The Clinton New Era, 1898-06-10, Page 7TRE CLINTON NEW ERA •
Keeping healthy means looking after the
disorders that ninety-nine men in a bun -
,*ed neglect. You cannot gei the-veragge,
e#Ie day man to believe that indipreetlon
or biliousness, or costiveness or hgadache
i`le•s of sleep or ap attic, or shakiness in
` he morning and d2ness through't'he day
amount to much atiftay. He will " pooh,
ooh " at you, until some morning he
akee up and finds himself sick abed.
ken he'wlll send for a doctor and find out
fiis s prise that all these disorders have
n bit thG danger signals of a big malady
Iran robbed him of his health, possibly
It may be consumption or nerv-
tratlon or malaria or rheumatism
blood or in disgase. It matters
ley all have their inception in the
came neglected disorders. Dr. Pierce's
olden Medical Discoveiy makes the ap.
petite k ert the digestion erfect the liver
P 8
grtetive alae blood pure, the nerves steady
grid giyea sound and refreshing sic t
g"ree,t blood -maker and Rech -b lder.
'Tt cures 98 er cent. of all cases o con-
',lumpt}on. In fact brondhial, throat siitd
ung affections generally yield to It.- Meii-
delne stores sell it.
One or two qt bedtime pre constipation
Dr. Pierce's Pidasant PelVta, They ftgu-
ato ttod Invig6l4te tits-afolnaFll, iive:t find
They Saw the Real England.
A New Year's calor seemed to have fallen
npon'h certain village not 20 miles from
London as three American tourists strolled
through it. Not a soul was abroad save
the goose and fowls on the common.
"This," said the Americans, "fn real Plug -
Mail." ' And they turned up a muddy by
lane to sniff England's New Year's peace to
tho full. In doing so they stumbled upon
an antique cottage with a quaint board
over the door. They approached to inspect
the board, and from the inside of the act-
tago came the sound of about 20 yokels'
voices, all differently drunk. "This,"
said the Americans, "Is more !teal ESS-
Ladd. —London Globe.
The injection of morphine is a habit
that is unfortunately on the increase in
France, especially among the middle
classes. On statistics furnished by the
pharmacists it is estimated that there are
In Paris at least 50, 000 victimsof'tho raor-
phino habit, the majority of whom are
fors ass s CO any owns p p
for of such premises and undertakes to
render the same free from the visitation of
such spirits, be their cause what it may,
and render them tenantable and useful to
the proprietors. Letters addressed to the
Rev. John Jones, 80 St. Martin's lane, duly
answered and interview given if required.
N. B.—Rooms rendered bnblts6blo in six
days. "—London Sketch.
Macaulay's Memory.
Archdeacon Farrar in a recent reminis-
ounee says that when a young man he
heard .Ma.caulaq name every woman who
had been executed in England. He was
ihes asked it he could name all of the
arohblahops. "Oh, yesl" hereplied. "Any
1 d that) The archdeacon
b y could o
says that Macaulay's memory made him
the most wonderfully informed man that
ever lived.
Children Cry for
rkc- mcd1wa� The New Footman. d RHEUMATISM
Fun accrue all the funnier wlwn coming
from the Quakers, becttuso it is unlocked
for and in contrast with their usual sobrl-
Is caused b Uric Acid and other im-
ety. For instance, what could be funnier y
than the method used by Nicholas Wain, Purities lingering in the blood, which
a gifted minister of the Frionds, who lived Nave not been littered out by the Kid- i
in Philadelphia during the last century, to p ys hough the urine. The seat of
mortify the carnal pride of his wife? The tale trouble is not rn the ekin or mus- i
Do you understand jest what Dr. J. C. story as told in The Christian Standard is cies. It's sick gidne�ys. Electricity,
Ayees medicines will do for you? Are 8 follows: ,a cements or plasters wrli not reach the
they helping you as fast as you think they The wife of Nicholas Wain was an only
case. But the disease can be
ought? Write to our doctor. He will daughter, and for those days possessed a
answer all qudstions, and give you the very large inheritance. She thought it
would be suitable to her wealth and sta-
best medical advice, absolutely free. tion to have a footman behind her car -
Address the J. C. Ayer Co. Lowell Mass. riage. This wish being frequently ox- I had terrible pains in my back and my water
y + was thick and muddy. I was all broken up
pressed, her husband at last promised to and in poor health generally. Two boxes of
comply with it. Dr Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Pills cured me
NOISELESS TELEGRAPHY. Accordingly the next time the carriage completely. Push the sale of them hard,
there is nothing better. A. N. Vela ALBTIN
was ordered for the purpose of making a ca Toledo St., Adrian, Mich.
ldlaelrer That Can Be Made to Whiner stylish call she was gratified to see a foot- I had suffered with a lame back and was con.
Softly In the Operator's Ear. roan mounted. When she arrived at her fined to my bed for nearlytwo weeks. I took
The introduction oft typewriter machines place of designation, the door of the car- not quite all of a box of r Hobbs' Sparagus
YP Kidney Pills and was entirely cured,
In telegraph ofllees, on which operators riage was opened and the steps let down ISAAC MAuK, 851 S. Eleventh St, Saginaw,Mich
take down the messages received, has ne- in a very obsequious manner by the new
cessitated increasing the volume of sound footman, and great was her surprise and Dr. Ro'bbb'
emanating from the sounders in order to confusion to recognize in him her own
make their clicks clearly distinguishable husband. -_—_
above the click of the typewriter machine.
The result has been that the noise in teleP A3. A G3 U
graph offices has in many cases Increased THE KIND YOU NEED. Kialney Pills
to such an extent as to be a serious menace FOR1eALEIDY
to the health of the operators. -
In order to reduce this noise and to ALLEN & WILSON, . Druggists,
make the received message entirely secret The True, Reliable and Easy CLINTON, ONT
a special sounder has been invented. The Working Diamond 'Dyes.
sounder, which is inclosed in a hard rub-
ber case, u very light, the whole thing, ONWARD BICYCLE L0
with canduating cord complete, weighing
but four ounces. It can be used not only When the Diamond Dyes are used the
without the aligtAtest inconvenience to the work of home dyeing is a pleasure to every _—_
operator, but much to his comfort and ad- woman. Doubts and fears regarding results
vantage, relieving him of all unnecessary are never entertained. There is a confi REPAIR SHOP.
nerve and physical strain. It can be at- dense in every woman's heart that perfect
tached directly to the main line, where it work will crown her efforts. It isan estab-
acts as a combined relay and sounder, lished fact that all colors of the Diamond Subscriber has his establish -
giving all the service of both, without any Dyes come out in fulness, richness and ment fitted up with the beet
of the disadvantages and annoyances of a beauty. of machinery, enabling him
main line sounder. For long, long years Diamond Dyes have to do all kinds of repair work.
The mechanism of this little instrument been the favorite family dyes in every civ- Special attentiun given to overhauling
Is very simple, consisting of a set of electro ilized country,and although imitation pack- and repairing of Bicycles, and riders can
magnets of from 2 to 150 ohms resistance, age dyes are now being offered for sale by rely on work of this nature being promptly
according to requirements. An ingenious dealers who think more of big profits than and satisfactorily attended to,
arrangement of the armature and lever of giving satisfaction to the public, the Onward Cycle Co:,
brings the former in actual contact with great inferiority of these imitation dyes in Perrin Block, Clinton
the poles of the magnets in such a manner strength, fastness, beauty and brilliancy
as to double tlheworking force of the arma- was soon discovered, and they are now Ii. L. BROWN, Manager.
ture. The armature lever is provided with avoided and condemned by all who prize
hammers, which in action strike upon a good, bright and durable colors. MCLEOD'S
resonating plate, A shifter or switch at Thouaands of testimonials are coming in
the side,of the case draws the hammers from all parts of the country testifying to Sys(em RENOVATOR
from the plate and reduces the sound to a the excellence and vast superiority of the
minimum, Diamond Dyes.
Owing to the loudness of the sound Refnse alt poor, worthless and imitation AND OTHER TESTED REMEDIES
when the hammers strike upon the reso- dyes when thev are offered to you. Ask for
nating plate messages may be received with the "Diamond," and see that the name is SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE
the sounder placed on the table or desk, on each packet.
and in this way it may also be used for a Book of directions and card of 48 colors
call, thus combining in one instrument , free to any address, Writeto Wells & Rich- For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
both a loud and secret sounder. Should it ardson Co-, Montreal, P.Q. Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpata-
be t�-sired to take a secret message the _ -tion of the Hear, Liver Complaint, Neu -
g ralgia, Loss of M,mory, Bronchitis; Con -
sounder is adjusted from the outside by Dr. J. Gihson,of Belleville, was elect- sumption, Gall Stoi.C9, Jaundice, Kidney
means of the shifter referred to, which is ed President of the O,htario Medical and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance
graded so that the operator may regulate Association. Female irregularities and General Debility
the volume of sound to suit his own ear.
This may be from the faintest click to the Albert Monette, 22 years old, was Laboratory, Goderich, Ont.
full volume of the loudest sounder. The r un over by a street. car at Ottawa, and
instrument Is then worn on the head. The died from his injuries. J. M, McLeod,
ciao and headband being made of hard Prop, and Manufacturer
rubber insures the operator from shock To Cure a Gold in One nay.
from abnormal currents passing through Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AI Sold n Clinton by
the line.—Electrical Engineer. Druggists refund the +noncy if it fails to cure,25c J. H. COMi�E and ALLEN &WILSON
Then Thad Stevens Showed How He Val-
ued Martin's Reputation at Faro.
There was nothing of "the stocks and
blackboards of convention" in Thad Ste-
vens. He was a man soul fed on strong
meat. He believed that the king must be
amused—and lie was the king, writes
James M. Scov;el in Lippincott's. His fa-
vorite amusement was after supper at his
own modest mansion to the east of the
capitol to spend the evening at Hall &
Pemberton's faro bank on Pennsylvania
avenue, Washington. Here was common
ground, where the warring, jarring fac-
tions north and south could meet and over
canvasback and Veuve Clicquot cham-
pagne woo unmolested the goddess of for-
tune. There were no clubs in the Wash-
ington of 1,866-60 except the gaming
houses. Stevens was never a heavy player,
although I have seen him win $1,400 on a
$20 goldpiece as his only stake.
On one occasion he had been playing in
what he called hand luck, l4lr. MaFt}n
from Columbus, G., the reading clerk cP
the house, always at his elbow and ready
for a "sleeper" or a stake, repeatedly urged
Stevens "to put stack on the ace," which
had lost three times. "I will stake my
reputation," said Martin, "that the ace
wins. "
With a doubting glance at Martin Ste-
vens shoved a stack of blue chips, worth
$50, over to the ace, playing it to win, on
Martin's judgment. The ace lost, With-
out the semblance of a sunflo the old states-
man said, "Martin, you owe me a quar-
ter." This was the value he put on Mar-
tin's "reputation."
No man ever pursued an adversary in
debate more remorselessly than Stevens
did, but them was no malice in him, and
lie was a favorite on both sides of the house.
"Sunset" Cox was his devoted friend,
and in a playful mood during an all night
session, while the member from Pennsyl-
vania dozed in his seat, movea the speak -
.Tulle 113, X89$ .
__ - — _ _
CI'T'Y BU T�l.'H It S110 ' '.
I wish to inform. the pontic tbA J'.W
not be undersold by any othererfa;
in the business. I girl) a prnelletil bti;e-.
or; and understand all the brallebpsof". ;.
the husiness. We keep the very bests >,
meats, and a full t-lockalwayson hank,,•
and will sell at the Luwest Caul Pricer.
Bring along your money, and get th*
meat at the cash price. We will g;vo
credit, but not at. cash prices. FJWW st
come and bee what von cin do �4C 11
Cash at
We are doing business on the cash prink^'
pie, and will supply ons. uuetomers wi41$
the beet meats at the lowest paying prUAW, ,
Business Chane.
Any quantity of fat hogs wanted for'
hipping purposes, for which the higheAk o-
market prices will be paid. Parties having
hogs to sell will oblige by leaving word at -:9
the shop.
Chas.J, Waris, Clinton.
Snbscriber has opened a shop in the pre.
miser recently erected especially for that j
arpose, opnosite Fair's Mill, where he ail!'
peep on hand and deliver promptly, to 1111 --'
k its of the town. w
Fresh Meat of all kinds. A share ;t7! .l
public patronage respectfully solicited. -v)
F & Feed More
In large or small quantities. a4 a'
10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel qi i,
D. COOK, CLINTON. . ,;`;,';, �t
(late Hill _& Joyner)
Opposite Market, Clinton :'
Flour, Bran, Shorts, Oats, Peas, Barley ,i1.11
_, . _,..
T and all kinds of meal sold at lowest price,,
' In tl�e zea.
"Come on " snid the first flea as be ho C Fresh Corn for Feed, 38c a hail
p Bonilla I qr eves
ed from the brown boar's loft Pore log. L Good Valencia Raisins, 281b box $1.
Como over and join me at a short game Choice Tea, special line 25c per lb. and tt
f golf 1" All kinds of Grain bought at highest
%�� F S - market prices.
"Golf exclaimed the second flea, bee- .J
ily taking a bite at the hyena. "Where In W. DUNCAN, - - CLINTO15
ho realm of the skies aro we to play golf?" Our stock ofifruit and ornamental trees being __
"Why," said the first flea, "over on the
vna of course. "—London Answers.
ERI -TAPS he was a
cynlc, but some one
Ila, Bald that in this
age there are no
healthy women. The
age has many we-
Then, strong� au d
noble phys}efilly, as
they are mentally
and are
but It
Is true nevertheless,
tb'at a lar P 1wo-
I cent er �e coo -
4 nJe❑i' the country
suffer f in neryop,-
neas ..Win
bilityy They drag
out a weary axis Oleo, anal each day is
a day of pain and suffering. This was
the case with Miss Annie Patterson, of
Sackville, N. B. She suffered' teri`lbly
from'indigestlon and nervousness. She was
Influenced by some one, somehow, to try
South American Nervine. Of course, It was
IIke hopingg against hope—another patent
nledlelne. Iiut she had taken only one bottle
when her system began to take on the
health of earlie,s t Soars, end after using
three bottles she was completely cured.
No. wonder she Is strong in her conviction
that there 1s no remedy like South Ameri-
can Nervine -29.
"Glimpses of the Unseen" Fascinating book
Sweeps the entire field of borderland subjects
Everybody orders. Marvellous illustrations
Prospectus $1.00. BRADLEY-GARREISON
COMPANY, LlbaITED, Toronto
or that "the sergeant -at -arms supply Mr. CLINTON MARBLE WORKS.
Stevens with ivory chips enough to last
till morning." C001'ER's LD STAND,
Next to Commercial hotel.
Jas. McDonald,charged with robbing This tlishment is in lull o• oration and a
the postofHce au L Norwood, and who order filled in the most satisfacto y way 0eme
cry and granite work a specialty. prices a
broke fail at Peterboro, has been cap. eonableasthoseofany eetabtisbment
tured at 1Vindsor. —
Put fkbfmtionIN
ALLNervouo Dasoawc Failing Mem-
by 'Abuse�or otheroPExcesses anis Ind
cretions T7te,r puickr and ewro y
p y d
Gmntnrw f.nnt V'itnlity in old or renna. nn
complete, we are prepared w offer to the pub-
lic for spring planting a vory choice lot of
Apple, Pham, Pear, Cherry
and Peach trees, at suitable
pi ices. Evergreens a specialty.
Largo stock of small Fruits.
Choice list of spring bedding Plauts.
Price list mailed on application.
John Stewart Estate, Benmtller
Geo. Watt, President, Harlock P. O.; J, B.
McLean, Kippon P. O„ Vice -Pros.; W. I,
Shannon, Socy-Troas„ Seaforth P. O.; Thos. E.
Hays, Seaforth P. O., Inspoctorof Losses.
W. G. Broadfoot, Seaforth; John G. Grieve,
Winthrop P. O.; Guorao Dale. Seaforth, Tbos.
E. lays, Seaforth; Jas. Evans, Beecbwood P,
O.; Thos. Carbutt, Clinton; Thomas Fraser,
Brucefield; John B, McLean, Rippon.
Robert Smith, Harlock; Jno. W. Yeo. Holmes•
ville; flobt. McMillan, Seaforth; James Cum-
ming, Egmondville;John Govenlock and John
Morrison, auditors.
Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans-
act other business will be promptly at tended to
on application to any of the above ofHoors,
addressed to their respective office.
Dainty outwear
The clogged -up machinery of the
,14vice to Mothers.
stet neon having the genuine A}os Tablets.
hnveonirodthousnads and wil I cute 7611. a�lveapos
ttivewritten gnaranteotoafrectaours �4TS
each oggoeo or refund the money. Pricy ppi�e3ir
or nixpkger.unll treat'Pt ofment for
Se roatar
The Health of their Dau hters
A Now and Wholly Butane Dish she Had
For Her Guests.
amt perfectly'as the old reliable
`Should be carefully Watched. '
"Poets are the only truo prophets left
'Young Girls, 8agslejltible to Troubles That I
to God," T4us hath the poet said. And
now it I, who arni not a poet, toll you the
Ma �etlhli in Decline — Pale Faces, !
truth, will you believe me? I think not.
a pleasure to show So many
aches and Fickle Appetite the Symp. I
The summer Paradise of the QeMes�
� m"t1i1i►
} }
to' s o4 Early Decay.
Hers of Lanos•hlre—Jolly, Bree Yl
f `' ' ' '
g ��1111�� 0 y�w�#>y w bw
who has made Clinton his home for forty
mess with a modern
s 'B still in bug ,
ear i
.From the Sun, Orangeville, Ont.
Crowds and the Amasemehte >I• wM+VV
(Up-to-date Faotcry, and is prepared to fill
They Indulge.
1�tl 110ar'el-
all orders of. whatever description, on'short
notion and the lowest terms; first-olass
Some months ago,Maggie,the 16 -year-old
,daughter o4 Mr and Mrs J. Sweeney, of
There are some mistaken ideas sit!
tis ilo w 11rt1, $b" II ails
to t*i!il itlls•t'r=
-John street, of this town, began to fail both I
an health and spirits. Her face was almrs;
the solemnity of British crowds as con. i
trasted with the gayety of French gather- 1
One of the most prominent figures on
the supn@me bench of Louisiana in ante -
red blood and gives buoyancy and
as white as chalk, bar appetite very fickle, ,
Ings, People think the English do not
helium days was a certain .fudge B--,
William Street, y
behind the Park.
-and her limbs began to swell. Notwith-
know what to do with themselves on a
whose locale was the parish of St. Landry.
-standing her growing weakness she persist- I
holiday and that they get drunk from
The judge was a roan of old school ele-
ed in attending school, until oae day her
•teacher advised her to go home, and not re-
sheer ennui. Those who think this have
gance, and his wife was one of the most
brilliant women o! her day in the state.
turn until she telt better, At the same
never lived In the cotton manulaet"tig
Their St. Landry home was noted for the
Aims the teacber,who knew the value of Dr.
districts of Lancashire and still less have
elegance of Its appointments .no less than
"iViliiams' Pink Pills in such cases, advised
they been to Blackpool, the Coney Island
for the grandeur of its hospitality. Their
titer to try them. The advice was followed 1
of every factory hand froth Acorington to
ontortainments were acted throughout the
+and antra Sweeney told our reporter that al-
Blncttburn, for even to be in this deice-
countryside. More than one white haired
mioat from tate there was an improve-
table spot is to be happy, apart from any ,
ilmn prominent in latter dtsy l4ulsiana
ment in her ficin` Miler's condition. Her ap- ,
amusome t offered there. Every facto
n r1
politics ottn toll you that he proposed to
petite became better, the color returned to
town gives its hands a vacation of a week
his wife at a ball at Judge B__ 's, and if
her face, and the severe headaches that had
in the season, and they betake themselves
you should care to know the wife can de -
made her so miserable vanished, and she is
to-Blaokpool. Not w soul among the fac-
scribe the elegant gowns an the. ladies,
- now feeling better than she has done for
tory people is left ,in towF—man, woman
and particularly Mrs. B, wore gn.that
many months.
It is quite e,V,�lit `diff Weh this young maiden
or ghilcX=save •the. sidk orbedrlddon. Each
toNO-n haunt choose a different week for its
occasion. These would make pleasant
stories. I am to tell you one of another
6 was Buffering from a lack of blood, as do e°
holiday, for Blackpool, though quite a
many young girls who are just at a critical
point in life, and it il° kttite as ,apparent
large itlatce, cgu (,rpt contain all the
hbnfes ttn8t desce d' upon it and h would
Upon @--certain occasion Judge B—
gave a dinner to the bar of St. Landry.
tnat there is no other remedy the equal of
be impossible to get the people to go to
When the guests arrived, they found every -
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in such oases.
'They' "tile
1n,y other.-p1aQ,e for their touting.
thing awaiting their reception. In the
' -.
- 81iri'db'tUd-btdbd dtitnlil`ate nerves
For days beforehand the "lasses" are
driswing room a bright wood Are glowed
and buildup the entire syBtem,and mothers
seen on the street, their heads bristling
behind polished brasses; waxen txtpprs
will not prncjently i4 they insist upon their
,With grIWping pins or ourl;papers, lht part
gleamed from silver candelabra to be mul-
,datlghkers'tiking- rill g0egaionpl box. We
ing ;.-the iriardelcus liolit�ay bang ,Which '
tiplied and reflected again and again from
tknow. rgtpJxperi@' Dr. Williams
sticks out• lino iiitely ia-front,' a veritable
surrounding mirrors. The judge greeted
Fink Pills have done Feet cod in Orange-
g g g
villa vicinity, and there is scarcely a day
haystack, The shawl -worn over the head
them with his usual magnificent courtesy
tthat our reporter doee not come in' contact
on working days is scornfully cast aside,
and in its place is worn a hat unlike any-
of manner, while his wife, attired in a
trailing gown of black velvet and rare old
,with some one who has a good word to say
for this wonderful medicine.
thin ever seen b American eyes. Mon -
g y y
Lace, with diamonds sparkling from her
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure b going to
sirens in shape and huge in td�io is this hat
hair and her throat and her hands, seemed
the root of the disease. They renew and
and covered with of ribbon startling
more than ever brilliant, beautiful and
build up the blood, and strengthen the
Add featgalore,
in color. hers and flowers lore
and you have a structure which merits a
gracious. When presently a slave held the
door open and ushered the guests into the
nerves, thus driving disease from the Sys-
tem. Avoid imitations by insisting that
dining hall, the elegance of the occasion
every box you purchase is enclosed in a
At this time of general exodus trains
start at 2 and 4 o'clock in the morning,
seemed complete. Snowiest linen, frailest
china bri htest-c sial, most polished ail-
wrapperlbearrng the fall trade mark, ' Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People."
filled with joyful, noir singing people.
1 y y' g P P
ver adorned the board. With that rare
They seem never to stop eating; drinking
grace which was at all times her distin-
and singing, and they keep it up during
guiehing charm,• Mre. B— dished the
entire week,
soup from the steaming silver urn, her
Familiar' With the Tune.
Blackpool is an elongated town, stretch-
brilliant wit and clever repartee scintillat-
A sailor on board a man -of-war was one
ed out three miles along the coast, and en-
Ing the while. As each guest was served
may "heaving the load" to qualify as
tirely composed of lodging houses, hotels
his glance fell upon a plate of palest amber
able seaman. The lead was heaved oor-
and "publics"—myriads of "publics," ev-
liquid with tiny, indistinguishable fits of
reotly, the line gathered up and the depth ,
ery other house being of this description,
something floating therein.
of water indicated apparently correctly Ob- I
and each and all arc jammed with people.
Finally the hostess lifted her spoon and
tained, the man calling out in the usual
The lodging houses are jammed, too, the
with a graceful wave of her hand gave the
singsong manner.
saying being that as soon as one man gets
signal to begin. There was a smile upon
But the examining officer could not
out of a bed another is ready to occupy it.
her parted lips as she said':
snake out what the man was saying, and i
For what use is a bed to one, after all,
"Gentlemen, I have prepared anew soup
after telling him several times to speak
when one isn't in it? It would be snobbish
for your delectation today. I trust it may
more distinctly at last called him in to
to wish to retain it.
please your palates. Should you like the
explain what he had said.
In Blackpool tberd are no toboggan
recipe I can tell you it is made from the
When asked why he had not called the ,
slides or other such manifold shows as we
cowhide with which Judge B— whipped
soundings in a plainer manner, his answer
get up to tickle the fancy of our Coney Is-
me this morning."
m suffice
land public. Simple amusements s
How do you like my story, mesdames,
"Beg parding, air. I knows the tune,
the cheerful Lancashire lad and his broad
messieurs?—Plliladelphia Times.
but I ain't rightly sure of the words." Ifaced,
buxom lass. Chief among these is
He bad beard other men calling out and
) thought that the same sort of noise was
bathing or" paddling," And to unwonted
American eyes the bilthing beach is a
A dog at Windsor sold last week for
, all that was req utrod..— London Punch.
strange sight. The men and women bathe
$1000. You can buy all the dons in
on different parts of the beach. The men's
Clinton for that amount,
; Sacrificing His Curls. ,
costume consists merely of "tights, " while
Mi- N. C. Wallace is evidently popu-
li pat illustration of the sort of man
that worn by the women is of some light
lar with the Orangemen of Eastern
- "breasts the blows of circumstances"
cotton material, generally pink in color, a
Ontario. The Orange Grand Lodge r,f
atorytold of a dashing, hand-
blouse cut levy in the neck, with short
Ontario E+tst have presented him tau h
ea Canada in
sleeves and drawers to the knee—no stock-
a sterling silver dinner and tea service,
usand acres in
tugs, no skirt. Those who have these cos-
enclosed in a vet y handsome cabinet
Kan building a
tumes are considered quite aristocratic, for
and accompanied by an address.
most of the lasses merely gather their
I ,
the fashion.
skirts high around them in the most naive
for the build-
fashion and paddle away serenely.
efirepl air. Mr. Rains-
eat off the 11perion's curls," chop-
But it is on the promenade that the
crowd swarms thickest and the noise is
Bear Silent Witness to the Ravages of
them into suitable lengths and mixed
greatest. This is a broad asphalt walk,
Kidney Disease.
em in the mortar.
d d t hi
raised from the sand anstretching from.
An alarming fact —but statistics show
"The chimney corner to this day," says
one end of the town to the other. Here is
that in post mortem examinations as to
he Canada Company, "bears testimony I
a never ending procession. They come
death from all causes, that in over 90 per
to the riches on the outside 'of a cranium
shoving and pushing eight or ten abreast,
cent. of such cases kidney disease ispresent.
.amd to the bump of determinationthey
every one singing "Daisy Bell," "Che Old
This almost incredible statement is borne
Kent Road" or some other antiquated
out by years of comparison by most emin-
topical song. It takes some time fora new
ent medical men. A warning to humanity
He wasn't Perfect.
song to make its way to Blackpool. The
that the percentage of those not cursed w th
Giles—I just" beard that Hawkins re-
people jostle and push and poke each other
kidney taint is very small. South Amfe i-
tferred to me as.a perfect idiot. .
in the ribs, and, all are good natured and
can Kidney cure relieves in six hours — ie
Smiles—Ob, I don't mind what H'aw-
shining faced and vulgar. v
nature's preventiva — clears the clogged
kins says. He always does exaggerate mors
Introductions are not. necessary. Total
partB—beals and permanently cures. Sold
-or less. I'm sure no one believes you are
strangers chaff each other as they pass,
by Watts & Co. i
while the children everywhere suck
oranges or blow whistles. But with all
For Art's Sake.
"Did the young actress believe in real-
riding and strolling and singing one
gets a great r thirst, and `there is always a
sense Smell.
It is said that the sense of smell is better
"public" at hand. You hear the twanging
developed in men than in women. In hu -
"Did she?" replied the manager, "I
of a banjo in the distance and you join
the crowd which flocks around it. It her-
man beings, however, it is but sligbbly de -
had to hire a detective to prevent bar tak-
Ing real poison in the death scene."—De-
alds the nigger minstrels, popular ev-
veloped as compared with the lower ani -
mals. The reason for this becomes ap-
trolt Free Press.
erywhere in England.
parent when the structure of the skull of
Then you hear some one suggesting a
a dog or a cat is examined. Observing the
The best way to ascertain whether coffee
visit to "Uncle Tom's Cabin," and you
gpride et into the electric car—the pde of
nasal passages of either of these creatures,
has been adulterated is to pour cold water
on it. If pure, it will color the water verb
Blackpool and the only one nearer than
it is found that the so called turbinated
bones are twisted and folded In a compli-
slightly; if mixed with chicory, the water
I will taake a brownish hue
Liverpool, and most wonderfully slow it
is In the car the singing and the good nn-'
cated fashion, so as to make agreat extent
of surface in a small space. The interior
tured horse play continue. Uncle Tom's
of the labyrinth thus formed is lined with
Cabin" proves to be a little but on a bluff
the mucous membrane that contains the
1 r h, _
,� ��%t - ` - -y
in front of which stand images of Uncle
Tom and Little Eva. Inside the principal
extremities of the nerves of smell. A sec-
tion through the turbinated bones
attractions are marionettes, and ginger pop
e e
bees, which has a particularly keen sense
- �'�
and the sucking of orenges are redoubled.
of smell, resembles a honeycomb. In a
Outside groups of men and women are
human being the turbinated bones are
t ° �,. , , •
. � tpoorly
throwing cocoanuts at painted images. If
developed, so that the surface of
�„, %
you hit the image three times, you get the
mucous membrane is comparatively
' $
cocoanut. This ie all the attraction there
small. The sense of smell is particularly
r ,^
is to draw one to Uncle Toms Cabin,
write in some fishes, as the shatrks. The
yet It is filled day In and day out with a
olfactory membrane of a big shark, if
never failing crowd. You must not forget
spread out, would cover a dozen square
to visit the Eiffel tower, the crowning
glory of Blackpool, and exactly like the
original one in Paris, only half its size.
Is the Ghost Laying Business.
Afterward if you are bold and enterprising
This advertisement appeared In 1777:
th I
- ' s ,
you can go out for a "sail."
But this halcyon time cannot last for-
"Flaunted Houses.—Whereas there are
mansions and castles 1n England and
'� �
ever and all too soon the week is at an
Wales which for many years have been un -
A man who neglects his health is sailing
end. The last orange has been snaked,
to Uncle Torn and Little Eva and
inhabited and are now falling Into decay
by their being haunted and visited by evil
his craft of life in dangerous seas. He
cannot too soon awaken to alae fact that be
to the endless walking and singing on the
t e
spirits or the spirits of those who for un-
' is imperiling his most precious endow-
promenade. Next week it will be work
known reasons are rendered miserable even
ment. All the wealth in the world all the
again for these people, but Blackpool is
In the grave, a gentleman who has mode
power in the world, all the pleasure in the
no loser, for it will be Invaded by a now
the tour of Europe, of a particular. turn of
world, all the love and poetry and music
horde and still another, until it settles
mind and deeply skilled in the abstruse
-and nobility and beauty are but dust in'the
down for its winter sleep.—New York
and sacred science of exorcism, hereby of -
mouth of the man who has lost his health.
Commercial Advertiser.
4_t__ to r or ror1e-
Keeping healthy means looking after the
disorders that ninety-nine men in a bun -
,*ed neglect. You cannot gei the-veragge,
e#Ie day man to believe that indipreetlon
or biliousness, or costiveness or hgadache
i`le•s of sleep or ap attic, or shakiness in
` he morning and d2ness through't'he day
amount to much atiftay. He will " pooh,
ooh " at you, until some morning he
akee up and finds himself sick abed.
ken he'wlll send for a doctor and find out
fiis s prise that all these disorders have
n bit thG danger signals of a big malady
Iran robbed him of his health, possibly
It may be consumption or nerv-
tratlon or malaria or rheumatism
blood or in disgase. It matters
ley all have their inception in the
came neglected disorders. Dr. Pierce's
olden Medical Discoveiy makes the ap.
petite k ert the digestion erfect the liver
P 8
grtetive alae blood pure, the nerves steady
grid giyea sound and refreshing sic t
g"ree,t blood -maker and Rech -b lder.
'Tt cures 98 er cent. of all cases o con-
',lumpt}on. In fact brondhial, throat siitd
ung affections generally yield to It.- Meii-
delne stores sell it.
One or two qt bedtime pre constipation
Dr. Pierce's Pidasant PelVta, They ftgu-
ato ttod Invig6l4te tits-afolnaFll, iive:t find
They Saw the Real England.
A New Year's calor seemed to have fallen
npon'h certain village not 20 miles from
London as three American tourists strolled
through it. Not a soul was abroad save
the goose and fowls on the common.
"This," said the Americans, "fn real Plug -
Mail." ' And they turned up a muddy by
lane to sniff England's New Year's peace to
tho full. In doing so they stumbled upon
an antique cottage with a quaint board
over the door. They approached to inspect
the board, and from the inside of the act-
tago came the sound of about 20 yokels'
voices, all differently drunk. "This,"
said the Americans, "Is more !teal ESS-
Ladd. —London Globe.
The injection of morphine is a habit
that is unfortunately on the increase in
France, especially among the middle
classes. On statistics furnished by the
pharmacists it is estimated that there are
In Paris at least 50, 000 victimsof'tho raor-
phino habit, the majority of whom are
fors ass s CO any owns p p
for of such premises and undertakes to
render the same free from the visitation of
such spirits, be their cause what it may,
and render them tenantable and useful to
the proprietors. Letters addressed to the
Rev. John Jones, 80 St. Martin's lane, duly
answered and interview given if required.
N. B.—Rooms rendered bnblts6blo in six
days. "—London Sketch.
Macaulay's Memory.
Archdeacon Farrar in a recent reminis-
ounee says that when a young man he
heard .Ma.caulaq name every woman who
had been executed in England. He was
ihes asked it he could name all of the
arohblahops. "Oh, yesl" hereplied. "Any
1 d that) The archdeacon
b y could o
says that Macaulay's memory made him
the most wonderfully informed man that
ever lived.
Children Cry for
rkc- mcd1wa� The New Footman. d RHEUMATISM
Fun accrue all the funnier wlwn coming
from the Quakers, becttuso it is unlocked
for and in contrast with their usual sobrl-
Is caused b Uric Acid and other im-
ety. For instance, what could be funnier y
than the method used by Nicholas Wain, Purities lingering in the blood, which
a gifted minister of the Frionds, who lived Nave not been littered out by the Kid- i
in Philadelphia during the last century, to p ys hough the urine. The seat of
mortify the carnal pride of his wife? The tale trouble is not rn the ekin or mus- i
Do you understand jest what Dr. J. C. story as told in The Christian Standard is cies. It's sick gidne�ys. Electricity,
Ayees medicines will do for you? Are 8 follows: ,a cements or plasters wrli not reach the
they helping you as fast as you think they The wife of Nicholas Wain was an only
case. But the disease can be
ought? Write to our doctor. He will daughter, and for those days possessed a
answer all qudstions, and give you the very large inheritance. She thought it
would be suitable to her wealth and sta-
best medical advice, absolutely free. tion to have a footman behind her car -
Address the J. C. Ayer Co. Lowell Mass. riage. This wish being frequently ox- I had terrible pains in my back and my water
y + was thick and muddy. I was all broken up
pressed, her husband at last promised to and in poor health generally. Two boxes of
comply with it. Dr Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Pills cured me
NOISELESS TELEGRAPHY. Accordingly the next time the carriage completely. Push the sale of them hard,
there is nothing better. A. N. Vela ALBTIN
was ordered for the purpose of making a ca Toledo St., Adrian, Mich.
ldlaelrer That Can Be Made to Whiner stylish call she was gratified to see a foot- I had suffered with a lame back and was con.
Softly In the Operator's Ear. roan mounted. When she arrived at her fined to my bed for nearlytwo weeks. I took
The introduction oft typewriter machines place of designation, the door of the car- not quite all of a box of r Hobbs' Sparagus
YP Kidney Pills and was entirely cured,
In telegraph ofllees, on which operators riage was opened and the steps let down ISAAC MAuK, 851 S. Eleventh St, Saginaw,Mich
take down the messages received, has ne- in a very obsequious manner by the new
cessitated increasing the volume of sound footman, and great was her surprise and Dr. Ro'bbb'
emanating from the sounders in order to confusion to recognize in him her own
make their clicks clearly distinguishable husband. -_—_
above the click of the typewriter machine.
The result has been that the noise in teleP A3. A G3 U
graph offices has in many cases Increased THE KIND YOU NEED. Kialney Pills
to such an extent as to be a serious menace FOR1eALEIDY
to the health of the operators. -
In order to reduce this noise and to ALLEN & WILSON, . Druggists,
make the received message entirely secret The True, Reliable and Easy CLINTON, ONT
a special sounder has been invented. The Working Diamond 'Dyes.
sounder, which is inclosed in a hard rub-
ber case, u very light, the whole thing, ONWARD BICYCLE L0
with canduating cord complete, weighing
but four ounces. It can be used not only When the Diamond Dyes are used the
without the aligtAtest inconvenience to the work of home dyeing is a pleasure to every _—_
operator, but much to his comfort and ad- woman. Doubts and fears regarding results
vantage, relieving him of all unnecessary are never entertained. There is a confi REPAIR SHOP.
nerve and physical strain. It can be at- dense in every woman's heart that perfect
tached directly to the main line, where it work will crown her efforts. It isan estab-
acts as a combined relay and sounder, lished fact that all colors of the Diamond Subscriber has his establish -
giving all the service of both, without any Dyes come out in fulness, richness and ment fitted up with the beet
of the disadvantages and annoyances of a beauty. of machinery, enabling him
main line sounder. For long, long years Diamond Dyes have to do all kinds of repair work.
The mechanism of this little instrument been the favorite family dyes in every civ- Special attentiun given to overhauling
Is very simple, consisting of a set of electro ilized country,and although imitation pack- and repairing of Bicycles, and riders can
magnets of from 2 to 150 ohms resistance, age dyes are now being offered for sale by rely on work of this nature being promptly
according to requirements. An ingenious dealers who think more of big profits than and satisfactorily attended to,
arrangement of the armature and lever of giving satisfaction to the public, the Onward Cycle Co:,
brings the former in actual contact with great inferiority of these imitation dyes in Perrin Block, Clinton
the poles of the magnets in such a manner strength, fastness, beauty and brilliancy
as to double tlheworking force of the arma- was soon discovered, and they are now Ii. L. BROWN, Manager.
ture. The armature lever is provided with avoided and condemned by all who prize
hammers, which in action strike upon a good, bright and durable colors. MCLEOD'S
resonating plate, A shifter or switch at Thouaands of testimonials are coming in
the side,of the case draws the hammers from all parts of the country testifying to Sys(em RENOVATOR
from the plate and reduces the sound to a the excellence and vast superiority of the
minimum, Diamond Dyes.
Owing to the loudness of the sound Refnse alt poor, worthless and imitation AND OTHER TESTED REMEDIES
when the hammers strike upon the reso- dyes when thev are offered to you. Ask for
nating plate messages may be received with the "Diamond," and see that the name is SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE
the sounder placed on the table or desk, on each packet.
and in this way it may also be used for a Book of directions and card of 48 colors
call, thus combining in one instrument , free to any address, Writeto Wells & Rich- For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
both a loud and secret sounder. Should it ardson Co-, Montreal, P.Q. Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpata-
be t�-sired to take a secret message the _ -tion of the Hear, Liver Complaint, Neu -
g ralgia, Loss of M,mory, Bronchitis; Con -
sounder is adjusted from the outside by Dr. J. Gihson,of Belleville, was elect- sumption, Gall Stoi.C9, Jaundice, Kidney
means of the shifter referred to, which is ed President of the O,htario Medical and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance
graded so that the operator may regulate Association. Female irregularities and General Debility
the volume of sound to suit his own ear.
This may be from the faintest click to the Albert Monette, 22 years old, was Laboratory, Goderich, Ont.
full volume of the loudest sounder. The r un over by a street. car at Ottawa, and
instrument Is then worn on the head. The died from his injuries. J. M, McLeod,
ciao and headband being made of hard Prop, and Manufacturer
rubber insures the operator from shock To Cure a Gold in One nay.
from abnormal currents passing through Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AI Sold n Clinton by
the line.—Electrical Engineer. Druggists refund the +noncy if it fails to cure,25c J. H. COMi�E and ALLEN &WILSON
Then Thad Stevens Showed How He Val-
ued Martin's Reputation at Faro.
There was nothing of "the stocks and
blackboards of convention" in Thad Ste-
vens. He was a man soul fed on strong
meat. He believed that the king must be
amused—and lie was the king, writes
James M. Scov;el in Lippincott's. His fa-
vorite amusement was after supper at his
own modest mansion to the east of the
capitol to spend the evening at Hall &
Pemberton's faro bank on Pennsylvania
avenue, Washington. Here was common
ground, where the warring, jarring fac-
tions north and south could meet and over
canvasback and Veuve Clicquot cham-
pagne woo unmolested the goddess of for-
tune. There were no clubs in the Wash-
ington of 1,866-60 except the gaming
houses. Stevens was never a heavy player,
although I have seen him win $1,400 on a
$20 goldpiece as his only stake.
On one occasion he had been playing in
what he called hand luck, l4lr. MaFt}n
from Columbus, G., the reading clerk cP
the house, always at his elbow and ready
for a "sleeper" or a stake, repeatedly urged
Stevens "to put stack on the ace," which
had lost three times. "I will stake my
reputation," said Martin, "that the ace
wins. "
With a doubting glance at Martin Ste-
vens shoved a stack of blue chips, worth
$50, over to the ace, playing it to win, on
Martin's judgment. The ace lost, With-
out the semblance of a sunflo the old states-
man said, "Martin, you owe me a quar-
ter." This was the value he put on Mar-
tin's "reputation."
No man ever pursued an adversary in
debate more remorselessly than Stevens
did, but them was no malice in him, and
lie was a favorite on both sides of the house.
"Sunset" Cox was his devoted friend,
and in a playful mood during an all night
session, while the member from Pennsyl-
vania dozed in his seat, movea the speak -
.Tulle 113, X89$ .
__ - — _ _
CI'T'Y BU T�l.'H It S110 ' '.
I wish to inform. the pontic tbA J'.W
not be undersold by any othererfa;
in the business. I girl) a prnelletil bti;e-.
or; and understand all the brallebpsof". ;.
the husiness. We keep the very bests >,
meats, and a full t-lockalwayson hank,,•
and will sell at the Luwest Caul Pricer.
Bring along your money, and get th*
meat at the cash price. We will g;vo
credit, but not at. cash prices. FJWW st
come and bee what von cin do �4C 11
Cash at
We are doing business on the cash prink^'
pie, and will supply ons. uuetomers wi41$
the beet meats at the lowest paying prUAW, ,
Business Chane.
Any quantity of fat hogs wanted for'
hipping purposes, for which the higheAk o-
market prices will be paid. Parties having
hogs to sell will oblige by leaving word at -:9
the shop.
Chas.J, Waris, Clinton.
Snbscriber has opened a shop in the pre.
miser recently erected especially for that j
arpose, opnosite Fair's Mill, where he ail!'
peep on hand and deliver promptly, to 1111 --'
k its of the town. w
Fresh Meat of all kinds. A share ;t7! .l
public patronage respectfully solicited. -v)
F & Feed More
In large or small quantities. a4 a'
10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel qi i,
D. COOK, CLINTON. . ,;`;,';, �t
(late Hill _& Joyner)
Opposite Market, Clinton :'
Flour, Bran, Shorts, Oats, Peas, Barley ,i1.11
_, . _,..
T and all kinds of meal sold at lowest price,,
' In tl�e zea.
"Come on " snid the first flea as be ho C Fresh Corn for Feed, 38c a hail
p Bonilla I qr eves
ed from the brown boar's loft Pore log. L Good Valencia Raisins, 281b box $1.
Como over and join me at a short game Choice Tea, special line 25c per lb. and tt
f golf 1" All kinds of Grain bought at highest
%�� F S - market prices.
"Golf exclaimed the second flea, bee- .J
ily taking a bite at the hyena. "Where In W. DUNCAN, - - CLINTO15
ho realm of the skies aro we to play golf?" Our stock ofifruit and ornamental trees being __
"Why," said the first flea, "over on the
vna of course. "—London Answers.
ERI -TAPS he was a
cynlc, but some one
Ila, Bald that in this
age there are no
healthy women. The
age has many we-
Then, strong� au d
noble phys}efilly, as
they are mentally
and are
but It
Is true nevertheless,
tb'at a lar P 1wo-
I cent er �e coo -
4 nJe❑i' the country
suffer f in neryop,-
neas ..Win
bilityy They drag
out a weary axis Oleo, anal each day is
a day of pain and suffering. This was
the case with Miss Annie Patterson, of
Sackville, N. B. She suffered' teri`lbly
from'indigestlon and nervousness. She was
Influenced by some one, somehow, to try
South American Nervine. Of course, It was
IIke hopingg against hope—another patent
nledlelne. Iiut she had taken only one bottle
when her system began to take on the
health of earlie,s t Soars, end after using
three bottles she was completely cured.
No. wonder she Is strong in her conviction
that there 1s no remedy like South Ameri-
can Nervine -29.
"Glimpses of the Unseen" Fascinating book
Sweeps the entire field of borderland subjects
Everybody orders. Marvellous illustrations
Prospectus $1.00. BRADLEY-GARREISON
COMPANY, LlbaITED, Toronto
or that "the sergeant -at -arms supply Mr. CLINTON MARBLE WORKS.
Stevens with ivory chips enough to last
till morning." C001'ER's LD STAND,
Next to Commercial hotel.
Jas. McDonald,charged with robbing This tlishment is in lull o• oration and a
the postofHce au L Norwood, and who order filled in the most satisfacto y way 0eme
cry and granite work a specialty. prices a
broke fail at Peterboro, has been cap. eonableasthoseofany eetabtisbment
tured at 1Vindsor. —
Put fkbfmtionIN
ALLNervouo Dasoawc Failing Mem-
by 'Abuse�or otheroPExcesses anis Ind
cretions T7te,r puickr and ewro y
p y d
Gmntnrw f.nnt V'itnlity in old or renna. nn
complete, we are prepared w offer to the pub-
lic for spring planting a vory choice lot of
Apple, Pham, Pear, Cherry
and Peach trees, at suitable
pi ices. Evergreens a specialty.
Largo stock of small Fruits.
Choice list of spring bedding Plauts.
Price list mailed on application.
John Stewart Estate, Benmtller
Geo. Watt, President, Harlock P. O.; J, B.
McLean, Kippon P. O„ Vice -Pros.; W. I,
Shannon, Socy-Troas„ Seaforth P. O.; Thos. E.
Hays, Seaforth P. O., Inspoctorof Losses.
W. G. Broadfoot, Seaforth; John G. Grieve,
Winthrop P. O.; Guorao Dale. Seaforth, Tbos.
E. lays, Seaforth; Jas. Evans, Beecbwood P,
O.; Thos. Carbutt, Clinton; Thomas Fraser,
Brucefield; John B, McLean, Rippon.
Robert Smith, Harlock; Jno. W. Yeo. Holmes•
ville; flobt. McMillan, Seaforth; James Cum-
ming, Egmondville;John Govenlock and John
Morrison, auditors.
Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans-
act other business will be promptly at tended to
on application to any of the above ofHoors,
addressed to their respective office.
Dainty outwear
The clogged -up machinery of the
taken in time. Their neo shows lmmedintb improvo-
moat and efreco a CURE whcro all other fan In-
system requires cT*llnfng out after the
stet neon having the genuine A}os Tablets.
hnveonirodthousnads and wil I cute 7611. a�lveapos
ttivewritten gnaranteotoafrectaours �4TS
For Women and Children.
*Galt and tear of- the winter's work.
each oggoeo or refund the money. Pricy ppi�e3ir
or nixpkger.unll treat'Pt ofment for
Se roatar
Nothing will do ihir so thoroughly
A.�AX R. Mf �Y CO., %%'
School Shoes for Youths and
amt perfectly'as the old reliable
Sold in Clinton b Allen & Wilson,
Misses, Men's Fine Box Calf
and Dongola Boots & Shoes
Thu old Clinton PLANTING MILL
all at reasonable prices. It is
a pleasure to show So many
H. $TEVEN% Propl fetor
new and stylish Boots & Shoes.
} }
The old original Contractor and Builder,
Full lines of
It cures Constipittion, Sick Bead-
who has made Clinton his home for forty
mess with a modern
s 'B still in bug ,
ear i
SINGLE atilt
(Up-to-date Faotcry, and is prepared to fill
aches, Feeling of Tiredness, and all
the evidences of Sluggish Liver and
all orders of. whatever description, on'short
notion and the lowest terms; first-olass
Trunks and Valises always on
Impure Blood, which are so preva-
workmanship guaranteed. CONTRACTS
for buildings taken, and all kinds of build -
furniabed deslied.
hand. Red and White Cedar
Shingles kopt In stock alsol
lent in the spring. It makes rich,
ing material as
red blood and gives buoyancy and
Clinton, immediate)
J' r y ll
strength t0 the initis systetrl.
William Street, y
behind the Park.
i� i
, R
r - -
j .
I • -
t del
. ..J -..
', a;;
The liloisous Bask
Incorporated by Act of Parliament I8851 %u. ,
o , y",
CAPITAL $2,000,000 ":i
REST FUND - $1,500,000 ij"
,� s'M , ,
WM. Mor,gov MAP1'RI11SON, Yresidenll
F �7pfyltl}elAli T1I^i1As, Gen Manager
Notes discounted, Co1leGtlona 9304@: jareftp
famed. Sterling and American exchange'
bought p,nd sold. Interest allowed on de ;
pos}tB. SAVIN0 13ANlf—ul"UeSt arllowed_on 4
auma of $1 and up, Money advanced fa11
farmers on their own note, with one olr
more endorsers. No mortgage required
H. C. BRENNER. Manager, Clinton
G. D, ,1 I c'I AGGA 1tT. ,, �,
A general Banking Busines9` 11 .
Drafts ssned, Interest allowed on
Advances made to farmers on their o**
notes at low rates of interest, �t.11
A general Banking Business transactsllr '
Interest allowed on deposits.
Sale Notes bought
J. P. TISDALL, Manager: . i
Huron Street.
We have just received another lot of Nadi:. I
Home and Dominion Sewing Maebines;tU
former is an exceptionally good mschiittt , - ,
and has given good satisfaction ta.all i,
Needles and all kinds of Repa,b* 44
kept on hand 44
Machines cold on monthly paymentp.
on me or write for prices and totih • x
Jan. 1898 WM. Moon
For Twenty-seven ' 10 "
D'N I '
BAK.. �
I ,,,
i ,",
y ", 'w
I.AAd9ST SA", 131 til NADA
n l