The Clinton New Era, 1898-03-11, Page 7_ .. __
lto lila! the Children of our
The Masses, the :Boys and the
*Abbath SchoolA be won to a
Saloons. ye
. f Red
Ifte>par- Interest In tke Sec-
The Lutheran Observer -well says:
ch Wh
the Sanctuary?
asses until it will
reaches ,,The churcevera theteas
.(l ) ask read at Anburn Convention by loons."
This is as true as itis pithy and I
�i`` . E. olFrig)
pointed. Beford "the masses" can
to Christ they mast be brought
- tbin will agree that the subject
away from the saloons; and the only
v{r)iloh,bk j been aeeigned to me is one of vi-
way to gain that point is to destroy
more keep
tatjix portarioe; for while the primary
Of all, Sabbath School workers is to bring
the saloons. You can no
the boys and young men out of the li-
• their scholars to Christ,surely one great aid
censed or legalizedsaloon than you can
tollrar 1.1 the accomplishment of that great
>`im is their, regular attendance Upon o the
keep flies out of an open molasses bar
rel on the street in August. Close the
Publio worship of God. The young p P
•4lre the advance guard of the coming gener-
barrel and roll it into the cellar, and
then the flies will keep out of it- So
atictt and where is the church of the future
from our Sabbath
close the saloons, and keep them otos
of your boys
t.Q come from if not
Schools? The Sabbath School is some-
ed, or a certain number
and young men are as surely doomed
r tiulea called the "Children's church' but
to that term. It is an
each year to be lured by them into a
and a drunkard's hell
. - for,lnly part I object
Ary to, .but in ng sense a substitute
drunkard's grave
as are flies certain to be lured to their
eohurob. If I read my Bible correct-
y theresie bat two divinely -appointed in
death by the open molasses barrel.
Sunday -schools, and young people's so-
etitytione—the church and the home, and
cieties, and Y.M.C. A.'s and churches
no humanly devised organizations however
` • useful and important they may be, can sup-
may do all they can to draw the boys
keep them away from the saloons,
,3 --steeds these. It is a foot admitted and do -
but it will be of little or, no avail so
plored by B. S. workers everywhere that
,' many of our pupils are seldom seen in the
long as the legalized saloons exist.
to these the boys will go, despite the
home of God and that too many of them—
1' ` particularly boys = after they arrive at a
tears and prayers of arente and the
efforts of pChristian people. How do
�9ertaln age think themselves to big to at.
t0 `-Land S.S. and drift away from the church
we know? By having watched the
drift of things in that direction forty
1. entirely. Permit me then to remark in the
hist that parents themselves should
ears. In all those years a regular
stream of boys has been going out of
o ears and that the moral
mp re pro
�,,M plane
`hE regular attendants upon the services of
;, the sanctuary. This seems almost unnec-
Christian homes, out of churches and
of the Sunday Schools into the sa-
effect of their influence upon the men is
noticeably good. There are but 94 chap-
Nearly every Chinese mercantile store in'
this country has attached to it a Chinese
� . epeery to say, and yet do we find parents
loons, down to drunkards' graves, and
lains in the entire service, and acquaint-
doctor and a pharmaceutical department.
his ocou•
is d
1.who are willing—even anxious —that their
be taught in the S.S., who
that same stream is going on still,
than ever. Yes,
once with the personnel of the corps leads
to believe that the standard of fitness
In China every one chooses own
pation, and any person may assume the
i:',Y,:.';; children should
" themselves are seldom, if ever, seen in the
'house of God. Example always teaches
ger and stronger
Christian people, if -you would save
our boys and reach the masses, first
has been kept high by the appointing
The regulations require thin an
title of physician without having given
previous evidence o1 his professional oom-
more forcibly than precept, and you will
etterall find that these children, after ar-
g Y
reach and then close the saloons.—The
Religious Telescope.
applicant as chaplain be between the ages
of 91 end 9tt years and a minister in good
patency. There are no medical collogos,
and no examination taste safer to worry
riving at a certain degree of maturity, will
follow their parents' example, and absent
The Prince of Wales,
standing in his denomination. In addi-
tion to these qualifications practice requires
the minds of thefuturepractitionera And.
neither are diplomas asked for or granted
1 q; . ,
themselves from B.s. and regular church
a=i3erviae. I know there are exceptions to this
the hearty and unequivocal indorsement
high ecclesiastical authorities, who are
This unlimited liberty of selecting an
occupation has resulted in making the Chi-
as ever other rule, bat generally speaking
` the It ie reproach to many
willingibilitto a a of
Po- moral
n henmthelChincal eaof start a businessession a Chi
this is ossa. no
L ,.• `�- earnest B.S. teachers, but it is a reflection
He is 5 feet inches high, and weighs
e appointmree
for thume
lits of a PP ent,
litioal influence of a high order may be
nese doctor is always included as one of
the and he vats as physician and
1. on too many —even professing
„ parents—when we say that in many in
lgp pounds,
eyes, a grey beard,
used to bring rile applicant to the atten-
tion of the president and secretary of the
apothecary for the firm. In China Chinese
4 stances the teacher is taking the parents'
This ie as it ehoald be, Home
$e has light grey
a brown complexion and a bald head.
navy, but can avail very little beyond this.
apotheoarieti, before they can Derry on
their busingss, must pass an examination
plane. not
1lfe is still one of the most powerful in-
$1e handsandfeetaresmalland neat-
has four grand
The chaplain, once appointed, ranks as a
oned he staff, line
of tsh!
and n lust exhibit diplomam the ex-
nenees in the'formation and development
of character. Social conditions change,but
He, is 57 years old,and
is champagne of
wen onder
the vara room board and
the ward P
entitled to a private stateroom !n the
amination Medical consists
In mechanically learning the old Chinese
t necessity of arental instruc-
theparamoun Y p
tion and example is not removed by the al-
His favorite wine
1888, and his favorite liquor a cognac
wardroom quarters.
He wears no uniform and in this ie the
medical works, and, when possible,
inherited knowledge remedies all "ace-
tared conditions of society. Again, child-
from i very early age, should be taken
40 years old.
He is fond of all kinds of people, es-
sole exception to the rule which obtains
cards, with the Chinese maxim,
the better."
1 ' public services of
:'1` _ with the parents to the p
ciall if they have money.
pe y of horses and
on all the ships of our navy and applies
all officers and enlisted men, from the ad-
When aphysician has been unaucoeesful,
,t �r the sanctuary. I belie from the
a, child is two years old, or even younger,he
He is a first-class judge
dogs, and he thinks he knows some
miral of ,the fleet to the humblest mesa at-
Nothing invidious is involved
he retires with the common Chinese adbut
for here is mediinvalitiwlll
that "stir
e re ularl in his place at public
should b g Y
He may be a little restless at first.
thing about actresses.
$e is said to be one of the best shots
in this discrimination, and !t !s to be pre-
none f fate.' Sometimes anicine
to doctor and eek for how much hA
and perhaps cry, but if be continues to go in England.
Babbath in a very short time be will He sets the fashions in clothes for
gamed that if a majority of the chaplains
were to ask for a uniform it would be
go a
will cure him and trove soon the aura can
He states the diagnosis o!
t learn to remain quiet, and soon love to go. the whole world.
Zn my eaperienoe I have never meta He loves to labor for the working-
granted. The chaplains as a rule dress
ordinary clerical gaits, the coats close but-
be performed.
hie case, the pulse ie examined and every
investigated, when a bar-
small child who did not consider it a treat ,Lan,
"go to Thna a habit is formed $e is a D. C. L. of Oxford, and LL.D.
toned, and in blouse or frook, according to
circumstances. In conducting divine sere-
other symptom
gain !s struck and a portion of the price
then receives the auitii
to church."
'° ' • which in after years will not be easily of Uambridge, and a'barrister.
• thrown The wise man tells us "Train He has 13 university degrees.
ice each chaplain is permitted to employ
tke order used in his own d"ominatiofr
paid. The patient
able medicines in quantity and variety betr
horse than a man, for the
,` 'up a ghild in the way he ehoald go and He has laid 73 large and important
and may also use the vestments of his
.If any. ---Chicago Chronicle.
ter fitted for a
doctor reasons that out of a great num be!
when he is old he will not depart from foundation atones.
and z am sure each one of ns has but to He opened part of the Suez Canal.
than any
it is more likely that some will prove efi9•
caeioue, and the more he gots paid for thA
s look around to find this proverb exemplified He has made more speeches
s in the matter of church going. Further- other man in the world, but mostly
self Reliance.
Henry Ward Bebober used to tell this
lucre he ought to administer. A dcoo-
kettleful of simples ie drunlr by
y ;more I think we should try and get our short ones.
` eoholara interested in the work of our Chris- $e owns the deepesarmin i r�gTa,nd
G«c4Tv of the way in which his teacher of
mathematics taught him to depend .upon
tion of a
the sick man, end he glues up both works
If, however, at the exp!•
w, "° batt Endeavor and Epworth Teague So- He was the first OVilstian to dine
�+,,11 • oiepiee.. These form, as it were, a connect- with the Sults urkey•
was Bent to theblaokboerd and went,
Iniz and eating.
ration v. the time specified he is not cured
his for an ignorari
;;r? .'
J'Sr � ipg ink:between the Sabbath Be.hool and $e neve allows a type -writer in'his
to e•r ° - •
uncertain, full of whimpering.
" `That be said my
he soolds phisio3ail
charlatan who cheats him out a lit& ffivll^ny !
the rOh end pupil case.
rer� ;:: ne S B. hue ceased to interest He spends $5,000 a year for telegrams.
two knives and forks
lesson must learned,'
teacher !n a very quint tone, but with a
and seeks another, whii whom be makes
n similar bargain, and with probably �im-
h rr 1'pe law of life is work, and if we He only allows
] Them to work in any of thb various to each guest at his table.
terrible intensity. All explanations and
excuses he trod underfoot with utter
liar results. The oialts and eaaniinatione
are very reasonable in price, varying in
c,gn�aeoted with ihesesoaietiee, He is a colonel eight times over.
'- we have- gone a long, way towaris solving He has one private secretary, two as-
in a staff of clerks
scornfulness. `I want that problem.
don't want any reasons why you hnven'ii
amount from 16 cents to $1. The fee is
wrapped up 3n rod paper and is called '
theprcblem of getting them inters sted sistant secretaries, and
t `,. the services of the sanctuary, for it will fol- to assist them.
it,' he would say.
" `I did study two hours.'
golden thanks.—New York Sun.
vvs a natural segnenoe. Of course, the He receives 200 letters a -day, and
has a good deal to do with making ahawers most of them.
„,That's nothing to me. I want the
lesson.' You need not study it all, or
The Fetich Diamond.
w,C pastor
the services of the church attractive to Every minute of his time e. London
you may study it ton hours, just to suit
The South African gatiye, it ee�me+ 19 1
" children aewellasgrown people. He should is spent according to schedule.
able to ,Call all the children in his con- $e has every order of knighthood in
yourself. I want the lesson."
"It vena tough fora green boy, but it
not always decorated with the mere trutfl
cry of the tinder's wallet or of his own
o ationby name personally. That min-
x gCQ�,
Teter vyt}o, in visiting in the homes of his
His uniforms are worth $70,000.
seasoned me. In less than a month I had
the intense sense o1 intellectual in-
purveyance. It has become an attested t
fact that excellent diamonds, and dia-
r peoplt� t}nd.elaewhere, takes little nntioe of
--children beyond a mere shake•hands
He is a field marshal and an admiral.
He • is the chief' horse owner, dog
dependence and courage to defend my reel-
monds better than that, are possessed by I
chiefs and hoarded by thein, not so much
a , tClt
` +`'&fid a ,,HOW," will not be as likely
owner, and yachtsman in England.
"Ona day his cold, calm Voieo foil upon
in intelligence of their value as 1n a Orin I
i t,0 a$tract their young hearts, as one
r Y, Y,
wlro will gay heartily "Well Johan 'Mar
He goes to church every
mo in the midSf of n demonstration, No l
"I back to the
fetichism. The stones have come to their
1 hands by the good old fashioned method
Totgmy or Grace as the Daae may be,) how
to -day, was gl to see you at
He nevergoes to the races on Sunday
He started life with an income of
ht.sjtntcd ural then went
heginnin ,surf wira:chingthosamopoint
ofetenlingthemPromtbaIiimborleyminos t
ago, before the present minute watch
erre yon
church last Sabbath and ops you will be
Babbath" missed you from
$550,000 a year,
He says he has no debts.
a6•ain !' ntt red in a tone of etinvio-
tion, barna my progress.
against gem thieving woe systonurtized.
Diamond stealing at present is practically
there every
b Everyone's arson-
church last Sab p Y P
loves to travel into pito in Paris.
He o
" `Thu i7estl' and 1 sat down rod'
impossible under the peculiar methods o1
-ality is interesting to bimself,and of no one
$e buys hundreds of theater tickets
"Ilei too, .vas etuppod with `ti'ol' but
its prevention: Before the rigid examina-
is thiamore true than of a child. An oo'
children's service always helpful•
without using them,
His favorite vehicle in London is a
went ri h1 on, iln;)lied, suet us bo satdown
tions oY workman and visttore began to be
native laborers often were under
i� ` If the minister will prepare and preach a
hansom cab,- yet his stables cost $75,-
was rete urd�d •,, iIh Very well.'
" I)Vli �ihii:i iered I `I recited it just
i '
a secret compact with their tribal rulers
short, simple sermon and have lent of
bright mesio, he will have no difficulty in
OOOa year.
He thinks his nephew, the German
as he did, and yuu said `'No I'
" `�i'hy didn't you say `Yes' and stick
not to tomo back from the minds without
a good sized stolen diamond for the
getting anappreoiative andienceof children.
70 remember when we had one such service
Emperor, is too sensational.
He has friends in every nation, and
to It? It is not enough to know y our les-
s mschiare
Liao. Hence a runt many superb gums aro
dark unfathomed eaves of a Kaffir
11'1 I .I
"' in our church of one little girl who proudly
speaks German, French, Italian and
eon; you must know that you know it.
You have learned nothing till you are
in the
bondman's establishment.
remarked "this is our day:' Shefelt that
- the children were especially honored in 1 av
His life was never attempted by an
sure. IP all the world says 'No!' your
`Yes' "--
Within n few years enterprising traders
special expeditions and pat Yore
11 ing a service entirely for themselves. Any
business is to say and prove it.'
Good Stories.
havd made
for dinmonda ea hidden, with the result of
` ' eritioizing,disparaging remarks in the home
I3e was obliged once to pawn
successful bartering for them. Liquor and
'�^ :;•; about the preacher will tend to lessen the
nillle have boon found useful. In some
ihlld's respect for not only the minister,
` but 'his message too. Therefore, parents
instances the superstition o4 the c".;
should endeayor, if possible, to always
, speak kindly of their pastor. These, I
The Aliases Hall, of Guelph, are con-
stood in the wily of traders' recovering i
Valuable stones; but, on the other hand, a
think,are some of the ways by which sohol_
ars may be won to a deeper interest in the
The new C.P.R. depot fthe Vancouver,
B. C., is to he one of the finest on the
ducting evangelistic t chuff es B the
Collier- street church, Barrie.
small company working on this lino of se -
q uisition is credited with having obtained
of the esnataary, and I have en-
continent. It is now under construe -
within four months not less than $200,000
deavored to be brief and practice rather
than flowery or theoretical. But after all
Harvey Wooden is under arrest at
worth of diamonds. Ono agellt succeeded
in buying of a chief six stones of more
has been said we come back to where we
Simcoe on a charge of killing John
than 200 karats each.—Harper's Weekly.
' -started. If we can so exalt and magnify
Smith by a blow on the bead with a
the Lord Jesus Christ that Our scholars
will take Him Qe their personal Saviour
stick of wood.
Mr Mackintosh is still the Lieut.-
What They Needed.
A colored evan{;clist who was soliciting
,and Redeemer, that they will yield their
,". young hearts and lives- into His keeping,
Governor of the Northwest Territories.
He tendered his resignation, to take
subscriptions for "tlu po' heathen sinners
1 '
what if 'crust du ocean" enld ii. the
,-then we will have no $ifiIoulty in this mat-
ter, The services of God will be a joy and
delight to them, and they will be like the
effect on Jan. 1 last, but it has not yet
been accepted.
course of his reior do:
"Dos think or dun, dear brin
!I t>4¢a
cern n
Rom po' benighted people—goin eroun
Psalmist when he said "I was glad when he
David Cascadden, G5 years of age,
sta7 k flaked in a oliri7nto dot's ez hot es de
said unto me "Let us go into the house of
and a romineut man of gin svt e,
lace whar lots er you, is gwine terI Not
the Lord." ,,I would rather be a door•
died under the effects of chloroform
a stitch er cloze ter day backs
:;• keeper in the house of my God than dwell
administered by three physicians prior
But just here an old deacon arose and
', an tents of wickedness." .
to performing an operation.
A demented Stratford man named
, rthur Weber, made an unsuccessful name
Now that the Ontario elections are
over, let ue all put in a word for gcod
Good in hard
"May I ax de brudder one gnestionP"
"Yes, sub, an two of you likes." ,
"Well," exclaimed the deacon, brtngtng
t to take his life with arevolver.
toads. roads would pay
the railing, "what I
ttem p
cash, to say nothing of the comfort to
his list down on pew
America's greatest medicine is Hood's
the dwellers in the rural reginns.
Postt;I"Iy e=c�d by theme
wants ter know is dis: what does dem
heathen want wid cloze, in a climate
areaparills, which cares when all other
reparations fail to do any good whatever.
Lyman Dart has been Granted a free
the Governor-General, on
Little Pi11p.
oz hot as dat? in my opinion, what day
The body of Wlllam Butler (colored),
pnedon advice
the advice of the Cabinet. Dart is a
also relieve Distress
They Dyspepsia,
raly needs mcg' is i6mbrollaaI"--Atlanta
ho resided at Brantford, was to -day
and in the woods. He is supposed to
more boy of sixteen or. seventeen years
of age, and was convicted of the mur-
Indigestion and Too 11[mi•ty Forting. Aper.
W remedy fbr Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsl.
Boston Blood in the Girl. '
Etve wandered away and perished in
der of a pedlar in Colchester county,
, Bad Tago in the Mouth, Coated Tongue
A, little Topeka girl was recently told
1 snow.
Nova Scotia, and was sentenced to be
pain in the Side# TORPID LIVER They
by her mother that under no circumstanoeo
" • eral Manager Hae of the G. T.
bangedon March 3rd.
Regulate tlto Bovtmis. 1?niety Vegetable.
" "
must sho use the word nigger, an it was
dil a syndicate applying to the
nrdentat, Ottawa for the right to
The celebration Of the double anni-
11f11'M ttll rill. Small Dosed
offensive to the colored people. The tiext
day at school she was regnested to read
the Detroit River between
r d Detroit.
freary of the birthday and coronation
of Pope Leo XII., who was crowned in
$man Ponce,
aloud about a niggardly man, and she ab -
banished the teacher by reading in thio
the Sistine Chapel on March 3, 1878.
was begun at Rome.
wise, Once upon a time there was a very,
The Klondike rush is having a gcod
the f1�nd of rifle �
negrogardly man," oto. — Kansas City
j f your stomach, liver bowels are
effect on the customs receipts, and col-
Warlfitiaproperly you will have no headache
- utd'bo Blood Bitters will keep yon right,
leetions at Vancouver last month
reached $45,884, an increase of $15,380,
SCa Yon get Carter'Sy
There are in the United Kingdom 290,-
000 families of gentry whose average Ill-
there' Is no neuro lot your head sohe.
as compared with February, 1807,
Ask for Carter '%
come is $7,600, but there are 4,775,000
In -
�. Ord is lots of pr of that this is so,
At Sitncoe •Jno. Smith had a row in a
working class familles whose average
,,e ttlytyti hoadaelies for over three years,
hoose which he oecu ted together vi•ith
come is only $485.
11 °;•A d Lurie not free from it one singly day.
several other families, It is said he
�17�1St `1170 0
all" I hived Bntdock Blood Bitten, with
was struck upon the head with a stick
Before the clays of coined money the,
result that it has completely oured me.
'AM190t, Tmilto.
of stovewood, from the effects of which
be died,
, Greeks need copper nails ns enrronoy.
i,•artcr's Little Liver Pi' U •
(falls this ■
sed and I
and earth h
asci Fronk
aQ, thinks ..
diting the
earth to be e
egted i that
t magnetlo
ah out and
etism; that
rmeated by
causes the t
arlations of
r Bigelow's
ve been in t
are still be- I
er bureau
filo observe- I
which hie t
-Needles at -1
in certain
one. They
fe is due to
Kastle field•
ing out his
s in which
seen corre-
he greatest
ved, as well
detected in
b. As one
of of Ills theory Professor igelow uses
fact that the material for ling the eo-
a of the sun (soon during total eclipses)
ivided into rays corresponding to the
me( lines surrounding the poles of a
sashes magnet when placed beneath a
or upon which iron filings aro spread.
blcago Inter Ocean.
III the Amerlcaa Natural Gras District.
Passing through a gas belt ono will see
r the roadside, in a farm lot, a mud
pattered, weather beaten derrick, with
appnrontly rickety accompaniment of
de appliances made familiar years ago
the oil regions—a small reversing en -
a, a rusty locomotive boiler, usually
wit a stack and leaking at every scam;
opondorouewoodon walking beam slow -
oscillating night and'day, stopping only
give place to the use of the bull wheel
an the drill is raised and the sand pump
lowerod or a newly dressed bit is put In
vice. Crude as the rig and all its do-
ls may seem at first glance, every part is
on aeon to have its use, and the journey
the bit from the surface to the unknown
d perhaps barren depths Is always ao-
mpanted by interesting and ever varying
velopments. At night the measured beat
d clatter of the rig in the dim light of a
w flickering torghes of gas, piped from
me neigh boring well; thetrembling der-.
ok, its lofty top 1 at in the darkness; the
illor carefully manipulating the temper
rew after each stroke, controlling the bib
the end of a rope perhaps half a mile be-
t the surface, all form a weird sight.
ccidents are frequent, and the slightest
arelessness may result in dropping the
cols, the recovery of which requires pa -
once and often great ingenuity.—Hosea
Webster in Cassler's Magazine.
f- -_ .--
ERHAPS he was a
cynic, but some one
line said that In this
age there Are no
healthy wo:uen.•Thi'
.age has many wc-
mPB;. stroug anQ
noble Flliyal,VXs, as
they are inch illy
and morally; but it
Is true nererth^less,
that a ia.rge per-
centn,ge of the wo•
meu of the countr
suffer frim nervous
nr*3 and ni ivtl dg;
bli.fy. Thep t1rA.g
out a weary existence, OLd each d'ay is
A day of pain and. suff�l'It1 This was
he case with Mlss Annle $atternOlt, of
Sackville, N. 13. She suffered terribly
rom indigestion and nervousnom She was
uflueneed by some one, somehow, to try
South American Nervine, Of course, it was
ike hopingg n ain t hope—nnothbr patent
niediclne. AUt bile bad taken only one bottle
when her system began to take on the
health of earliest years, and after using
hree bottles she was completely culed.
No wonder sho Is strong In hep conviction
that there is no remedy like Swath Amerl-
can Nervine --29.
Sold by Watts & CO.
I I I I .
I caused by IIrto Aon and
ar'ltfee lilt( edn In tlse -
� of b6ex RAiwad
b ' t - s
No trouble in uo�t I, tits nn or ulos-
•cs. it's ifick csiby, E
uisnents or saotweaa41 the i
ase. But tlhe alseaee 4"M be I
ras taken with a severe attack of rheuma- I
sm and could not turn myself in bed. I was
ersuaded to try Dr, Hobbs' Sparsgus Kidney
ills. They soon put me on my feet again.
*as than one box cured me so completely
uat I have returned again to my work in the
Like Shore Repair Shops as well as ever.
WM, A. SCHOFIaLn, Adrian, Mich.
am pleased to say that Dr. Hobbs' Sparagus
:idney Pills are the most relieving remedy I
ave ever used for rheumatism. You may use
his as a testimonial for the benefit of others
rho are afflicted- _CHARLES Hkss,, Veteran of
livil War, 281 Adelaide St., Detroit, 'Mich•
Dr. Mobbj'
Kidney Pills S I
FILLEN & WILSON, 'Druggists,
Till old C1iaton PLANING MILL
H. STEVENS, Proprietor
The old original Contractor and Builder,
who has made Clinton his home for forty
years, is still in business with a modern,
up-to-date Factcry, and is prepared to fill
all orders of whatever description, on short
notice and the lowest terms; first-class
workmanship gnarantexl. CONTRACTS
for batldings taken, and all kinds of build-
ing material furnished as Resiled,
William £Street, Clinton, immediately
behind ,the Park.
—]hJ' r 8TAnrr.-i';kx
The undersigned Is prerared to do all kinds
o Stamping for Mate, Persian Rugs and arta
c os of like nature. Work done yyrem tlyy and
a reasonable rkbeh . MIAS A.WORTHPNf�TON
ran Street.
"Glimpses of ilia Unseen" laseinaltn8 book
Sweepa the entire Sold of borderland subject,
Everppybody ord@3ce Yarvelloua muetraiione
C .. .t Y, Lru. To BRADLEY L Y -GF�RE[60D
_ is impossible.
Bring Health, then Beauty
follows. They clear the muddy
complexion, chase away Sick
Headaches and Bilious Spells, cure
Dyspepsia and removeall poisonous
matter from the System.
Mrs. Addie Therrialt, 916 Brussels
street, St. John N.B., says: Laxa-
Liver Pi11s cured me of Constipation,
Indigestion and Bilious Headaches.
They have corrected the irregularities
of Liver and stomach, and restored
My entire system to healthy natural
The Great Tangli+sh Res seely.
Sim Packages Gua,antaed to
promptlf,, and per'manentty
ems all forms of Nwvow
Waakness,Atoolo ton48var'+n'
atorrheo, Ibryounoyand all
. effeco of Abu" or Ersemem
mm" Worry, osroeea" ass
Be orealnd�T ylbsbaweo ospv'm,orsuena
f lame, rehror► soon lead to In -
Hut/, Ineantly, 00%a spoon and as ew'W 0 --
Kim been prescribed oven' IIB Tears in thousands of
oases= is the only JUUable and How" Xtdlafns
known. Askdrugglstfor Wood's phoephodinel If
heoffors some worthless medicine in place of this,
tneloso price In letter, and we will Bend by return
man. price, one psoksB0. 911 six. 06. Ons -14
plooeo, gim min cane pamphlets free to any address.
$Fixe 'Flood ooa.poin7,
windsor, Out, Oasis .
. f Red
For Coughs,
Colds f -
chins, .Sore
throat, etc.
KERRY, WATGON B CO., ►aop%Wbote.
MONTaraL. _,_-
Xarah �.I, I
Any quantity of fat hogs wanted foe -
hipping purposes, for' which the high -
at market prices will be paid. Partiesc
Laving hogs to sell will oblige by leav-
ng word at the shop.
It. Fitzsimons, Clinton.
We are doing business on the cash princi-
ple, and will supply our customers with
the best meats at the lowest paying pricers
Business Change. - --
Any quantity of fat hogs wanted for
hipping purposes, for which the highest
market prices will be paid. Parties having
hogs to sell will oblige by leaving word at
the shop.
Chas. J, •`Wallis, ,Clinton.
Subscriber has opened a shop in the pre-
mises recently erected especially for tbisr
urpose, opposite Fair's Mill, where he will
peep on hand and deliver promptly, to a1L
karts of the town.
Fresh Meat of all kinds. A share 6M t1
public patronage respectfully solicited.
Flour & Feed store
In large or small quantities.
OIL C?s,K�% and 1�EAL. ' �'�'
OF ALL KINDS. ......*�.
10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel o a
(late Hill & Joyner) ,
Opposite Market, Clinton- - '' J
�JFlour, Bran, Shorts, Oats, peas, Barley,
and all kinds of meal sold at lowest prices,
Fresh Corn for Feed, 38c a tush
Good Valencia Raisins, 281b box $1.
Choice Tea, special line 25c per lb. and up.
All kinds of Grain bought at highest
W. DUNCAN, '- - C IN OX - ,
The M
Incorporated by
Notes discounted,•Collecttons°made
issued, Sterling and American ea
Sold in Clinton by Allen & Wilson, bought and sold. Interest allndd o e�
druggists. posits. SAVINGS BANx— Interest allowed on
enms of $1 and up. Money advanced to
McI�EOU'S farmers on their own note, with one or
more endorsers. No mortgage required
�E1�®���® H. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton
Nystein a r
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished ALBER 1 ST,, - CLINTON,
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpat�-
tion of the Hear`, Live_ Complaint, Neu-
ralgia, Loss of Mtmory, Bronchitis, Con- A generatrantaac d Business
sumption, Gall BtOL1.9, Jaundice, Kidney
'and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dan3e h g DI iCOUNTE�
Female irredulL.pritiee and GeneralDei�ilit. Nq
Labgrat.Qry, r w�lerich, ®tit.
J. M. MOT,eod,
prop. and Manufacturer
Sold in Clinton by I
Trees, Plants, Shrubs.
This old -established ad reliably bossiness Is
being continued as usual, and those who want
anything in our line can rely on tike very beet
of service
choiee'Wlanis for SprWir BrAlding.
Floral iDe"glis for Weddiryls or Fanore"
Pralt and ornamental Trees
Rproam. fmotch aSt AiAraehan Plae
Pr nes of entire stook very low.
All orders promptly filled.
John Stewart Estate, B.a.rt•ler
Drafts ssued, Interest allowed on 11
OLIN T01t,"�21 T. -
Advances made to farmers on their owe ''
notes at low rates of interest.
A general Banking Business transeetea.
Interest allowed on d9 osits.
Sale Notes bought
J. P. TISDALL, Manager. `-
Huron Street.
Vile have just receivedanother lot of New
Home and Dominion Sewing Machines; the
former is an exceptionally good machitle„
and has given good satisfaction to all
2tTeedles and e►11 kinds of Repaint .
INSIIRANCE CO. Machines sold on p6 ton hly payments. Oal!
FARM & iSOLATED TOWN FROPIllWY on me or write for prices and terms. `
Ol'rLY INSURED Jan. 1898 WNt.'Xodan
Geo Natio Presidant�Harlock P. O.• J. Bi r�
McLean Rippen P. 0., Vlee-Pres.•'w. J For T►went�-seven Xea
Shannon, Seo . Treas seaforth P.O•; flhoe. E. J
Hoye Seafort P.O•, Inspector of Loesas. DUFJN7'5
Sold by Allan RG Nilson, Clinton, ' Dlii6orone E
druggists. W. G. Broadfoot, Seaforth;John' O.Griove,
Winthrop P. O.; George Dale, Seaforth; Thos.
CLINTON WARDL�, WORILS. E•flava,sGarbut Jas. Evan,;, BeachThomas
ra r, BA
_ O.; Thos. Garbutt,, Clinton; Thomas Fraser,
COOPER's OLD STAND, liruooflolcl; John B - MoLS- Iiippon.
-NO ' i
Next to Commorolal 110tel. Robort Sm'th,oFla'1001c• J110 -W- Yeo, Holmes -
vino; liobt. McMillan, Aeaforth; Jamos Ciim-
n E niondvil e; John Govenlock and John .'
This i dsument le 1n full n oration and a milig, g ^"` ,.>T n auditors, POW
order nlh,d in the moat entisfaoto, y way came Alorrigo �j
cry rnd granite wont a ropealaity. Prices a Partiea desirous to Agent Insurances or trans- �� ®®1\, �sr. �,u,da{�q�11
bonabio as those al any ostablioho:ent o�pjicat on oto will be
flopatovoteofdHe ore a �+ �+ r(� ,Y
t X. Lru & 900'C rut, blintou m addressed to their rosl cotivo ofllro I.AgGcB M $Af h IN Cr/11VADAs
c ����f
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" iiI I .
r,i -
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�L I .1 . 11 �..Y
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