The Clinton New Era, 1898-06-03, Page 7•wtWrests! TRE CLINTON NEW ERA Rap for he air ts'Jvhat a great many men. and women are looking for; helpagainstapproaching baldness; help against 'k zTg ening locks; help to restore the lost gloss to the hair; help against fading tresses; help for Me scalp attacked by dandruff. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR offers just such help. It restores gray or faded hair to its original color, gives it length, thickness and gloss, vid removes dandruff. "My hair was rough and broken and began to fall out. The use of but one bottle .f AVER's HAIR VIGOR both checked the falling out and rendered my hair smooth, glossy and in splendid condition. It is the Wiest of dresa- lugs. "—MRs. F. L. ,SMITH, Silver Creek, Mias. "Some years ago my hair began to fall out and I became quite bald. By advice I tried Viers aVair ?4gor and very soon my hair ceased to fall out and a new and vigorous growth made its appearance. My hair is now abundant and glossy."—THOS. DUNN, Rockville, Wis. LUCK OF A YOUNG DOCTOR. Two Accidents In Front of His Office the Very Day He Opened. Edwin Aines, n prominent official of Worcester, Mass., told a story of the pe- culiar manner in which luck sometimes comes to doctors. Among the houses he rents in that city is one that was long oc- cupied by a well established physician. This ph siotai3 diedi,and Mr. Ames adver- tised the premises for rent. 'There were many applieants, but the first wag a young medical student, just graduated from a sohooi_ In Boston. Somewhat surprised at the audacity of the youth, nit!. Ames in- quired his prospects and learner _that Ha did not know a soul in Worcester and must depend entirely upon the income from bis. practice fpr support. told him," said Mr, Arms, "that he must expect to starve for four or five years in Worcester before be could earn a living, but he insisted on renting the house, and I finally promised to reinit $10 from the amount teethe first month's rent if he had a patient the firet day. While I was assist. Ing him in nailing up the sign a boy was run -over by an ice wagon on that block and bro>,Ight to the dootor to have his vvounds dressed. Hardly had he finished with the boy before a woman in a passing car was struck with a hatpin, and he was called upon to extract it. His luck began Brom that day. _These patients advertised him tbroughthe accounts in the daily pa- pers. and be is now the leading physician of our city. "—Washington Post. A Maxim Revised. "We were all sitting around the hotel in Honolulu," said Purser McComb of tthe. Australia, "swapping lies and stories when some one started the joke that each man present was to tell a moral story or set up the drinks.. Everybody agreed except Ca - marines, a Greek, who is in the fruit busi- ness there and reported to bo quite wealthy. ' 'I know lots in Greek,' said 'Camar- inos; 'but I don't know any in English.' " 'Greek don't go here, Camarinos. What do we know about your language? You may be giving us a fill and we be none the wiser. You must .tell it. us in English, my son.' Camarinos looked puzzled when his turn carne to give a phil- osophical maxim. He put his finger to bis forehead and their said suddenly, with a bright look, 'I have one.' "'Let us have it,' was the cry. " 'Well, I don't know if I get Mw quite right,' he responded. "'Oh, lot us have it.' "'Well, then, it is this: A brick which goes this way,' waving bis hands to and fro, 'catches no grass.' "There was a good laugh, and it was voted that Camarinos had told the best story that ever bad been heard in Hono- lulu or elsewhere. "—San Francisco News. A Mystery of Sneezing. "Did you ever notice," inquired an eld- erly man, "how much more sneeze there is in you as you grow older? I used to put my handkerchief to my lips and half sup- press a very modest noise, but now when I feel the spasm coining on I want to seek the wilderness. I sneeze from my toes to my crown and in every direction, quite over the horizon. Theelueer part of it is I think Kermith of my sneeze, too, and coax and enjoy it. I wonder why a man in his twenties can do with a repressed and deli- cate'hitoh' like a girl, and then between 40 and 60 can't satisfy himself unless he kerehoos over a whole countyP"—Chicago Post. Grim Philosophy. There was something bordering on the pathetic in the comment of an old Florida liogro on the fate of his little boy who, as he explained, "wuz sweltered alive by an alligator," for when some ono expressed sympathy for him he said: "Wall, well, de Lawd's will be done! Hit wuz mighty bad for de alligator ter swelter bllu, but be might er been lynched of he'd lived ter be growed1"--Atlanta Constitution. Made a Century. "I never heard that Plymouth Buff Rook aka suoh a racket before," said the n "Does she think she is the only n the cake)' ie a jubilee ode she is singing," e - la mid the Irish Bantam. "She hasjut aid her hundredth egg." ---Washington Star. REIEEMED yv�1 SELVES. A Company of Soldiers Whose Captain Didn't Know General Rosecrans. The lata General Rosecrans ran up against a tartar once, but be had the good sense not to let his ruffled dignity cause Mw to lose Ms temper. The story, as told by Colonel James T. Sterling, is as fol- lows: Company A of the Seventh Ohio was formerly the Light guards of Cleveland and was one of the very best drilled companies in the army. It was commanded by Cap- tain Creighton. The Seventh Ohio was in West Virginia in 1801, and "Old Rosy" was in command. The supplies for the army were brought up the Kanawha river in boats, which were unloaded by details from the regiment. General Roseorans had ordered that soldiers on duty must wear their equipment. Company A was sent out to unload a boat, and Captain Creighton permitted the men to take off their equipment and their coats as well while engaged in this hard work. When the work had bean completed, the men and officers sprawled out on the grass for a rest, and then General Rosecrans and some of his staff rode up. The general looked at the soldiers a minute and then called for the commanding officer. Captain Creighton did not know General Rose - crane, but he rose to his feet. "Who commands this company?" asked the general. "I do to the best of my ability," replied the captain. "Don't you know, sir," inquired the general sternly, "that it is against orders to allowthe e m n e to remove their equip- ments q - P ments when on duty?" "I have heard some such order," said Captain Creighton, "but the man that is- sued it never did a day's work in his life. When my- men have to work hard, I'll see him in the other place before I'll let thein swelter with tbeir accouterments on." "Olt) Rosy" stared at the cool captain a moment and then rode down toward the boat. .A soldier approaohed Captain Creighton and said: "Do you know who that id" "No, and I don't care." "That's General, Rosecrans, the com- mander of this department." "Whew I" `ejaculated Captain Creigh- ton. "Company, fall in!" Without question it was the finest com- pany in the command. When the general and bis officers rode back from the boat, the company in full equipment stood in perfect order and gave him a present in ioh splendid style as to attract Ms atten- lon. General Rosecrans returned the sa- lute and requested the captain to put bis men through the manual. When it was finished, the general rgteed his hat, turned 1io the eentain and said; "I think that a company that can han- dle muskets as well as that Atokabe al- I lowed to unload a steaflier without any- thing on if they want to."—Detroit Free Press. Of the forty-two largest cities in Japan, ranging in population from 1,380,00 down to 26,000, twenty-four have electric lighting systems, Beginning June 1st, the summer term at Nimmo's Academy, Sarnia, will open. $18 is all that it will cost you for three months. Beautiful rooms: Excellent lo- cation. Yon can incorporate pleasure with business. Write for particulars. Experts who have examined the handsome Persian rug presented to Lord Salisbury by Prince Amir Khan, of Persia, during the English J ubilee festivities, say that it is worth at least $4,000. The rug has been placed in a black frame of massive design and will henceforth adorn the Premier's private room at the Foreign Office. "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown;" yet some of the wearers of crowns are fairly well paid for their uneasiness. The income of the Emper- or of Russia for one day is $25,000; that of the Sultan of Turkey, $18,000; Em- peror of Austria, $5,000; Emperor of Germany, $8,009; King of Italy, $6,500; Queen of Eugland, $6,500, and King of Belgium, $6,509. The President of the United States receives about $130 a day. l l .ezgh Dom& before caking 'Them. GAINED 22 POUNDS. I have more faith in Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills than anything else I have ever used. Since using them I have recommended them to several of my friends who were troubled as I was, and now they ate in splendid health. I had been a sufferer, like a great many other women, with a disease peculiar to my sex. I tried everything I could read or think about to help me, but was getting worse instead of better. My condition was terrible—I was losing flesh and color and my friends were alarmed. I consulted a doctor of this town and he said I would never get better ; that I would always be sickly and delicate, and that medicines were of little use to me. Hearing what Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills 'had done for others, I de- t;ermined to try them myself, and to -day I weigh one hundred and forty pounds, while before I weighed only one hundred and eighteen pounds, and now I have a constitution that is hard to beat. I have not suffered any pain in months, and earnestly hope that Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills will reach every woman suffering as I did. Sincerely yours, MAY COLE, Sinicoe, Ont. Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills are sold at eoc. per box, boxes for $z,00, at druggists, or mailed on receipt of price by THE DR. WARD CO., 71 Victoria St., Toronto. Book of Information free. About books. The ideal house has books all over it, and yet it is best for the books themselves that they have an apartment truly their own. Many people who feel that they can- not afford a "library" would be astonished 1f they realized how easily one ;night he arranged. One of the most charming bookrooms of which I know is merely a small chamber with a pretty view from two windows and a snug corner fireplace. At small expense deal shelves were run entirely around the wall space and fitted with roller blinds which may be drawn down in front of tho books at night or in the daytime when cleaning is going on.— Boeton Home 'Towne!, Her Gentle Hint, Mr. Bilkins—Say, Maria, what, have you got that old photograph of me out on the mantel for? Heavens and earth! That don't look anything at all like nie now. Mrs. Bilkins—I know it, Henry, but 1 ran across it up in the attic yesterday and thought I'd like to have it around where I could see once in awbilo what, you used to look like when you smiled.—Chicago News. The old, old Story. I ohose him opt from all the rest -- My Tom—he had three lovely brothers; But—will -he seemed to like me best Of all the girls. Oh, there were others That wanted him, but, som• how, he, Right iron) the first, kept after me. He wassplendid so p d I Big and kind And calm, and full of mischief very. A romp seemed always to his mind, While I was rather prim than merry. Yet, when he was my own, I felt How feud a lover near ine dwelt. Alas! There came a time of change; He oared no more for home nor quiet. His moods were reckless, wild and strange. Night after night be spent in riot, Returning when the dawnligbt Dame Quite heedless of reproach or biame. And so it wet,1, till months were past. I was too l't :d to hnug c. beat him, Or pull his whiskers --yet, at last, Ile left me. Now I sometimes meet him; He has grown ugly, old and fat— My handsome Maltese Thomas oat. The Weather Prophet. "It's going to rain," said Gladys. And she looked both marry and wise. "Why, how do you know," cried Madge and Flo, With wide and wondering eyes, "For you can't read, and papa says The weather clerk don't know ?" "Mine does, I guess," laughed Gladys, "Yes. Just wait, and he'll tell you so." And, sure Enough, from the garden, Where the winds of spring blew strong, Came a funny croak that seemed half a joke, The violet beds among. Then next it was under the rose trees, And the curious children spied A epeokled and brown frog hopping down In the think green leaves to hide. While "Rain, more rain !" he called for, Till Madge and Flo said: "Well, You're a pretty clerk of the weather ! Your work Is nothing but play to tell It's going to rain and spoil our fun !" But he solemnly answered, "Rain 1" While the c'ouds blew low into piles of snow, And froggy was right, it was plain. For fast and harder Dame raindrops Till the children ran inside, But, though surely soaked the frog still croaked, And for "Rain, more rain !" he cried. You don't believe it ? Listen Some day near a pool or bog, And "Rain, more rain 1" he will tell you plain, This weather sharp of a frog, Family Secret. "That's papa's picture," explained tho little girl to tho caller who was looking at.,, a framed photograph on tho piano. "You wouldn't know it unless I told you, cause it's got a senile on the fade. "—Chicago Tribune. ' White men are snid to boar up better against intense cold than against intense heat, the principal reason given being that the cold air is less tainted with the sends of disease, Mushrooms generally consist of 90 per Dent water, but the remaining 10 per cent is more nutritious than broad. America's greatest medicine is Hood's Sarsaparilla, which cures when all other „reparations fail to do any good whatever. Fat is absolutely neces- sary as an article of diet. If it is not of the right kind it may not be digested. Then the body will not get enough of it. In this event there is fat -starvation. Scott's Emulsion supplies this needed fat, of the right kind, in the right quantity, and in the form already partly digested. As a result all the organs and tissues take on activity. Sec. and $I.00, all druggist% SCOTT & DOWNS, Chemists, Toronto. (ASSESSMENT SYSTEM). WILL YOU REACH SEVENTY The alloted span of life. If you do, and are careful and provident all your life, none of your children or dependents are likely to suffer want, from any fault of yours. But are you sure ? How many men are always careful and provident ? These are questions that must, occur to any rightminded, thinking man whose un- timely death might bring untold priva- tions to his wife and family or dependents. To solve the question simply join the CANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS, enjoy the privileges of the safe and sound Insurance they provide. The price of a cheap cigar a day will do it. Their policy is a comfort in time of misfor- tune during life, and a blessing to your loved ones after your death—a perpetual reminder of your kindness, love and forethought. , THIS SOCIETY IS The Leading Benevolent and Fraternal insurance Society of Canada, Giving $50o, $1,000, $1,5oo or $z,000 In- surance, and Sick and Funeral Benefits to its members. For further particulars enquire of Officers.or Members of the Order, oaddress f the R. ELLIOTT, THOS. WHITE, H.C.R., Ingersoll. High See•y, Brael'/ord. or ERNST GARTUNG, Branlford, AN EPIDEMIC OF COLDS. Pr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder Proves the Good Samaritan to Thousands of Suf- ferers in the Present Epidemic— George E. Casey, M.P., is One of the Many Wbo Knows of Ito Goodness. What to do to secure relief in the present epidemic is the Iuestion thousands are ask- ing. Colds this season attack throat and head, and there is nothing that gives relief so quickly in every case as Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. Geo. E. Casey, M. P., is only one of fifty others of the House of Commons and Senate who have tried this remedy,and beam testimony to its undoubt- ed doodnees. Sold by Watte dt Co. According to the Rev Chas.A. Killie. of Indianopolis, who has spent nine years in missionary work in China, the Chinese reaps represent the Flowery Kingdom as occupying nine -tenths of the world. A few colored spots of minute proportion denote the existence of Eugrand, France, Hassle, America, etc. TO PREVENT CONSUMPTION. Hard to cure; easy to prevent. Scott's Emuleien nourishes the body, keeps all the organs and tissues healthy, and the con- sumptioni germs cannot get a foot -hold. BUSINESS CHANG We wish to announce to the publio that we have purchased, the ( i<WeWien& ness and stook of James Steep, and have thoroughly overbatilad flier satlst and added to it over $600 worth of the freshest and best goods in the.tratle. -W are now prepared to welcome our old customers and as many new ogee as WV honor us with a call. We are offering some real snaps. See our 1 lb, tin Vali ing Powder and Scissors for 26o. Our reduoed price on Teas is giving gripat iso; isfaction. Pickles 80. per bottle. Crystal Gloss Starch 5o per 1 14< Mushroom Catsup 10o, three for 25o. Try our line of 'Teas at 2(10: tri delivered. , Caeh paid for I Butter & Eggs J. McMU TRAY, Combe's BIa L Window Sllades,Window Poles, & Corvelette Lace Fringe, Plain and Decorated Shades, great variety of patterns and peiosff' Corrugated Oak and Fanoy-Colored Poles. COVELETTES in three pattern ask to see them. Furniture.—Large stook of Fancy and Cheap Furniture always on hand. - Picture Framing and Repairing promptly ,attended to. J. H. CHELLE1fo/. BLYTH specials for April:'' WAS WASTING AWAY. "I could not eat, sleep, walk or sit down for any length of time. I was always in pain and was wasting away. , I grew very' 1 weak and had a bad cough. I tried many different remedies, but did not get relief. Since taking flood's Sarsaparilla, however, I ani able to attend to my business. MINNIE JAQUES, Oshono, Ont. HOOD'S PILLS cure all liver ills. Mail= ed for 25c by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell,Mase If you wish to be sucoessful in life take a course in bookkeeping or shorthand. Nimmo's Academy, Sarnia, is the best sohool to attend if you wish a thoroughly practical education, Ordered Tweed Suit $9.50 ... Millinery in endless variety and beauty, Wall Paper, Curtail? Poles with wood ends, Spring and Summer Underwear, hatl4 some Prints, Muslins and Handkerchiefs, nice assortmentol Crockery and Glassware, Garden and Field Seeds. LAO Giant Seeders are in demayd. New Stock of Pres.hs_ terjazl Book of Praise received, prices from 10e. to $1.50. Please see our goods and prices and you will be sti,t to buy. Potatoes, Oats, Butter and Eggs wanted. LONDESBORO EMPORIUM, April 12th. R. ADAMS HUB GROCERY NEW FRUITS NOW IN STOCK ARGUIMBAU'S Select Layers, Vostizza's,Vit RAISIN S Fine off Stalk CURRAN TS 1 tras, Patras; Off Stalk Recleanq California Prunes, best Eleme Figs in mats and lame is ten pound bores Lemon, Citron and Orange peels. Having bought at 'the lowest prices this spar son we will give you close prices. /Or CO S W.A. lee LOW, e=� Clintoniii FURNITURE BROADFOOT, BOX & CO. The steady increase in our trade is good proof of the fact that our goods are right our prices lower than those of other dealers in the trade. We manufacture furniture on a large scale and can afford to sell cheap. If yon from us, we save for you tbe profit, which, in other cases, has to be added ij the retail dealer. ' This week we have passed into stock some of our new des/ us to quote prices, but come and see for yourself wig' Remember; we are determined that our prides shall be t o { seem •"e hare+v e trade. UNDERTAKING.to In this department our stock is complete, and we have u outfit in the oounty. Our prioes are as low as the lo BROADFOOT,BOX &C P S—Night and Sunday calls attended to by calling at J. W. Ch 'r sae a Direotor) residence. �0 A RARE CHANCE' To cultivate a calm, hopeful spirit lies in the use of Putnam's PaiulessCorn Extract• or. It never fails. It makes no sore spots on tbe flesh and is therefore painless. It re - heves promptly. The Chinese make great pets of their goldfish, and patiently teach them° irir:ks, such as eating.from their own- er''s hands or rushing to he fed at the -tinkle of a bell. The goldfish belongs to the carp family and is sometimes called the golden carp. What purports to be the Bible read by Martin Luther in his study has come into the possession of a museum in Berlin. Its margins are said to be covered with notes in the reformer's h'tndwritiling. The Bible was printed iu Bale in 15CJ. It is in an excellent state of preservation. levelands -the success of '98 THE BEST CARTERS IT'TLE IVER PILLS IIaving the experience, possessing the facilities, incurring the expense,jus- tified by volume of busi- ness, and inspired with an ambition to construct the world's g reatest Bicycle accounts for the extraor-' dinary increase of Cleve- land sales in every civil- ized country. X80 eleveland Bicycles 880 Spring crops have been sown under most favorable conditions in Ontario, `and;the agricultural outlook for the tlruvitloe Was never better. :iC (! .ro?OOrs( cr SICK SIOK HEAJAOHE Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per- fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi- ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small P81. Small Dose. Small Price. Substitution the fraud of the day. See you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, Insist and demand ""arter'S: Little Liver Pills). The handsomest in design and finish. The best in material and workmanship. The most perfect in its lines and bearings. $55 CLE%rELA I CYCLES $55 Our enormous facilities permit us, and we do sell better bicycles for $55 than others sell for $75 and $80. 100 PHOTOG RAPHS ARE TAKEN BY HORACE FOSTER Vim' 'e;Er 111 I IIiYr i�;li�;i�� �� it i1 r til !ilk Iii IIII Y,���!lil�jifiw� ( , $70 C,EVELAI CYCLES $70 Beautiful and great, contain points of superiority not included in the highest - priced competitor. 30 -INCH WHEELS --Represents the highest ideal in the,art of Bicycle construction. Short head, long wheel base, 4 -inch drop crank hanger, Cleveland improved bearings, and numerous other new and beautiful improvements, make it the easiest and smoothest running wheel in the world. Sole representative, Agents everywhere. Write for catalogue MRS. OHN CA:iH. W. COOPER & CO., H. A..LOZIER & CO. Clinton. Toronto My husband has been troubled with dyspepsia;; and finds Ripans Tabules the nvkly reliP.S. f'e ` i 11 Lrouf31eQ Wltl 111111*' gestion for the past'. teen yea i S. 0 1 ,r°