The Blyth Standard, 1903-05-28, Page 8K 0 K ment for Sale. The undersigned keeps in stock all kinds of t\ un or, including Queenston and Portl1u4. Cement liuilding and haltoriog ;t specialty. JOHN LTEWART Ball!, ONT. Esti' Ronne 'r ieviii UN. The regular ammo I meeting of the haat Huron teachers' merit yte alta held in the Clinton 01101,4 institute ell Friday mad Sol u'fdny loot. 1';t'ot sesam, emoted no Frhhtr nt 40 n.ul.', th,e meat - limit, MI David Weir, in the chair. leNing exercises were condycted by r. Thome' vouch .The following committees were nit minted:—Protfrnm, %truism. Menial on, "obs, Lough mid McLean; reset et ons, Nam Malley, Scott and Moffat i rel stomas, Messrs. Downey and lin utho.. " The imeretsry tile, read the utinuteo pt the ire eon Yen dun, which on mot fou 'ef ,lhstsrs. Laugh and Murch were adopted, Miss Aitchison then read an excel) , ,aper on Neuro St uly• 'Nature $fully 'peagheie how to live, The lows of 'n*tuhe should lie studj8d. Jt jsn, in- teresting studs end nl'ousea sympathy lietween teacher and pupil. All out- door ramble'with nature study ill view educates a' pereol oilall Mims, Mine fe4lteldaon'a Mathes of teaching is all llows: A certain blvd or pieta is no- tgueil as the !mason for the followip week; Pupils auni re required to stl,k themeeh•ed'with a epacimell of the pilot and to tektite a{I the kitpwledge they Mtn on tile 'nuhjt•ot, j,'upils should'be lett to discover t he knowledge for t hem- Ioleessad be told es little as possible" Disetinion followed by Aisles, llobb, 1 -tallith, Weir. Miller'and Hartley, A. good paper on School 'Poetics was ryext real by Mr. J.. Redo., of 13lyth. e *Aid: Man is a eocinl being end de- lights in safe' intercnluse. Mee, how- ever, le naturally celGsh and he tenet be 'brioght ton•espect f le rights of others tend fare lies the work pf the• teaclipt', Mr. Bailey then gave some good d. vices Int which the love of order can be in, killed i11to I upils. the chief of Which Wee; .The marching of pupils in calling a vele: end to and fret.. classes 11 t I rot y signals. The Bre pct etice is also at Ieitfillent drill for pupils in urban lohoofo, Inapootor Robb stated that methods of idiainiesing, eta, op'4tfe whole wine 'Verpsatisfactory in hi;, filspectOrate. The 4Rernoon session ofoiled byand —lr on Literature preemie,'IJIly Misa ohllenstone lftera(hfb atrhemoditi`iostittliinrtant, subject I 1 the t urriculdm. It js the 'sitppreeelbn of the' beat thoughts of the nohleit 'Mods. Lit era, lire 1laino the latelleet, imagination acid tnemory and 'develops the powere of expreimion. It '3e+a'character-hnilder, In htudying a iteotion teke up: let, The author 2nd, .he tuood'of the author; 11rd, The n "oe 'Of the selection. The teacher old be well reed and eliould know other' language, the jlcet being 10. 'f, Debeon then gave a vary concise full ecuiputof the meeting''of the to,ffiducetionel'amoixtioo heldtiorelih ty building, Tot'onto, br, .Aril 16th sod loth, • 'propoeed ahangee in the rej1tlile- were thin brieiiy diecuseed 'I4d by Robb. The age limit aneation was dis:,uleaod Kpd the aeSoefation seemed tdbe iii favor 'pf leering the age limit as it is. ' The proposal to lengthen the model term to Mein months did riot meet with 1903 'WHITE STAR tin FIFTH ANNUAL ONE DOLLAR EXCURSION From Goderich To ETROIT AND RETURN Wednesday, June 17th a. 1111 �, 1 ea .. .. . » 1611 Only $1.00 Round Trip Leave Goderich for Detroit 8.3o a. }u., Wedillesday, June r7th, (cauada time.) Arrive Port Huron at noon, Detroit at 4,o0 p. m. Returnifig leave Detroit Thursday, June 16th, at I•oo p. no. Central Stanliard Time, Port lf.tron 5.30 p. m., arrive Goderich 9,30 p• vet.' Friday, June rgtjt, at 8.00 a. in. (capada time,),leave Goderich on the return to Droit. Fare with baggage P.N. A Special Excursion Train will leave Stratford at 6.40 a. ni.,Wednesday, June 17th, stopping at Mitchell, Dublin, Seaforth, Clinton, end Homed idle, connecting with the morning train from Wipgham, Blyth, etc., at Clinton 7.40 and arrive in Goderich 8.1'5 a. in. Thursday night Special Train leaves Goderich on arrival of steamer from Detroit, for Clinton and way stations to Stratford. GODERIOH BAND MOONLIGHT, TUESDAY EVENING White Star Line Steamers C. F. GIaLMAN, Morrie Man. ee� .a E. H. AVM, axouestoe Aar. theapprovai of the meeting. 11—The olanse respecting the decrease of number of Model .drools was carried by the meeting. legit artop regarding the ex- clusion of Not•nud oollefie atudenra from teaching in public schools was defeated. 6—Teachers' mrou clause was en- dorsed by meeting. 6—Proviumal system of superannua- tion was not endorsed by meeting, Mr. Lough and Mr. Houston spoke against the principle of superanuation by state is any profession or civil Service. 7--r1'he ques'ion1 of P.; inspectors' standing returning to 1897 was carried. 4—'i'he 8—The question ingot ding the pie.eut [AK BAC K: SfOs• O;STRDIOTHTON V UTIO`t11Gl'f1V0 iEFUNCstweet5 EyRftNTHE KOOSaSTR1ill,l1 'Ht CONSTITUTIONtin3r- d R Monfreal.G"Bog° r, ORITAINy-AMERIGA a } tt HikIhi Canada: SLOG; Y bottles for $3,00 i a Women and men who suffer from weak back or pain in the lumbar Jegion should take ST, JAMES WA- FERS, which possess remarkable dun - tire influence on functionalderange- lnents of the kidneys, and exert special tonic action on the whole urinary system, S'r. JAMBS WAFERS cure bladder troubles and pains of micturition, ?wiping the flow of urine and clear- ing it from any sediment. ST. JAMES WArx is are also a potent sexual strengthener. ST. JAMES WAFERS help stomach, digest toed and send the nutriment though the blood, and this is the honest way to get health and strength, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy which accom- plishes much. "The value of at. James Wa(ere cannot be overestimated. In the most obetlnated mem! kidneys and urinary troubles they have rendered me remarkable mimea- ga." Dr. Charles H. Powell, Pitereeeld, keetland. SI Imes repr.d,tr1' Ike a rnnonNnt r du,L,,,tr. root/nem/tux /ore, h their kmi rr/r ret WWI Me formula sport rrysta. yt",ere dealer, a re not selungthc Wafers. they Ore moiled upon,e- e.dpt n f Priee at the Canadian nrnneh : St.emee Violent0..,11140 St. Catherine it., NeelNl, work •on history was endorsed end a book recommended. 9—Tho Bibleiahonld not be introduced ee at text book but selections from it (night be taken for the teaching of morals. l0—'flee convention declared itself in favor of having ole curriculum on arith- metic remain as it is. A very entertaining and instructive address was given by Rev, C. R. Oulme, a former teacher, on the subject of tread. Ing. He said that our 'delve of good reading depend on our own imagination. Speech is the conveyance of thought of one person to the mild of another. We do not express ourselves in the sante Way twice. Good expression in speak- i1i or reading depends on proper Wreathing, Stammering in speech eau he overcome by dividing the attention end by ,peaking slowly, Reading and iloeakiug""lhould be done exactly in the scuta way. Speaking is the expression of our own thoughts, reading the ex- pression of the thoughts of others, We must articulate clearly. Illt. Gunne gave examples of di18cuities in articu- lation of vowels and combinations of s, st and 'other hissing sounds. The ten- dency of English seems to be to increase s sodlds while French drop a sounds where possible, pause: A,otller'important point in reading is A vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. Gonne for hieeble and excellent 'address and the paper Was further discussed by Mr. Ifouston who skirl children 'at play speak naturally, ' " Mr.. E. M. McLean, of the Clinton culleeggilite institute, theta /eve an edddrees on th'e Morrie system. '1'ke "Metric eyerent is part of the'decitpal system and ie beset'on the metre which is oue- tearh million part ofone-quarter of the meridian passing through Parts end is therefore a French unit. 'Alt other unite are derived from thio one. Tit}le unit of mass or weight is the greifl which is the weight of one cubic centi-' metre of distilled water atltnrtnaxfnt,m density, four &agrees centigrade. •"The unit of volume is the litre which la the volume of 1000 cubic ceetimett'es of water et its maximuin density.. The metric Ryalem tends to make -the use of N Ul;er tractions unnecessary. i1 TIM AT mum.. . The vielting teachers were entertained an at homy in the assembly teem of • Clinton collegiate imitate by the nton teachers in the evening, when a at th Cli most enjoyable evening tass. epee t. Mr. EP WII0MaffattlEtiliMigSWMP7rifillaie 111 ♦a rA Before the ist of July, to fill an order already 51, placed with us for 4k• WANTED �hr 4 AI 0000 Boxes. and Tut* of Good Dairy Butter Also We most have i1A10'lnoen Eggs werkl;v to fill um ordpre, for which we will pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICE We wouidask the :macro of hotter not to salt the hotter he'tvy as the heavy salted hinter ❑Iwl.vH has to sell at a reduced price. Mel ie the hinter so as to bring the top price and you will be Ilto gainer tr. the end. GEO, POWELL PRETORI• A BLOCK Furniture Bargains. iAl 'A1 A VIi Twentr•two Bedroom dopes \net arrived, madly oheap awl medium priced goods. Thep suiteo ere all new &elms. W.11 neighed sod ere everyone a ba,goin. We bars Msttredye and Springs to »t thew. Mtghteen new Counaes are ready for your Inspection. Also a ane lot of hookers and any Chairs. We are uaaring greet vices In Imago Covering, Table Curers, Car. pets sod Yate. Bring in y sr Mauna and get thein Framed. • J, H. CHgLLEW BLYTH w011a7a.1w.104101114.11101 FOR COOD HEALTH Tit prfurvo n1' restore A, there is no better prescription for nen, women) and children than Mipitlle 'Tabules. They are easy to take. The' nett made of a combination of medi- cines approved and used by every physician. Ripaaa '1'n- bulea ore widely used by all sorts of people—but to the plain, every -day Mike they are a veritable friend 111 nerd, Ripens '1'atules 114 v0 become tileir stal.dard,.ftlllily remedy.' They are a dependable, honest reined y, with a hong cud sue. cossfel record, to cure indigestion, dyspepa1n, habitual and smilborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, suis ltoplueh, .towel anti liver complaints. -They strengthen weak eioiiutyhs, build up ruu•down systeuls, restore pure blood, good appetite and Bound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from it regular use of ltip:tne Tubules. Your druggist sells them. The five -sent packet is enough ter an orjiniiry occasion. The 11a I1ily Bottle, 60 cents, con- tains a supply fur ti your. e I' +tile ' A i N' S K. K & K r(&K K&K K & K K&K SINFUL HABITS "I MAKE NERVOUS,WE i NEN. TIE RESULT of Ignorance and olly In 'Mahe ove overexeof rtion and body atd0n happineu of thouiiede nod f promisin ,o n men. dome fedkeaand wither early age, at the blouote of ma hood, whip others ars forced to drag out* Wearyfrultleas an melancholy existence: ()then reach marl. loony but nod no Folace or comfort there Tim tietime are found In alt etat:one pi life—the farm the olive, the workshop, the pulpit, the trades ad the professions. 'N.rreu D,Nilly ee limiesI swags are guaranteed cared by oor sen e.ne1 Tre,tae er He Ply. You roil no risk 15 yon in Detroit. Hank security, CURED WHIN ALL 0(01 FAILED. IR emu �p. .Itheetrrrltge NMeL life• am 33aarly indisears cr.ttions and late ge and rexcates made trouble I led a gay 1 became weak and nervous. My kidneye became affected and I feared Bright's Disease, Married Mk was uniptitfactory and 1't ' v� my home unhappy, I tried ever thing—a11 hoed till T took treatment from re. Kennedy & everything—an Their Naw Writhed Picea mea Meru, built me ap meetally, physigfy sad nexaslly,I feel and act respect. They treated sae ale years ago, %'bm,r� are honest, skilful and responsible financially, ee why patronize Quack. and FINN when cad be cured by reliable doctor.."—W. A. Deltas, you ES NAM N N PIF, •i i/ 1! tltt. Frt••Igais Frs•-0ueNe BIS EN Et Max Drs. Kennedy 6 Kcrgnn,'Dank,ply ' K&K K& K K&K K&K K &rl Kh,K 8 K Thomas Murch occupied the chair. 1—The program was opened by an instrumental duet by Misses Hoover and Jackson, .2—Promenade, ,Misses Coats and Scott, 8—Address of welcome, Messrs. Hous- ton and Sooty. 4—Replies to addresses of welcome, Mews, Robb and Ha',ley. 6— uartottp, Misses ,f, Jeekeoo, K. Mariam and Me.ere. N, Mnreh and G. Mainieg, Mipli L. Jackson, accom- panjsr, H' --Recitation, Min Agnes Irwin, iolin trots, Mies Irede Jackson. ti-tlromnnade, Miss :Mary Chant end Alp. F. Chani, E Reeding, Alias Wilson, 10—Solo, BI.r.Norman Murch, 1I—Recitarfotr, Mieg'K,,lllanning, 12—Promenade, flits Llly Jackson, 1b—Lunch, SATURDAY'S sMesf()N, After 'not:Mntf exerdfik's by Mr. D. RobO, the'tresatirer read the financial 'atonement, showing a Balance on hand of $18.01. The' report was adopted on motion of Mesas Scott and Leppard. °pannyeapp BLYTH LIVERY and SALE STA3LES te Gat GG GG G Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. G Go GG GG G First-class Horses and Rigs for hire at reaeonible rates. Best of accommodation to Com- mercial Travellers and others requiring rigs, Veterinary office at livery stable, • KING AND QUEEN ST EEf, ILTTS.' —TNji STANDARD Covera the ground,