The Clinton News-Record, 1898-03-10, Page 4»'f"""T. , , kr , . Ir 4 r .,: . THE OLINTON NEWS-RECOR R The Huron News -(Record The Conservative Lender. $t,00 a Year, is Advanoe. �- ^ T$URBDAY, MARCH 10th, 189$. SKETCH OF THE CAREER OF MR. J. P. WHITNEY, UNDER WHOM THE aOV- .t ERNMENT FORCES HAVE BEEN To ins. C'�reular Town p ROUTED. _ James Pliny Whitney, Q. C„ is of GODERICH, MARCH 10: -West Huron English ancestry, He was born at Flection. -At 2 p. tn. on Saturday Re. Williamsburg, Dundas County, in Oc- turning Officer, A. L. Gibson nommen• tober, 1843, and was educated at the card summing up the votes cent for the Cornwall Grammar School. After candidates in the recent election. As leaving school he began the study of far as the summing•up went the cer•ti- law ill the office of Macdonald & Mac. ficates did not vary but the certificates lennan, in Cornwall, the senior Part- in poll books Nos. 2 and 3, Goderich ner of the firm being the. late Hon. town, :and No-Hullett (the county John Sandfleld Macdonald, the Premier councillor's poll) had not been properly of Ontario. Though he came of Liber- fliled in and the declaration was post- al stock, young Whitney chose to ally poned for one week. The statements himself with the Conservative party, not properly authenticated give a and was a loyal follower of the late Sir majority of 10 for Mr. Garrow and had John Macdonald.. they been thrown out the old member Mr. Whitney was called to the bar would have had a majority of eight. at the Easter term, 1876, and the fol - The Goderich Amateurs are talking lowing year, braving married Mims Alice Park, a daughter of Mr. William of playing in the near future. Pridham made the suits for the Park, a well-known citizen of Corn - Minstrel show. Weren't they natty? wall, returned to his native county and opened a law office at Morrisburg. The Ohcsen Friends will meet in fleet public entry into polities was re ular session this (Thursday) even- g Y in 1 in 1888, when he was nominated to con- ing. test the county in the Conservative in- Smeeth's planing Will, now nearing terest. He was beaten by the narrow completion, adds considerably to the majority of 25, by Dr, Chamberlain, town as a manufacturing centre. The election was voided, and in the Mrs. Burrows left town on Tuesday bye -election which followed Mr. Wbit- to visit l,er daughter, Mrs. David ney was returned Jan. 31, 1888. At Cassady at Ayr, Out. the two aubsequeut elections Mr. Whitney was elected by increased- ncreasedhave Over two hundred canine medals havebeen issued and there are as majorities. One of his first actions in many more tvitl,out'tho protecting the Legislature was to bring in a bill to make bribery punishable by Impris- decoration, onment. The Government voted Peter McEwen is around again after the bill down, but Mr. Whitney re - his recent long and severe Illness. His introduced it, getting supporters fro+tl many friends were much pleasedto see the Liberal ranks, but the party whip him up town altt,ost daily the past was brought to bear, and .the bili was week. thrown out. However, the Govern - The junior Epworth League, of Vic- toria St. church enjoyed a delightful ment was compelled to swallow itself, and finally passed a bill on the same treat on Wednesday evening in the lines. form of a sleigh -ride through the prin- cipal streets of the town. Messrs. Geo. foras who furnished nlered Church and James Horand exposed the hollownessr of the ment's pretensions on the temperance at, rigs for the occasion and are tendered the hearty thanks of the children. question. The full pressure of the Gov - The death la announced of Mrs. John ernment was brought to bear on the hotelmen in bye -election b election of 1888, at y " Robertson. She was the sister of E. F. Clarke, M. P., and lived at 26 Bellevue which the ternpurance people grew ay., Toronto. Her husband • AS of the angry and sacriliced politica alliances to re-elect Mr. Whitney, who had been firm of Hood & Robertson, general agents of the Excelsior Life Insurance unseated after the election of 1886. Company. At the recent funeral of her Frank Clarke, After the general election of 1890 Mr. Whitney to brother, she coil- came rapidly the tracted a cold which hastened her front ass, prominent and useful mem- death. Mrs. Robertson was well ber of the Opposition. He held the known in Goderich, Mr. vtobertson full confidence of Mr. Meredith (now having been for some time deputy Chief Justice Sir William Meredith), sheriff of Huron. find on Mr. Martens retirement from On Wednesday evening a good the leadership in April, 1897, was tin - gathering assembled in North-st. aniniousl,y chosen for the position. church to hear an address from the On his return to Morrisburg after his Rev. Donald MacGillivray, M, A., B. appointment he was the recipient of D., of China. The meeting was held an ent-husiastic public demonstration. tinder the auspicesJpf the Y. P. Society of the church. The speaker was dress- Mr. Whitney's first session as leader Odin full native costume which is his began Feb. 10, 1887, and he coon much respect by warmly secondingthe usual garb in China, and took its his motion making Mr. Evanturel . peak - subject, "Jesus Christ, the same yester- day, to -day and forever. He pointed er. HIs course in the Legislature hlis out the past, present, and future needs been such as to make him personally opular with call members the of China Las met by Jesus Christ, yes- terday,• to -day and in the future, con- Crouse, and in all matter. of racc e has eluding with a reference to the Young � for For- creed the Conservative, leader has shown the best of tnoderatior, and People's forward movement eign Missions in the Methodist.church. good judgmen t. At the close, articles illustrative of the Mr. Whitney served with the volun- address were exhibited. teers during the Fenian raid of 1866, Vocal solos were given at the parlor and is now a lieutenant -colonel Ili re - social by Knox church choir on Mon- server militia of his county. He -wits day evening at the St. Lawrence, by made a Q. C. in 1890. Socially and Messrs. Belcher, Thomson, Stoddart, Personally, Mr. Whitney is very popu- and Logan, Misses 8traehall, Parsons, lar, and both publicly and privately Ausebrook and Whitney. Instru- his is a life of integrity and rectitude. mental solos by Mrs. Logan, and Miss Parsons, selections by'the guitar and mandolin club, and recitations by Dull Times in South Africa. Muses Rhynas and Masson. The chair was occupied by Rev. Jas. A. The following is an extract from a Anderson., Refreshments were served letter received by Mr. J. S. Miller, during the evening, and a very pleas- alit and social evening was spent by of the Clarendon Hotel, from a , the' large gathering. The choir ac'k- friend !n the Transvaal, South Africa : nowledged their appreciation of r:5. -Things in South Africa are in a de- Beek's kindness in throwing ops tier house for the. occasion, and hergra- pressed. state at present, and in the .Transvaal cious hospitality which contributed SO there is really nothing much to the success of the evening's doing. Everyone who has any money or can afford it is off to Duluwayo, entertainment. . and 1 think that the country will be in Regular meeting of Huron Chapter the same state till after the election of No. 30, R. A. M. next Tuesday evening. President and then in any case who - There was an open meeting of the ever is elected will ask for it loan, but Collegiate Institute Literary Society. that will never be conceded till tall the on Fr !day afternoon at the close of the reform questions are settled and once school session. A first-class pro- things are placed on a smooth footing gamma was presented. there is everything to be hoped for in Charley Blackstone, the old Clinton- the way of the raining industry and ite, still serves delicious. bivalves by the in properties being taken over. Then I have hopes of clearing a few hundred measure and dishes them up a style that pleases everybody. When in pounds., At present we in DLarberton town give Blackstone a call. are just barely existing as what with The ice crop has been gathered in drought, locusts and rinderpest and and though not as thick as in some then hard times on top ofthatit former years enough has been stored comes pretty rough on us. For the to give us a cool time in Goderich this last five years very few farmers in the coming summer. district have made sufficient to pay Holy Communion was celebrated at their way and those that bad any St. George's on Sunday. money saved, that hasgone paying for losses by It has been Rev. Mr. Godwlu preached the last rinderpest. es• of his sermc,rre on the Prodigal Son, timated that fully 30% of the cattle "Weleom6 Home." in South Africa have died through T.ie sacrament of the Lord's .. Su per this dreaded disease and while in some was dispensed !n Knox church on Sun -parts of Transvaal not a single beast day. bar, had it, in other districts they Tere will be a grand entertainment hav_e been entirely exterminated and in the Kaap Valley District in Victoria Opera House on St. (Darher- ton, &c.) it is down at about 30% Patrick's night, when a number of the put best vocalists within reaching distance only of cattle saved, nearly all the will appear, and our local amateurs available working castle being dead. will present a good comedy. As the While as for locusts they are thicker entertainment is under the direction in'the valley this year than they have of Manager Feite a good night's en- ever been. Numerous swarms all over tertainment is assured. the valley and they eat everything Lucknow curlers sent two rinks to that comes in their way, whether it is Goderich on Friday to lay a friendly only grass, or crops and once they set - game the result being that the homers tle nothing worth heaving is left of the came out four shots ahead. crops, everything green is eaten. Then On Saturday afternoon the fire for the last 3 years the drought has alarm drew a large crowd to the Hen- been fearful, little or no rain and now derson Bicycle Co., Works where the to cap everything the Transvaal Gov - roof of the casting shop was on fire. ernment start collecting but taxes When the engine got to the building from the natives in Swazieland and the hose bf the Co. was playing on the they being very unsatisfied and rest - burning roof, and a few minutes of the less I am very nt rch afraid they will town's ended the job. The fire, caught rebel. I•f they do DArberton being from the heat of the chimney or the the nearest town to Swazieland bot•- cupulo, and there was but little damage der, all the available citizens will have beyond the loss of shingles. to be called to artus, as everyone from The Town 'Council met in regular 16 to 45 in case of martial law being session on Friday and transacted gen- proclaimed have to turn out, or in eral business and had a special meet- of her words of the land be "commun- ing on Monday at, which the elevator deered" for active service and nearly by-law was finally passed. Mr. D. McGillicuddy is attending the every young fellow likes to got it chance to go with a "commando" to see meeting of the Press Association in a little fighting, but as yet I have Ottawa this week. never had a chance for fighting with Ins�ppector Paisley of Clinton, was in Oircular Town iiaet week, r the "Irregulars" although I have been in one or two rows in the country. the Mr. G. W. Holman, of Bayfleld, was About the town Darber ton. It is situ - visiting friends in Goderich on Satur• aced in the south end of the KRap dayy, Valley at the foot, of the Makonjwa Mr. D. F. McPhetson, of Clinton, ranges and is entirely surrounded by visited the county town the past mountains. Darherton itself is In every - week, one's estimation (of course that is not in Darbertonians its they know the _ _ place) the nicest town in Transvaal. Cltateile's Second Victim. It is really the &Lntariuni of the - --� Transvaal, but it is feLarfplly dull, noth- hardly in Listowel, March 5. (Special.) --At Ing the way of entertain - her father's home in Elma township menta or anything of tlint kind, al. died Ida Jane Keith, who will be re- Lhough the majority of the young men membered as the sister of the young here (boys included) are all sportsmen ir1 Who was ao brutally murdered by from and there is plenty of wild game all over the district, and note and again hatoile. Soo never recovered the terrible strain occasioned by the her death is we have swimmin find running sports football death of her sister acid and cricket find every season direetly chargeable to its effects. n their turns. MARCH 10,, •1898 _- ---- -..- - ,_ _ OccillRltialas Or titin IIleimfjer .. . ]j ratssels. A 11111t for Ottawa. ( �'hf) Clafan;;e ill L3ottdtl0. Perth, I .�._ Toronto Prarntel'i3' liliari(;et. I s. Saturda of last week Margaret, Mitchell Advocate -!n 1890 Mitchell ----- Y g Montreal Star 's Two ion it, fee- 1.1OVO11tO, M•tvch 4.- -The receipts of FARMERS ..... . .......... V relict uY the late Joseph 1iuzO11, former- tures of Tuesday's 'ejection in Ontario, At a Conservative eloct on, 801, it g of 11. rain on file strt-et ruarket here today I LAWYhRS........... 14 ly of Brussels, died at the residence of which, however', seemed to teach the At the next election, 18J}, 0 gave Me- g . d her daughter, Mrs. S. Ruttau, near salve lesson are (1) that the Uonservta_ B+Lllarttyue La majority of 3U over D'Ie_ were. f+tit. B;arlyy was weaktend lower, DOCTORS IST ... Atwood, aged 80 years, Deceased had tives made near! all tbeir NeI]. NOW it has given Monteith 33. ()'its firmer itild other grains were J9URNALIS'TS............ 5 Y gains iu In 1890 St Marys gave Btallautyne it steady LUMBERIORN ... • ......... 7 only nen c fur severaltoro bed but had rural conic the lases, and ('L) that the , Whtlat-4teacl MERCHANTS .... . 5 only been confined to her bed fur about Patrons in the last HoaLse were lar *Elly mLa uritq uP i37; In 18J4 it gave him 103, Y, 5UU bushels. settle • • • . a week. Mr. and Mrs. Ruzell re►uuved replaced b Conservatives in they largely anci at the election on 'Tuesday it only 'It 81c for white dbitight, 93ic for red STOCK BRE tWERS....... 2 it we Brussels and Mrs years ago, the I test. `They Cons Liberals only Succeeded this cl tel Ave Moderil), a lural m,to, Of)1 Hib- and 87 fur goose. MANUFACTURERS, ...... 2 furwet Brussels awe about a ear , )ea•L's Liberal major iLy of 213 has been Barley--.Luwer, 800 bushels sellingtit INSUR ANCE AGENTS.... 3 N f3 Y Y three septa held formerly by the Pat- 30c to 4'2c•. 1411LLU WNERS .... , ...... 6 latev. The suev!viug uietubate of the roils; while the Cunserviatives secured bulled servo to 98.+ (:loud old Logan has R •e -Stead CONTRACTORS 6 fatuity are Edward, ur StraLfut•d; Mrs. twelve. Then the Conservatives made J(llllped from a Conservative majorit y y, 300 bushels selling at TORS ........... 2 of 57 to 170, ani9 Duwnte hag gone back 33 to 534c. 1ANNLRS......... • ....... 2 S. Ruttiul, of Atwood; Ltilrs, W. Wet all of their euwluous gains in rural con.I from 2tH) fur 13,tWtur.yne to 189(+ to 1W <)ttts Pittner, 500 bushels selling at AUCTIONEER ,........... 1 kers of Aurora, hat Charles, r Morris stituencies, with the exception of one 134 a to 35c UNDERTAKER ........... 1 township; Abrtthaw, of Detroit; trod seat ip Ottawa and the two Hatuiltous. fur Moscrip. Hereafter South Purfti 'e,lts--li'irmor, 80U bushels sold at 59c DOMINION LAND Sl`1Z- Joseph, of Eluia, Mrs. Ruzell was a +nay be classed its a Conservative Rid- to Mo., V E OR .......... ...... , 1 wewbor of the Methodist church fur Ilow N est Moroi► Wits %Yon. ng' _ - _ I Hay and Straw -The receipts were CATTLE DEALER.. , .. , .. 1 wavy years, _ - - fair, there was a good demanc! for ha BROKER, ... 1 Messrs. Clegg and ll,tmaa paid out Mr. William Chambers a student at stauley. I and price+s were fimer; 25 loads sold at STL+'AMBOAT AGENT., 1 over $4,000 last week for cattle and the High !School in Kincardine whose $8 to $10; 4 loads of straw were offered; UNCLASSIFIED.... , ... • . 2 hugs shipped from Brussels and Bel- home is in Ashfield, it appears, is en- Mr. Webster and slaughters. of prices were $6 to $7. gntve. They handle a lot of fine titled to the credit of electing Major Lucknow, visited ;it the huule of Mr. Dressed Hogs -The receipts Ls were stuck, - Beck tilt- Conservahve candidate In James Reid, Bayfield Road last week, fair tserE+ were a rood cea,uud cCnd - During the past week the following Nest Huron on Tuesday bast. Mr. A number of the young people of i tile' there was fiiiu with salon at March, April, May. passengers left fur the West civet, the Chatnbei•8 is Strongly Conservative !n Varna Tewpperanc•e Society and Bay I + C.P.R. -.-Josiah and Geo. Pratt, of polities but he had nu great notion to Held Road Christian Endeavor Society $6.15 to $0,25, - Morris, toBuissevain, Man.; Will. Hall, spent a vet pleasant evening at the Wheat, straight 84 to $ 00 travel su many miles to exercise his THESH' ARE THE MONTHS IN Morris, to l:%,•iusboru', Asses.; War. frrtnchiso AfCE+r serious cunsidnration residence cit A]r. John Johnson, Bay- do red ................ 93� to 00 Hugh and Jos, Hanna, Mortis, to Mid- however he thought his Fin *le vote field Ruad, last week. - dO 6°(>'+He• ....... , , . 87 to (10 W HI(7H TO PURIFY wa Man. ' € We are pleassrl to hear of the recov Barley pet- bush....... . 36 to 42 I. "night he needed. He diel g0. Mr. YOUR BLOOD. YtineiptLl Cameron 'received the Beck was elected by it majority (if one. et, , Of Mr. Richard Peck, Jr. Uats per bush,,,,,,,,,,, 341& to 35 pleasing intelligeuc•e fr•out the Educes- Mr. Chmilbers feels therefore if lie had jho Inlsmionary workers of Bayfield Peas per i'tlsh•••..,..... 59 to 62 -- thin De arttuentun Thursday of last Road church met at the resideucO of Buckwheat I.. 1. 3.) to 37 p Y nut gone horns to vete AI r. Beck wanlcl Rye [let �' This is the season When your blood week that he had been awarded it First not have been elected and like a good Mrs, 13ruwuett oil Friday afternoon Ili ! bus,........... , 53 to 53i is loaded with impurities, accumulated - Class PctfeSStOnal Cortifioate and !s Tory !eels • ubilant over the result of for the purpose Of glliltiug a nutulierof Hayw ,. •..... '''' • •... 800 to 1000 during the winter inontlis from close now entitled to teach in either 1 ublie his voto.-Kincardine Review. yuilLs for the miasiouaries. having 6 W to 700 confinement, rich food and other or High Schools. Mr. Cameron wrote culnllleted Lheir work an enjoyable Dressed hogS ......... 6 15 to 6 25 causes. These impurities roust be last December at the Hatuiltun Ncr- - - -- - - evening was spent by the popular 1498, now iaid.......... 15 to I($ driven friul, your cyspteul Or the may mal College. Attempted Suicide at Stratford. young ladies cold gentlemen of title Butter, lb. r.'lls......... 16 to 17 6 breed serious disoase and cause untold Will. Armstrong, who has been at- ---- church. do till,, din •v........ 10 to 17 S"ITV1• 11 Hood's Sarna) it•illa is the tending the Clinton Collegiate Inst( A man nailed Arthur Webster, 30 _. - _ - _.._ _ Chickens per I dr....... 5O to 55 greatesttand best blood purifying medi- tute, bits spout the past three weeks veitra of age, and hitilulg frout near r Turkeys per ll,... • ...... I1 to 00 cine it is possible to obtain • It is Ili Blyth Supplying the Public school : ListOWO1, attonlptecl to blow his brains W111.4.11:atlt- Ducks her, pr.,....,, .... 00 to 85 for Principal Pluuuner. The latter out at the Cabinet Hotel, Stratford, - _ Geese per 1l)............ (i to q what tt►e millions hike in the s )ring. P The art that Win t It will purify and enrich your �)luud, wits off duty owing to the illness of his on Wednesday night. Thu malt was party g tlun a. short PotaLoes per hag • ...... 80 to 85 it no Ili the hall, and !tad a lm.ded linin ago have lett I:dlnontou for Klors- fit+riic„ create tin appetite, tone up yours s - little sun with scar lot rover. laihh. • • • • • • • • • • 8 ill fl ten,, and give Y The regular monthly horse flair wits American bull -dog revolver pointed ,it dike. It is reported that thev had Lhe 1 health, g e you sound, robust itilutiuu ,crib...•...... 5 to 8 held here last Thursday, and as is re. his head when discovered by the pro- finest• lot of horses that hitve left Ell- Beef, fore ...... • ...... 4J to 6 sult of the fine weather the fanners Pl-t-Ov, Chas. Catieou. The pistol cull- ulonton. do hind .. , .. • .... .. • 61J to 8 and those having horses for sale turn- tained five cartridges, but it was out \V. II. Green has put fn the fixtures Veal , 8 to 0 - • ___. -_ .-_ ed out from every part of Lire country, of kilter, and a tragedy was averted. for all electric light stirvice in Dr, Tani- , conse uentl there was a ver large One shot was dischitr ed, but it wits lyt' H residence. bight lights arc) used - - --- _ - -.-_ __ Last night',, d I . R. train far Toro q y Y 6 0111 , g and the light is ver satisfactory, fn b was detained in r the city for a little attendance. The dewaud for gond Y +t tent One an(i after that too Y , COUNTRY PROD by a landside Bear the city cemetery. sound heavy horses is great and is weapon refused to do duty. On being fact there is no conwarlson with Iccvo- �_ Searched nurnerou•s eartrid es Bene. being well met here, owing to the fates 1,�:, ti long Toronto, ALLrch 4.-fiuttc:r-The re- - _ and hioad-bradt-d knife wt -re fou,,d in Harry Day, Walter Boleen and John ceipt,sapO still very s,uttll, all sorts are -- fitt the fanners interest themselves his }f Jill Mon, feft un Tuesday for Dan watrtecl, the deulanrd is good and the A\ AC1'OH TALKS. In the breeding of horses called tar by possession. Some tiweagu Webster shin, AI,w. The took several cku�s of )' the English warkets. Buyers were is alleged to have atti+ulpted to take 1 Y market is firrn at 17c for the ordinary -- hare front LIStowel, Seafurth, Lead- his life by cutting his throat. It hay horses L,ud set.tlerH' clients vVi011 ihell', run of large rolls and 17,• to 18c for odd TELi.s 1FHAT DR. AONEw,S CATARRHAL bury and ether' distant places, and bee 11 ascertained that he was confined 'Tnhll j!10tt, Of, Rin(al•dlne, went to extra choice sinal! lots. Dairy till) is POWDER PID FOR HI,i AND HIS WIFE - many horses changed hands. prices Ili the London Asylum and also in it Br itl�h Columbia all Tuesday. scarce find firru, with prices nominal TRULT A FRIEND TO THE "PRCFkssION." ranged from $80 to $140. similar institution in Dot•roit. It is Air. It. W. }iasLings, who left. here at 18c for choiro and tele Far medium. - -.---- __ - - alsc asserted that ha Made: his escape least fall to )take charge of his sitiv Mill Eggs --Thu offerings of new laid are "I can but proclaim Dr. Agnew's from one of these iistitritions, +tad hits at, 5terllol, Fall., bile dl. posed of the liberal, the deuuuld Is gond and the prt•arrhal Powder a wonderful medicine Ilurolt Colony C. E. Budget. been Wanderingaround ever since. Skuit- fl"d vias here. this wee!: visiting +llilrket is Evlsier at 15 t.o 13 c. ' . , with his friends. Ne left on Thursda particularly for singers and punct' fur ytcrliu Fall., where hc� will 1•(y Potatoes -Are iu Fit�r c elnand and I speakers, or those who have a tendency Are you planning to be at Wingham Q➢!I'et►sil'e l'artizattship. main t -Sterling 11 of Il Stuck Of rather firmer. Cals on the track here to sore throat, hoarseness, tonsilitis and June 21st and 22nd. These are the ___disposesitre quoted at. 60. Potatoes out of store lunlbe v. Ile took iL carload of flour sell at 65 to 70c. catarrh. :Myself and wife are both sub - dates of the County S. S. and C. E. Goderich Star: -Wv are in no degree and oats with Ilio+. Poultry -There is it good demand for I leets of catarrh andtonsilitis.. We had Convention. m+iking a hackneVed complaint when ilii. Jns. MCGILvin 11115 ptirch,tst-d the turkevs, but chickens ,Lee not such a tried most everything, but have -never we say that, the Coi.serviLtives ill West NVuighanl Brooln Works front Mr. J. good sato null irices fat thein are easier found anything to equal this great rem - How t0 Treat l,e1y A]etllbers.-EVery }Illt'Oln wer0 tltLlltliC'appe(I by ill uner- J, Fl:ant.agiail and hits taken possel"'1011 lit 50 to 555: hirket's -ell at Ile. edy. For ,quick action it trulyis a new nleilber should have considered ons C; os of fi *rant ,art.izallshi) on of the siuue. He hits )lit In ,L fresh q ' as carefullyand thoroughly its ossi- b 1 1 1 Baled H,ay-The dt-nuancl iq slow and wonder worker. I couldn't be without ' h Y p the part of electiot; ofiici,Lls. NV new stock of broom corn and Will be the rntrket is dull kind easier. Cars on it b me and I am continually recom- ble the pledge he is to take on entering sp(-ak by the hook, and it will be an able to Supply the Public with first-class Y the society, so that there may he no Invitation to repeat, these practices if brooms. 1 f Y P tho here are quoted at $8 . mending it to my tellbrother professionals." walking fit the dark; and when it is the Conservatives do not call sonle of Bir. and Mrs. G. H. Irwin left ,yester•sir Emmett,'ewYork Ci 1, X S East 101st taken the member will be ready to Baled Straw-Theret,w is no change !u , - y. -Sold b Witte the offenders to a strict account alts day for a visit atuon * friends at Park-market, g street \ew i`ork Cit y assuule afaiv Fhitre in the work of the t; the t stead , which Is very dull and c¢y Co. show Lhe public what frauds are per- hill and Uthei places. George returns about stead Calls society. And to do that intelligently, petrated as the result of it system of next week to Carberry, Man, are quoted t $1,50 to the track here and cvfth asense of personal obligation, officialism which has grown to be a d $5. -- then there will be called forth Self -res- ppowerful nilchine fel this Proeince, to A don belonging to Mr. Morgan Me- spect and is delightful feeling of part- be workod for the benefit of a corrupt, licnRall•----..- ----- --- Taggart, London, hit Mrs. Poter Wil- nerdhi ). The new Member will be no son and Air, John Brennan. The l government. Soule of these cases we School ]lte>port. mere figurehead of silent partner. All . hope to quote next week, when all till, Oil Wednesday evening 23rd of Feb. animal, which it is feared Was mad, his interest will be called into play, and figures Will he available, ruary An interesting nlatriL11010xal event The following is the report of S.S. was then shot. • he will realize that much depends oil took place at tho residence of l fv. Thos. No. 10 Goderich township, for the him and that he is of some conse- Truly it is time fora change, and y, + months Januar and Februar based I3l,tcktvrll. 8th con., Ila when Blt. �V. quOnce. This Is the key to the position ane of the changes roost he it ded)ar- Kew, of East Missouri, Oxford Count • Y A NERVOUS WOMA. tore from machine methods, and the y+ on regularity of a endance and gener- of a strong, vigorously active, and per- „ and Miss Catharine Jane Blackwell al proficiency ---- manent society. Think of it well. government of this Province in truth were married. Rev. C. L. f l l s-th da n Wel i Mid and in fact, VOR rrtL i>i.ol'r.E AND IIP Mills,+ C11P.tr1/1. 4th class -Norman Welsh, Ern• r`I was completely run down and had Test it and see if it is not. Hensall, Otllciated. hinny handsome Ira,• Burnett, handle Cole. St.. 3rd- a bad cough due to bronchitis. I was Tttr. rl:orLf:, - g On Lapsed Members. -In every re- presents were received by the bride. Fred Alidcdleton, Wilfred Thompson, very nervous, but since taking Hood's ligious society unelnbers who have "fal- _ -.- .. . . _ . The bride was attended by Miss Sarah Annie Rathwell. Jr. 3rd -George Sarsaparilla I have more appetite and RLtckwell and Mr. Thowas Kew was len away backward" are fowls. They I'ogt-(1>Ilice Itctttrns• Ellwood, Joe Ellwood, Bettie Col- feel a great deal better. I have also lose interes(, or they cense having fel- _- groonlsroan. After the ceremony a slough, 2nd -Bert Middleton, 011ie used Rood's Pills and find them ver luwship with souse one who wkLs the The following figures are c ompiled wedding repast was b: rued and the %Velsh, Leonard Shep Sheppard. Part 2nd excellent." MR,.. M. GARLAND 675 uniting link, ur dente stronger at t itc_ happy couple left for their new home.-Ernt,st Thompson, ' g g from the AnditOr-Delle )al's report for p. Willie Wine, Fred Crawford street Coronto tion elsewhere calls thein off, and they Anutber of our old people passed , Ster ling. Part• 1st Sr. -Willie Stewart, • •) ,Ont, the. year t-ndinl, Juut- 30th, I81)7, and ti dropout. What is to be done in their, shows the reverie derive'� !ruin the away On SaturclaY morning in the per- Agnes Middleton, Warwich Colo. Pt. HOOD'S case? Do not say well, I guess the pt,st-s t e of each towel and village in son of David C.ltu•It, father of -W. J. 19t Jr. -Robbie Thompson. -C. A, Teb• HOOD 5 HILLS are easy t0 take, easy can et talon wit)'tout thew. That Clark, blacksmith, Wbohad been raresi_ to operate. Cure indi estion head - can g this vicinity, With the. ppost-Masters butt, Teacher. P indigestion, may be the case, but you have to .sitl'tr c•otnn,ission and alluwa.nce: dent of llensall fen' over two ye)tvs. ache. . think of them as well as yourselves. Y' He had fornnerly resided tit Hillsgreen. POST -OFFICE REVE'NVE :, SALARY The funeral which took lace oil Alon- „n To recover them, seek to create an 11 P - terest that will reach thein, get a Ifnk Bayfield ........ $ (317 29 $ 3213 10 day- was attended by it large number ill+ Blnevale...... 391 37 177 38 his old neighbors .fr(nu Hills.) ` , to which they can join themselves, g:o^-,:,;'•?', . work for there with all the ingenuity Blyth • .......... 14 i5 (iii 636 IS sides it goodly number of Hens err . "' 1• Baking you have, seek by any means, or by all Brussels........ 2215 83 IO61 28 ple. means t0 recover them -so will vour Clinton ..... , ... :17x:3 (A 1724 Bl - . . -. _..... .. _... - societ be strop Dungannon..... 525 70 2151 53 • Y g• Exeter.... , ...... 2379 47 918 44 IT'S fE,@rsY TO DYE. o The Ministry 0f Music. -In the C. Fordwich........ 725 82 341 17 Powde13--ftwo, i E. society nothing isof snore ltnpor• Goderich...,,.:. 6S02 37 1955 I1 Romp DYEING Wrrtl DIAJIOND DYER tante that Elio music that is rendered Gerrie..,.., .... 10,54 22 45IS 88 IS PLEASANT AND PiLUPPCABLH. there; agreat part of the life and well- 1-Iensall......... 1257 02 51600 being of the society depends upon ,t. Kippers........,. 318 71 170 •16 it has a most influential ministry; it Kincardine...... 3607 7(I 1604 60 Beautiful and B"Dinni Colors That throws life into the heart of the socie- Will Not Fast--Dinuu)nd Dyes Have t Lucknow..... ,.. '207,•3 S6 1133 83 Special Colors for Cotton anti Afixed Is pure, carefully mixed and Only first- lass ingredients y; it awakens its emotional nature; Ripley ... .... 1083 77 484 Ul calls its imagination into play, and Goods -How Wise Women Econo•. Seaforth ....... 1945 77 1848 23 stirs it to activity in every good work ; r r Pico in Hard Tithes- A Ten-Cent!ten Teeswater .... , . 1880 v8 Ef4'L .)8 Package o yllSetl Makes TllOre 1JiSCLditS tllatl any Other I3alcin it binds the beams of the members fu Varnia...... .... 490 45 165 50 T f Diamond Dyes Often • g one. A song becomes it rallying cry Wingham ...... 4; 1511 14 S+CVOs Ton Dollars. . or an evangel of hope, or a proclalnit- Wroxeter... .. 859 47 457 90 Powder on the market. It's worth i3 acknowledged by tion of divine grace. Therefore, culti- Zurich.......... 8315 91 362 82 In these days of enforce(} econonly vate the musical talent of the society ; It should ht-• it pleasn•e to any wouuau never lot a meeting pass without a ----- ' --- - to learn how she can save the cost of it the hundreds Who flow use it. It is always fresh and sweet solo or to charming duet ; have %til I History Repeat Itself. Aviv gown for herself and suit for the "songs and solos" by Sankey, or the lift le one, Or can make her hnsb:utal's fine collection of choice songs by Brier- Toronto Telegram (Ind.) -"In 1871 fadod clothing look like new. Diamond the price. is only 2.5c Per P( anti. A `ample for tho ly Co., of Chicago, and you wilt never Hon. Sandfleld-Macdonald found hien- Dyer, which are prepared esheetkt.11y be, at a loss. self in pretty irfuch the same position for home use, will do till this. 'They. Nashville, 1898. -Five hundred Iowa as HOD. Mr. Hardy is now in. Mr. are so simple and easy to nse that even asking. , Endeavorers expect to attend the Nash- Macdonald depended upon the courts it child can get bright and beautifill a vile convention. What do you Cana• and bye -electrons to furnish him with colors by following the directions on dians think of that. How many will supporters. But the election cases each package, o• ---- go from Canada? were delayed in the courts, and he There is no need of soiling the hands C. 'E. and the Press. -"The Times" wits restrained to meet the House with with Diamond llyes; justlift aIld sir seven vacant seats. This occurrence. the goods with two sticks While in the of Brockton, tiase., Once v week nub• was fatal M his Gorer•nmeut• Hon. dye bath f, y fishes a Christian Endeavor column. Y and one will not• ret un Edward Blithe tit once perceived the H. %`.) 0 M st"3` E stainsor,- )o Ja Over two hundred Canadian papers af. l ts• weakness anti led the opposition U) the ford to our Provincial editor the same In coloring dresses, coats, atilt] Jill Chemist and Druggist. assault, and the Macdonald Gl1VP.r'll- privile�e. Our young people are de- I,tI P articles, to get it full and sittis- lighte to see a space given in the daily rnent Was forced to the wall Theo f,1111ory color, it is atbsolutel,y neeessitl'v PllvS1C1Ari's +Su liey, bcq,tn Liberal rule in this Province, PC► paper, io leant once a week, to the coil- evidently to terminate !n much Lhe to hrLvo ;a 5p('cial dye for euU:on goods _ _ sideration of what is 0f Special inter and a diifevent dye for woollen goods. -- -� - eat to them; they are sure to take an satire wily. It is true that Hon. i t This is !lone fn Diamond Dyes, and _- Hardy has nearly a ,year in which t0 interest fn these papers and patronize strengthen himself. He hits two Cabi- before buying dyer one should know them. Earb society in the Fitchbury whether the article to he colored iscot net positions fn his gift, and these maty Union, .ritLps., contributes at leiter one lou or wool,rand get, the properd e. ......aaa.....��x+..... Shoe Talk. Ile utilized to his advantage, hilt. ;is (tom a week fol the Cf, E. colnrnn of matters stand t0 -Arty, the uflook for lh) not buy dies tilt c•lium to color the local papers, carried on by the everything, fur t)i6ir use will result,in A%_A%���,q.N_ ,.©,� him cannot be deeuled hopeful. press committee of the union. failure. "Mr. Whitney, on his side, has y person who does no The Growth of Christian Endeavor. Ever -It is to be found organized in every equally fair chances of increasing the - have to pay Storage un hit denomination. It is in the army and number of his supporters. The courts WELL KNOWN VIOLINIST u+oney is familiar with the diffi- ",- ,'`""'', Ina het hill) list its much kis the `! navy and among the crabmen and y cult problem of making a small police; it is among the men of the life- wi11 halppl-Ion. ATr. !tardy. Several of income answer the requirements saving stations; it has even penetrated his lieutenants are out of the way, men Traveled Extensively Throughout the of these advanced times. Foot - the prisons and laid hold of the prison, who would have claims upon tum for provinces -Interesting Statements wear is one of the unfailing Ora asps is seeking to ]dit them np ton Government seats, lead he and they Concerning Hls Experience. necessities, and it costs it good been successful. He will Also have deal in the course of a vent• -if bolter life. Where r it notl it hay Something to offei in the wily of Cabi- tSTELLARTON swept round the world :Lad has con ,N.B.-James R. Murray, you get tor. wrong kind. We net ppasdtiep. for support. Probably a well known violinist gnered in every clinic. And what, ;s Mr. UonmeP will be seen, atul vino Air. , of this place, who don't keep the wrong kind. the great lesson this teaches? It is has traveled extensively throughout the Not that: we are more honest this, that the professinn of a faith fn Evanture), and the lone Patron is jest Provindes makes this statement: than the other dealers, but out Christ•innity is not egough, there mast nary pl+tying ,t star engagement Which "I was running down in health and m long experience has taught us It would fit either staage. The ma.nipu- ti' y Ile the practise of it. Men profess later, the man with the (left hand and weight fell oft from 175 to 150 pounds. how t0 avoid being "stuck" mt faith and stand stone -still, but the the nimble ward will now ho aL poor goods, word of God is "Speak unto the child. person Prescriptions did me but little good. My for consideration anti the readiest trouble was called nervous dyspepsia. I This knowledge is necessar- 't' ren of Israel that, they go forward." 'c:,•„ O. E. chimes in with Lhat • it is an or- Player will win the game.' resorted to Hood's Sarsaparilla and after fly of benefit to our customers )� �l g:Lnized endoavdr t0 d0 God's will; it Lakin five bottles I was bernnee, the cheaper n shoe firm *, " ;'lt.. (i g greatly benefited, can bny the Cheaper it can afford t� ' meets the longing heart with en- I feel as well now as ever In my life, and to sell. ° • ;. coura;;rng help and sympathetic fel JOiN }LANDS have increased in flesh so that I now ++ a;,A-, 1 ' . lowship. Cheap doesn't mann poor , IN TRLLiN(t OF THE CtJILtNb retvFR� of DR, weigh 177 pounds. I am well known in quality, however, for if it did, +` The IntelligPatce of Pvndeavnrera • this part of the country, having followed our shoes would not be "cheap." t .i' --No one can attend it U. E. conven- AoVRW s CURE FIR THE HRART. I my profession, that of a violin musician Wt, keep no poor quality goods, `t st ' i` , ,, tion without realizing that the young ___ - `�t, t,,,, poo le are intelligent; their papor's; M. V. Thomas of Stanley flousP for the last 26 years. I gladly tell my no mtL[tet what tato grade. p 1 t y + I + The colebrated makers of � c ' Choir testit7nonq g yen In tire sunrise KingeUon, writes: "Dr, Agncw's Cure j friends Hood's has done - prayer meeting fill go to tdhow that, for the Ileart has roved a wonderful for me. Before I began taking the medi. +�+ and yet what satisfies Its at fli'St does P I J. D. KING & 00.1 J. & ti . BELL. not continue W satin us ; we must , medicine In my case. I was a great cluo I did not have any ambition, but now advance. Young m05 go to college sufferer from heart trouble. I found it all la changed and my dyspeptic trouble s ��� ate a, a� us. and university to get, lea►•rring, but it great health builder and have received perfectly cured. JAmEs it. MURRAY.' �,/ many cannot, do that, what then shall great, benefit. My wife also has used N. 13. It you decide to take Hoods Ssr• �..7�. they do P We anawpr, rpild, read, the heart (,tire and can bear equally as sapparills do not be induced to buy any JACKSON JACKSON rend. Books eonAtitute the modern strong testimony of the wonderful bene- aubstittiie. Be sere to get 141jod'-sem I university, well chosen books, tried fit received." It relieves in thirty. &,, the Only nlq 'fllsto take The � oted Shoe Dealers tested books; books by the best men, I minutes. --Sold by Watts & Co, Halos s PiII3 with hood's 084listina. ( r✓I fITO1.v s t A .. -- , ,, . • .t . If _ . . a • , ° , .. . ., ...111:1. ..,..:...,. .,.,... .�.. -,, ,,-.- �,-,�,�s w _�.;.. :,��:1�.. •.. _ . • +Yw k Ad