The Clinton News-Record, 1898-03-10, Page 31111rW-:, --- __,X_1
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1� � � . . , T108 AMP 1001111"U'VAIT-21
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dippator comes to him, Wbil't 14 God 8%-
- . .. I . 11 I , - - -11 . I I ir, . , I i .. - . � 11 I � ,11 _ I ...0
Z 11 .11 . !� ! .1
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sentiments, see note on verse 24; and
* do With him ? HpA God "T
grudge Agaltast Goa is
A .... -1. . sacred ,.. , to: TU_ $UNDAY $0001,
� p
,him? Ob, no I
throwing over him the shepherd's crook
we eac,bo, e heavenal Colds 0_1".4
'i Nel'm of the movements of the Anglo-
springs out of the heart of true re-
the wicked one. " All things that of-
- Aso at to,
�r . . . RR
I 1�1 r ptidA torces on the Nile Ia mea-
d4d Pulling him back Into boliter Pas-
tures. Here -is a. man who has always
Lastly. cmisider t1ho obe,pherd's fold. INTEMATIONAL LESSON, MA114 1�
� , I . Rr" il ad promises to be more so, all
been well- He has never had any sym-
pathy for invalids. them
%U time of sheep aboaring wAs a very """
gJad tiulle. T.,he atelighborls gathered to. " Who wheat &lid the Tares." "ati. Ia. I
. 91118OW correspondents having been or-
I r �
dered to retire. A few weeks ago,'im
' ,
He calls
eon$ rhing, wheezing, nuisances. After
gether. airld they poured wine dad daAo- 306 80-43. Goldeu Text, Must. Its.37.
old fPr joy. T14o abeelp were in
I . . the belief that the dervishes were about
awhile sickness co"'es to him. He does
not understand what God fis going to
Plaitio Inclosed by a wall, 'wlheire it was
,�, ,, I to avail themselves of the season of
do with him. He says, -Is the Lord
very easy to count tham. and know who- Versa 24, Another parable. Jesus wa
� . I
. low, Nile, when the invading column
'4Th, Quiet lVal—
Ora BY," Too. Are Not
049rY with ins ?" Ob, no I With the
shepherd's crook he has been pullod
their any of them had been, taken by tQki:ug to a very miscellaneous crow�
osuire was
Chia jackals or dogs. The encl and lie found thal to tell stories,
could not easily be reinforced, for an
I , I
.. .1 . advance on Rerber, three British re-
Forgotten by the Distfugu*1hed Divine,
Key. Dr- "'nimage, In KU14 gol-won Ou the
back into better pastures re is, 9,
- He '
happy household circle. The parent does
calledItillie sheeli,fold. Good news I have eacl
to bA Y014 in tilitak our Lord tAh6 Shop-One of wbiah contained a kernel of spir
,, 1 . � 91311eitits were pushed up the river to
Poetical occupation -The Badges or the
not realize the truth that these chil-
lb�%rd -has a sheopfoltd, and those who are i1tual trutb, as a nut contains meat
I give theneeded stiffening to the EgYP-
Crars Eloquently Described.
dren are only loaned to him,* and he
forgets from ,what his
gathered iii it shoTd nover be struck was the mteat and most impressiv
by the storm, sil"Ill never be touched
I ..
. �� � Clan troops. But with the disappear-
Washington, Fob. 27 -Rev. Dr. T,l-
mage chose his text this the
source came
domestic blessings. Sickness drops up,
method, but to understand his para
by tha jacka,lis a temptat:oin .,iAd troui� bles required tjhought
ble. It
1114106 of that danger, the order for fur-
as morning
on those children and death swoops up-
has a hidgh wall -so, high that dad applicatiom
. ,.
. . ther reieforce=ents was recalled. and
� ,
words of Psalms xxiii, 1, "The Lord is
On a little one. -
He says, " Is God ang
no troublfes cala get in. so h4h that Tibe kingdom of heaiven has been re
t4he joys e
Avainot How
i 11
1, I apparently rAtp advance is now contain -
I ; I
my shepherd," and therefrom he
y w
r. ith me?" NO. His shepherd's crook
Pulls him back Into better I
get Out. glad the peatedly defimed in these Notes; so f&
old aheop will be to flin,ti t1he laitabs It
� I Plated tIntil the next rise of tile Nile
Preached a most reviving sermon. He
do not know what would have become
as is possible to define it. Perhapi
that lief t them a, gioo.d ma,ay years ago I
L��.; ,, . In July. Meantime, it may be interest-
Of us if it had not been for the shop-
M,dlions of rWidron in 'Jleia,von I ob., we can best understand Jesus as mean
i. Lag to estimate the strength! and Posi-
Whatwith post aAnd rail fences and
herd's crooic.' Ob. the mercies of our
what & m.erry Lh-8ava:a it w4l make I ing by it the general dominance Q
Not many 4otnig niatex theral
I , LOS of the contending forces, anti par-
pride Ia Southdown, Astrakhan
I You taue up apples and
plums from under the shade the
psalms righteous -nose; the condition in hu
They wi,14 be iii. t4he una,jarLty and will
� , ,�.. , ticularly that of the dervishes. so far
I , 4
sad r4le'ra""'I" varieties of sheep, there
trees, und the very beat frults of Chris-
man affairs in which those two peti
ruln,:N�ay w:,Uh Our aung, carrying it t.
. " it can be done from the meagre
: : � I ��' �
is no use now of the old time shepherd.
tian character we find in the deep
Ill highor point of ocetacy. 10AB
UP a sti of the Lord's Prayer -"Thy king
I" I :.1 � I �, ! data now available. And, first, it must
c e ce of oppor-
tuality of becoming being out
shade of trouble.
When I was on the stod`p'er
0h., tiligre wi)II be shouding I If children d0ra come," and "Thy will bi
ota,eOrtlia claPPed bho.jr ha -ads and danc- done I
. be remembered that the feeble
.1 I �,� .11 __
, I
1. 111;11., I resistance, thus far opposed to the pro-
wilks, " '
a poet,
of doors twelve hours of the day,
across the ocean, I got a cinder in my
eye, and several persons tried to get
it is it
ad foir joy, W,hwt %v,,11,1 t4ey do whem
to tittle glachaesa of cibilldhood on earth heaven "-shall be fulfilled. Th4
". , ,
I- se of the British expedition, shows
a,nd ofttimes. Nt,a,kjag up in the night
it out very gently, but it could not
is addied the gi:udness of cibilildhood ation to th
heaven? im Phrase also has its applic
..... " �� the Matidist power is very much
� 1: less, both
On the hills. If the a
torrents or the sun or the flowers
out in that way. I was told
that the engineer had a facility in such
PrOtalized Messiatilie, kingdom of th4
It ib time we grit over these morbid Jews; to the Church Christ,
,;:t i in tne number of its support-
, �
�, - . era and in the territory it controls,
had. anything to ray, he was very ap t
eases. I went Ito him, He put hi
large, sooty hand kni is
took fe
of wit]
lkPas of how we shall get out of this all its blunders aad shortcomings, al
wor!d. You make your rel:1 i
Wwa an tin-
f "I , than it was when its bordes. withstood
to ,hear it, The Ettrick Shopherd of
a me, a
an di wrapped the I iTof the eye around
dertaker p-lanjing coffins and driving It 0OW exists IA the earth; and, earn
f� '.
I I . 1. . Lord Wolseley a dozen or more years
Scotland, who afterward Coax his seat
the knife. I expected to be hurt very
heurses. YQu.T 1.0ygicia smells of U2a Prehela-idvely, to the entire system o
varnish of a. fuin,era�
,:. � ago, Then itt held the desert to th e
in the brillia,at circle of Wilson and
much, but without any pain and In -
stantly he the Oh,
casket. Hat -her let God's redemptive dealings with men
Your ,,Ii,gioa tO-d1aY come out a,n,d show
r. .. ,
J ��g_ north up to and beyond the border
Lockhart, got his wonderful poetic in-
removed cinder.
there come tintes in our Christian life
IS likened. And from, this likeneal
You the sheepi,fdIld that God has lyro-
�� .1 � : of Egypt proper, on the east to the very
spAration, Ia the tea years in which he
when our spiritual -vision is being
v4ded for you. All,, you say, there is we are to leana spiritual lessons.
i � ; ,� ,
� . gates of Suakim, on the southeast to
was watching the flocks of Mr. Laid-
law. There is often sweet
spoiled and all gentle appliances fail I
Then there comes some trouble
a-rilver between 1,his and t -hat I I know 25. While men slept. During Chi
K, but that Jotrilbin is oul,y for the sheep nigh't- This
I , �� 11 " I the Abyssinian frontier, and on the
11'.It� . south the whole Nile valley from Khar-
I ...
a poetry
in, the rugged prose of the Scotch shep-
said a black handt ays hold of us and
removes that which would have ruined
is a picturesque touel
washimig, dad they sha:il go up for the
sawep -wa&himg, and the,y aball 90 UP from, which no meaning is drawn bj
... I
�� '' ,., toum to within a few hundred miles
Y111 �� - I.:,
herd. One of the" Scotch shepherds
oar vision forever. I will gather all
ba whiXel. They Our Lord iu b$s exposition of the para,
fOl-I-v the
"'. , �
. . " of the Lakes. Now the British control
his ouly son., said he knelt down
your joys together in one regiment of
t0ta cOntpanies.
gTeat Shepherd. They ble. His enemy came and sowed tares
heard 11:13 v0ke Jong ago. They
,::,&��, the river from Cairo south to the junc-
. .�_�
,"i �,.,*
prayer and was overheard to say,
"O, Lord, it
and I will put them
under Colonel Joy. Then I will gath-
are safe
nmv-.( fold and one 1,4he -herd I Orleintal ven.-oance is not wreaked ft
mile the
- ti�:',. tion of the Ati,ara with, the Nile, that
has seemed (:)ad ini thy
or all your sorrows to'gother in one re-
straightforward fashion f
Alas for those who are finally found amiliar t(
1. "
, ; ". is, u ithin '200 miles of Khartoum, and
providence to take from me the staff of
gintelat inpanies, and put them
' of ten 00
Anglo-Saxon practice.
Outside the inolosure I The night of 'rho bitteresi
th I sin howls with They Eniglishman
� 11r,
. ,
. 11 i.�." uccupy Fashoda 400 miles south of
my right at the time wherx to us
under Colonel Breakboart. Then 1,6vill
Oak, Which these
jackals. are or Canadian might tak(
thirsting for their ))load, Tha vary le,saous in hatred
I �, I I :
;�, 7 '. . that point, while to the east and south-
mad blind mortals I seemaid to be
of regim ents has
gained for you the greater spiritual
from the avera,g(
moment that a lamb may be frisking Syrian; but wliere an implacable Can.
" , I.:- I east the whole country from the Nile
victories? Certainly that under 061-
upon the hills a War ratty be looking adilan Would hasten to Pommel the mar
,� - '
� , to oulakina and Kassala is in� their
up the hill of sorrow aiad auld
onel Breakheart. . I
at it from the thicket. he hates, the Oriental would continuc
In June, 1815, there *it
�, . .
11 � . hands.
p. I ;
two without it thou may -at ke-116 but I
In the time, of war, YOU may remem-
her at the sauth and north, tills ques-
was very noHe his OuBtainary courteous saltiarris til.
party gathered ia a house in �L:t. James' tile day darkmed, and during the hcun
.� —
I I . . I . . In size, therefore, Maladism has
David, the shepherd bay, is watching
tion was whether the black troops
would fi,;ht, but when they were Tint
square, London. The prince rBgLnt Of Vight would "soW tares." He woulc
aa prosent, and the occa.don was have themloked sa
'A tisfaction, of knowin�
. I., �,:. . shrunk much more than one half, and
Ials father's sheep. They are pas Luring
into the struggle on both sides they
made fascinating by music and ban- that he was giving great Lrouj)le ant
;,�', ��,'
,, !;. . as to numbers it is problible that not
(An the very hdils where afterward a
Lamb was born
did heroically, In the great day of
eternity it will be found that it was
queting and by jewels. While a quad- inflicting loss an the mian he listed
rills was being formed, sudderilp all Who the "enomy"is istoldin
-'�,,$��:. , moie than 40,000 efficient'fighting men
, "
�.,� . remain of the vast horde which so sue-
- ., �
of which you have
hkMrd much, "the Lamb of God, which
not. tile white regiment of joys that
gained youx greatest succe ses,bUt the
the people ruished to the Windows. "Tares" are understood to Ile closel3
What is the matter? Henry Percy had allied to " daruel " and " cheat," -weeds
e., 1�4, I
� 1, I Oe88fuI1Y opposed the advance of the
I .
away the sin, of the world,"
David, the shepherd bay,
black troops of trouble, lmis7 ortutio and
disaster. Whe have
arrived with the news that Waterloo which resemble wheat� and which it.
had be& fought anti that England the early
��', :1. v first Nile expedition, The corruption
, ;�', - 1" "
was beautiful,
brave, vausical a I think
n you gained one
ls� rritual success from your prosperity
g can hardly Le dis.
had,won the day. The dance was aban- tlaguished fr�m it. Their grains arc
, i ... I I
�,�:: ,�.,;� 4. a-arl appalling tyranny of the Khallfals
.. � f", ,
rule, a rule based
-ad poetic. he
often f 0 , ,
rgot the sheep in is reveries.
you have gained ten spiritual .success-'
es from your adversity.
doned, the 1�arty dispersed, lords, ladirs Of Ito use as food, and indeed servE
and musicians rushed into the street, almost a-3 a emet :'Y
ic. Went
. . . . . ., .,;;; �� � on massacre and
2" Mutilation by the Baggara, the
There in the solitude he struck the
There is no animal that struggle
his NNI,
and in 15 minutes from the first an- Ile (lid not need to tend the poison-
,,,,, war-
, �V r,*�
Z,��,;�, riior tribe. of which the Khalifa is head,
harp string that is thrilling through
0,11 ages. David the boy
more violently than a sheep 'when you
pr ner it and catch hold of it. D(;-,vn
nouncement of the good news, the ons dn, ; good seed must be culU-
hause was emptied or all the guests. va ted, bat the evil needs no rare im
, . .
. .
,..", . have not only destroyed the old relig-
V,N!, .
� . ,". Will
� 7: a famaticism which head the tribes
was gathering
the material for David the poet and
in the glen 1. see a group of men ar-
ouad a lost sheep, A plowman parries
Oh, ye whi are seatel. tit flic I)all(Illsit tids Nvorld,
of thisworld Or �N hirling in its gayeties 23. soon
Brought forth fruit. ACs
, _
; :` together but so alienated them that
. r
'. �,
David the s, Da-
vid was foind of using ,his knife among I
along and Selzes the sheep and tries
t pacify it,
0 lout it is more frigbt,ened
and, if youcould bear, the as fruct:ficatiau beqina the ,difference
sXveet strains of the gospel tramp,A an- b',ft'%veeln whiewt, a L d rne an be east-
Ut - EL 1, C
11 111�1�� '
�,, Probably not half even of his soldiers
,�,;;. are loyal to him. Nevertbeless, fear
the saplings, and he had uoticed the
tha,n ever. A miller comes along, and
Puts down his and caresses the
noUncingChrist's victoryoversin and IV &tac.ted. N
,ot ull:.t, I t'he "frult" of
death and bell, you would rush forth, In -'s lives is
N4, ,�,��, . of
`�v .;I��i�
�;� 44 �,,.:.._ his awful revenge is still so strong that
exuding Of the juice of the tree, and
aneep, and it seemo as, if it would die
seen can God's people
glad in the E,ternal deliverance I The and Siatan's I diatlanguished fr h
)8 om ead
il K.,�.� .
V., -t.. - 911 Of them will fight for him till he is
when he became a man he said, "The
trees of the Lord axe full of sap." David
of fright. After awhile some -one
breaks through the thi-ket. He
Waterloo against sin bas I eon forught, other.
and our Commander -in -Chief bath won 27. Tho servants thia houiseho'4der.
� 1.,�� ,
- 11; - bea , ten, though that accomplished, one
tile bo�, like other boy.,t, had been fond
"Let me have the poor thing." He eori3es
- of
the day. Ch. the joys of this salvat- The� J,ouseho!ider is the Lord Jesus; his
� ,
11: : ". . . balf of them will welcome British rule,
.... �
: , .. �,. 2
�.�j,�. as the People of Berber and Dongola
of thult1ting the birds nests, and he had
up and I ays his arms around the sheep
an ( I it is immediately quiet, Wl'o is
inn I I do not vare, wbat metftl:bor#
what a-rvanita are those wft� Ilibor in his
comparison, you have. Brin 9 W-hoat Co'ds. Di,dst nut tt�,Oluj sow
.111, I
� " "',
, " .,
14U�Ilavedo-ne. Of the Klialifa's forces per-
� 11�11.:�.':
. -
driven the old btork off the nest to
find flow Many eggs were under her,
the last man that comes I it is the
shepherd. Ali, my friends, be. not
it to me, that I may' Use it. Amos good
I s�vd in thy f Wd ? Yes, hie had so somm;
shall ltriiig one simile Isaiah another, and in tol- beaultiefult
r.,It,�;. haps one-third is stationed at Metem-
A 111-1- �
- rich, On the left bank of the Nile,
a,nd w1leol he became man he said. "As
for the
afraid of the shepherd's crook I is
never used on you save It I
in mercy, to
John another. BeauLiriii with pardon, parable of the
Beautiful with peace. Bc:iutiful xi itli I SON"ID r, Wh'i-11 our Lord hut jList utter-
1 ell, we taA tllNa4t
t" ... about
A 11 �'�!
4.- 100 miles north of Khartoum, and the
stork, tho fir trees are her
house." , Ia boyhood, lie had heard the
pull YOU back. '.rho ha,rd, cold iceberg
are irniuk.-Ill of that good
anticipations. Or, to return to the pvs4! Wedw&s 10st at-nong st.ones andhram-
Coral fLgare of my text
- -
'f"," p4r�' '. remainder at the latter point, though
terrific thunderstorm that frightened
of trouble will melt in the warm gulf
stream of divine svmq)athy
ounip out at, bli?s amd as food far bi(rds. Not nearly
th Poor pasturage of this world into a,1,1 C,how ,,qh
8 b am jp:lveta, salvation at,-
1%,�� ,,:�,
,,, there kq a considerable force
� � " , ". under Os-
mud when he became a man he *said,
There is one passage I thi�k you mis-
the rich fortunes of thel Good Shefi- c..,,;) t ilt. A stony, tihOnly, uncul,tivat-
." 1i .. I
9t"�,,!tf, ,; , man Digna. between the Nile and Abys-
."The voice of the Lord maketh tile
hirterpret, bru-ised reed he will
not break." a know that
. oil broad arm1rg,:m Res all around t1bo
The shepherd �f old used. to playi I
-,,,,, ,
-.1 sinia. On the other hand, the Anglo.
;,, 1��, I
X. 1.", Egyptian forces number 18,000
hinds to calve.,, David the boy had
Wa upon his back looking up at the
you the
shepherd in olden times played upon
I eautiful music, and sometivrei the I Productlive parts of God's fte)ld. In tihis
sheep pli-railAs we are glivem blie additi anal lea-
:;", , ;4, and are
�. I ,:,4,K . . . 1. stretched along the Nile from its june-
. 1
stars and examining the, sky, and to
hi's boyish imagination the sky seemed
these reeds? They were very easily
hrais3d, hat, when they were bruised
would gather around and, wn t1lauk not on�',,y is tilili kingdom of
listen. To -day my heavenly "'hephord God. amnt-ld.etr Linn the -woxid, it is small-
,,, 41...
�'41 ,,,.,,- tion with the Atbara to the horder of
, - " ,
,,ja,' Egypt, the
Li & P
di iece of divine embroidery, Clio
vitne f .
I agers in
they were never mended. The
shepherd could -,a easily make anoth-
calls you with the very music of
. er even ttan �h;e Church. There alre
a , .
heaven, bidding you to leav your sin Some wito to be
�LL, "e,74' largest body, some 5,0oo,
,,�: �
1� . . being concentrated at Berber. Such
working the thTeads
of ligalt and the beads Of stars, Ud he
or one, he ould snap the old one and
tbrow it away and another The
and accept his pardon. Oh, that all. see,in ilts citizeiris wh10
this flock would hear the piping of the axo not; there !is li,,darnell in thiB beat
, '4�1 I
gy" ,, I a line is, of course, a wea,k one strate-
Mme a man- and wrote, "Wben I
consider thy beavens, the work of thy
Bil,le says It is not so with- our*S-hep-
Good Shepherdl paxt a God's O.U. Frams Whence tbi8n,
hath It taires? - That is a question.
,� .� - .
!, : gicallY, though it is strengthened by
� ..
fingers." When he became an old
herd. When the music is gone out of
a man's soul, God does not him
- which haa Wan cwked ever siace old Job
_ 111;., the presence of gunboats on. ,the riw-
1.'r;,_._X, .
man, thinking Of the goodness of God,
he seemed to hear the bleating of his
I,, twain and th-row him avay. He
PltZed his' tent in the eastern
THE QUEEN MALLIRE HEN. 4-pseirt. ANUilliere does evill come froml
I , er. an'l OffeXP the ad -vantage that in
�,,U. �1,1'� �
,;.,,1,,.. �
father's sheep across many years and
m,,,,I, and restores. "The bruised reed
. — f EWw -can il exist in a, -un-
,;�-'g;'t. r the Position Of Metelmneh as the cen-
4Y,1Z, .. I ..
to think of the time whea he tended
he, will not break,"
Fg ' Moulill ,"41 i,v,e,rse governed by aln ommi.poteat
g -i Are Laid in at Great,
llfql,'?� .
.. 1�1 � tre of too half circle formed by the
, � - .
� .
then on the Bethlehem hills, and he
cries, in "The
When in the o'erhan,.ring herwens of
11111se'lled by tile. Still. God? ,ur only answier to the question
I'll �.,..� I
".. k ,;.,�
, I... , . great bond of the Nile, ad -van
-,�4',E�'. ce upon
!�1,,A§i that can lie
out the text, Lord is. my
Tho threateninc
g clauds of darkness
(far from satisfartory, t;ut all God has
The stran,ge�t bird known, so far as
I chosen to give us, is found in the first
V, ., �1. place made from three
� ,�; j.
:, s "..., � Points --from. Merawi across the Bay-
.. I.. I ,
It God will help me, I will talk to
you of the shepherd's plaild, the shep-
Then let us humbly watch and wait.
its habits are concerned, is the mal- sentence of the next -verse. I .
lea hen. of Australia, "it lays it S 28. An enemy bath done this. That
1. I
� . �rl I ad& desert, from Berber by the rLver I
' ", .; �
berd's crook, ,the shepherd's dogs, the
It Ritin I I lye. Wei I t It 9b a] I Ile wel 1.
� eggs f ne-my is Satan, Take away the poet-
in a huge inound, which is really
4". . ,
I r ' Lad from Kassala by the Atbara. With
11.1�1� i ..
.. ,
slaepherd's pasture grounds, and the
shepherd', fl,,k,, �
And when the �,Aortn has passed away
g IC figures w1th which Milton and oth-
co-operative, Incialator, being built by ers have filled Our fancy, and take
.." I 1, afetemnell once occuPied, it is improb-
� ��,,��',
And first the sherAierd's plaid. rt
11'�1111 surtAltine .smiles on f tood. and fell
many I;airs of birds and serving Co away the arbitrary definition� given
. i y, able that Khartoum could- long
I . hold
�:,';� ,
!vould be preposterous for a mli.n. o-
OIN S-eet-to think, how sweet to say,
It lit's been �% ell, it has been I
hatch tha eggs of all the hens. Each by CertAn theol�gicat doetrinalre.9,
11�:V, out, though it is so& to say that. the
, , �'>.:,
�, , dervishes will not abandon either
Ing out to rough! and besoiling work
to put on- splendid apparel. The pot-
Next I Sll,;-L� of tile shepherd's dogs.
rid we know not. mucli concerning
year the .same If lwks, roliai r to t 'ga n a .,, Sat-
he le an; �ut this much every seeker'after
i , with-
�,,,Io:, .
�- out bard fighting.
ter does not *work in velvet. The ser-
They watch th- straying .sheep and
mounds, some of whiph measure fifty i,loodtiesq may know wifibotbt doul)t -
- I
i ,. *,., . -
vownt maid does not put on satin while
Calling at her dutle,;- The shepherd
drive them llapk a,min. Every slipp-
herd has his (log -from the nomads of
yards ax the I.aze,and are 150 fi. in (,Ir- Chat there is a uni'ven,al spiritual on -
omy bent on the de-strw-lion of every
"', ,
�� 11;' .
doe,s not wear a splendid robe. in which
tu go out amid the ritortrig, aind the
tile Rible thri(4 down to the Spot li
li-�,rd.qmen watthin,- Ilk flocks on tile
eurtaference. The eggs are del:o�-lted J,urnan soul. Wilt than then that -we
aLout six innlie;i 1,olow go and. them Here is
:�--�- I I
rocks a,ad the nettles; he puts (let the
Grampian hil's. c uv Sh4�ph7-rrl employs
gal-lier u)? an-
NA"hi!e each in (lie. c,,thsr nu,,!.;tion that g6od men have
J. ,
r0 r propriate to lii,j ex-
p0gfl�d -ark. The Lord our ,ibe pberd,
th" F-riti i4ins suit 1�,rsecutions or the
%%orld a,4 Hi dogs. There, are those 1
faini!y moulivi, rin J;,,n drws, ti,r egg asked birough tile aqwi. ',Irh(-. o
. g o (I
clospr than twenty inches 'to that of and Clio evil are oliten indi.stin7uiQha1)!e
., ; ,�,,", When troubles rise, like cluds in skies,
coiravaig out to hunt the, 10A ah4lep,
',You know, wlio-n.� v.ork it i,,4 I 1) %" t,b
her neighlor. These eggs are depwi- in the vi-tible Church; tha (lay of ju-!g-
ited in
�111 ,�, ". , , h r
K400P UP YOUr heart, though freens de-
puts cin no regal apparel, but the plain
garment of our humanity. There
the inconsim,,11 I.. of Cbristi"ns
back at them. .I,' one of Cod's sbeep
a cavity malp for them Ili 11 nlf'nt IVM separate them, �-ut the tif.p-
vertical r:osition, carefully covered, aration cannot Ile thpnL"
I piart, I
not.1i'lag pretentious about it. I know
get,; astray, the world how!s, 'Wi I la
made until
and the surfa-,3 aq carefully smoothed -Dr. Carr. In every a,qe men Fave
. ,
. . Nae time I,.% that to dreamt
� , The
the Old painters represent a, halo
more avidity than a shepherd's eog
over by the hen before she quit,, the tried to make that separ � ation J,ofore-
4 il'�
, 0. �. weakest man in a' the Ian',
�;� I is he that has nae foe
arilyund the babe Jesus, but I ?fn not
suppose that there was any timore halo
ever cauWht it straysheep by the flanks
Or� lugged it by the cars worldlings
nest. 4 ])and; som-Urneg by having th� good
The, eggs of the mallee I1Pn are Out live aq-art from the I -al, like the her -
�, 1 mair in self ti -an freens or pelf,
about that child tha,v about the head
seize the Chri-Ftian astray. It ought
of all proportion to her 8i7e. They are mitq and, monks; sometimes by an ef-
� I An' whustle as
I. ye go I :
of am -y other babe that was born that
to do us good to know t',:i t we axp. thus
as larg-a at those of a goose and those fort to expel. thle bad, as in the case
I 11
I -1
Christmas eve Ia Judea. Becomia,, a
watched. It ou,lit to j.,it us on our
of largi- liens are very much larger. of certain p-priscoutions, But they
ChO.-Just whu%tle to Yersel,' my man
Some cantle tune
man, be ware a seam] .
. ess garment.. The
soissors add needle bad
guard. They cannot I-ite ian, it we
stay near t Ake Shepherd. The
The eggs thus laid and covered in have never isuc.�, and never can.
it 'is great sand. o in the. IIA dis-
ye ken,
The (toil himsel' can't start' th(i
done nothin g
to, make it graceful. I take it to have
knire of worldly assault will only trim
A harsh misunderstanding of this
tricts are never again disturbed by text has led to moat of the persecution
been asack with three holes in it, one
the vines untij they produce lietter
the hens. The eggs are hatched by which has deIgged the world -with
� O' cheery, whustlin' man I
for the peck and two for the arma. Al-
gral". The more yon pound marjor-
the heat th� s,im bakes into the soil blood. .
��,� ,,,,,
� ,_ ,� - Rhoald love I-loguile, just wait a,whil,,
though the gamblers quarreled over it,
Chat!,; no evidoace, of its value. I have
am and rosemary, the .9wet
. Aer they
smell. The more dogs take after you,
where they lay. It has never been 29. Nay. This dop-9 not teach that
known .how the young chicks are ox- we, are not to expel from tile Church
�,,��, There's guid fiih in the sea,
seen two ragpickers quarrel over the
the quicker You will get to the gat,.
cavaWd from their egg grave, for the SP ao
tho who peario be, unworthy mem-
1 .� The fickile jaud may get nan lad
refuse of an ash barrel. No; in t,);e
You have noticed that different
eggs are depodted fully six inches be- be rs; I t tea, -
ches rather that we must
� 1911("s AO' the lass for theel
1� 'Pak'
wardrobe of heaven he left the sgn-
flocks of sheep have different marks.10%v
the surface, and the hardening constantly rot,trtoml�pr the fa'llbility of
� ,, % time to think, an' in a Illink
dalis of light, the girdles of beauty, the
upon thom;.sometimes a red mark,
rains do not aid thiAr,exit very much. bpl ata judgmeint. Lest wbitle ye
in gaf�
�� The richt lasq ye will see;
1. . st
't r:. �� " Jiust whit, -to somis, an' she will come,
robe,% of power, aphl Put on the besoit.
ed and tattered raiment of our human
gained men a Illne mark, sometimes a
straight mart and:mornotimes a crooked
Bush naturalists have he n curious t,h,,,r up tbk,, tfures, ye root tip a,,Iso the
to know how this peculiar e . ..
fowl builds
, I .
?�, , Wil low-liebt In her o'el-Cho.
ity. Sometimes lie did not even wear the
mark. The bord our Shepherd has a
whrrit History is fu:!.l at records of
that .nest. The l4rds have been seen surth faital!'at0mpts at upx,00ting. W1b
? , '. '
!,�,, Some married 1111,111, as ye may ken,
seamless robe. What is that banging
about the ova!al, of Christ? is it a
mark for his she.ep. It, is a red mark-
the mark of the cross. "Blessed are
work�ng at it, anfl the mounds have imprissioned John Buinyan w a peatilen-
t.w,n inspected, but the Piling Of the tial; Ifellaw? Slir Maittibow Hale, one of
� I - Else sometimes cause to dree-
A scol&n' Wife may vex Ilk life.,
lAdge of autho�ity? Is il. a royal cost
of arms? NO; it is a tai,el. The
they that are Perscruted. for righteous-
ness sake, for t,heirs is the kingdom of
dirt is not from the immediate vicinity, UP. Most gc*ily judges thut ever lived.
for that Is undisturhed. Whic,b
1; . I An' not the house he,l I f lee I
oiplcs' feet are filt1ky from the walk
Plement. of the Roman Caitbolic
'Chem huge cones stand for years, to Churcli waa In the day of persecution
I I But don't do that, like. friclited cat
�� But t,Lk' advice fra� ine:
on the long way and are not fit to be
ryut upon the sofat; on which they
Furtbermore, consider tile Fhepherd's
PaStuire grounds. The al,d shepherds us-
Ile annually nested in by the t,ame t,b,, bitt
� erest agaiinst this Reformers?
flock whinh ori.,rinally constructed the. Those
, ,
" Be unca fuln, an' tak' the wean,
� � An' SY110 she'l I the
to recline at the meal, and so Jesus
ed to take the Aheep upon, the mouln-
who wisre hanesVLv trying to re -
family Incubator. form thn Cbu-Tc,h from the inside. Were
mask teat
Ivashes their feet and gathers them up
iln the summer and dwell in the
11,11 the men, wbo persecuted the Wes -
�I 0� r,lho.-She canna v,-hiintle Ilke you, guid
in the towel to dry them. 'rho work
Of saving this world ,.v&,4 rough work,
va,110-Ys in the winter. Title sheep �.cinlg
out of doors perpetually, their wool wa,s
' lbys wicked men,? No; some Nvere good
POVERTY -BEAUTY -ROYALTY, hut narrow innin. 'These W.I. had set for
- man,
, , An' that ye brawly ken;
rugged work, hard work, an I Jesus put i
an tile raiment, the raiment '
better thnai it they haA been ke,pt in
or the sheep cot.
B?,aulty in OnIT skin deeA. to be an U11*4riselves the impossible task at
re; UP-
. 09ut she can aing, an' romfort
I bring
plain of
our fleab. The s1torms were to beat
Weilla were dug for the A"jeap aad clov-
rootigg lba tares before time,
neverblieless it is a dower to be priz' and in Chair zeail, they rooted up also
him, the crow'da were to �osl In him, the (,red
with la,rge sbatnes,, i,n order toho,t
ed and frequeptlY Proves mmeans of this wbeat.
cheery, whustlin' men I
(lust %ias to sprialkle him, the mobs
"A, hot weather [might not spoU the dAlJvlwitcament�*
Dmr'lag tam .reilgn ot 30. Uintil the bia.rvest. Which Is ex-
. __ __ , I
%Vero t/) pursue him, 0, Shepherd of Is_
rap.l. leave at, the bome, thy lirLghl. Fir- flock
wa,IP-r. And. t,hen title shepherd led his
wherever 1he Would; nobody dis-
Charles 1. a beautilft'll country girl wein-b pla,ined in verse So to Ile the end Of (t'he
11,111, I
wow I
ray I For thee, what streams to ford,
Puted'hia ri-ht So thq Lord our Shop- to
WO A. - t t tO sea
Lorildon in search of a place as a ser- , rl Ti I I them w� WAMS expec
va-ril. Not suciceodiailg,she hired herself 91)od a.nd evil growin� to their destiny
. I
�, I ft lwas discover,id after the steamship
�N lint nights a,]] rimholterej I Tic puts
11l'on him Me I-Inin raiment of our bu- takes
herd 'has o- l�rg*o pasture ground. He to
11.8 in tlb,e summer to til.)e moun-
carry beer from v. brewery amd. was Ildia by side. The reapers. Explained
"tub in verse Sq to Ile fibe u,ngels. Bind
(TdolI&O was a, day out that I li,.-re Wa..
A ReMr(ity of (Aggs in her larder. We
*naaity, ,,sears out, wopa, anti while taina
(Itirth and heaven and hell stand amaz-
a,nd in the winter to the valleys. tiloinig,
Warm. <!&ys of prosperity come and We
a womatu." The brewer, no.
h6r boaultY took bar Into his thipilff in buiriffles. An incidents added,
for To
. '110 90 on %, It) -nut. eggs, �aid the rook
� In the idoward. What ,hall
-I at the al�nst.ation stanid.
wraps around
!'ila tile shepherd's 11,1119
bhi euri gilit SablAtills, and on tiiins
at tranofigluralian,
bvuEm ,as e. smvaiiA and a probably picturpAque effect,
fter a short
maxriad ber- iM died w1hile she buTo them. Fire this Scriptures every-
we (Jo? I
I I don't. know, replin-i 1.;Ie, hut if
Cold inouritaints a.h,i the midnight air,
and wo are so
higill up ive can ca,tch a gli,rapas Of the
was Yet a Y where usesaaasyrnhol of irretrievable
0111,1119 Wtoinatrit. leaming flaor fate.
I �
1� - . I!!" "'OT -4t l"OT11"; Io I lie wor it Nve can
"I I. -I 1119- vallialri Io make thp vessel hy
Wit-nossoll thA fervor of his prit.yer. pin.n
Next I mentilon the she er d's'c rook, cok's,
. this,
aelvs of the hea.venly elly. Then
win,try days'Df trouble come, and
bulk at his property. The attrar� ,,.,. Gaifiber this wheat im.t-o my barn.
tive yowng 1, i . low engaged a skilful my Igir"axy. Both t'llYs burn1mg
,A as a. ro,l with a curve at i l,n end,
"10, go dZn init. bble valley of sirknegs,
itanned Hyde to take charge of, and tba storage are fligurals of final
. .
. I _. _.
.hiVh when a sheep was going astray
,vas thrown over its n-ook, in that way bhr,re
Want and bereavement and we say, "Is eAmis
any soxi-ow li'ke my sor-
affairs, Hyde, who afterwards be-
the gremt Hart of Cl&ranldkxnb filit- Verse 81-85 Us parables of the mus -
tard thp
. Th,i� DiAtrict Ccommittee have ro-
it Waa Pulled I ank. When the sheet) row?"
j3u.t bli�sswd be Goa, the Lord's nilly
marrited his fair elleirilt. 141rom this seed and parable of the leaven.
there 36, Jesus xent the multitude away,
. "
. � I fit -t the offor of the Dumfries and
were not going natray, the sbephord ahl�epi
ca.n finif poobuxe, anywhere Bei- becaime
marr:WA ghter
was a diatill who and went Into the house. Into ]its
UR wilts Of Jairdes IT. and the
I 1� Maywolltown Wntnr Commissioners to
� . mlPPIY file lawlward p�irt of the
"'Oold Often use i.t m,5 a sort of crutch, tween
aning on it, but%� hen the sheep were ffurculleut
two, rooks of troubl's a tu of
promises; green pastures be-
motbi-T of Amiss anid Mary, . .arie of residence in Capernaum-pos-
queens of . r's house. Declare unto us
parish ,1,
. I I )f I)timfrt,p% as a 9pPrial district wit h
,ut of the N%a,v the crook was always aide
Still waters; long, sweet gra,ss be-
the arable of th%tares of the field. i
I i wator at 3d far tim first 50,000 gallons I;llsY
Pulling thein back. All we, like tween
bitter graves. You have noticed
- — - ------- 410— -.- was harder to undaratiand. than the ,
I . 11 i
m Fk,nd 5d per 1,0110 go I 1, ..n ; tboreaf ter *
:;heel), have gone. astray, and had it not fib,
siractare of the sheep's month? It
story of Clio mustard seed and that of
. I
, . : I
I . In Hin parlis,fi ehn rohyn,rd of Old Deer
Men for the shepherd's crook, we would is
so sharp that it can take up a blade
KEEPTNG POSTED. the leamen. , .
. . :
. I
�, ". I ,are mxny Q viint in,,,r,r*ipJ,ion9 oil lonq !".&
fallen long ago over the precip- of
grnaa Or Nover top from, Uis very
spot. And so God's sheep (,a,n
Hobson -Why does flarduppe read all 07. Re that sownth thq good seed is 1
.1 . i, I
.1 .., Ig ) -0ebrit. P i, but t lie one, most pithy
� " : (
lt, It^ InwImforin of FL Se.rgt. Clarke,
Heire is a RnAirt, who is making too Pick
. tile
up ournfort, wlbp,re others cam. gise in
trade papers so carefully ? go's not the San of man, He list the Light that 1
business, Ili hot ligbteth every mom thap eornoth into �
I . I
. . wbo went. through I he Penins
I : . ular War
. I I norld wa% in the fit;moluallattle of Water..
much money, Ile is getting very vain. bhvr
He says: "After awhile T shall be In- wilth
none. "Tihs secret of. the Lord 18
theim. tbat fear him." Weill pas- &
Wra, fed
To -hemi -M, but he a3ways looks up tho world, M hap been the Sower of
'man's financial condition befo .a Au-
re od seed from the begfirining - t4 .
. Ian. It IA 4.1lia I
I d . eat,
of all tile world. 0 my Roul,
drink, and be merr .y l" Business I'llocks
putura, for ahl the
of blits Good Shepherd 1
4riking him for a 2oam, of ovety good dad perhot Of t. I
88. T)w field is the vrofld. All cottititt- '
, ,- -0110 f-- -,,r---T. ---W, -
. ? A
"41 17' 1* � I
I I � I .
4 V, . . � � I . ,
_. 4 I
. I
. �
eJUtOl LU All "-, - U44Y 0, Poor fellow
I I I - ... I——
whibb in diouay * dwAlter po4son th.ap
.. I . . *1
WbQ 11114 Act Usu-4 of the Motor
boo , lo 0,hrIst
, ,
Morphine, and takes a strotaigor hold vil.
. I I
rwed in the dark It haply he
141911 f d Mediator between
t,h3 syowm� DX Do VOR began uslas
, a God
mad man. and has found hilm; In every
cocaine about seven years a ,
. fA apitli,
v44to the wirerw life a the cocal, . 40
0404 heart the good seed has been
fiend in Only five years, his system was
0OW4. The good aaed are the children
of the kingdom. The kingdorm is the
so saturaoted witiz Poison from ta3jo use
of 'morphine tiha,to not . withatsudins his
order of things which Jesus brings,
the Prevalence of Jesus's feelings
old aga and shattered illealtit he our-
sentiments, see note on verse 24; and
vived 10 years lonigor than the aver -
age person. At the time of hilis death
the children of the kingdom, are those
he was using a sufficient amount of tSe,
. ,�
sweet Battle W14030 life naturally
ligion. The tares are the children of
drug ever day to kill from 40 to 60
ordLnury ;Wions. His cans Is without
springs out of the heart of true re-
the wicked one. " All things that of-
a parallel and will go down In the hist�
cry of tme,dira;l scuence as me of
J the
fend, and them ,which do inquity."
wonders of the age.
Verse 41.
Verse 39. The enemy that sowed them
.,- - —
is the devil. Over and over again our
Lord teaches that there is a personal
I �
�aryt of God whose life is spent in
b a ing the divine work of love. The
harveat is the end of the world. The end
ofthe age. Thereapars arethe alagels.
What this mea.m we can only conjec-
ture, but the Plans Jew, familiar N%ith
the book of Daiatiol and with other books
n?t In our canon, bad re"onably clear
�Wivs concerning the angels, the
Gathered groin Various Points grow the
thousand times ten thousand" that
Atlantic to the paclitle.
atilin"ter before the Ancient of Days.
The Salvation Army na3 opened a
41. The San. of ma,n k.ball send forth
soup kitchen in Yarmouth, N.B.
. , .
his aingels. This, taken in its proper
connection, is one of the most wonder -
A mining school is to Lie added to
fill i,entences ever uttered by -human
Rat Portaie's inAitution,3 of learning.
lips. Here was a Syria,a country car-
St. Catharines' recent issue of 4 per
penter, assuming to be a rabbi, hot
not i'vidorsed by the beat rabbis of his
cent. debentures sold sl!gJit;ly above
tima, looking pm,A 11 trod and ('it ialilius,
pa,st the throlue at Tiberius and the
- Over a hundred miners' licenses for
temple at Jormialem, past the cross and
the Yukon were issued in one day in
U�e resurrection morning, and counting
hils ang-Is much. as the manager r a
The Verity Plow Company have
Toronto telegrapill office counts his
mespager boys when they come in the
mad- arrangoments, to rebuild in
Brantford. .
morning. They are b1i angels, remem-
ber. And they ,shall gather out of
Henry Haight, of Melford, N.S., was
blis killigdotra all thin,
;�s that off -end, and
killed by tieing ran ever by a run-
they which do hiliquity, All ,stuml,�
away team. I
Ung-blooks; all people who so place
Two parties -have already loft Wood -
themselves that other people fait over
them. It is &,great comfort that -no
stock for the Klondike, and Aill there
mi,va. nciedis to be bad, no man needs
are more to follow,
to be a stumbling-blook., Each stumb-
The Aged People's Rome and the
ling -block put in its rikelit place may
Home for Inctirables in London are be-
be used as a stePPitrk-stona, and each
coming overcrowded.
ofushastoohoosewh,ichtobe. Notice
that the "kinigilam" also is his, the
Hit rai I ton temperance workers are pe -
world boloags to Christ.
titioriiwz for a. re(luction to the num-
42. A furnace of fire. The Geben-
ber of liquor licenses.
na. "the horrible outside." WaPing
Maissoneuve, Que., has granted
and gnashing of teetti. Expressions
b011uties of $10,000 each to two shoe
such as disappointed Orlent�ils are at-
factories to loosCe. there.
ways free to m,ike; lamentations over
The Lang Tanning Company will
indescribable ruin, I
43. Them When every hindrance to
erect a tannery in BerliA that will
holbabas is removed. Shall the right-
give work to 300 hands.
eaus shims forth as the. sun. "Then
Hamilton Photographers are asking
hall shi,ne as the
the Count it for protection against pho-
brigUneas of the firmament and its
tograph enlarging agents, .
the stars forever and ever." -The Pitt h
of the just is as the shining light tbat
Tile company whicl I, building the
shirinth more and more unto the perfect.
Nepelan bridge over the Ottawa is ask-
day." Ears to hear. Not the phy-
ing Hall for a $70,000 grant.
sloal organs, .bat ears of tile soul,
It is estimated tl:at at out 7 per cent.
6f the People ,,vlio welat into the Klon-
dike last season made a living, .
The Canadian Pacific Railway Co. is
erecting it saw mill at Rik River,
where there is a fine body of timber,
London City Counicit decided to force
. .,., ".
bakers to use, a gura ia,!)t�j all fancy
bread, inst,ead
j ,OX
of the starap hitherto
His Body Was Litepaily rerroraleil By u
1;'�, I
Syrluge - 01ke Woninn Took Eucluarli o!
Tobacco ralsing tit !��uath-westt-rn ('n
I ,
-, I -
the 1`01.441A it, Killn. Hundred reople.
Carlo is growing in fa,oar. Cn,� Ewiell .
Dr. John, R. Da VeIC the Louisville,
farmer sold s2.,60f) worth from it field
Ky., coca,ine, fiend who died in that
of 12 acres, I
�i,ty last Sunday is & man of mysbery.
The long promi,"ed Midland railway
E[e. was brought to a. san,itarium far
from Windsor, .N.B., to Truro, will bo I
treatment just a week before -his death,
,o,,,n,,l within ten days and earn
i.nd d--&t)bL resulted from blood poisoning
pleted next fall,
resulting from 150 &bscesses on his body
People in the Klondike are 1,it-Ling
nfl-ict2d wit,h the hypodermic syringe,
up coarse gold through .,,Ix *eet of
snow, They are. lea�inj th,, fine kind
His body was a so -111d mass of sores.
till the thaw sets in. "
Elis daughter, Iffiss Cnra, who is 26 years
blidhael Dillon,an old ei.hployee of the
)f age, is lalso addicted to the use of the
G.rr-.R. shops in Stratfdd, hai avcept-
lrug and is undergoing treatment at
ed aposition as ],,call machitlilt in tile
�bls sanitarium, She has been almost
Merritton paper raills, '
is fa;r advanced in the vice as her fa-
The X,aniloolis S(andard, I oa-its of
�her, and when brought to the 8,,i-
British Columbia's (try (limate. it
arium there were 110 .
also slaggosts that th,s town affords i�
good olic,ning for a breivery.
Dunsmuirs, the British Co!uml-k rolv*
3ha was in the prime of life, however,
Wraps, have rai-i,id tha wages of thniv
I ��'
. I
wad possessed of great vitaliity and is
employes and advarived thc-, pri C,01'
- - .
low on the road to recoveryl. Many
Goa. I fifty cents Per ton,
- 111. �
itories have been told concerning Dr.
Afore mining than ever before. I,, tit;-
N3 Vel.i. It has been said that lie Wilt; a
ing done in the ,Slovan, yet busiroski if]
the town is as quiet a.,.i a country come - - �
. IL .
iolitical exile from Italy, that be killed
L man in that country in his youth.,
Cory. Country was overl;ui!t,
. I
, "
�� 1.
Lad fled to America, and various oth-
The Canadian Pacific have arepre- ' "'
' . . . - ��
,r theories of [his ea,rlT life ha;ve b eon
aentative in St, John's, Nfld., trying
, I
Avamoed, al,l of which are mere met-
to' hire 1,3U3 men at �1,50 a day to
I I ..
. 1.
ere of conjecture, as the doctor's lip's
work on the Crow's Nest Rai I N� ay,
I ,
vere tightly sealed rega,rdiaig his early
All Wilkey, of London, has'given
. � �,
For ma.ay ymrs, however, Dr. De Vek
noLice of motion to, staps Lo re-
ived in magsaificent style In Loulls-
scind the agreement with the. street
ifle. He enjoyed a luerati-ve practice
railway if better service is not. given.
,nd was.r.,egarded as one of the lead-
The running factory to be estab-
.. .
ng phystdams of the city, as wel,I as
no of the
lished by Handilon gardeners is esti-
mated to cost $&5,000,of whiolt tla� Bank
H,t� Was higbl,y educated and aroom-
f Hamilton offers to aifv
... .. .
liabod, and spoke fluently a number
f different tianiguages. After a bril-
Ed. 1foGeegan, all Inmate of the
. �
;an -t career of a number of years in
Hamilton Asylum, escaped and tried to
,ou;svI-!-Io Dr. Do Voli ti-nd his family .khro,v
himself in front of a Grand
. �,
ecame a,�I(Ected to the drug,, when they
Trunk traiL, He came from St. Thomas.
I 1'.1
ega,la a, gradual slide down- the scale
f Atimainity, unti-1, a,bout, three weeks
A mouse got into a Chatham, N. B.,
., I
go the dioctor and his I daughter were
church choir, Two ladiell; :41tritiked and
>und in a hovial, by Hu-miane Officers
clutched their skirts, the cofigrogation
nd for,mex friends who d3a.d lost trace
grinned, tile pastor frowned and_ivMt.
( them for it number of years, and bad
oil with his discourse.. .1 ".
-1 t.,
hem pluced in a. sanitarium.
Patrick Kelly, of Hamilton, received
'_ i
Mrs. De. VeA, who Canlis of a promim,
a had gash in th-a b -ad at a poker
� i
I �_,�. .
a,t and aristocratic Southern familry
led albout two years aglo frolm the use
party,but refuses to divulge the place
�' ,
� � �,,.
I `-
C the drug.
where. the affair took place or the
"The d-rulg bailAt is increasing in the
names of his assallants.
)unt.ry to an e,a4rm:-n,g extent," said
The Kootenay output of ore for Jan-
r. tlol,lingRr, Who attended Dr. Veli.
uary amounted to nearly a million niot
. 7,b s
rhare now S,500,000 users of the
rug in the Ulaited States against 200,-
a quarter dollars' wortli,or nearly half
. I �__, -
A in, 1876 and it is a, fivet shown by'
as mu,11 aa all that hits come from
the. Klondike tip to date.
i .
Atisties t,b&t 00 pex cent. of the
A Chicago man has a project to run
.. I
111. �.
n� anore or less addirted to the drug
a slage service between Ashcroft and
1: ,
Lake Teslin, a distance of 8W miles,
. I
As on imattintm of the wonderful- turn-
Old settlers don't know whether to
, L,
mt of po*son the littimain system can
doubt his Insanity or honesty.
� trained to resist. Dr. Hollingor re-
Regina Industrial School will .wad
Ied several incidents that have coine
out thirty graduates this spring,who
�� .. 1
adw hie notice during his Practice,
bs most remarkable of which was that
%Ili art as interpreters on the ro-
� . �,,
a wornam wilaeli is probti,bly the most
serves �tnd proceed to forget all the
- - '
civi iz ton
11 at -they have. imbibed.
qna,rka -ble case On record. The Wom-
I in qwmtioin appeared at this sanitari-
M rs. A. McEnchren, of Chatham,
n for treatment over a year ago, and
N.B., waa w1cep in tier burning home,
; "t Vine she was Using an ounce
when the family clog, fai;lng to awaken
, �, 4, , gra-inis-every 24 hours
her by harkiag, juml.qul on (lie hed
k ,
1,(I took 60 gTaii,na at a dose. The an- ,Aitli
the de,,iired effect. She got, out
� �
,mi,ty at the a,mount of poison she in
� .1;�*,
uld withstand willl Ile reAlized when
lie falet. is taken into considoration that
Gen. Avis started to walk on the lee
I., .
I ,
vo axe coxiniidered. fatal to an from
Vopkhurn Island to Thessalon, Ile
I I � .. ,�
,dimaxy person, The woman, at the
got lost in tile storm, and When lie
. ",
, ,
. 114� I'll
me. she beigaa. taking treatment. -wiit; finally
irsing E6 bal.* IS Imantlis Old, and she
rva,!hed his ds,-0.1nalion %viis so
badly that Ili-; life
. .1., . .
, 1�
gan giwing the child the drug when of.
vms despilired
He is recovering now.
. :
�.. , .
was Only 4fl dlays old, and by the Unto
was IS ,moint.lia old it. was taking six
Tho prft,tent season has spIffled tile
. . I ..-,� 'no..
,. "
-ahn a a day -two doses VA t.h.ree. g rxi n H : u&
-fulness of the ground hng its M
- I
ch. 1%
Pathor prophet, rs,markF; a pallid ry
. � I
"No, we never deprive pattents of the exelliange.
Other weather prophets are
. !
is of the VIT11g," 90,41 Dr. Holli!ngor,
made of ittorner. shiff tind refuse to
response to an enquiry frdin Che vor- sroi
I in any kind of weal tier,
1� 1 1 � .,
spondent, "in ,mittly vases I hat.
Tile roroner'n.inry th-it. onquirvd into
11' '. I I -
(101.1til of little I�th�l Caoic,in 1,on-
4., ,. -
"I'v'o 9?mp,ly let thern use it to t livir don,
foixnd that. she (ii,. -Id of ta'.' ng a
I _ ... ;
arts' content, a,n,(l ovi,weamA the (Is. doso
of arsonlqc In mktalco for anto-
re. by the treahnant when they quit nine,
They also exI;rt,9qod an opinion
� /�
th'PiT Own axedrd." th-It
It 19 too paqy to puipphw4e tlendlv
, . I . "I
The phyq'Inimns think that tile Do polsons.
� .
!, `
31.1e are ahramg the *
ploneers of t.ho
.__ . --te-
I I �
=line .habit. Owaine firlt came Into
e. 14i tho Il'in-ttAd States nihout 10yefirs
Two, yean n.go there were 138 distil-
'17141W I
. .
O, and it -%�&s n,t fitrat suppos:-d lorie,;al
wark in ,1�,ad, with lin an-
,, �, .
10 .�
be an sintildote for 'the morphline a4tial
(,ulput of 221-4 Willons of gal-
_ � _ �
,blftl, It was for blifs cure of tho,mor- lonit
of spirits. N1. pres-ilt there are
" .1
.1moblablit, the physicians say tbt t Dr. 158,
wi th an ou i pu t I ast year of 28 1-2
i Voll first began the use of cocaine, 1112.11111%ftS
Of gallons-
.. I ,
� .. �
� �
1 4 .
.. .
I % . �
. I I I
. .
� �*_ C1, . . � . .
I . I I .
, "I'�,-"�,-��l,,.�"...,."...,.,-..��".,-","","",,�,,,.,� . .... .. '` _' -----1' I'll .. -
I 1. _ 11-111 . -1 - L - ... -.1-1-1.. . "' '! ..... . -T.--11 ..... - - - —, y111..111--1-_. ,, �, " ."_t — � � , ----1.11 ... �� -, . ;� ...... - .. - .11 ... I .1 . I . - I I I . J