The Blyth Standard, 1903-05-28, Page 1Meier Voir, XVI. tutb a bath. BLYTJL ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 28, t903. No. 42. %) ) enthusiastic ,Oranoeman and took part in mere than Pun Orange riot, lie Was twice merrier!, Host about 53 year* ago. Hy his first wife lie had 1 t children, of whom nine survive. They are Donald and Joseph resident here and Jake who hes been iti the Yukon for the putt five rear*i Mrs, George and Mr a. ,101)11 liuox,of Gaynor, Michigan; Mrs. Rob- ert Moore, of Moose Jaw: Mrs, Robert Aikens, of Balder; Mrs. Thomas Hug - mini 1 and Mrs, Andrew Turnbull, of Itathwell, end Mrs. W., J. t'ergasol, of (i lotboro'. Mrs, 'I'tnnbnll, Mrs. Hug- gard and Mre, Aikins aero rhe only /nee besides those resident here who were able to be present at the funeral, wEBTFIILD. elm -mug, 21th passed off Very ttnietly here. The *11th(*! ire Greens townil that oat usually Kehl here ou I he 1101 will be hold later ou. The date tired ni the present time is .1nly lat.,., Ileo. Wm. Haugh, a former pastor, will ff reach here ou June 7th at 2.30 p.m„ Rev. T.. B.Couplsud being absent at con- ferep¢e.; ,.Mr, and illrs, w'. k'. Camp- bell .,. istit Sundey with Hallett friends. Mctulloelt, at'., who spent the past week visiting her daughter, Mrs. Robert Buchanan, has returned to her home in Sunshine.... Mr, 11. 1. Morrish at the teachers' eouvrntioo at Ex- eter last Friday. Miss f,snro Rryilges also attended aha eonvoution Mrs, ,Archie Tanney, 01 Blyth, is at present visiting yelstfvet .ere Miss Ale'f'av- ish, of Wiugluun, and Mr. 1lore.e Sow- ). r, e' - hu•, of t(loJt rich coli/ F;iate Itistiltlte, are visitors et the hqute of Mr, sad Mrs. George Sowtar...,'fhe youngest daugb• ter of Aar, ,iatyes 'fumes is seriously ill front the efeets of swallowing a one - cant lace Inst week ,,..Mt,. Witt. Me - Lai ty is laid Nap with a sore foot a' pres- ent.... Mr. 1 ergusolt is engaged with Mr. 1N,4sley r'aeeuw 11r. Win. Her- riton, of Lmikuow, is a yisitor in our burg, hrltig a great of bis dau4hter, Mrs, Wet. Cenµlbell, 1t :1V. A. Mt'LEAN, 1).1). We present to ntu' 3:ceders UM: ,Neck a rcW-odtia,ien of one of the latest photographs of Bev. A. McLean, who recently received the honorary slegree of Docuor of Divinity et the annual convocation 14' Queen's ?paver - pity, Kingston. The degree was conferred by the chancellor, Sir Swndlord Fleming. Rev, A. Mcl,enn gradnated frnni Knox college, Toronto, 37 vt•ars ago. $liorefy after tits graduation he was called tit Barrie and also to Rlyt.b and ,)eigrnve, Ile accepted tate letter can and was ordained and iudueted on November 6th, 18811, and has alwaye remained with his first love. Shortly after his induction he wits appointed clerk of the Presbytery of Huron and atilt holds the office. in 1877 Blyth becvtue self-sustaining and wits senor. Med from Belgrave, Mr. Mclean remaining (is minister of the former. He was elected moderator of the Idyttod of Iluutjittyt tit London In 1890. lie hes bten very successful in dealing with tie young, and daring his long ministry has been a lino example of a faithtul and, in the best aunse, of a suacetiaful minister, AUBURN. LAWN Semis—'1'o celebrate the first - anniversary of Rev. .1. L. Small's itt- &notion, the Ladies' Aid of Knox church, Auburn, will hold a lawn social on the manse grounds un Wednesday evening, June tlyd, Supper will be ser- ved and other refreshments will be on rayls. A good megrim' is being pre- tp,red. Admission: Adults, 15 cent.; phrldren, 10 cents, fottA1.N—ltoy.'1'.14. Coupland and r, John Knox attended the Methodist Iliatriot meeting in Clinton lest week. .,Mars. Jelin Knorr is visiting her sou, Albert, at druee(ield itnv. M. J. • W11eop end Mr, H. Snyder, of Nile, stalled in t'he village last week..,. Mr. 'S, Uowed and Mims della islet oneld, of 'Loudon 1a1;ent Victoria day Eher'e..,. Mr, 'Frank R'.tlunIo is home frotpg Varsity enjbvinttltievacation '..,.Mr J(btu Mote lied his (anvil, together again 011 Sun• "(lay—David .Aron from 'Dungannon 'anti' Martha front ,Olinton. M'e. and idle. T. ($,ark, of Dungan- non, visited the Iettte5'w {parents on Sen - day i..,,Me. 0, F. Yourigbint, of lien - 'eel', gsv'e our village a call on Victora, day...'. Mr. 0. Wenzel all 1 M'r, ,1. L. Eldr, old residents of Auburn, vieitell friends here Sunday and Mbudmy.... -Rumor says we, are to 11x11'0 another electric plant. • MORRI$. Mirages.—Miss •Ferh Ryan, of Cleve- land, le visiting at the house of the •.hexes Maciuniet....Mc, Jnlnes Gibetou went to London on Prides. morning. He will undergo au'operation for nn 'internal trouble in one of the hospitals in that city. ' DEATII 05 Joto BARKER. 'fhe Glen - bolo' (Manitobtl) Gazette gives the fol- lowing particulars of the death of et for - frier Morrisite:—The death occupied last Sunday evening, after a brie( ill- ness, of Mr. John Barker, one of the. 'pioneers of this district mud one of its beet kttowu farmers. Ile ,vas as well sa usual the Mo•day previons find •st&yed out till rather bite in the evening superintending the sinking t ( a vaelt. On coming in the house he experienced A chill end could not get warmed up. The cold thus contracted settled in his kidneys and from that time un until he 'died he suffered iutem:ely, though all that tender nursing and medical skill could do was done for bile. lie pestleed away on Sunday evening et six o'clock. The funeral took place on Tuesday to the (Bellcore cemetery, there being a Marge attett'lenee. The burial rites of the Methodist church were performed by the Iter'. It. 1'. Spence, after whirls the beautiful and impressive burial ser- vice of the Overige order watt gone through by the Cypress Orange lotlte. The all -bearers were Messrs. W. Robb, 1). Mowat and W. Coombe, of Cypress River, and Messrs. Jonas Christie, 1V. If, Elty and Wm. Yeo, of Ulenhoro'. The deceased was born iti Monaghan county, Ireland, about 84 years ago, At Lit years of age he emigrated to Canada and steembonted for several years around Kingston. He thea moved tip near Toronto ami cleared a farm in Om* township. In 156 he moved to Morris township, Huron county, where he cleared another farm, and where lie remained until he immigrated to this county about 12 bears ago. He ares an :t•t•••••t •••••••• •••••'i j IlREAVEk'S i I Art Gallery t1•• • • • • • Phi O • TOS•• • • of every' kind end f'uish, The t Sepia and Olive tiuishee ere very • poj,lilar at present. • Priya, light Will eatisfinetiot • guarantee.!. • •• • • • ALL SORTS OF ViEWS TAKEN. ••• • • • • • • • BANK OF HAMILTON Capital, all paid tile, $2,000,ono. Reserve, $1,600,000. 'Total Assets, over $20,000,000. JAN IS TURNBULL, GENERAL (MANAGER. BLYTll AGENCY. Notes Discounted anti Collected. Drafts issued, General Ranking Business Transacted. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Sums of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed compounded half yearly. T, W. SCOTT, AGENT. BELGRAVE. \VAtpa —Victoria day passed off very quietly, there being no celebration here. Quite a number took adveutege of the holidey and visited friends here, among the needier were 1,L•. and Mrs. 1. Per- t•in, of Clinton, former residents of this place, and Mrs. MrQ etdg, of Orange- ville, mister of Mr. 1WWVnt. Wray. 1i1r. Allan Wheeler, of Wingham, and 131r. Roy Wheeler, of Blytie, also visited their 'Armes during the iholidays.... Mr. and Mrs. llnmel gedl4es visited friends in Luckeiew and took Its thecate- la•atiou there on Monday Mr. Writ. Irewreµce, alio has apeytt the Imo. few years itt Buffalo, has returno4 horse le very poor lletlt It, the effect of a severe rolai taken huff. fall and which has set- tled ou his lungs. His many alt friends, for ire was et general favorite, !tope he may soon be restored to his former heaitll.... M e, David Ferrier has hetet iu failitik hearth for sometime and is now very P1. Shell hopes are enter - tailed of her r'ee,overy....Miss }fella Sproat lett here fact Saturday for Da-, kens, where she jutetide to spend the slimmer visiting with frieteds. Her rnany friends here wieh Iter a safe jour- ney and a pleasant visit ....The grano- lithie platform snit walk in from of the Foresters' hall are completed and are a credit to the men who laid thein.... Mr. John Armstrong again wears a happy smile—tabic time its a colt, Amateurs' Supplies on Miall!. Call and see us, • • • 1111 • • T. B. 1V4cARTER, •• HINTII. • ••••••••• • ••• ••••••••• r NILE. OonVA11 STONE: 1.5111((x.--'1'be corner stone laying of the new Methodist church et Nile will be held on .tune Nth at 2.ii0 p.tu. Rev. Dr, Daniel, chair- man of the Goderieh district, will be iu charge of ceremonies,, Stones will be bald in behalf of the cnugregatiou, trus- tee board, Sabbath school and Epworth lelgtte by Mr. W. C. Myers, of Sagi- tlaw, Michigan, formerly of Uliptoh, a y000p man of rising abilit.v at d deep devotion 10 the church and Mese is mortice; Mr. Will. Dullerty, of tate first of Messrs. 11'. Doherty A Co„ orgau manufacturers, Cliettct, a at andard bear- er in Methodism, with loving thought, word and deed for the Master's service, especially esteemed in Wesley (hurch, Clinton; Mr, Charles Giron, of Nile, whose loyal heart and generous nand have had much to /10 with the el ectiOlt of the new ch't ch, and Mr. John Joynt, of Lucknow, 0 011111 known widely itt business circles and an honored teams in Mehodisul. A special feature of the program will be the music by tlie fanlous 1)(Moldy quartette, the Auburn band, 9ltsara. '!'snit*! !Eros„ of Carlow, the i tt orchestra. dres s ti Nile choir midAddresses by the layers of the stones and Rev, A. 0, Berrie, of leteknow; Rev. S. M, 1C'lutley, KA., of St. 111/015, and lieu. Ur. Daniel, of Goderich. Short addres- ses by Messrs, R. Holmes, M.P., 4 _ pj):j�ern, M. 0. Cameo'', M,P,P., and slemes stitched. Supper served front fqur 10 six p.m. at 25 cents, lee create and 1ahtlouade at, Wands. Snrrouirding ministers invited to a piece on the plat- form. • MULLETT. 11's.uh;tst. 13ra.l.s.—A very pretty but quiet weddiug took phao at the rest - (1011,o3 d Mr. ,!antes Webster, lot 37, con. t), linllett, eu 1Veduesduy last, when 1116 sister, Aliso Jennie Webster, became united iti matrimony to 91r. Martin lilcMemel, of Morris township, The nuptial knot was tied by Rey. J. L. small, B.A., of Auburn, The bride Watt brunt If attired itt white organdie. About m guests sat down to a sump - THE CREAT CASH STORE /A ew Millinery --w 11111111/11 raj New Millinery May is always a vary busy month in the 'Mill- inery department dud never hire have we had better value than at the present time. The Trim- med Millinery that we are turning out is simply marvellous. See our special May prices. MORE NEW BLOUSES t,t hand. `Se;,: ihrm while we have your size, Al';) Ladies' 1Vcw' `skirts in linea and duck, the latest styles. Some special har rigs in I.atlics' \1`hin:w(';tr MORE NEW HATS. gust received in felt ;and straw for men and boys. Wo con handle any gyantlty of Eggs In exchange fop goods. Bring them In and get good, big pvl46 fie( then. Solite excellent values in the — Boot and Shoe Department SPC tin: snaps we have' in Prints this week, D. M. Mc8EATH PRETOBLOCKR'A h' ;TJt r L"rEr! . 5; `f !i: f `f "t?rr! -!F4'`G 41 -4 rif `4, Mous dinner, The presents Acre num- erous and useful, showing thea: totau in which the bride was held. Alr. and Aire. Richmond left, Londosboro on the 4.1.0 trait to spend their honeymoon in London. A Most :tt Govt*.—Another old en( highly esteemed pioneer of this town- ship passed aortas ahOnt One o'010ck On Monday morning, in the person of Mr. Matthew' Hasselwood. The third stroke of pernly'sis was the cause of death. WAN 1) Yorkshire, Deceased wa ohm in i'ohksut6, Eng- land, nearly Pt years ago and came to Canada in 19:,t, first settling in CIhin- guaeousy township, Peel comity, where he remained one year, then ehnving to Hallett, where he resided until the day of his death. His wife, whore he 1111i • rigid in.the ofd country, survives Liar with et family of Live sons and six daughter.:. 'fife children are George Matthew, Jellies and John, of Hater Thonuts, of LLoudesher°; Nits. Maps Craig, of Mortis; Mrs. Stroll hone, of Carlow; 0c'. Anna Meld, of 't- tv- bridge; Mrs.l:lizebetb liow;it, of Hol- bert; Mrs. )!edit! Callison, of Ilullolt, and Nletiida at home. N(r, Hassolw'ood was a member of the ("Imo It of litielatut and a Liborsl in 'Allies. Ile always majored pend health moil he reedy :11 the first sit nko of tiaralysis a few ,feat's ago, The funeral to.'li (,!ace yesterday afternoon frnni his late residence n) Burns' church noNotery and was largely attotoled. rr;ely- attontittd, 'rhe funeral sanire et the house and grave %yes colul u•red by ke, , J. A, Hamilton. M.A., pastor of Lou- deshoro Preellyitrien church, 'I'o (lo, bereaved widow and children isextonded lie large shut.) of :il'lllpetlly. EXETER, 1Vt:out�p; Rta.l,x.—A tory pretty atol e bashioe tI o I I, w &ding tusk phuler+u IVu,I- ne..,lat of last wcl'k at three o'clock in St. Panl'schurrlt,Liitjsay,when fettle, only daughter of Mrs. Wm. Russell, was auntie& to Her. It. J. Al. Perkins, NLA., rector of '11-isilt Memorial c110, 3, Exeter, The venom/eV tv,' 'rfurnted by lies. Rural D101 !dm, The I,r ido, who was given away'. , _ 1. R. lilt.tw ll, of 'Perot, u wit, .. µwe t1 tthil silk voile eve] taffeta, NI iss i, rtl a Ie Browne, 1. sx y, and Mice Mande Alan 'Peron,.), acted as bridesunttd croon pylar asaistud by Rep..1. 1', _ Eyck, of Hamilton. Sir. 111111 Mn;. I: tis left for l-'hicagn mud other l in 1 h west, - The will of the late Mr. 11. S'• 11'uud, of laud+m, ,1nspnsete of en of wast& pl. The pro ,erl5• rhitdreu and grrtudcllillren.