The Clinton New Era, 1898-02-25, Page 7..
. ..
If you are 111 you need a Cruetph, Nov. 3rd, 1$97,
. Permanently Cure d ,
. 7 i Coa C. B11:i t" ' 1t� � '�' CODFIS11 EAT, Every Dopartment Cines oa Its Qw1R>ec"* doctor in Whom you have The Sloan alaedioine co,, I3rAmiltons
' In Iiemnaorattug Employees.
' W A 1 UNloN QOlIP lTiS1N i 8 A Story Told by a justice of the confidence. DEAR SIRf3:-For years Tomas ironbled with periodical e#akheadsosloo beim
G41E[ 1, QUEER THiN(38 FOUND BoMt=T M� "one of tba greet pecalfalP things 1n facies u_enally every >�tt►#d47i and used Ati the remedies that weice adverlistd as
1, Ole (7.14. ANp Sy11 I s., Jt7N, p 21$T, W7 (D - Peace. eonneption with the department service," I f O
IN THEIR, STOMACHS. You need a remedy you and was heated by alix,o91 everyy doctor in Guelph, bnt without any relief- One dos ,
remarked a disbursing ofttoer, "is the al- told me ik waB ogased by a weak Btomaoh, another Bald lt, wa4 heieditary and, Incurs ,
Y .Iv, ' camsTIAN F,,NLiI:A'voR of Vlg(I'I,ANA most entire absence of legislation regard- Want one that has been testeCl
-Some, t rn o' Th British Week] Attacked with La Grippe WhichLeft Him Ing the question of when payments aro to i was induced by i neighbor re try and o e bottle And,
h and am happy Com fo say il did s,
i e e 3ai a are in voracious Appetites That Crave Shells and ak and Worn Out - Kidney Trouble ,paying for ears • not an ObSCUTE un - A few doses gave immediate relief, and one bottle and ver remade , I was al Grills- ttO
to Iylo®' f3inileit' p hooks—A Lucky Fishermen Finds p La We y bo made. The whole matter of ,yin is y , This was three years ago and the headaches have never returned z pas also ttaabled
cl tent ot, t to ts. r ers, who Added its oomplioatione and the Sufferer loft with the head of cull department, Bub- that is urged upon with asthma, and nothing helped mo like yoar Rican p Indian Tonic. I can heartily�t('{ t-6 (), )., this cues• . dy's Wedding Ring - Taking In Stones was Dieaonraged. jeot to any rulm which he wishoa to adopt, tried thing g 1' recommend it to all and will be glad to give any parttdnlsrs to any one afflicted ep I waa t
tr10 the J.,, U. Aocleties within dor Ballast. and this is governed by oustomratherthan W. Q. BEEGH.'
,otic r w1ee 3gntlrgvod the attend- Otho Journal, 8ummer<lde, F. E• I. by direct or expressed law. Thus %n Borne yOU, or on which you save a11
" .soca at church sepvico and prayer There was printed recently a diBpatoh1.
lllueetinps" TIAs 3s`'T7jittting our move- from Essex, Conn., telling of the finding of One of the best known men around Be- 01 the branches of the ireasnry department feW Cents --that 1S n0 COnSId- her sale aA all dvakre or addwsas the Company a• HnrnstMos.
spent to ii crycial test, one that goes a watch to the stomach of a codfish. That digne and vicinity is 51r Allred Sahurmaw, there are weekly pay days, notably of the Price �1 I Y bottles
,right! to the heart of tnatEeral one too incident illustrates the voraAlty of the cod- who has recently removed to North Car- redemption division, while 1n the others erati0il as again
St health.
semimonthly pay Y
that;; it ought to be able to stand. flab, and many stories of the same kind aro Teton. He was born in B- five a about 70 there areachesftother
a In most
(?hat is the, answer given to this quea. years ago. Some taventy•flve years ago b@ of the branches of the other departmentB ger wasting in children
related in "The Fisheries and Fishery In was sworn in as a justice of the pemoe, and there are semimonthly pay days, though to Or adultspaid by an, Scott's Emulsion w
tion? Man answers came in, and a Business Change 11
salectiQn of these fill about one page, dustriee of the United Statue " shoat twenty -0338 retire ago he was appoint- the clerks of the headquarters of tho army
without comment the editor reserving "Codfish feed upon all marine animals ed olerk of the {county conn, in both o1 in the war departthere ment, fs buwho t one pay in of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo -
itis judgment till all the evideuce were smaller than themselves which are found which ofiiceahe has given every eatietacstien arm paymaster,
xq -one. page in tin small type. in the same waters with them and are di- Mr Soburman was also a farmer on a large eaoh month. Congress has been appealed Having purchased the Glrooery stock of James Steep, at m greatly retiaaod figure,
`The ane, ptage of these answers would „ scale, and like most men engaged in that to time and time again to regulate pay phosphites has been the and having thoroughly overhauled the same and sorted up with new goods, we are
gostible," says the writer. It would 000upati -n led a busy life, being compelled days by legislation, but for some unknown now in a position to meet the wants of everyone, in price and quality,
he failure, no difference, more life, seem uselesa to give a catalogue of the Spa- to attend Strictly to basineee, and less that, reason it has always refused. recognized remedy for twen-
�^cl'�turch packed, prayer meeting (m- <<
Dies which have been discovered in their a year ago he retired from farming and Though there aro now, and always _five years.
proved, incalculable benefit, no, as r- y g - Special Bargains in Teas. Soaps, Starch, Pickles, B1SCUltB
} srowful no, prevents decrease, yes and stomachs. For a long period of years, be now lives to m cosy cottage in North Car- have been, advocates of frequent pay days,
it is not sure that weekly pay days are the 5oc. and $t.00, all druggists.
U. right lines, no, never so prosperous. torn our naturalists learned to use the Teton. Before retirement, work such as 7- best for department clerks,. Getting their SCOTT & EOWNE, Chemists, Toronto. and Coffee. Don't forget t4 try our Blue Ribbon Tea.
.) great variety of answers certainly, hand dredge, a favorite place in which to man engaged in that occupation knows s i money in Lour parts, one-fourth each week,
but to be able to appraise them aright search for. the rare invertebrates of the thing about, claimed' attention. Hie in seriously interferes with thorn,
-- one would need to know the environ- deep water was the fish dealer's afore, and oreaeingyears made his burden heavier and rule, all 01 one week's money ie expended Cash paid for e
inert of the society, the feelings of the . from the stomachs of codfish scarce of the spring work of 1893 wore him complete- The mail carrier, who carries the butter & Eggs
v+ •C�'�`URR��e Olnbi �il0ek
shells new to science have been taken. Ay Uu•. '1'hia is what he tells about it, and by the time the next week comes around, mail between Oil Springs and Edy'a
.. xchurch and minister towards It, the p leaving nothing to pay off their bonding Mills, was waylaid and robbed of tl e
elements that constitute it ere we Since the introduction of improved meth- how ba was oared. "In the spring of connected
•.mala wage aright of the answers. ode of deep sea resoarob this mode of col- the constant toil and drudgery eonneoted house . rent bilis, which come sae every mail -bag and contents.
1eotSng has been somewhat less prosperous, with the work o1 farming Wore me out Dom- month. All through Europe department
One thing, however, n clear, that U.E. HURRAH FOR IKLONDIKE
late] and the break dawn was more cam- clerks are paid but ono@ In three months, (jeO• P. Graham, editor of the Brock
is making itself felt in England -even but even at the present time many im plate because the resaite were coupled with and it is said they manage to save more villa Recorder, hag been elected Grand
in conservative England; and another portant additions to zoology are yearly P g pp money by that method than 1s saved by Master Workman of the A. O. U. tiV. e
-, I made by the aid of this omnivorotte ani- the bed effects left of an attack of 1t, ri n,
higg is clear, and that is that those One of the results of la grippe was a nasty those who receive their salary more Pre- by acclammation. 14,
. • -outside of the C. E. ranks look for mal. ooa b, another was the complete lose of sp. quently. "-St.'Louie Globe-Demoorst. As very few can afford to go to the Yukon Klondike, we have decided to give
practical results from our society. Let "Codfish swallow bivalve shells of the g _ _ Men -and medicines are judged by what
aorss' therefore, remember this constant largest size, like the great Boa clams, which petite. My spirits were greatly depressed you one at home. You can make ods area money by patronizing the em.
and I felt that I had lived out my days. I they do. The great cures of Hoods Sar- porinm this year. Our spring goods are arriving continually, end are ea -
1y Haat the world is looking for some- are a favorite article of food on certain alas S felt oold,mnd cons@quently the stove —rte- saparSlla give it n good name everywhere. oeptionally good value and very choice. We are riot going out of "Bis" p -
P thing geed and noble from C.E. Every portions of the coast. For instance, in Ips and I were great friends, but the cold of- THE "SMITHY'S" DAUGHTER dissolving partnership, but are going right along. We make a point to ane -
, 11
11, Ione who wears a C. E. pin, or badge, with bay great beds of empty sbells of the g -- Mies Frances E. Willard of the W. C.
or belongs to a C. E. society is looked sea clam, Mantra ovalis, may be found feeted more especially my feet end caused T. U. died at New York at an early hour ply our customers' amnia. We parry a large stock of first -cissa goods. No
to for something excellent. He should, upon the bottom. These shells are `nested,' me great annoyance. Added to this Dom- Attacked by That Most Insidaona of Mn- Friday morning. She had only been ill a trash or shoddy dealt in.
k g the Smaller inside of the larger, e'netimte plication was a serious kidney trouble readers -'Kidney Disease- Gets (food few days. Dress Goode, Tweeds, Overcoats, Underclothing,
therefore, keep in mind the thought which threatened to prove the greatest en- Boots, Shote, Heavy Rubbers find Robes
-that lies in the pledge, and strive to six or seven in a set, having been pnoked emy of all. I was unable to do any. work, Health Back by Using South American
r.`, make that thought embody itselt in together in this compact manner in the had no ambition and less strength, and Kidney Cure -A Kidney Specific. BRONCHITIS CURED. Offering at very low prices at present. All other goods kept in a department- s ,
.action. Too often the pledge is for- stomachs of the oodflsh after the soft parts was not n bit the better of all the doctor's al store at lowest pries, consistent with honest dealing, are to be found here.
> 1?,',, gotten and slighted, and the moral na• have been dSgeetod outi~ Some of them MmmssRs T. MILBURN & Co., Toronto, Ont. Highest price for Butter, Eggs, Potatoes and wood.
' tura Suffers; our word ie not as good as medicine I had taken. It was my wife who Theophile Gadbois, of Arnprior, writes:
our bond. Whatever may be said of had abrade of the mussels remaining in advised me at last to try Dr. William's -My daughter was a great sufferer from DEAa Stae,-I have used Hngyard'e Yet- ADAM S
the pledge this at ]east may be safely them and were quite fresh, having evi- pink Pills. I bought six boxes and began kidney disease. Medical men did their beet low Oil for my children when he had bron- ADAMS' EMPORIUM, R
" dently been but recently ejected by the ehitie, and always with great success. I .L t.
r said, that it requires no more of us taking them. i+ey hope revived b@oat,@@ a for her and we tried all the remedies at�ES�i./iLU. •11,
q fish. In Dana s Geology' aro mentioned change for the better was soon taking place, command, and not until South American use St iniac for sore ihroat,and can say there l , JJ
+" ," : than our plain and simple church ob- great banks of dead shells off the !eland of and before they were done -I was cured. Kidney Cure was tried did she get any bene- is nothing to equal it as a sure cure.
tt ligations; 1t asks no more than we, as Grand Manan, which doubtless originated The six boxes brought back my appetite, fit. Three doses brought great relief. Two Mas JAS. O'BnrEN
r i , ; -Church members, are expected to do in the same manner. Mr. W. H. Dail strength and ambition, in short, all that I or three bottles eompl@tely cured her- not $anise- ills, Ont.
s t• without it; it only puts them before us found some similar beds on the coast of bad lost in the way of strength and bealth. a sign or distress of any kind lett. It is THE BEST .
I J, , in a form that is very imprea@ive. We Alaska which be attributed to the walrus, The nest spring however m streri th a Rin
not to shrink from i on that P g y B g• truly a wonder worker." Sold by Waite & The trade of the Klondike gold -seekers 11
-oughtbut which are more probably the remains gave way and I immediately began using Co. is nearly as important to Canada as is the
t account, but rather take it as a valtt- of mollusks eaten by the codflsh. Pink Pills again and I am happy to say gold itself. The miners can carry gold PHOTOGRAPHS 1.
t „'' „ able help, an inspiration through its "They feed also upon crabs of all kindB, that they effected that time a permanent away with them to any part of the earth, i
' . word and also t1arough the members lobsters and starfish, and have bees even at cure and to -day I am well and hearty as i!
j ' joins th us in fellowahi the surface catching the potato beetles and I were only forty. I strongly recommend but the profit on the Snppliea they have
j� Punctured. bought here remains in Canada as perman- ARE
t ____WHEN SOCIETIES DIF.. -What is the une bugs which have drifted out from th@ A young woman in Detrol while en
� ___W of the death of a Christian En- Pink Pills to all who ere suffering ae I wee. a ant benefit to bnsinese. On no account �l
shore. It fe said that they euoceel ocoa Dr. William's Pink Pipe once by going to joy ing a bicycle ride on Belle Isle, Eras should the Dominion Glovernment allow TAKEN Bj
F P`, deavor Society? Why does it cease to efonally in capturing a duck. The Glou- the root of the disease. They renew and much annoyed by n "masher" on a wheel, the IIntted Stmtee to jockey Canadians ant
hl exist? What makes it disband? No caster Telegraph o! May 6, 1867, reports build up the blood, and strengthen the who persisted in nttom ting to en a e her
tr doubt many through different things. the Vineyard Gazette as Ob the P g g of this trade. w FOSTER
. f nerves, thae driving disease from the Sys- in persinveted in. Slackening her opted,her (��/
H11"ri Sometimes, and o tenest, it fs want of fact that one James Osborne took a oodfleb tem. Avoid imitations by inaietiuq that
afi, -spiritual life; sometimes it ie that at the -south side, which weighed over 60 ever box on purchase is enclosed in a she suddenly dismounted, and, loaning
lw'°1 �' which inimical to the spiritual life; curds On dr eafn it two Lupi town y y g over her wheel, began to examine one of THE TRADE `VINDS
1 'if k f r the p g g wrapper bearing the full trade mark, Dr. the pedals. no was off bis machine in an
I t n Since Nerviline is in the ;"
sometimes its want n veer o
good of others; want of sympathy on ducks
p trails
(old squaws) were found in its en- William's Pink Pills for Pale People.
They were quite fresh, having
instant. "Allow me to assist you," said
be. Sfie nothing, but releasing her
ow s ro g
market. Nerviline is the greet nerve pain
i a
the part of the pastor or the church, or
harmony and true Christian
most of their feathers on. Codfish vary
wont] to him took his to hold, while he
cure. Its penetrating and penin subduing
P ower ie such that relief is almost instan-
rpt ",t''.
''s'" a kE
want of their
� the society itself. Spiritual
diet by browsing upon carrageen,
Irish moss, which grows on too ledges
went down on his knees to the offending
Pedal. He was no scenic on his marrows,
tmneous, Try it and be convinced.
ly , :.:a
iii® is the life of the U.E. society,there
keep close to
g Barren Anetralian Plains Suddenly Trwnb
near thoehore In eeatohln Rt the bottom
with his face to the ground, than she deft
-� --
foto let every member
fore le who would see the society flour-
for shells and worms, oodfish often pick up
objects which can hardly be regarded as
formed Into Flower Gardens.
The whole o1 the interior of Australia to
ly extracted a hatpin and inserted the
into the rear tire of his wheel. By
Met Hie Match.
). �' �'
1 ,
ish and bring forth abundant fruit.
nutritious. A veryamusing catalogue of
such objects might be ineludod in this
i r to think, a des-
not; as some people aPP��
art. It ie traversed by river courses, eaoh
too time be had discovered there was abso-
lutely nothing wrong with the pedal and
"Henrietta," said Mr. Meekton, as
�' „
aril pushed tilt door open, yon left
'1l' , �'
Here i one method of working{ which
as it has been
chapter in which would be enumerated ar-
as those of the Finke, Bareoe and War•
that it was working its smoothly ae me
word that you wished to sot the milkman.
He's here."
r r i
a , ,.,
eve highly commend,
tested and provtn of great value to
tioles snob as sclseors brass oil esus, pots-
corncobs and the head of a rub-
button all, draining southward toward
ohanical skill and bicycle it could make
iuofpensfvoly in
t and confront-
A I', I „
s? ,'c
the members themselves and those for
whom they wrollht. It is called The
to parings,
bar do1L The finding of finger rings and
the heel of a
Nothing could be more striking than
it the hatpin was resting
its proper place. As she whirled merrily
n, who stood on
Ing too man, who stood on too step, os -
g the
f,'' '
WillSnp, Workers Guild. It is a pas-
fragments of oil clothing and
boot inside of alargecodfleh bee suggested
the contrast between the dry and wet sea-
states Professor Baldwin Spencer,
out the avenue a would be masher stood
bicyclewith a tiro as flat aa the pro
"So you are the person who has been
tot's band,,, has three articles in tta
1st, I promise to speak
the idea that sometimes they swallow the
who visited central Australia on a soien-
by his
verbial pancake. -Exchange.
bringing us alleged milk for the past si$
o at leant Otte unconverted person
ray for
ac ;•9'Id; promise toit,
"A wedding ring which belonged to
tiflo mission.
In the former one travels mile after
His Present.
"Yes, ma'am," was the answer. "But
responsibility ends right there I ain't
them and diligently seek the'.onver-
Pauline Burnam., an English lady who was
lost in the steamship Angio -Saxon, wreak-
mile over bare, stony plafne, with ecatroely
of or animal. life The Ban
"What do you think? My wife's pathos
the cow, you know."
'''' `.
Bion; 3rd, I promise to re their
cases to the pastor monthly.
ed off Chance cove, Newfoundland, in
1861, was recently restored to her relatives-
a sign plant
baste down hotly on shining 8elde o!
brown and purple stones, crossed every
told me before we of married that
would give me a handsome present on our
She naught her breath and looked at him
bard. "I have paid you regularly, have I
a 1
b a St. Is fisherman who found the
y The lucky
now and then by thin bands o! dreary
wedding day."
"And didn't be?"
DOW-' she inquired, with sarcasm.
tt Very regular, ma'am. And I make
I a
R Rnmseller's Story.
ring in the entrails of acodflsh.
flsberman received a prestnt oL £60 Por re-
looking mnlga trees.
Suoh as there are are oomparer
,,Well, I waited over a week, and as be
prep to say that I've brought the milk reg
"I -have seen a man take his first
in who after.
storing the highly prized memento to the
lady's son. (Boston Journal, July 6, 1871.)
tively few and far apart, As to the ant-
they have to survive as best they
didn't mention too subject 1 asked
for it, and all he said was, 'Why, didn't ]
ular in return, and, wpat 1s more, It's ae
ood milk as anybody in town has been
1, ` -Mase of Ii nor my place
filled a suicides grave. I have
"Stoned of considerable size are often
can; ante, flies end grasshoppers eziet in
ive Ou m daughter?'
g Y y
seen man after man, wealthy and ed-
found in their stomachs, and fishermen
countless numbers and afford food to liz-
"I have no fault to flndwith thomloud,
in tones that were not loud,
ucated, come into my lace, who now
have a theory that this a sign of an ap-
and that the fish thus
ards, and perhaps smaller marsupial rate
An English pnper says that Florence
she remarked
but very cold and metallic. "Tbe milk is
,cannot buy his dinner.' This was
beginning of -an address by S.Stacy be-
proaching storm
take in ballast to enable them to remain
and mice.
In the rainy season, which may only oo-
Nightingale "received her Christian name
from too town In which she was born-
all right."
x ,s
dd �;,,,
fore the Cadets of Temperance, mere
lads, sat clothed in bright regalia
at the bottom when the waters are trot,-
bled. It is more likely that these stones
our once in 18 months, everything 16
changed. From the highlands in'the oen
Florence, Italy. Her name is not Night-
but Shore, her father being a Not•
you, ma'am."
I havo no doubt that It is as good milk
1 '
of blue and red, in long rows in the
are swallowed on account of Bea anemones
ter and from every range of hills the water
in ale,
g eataot
tin ham banker who inherited the
as can be purchased."
,r' °,°„
settees in Franklin Hall. in South
Brooklyn, N.Y. The meeting was field '
or other edible substance"s which may
be attached to them, in just the Same man
rushes down in torrents. Vast areas, pro-
impassable by reason of drought,
of Pear Nightingale on condition that he
cut thrre is n stratum of limestone
under the auspices of the Sons of Tem-
nor that the shells of mollusks are taken
now become impassable from flood. With-
assume the name."
under year farm. Nater that comes from
I don't
perance, and it had been announced
Mr Stacy, having given up his
in for the sake of the nutritious parts
which they contain.
1n a Yew hours the whole scene Is changed
has loosened the bard ground
A chain bridge over the Merrimac rivet
limOstont always did annoy int.
wish to secin too particular, but I will say
drinking place in Sixth avenue, New
"It is believed tbab certain Shoals of cod-
the bottom,
The water
and countless animals have appeared
at Amesbury, Masa., is said to be too old•
est+sus ension bridge in too United .State9.
right koro that if you can't go to the trou-
bio of digging a cietorn !n ardor to supply
York, would give hie personal expP,r-
lance. "For eleven years I sold liquor,"
flsh feed almost entirely at
while others prey upon flab. The fisher-
Olay pons and water holes are noisy with
the of frogs; crustaceans hatch
It was built in 1792.
customers w ho don't like limestone water,
�, ?,
' ;'
he said. "I had one o€ the handsomest
mon claim to be able to distinguish these
out with wonderful rapidity from eggs
you'rogoSug to losemytrade."-Wnshing-
saloons in New York. Some said it
two classes by their general appearance,
which have lain on the dry ground for, it
ton Star.
was the best saloon in the city. If it
too first being heavier, with shorter heads,
may be, many months; small molhisks
- _ -_ _ - _
was the best, God help the poorest. I
blunter noses and smaller fins, and Pre-
buried in Olay are released, and every tn-
She Wantea a Love Letter.
F •.`
can recall twenty customers, each
worth from $100.000 to $500,000, and
quently known as grubbers or ,ground
keepers, while fish belonging to what are
habitant bland and wort seta to wosk to
the best of its Short ilea.
"Good morning," said the young worn
only two of them are now able to buy
dinners for themselves. To you, Cadets
known as tot squid School, too herring
the lant school, which are prob-
The ground within a sayer two iagreen
en, as she stopped up to the window.
there a letter for me today?"
of Temperance, I would advise that
take a of prussic acid
school and
ably the same fish at different seasons of
brighter eyed, slenderer in
with the leaves of countless
which grow rapidly; birds appear as if by
"I will sec," replied the clerk. "Will it
be strong the business or tholovelettors?"
4tis Anvil arca mere rings with tba
you rather glass
than a lass of liquor.laIf you must die,
too year, aro
form, with sharper head and in every way
magic, and the once dry and silent ooun-
now bright with flowers and foliage
The girl hesitated a moment. Her face
strokes of
it is better to die at once. If a Gospel
friEiiZ ever takes you by� the arm and
better adapted for swift locomotion. on
the coast of Labrador, as wall as in Scan-
and animals, all docked out in their live-
colored a little, and She finally replied,
think it ie :a business letter."
Mr. Thos. Porteous, the well known
eo restrain you from drinking,
"I know
dinavia, codfish follow the schools of
Best colors.
After perhaps a low days too rains txlaso
The man inside the window took out a
letters from the case and hastily
blacksmith of Goderich, Ont., tulle
weakness gave wag to health
on't turn and say to hire,
what I'm doing. Be kind enough to
spawning capelin in to tbdshore and prey
upon them, and elsewhere at other
and the waters quickly become confined W
scouring out holes baro
handful of
looked them over. He found no letter for
sickness and
sndetrength, For the,gastiotir yesrsmr
mind your own business.' I've seen
g Dung men stand at my bar with this
Seasons they feed with no less voracity
upon other species of flab which may be
the river channels,
and there, where a small Supply will re-
for a time after the shallower parte
the girl, and so informed bar. Har face
hose evidences of disappointment, and she
blue ribbon on the lapels of their coats
"• drunk. 'No, no,' these men would say,
schooling, and of which they destroy vast
numbers, such as mackerel, menhaden,
have all dried up.
the water disappears, everything re-
went away.
The clerk thought nothing more of the
bad taken
'I've taken the pledge, I'm obliged to
you all the same. They had no busi-
herring, alewife, salmon, eoulpin, flour-
dors, canners and haddock.
tarns to its and state, and it is only those
tants that have succeeded 1n
matter and did not suppose she
his remark seriously. But she did, and it
Hess there. (Mr Stacy raised his voice.)
That was not their place. Liquor is at
On the Grand banks, especially in
water about too Virgin rocks, I
animate and P
reaching a sufgofently far advanced Otago
that have any chance of surely-
was not very long before she Dame book,
and 1n a timid manner asked him u bg
deadly enmity with a blue ribbon.
Pretty soon t would be, 'Well, I'll
have been told that they follow the lana to
of growth
Ing. The weaklings among the planta are
would please be so kind an to look among
too love letters. -City (It,.) Journal.
: •
% 1
take a glass of cider.' I knew -1 k-11
too surface, pursul L9 tbom with great
fierceness. Along our northern coasts they
quickly killed off. -Pall Mall Gazette
4 a thotoeghly periodic d for women, will enter upon Its
thirty-first volume to I&A During the year it will be as heretofore
', Paris and New York Each Issne will contain carefully
r pared drawings of the advance fasluo�ns ;
�Q.fItMS of Paris and New York. Once a month
A Colored Fashion the BAZAR will issue, free, a colored
S /ement fashion supplement. Cut paper patterns
of certain gowns in each number will be
Cuf Paper Patterns made a feature. These will be sold hi wimam stick
T, w. Wgginxro connection with each issue at a uniform
A Bi-Week/y Patfern� The BAZAR will also publish bi- 3-:.
Shoot weekly, free, an outline pattern sheet
Twofivn authors will contribatelong WILD EELEN *
serial stories to the BAzAR in 1898. The By WJL",fm BLACK -T
L onf ret deals with Scotch and Continental RAGGED LADY
acetas, the second is a story of a young By W. A D LA r A
girl, versatile, and typically American. 'V,"
,tt These and n score of other eRnaily ^s
` Mary E. Wilkins
Octave Thanet Prominent writers will contribute °
afford short stories to the BAZAR in 1898,
' H. P. Sp, making die paper especially rich 1t, p,wy 8 arida
w'ar'n` D° t'°"re" M, S, Briscoe fiction.
There will be a sWorn&n and s of articles
Leaaden among Women, '
Voice, Art, the'Housekeeping,
Gardening, Housekeeping, Life and Health, Indoor Details, eta
, r 10c, a Copy (Send for Free Prospectus) Sub., $4 a Year
' Postage free in the United States, Canada, and Mexkot
W. D, Ho"111 Address IIATIFE3 & BROTHERS, Publishers, New.York City Octave — — — -
--1 knew what that glass of ct er re Taco to some patent the voraotoua blue- Bred Sights.
j meant. The rumseller is a good fel- fish and bonito of the south. Captain At- Cnlino meets the blind beggar on the
low. He is liberal with his money. .wood remarks that the amount Of food Pont dos Arte. `"
9 : lie is jovial: When a customer enters How long have you been blind•!"
which they consume is enormous, when „
his door, he says:- Hello, Johnny; the size of the fish ire taken into aeoount "'More than 80 yeare."
where have you been these two all
He has seen them on the coast of Labrador, "And you've 0"14 on this brldgs more
three days?' But he's calculating all wboro the'eapslin wero in groat nuutbora, than 00 years?"
.the time how much money the cue-
`", with their stomachs filled to the greatest „yam �•r,
tomer has fn his pocket and how much j, ernoiousl How many people you map laerves have been very weak, my slap g1Ra1
of it he can put into his till. He is a possible extent and capelin in their " ttentl I
thief. IIs takes money for which he mouths which they were unable to Swat have seen throw themselves intotlleriveri" and disturbed by dreams, eonseq y
gives no bene$t in return. In all of my low for want of room, and in thie condi- I .. Gaulots arose to the morning nnresfeil• I war
eleven yAara behind the bar I can re tion t}hoy were still biting at too book. frequently very disc! and was sauolt
call only one agreeable •thing A tin oven feed aeon too yotrag of their The annual earnings of mine" in S1- troubled with a mist that cams before >,n
un lad came to me and said: 'I own kind. They are said to feed largely t Ieslp,.eermany, are, after robtraoting tLs nee, my memory waebtten geleotheand �
young y upon herring spawn, though they are not � , insurance, only $141 so 11900. had ffubteriqK of the heart, together with a
wish you would not give father any PO - Sha pain through ii at tim in glia
thing to drink, I don't know what Seen in great nnmbtrSaboutthe spawning 000 wldowB menage rp ee}}
possessed ria q In France about 90, condition I was easily worried• ani lel+ u
but I promised. When grounds until the schools of parent fish A vegetable reined far diaoaaes
ext the father came to he walked up have departed. The herring, also, is a fa- arising from Disordered Liver, Sto- to fit tbemselvae riot w1Nt new husbands enervated aadezlfanaiad• .'Twomonthe ago
the bar smiling and said: 'W ell, I vorito article of food, and when these fish evetrl gods I began taking Milan, I h Heart aril• in Nerve
Pills, since that4iii I have best, ppIn{bare
Uess I will take a drink.' 'No, sir, approach the shores or are seen on the mach or Bowels, such els ZCAdAChe, health and strength $oily- They
p ,Here' said I. ' What?' raid he. I banks It Is a very good sign that cod will Biliousness, Constitiltiou, Coated restored m nerves to a healthy e0"Wo
, what I bad said and also or- soon be abundant. Mr. Earl] remarks: , y
g removed all dfzstneesi+nd heart trouble, an
Y bartender never to let him "'I am told that in the spring of 1878 Tongue, Bad Breath, Feelin Of O �'� now I sloe welt and derive oo tort
h tt drink on pain of dismissal. T e an immense School of herring that
fir, Distress after Bating, etc. rest froth ft. That Milburn'll I[far% and
+•«w••'" result was a, quarrel. There was Iy aotorsss George's bank, and that with CrAaa Hows, Moncton, N.$., as CAOST Nerve Pills are a ggcod remedy for N6fTQne-
atrtig�le'outeide the door, but as he them Same the largest shoal of cod that Mrta yy nese, Woaknees, Heart Trouble and similar
rolled over the cij TB`at the edge of the boa been seen in that locality for a long •'t used Laza-Livor Pitts yr Head yhe- �omplaintB goes without sayin ." Prios
` sidewalk he seemed to lose all his time, The cod remained constantly among and Liver Trouble, and the not only re- 1�0T t3IId O pip ate• i box at all druggists or 1. Milburn
`� „ Ntretigth: Looking up to me he aa,id: the herring,, go that when the latter had lieved me but cured me. They do not "ho g ,— to 05 & Co., Toronto, Ont.
+)`lore x at<i In tho�gutter, and turned passed the fishing float the voeaols were gripe or sicken and are to take." lminrr 1-71�1�lG ill• evorq
out of
a rtitll shiibl That man to -day obliged to weigh anchor and follow them Sold by A11 Di?u f+113to at 250 m'a"ga 1= L.Lively Pills euro byBPepata.
1,3 a;meltib6c tit At• Armitage's church. in order to secure the cod.' " 'ilial or for >lll.fl0. ,�, - �_*- yr�-•�y
. , .( .0,�r, ,
rpM, ••7�11r!li!q(•s"-Iftvtw... -- �• q -7' .. - r ' -- D t . , +'.
I sl •
MRS, JOAN CA,x- My husba�nc� bm been ,
troubled with dyspepsia,
and finds Rip�ns''abules '
the n'nly reli,4. He hay
,yer---Il 1:r0UD1eQ WIM IIIUV*
gestion for the past til#-
teen years,
..a .
�; .
,,. .:_
, y� , 11 j
,� , ift, , e, { , ,. ,