The Blyth Standard, 1903-05-28, Page 7It Has That Clear Liquor
FO npp:v In lel by ,1 tete t(1, drinkere.
Ceylon (inI;l•:A ,I'r.t will n11-piite• .a0():(( 'C a jfet (30'7.11.11,1" Rdlt,•k
is dleplacihtg all other bl:t'1 tea, ll{ lead p-1•hete Im!,, ,(0•I -110(
per !b.. Ily ,111 ante,•(.,
For sale by all first class dealers
Uow the Hand 131ny be Placed in
Water W 11 hoe( Welt big it.
.t t1UJ UI Uw' Il 1.1i,1,111taa11ee aael4l11-
1331Ied lila boat and the guests ;it as
party the other night by making
that a bowl of water be brouglt
into the parlor.
"You may have thli bowl of water,
of course; said the host, "but may
1 ask what you ere going to do
with It ?'
"I want to show you a trick," nu-
ewered the boy. "1 promise not to
spill the water or muss up anything,
1,o you needn't be afraid to Wa nu'
tri}' it."
Now," he ,aid, "I want to bo1'-
rOW a finger ring, and I'm going t0
1's1t it into that bowl awl then tak"
t out with my hand wNh.tut got-
my hand wet.'
"Oh, you can't do it I" cited a
dozen of 11114 companions. "W'hoe'ver
'heard of putting your hand Into wa-
ter without getting It wet?'
'''Ot (03i 81 1 Min t etp'et you to
believe me," Bald the young exp"rl-
ntenter, "but wait and Ill choly you
a thing or two:'
Ono of the gI ti handed him a ring
e,1d having put It into at bowl he
stood back so that they aright nil
Ise it. Then he took a little page'
package from, hie pocket and emp-
tied' from It a powder, dlalrihntllg
it over the surface of the water.
"What's that ?" asked his host.
"Olt that's my patent antlwet,"
answered tie boy. ''Now, watch Inc:
d'nf going to take that ring out
With my hand and if the Mind gets
at all wet 1 provide:, to drink the
water, ring pow l lr and ail,.' .
And he did take the ring out with
Me hand and he del not get 110 hand
Of course you want to know how
b3 did It no that you tiny :Worth*
some of your (rt."ude. The powder
that Ito threw On the wv3te1• was
•iyeopodlum. and no It, plunged lila
band.Into the grater the lyeopodlnm
• • covered it like e waterproof glove,
for that eab.talee and teeter .have
no affinity for each other. Try it.
1t Bores (h1• 14o.
College Idiot lindefieltiv)-It eer-
taini,v teens ,b„1',• one to death.
Kind Friend-1Whit1 does 1
College 1 13 t-(11hv, (Its garrote.
Fly Pads
hill the flies •nd
disease Berme too.
Remarkable Cure of a Citizen by
Dofd's Kidney PilIs
Ilbl Foolishness.
Diggs -Simkins gets a good salary,
yet he Is nearly nIwnys broke.
Riggs -What does he do with his
money 1
Diggs --Spends the most of It In
1r7111g to get eoutethilg for not11-
Ing.-t'hlrn3o News.
S&U daY School(
livery 130131e needs n remedy (hat I8
adapted for use In 303003 sodden nerhtent or
Illness. such n one le I'ninklllrr. Yue,, bottle,
Avoid su1(01111 tes. There Is but me' "Pulu-
kill"r"-ferry Doi 13'.
MAY 31, 1(103.
'the tafett1[, i g spiel(. •-003(3. s: 111•
00111 rntnry.-l. Fre,Ionl front 3(111
through Christ ((s. 1--1t. 1. Titer•fore
-'DI:ix reline:: to the (ch,,], 1)1(10.31
tu'gtur,t•tlt, 11lei e,yo•e"3Iil,: t0 the pre -
votes cl(e33(3•r "IAteert l the 43)1.:.:4
3, 313 ,hsOnb,r1 avid (x11131(1111, from
14047 Fails, the great oweetion of
justification ane( las immediate 1'(-
3,11118. ''.lite Inst tople thus run83lettel
i, too attitude of the law tow't'333
(he ooW--nn 01111010 811311 11101 liar
last 1,311h01 411101110 slur, 1311. vat) only
0()90130 end 00(340(301 It. No coudenuIu.-
ti(lal -As cuu,temnntieu it the meek
or dbltbelleuc.r, this uh',ll•Iy hnpli.s
that the M'li(•ver eau lice 311(111111.
t rftalogrepel(g t.hc law- of Cod - he 13137
hers Loon fent( 0111. Ju Christ .108110--
"11111: (('11010 prrviouu 1r,nuuf3nt of the
epistle makes it p13lo that those (the
arc it. Christ :tt'O thus,' 11110 luatm h•.''3(
"juaelltcx) through faith." 'Pais Is 110
more legal arl'ulgentrnt ; it Is n
uadon In life,
It's the One That Wears low Shoes
and Openwork Stockings,
It la yet to 1>e proved that women
Who wear low blame aro more sub-
ject to colds than those who wear
high )130,3. ,1R yr114 It to to be proved
that those who are constantly on
their guard agallst what de called
exposure live longer than those who
do not, care. When women 1101 01317
slrrvlvo a fickle climate, but come
out of Ito most trying changes to
clothing of a weight that men would
hardly fool 1t is difficult to see how
their health can suffer 3(ecau4)e they
wear lav oboes.
Now, take a man -take the aver-
age man. Ile pate on five thicknesses
of clothing 011 as cold day. IIe Is not
content if the temperature is below
7:, In htle edifice. lie would not think
of stepping across the street with-
out putting on hie overcoat. In most
'oases, he would not venture out
without hie muffler and °vetehoos.
And take that man's wife. She (years
two or throe thin thitekneseee of
rlothing. She doesn't mind the well-
ther. She will meet the blasts tit(
winter with unconcern. In her home
etre will allow the furnace fire to
got law. She will follow a caller to
the door, out ou the verandah and
talk and talk, entirely unmindful of
w rape.
Her husband takes wide -all kinds
of collie--etery kind that Ie going.
He vrondere why he takes cold. lids
wife 18 good enough to wonder with
him and tells him he must 11e more
careful o(-" hlmeelf. Mayne (rile will
instet that In niklltion to all of hie
other ,precautions against expeller°
1x1 0111111 IV -Me 11 c11081 protector or a
porous plaster. But elle takes no
cable, that le, 443(3) seldom does, an(1
If elle does she attrlltttee the cold she
takes not to careleseueee, but to the.
act that she has inadvertently un-
dertaken to be too raret(ul of herself.
It she -or any other woman -finds
geottter contort in low than she. does
In high ehoe14, why blame her for
wonting the Cornier? Even if she
wears low oboes and openwork 8tock-
urge from pare vanity. wby Mame
her:' are not the women of America
healthy 7 Are they not strong?
Aro they ,not handier than the men
.rhk a rule? Then why not let them
Have their 01311 way 0011001 IOW Rhos,
openwork slottings and everything
Mee (het gives then comfort or
910133ure 1 -Chicago Ir:ter-Ocean.
Valentine Fl9her'e Terrible Sciatic
Pallid Speedily Vanished Ramie
(he Great Kidney Remedy.
Collingwood, May 25.-(tiperiaq,-•
$ttiry city, town, and village In Caln-
ada Is reporting remarkable cures
,by Dodd's Kidney Pills and Coiling.
wood Ie not behind the rest. There
are scores of'peopie here who have
used the great Kidney Remedy and
Inho aro not Blow to tell of the
Splendid reou(tt, Valentine b'leher,
well known In the town and Nur-
rounding country,. hi one of them.
"I was troubled with Kidney Dict.
.ease for thirteen years," Mr. fisher
says to telling of MR cure. "It dei
(eloped into kslatlea which located
In' my Ride so that I could not walk
without a cane. I Maid to use( Iq-
podermlc Injections of morphine to
twee the pain.
"I tried different medical men anti
medicines with no good reealte till
P waw persuaded to try i)odd's Kid.
Day P1114). Tju•ee boxes effected a.
ppeerfect cure.. I can recommend
'Dodd'e Kidney Plllx to nil who aro
slifering from Rheumatism of any;
other form of 'Kidney 1)1001333'."
Wo must trlko the current when It
sorrel, or lose our vent 'tree.
The average man e1'nge tenaviously
,to his own 00110110, 011 h3( expects
Other people to change theirs.
J. 'l'l1e env --.1 law 13 it 1,3110 of mo-
tion 3x,tabhelted by recognized aq-
ua:4'14 to omforeo Intl leo wail 11rec'.
duty. - Standard lietionary.
11'((3•(1 Law Lore meths t,dit rule, emu-
ma.nd, or h iluenee (( Wit the "Spirit,
of 111 c" in'0slu0os.--Eames. Spirit 1f
life -'P311 close erguutett following
h,l}at,•,x tine( the Spill' of life here 1,3
eft, 131310 as the Splrt of 1.31(1 11.11(1
of Christ 13( verses 13, 11, 11 C mei told
11011 11' 110 01 111111 1113' Holy Spirit
b, eivapter 1'. ;i. he 3. the Slant 1f
fife, loin all Ilfc (prir03 from 11ia.-
Beet, The 1h. ly Spirit Is the Spirit or
tiro 130(3.(3(34 he Keds the send to es-
cape the sentence of (dean(, and tit nit
"animate.. it with the 1113rgie8 n( (he
thew life.' In Christ Jesus --flet),!
des^us is the nlerltorinels reuse of jus-
tification, tato head of 11te }testified
and the giver of the Spirit. haw of
sin and 41e11I11-'T113 nn,l death are
partners of one throne and Issue one
law, To obey sin Is 1:0 walk in 3t path
marked out by (math." -Beet.
The law --The law of ilk(8e0-
1113 1110/111 code, las is always] meant
when not otherwise 'defined. Weak
-The law. 3118 low)'rle14 to deliver
(tom 811 or to produce holiness. It
could not fulfil its own fulfilment.
The flesh -The term flesh has Rev-
et•al different sigeilleatons. 13( this
instance it has reference to man's
corrupt and fallen loatnre. Settling
--This refers to Chrtet's birth and
plainly Irnplles that Christ was
(nod's "own tion" before IIe watt sent
-t'lrat is, before He became incur
lie tin•
4, 5. The righteousness -The de-
mands of 4)od's rigllteons law which
could be met by UN when 0101 followed
the incl( Inclinations of a corrapt,
Artful nature, are pow fulfilled in us
10)10 live a lid act Pts L31e3plt'i1 guides.
Flesh Spirit -"Men must be
under the predu11dualleg 11fhw11ee of
one or the other of these two prin-
ciples, and according os the one 3(r
the other has the mimicry will be
the cotn91031011 of the li(o and the
cltnrnetc1' of the (13011 es." 1'1 1'1)
tree brings forth evil (suit rind a
good tree hrlage forth good fruit.
11. The carnal ;Ind splrilaal cod-
trastr3l (N s. li -5). li. Carnally mind -
td -To allow the carnal or corrupt
nature to gain the asretleney and
to be cont'ollwl and led by it, le
death -Not "trill lead to death." but
le death."
7, 8. 10 enmity --This lo stat)'cl 3(e
a reason why "the mind of the flesh
is death" (v. 6); it IN opposed to
Oat and hates (Jud. Neither . . (:in
be -This Is absolutely certain, b( -
03119e it is a. Carnal 11111141 awl rel-
ishes earthly and sinful things and
3H0e in open rebellion against (ild.
So then-i;,ecause the carnal luted
in enmity against Hod, thetefur•e
"they that are In the (!ooh"-ibose
who are led and cunteoll,d by the
dlctutes of their corrupt. fleshly 111,
tore, "aanuot please God," and eou-
beenertly are doomed to e (areal
III• The condition of tlheee who fol-
low the Sprit. -vs. 1)-14. 0. Bat --
Paul now ghees tho Mauro of the
regenerate state. Tho Spirit -The
N.pi.rlt of clod and the Spilrit of ('lirlet
aro merely different exprossione for
111e holy 3p1r)t, the (111111 persoc
of the Trinity. Dwell In you - The
Holy Spirit le often spoken of Its
dwelling In the la'arte of Christians.
10. Body in dald-Thee area va-
riety of opinions 00 to the meaning
of yore 10 axil 11. Some understand
this to mean that the IXP,I,V Ie dead
is respect to NM, that 18, that the
'nowhere of tap body no more per-
form the works 01 elm. Otters think
that the apostle meant, that the
holy le 11oonw41 10 death because of
sin, that Is, 1(00133(013 of Adam's
transgression and the f penal re-
sults of sin.
11. But if, etc.-Ba'ne' thinks title
tercet (108314 1101 refer to the reeur-
rectlon of the dead. Ile soya: "The
sense Is that under tate gospel, by
the Influence of the Spirit, the en-
tire teen will he made antro In the
service of 6041."
111-11. Deittorn We n 10 debt ore
to the Spirit, hat to the (hash we
owe nothing. We disown lta au-
I'tglxte0nl claims. Shall die -If you
live to 1n'lu'lge your rental prop0n-
sitl's you wilt sink to ('(03(1)11 death.
-Barnes. ittorti(y-" Put to death,
destroy. Sin 113 mortified) when Its
(!tower 10 dentI0ye(t and It (Patten to
1:» active." Desl.4 of the hods -The
corrupt Inclinations and pa148ions,
culled deeds u( the body because
they err supposed to 11110 their or-
igin In the fleshly appetites. 811011
Iiee-Shall he saved. "Either you•
Nina must die or yon must. No nen
can ho s301d In LIR 011 OR." Lod-Snb-
mlt to hie Influence and control. (ono
of (nod -Children of Gott Thl8 0).-
331e4011 113 miter) 133(91X4 to L'lrho
lions in the Bible.
Teachings -It Is our privilege to
MO 111111 walk In 1'ln'ist. i1 takes
ate same power that raise'( Christ.
from the dead to reg(ma'13te n soul
page Woven wire Fence
With ki eomimto0( roil (not e'iwped) is the
best stock -holding fence made. l'"go No.
wire stands a :tine ponsdo attain-conmlon
No. 7 wire only 1.70) pounds. Common wire
cit( 30(1 colt -(t straightens ant again -it
hasn't a spring temper-- Page wire has.
The Mee telre leUean
e9ehtt4M1'apOOrie„ Luft(,
Children's Ailments. Ir.
Munyon's Remedios tor Children.
1171 'na.tin eq lila 1330313
-103,1 0) 31. 0041()(3 a.,. i rue slld,n,>ld 934
-.0141.0103 Yq 13(31 'seal{ .>tu 70 4,11.1341 1tw;
-1111111101.i'v 'N ', '('h3)(l'3 PUq,I '(3000(3(-1
•yolg 01 pa(sa.Ipho N.1OI10I 11:00843,1
1111 001.1,1 '830011
M14J 1 111 plo0 1 do .rt18441 pmt '0lu0m
.nand 41°0313111 Nn! plc,) s,uo.tunit
'(:3 Put
11 '01'3 Nesta 8U11paxt 0,30,tunyt
•saltraxazr S,NOANfft e
011 31340 0.1(31009 .0,3001 watts
930 'asaul01s 30 spade put
lupi 1111311014 I(1t3 0u10 ni111r se) 10 101111
,(pawal 18,30111 0 (1 Jo Paso() Ftal V 'pool{
Io 1nm( out to 90061.1 loaate 8ntlnr1un
170 (meal nos Is1ya 0141 '4.341(01,1 quo.(
•llll p( gun 3117011 sue.i alt 'manful)O (133E
pun aae,q 'atria w10;1', ''Jf3 0(3(((34113;00:)
'141(30 enq.wt4 18alo41) '14103 dnol;t '0101
-9,1 '131? 'O '(1 'am;) 30(30,4 '0111,) 1301111
0100 1410') 4113013 '131(33) 9le1) 0,110100se
41111 paliddns ti dealt o1 331I 18113311 ()atoms
pus 10343313 comport ' 11((01•.1 uolunit
'1 0104 911101113 1041001 311311110041 3103
'08310133a d(e1(ln4 03( Rayl Inn 1dmo.tid
Duo 081100110 011 330033140(9 0,(1013)4140
101 totems( .tit 'voit0100aJlap 'tocsin
900 (330101(4 30 11011 841 i1 0019(14) 03
W833o 3318 01 001(10 1 14)00110 01 11 1(347
.111011 1 103 qustie lnq 30 3601 1 013 1041
4am:Is011 put senIp 1uirelargaP 14113 07
.^,•.341 61u,og333(30 11(011 *plead 11.310314 .tuba
•1,.m., put 3.3)31 11ag1 03 (tole 1 411M
toottlea ,•, 3303asl9 341 April. o1 O10 803
3100( to 101(0(0 uaaq 10)9030080 1011 11
•p33115ffi n U033011 1 j0 8utaq-nae, aq1
pee w(((ell) ei0y1 JO tllptati aqt 331)1
,too{ Lpua$glaiul 03 1181130111 11113 T..
Spirilnally drud- L'hrl8t1111N 01011101
104(0(33 31144 or the
The apostle in (his lesson heings
out with great clearness the ecl-
delaes of a true Christlan experi-
ence. :11 each step lie turns a8id0
from (tae ninth thought and shows
the moral 130res11Ly of each position
taken. The preceding chapter, 1334
believe, describes the rlruditian of a
wort whose c0nsclence 113 tboronghly
aroused and alvnkerted, who, In eon-
Nequeh'e of (lite, desiring to be saved
but hopes and tries to work Out Ids
own eah'alioa. He domino; to be good
and do right, awl att0111(118 to he
what be sees he might to be.
The (hire) verse clearly teaches the
Inability of anyone to do tight with-
out aid from on high. Jesus Christ
condemned stn In the flesh because,
by divine help, IIe lived a (11110e)) lite.
llis'agonI1htg cry on the cross, "1Vhy
hard. thou forsaken me?" indicates
Ills dependence (n1 help from above.
`in 10 tho flesh watt condemned be-
cause He time lived. Titus by divine
help, the righleottenres of the law
tusv be fulfilled In UN.
T�10 111111 verse shot's the differ -
erre between 3a sinner and 31 Chris -
111n, hetweel nn 1111(00verte(1 and
a converted m)u1.• There le 1011031 con-
troversy to these days even among
Rome preachers ate to what tamed-.
tutor et Christian. Our bastion says;
Cue (0110010 "the things of the (legit,"
the other "tin thing)) of the Spir-
it," The Inters( m( the one Is Set
on the (hinge of this world, that of
the other on the soul's eternal in-
t rl•eate.
Til{' 81X111 verse, give.' a eonclunion,
followed by the 13,18011 for smell a
oonelltllen. Carnally ninde(1 wank
death; spiritually minded mans
Iiia and mace. Christianity is a new
life in the world and in the convert.
Through ito benign influence the soul
Lae peace. Spiritual death, with all
that term lovolvee, reigns where sin
is dominant.
Andtllor corollary 1s thrown in, "So
then they 'that are h1 the 110gh 00 11 -
not please Hod" 'ILOst ties stale -
o wet 1313(83)1(3 dlaaterage some ome.
or he mt4)underelood, another
.thought le uddded, "But ye are not
In 1110 (lee11, bet in the Soh•it. If so
bb that the Spirit of God dwelled] in
Assurance of the resurrection ie
given, slneo the Name splril that
rnieed up ,frau( IN In Christians and
will quicken their mortal bodies. An
infallible murk of tarnshlp is given,
"Al many tie are nal by the Spirit
Of (.cal, they aro the sone of Got."(
What a privilege 010 enjoy, to be
guided by the divine Spirit 3.e we
journey 'through this world of N1111
.f. !Emory Coleman.
**V•,•••••••••N••II*** M
File laird haat been dc,x'rlb'd in
tit • pest. as "the owner of a pickle
IumL 1. lomp o' debt, a do •k 1,, and
gel go !igloo law plea," not to
13,3.1(11'31 01(3,•). email p.v'uliariti.eut-
Illbnlyd to the mantes wh:cll have.
'nest ly (it 111011i 134030 all• pncrrof
ter 34t('a111 engine.
T1s' real oi34•et of the "hIlad0ni'e"
e1' :(3Jes'1 ea,' the 1131,:, n •r 1f t'he
kink nud lh: llt,a•.'4)t auk a In 1111
that p v 1,1100,1 tik1relo in ;twiner
yeu14 TId0 was the none. potent
0(3t03 in laming the steady, 9a-
ea'i0,,:: ae.1 8'.1'11.11'.; qualiti'.13 tcit'.013
made Fife what it 10. The follow-
ing a113310b,•. Iouud nrar)7 yl'llr1 ago,
llhlslrau'>, 1111, latermst to kirk
-1 nr(c ndu14te3 had not been long
UI the 13)11133'1 w11011 It was whle-
p^rwt atlatut that he played the (Id-
(tl', and rumor, Tike the proverbial
(41owhall, gathered 111 site and
31103(44111313. The el lets 3)01,(1 not 30-
110( 011444 ht. longer. They 11:111 11
p111ate nuetl:'g, en 3 (loci lot 1134(0'1
a, d0111101.0011 10 Hoe If tilt.11' wale
any troth to the 33tery. By all !Ph
Other actions h' had 11ppr0tedhlm-
s,'lf a `'ltd o' grace,' (11)31 they felt
tat nn;thiug going wrong with
the minister would by a 1'efl-eti0n
on themselves.
.1r1hed et the lanes' they found
tirme Ives 111 au'.0 011l'0 1116' 90.3.
tion. .1I1 their 1:1e38 had got mixed
alp. which 1101o1'" starting 8 entad 130
(.1:111': eel matlere were not Im-
p3ored by lli'' kindly reception they
0t. 'tJu' painful 4u3jret had to be
fn.eed, mad nn old elder stumbled Into
the middy of the sentence he had
h'>'o 111e111111y plepa ring.
" ICs this way, 'you ser. R'o 4(001
want to be hard 911 )'OU, and we
caner in the ghn4mhl' jugt to Lae a
hit creek we ye privately anent
)( 13131'0 goon vein the parish, the' we
((33114('1'4 ((lana. hellOVP a word 0'13"
Tho n)luistcr here Interposed.
" Hrally 1 do not know what you
refer t1,.-' , e
" Oh, It'8 the 13(14110' we Lae 00010
31x001. It's rumored frau Paul to
L'rer,heba that you piny the fiddle."
" Well, my herniate," bald the min-
istry, "i hots' you will not condemn
the instrument nnbeard" ; and, Ids.:
il,g. Le left the room.
The deputation, if ht a mist before,
were dualb(on,ded now, and 111 last
one found "1''''h to bay, 'T1eanl you
,'ter nen like o' that('"
"I (loot it's been ower true, after
u'.' Reid another,
The miileter reappeared with a
Lass violin, and played Old hundred,
the solcnm (3(3(810 so acted on
ate worthy ,'.dere thatthey were
coaettetard to mid their 1'01000 to
the fine OW paaltn tune.
.lt the com'Iu11un the ndllg elder,
gro8plug the teleis ('1''8 hand, ex-
('1ahwrd, ".th• that's rt' richt. We've
Duct 11110111 10111101. Wo understood It
WON ane 0' that, tyre, Impudent, oklrl-
mean kieg, mischief -making, slo-
prol'oking 1110(1 0' the dill they play
at fairs wi'. That Was 1110 (13(1113" 0'
oor veeslt the nicht. As long 1,e ,ye
ltiek to that 1,11;, 10)0(0, honest In-
strument ye are 1n the richt tray:
-W. (3.
Our Idea rig that the breast of the
rabbit, n3(oly brownd, with (3(3137,
PrillOO better lark than 110 lei1 lend
f(.ot.-Ateler:on (;lois.
A Paln1,1 lint.
Belts are a 111I011 admired part of
Pt cry feshioilnhle hodtrr, Wald .1010111
much attention if one makes an,v
prelenee of dressing with tattle. AN a
01111 11111 example for home staking
select black 14:at113 or taffeta. Shape
the belt 011 n. proper foaedn.tIon to
11, mce11um width, fastening with or
without clasps In front. In the mid-
dle of the bark allow lone long Blen-
der tabs to tall down upon the eklrt
to the length of five inches. to'oe
to b'' bins silk also and rut narrow.
or 3(t the top than at the bottom.
Fntbt•oider in the middle of each tab
three white eflk et or (lowers Ind
Oriel) the 1ollom of each 111 11 30(111
a tow of double -face 3(133)13 satin rih-
boa 3(133 111(11 0301' eat inch 011'14.
hawgllg ht layers with two of more
ends. The effect Ig meet plr'3+iug:
and adds 311011 10 the beetouiugneNN
of every (('list One, tlosides it Otos
a security against nay w'eldentll
opening of the skirt placket.
The Vein 18e 1101 8.88(.1..
Detroit 1'r,,e l'r,".o
Joey -Mutt Is it r] former, Miele
Qnclo .km --A reformer, 1013, lo a
w•unlan w•ho (1e4.01.e3 her1e11 with en -
erne' th huoh(e148 which Is 110(3)' of her
Mrs. Laura L. Barnes, Wash.
ington, D. C., Ladies Auxiliary to
Burnside Post, No. 4, G. A. R.,
recommends Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
" lu diseases that comw to women only,
as a rule, the doctor is called in, some- .
times several doctors, but still treaters
go from bad to worse: but 1 have
never known of a case of female we3(k•
nese which was not helVt3 b when
Lydia E. 1'Inkhlun's enviable
Compound was used faithfully. For
young women who are subject to
headaches, backache, irregular or pain-
ful periods, and nervous attacks due to
the severe strain on the system by
flume organic trouble, end for women
of ttdvauoed years in the most trying
time of life, it Reeves to correct every
trouble and restore a healthy soti013 of
all organs of the body.
" Lydia ls.Pinkham'sVerret able
Compound is a household reliance
in my home, and I would not he with-
out it. In all my experie1we with 11119
medicine, which 0033,'3'0 year,, 1 haus
found nothing to count it and al-
wayareccmmmend it." -Tine. LAURA L.
1111111+$8, 3(07 Second St., 7. 10.'Nash-
111gton. D. C,-16000 forfeit if url(lna! of
ayoue letter proving genuineness carnal be produced
Such testimony' should be ao-
eepted by alt women 3(8 convin e
ing evidence that. Lydia I:.
Plnkhtun'o Vegetable Compound
stand' without a peer as 1t rem-
edy for all the distressing inset