The Blyth Standard, 1903-05-28, Page 3Because we arereat believers in qua(. stye we secure the best tea grown in Ceylon, -sealed in lead, and that's BlueRibbon Ceyion You get a little more value than you expect when you buy this tea. We want your continued orders. Blick, bliss 1. Cev in Green. Ask for Rod Label, FORTY CENTS-SHOVLO BE FIFTY 4 est ****************De GIPSY'S MARRIAGEiii• 1 4444444444.444•44, "Ie your master lit? 1 meet see haw immediately." Peter starts back with a stifled exclamation, Hero, of all men in the world to ask admittance to this Immo, stands Colonel Bryan 1 The old butler quivers with exclte- prat ; ho feels as if the honor of the Dermot), were lying in his h01118. Thu pride of the gond, old mama and the love of the old stock rises hotly with- in him. He draws up hie frail old fig- ure and bars the passage. "I do not think you con look for a welcome In this house, err," ins Saye, proudly. Colonel Bryan, laying his hands on tbo old mat's sliouidere, rushee him forcibly on one HMO. "Take me to your master 1" le all he says; and Peter, dumbfounded, obeys, and leads tho way to the lib- rary foaming with rage. "And it you meet your den tin 'tis only what you deserve I" b1, mutters, 81 ho hobbles along, with Colonel Bryan stalking after him. Throwing open tho library door, the old man announces, in a voice almost unintelligible: "Colonel Bryan, Sir Maurice!" For a moment tho old retainer Watches while Ills master leaps to his feet. lie sees the awful look of rage and emotion &weep over Maurice's face; and he hears Colonel Bryan exclaim lm quick, passionate tones "For heaven'& sake, Dermot, be- fore you speak, hear me!" And then Peter closes tine door gently, and retire to the dine (tall, to think matters quietly over by himself. Torn, fifteen, twenty minutes elapse, and no sound proceeds from behind that closed door. "in his grandfather's Ono a pair of pistols would havo settled it !" thiuks the old man, musing sadly over tho degeneration of twinkled. "It would havo been all finished be• fore breakfast, and tho disgrace to tho family nnmo wiped out ht blood. 011, dear, times aro sadly changed 1" The library door opens, and Sir Maurice canes down the long cor- ridor. "Peter' I" "Yes, Sir Maurice." "Ask her ladyship to come here a Moment." "Yes, $ir, Maurice." What ails the master'.' 1119 voice is all of a tremble! Ludy Dermot oltice atveeplO)( out of the drawing - room in answer to tho 81010110178, aad joins the mysterious pair in t; a lib- rary. Olt Pater is more fogged than over, and returns onco more to lhe con- sideration of the olden times. He nips the curiosity of one or two milds in the bud. They have Dame prying at the doors, and, with a reprimand, he dismisses them to their own regions. He may not be quite in the secrets o1( the family Mould! ; but Ito holds Cho 11dnor of the Demote to be a sub- ject above discussion 114 the servants' stall. At last the door opens again, and Sir Maerkte and Colonel Bryan came otic together. Nay, Colonel Bryan's arm Is even 'linked in Sir Maurice's ! •Old Pater absolutely reels to hie as- tonlslimcnl, 1110, for once In his life, feats a sensation nearly akin to con- tempt for his master. And yet what ham come to Sir Maurice? Ile looks transformed, radiant, and excited, .and his volae -what a glad ring it has when he speaks! Peter cannot catch the words -he ie too furious to rine so. He holds open the door, and w:,tches the two 9100 step out Into the shadow. "rood-nigilt. Ma moos my poor fel- low, good -night i" "Good -night, Bryan, Heaven blvs8 you 1" Is Sir Maurice gone mind, giving such a luttulgrip to tiro man who has ruined Ms hnppinrlw 1' The light shines full on Ids fare as he OOMPH hook into t140 hall. lie looks Tike a man Who has gone through some great mental excitement, ad a 11111,11 Might look wino has emddenly heard that scone dreadful to. 804 to not (true. He macho eight of the old man regarding trim cporn-tttouthrd, and he smiles itN he use.( to do long ago. "Peter, bring nil nine servants to the library. I have something to tell you ail( to -night." In they all arm's trooping, to sen her hulyel1ip, in beaming state of agitation, standing by her son, whose face iH pale with emotion. "You are all here, every one of you?" ho begins, very uulstcadtly. "Y.es, 3tr Maurtae," Lady Dermot Walks down and cov- e* her eyes with her halal. "My friends," Sir Maurice oan- Values, 81i11 with the strange trem- bling in ids voice, "I want you all to help me to undo a great and cruel THOUNANt)5 OF ;110'1'I1F;It!i Recommend Baby's Own Tablets. "1 would not bo without them," Is a very lam'Ilar s:utence in their let- ters to us. The Tablets got this praise simply because no other medi- cine has ever done so much in re- lieving and curing the minor ailments of infante and young children. Mre. Levi Perry, ltosoway, N. S., Bays: "I take great pleasure In re- commending Baby's Own Tablets for colic and constipation, I have never found anything to equal them for these troubleg" Besides curing col - lc, constipation and indigestion, I14aby's Own Tablets prevent croup, hrutk up colds, expel worms, altar the irritation accompanying the cut- ting of teeth, sweeten the stomach and promote health -giving sleep. Guaranteed to contain neither opi- titoe nor other harmful drugs. Sold at 21; cents a box by all druggists or may be lout by writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. v -long. I want to tell you all that to -marrow I am going to bring home and ask pardon and forgive- ness of my true and dear, dear wife!" A thrill passes thtrrugh rho las8em• Med groups. The malls begin to cry. $h Maurice holds up lids hand to enforce silence, and to very few words tells the sto.y of the unhappy mistake, and when he has finished there are teare In hie own eyes and loud sobs Dome from the Her - vents. That a rather pretty house- maid requires bodily support from the stalwart arm of an attractive young footman, is hardly to be won - doted at In t1* very trying cle- calmetanoes. Old Peter Is the first to break the olleioe. Holding up hie withered hands he ernes, In quavering accents: "Thank Heaven for this night, thank Heaven." "Amen 1" echoes Sir Maurice. mit-- ly ; and then, with a murmur of nom. menta and blessings, the d0me81109 file out, and retire to discuss the wonderful event of the day. Peter remains behind for a mo. went and approaches his master timidly. 'I want to tell you. Sir Maurloe, that there is not one of 8, Good Paint not only beautifies but protects and preserves. Ramsay's Paints have brilli- ancy and durability which make them the most economical to use. Ramsay's Paints are good Paints. W rite1,a. mentioning this paper, for booklet showiq how some beautiful lime* are palated with our pa OAS. A. RAMOAY &110N. .81sT , MONTREAL. PALPALI Aix THIS RIG KT PAlI$T AFW TO 'PAINT RIGHT, '1,l ('0('11) NOT VS ALIO .t voting' lady 'yells the 'inmost. she soared Irmo Ifheumnt ism. Miss is V1 Ie I tale y1a'Jot• Hartland, NII. is, . ol, I the t �hotsrna ls who houe p1o1ed that Il)'. Williams' fink pills will rare rlteuumt1Hut. Miss MaiOr '8:y4: "1 sufford front rho trouble far n,'arly a year. 1 head the advice 11 21 doctor or Ind took his medicine, but it ,lid not help lzn. Tho trouble 11110 located chiefly in my anslea 111,1 the pale I suffered at rimae ons litense• As 0 mutter of filet a 1 times 1 was gnit0 unable to walk blue, the room, ;anti for some six, months 1 was oonftned to the house. I itsod Ituiments and other medi- cine,: prererihnxl for rheumatism, but they dhl Ina no good. Then 80910 of may ft lends urged In to try Dr. Wil- liams' fink fills. 111((01 on their ad) Ice 1111(1 1t"fore I 110.11 used three boxes 1 bog: 2: to feel better. I took nine boxu8 of the pills altogether, ewe before 1 finished the last box 001 :t trace 01 the trouble remained, 1t is 1910 nearly 1 too years since I took the pills and a1( there 111118 not Mon a 'symptom of the trouble since it proves that the pills mike p40- 710 ((1 :1 rotes." RhfIlion tiont is a disease of the blood and can only be, cured by treats lug 11 through the blood. That Is why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills always cure this trouble. Goof( blood makes every organ In the body strong and healthy, and 440 every dose of Dr. 11'11;10 Ins' Pink P111e make pure, rich blood. It follows that they cure Heel) ti 011ble1 1,H anaemia, neuralgia, in- digestion, heart trouble, kidney all - !netts, erysipelas, the after effects of i,n grippe 'and fevers, etc. They also (1, 1(141 and cure, tie ailments from which 80 wally women con- stantly suffer. Nee that you get the gecnino pills told] the full name. "1)r. Wlth:unH fink 1'1118 for Palo Peo- ple." or the wrapper arses( every bar Sold by all mediclue deters or split post paid at NO cents a boo or sls 1010)0 for $250, by writing the Dr. \1'illiiiMy hIdlelne ('o., Brockville, Ontario. us here tills night but will do our humble beet to help our deur young mistress to forget all the sorrow and trouble elle has undergone," "Thank you, Peter, thank you 1" shaking the old man cordially by Rho hound. And then Sir Maurice and hie mother are left alone, their minds ono whirlwind of excitement. In her heart Lady Dermot i1( almost sorry at the strange turn matters have taken. The story eeem8 so wili- ly tmprolbable. Two slaters, mistak- en Identity, and a aocret marriage! How incredible! what will every- body say 1 How 7011( the world take it ? So her thoughts run. "Colonel Bryan -secret marriage - Sibyl doaerted-eccentric uncle-con- eeltlment of marriage! 1 see it all! 4i'crot visits from Sibyl to Gipsy mistak,u identity 1 My dear Maurice the whale mistake 1s most natural; but whey your wife should have 441107011 sash are utter want of confidence in you 1 clutnot imagine." "!t Was my fault," he answers, walking up and down in strong agi- tation. "Gipsy was afraid to tell me, and to think of what 1010 1111111f have suffered, mother:" Ito cries, passion- tttety. "1t, tho wretched totsues of our neigibore had beets leas busy about my affairs, it could never 19109 happened. Yat know what you told mo 011 the day I reecho! Queenstown ; you know the pile of damning evidence that had boon collected. And I --ort, heaven, 1 believed it all, every word. And ohm sato come to me -my wife. my darling -I drove her away, and would not let her speak ; and I cursed her, and sett her out Into the world nlono; and I swore before heaven that she should never see our baby again. And look how my curse came back to me. Oh, Gipsy, Gipsy 1" ho cries, sitting down and hiding Ills faco and writhing with an agony of remorse and self-reproach. "1, who should have believed In her 144 I believed 111 Heaven -and to think 1 eureed her." "1 consider Colonel Bryan the one to blame," puts in Lady Dermot, pre- sently. "It was a most extraordi- nary proceeding for hlm to con- 0en1 the marriage and deceive his wife a48 110 did, deter Meurloe. The w•hola miserable business hue 1)000 at chapter of accidents from begin- ning to end, and how we tiro to ex, plain it to everybody is more tion I Nth uaderstnnd.,, Then she brings forward a practi- cal question. "Have you any idea where your wife Is?" This opens a new field for wonder and Ionjecture. Lady Dermot calmly cor.eldere the possibility of Gipsy's laving died In 1110 meantime. " If she had been living„ the should certainly have heard of her," ale itrgUe8, and almost hopes that 611,11 tvill be the wase; It would simplify matters greatly. Al It is, the en- IdanatlOns will be something fearful. To have to prove suddenly that a. man's wife never ran away at all, and thnt the whole has been rt case of Mistaken bleat Ity, savors tot much of the marvels of romance to suit Lady Dermot. But Sir Mnnttee lit ks of nothing but. hie wife. To fly to her at once is his one idea -to search to the worlP8 end till Its finds her Is tale solo thought that occupies Iiitn. He thieks of her as ho saw her Inst, her taco filled with a reproach mentor - aide: he Lignite of her as slue knelt titse t t,t and ie pleaded forher child 1 Ih d and hie heart 811,e118 10 bursting, attd Ito feels that a lifetime would be too short to try to atone for Foal( a wrong as that. Ho thinks of her as, on that awful night, she went out into the rain and darkness cursed by the lips ebo had loved 44o well. 01 its self-abasement and remorse he Makes no allowance for hie own feelings at that terrible time. loo money, and uo home! Gond heaven, what a brute he had been 1 Great drops stand out upon lee fore - stead 88 he realises what Gipsy's fate might have been. • Ho heart hls mother suggesting advertisements and detective officers, and, like a man In a dream, lie listens, but cannot think. Then he remembers the tat- ters that came to Ill as-' 1147 o t 918 c , t 1 c m I I th., drawer at ones. and lays rho peoket In his mother's lap. "Bead those, whish, if 1 11:141 opened them long ago, W011111 hew), told tho truth. They tire from Sibs Then like a flash comes the thought of Uncle lien's house. " I will go there first," he saps, decisively, roused by the thought of actlon. ''Where else could site have gone 1" Lady Dermot shoals n fray tears over the letters. "Poor Gipsy 1" she sn1d, grnttly. "Zloty we all have nilsjndgrd tor!" By midnight sho has written a pile of letters to dear friends, giving to each ()ii] 1811 a sketch of the, real facts. Also by her agency there will nest week nppoatr In the enclety papers an nceount of title most ro- mantic affair In high life. nor son's wife has been publicly condemned, and must fro publicly received onco moro into) the nrnn4 of a penitent commu- nity. That night the key tarns in tho lock of Glpsy'e room, which has not been (ipotesi since the night that Sir Maurice turned itis wife out of tiro house. Ile, stands with hushed breath now upon the threshold, and then enters very softly, looking in as If ho al - moot expected to see the 8we01 farm lying on rho pillows a1( In the cid, 1. It lea strange and wonderful time tuappp days of married 11(0. altogether. ML•s. Blake lies !ns0n• Alt, no -tire room, 8trikcs damp and sible, with two doctors in attend. chill like a chamber of the dead! The anise. and Flora with a marblo face, white moonlight struggles in through watching her. As for 1110 rest of the shutters. Ile• ()WON the windows the world, they do not know exact. wide, uud the, white light floods the ly whether they ought to forgive roost. Gipsy or to b'.' for1lvun themselves; It Is all as sho left 11 that night; and the tennis club during these the dinner -dress still lies across the bed, and tho light talk on all the llttio ornaments and knicknack9 that speak Ho forcibly of Gipsy. A gro- ere aro ringing violently -Mrs. Blake 18 in hysterics. "A 111, my dear," declares Mrs. Bryan, looking at the stony, sot countenance of Mise Bloke, "Throw mono cold water over cor, and :W- ylie) - 0147 herrot t to publish 1 ubl ),h your re- fusal of our (cloud Maurice to the world" - sending at the same time one lightning glance toward I w.t the white, disdainful o 1 ul fn c In ! xak g back .tok 1,t her. Flora has heard, and knows, 141141 Hayti nothing; and the Bryan Court brougham rolls on, on Its mission to Drtumtncon Castle this time, to con- dole or rejoice with Lady Dermot, as the 044847 may be. Tito dowager rises equal to the oo= mottos Perfectly dressed, and with no disturb/Ince of manner, she greets her guest, rand takes both the old I1:ulds in her close, steady clasp. "My dear old friend, how good of you to come! And now I want, to hoer all talent Sibyl and your nephew. My boy has flown to Ids wife -our poor little Gipsy I What a strange thing It all le 1" All this ie beautifully said; but the quivering of her ladyship's lips tells her listener tient her oast) of man- ner is assumed. "If Sibyl Is ns Moo 148 Gipsy, f shall be delighted," she says, heartily. "1 may bo arose old soul ; buti Lady Dermot, I always liked your son's wife." Lady Dermot turns away her smooth cheek and sighs softly. "My poor Manlier -what he hoe suffered 1" • • • • tesquo toy site bought for tlto baby stands upon a little table to rho window, Sir Maurice looks all round at everything; and surely all Gipsy suf- foreil cannot equal the torment of self-reproach Ito Is enduring now 1 "Wife -my wife 1" ho grates, think- ing or all the l08t months of happi- 1010e. '''011, Gipsy, Gipsy l" -whisper- ing her name aloud. And then he thinks of the poor, little dead baht', the child that Gipsy loved so well; and even Gipsy will never quite understand all her hus- band goes through this eight. CHAPTER XL. The whole country 10 repenting In sackcloth and a811e11. Once more the carriages bowl along the sunshiny toads from house to house, ami friends and ucighlsos discuss and comment on this most caraordinary turn that affairs have oaken. Old Mrs. Itryan ilrst of all drives straight to Rivers -no one shall tell rho Blokes but herself. Tho bitter old ereuture has arrayed herself In is Poupadotr sateen of gorgeous col- ors, with crimson ribbons in her bon- net, and, looking like a demented old oral!, whirls gieefullly on her errand. To see iter chuckling to herself is a sight ; 011 sot who could think that she, is the same old lady who told Glpsy Uro unhappy love -story of her 1 youth 1 lIrs, Bioko la at home, and listens, .1bsotuttly paralyzed, to the account of that awful uud ovcrwhclming 011 take whim! everyone has made, a sneering smile curling her lips, '1 shall believe It. when 1 see the two sisters together,' sole remarks, quivering all over with excitement; whereupon Mrs, Bryan tells her with alacrity that she will tont MIND that pleasure, 118 t'ol• Bryan is bringing his wife to Bryan Court imm�liattIy. "You see, toy dear, his old uncle I8 dead, and 11118 loft him everything; s0 there is no Hoed for hlln to con- ceal his marriage any longer." Mrs. Bioko turns 11tid, and laughs unpleasantly. "How tortuuato that Flora re- alm remarks, with a sortfused$of gaauspb. "Very, for Flora," stags tin old lady, viciously, snapping her calm• eon ribbons valiantly. Ie another 90em1,1 the 0(1119 at Itiv - tlayH is a hotbed of conversation. A perfeet babel of '.ungues rises and falls from morning tilt night. It Is n. subject of engrossing interest, and also too wonderful to bo believed. Those who wore quickest and hot• test to condemn Sir Maurice'o wife aro first and foremost now to re. (1011'), her again with open arms. "Perhaps sole won't like to wino back," somebody says; and hors. Bryan makes answer: And why shouldn't she like to come back? Sir Mau• rice's wile did nothing to be nsham- od of. The question le, dare we Lace her?" This observation gives rise to e1 perfect hurricane of other remark', and every one Stands on Ids dignity for s0200 moments. (To be Oontlnurxd.) FEARFUL, She -Ho used to think he ons the hundlsommit man in tho city. He-Whalt changed his opinion ? She -He once saw his face painted on a political banner. 'rho average man clings tenaciously to Ids own opinions, bad he expects other people to change theirs. eak Stomach in the Spring Indigestion and Dyspepsia (he Nat ural Result of Exhausted Nerves end Week, Watery Blood - Most people Huffer more or ,less from stonnelt weak11080, indigestion and lose of uppetiti ht the spring, but many 41s) mol 1191.11Z(` that this monition of affairs is dun to 14)10 vitnllty, poorness of the blood, and exhausted nerves., The digestive urga:us, like the other organs of tit11 body, are en- titely dependent on the nervous system for the energy or power whfeh enables thein to perform Bach' functions. Without this the digestive fluids do not thaw, the muscular contraction and motion of the stomach Is weak mad irregu- lar, and consequently arise Indi- gestion, headaches, dizzy 61(1101, sleeplessness and other dtstress:ng symptoms, tablets, Di estivo g ablate. pepsin and sur.h treatments eon never do more than afford temporary relief. lay their continued use to effect 1IgoolIon the muscles of the stomachs waste away for avant of exercl1lo, the nat- ural digestive fluids 01.81, to flaw, and tine ailment becomes chronir and serious . Dr, Close's Nerve Food rues in- digestion and tlyapepsin Into as it cures other aliments, by making the blood rich and creating now nerve force -the vital power which runs the machinery of the body. , Ur, Chase's Nerve Food Mre, M. A. Sharp, No. 1111 Deblls 1 street, 1'oterborough, Ord,, writes: "For some years t was trouhld with Indigestion, 'II ,•h develolmd tato nervous dyapepsl1t, and be- sldeH suffering from nervousness, strange dizzy spells would come over me. flooring of the good re- sults obtained from Dr. Cimino* Nerve Fool, f decile! to try it. After a pretty thorough test of this Medal/le 1 CH 11 scot that 1 never need anything th.,l did ins Ho MAIM goal, Il monad to Is. She very treatment that 1 masted, mud as it result id' its nee 1 anon quits restore( to health." By noting you' increase lu w.lght while using this great food sura you can prove that new, Orin (!roti and ti80u0 ie being :,lard to the body. The appetite ie uleu { rd, digestion toil n*si1,!Ialh91 are aro. permed, the form rowels out, the ruddy glow rolurns to the, cheeks, 1211,1 in every wary there is evidence that the eyst)nt is loing reslnrrd turd built up. Dr. Chase's Nerve Foal, fG rents It box, 0 boots for $2'101, at kit Healers, or Ednran18011 Bates & Co„ Toronto, To protect you agtstnet Imitations, the portrait and sigsa- turtr of Dr. .i, W. Chase, the famous receipt book author, ars 08 every bei f•-,