bxes of a natime of. Middle Tennessee, he is vig- T"be'n put on the wet snow to cool. 1", el ling cake tied with whit° ribbons, orous itn meimd and has n:,.ver used Oratimv Whips -Beat the wbites of and cadh guest if she chooses may take a box her. sp,eotacles, Latk a gyhysical ii,;;firiuiiy two e with box When the wC0.1ing is•beld in church, eggs -2 a froth, aril lye juice getati 1-2 lb sugar anal tele Prevents his walIki,n,g„ so ,lis is driven ,juice e o S or 8 oranges together and allow the the bridal arL • may be a large one if 1' } Y 6 each dh. to the ceimeter im his llnr 'Y y grgY . 4nixture.to jelly slightly; then add the so desired, .consisting of the maid of honor and six bridesmaids and imspecU the oandution of his cola- .. tggts, wbfich should be stiff anou h to i3 stand stuns. Mix all thoroughly to- eiwht or and ushers and the Lest man. The bride' liectiton of monuments. K-- gether, put into molds and set away is always driven to the church with • The term "ctallectilari`is exactly thee" tent -vet snow or on ice to cool. her father. Resting her hand lightly most f.ittimig anei to apple# in this case. --- in her father's arid, she walks up the aisle. The maid of honor and the bike most true "co`ilectoTs," lie hemam -way, BABY'S NAME. bridesmaids precede her. At the chan- in a Small with n very modest fa - It is a criticall hmoment in the life. cel the bride is met by the bridegroom, milt' momumelnit of Vermont marble, to of any chile] when its parents or friends and together they kneel at the altar. mark tha lot. But this seemed to Bien bre trying to decide upon a name. And The best man always accompanies the groom to the church, and at the altar !ae,k!hig in the personal note, an•l he rvhen has there ever been horn.a child Ile stands a little luck of him at his 3rib had a tivtrirtP marble shaft imsertod in n ,Lich enfant' and many an anxious right hand. should be to the bride. to thins went, ieearri,nrg on its farts a hats r YF?,,f portrait of himself on horse - Moment has not been spent in tryingPresernts to decide what tname it shall bear sent They may be sent any time after the batik. This was an improvement, but through life, . invitation to the wedding has been re- dixl not seem entirely satisfactory, and \%heats yn a mune?" says the poet, ceived. At the wedding reception Lhey may be disgila.yed he accordimg•1y Ordered a life size nor - trailt statin of lbi,mselt in white marble a rose by any other name would smell as sweep."' Very like, but is it or not, accord- ing to the wish of the bride. Every wed- at a cost of $1.000. m,ostluumarus fartve,, he took up next b's equally true of children? I think not Pf my observation ding gift should be acknowledged .by the bride herself as promptly as fam,111T, antl orrde�red effi,gieg of his ma counts for any- } thing, and particularly so in regard to Parents pos- ai.hle. It must always be remembered Y that the Bridal gown Should be made flet, Tris oldest brother, lin Indin.na, Yrnestane, n.t. a cost of $250 for both.. girls. are ve rt' much the trbiters of their ebil<irun's fate when 'bey high in the neck, and with long sleeves. For a large w••bdding the fashion- , ,Viyr_m these were in In.ur,ce, a favari,te wree was comymemorate<1 by another iar- are naming them. Have you not often met children who most able wedding' costume of the season is stoat filguutn and erh,o was shortly camnam,iaed by a, playmate, a little girl have been so inappropriately named as to be ma,drnof white fret over white peau de sale, the not embroidered with orange tivliohax] brought beim flowers during an po.itively painful to speak to them 1 their rt' given name? What is blossoms in silk a'nd pearls. With Such i}}Incas. g mseLf thus surrounded by there so absurd as to be compelled to address a homely, a gown the wedding veil is always worn. The white satin wedding gown nin sorntw Of his human associates, the de - rawboned, freckle- faced child as Rase, or Lily, or Greco, is always in good taste. If the bride is ts be In in her traveling Biro castes to him for teh,e oomp�a,n•ion- ship of his nmd,msl fav�orli,ps, antl. hA be- arur( another who is all sweetness and !,e'auty, wt' the very commas abbrevia- gown, snug i n reality it is the costume in which gan wilth bis thcnonghbred hunting horse, Falx. 1m ord'er'thtat the ropresen- tions of names that are none too she will start on, her honeymoon, thein She must be careful not to select mlt,he bee complete, be himself goal at hent, such as Liz, or Mag, or 5arey. A sense of the eternal fitness aeon- Bj'icuous costume. A tailor-made gown occu i e.Ofc occupied the saddle. Of course hies dogs as accessrrrihs tel tilts hirwt rams next im of things shoul,l by all means be con- of handsome material and well made is appropriate for such order. Tow Read a favorite deer hound lidered in the namingof the bab y an occasion, All presents sent to the bride mva st needs have deer to sliet Bob, are marked with her maiden 'name, not her Thrn it woull,d noit do to FIG LAYER CANDY. prospective husband's. They are her t'hp fox boulud,, and Bob is reproduced with Ili,!, foix. Tttis is a very toothsome confection. own property, not her busband's. Next in order vias a recepttu le for Materials required, 1-2 11) good drum ___.____ _— his own body -a saareopbeg,tis, with figs, 1 lb conlfertionor's sugar, white g That was a fvvise Montreal judge marble cover an wihich is mrved a re - prpsend:atiam of ,his trusty gun. of 1 egg and i tablespoon cold water. w1co the surer day tentemced a pili Fimatlly to complete the family grro,up, M'a.ke the sugar, egg a.nd water into pedlar to a term of imprisonment for were added memorials Of phis three bro- a cream, beating out all lumps and se'lling a pink pill representing thetw to be the same as the widely-knlo�vlr tbers-three figures just alike. with they stiff pose usually seen in tailors' molding on flee board as one kneads dummies. bread; the white of egg to be beaten, and justly famous Dr. Williams' Pink of course, and if any flavoring is de- pills for Pale People, 'rhe represent -- -- - sired, use 1 tablespoon, but to my mind tative of the Dr. Witliamrs' Medicine, IRIS MANNERS WE RF. TESTED. the figs give sufficient flavor. COmpainy did not prie,wt the matter ' Have the figs stemmed and chopped• olagely or the culprit would have had Wil ry Riumnli) Miitford used. to declare A regular chopper makes but little a long terra in jail. We commend the that tho-re "a was no peace, nn' s to cher "stormy Berkshire,." As to the work of it. Use a little cornstarch to prevent sticking, and roll the fig out persistence with which this fraud was cost country #carets they were un,matcled, one-fourth inch In thickness. Divide fallow'ed up; Such eases are far too for Lh,e,rlr Suavity, courtesy Rads respect- tho creanN, and roll out, having the frequent and Should be put a stop to, fub manners, One dey Miss Miitford a little thicker tha n the a firm iagspent the money that Was wakt.n thrcau1aP pasture re with an,laiers imcredulrnra Lanaion laal�. There was ffi Pl acv: 1 1 he fig tet, can the two layers g' of cream, pass the rolling -pin over thus Medicine Coml an have, P Y in push- lad driiviing a cavvv and has manners were, "Naw," 11,ghtly, that all will lingtogether, ing thleir medicine, they should. be pro- to lin tiestod,, said Miss Mitford „ ami riufi. into squares or any desired teeted wind these fraudulent ianitiations how wed,) see, ow gtallatnt are, our cottty try folic." Thiene was a gate toe be op - shape. The t utt.ing is the most :dif- fieult pert, as the fig --filling sticlrs 10 promptly put am tend to; the public, too, shauLd befrom having emieci and the bory opened !,t and the Iad.ive The knife, but by washing ita few rotected worth- I Passed thrxmglh. Londonthe "You're times during the process and dusting loss, cheap stuff palmed off. on them lady put a question to bhs bop; it in Chia nhot. sure," enc t was with cornstarch, the randy may he cut very Hvpnl,y. place ofsuch world -famed arti- Olet4 of merit. We would like to see the gentle s kMa+ gentle bay's re,ply, Thse'rt a liar, 9, vor 1 be. 'HOLDTNO CTTfT,DRTt:N;q HANDS.— Williams' Medicine Company, and oth- -- An authority claims Lhal. there is er medicine dealers, prosecute tbese A Corn Photographed by X Rays morn in+urs ('one by grown persons ca.np-s of, fraud with vigior so we may Sbaws It small hard kernel, Hovered by in holding, the blinds of little oneswhen Idnow that wbors we ask for a medicine layers of hard skin, This walking. i,itt.le tots of eightopn months we Ina.y get exactly what we want, tiny Horn r.aura 9 keen pain. or t,t o yearn are (!ragged along the ami ,not some inferior and abeap Corn- The only suiro means of extract - at rept hol linyr one of its arms highpostanal eyrie which profit for the goal- d Ing it, without pain, in o, ay, lfv Put - al ove its }intul, This unnaturap°si- l tion strains the muscles of both heart o or wau4d be fearr or flys tiplea that of nam's Painless Corn Extractor, Sure? Yee. Painlsfae0 Yes. Cheap? Yes, in - and arms~ and not only that, but the tibio Wter artiolo, Gleed I Try it. RETAINING A SEAT. A Jinlgnu•11t Ovhlrh it. of Interest to Hall- 'llay Travelers. A judgment of the greatest Import- ancic and interest to railway travelers was delivered recently by Judge Em- de,a. A gentleman traveling from London to Hastings had occasion to leave the carriage at -Tunbridge, Wells, and Look the ordinary precaution of reserving Itis seat with his vnnbrella and newspapers. While he was ab- sent another passenger seized his place and refused to vacate it until forcibly ejected. As a result an action for damages was brought aga,itast the ori- gralal aw'ner of the seat by the intrud- or, and a counter-olaim for similar damages was ojitered by the other side a. well. The judlgme'at delivered was one which will common 1 itself to nine- ty,nina out of every hundred travelers, The claim for damages for ejectment was dijinusad and the counter claim al- lowed. For the future, therefore, the can- t k ersis' Ln ar, oro individual who us nd P dd�turbing the cc.mt'ort and convenience of trat oler;s on the manner indicated will know how he stands, and that if the owner of the seat thi'n'ks fit to bundle: trim out neck and crop the lat- ter will not only have the sympathy of the public but the law as well an his 61". TUrere can be no question what- ever that the universal made of retain - }'ng a seat in a railway carriage is a ,most reasonable and convenient one, and the thanks of the public are due to Judge E'wden for his very clear and -emntble interpretation of the law. Not tho least important point in his judg- mmit is his assertion that the holder of a seat was entitled to use reasonable force to eject an intruder. __- __ _ THE OLDEST 'THRONE CHAIR. The oldest throne or state chair in existence is that ,which belonged to (use � an Hatsho1 isu who lived about 1000 years B. C., This throne is now in the British museum. It is made of hard wood and highly ornamented, the carv- ing being very curious throughout. Round the legs there is a quantity of .;old Wigrea work, ;and from these Ftp l'ITlf,r out, as it were, two cobras mod -.bed in silver. The termination of the throne legs are well de=igned hoofs. The back is inlaid with silver and tbere are other cobras enlacing the arms, which are highly gilded. MAKING A SALE. Misfit Dealer -Mein front, I zell you dot coat shrnta. Dot coat vas made vor' de. Prince of Willes." Customer-'1'ltie back o' me' hlaind t' ye, ye sp,halpheme. D'ye think I'd wear a co -at carp. ruir tali' 1'riswy ',\'ales? Dr•,alpr, see:hlig his mistake -Mine fr:emrt, I vou!d nest i,nzult you py offer - '.,ng you a coat- via;t dla Prli.nce of Wales would veer. De priuwe lie refuse dot carat. lfI say it Lilt him, but he hate dat coat, and nod buy it, C'ustoarler-lino hates tth.:s coat? Be- gorry, thim Oi'ld tayik e, it, an' wear it, pihwether it fist me or not. THE REPLY UNKIND, Gerald -You can't really live With- out brains. Geraldine -How long have you been dead ? . ANOTHER VICTORY WON IN GREY COUNTY BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Mrs. Tlwn►ns Hughes Tells Her Story, N. Ledar, J. P.. Corrol/erntem it--Dodd's hidlisey Pills, 111141 They Alone, I'11n, All I rllm.l Ili IRtilRe P. Morley, Ont., -This little town is excited over as occurrence that -would, La early days, have Leen looked upon lbs it manifestation of magic. The c•ir- cumiti.nces are clearly detailed in the following 'letter sent'%y Mrs. Thomas Hughes of this place to The Dodds Me- dicine Co., Limited; 'Toronto: - "I cheerfully testify to the wonder- ful work donne by Dodd's Kidney Pills, believing U at too much. praise cannot he given, them. I was for four years a great sufferer from pains in my back, alone my spine, in my head, especially over the eyes, in my left, and occasion- ally ,in my right ,side. "Five doctors treated me, and I also had the care and advice of an American specialist. All failed to help .me. I tried nearly all the patent medicines I could get, but none of them' did me any good. For two and three nights at a time I could not close my eyes in sleep. 1 vias bloated. so terribly that f could neither sit nor walk. My agony was simply indesoribable, For nearly three years I was hod -fast. " Finally I tried Dodd's Kidney Pills. From the first do, -e T began to mend. I have used fourteen boxes, and am completely cured, a,nd as strong as ever was, and can da' a big day's work, thanks to llorld's Kidney Pills." -Mrs. Thomas Hughes. "I ,have known' Mrs. T. Hughes for EL number of years, and I can truthful- ly state, ..bat the foregoing statements are strictly true." -N. Leflar. J.P. 'Dodd's, Kidney Pills, the only- cure on earth for Bright's Disease, Diabetes. Rheumatism, Luml•ago, DLseases of Wo - mein, and all other Kidney Diseases, are sold by all druggists, at fifty cents a box, six boxes, $'2.50, or will be sent on receipt of price. by The !)adds Medi- cine Co., Limited, Toronto. COCAINE -CURSED FAMILY. Death of Dr. John Devel'. Formerly , I -Known Lospiwille, lly., Phy0clnn. Canada's 0% lest real -A 2410 cdlclnct. Greatest, Because in cases of Pysl:e sia It hair a tioat•h like( magic, v, hb h just hits the spot, brings relief t the sufferer, and gives tone and strengtll to the stomach as no other medicine dcos. Qould Not Eat Without Pain. "For many year# I have been a Suf- Jerer from a pevere case of Dyspepsia. could not eat without great pain in my s'torniaeb and would be sick and } omit up what I did eat. One day I read olf a kasse cured by Iliiod's Sarsaparilla. {T told my h,u:9band I believed' this med- icine would ,help me. He went right {away and gat a bottle of hood's Sar- saparilla. I took four bottles and 1 was inured." Mrs. Allen Stivers, Makanda, Illinois. ® 1 Stoarsa- I H ®d arill a ;Is Canwia's Greatost Xle•llcine. g Sl; six for $5, Sold by all Druggists. Get only Hood's, Hood's PiIIS are tt)e best after-dinner pills, aid digestion. 25y IN THE WEST. First Citizen -Pete is get tin' to have a lot of new-fangled notions. Second Citizen.-W'hat's the latest? First Citizen. -He says he has a pre- judire ag'in lynchin' a man on circum- stantial evidence. 111 RON hzna hou. SIXTY-FOURTH ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the share- holders of the British American Assur- ance Company was held in the com- pany's offices, Nos. 18, 20 and 22 Front street east, Toronto, on Friday, the 18th February. The President, I•Ion. Geo. A. Cox, oc- cupied the chair. Mr. P. H. Sims was appointed to act as Secretary, and read the following report, which, on motion, was adopted: ANN UAL REPORT. In presenting the Sixty -Fourth An- nual Financial Statement of the Com- pany, the Directors have pleasure in calling attention to the following re- sults of the year's business. The balance of income over expendi- ture, as shown by the Revenue Ac- count, is $100,832,74. There has been a net appreciation in the market value of Securities of $14,147.93. The Reserve Fund has been increas- ed from $5•'8,883.84 to $5911,361,51, after providing $52,500 for two half -yearly dividends, at the rate of seven per cent. per annwn. The estimated liability on current po- licies is $511,982.86, an amount more than ample, according to the Com- ,:any's past, experience, to run off all existing risks, and after providing for this there, is a net surplus over capital and all liabilities of $79,381.65. In all departments a decrease is shown in loss ratios as compared with those of the previous year. The Directors express their appre- ciation of the efficient services of the Officers, Special Agents and Represen- tatives of the Company during the pass: year. ,111 of which is respectfully submit- ted. SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL STATE- MENT. Total cash income ...............$1,470,339 40 Total expendit:ere, includ- ing appropriation fir losses under adjustment... 1,369,56666 --- Balance ...... ...... ... ...... ... 100,832 74 �. _ . Dividends declare¢... ........52,50000 Total •s_,ets:.............. ...... 1,510,927 88 Total liabilities ...... ............ 169,,'63 b7 i Surplus to policyholders.. $1,34101 51 The followiilg genl.lemmi were else ed to serve as Directors for the ensu- ing year: Hon. George A. Cox, J. J. Kenny, Hon. S. C. Wood, S. F. Mc- Kinnon, Thomas Long, John Hoskin, Q.C., LL.D., H. M. Pellatt, R. Jaffray, A. Myers. At a (meeting held subsequently Hon, George A. Cox •.vas e)octed Pregident and Mr. J. J. Benny, Vice -President. UNGRATEFUL. 'Hungry Higgins, I wouldn't feel no gxat:tulle to a doctor 'tud take out my Stomach. 1\',ary lVattki.ns. Not oven if it was a needcessAy ? Naw. Everts. then I'd feel th'arckless, Nothing equals "Quickeure" as a dressing for Burns, Scalds, Cuts or Wounds. My rmowshoe strings out right into rho flesh across my toes, and I was quite lame, until I used "Quickeure," ,which removed the pain at once, and healed the sore completely, in two clays. W. H. PPITRY, Quebec Bank. DOUIBLi�-EDITH D What is am 'aggrtmsuve policy,' grmnstt pa ? Well, it is a policy wthich makes it mam so mad thaat has wants to fight, but w,hirh scares bim so that he doesn't dkl-re. to. Dr. John Develi died on Saturday af• W P C 9119 ternoon at a snnitarbum In New Al .,,,, .„��..,-,,,,_. -. bany, Ky., w'herehe hall been taken in the hore th tt he could hn cured i f 0 6 � Zi4 1 9i410 (i1 • the cocaine habit. Two weeks ago h• and his daughter were found union' What and Why ? scious in one, xoom of a miserable tenement without. food, fire or bed 10IT is WIIAT THa clothes. Both vvwre far gone, but they C®odrioh Res -Flex were taken to Lha city hospital and re sponded enough to treatment to ,justify SINGLE TUBE TIRE hopes of complete recovery. 'rhe d.a.0 ghter, though a skeleton, and with it 18 THAT OiV1ta THE REASON WHY iiody covered 4v}th sorea, is only 20 rc I8 Tan BEST. The wAY it is AL years old and will got well, but Develi's 1 made, the material used, the toots vitality was so exhausted that he had It Is subjected to, the personal in- to seientlflo exactness. a est Ion i t may clr at an p a fatal rely and e ase Y Y I it moment. and being as true Inside as out, VP LIKE THESE o .e was a wealth aids. DON'T FACTS Fifteen ears a b been physician, y livinginfine style and OONVINOE YOU Our catalogue is greatly respected. He contracted the fall of intereat, send for oatalo. cocaine habit and Caught it, to his dau-gue •'T." Dealors Quoted. 9 Whter and wife, and the family sante Into poverty and degradation. For 4 AMERICAN TIRE CO., Limited, Years they subsided on charity. Dov- 4 104 and tea Mir St. W., Toronto all tools great quen'titleA of the drug and resister] every attempt of broth- er physicians to ©claim him. ®� 0 *410 VA 1� 6701 --..,...,_.....r..__.,.........a.- ..-....�.... wv"� ._.... _ YouHave-q$011i"""'-probably read this advertise. ment many times, and thought no more about it. This time make up your mind to try I,UDELLA GsYLON Tea without delay. It will do the rest. In lead packages. 25, 40, 5e, and 6oc. From leading grocers. a I 1J I -IN ,I C'. N XILNTIOUS PAPSON.'!ld7: YOU RUN NO Reap• Iles Itefused to leant er Accept a Salary insist Hti. congrommion. MONS00111p�00P014 The minister of , u Noncomformist IN -�r1p N ' 11 I)4 *,IaY1,,A A. cthapel in the pleasant seaside, town of is packed in lead and cannot lap a.c ,tluglbox, says tha LonJors Daily 'L'ele- gxat plb, ,has struck aeaimrit receLving a Ulterated. a5, 3oi 40, SO sail tTpE salary. For aua,ny years h:s congraga- per Pound. All grocers loop it, '- Con paid 'him a stilwnd mutually Iy,',I 6 e 0) fR agreed on,, and lne was grateful for it, but prayerful wrestlino witch the sub- � . ject has ntaw con.viinced him that the t I t acoaptance of monmy for preachung the - --- - ... __ ___ _ _ Gospel is wnon,gr, if not actually un- n p��� ser.rptural, aAad Ove has therefore pub- ®®�/ ��1j[ R � hs,brd a pevimphLet rervaurtoing his sal- ' Frewll gglreonellal roul d lnq lsk olled6ie.1platoawt► } cry tie a anlmi49ter ty.ntd giving his Peas- rant d, toanyaR0whowl Ie 11 oma far doitrrg so. 1doz.gndeetructtblaLnmD to= is f a m r c(need potrlmmtng)amouggiriendsatl(lete.eaoh,krl is aA aninot Live on air or sleep ns trtia we wtll mall you tlta Wlisks. Yostsell thut�g in- a puppet, owad in urger to gain an snAsendtie the mone nndwew111&.11Yea theRlall. ?. independent liv,olkhood ,he devoted his BTAU OLLEMICAL G`O.,BoxTA. a �terbroolt,Corub week days to b is:uiess w-Ith so marked success that hie is able to do wLthout the Mille, Mille A HsIN, Barrlatore,uto., romovsg money provious',y given 'him as pastor. to Wesle Bld a. Mob. _ N mo a he is dot r i LAW wand oron " Nay, r e m,ry,ed to pity o ,� tu, back to tdrn chapel the sa.htries od form,- ; - -- --- fi ted tt Agents wan to intro oe e s a�ai :bre li • es to be able to g 0 r year Ud music th.tuloaue and torms, We w l a Year. this feat alt the rale of one mail prepaid "Hot Time in olid " a year. 'Tide exile a exte it' a novel one Q•,rwn" With mesio. (Ora cents, a.autpe. and is 'hardly to ba extensively, triad. � POPULAR MUSIC DEPOT, 20 Alexia St. Montrs A DISTINCTION. ( Toronto CutinIs 1Strainger, to Hig,hl;,am•d in full uniform YOUNG MEN, Learn to ('uIt No to -:=and ase ow coPid w!rth the kelt ? or profession. Writo for particulars, y Y 11:. Yonne St., Toronto. -Samdy are you cold witch tbie kilt 9 wi'the ,atulld. SHIP YOUR PRODUCe !t The Probabilities Butter, Eggs, Apples, Fruit, &c., to j- Are, that our temper will improve, THE DAW80N OOMM18810N 00., Limited, $ Y P Oor, of Went Market and Colborne Sts., TOROii and you will enjoy walking and skating - _ . _______ _ _ ___ ____ _ in real earnest once that sore corn is removed. Pitnam's Painless Corn Ex- i Dominion Line Steamahipe. tractor never fails, gives no i;ain and tlontreal and Quebec to Liverpool in suatiner" wilt relieve you in twenty-four hours. ''or'l wed to Liverpool in winter. Large att� Give Putnam's Corn Extractor a trial 'asttwin shrew aieamahlps 'Labrador.' V. louver ' 'Dominion.' ' Scotsman ' ' o tYsh r and be ha % erlor i I, A, R accommoation orFf�e y p r t Cabin PPY• --- in g Cabin and 5teerago passengers, Rate9s9 of I tassage-First Cabin $60 � c nd 0abt sal THE CHEERFUlj IDIOT. 1 the markets? asked \Ve how arra h ), the sarceatic boarder, who knew that tiho Cheerful Idieot had been guessiug wrong lately on wiheaat. Window blinds. replied bila Cheerful Idiot, closed a shade lower. WHAT IS YOUR TRADE ? Rash Trade or occupation Has Its Special Disease, It Is well known among' medical men that certain diseases are more rapidly, developed in certain occupations than In others. That each ogcupation has tte attendant physical weakness, lrn- gineers, railroad men, and similar oc- cupations suffer mostly from kidney troubles,, and men who are often ex- posed to the weather suffer from rheu- matism, while clerks and professional men, in fact the army of people whose business kees.s them indoors, are of- tentimes gt•eat sufferers from piles and a..nstinaticn. In this connection the following letter 1s of interest to r.eople whose occupation will not allow sufficient outdoor exercise. A Dromfnent Grand Trunk railroad roan says:-" Having suffered Intense- ly fOr veers with Hiles (not being able to sleep for nights), and having tried different ointments with only tempor- ary relief, I was advised to give Trask's Maxnetto Ointment a trial, which I did, and feel thankful. After using three bottles, I feel that I am completely cured. I consider its as- tnnishing efficacy truly marvellous. Wherever I have recommended this ointment, the results rnroved as satis- factory as in my case. Any sufferer should Give this wonderful remedy a trial, and I feel certain they will say as I do, that it cannot be snoken of too highly."—J. C. I'rt ster, Toronto. Trask's Magnetto Ointment is not only the safest and surest remedy for piles, but it is the, best-known and rnest popular•. Every phvsician and druggist in the country knows it, and what it will do. Sold by all druggists at 26 and 400 per bottle. Francis IT. Kahle, 127 Bay street, Toronto. . Croup, Corsbs, and Colds cured by Ransom's Hive Syrup turd Tolu. 980 all druggist?. I VERSATILE. Your Son is'sarinl to lr., remarkable for his v:-xsatUity, Mr. SRiply. I :guess ile must be. IIe never stinks to owe thing- for more than a month. CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED ovith LOCAL APPLICA-110-'s, as they csn- not reach the ,eat of the di,euse. Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional disease, and in ordor to cure it you must take intutosl reniedles. Hall'a Catarrh Cure is isk- en internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surtaces. hail's Catarrh Cure k not a quack modioine, Ib was Area. cribed by one of the beat physictnns In this country for years, and la a regular prescrip. tion. It is competed of tho bet•ttonics known, combined w1bb the b(st blood purifleret, acting directly on themucous ourfaeeR. The perfer•tr,9mbinalIon of t.h:t two ingredl,ata ie what produces Fuel woode-fui resulta in dur- ing ('atnrrh. a"nd for te+timonials, free F. J. CHENEV .k. CO.. Props., Toledo. A Soldby 1,ruugiAs. p-.ca75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. AN APPROXIMATION. Do you knalw wiliart a prize you would bo get Ong in my dr,uu.ghter ? asked the old R' ntleman of the young man who was tryinn(g to negot::ate for her hand, Not proc'.sel.y, sir, but, from what I g-atlraex through the last anrthentic souscps she will be wortbi close canto a w i Ilion. Ili3C�l "estion cUnRED CELERY KINDS Stiengtheps the otomaoh• aids digestion; acts pleasantly on the bowels. Large package, 26 its.. Bold by all druggists, or wooDWAaD ttcDICINc co,, TORONTO, CANADA. Moorage $22.60 and upwards according to iteame rand berth. For allI n formNion apply Y :o Local Agents Or DAVID 0R AE Co.. Gesil Agents, 17 All. sacrament St.. Montreal. - HAVE YOU - A PIG WITH TWO TAILS 4 — IF 90, WRITE — W. G. HARRIS, M 8U9ANT, William St., - - - TORONTO, OAL- g-OZ?, 40Z73MM. ` "SPE WANT Y 0 U QUICK4111 Intelligent ladies and gentlemen can be sup. plied with genteel and very PROFITARL11 employment. Industry Is the e,sential NEC. ESSARY to a;rcure GOOD NERA TION. Can glvo .he address of renresentativo-•_ who has just ote,red $113 in 21 DAYS, $5 can be made right AT von,• own HOME, J. L. NICHOLS & 00., - 33 Richmond Wash Toronto. CONTAINS THE me NEW INCREMENT PRICE, 25 CENTS. FROM YOUR DIMUC HST. OR BY nAll. PROM The S. S, RYCKMAN MEIN. CO., LIMITED HAMILTON, ONT, ;ONBOY'S IMPROVED CARE[ TOPS received the high• est awards at the! World'" Fair 1893. 00NDOY'8 PATENT Rouen T(iPs---- have met wit.} such universal fa- vor. that other I- I manufacturers are now- makin inferior imitatf. one. Insistonhaving the Couboy mnki as imitations are never as good all the genuine. - JE — 'See ! page Fene6nw is Cheap ! Oar dealers can supply you with the reliable, time tried, thoroughly tes- ted Page woven .vire fencing', in dif- ferent styles for general farm pur4- poses, at from! 45 to 65 cents pen rods These prices for such fencing as Pagq are very low. And when comparing, with the cost of Other kindsof fence( the difference in favor of Page is - still greater, as so many less rusts are' used with it. A .recent railroad order -1 for 200 miles is good evidence tbat PJ F. is in the lead. r Send to us or apply in pernpn( or by, mrd to any Page Fence dealer. I PRGE ME FENCE COMPANY Limited, WALKI?IZVILLE, ONT. P. S. -Seo our "ad" next weok. .. � litliliot on SELDS 12VarictoFrIs C For This Is a BONA 12iDS offer made to Introduce our Vegetable and Flower Seeds to new custolners and which we guarontea to plea.ne you or the amount paid refunded and the Seeds given as a present. At theso prises we, can ONLY offer the varieties named below. Order by number. Rut' what you want. They are sent by mnii postpaid. Melect from the following list: VEGETABLES. 16. Witter Melon, Early Canada (Order by Nnmber.1 17. Onlon, larqa red Wetheralleld 18. Onion, Yet ow Globe Danvers 1. Beet, E0111130, round 19. Parsnip, hollow Crown 2. Beet, B' t,tlan, 6A round 29. Radish, French Breakfast q # i 3. Cabbage, `Viunhigstndt 2l. Radian, Rosy Gem ` 4. Cabbage, Fott.ler's Brunawiok 22. Squash, Hubbard I I��! 6 Oarrot, half lou f, acar,et 83. Topnato, urtm early ,k0witle 8, Carrot, Gueran,ia aearlot 24. Tomutu, Dwarf Champion `'li 7. Cuuumiser, Chicago Pickling FLOWERS. ''' S. Cucumber Lona Green , 9. Oslo Golden Self-Blanohtn 25. Astern mixed I "-, i N. g II 10. Herbs, Sao " . Mignonette, sweet a - Sago <8 t �. 11. Herbs, a a mlzod �++1' ti y 27.rny I, 12 Herbs Mar oram d , 1 28. Fo�unlo mire 13 Lettuce, Nonpnrrn (Cabbage, R9. Na,tnrtinro, tall mi:ed I 14. Lettuoo Denver Market (cured) $0. Sweet Peae, ulna mixed I 16. Musk 111!eloo extra earl Nutme 31. Wild Irlower Garden misted 7 Y, g 1) E E WITH RER Ry rrovidinq this Coupon Is OUT OUT and sent to us with an order for U p iokot we will include 1 pocket Now 0 ,%ntObll- Ian Hrdpillosels,�pyr�ice silo. Fr,e of Obant10 TU eUBSORIBIMS or TILIs &tit. We will NOT ACCEPT AN Oltt)ER at these prices where f I Inn,, 9 i V111 7 - the packets are NOT selected from the above his Address ell orders to t No.,6 Oatrot, half i.olig Dwavbra. Wi'W. RENNIEs TORONTO. ,.z■