The Clinton New Era, 1898-02-25, Page 6V.19
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�overnl Ontario �vitb out CoTe�+zxg of G e>a 'aatxo
ThO P:rOvincial Ele11 -ctiolls R Last Appeal Rolla
ng; iriatens ?ru�lChor ,
__r �`r
Papexs geed, and the namber taken, and portion of onr Dation, $e nxged sal native
A few words more to the electors � For the con+'e[rienco of �r�exzNc< CoprT$dT.-$arXg7 David' the amount of money Cogtrlbnted #aI mie- canvas and Ile r -
pates: we son, of Toropto; Leslie salt Stanley aionaxy and other Purposes, a ty support ,of the. pxoY
sad we leitv., them to the execise ut p 1 Places: A abort resume raised )Plebrsite, and salvnS tei;aotion of i"
I.• was given of the' meeting all the z .
ublish ti list of tl,ti Mullin 1 ccs.- Jones.
their rights as enfranchised citizens of WT:ST HVRON J- Bur'nslide, 1� nc rdine comet eon the held to arrange #or this convention and'oth- promises of Tomperagoe legislation ��, .
Lorne skating ..rink, Luckuow, on or necessary work, and than the following made by our Government, , t ; `
1. = '`,
this important county. ASxzrzlcLn:-No. 1. Hallid��ayy'a shop, Wednesday night in »rase far a para. financial statement rues read p g Principles of Teaching -Mr D -y said
Although it has bgen so frequently Dunga3, Sc01fNo. 2, use N HOutle No, of g2ci. The race was won by s'anley when any subject was near to the heart ' "
urged by the Conservatives, on the p; ore' f School Huse No, 5; NO. 4, Jones, of Walkerton, who cap�toted 1617 then•we found time for it, and jnst in pro. ,
Store of T. Hawkins, Feb, 5 Cash bal from '96 convention., 07.60 Portrort 9s we valued lt, just so amid the .I �":
+ Port Albert; No: the second and third heats, t3arley
platform and in the press, that a 5. School House NO, 2; No- 8, House of Davidson taking the Bret. ..
Hugh Mc ntosh lot Collection, forenoon session, 97 1.68 j apportion our time to it. $e had no pa -
change is needed, it has only been a g 5, con. ]2, W,D„ Nirw CnaRCU.-- The dedication of afternoon " .. 6.61' lienee with teachers who ,said they had no � � �
No. 7 School House No. J2. the new Roman Catholic church here t' , evening •• ,s, 8,88 time to prepare their `ieesons, He con -
rapid reproduction of the.real things Co>�>aoRNit.-No, I, Temperance hall, will take Efface on Sunday, 27. 1'
Benmiller• No. 2 damned the use o! lesson helps befo?"a the
Tam areae. hall, yy olaes; [t was hnxtfal to both the teacher :1A w
as used by the Liberals at the Domin- pp Rev. Dennis O'Connor D.D, Biaho 619.65
'P ion elections. At that time it had • Saltfoid; N°' 3. town hail; No, 4, Tea . of London, will officiate. Rev, Fadi P May 5 Paid�for printing programs,'9763,00 and the papal, and hindered all real study �. � '
penance hall, Leehurn. Dixon Nov 28 and development
of "The
on the
FlQTINQ, TUESDAY, MARCH 1st. mea°fugxnd was deeply irgpresoedon GlopsztxCH TovvN, - No, 1 P• P„ of Kingsbridge, will postage 10 y 4
111.x. be the pastog of the new church. 1898 part o! the teacher, The tesohor should
.. --- the consciences of the people from Kirkbeld s shop; No, 2, Thou. Vidian's Jatt 17 " ,, prepare himself by prayer -got into close 1.
'The following will be the form of bal- feed otorp• No. 3 town hall No, 411.
"fol used for the Local election, and w. ocean kti ocean, but now it is as dead t Feb\Afest lAlaintanoah Insurance G''o Feb 12 Telegram to Mr. Day•,.,,.,,, .25 Communion with Jesus whtold his die- _. " C
Runeiman s shop; No, 5, Phillip's shop; 14 ,t „ oiples after three years normal coarse to G
U *e marked one in each riding as all as the Humber hog. No, 0, Brophy's furniture store• No. 7, ........ •25 .•
JO of honest government should So far in this campaign nothing has goose oP Jae. Hay$, Tho nineteenth anneal report of line tarry in Jerusalem �until�ye b*ndued with ; * '
mark them. been proved against the government. Company, just Issued, shows that the risks 63:85 Power from on high. He should know the
$ Cie ball, o TowNBHIY, - No. i. Or- in force Dec.3.I, 1897, amounted to 88,527,- Balance on hand.. lesson thoroughly and to do so be must '
WEST HIIRON 1?IatPorrn assertions have again and sage hall, con, 4; No. 2, House of Mit: ........4.815,8D
again hewn refuted, and the persistent McCrea lot 18 con,' 8; No. 948,00; sesete in hand Dec. $1, 1897, were ' et the connection with the reseeding
BECKI .1 and malicious falsehoods of the Con- R. Elford, lot 13, H.R. 3' House of 8128.577.46; los fes paid since 1879, were Asrnnxoox Sassiox. lesson, reading all oarefglly, tea ro ng out all ~
aervative press, and more especially of HULLETT, 84b,905.b8, During the past year 885 poli- The President, J. li, MoClinlon, opened references, noting the author, what he says
osepplt Beck, Village of the Mail and Empire, hove been thor No. 5, School House No. cies were ieeaed covering risks on property this Session, and Mr John &3rnighsn son- and to whom he says it, why he .aye it
Saltfgrd, tanner. oughly exploded. Our form o£ gov- 6, No. 6, temperance hall, Londeaboro; to the volae of overi0,2?5.00. The pre. dusted the devotional exercises, reading the and where he says it, noting difficulties as Algsin
No. 7, Sbhool House No. 9, 96th Psalm which was followed b the occur,
GIARROW ernment is so simple that' anyone can mjum notes received for same amount to ' y Singing Y determining what he shall
understand it, and the proceedings in BLYTIz•-No, 1, Industry hall; No. 2, 843,211,00; there were at the close of the "There ie n Fountain Filled with Blood" teach his class, all this with his Bible
Us. T. (harrow, Town of X the House have been so full reported °free of Wm Cam bell, and prayer alone. Now use w8 make OIIr
Qoderieh, barrister, Y P P peel year 291G policies in force, Covering P Y by Mr $ermghan, year help to determine We a 1118
and laid before the Deople that it seem- WINCiIIAM.-Nn. 1, Jas, Qiimmin>x's Property or risks to the amount ai 83,527,- CazLnitsx's Meae 11fE8TIxlr, the solution of difficulties, and make notesbow
ed incredible that members who spent store, Victoria $t ; No. 2, H. Park's 948,00; the gross or face amount of pre• which may be used helots the class. He
SOUTH HURON the best part of the session in vain at jewellery store, Victoria St.; No, a mium notes on hand is $141,11.7,92, and the Mr Alfred Day,'the Provincial Secretary, urged a wise introduction and personal
tempts to convict the government of town hail; No, 4, Jas. McGuire's build- available balance of said notes, after de- held the undivided attention of all present, application of the truths taught at the
EILBER wrongdoing, sboutd come before the ing. dusting all payments made and levied moving all to laughter and tears, as he de- (31080,
electors and re -assert charges that thereon was $127 867.58. All Claims for veloped s beautiful story of the daisy and During the afternoon session the West -Spring
ilber, o£ the Village InABT WA WAN08FL-No. 1, School losses during the past year, 83 in namber, the sunshine, dwelling on child religion, geld Choir enlivened the exercises by the
Henryy were thordughly threshed out and re rare rendering o
of Crediton, Merchant. House No. 10 0, 2, School House No. which were Satisfactorily proven were P g y, the g f very choice musical ee• ...
11fated on the floor of the House, with ' Com aria , in his awn inimitable wa
any ex ectation of bean believed. 13' No, P, School House No. 9• No. 4 dew dro on the dais to simplicity, leotions,, A `
promptly paid, amoanting�n all to $7,874.- P Y p city, im- quartette, "Drifting with the
iSIcLEAN House of Jas. Dore, lot 29, con.' 10. 86, The total balance of assets on hand Pressiveness and power in the soul of the Tide," was the admiration of the very Trad
Murdo Y, McLean, Town of They ailed ignominious y in the child. Traein the words sim lar a concourse of eo le. Westfield Choir •
charges against the, government about WEST WAwANo6II. - No, 1, Old 81.1 Dec., 1897, was $128,562.46, showing g plteitly and g people. Seaforth, Publisher, the Timber Inspeetor,the Agricultural Ooui•` room, Dungannon,; No. 4 store there is in the bands of the Company the sincerity to their origin, ha delighted all and Mr Day wiA 811 anq church, and in -
College, the Humber Piggery, the of D. E. Munro Alanc Mester, No, 3 moat ample aecarity for policy holders, with the story o! the old Roman being de- atraot and delight in country, toren or -
EAST HURON. Sehaol Books, the surplus, the Michi- town hall; No. 4, Public halt, LSt. Rel- E. Acheson, Holmeaville is one of the re- calved into baying Greek statuary, which city .
gen lumber men, and the timber ne- ens; No. 5, C'itron's hall, jut 19 can 13 presentative. of this company. was damaged, and repaired by the wily Evaamo Snasiox• Perhaps it is rather early-
HISLOP gatiations, and in fact the bottom CLINTON,-Nu, 1, R. Down's brick Greek with cement, so that in his future At 7.10 1T
p, m. Rev L. K. Eidt opened the
A rehilrald Hislop, Township dropped out of everything theq torch- atnrp, Albert St.; No: 2, fawn h.it1; No. Auburn purohaeea„he demanded his etatnry to ba evening session by reading Psalm lII, and for most of you, but we l
r "" 1�11of (prey, yeoman ed. Thr• only inkling of a policy that 3, John Stewnrt's hasketshol,, Victoria iriJ' NIC�HOLSON,, manufacturer of and dealer sine -sere; eine-without, sere -Dement- engaging in prayer. An exoelIent song ser- like t0 be the first 111 f.
has so far been given to the public St.; lam, 4, House of Henry Smith, Vic- Whips palisoa, Combe, Brushes, Rosea and power andsspathos,n hehiarged the childten congregationaadaoted by the choir while the t11®`
{ y Harness, (a a ecialty g g
MOONEY was announced by Mr Master, who toils St, No. 5, IG1cMurrhiP &Co.'s Horaofirimlises,were being seated, Rev N. field.
Henry Mooney, Township of zaya that if Mr 'Whitney is -placed in firnnin mill she Isaac S+ : never to have secreta from mother. Shaw, of Egmondville, disoaesed logically
1l4orrls, Feoman, power there would not be a single ]n;; Rumba 1'e carriage shop, Iiuroo $G evPU PUBLIC
AlarrotG. - a meetinThursdg
ing wax -when
n soft and warm with m Seel- tesohar, rly the influence of Christ on the OUR, NEW GOODS are al
allowed to leave the country, Mr No, 7, D. Dickinsun'ti cu„ _ pp p s , basing remarkaonI Tim.
' `'' Master should know that these logs beet St.; No. 8, .TohotepheusoiAi's w rig Kood,etande he 11 got The
excellent at but iffthee stamp was
accurate and lasting, "Take heed sato thyself and date thy deo- IriOst all in stock andready
h 1 ' s• • were cut under regulrLtions permitting pump fractory, Huron St, tention• P n t used until the trine; Continue in them, for inso•doing tboa for inspection, s0 if you.
their export, and the course he out-*'- wax was cold, and then applied, the wax shall both save thyself and them that hear
lines would be a gross breach of faith, EAST HURON NOTES. -Mr T. H°watt is improving was broken into uie9ee, He also told how, thee," and a parallel passage in Ephesians. have- a few rooms you
HTTP TOWN AGENCY. But tbat, it se ms,would not, count fcr +.. slowly, Miss Letty Sprung is some a geologist showed him, when a boy, the lie said that all here were Christian work- would like' to have done •
{ much in the mends of the Opposition. r UitNB> RRY.-N"• I, School House, better, A load of young people took impression of a fern leaf on a piece of rook, era, and an influence was going out con -
This being the case, itis an easy mat- �V"'gl"irn t°tun; N•'• 2, For•rester's in the Westfield entertainment Mon- on which it was laid when the rook was in atantly from them as well as from right away,, you can have
ter to decide which party is the true ball' Bluevale; No. 3, School House day evening;they reported a good time, a plastic state. all others who were not supporters, but an-
friend of the country. Nu. 9; No. 4, Sc hoi,l No, 11. A toad of (hood Templars started for Tho power of theohild was ilivatrated by tagoniets of Sunday schools and all other your choles from Oils ilTi-
Tiokets issued to all points on G. T.' R It ig%atural enough for the Conser- HOWICrs.-Nn, I, School No, 1 No. 2 G"derrGh, but ou account of the drift- the toot of a poor little English girl in in- ahrlstian agencies; we are all exertinga xnense S sin Stock.
#3ystem and oanneoting linee,l vatives to want a change, but it is Orange h,ul, La 1, No, 3, Townshi ` ed roads they turned back. Mr A. dueing her infidel father to go to church, moral force in the world, and it was mre p g
Baggage Checked through to destine- equally presumptive for them t° �ima- p Askwith traded horses with �Mr R. and which led to his conversion, what a man really was than what he said
hail, Goru ir; No, 4, Forester's hall Askwith. Mr Hunter Miss Mar Morris and Miss Annie Fer- that influenced others. Leaders for good
' tion. gine that they can convince the elec- Fordtvich; N+i, 5, School House 18; No. , of Sunshine, is 3'%1Z1dO�P Shades and �~
s:1'14tors that a change is needed. We have 6, Orange ball, illobt idge. the guest o£ Mr W. Erratt. i;asou read papers of rare excellence, allow• or evil. create an atmosphere about their
t�+ For Tiokete and all information, ap- honest, able men in charge of our 'if- t;RTiY -N„ 1 Schon] R°use 4 No.2, CHURCH -Rev, Mr Shaw, of Ba} • oq dictation careful rand research,earnest
more than ordinary followers, If oar hearts are filled with
�b Ii1y to fairs, shall we then exchange them for School House l; No. ;, Scheel HoucN 2; field, gave an excellent sermon from (Conclua�d on Host past.► Curtain Poles
F. R. HODGENS men of mediocre ability, who have N°, 4, Sc•hor,l HnusP 9; Psalm 83, 7 in the Methodist church
ability of the consecrated young ladieey
�� Nig. 5, Township The former dealt with 'How may the _
„. , -. r never shown any brilliancy in OnPohe hall, Ethel; N . 8, 5,•h,,,,l } {, use 5; Na °ruched an inetr live d ecourseH£rorn children o4 oar Sabbath Schools be won to �T �+ RATES,
TIC$ET AGENT G. P, R. CLINTON tion. Where would they be in the 7, For e, 'a h:, t', t',:,,,I,i,,, l , p
• management of the affairs of this Pro- Isa. 35 8. Mr Fred Tabb took the topic a deeper Interest In the eervioes of the �U l Stocks are also ready for
vinee? Electors. think it over tnd 'MC , ]• S,,l,;,,,tte School, in the �E worth Leagu. Tuesday even-
,, sanctuary, and Miss Ferguson ,,How to
t 4 vote accordin to N 0, c""• u; al 2, chuut liuuse No, 8; ing, also roll call, Rev, Mr Millyard, cultivate a missionary spirit in the San- the rush Of spring, gentle
Fr" fi�l ip iQ�' i✓ ejlliir4,�i g your Convictions and Tickets Issued from Clinton to the fol- ,�
'he country is safe. N"' 3, tlrcllibaaldl\icCrrego,'s house, lot day School. we withhold any extended lowing pointe at the rates quoted below, spring
U- O;T R�-FHIlod ens 15, t uu: No, 4, • Elijah Howlett's of Nile, will preach educational ser-
^ Shirts 1a°l4s°zlroa �y douse, tat 15, .can, 12; Nn. 5, School mons Sunday evening gin the Meths- report of these essays, as it is the desire of Toronto.... $2 00 Montreat....$7 00
' ;rbpple�-ar D Fair Cu The i rovineial Nominations H°use No. 4; No, 0, School House No. is topurch. Mas to w hatA Arthur
took the nearf to to have them published in
F • - iV'heu-x Jackson, sk the near future. Windsor .. $2 00 $ingstoq;.. , . $4 50
Cntrra£os-!u Jackson5 �- -- 7; No. ?, School Douse No, 2; No, 8, Sunday evening at Christian Endeavor. Rev. Mr Pocock, of the base line and Pacific Coast Rates
,1. l It't� a fact -Jas lilitoneli Two Liberals go ill l► W• H• McGavan's house, lot 28, con,12. Clinton Baptist churches, Spoke on "The
Yount 15ian-A S Nimmo y MORRIS. -No. 1, School (-louse No. 1. Mr. T. A. Gamble, ex -Reeve of Assini- cultivation of spiritual life." He laid Vancoaver..$30 00 Victoria. 00
�busg for sale'W Cooper n�ra down the following r (0011MBO�K STORE
'l'diYlworth Boar -Jas y acclamation. No, 2, School House No. 9; No. 3, bola, is dead of apoplexy, He was former- g P umis0s and spoke
pe;11*hands-Ogle Cooper & Co -- School House No. 5• No 4 Fi ]
, , oresker s Y of York county, with considerable power, Showings deep Parties travelling to any point in Dako•
1. "" f $bliss for eels -W Fana'n TII@ F'rgyincitl liOminatiOna took 1• hal' �n0�@Sl?"1 q+ insight of scripture, and a wonderful abil- ta. Manitoba the Ilorthweat or British `
s 4'aGontraotora-Jas Campbell rJLI.ETT,-No, 1, Tetft' erance hall ity to quote accurately and apply appro- C< jumble, will do well to consult CLINTON. t
t...I .swing-G}ilroy &Wiseman 'plat. on Tuesday, and the friends p Auburn Union, S, S. konvention
' i7e'rdof Thanks -hers TNefians 9f Ainburn; O. 2, School House No. 6, priately the scriptures bearing on his t
I. $a gluningright-Hodgens Bros good government, reviewing the field Harlock; No, 3, School House No. 2, The seventh annual convention of the snbjeet, lstproposition, the natural man W' JACKSON, C. P. R, Agt
, Hering coughs -Allen 3c Wilson after the first definite sta near Clinton , + , is a prodaot of nature; 2nd, the spiritual 111
f , We'xe wellprepa"red-MoXinnon &Co ge of the elec- + No. 4 Forester's hall Auburn Union Sunday School Aesoaiation
v L gdesboro. was head in the Auburn Methodist church man is a product of spiritual power. He
`! ; ~~ ttotl Contest has been paased,have every B1tU88ELs.-Nn, 1, LJ.Gilpin'e store; on Wednesday, 1^ b. 1tit11, 1898. illustrated by several passages that when
(fra reason for congratulation. Tw.o sup- No. Council chamber, town hall; Christ breaks in on the seal of the natural �'E/VT/s+,q
461110011ffw porters of the government are elected No, 3, Alex. Ellcr,a small house, Queen Fonrnzoox SESSION man, the cultivation of the spiritual then G
witbont opposition. In Prescott: this street. A fair sized audience greeted the Presi- P
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1898 1 esult was expected, as no opposition dent, begins, or as he put :t the new birth is the A ,, �r i
PP WROXGTER.-No. 1 town hall, well
ch McClinton, ,o erred t who, in a -cite Lou Satisfied
lad been offered to the re election ' fgw well chosen remarks opened the seventh beginning of spiritual life; asking the ,;
S annual convention conversation of Nicodemue with Christ and
The Elections. Mr. Et'ant.urel. In .oath Bruce, how- SOUTII HURON whish in point of hie after life, and particularly the part STRATFORD, ONT with the Glasses you are now using? -~Perhaps
ever, there was no certainty up to the . HAY, -No, l School House No. 2; exaellenoe of nate eland interest, order and they are not as strong as yonwou)d iikethemt
taken by him at the burial of Christ, as an Our courses are practical and are offered to or Ceibap s they make your head ache ! Tt you i,
f)n Tuesday next the electors of On- last moment that there would not be a No. 2, School House No, 14 No, 3 papers addresses sustain- ill astrati"u o4 apiritnal cultivation. The would like the lenzes changed we can do eo
contest, although no supporter of Mt Town 'Hall, Zurich; Nv,4,School House ed the high r3patation and in some in• natural n,an Domes into contact with the the pnblfo with confidence that the instrnc- for you at a small expense, provided yosh
'bacro wi11 decide who shall represent Whitney dared tempt the issue. The stances sur surpassed in merit an of oar tion is thorough, and thebest to be obtained a cod standard frame.
No. 4; No. 5, School' House No. 12• No. P Y natural world through the five senses be- in this aoantr Individual inatracLion:
lae,.m.; during the next parliamentary only possibility of a contest la in the previoueefforts, which have been so kind- y. ave know how tote.teyes,beeausewe
direction oP the Patroue and the a 8' Hartleib's block, Dashwood No. 7, ly appreaiated heretofore, stowed on him at birth by the Divine Ore- ed how and will guarantee to fit the
Yecm. The Liberals, under the lead oP y p• School House No. 3. ator, and the spiritual man knows God and Students Can enter at an time. cases of . Kae brio 3a yopia orAstlgmatl
' , r i, pear eventually to havedetern9ined not STANLEY.-IYo,1,SehooliHouee No,l;, in The year w th alhe convbntion a ciasaesia hwi h n Y perfectly. Scientific and aeoaratg test it eeed.,
i�; Mowat and Dor Hardy,have.ndeav- to court defeat in South Bruce. popular
the spiritual world throuach ofgh another sense ➢federate charges for gla■aes, if ate-trequi-test
No. 2 School House No. 14; No. 3, Auburn, and several each year drive 10 or -
�orkd to -administrate the affairs of the or power in faith. He spoke of Christ's Circular free. __
The other changes that the ncmina- Town I3a11, V:frail; No. 4, 'School conversation with the woman at the well, (1 p �y nn
12 mites to attend throughout the entire when He said "The water I shall give him W. J. Elliott, Principal W. COOPER &' t-/v.
'rAv<nee honeatly,efficiently and .con- tions have developed may shortly he House No.5; No.5 Schoch House No. 4. day, and pronouuoe each convention better i11
oYnivall And the Liberal candidates summed up. Thera was same pro ba• BAiF1t LD. Town Hall. .hail be in him a well of water springing CLINTON.
yy than its predecessor, and as a consequence up into everlasting life," and Christ's sav-'
K appeal.for support on the recorrd of the bility that there would be ori election -TRPHLN-No.1,Baker's school house the a,tendance has increased year by year is at the last
11 gaverntnent and their pe�onal record by acclamation in Parry Sound, but it con. 2; NO. 2, Christ Row's shoe shop, until the accommodation this year was al- g Feat day of the feast, as �.�..` _ •
s ata welt, If ever a government really appears the Conservatives have put up Crediton; No. 3, Town Hall, Crediton; Y marking the inception of spiritual birth
together -sufficient for the comfort of and ate after development in young, the ,_�.
t degerved recognition on its merits, and a candidate against Mr. W, R. Beatty. No. 4, liclt's kitchen, ]°t 11, con. I3r those who were lucky enough to get within T� �.• '
11 s entitled to the favorable consider- Mr Beatty, during the last parliament, No, 5, Hintzman's kitcben, lot l0, con, the building. At the evening session the evidence of spiritual possession blessing V V Q _,�„_ �9S. w. k
rlti6ti of fair-minded men, the Hardy gave the government an independent 17; No. 6, Mouser's hall, Dashwood; No, the bu dinwas filled shortly ening se close a the possessor'and those coming into con -
b Y tact with him, Tbe. lack of the latter ele-
u pts I has n t nment is beee. n d si honesEnot eelthas tin cor. support, tdo soand i11 Hi gelection is nota beBbllr•Grand Bend.
No, 8, Mecca- the afternoon session and at 7 p.m, many meat was the cause of the dealing in fami-
not been extravagant, all allegations to were turned away finding the church filled yy�
matter r speculation --it is almost ter- EXETER, NO.I, Ougt2'a wagon steepp; to the doors. ly worship and reverence for things spirit- �Q the Chi�111
thewcontrary notwithstanding, It has taro, Mr eck,the Independent condi- No, 2, Week s Marble woI-ka. o. $, R. After the President o sued the megtin cal, which sadly disfigures our example in �r �7►►UU change �f You Want -g
I,rg%glat.ed in the interest of the people. date in Monck, has retired, leaving a S, bang's Implement shop; NoA, Town in the forenoon the Union choir kinds led this age; rendering the religion o4 to day of seas � �. ant
l' l:i'r� not favored orae class or section straight contest between Mr Harcourt, hall, Y traditional. rather than experimental, as it on is now drawing near, we f1 real' OOd l
T, in a •re�on; service, followed by prayer by should be and as God wants it to be, We are offering our WINTER GOODS at ng
Txt .,ilii at et.1 ll e, another. All have ProviucialTreasurer,and Mr C4albraith. s8OI1NE.-No. 1, Town Hall, Elem- Rep, LIZ 9,idt, of the Evangelical oburoh; should know God and have the tivin wa. reduced prices, in order to make room
b�C i treatrcl:,Ll]ke,and,honestly judgged In Centre Bruce Mr Shouldice, Conner- ville; No. 2, Thos. Garnish's house, lot i;ev, It Hondereon read the 84 Psalm; the for 8 ern Goods:
-. Oix ....
ty mwritc,it, jostlyclaims9,favorable vative, has retired, leaving the field to 21, con. 4; O. 3, Mra Allen Skinner, lot congregation, led by the choir, sang "Work ter, which is the word, applied from
the epic• p g flit Of �j t
y erdiet it the }i:tnda of the electors. Mr Malcolm, Liberal, and Mr. Mardon- 2, con. 10; No.4, Iyubhc Hall, Farquhar, for the night is coming," and bymn 268, lit to our soul ives amended to te going ,ll out
of fGo us in for
allwoolUnderwear,75Cauit S lO "hes
"IsTbt one solitary charge of wrong -do- old, Independent, In North Essex a GonHRiCH TOwNaIIIP.-No. 3, With, On behalf of Knox church, Auburn, Mr lives a not emphasize methods too much, BO 's allwoolUnderwear 50C
iii'g' iris been siistained against the ad. third candidate, Joseph Martin, has ap- Sterling's house, lot 34, con. 6; Noi �, John Wilson, superintendent of the school, sS a teacher of hal e met r yr ,
ministt:atioti. Its• opponents have not peered in the field. London has two W. Wises house, lot 41, con, 11, D. R.;' addressed words of welcome to the dale- Y y ability, edu. Mens Knitted Shirts,. ...37 c that Will fit You well Wear
y basil able to lay their hand upon'Lhe- Independent labor, candidates in the No. 8, To*n Half, Holmesviile. gates and visitors, Emghaaizina the Com- cation, but filled with the lova of God will ,-
t be far more Successful than a tAscher of Mens Flannel Shirts, .. 39C i-
r'i; er[diture of one cent corruptly. No field, in addition tothe_nominees of the TucxEnsmlTH.-No. 1, Smith. Sad- mon object of all, and hasizin th what seat ability thoroa hl trains o well look well and ' ' I C 1[rislne�st?i Ifcitvever extensive its opera- regular parties, In East Middlesex Mr dler .bop, Egnlbndville; No, 2, School should be our supreme aim in all Bunds g Y g Y d, but leek- Men's Flan'ete Ni ht Shirts 39c ' r won't i,i
tfbfiy; et er conducted its affairs more .Share, the Patron candidate, who was Hous. o. 8, or Broadfoot's Div.; No. School work-t'ie salvation of the papila. y beg in spiritual
fore 1 We are to renlem- , , g r ti
honnTaibly than has. the Ontario Gov- a member of the'last Legislature, has 3, School House No. 2, °r EI re Div.; will only work in us on Mens wool Socks 3 pair .... 25c COst you any more the
1 ernment, and in our opinion the people retired. Noi h Oxford, like London, No.4, Byle's Hall, ]ot 1Q con. BgH.R.S, singing0 The sweet bre and bye,' Joined in coonditione that all power belongs to Him; a
r o'f (�nt�trio will be very' unwise P they has four candidates,itwo Independents SEAFORTH.-No. 1, E. Cash's store; • Y w are only instruments, and that those Lined Kid Gloves, 90C for 60c the should Call and see B:
t - ,o) Arlt iL, Government that in every and the nominees of the two artiea.- No, 2, Sam le roam Then for the Auburn Methodist Sunda r a y ,
1� p , Queens hotel; Bohool J. J. Washington, in welcoming whose lives are good and are willing to Mens Linen Collars, 3 for 25C
r ,.sspecG hes wisely and prudently look- In 9hti ie Renfrew three candidates are No. 3, O. Q. Wilson's store; No. 4, Jus, the andieuee, referred to Sunday School trouble when
hemselves about the how Por the t A line .tIRoll Collars from 14 tc 17 in .
s cd It1t.r its iiitereiats, in the Geld, and the name number in Thompson s store; No. 5, Tbwn Hall. work as being most noble in as mach as it y size_alearing at 2 for........., 25 eta A. J. IIOLLOWA'Y Clintons
s Nortb York. HENSALL,-O)oxworth'a Hall, g '
T1ae Autrons. In the 94 constituencies in the Pro- aims to train tbeyoung mindfor thefature, will have enough to do.
it to meet How can our Sunday schools promote A J MORRIS% Clinton.! '
vine. the Liberals have 90 candidates- preparing properly the tremen. the cause of Temperance" was discussed t i
xf,the•reporta received from each of candidates of wbbrn elle have ever Goderich. dons responsibilities devolving in. the 0011i'30 by Mr Albert McDowell, of Westfield. He ;.
I 11 Y y NOTES, -The supply of timber is ex- of life, ending in the priceless blessings or bold that temperance was of that im or11-
ihe;,'Hurons are to be relied upon, they reason to be proud. Never have they haunted, and the mon on the break. awful destiny, accordingas the P P
Indicate thn;eleetion of a Liberal in gone into it contest with a stronger, a, water will probably have a few holi. P Y improperly discharged. Y aro pro- tan°. in the education of a child, as it was
,.each eonstituencq,. Mr Clarrow has held more resoltije hr more confident set of P y eel or im r y g Contrast- a law prevading all humanity that man
t wary 8irrcesaful meetings in all parts of standard bearers, and one week of hard daps. This week stave Andrews ship_ ing our work with the past, be maintained should be discreet in everything he uses,
ed a car of hoe to Collin we aro advitvoin b Y g JacksonJackson I j
tht,Wf)at ridiag,.bis organization Is in work is all that is requiredto secure one { g gwood, and g, at there is much yet to Restricting its moaning to accommodate
, ' jgot, sliapo, and his election b a good of the most decisive victories that the °bt. Johnston rk car of stock to St. done, both by teachers and parehte, be• the purposes of the Executive in'seleoting
Johne, for export, fora we can boast much of our work.1i
3nxajoritq is generally concede party has Sot scored in this Province. the subjeotS lie defined, temperance as pro. ate+ �t,a
PUBLIO MEETING, -About 250 or 300 "Rescue the perishing was sung by the Whiting the use of intoxicating liquors as * ThQote� Shoe Firm r
In the, East Riding it is Claimed that men were choir, and the Nominating committee then a beverage by the individual, community
Mr %slop, the Liberal, has had the The High School German Grammar, on Tuesday evening, d8 cusg the pica presented their report, whish an adopted or nation, Claiming that strong drink de-
iaot aR i9ats'll the joint meetings, there issued under authority of the Fd osed 1 by the convention F h
Is trot a great dad of organization on
eith$I' side but if there' is any advan-
r 'I.,
... 11
ra a Yin y p ' ernment iaexamined the more eon- attractions. e as
tion Department, sells in Ontario for
P e evertor by-law, J. T. (harrow
answered all Dr, Holmes' arguments, ,
or t 0 convention
year, ending 3rd in I shin try
189 the followin
stroyed the home, beggarrod the •family,
brutalized the father or mother and fully
f,ag8: Dlir Hnilophas it, '
'j`lie South, v+►hich hoe been claiared
75 cents. The identical book is re -is-
sued in the States and Sells for 61 25
satisfaction of the lar a number
business meq , (many, of >4 om nuked
are the officers: - Presi•
dent, Mr John $eringhan; Vice Presidents,
the resident ministers
earned tbenepithet o4 being the Sum of all
villainies, We should ase our teaching
va i e
nit cod a9 'w�ifa by t lie Clouser t h e
This S haws that
a the es in Ont
p aria
are oat excessive«
q nes tion a Nea v
) e
everyone i' Oqe
y bin
the b law will carry, with little op' o_
, Seo. Treaaarer, D.
E, Munro; Fall Exeoative, the above
''to Bait the capacity of the child, and show
haw it arae an iii effect on a[1 organa
+ �trill,,,itis ®aid g►ve them a surprise
,trjectllig MrfOLOitti with a majority'
silica. Voting takes place Saturda Y•
named, assisted by the sn erintenaents of
the schools and Bible class teachers; Speoi-
of the
body, debases the mina and in every way
Y, , •
�, mttu�i to ad' ethos of en from 00 balers.
epul�ti received' exon Pram C1tr13sbrva-
Every province in •the Dominion
- Notwithatanding the
strong counter attractions, the fancy
al Executive to deal with oases of enter.
gency only., resident
prevents a child from growing into what
God intended him to be, 11
� t vo sourteej are touch more favorable
started itn 1867 free from debt. To•
dress was attended by nearly
ministers and the
Bee. Treasurer.
Dealing with the license law, be claimed
r Owards 'Liberal sueedes than at, the
if the
day Ontario is the only one having no .
4tX► eo le
p p , 60 of whom competed for
theci sizes' The ice
The congregation sang "Jesus saves" and
that we have no right to restrict evil, it is
oar clear have
to destroy it evil,
en;rig,o# the campaign, rind
rl 1 1 011 thheir full Strength
debt. The more the record of the gov-
anal wits first.
d the town band added to th
boys JeJ 922 anted 188; Mesars J. $ernighan
license liquor is a sin -that the decrease in
on ed in prayer. drinking customs is due rather to the per.
:there need ,be doubt whatever as to judges, Dr. S, R. Rev L.B. Eidt, tri a Short address, urged sistent agitation on'the Subject, the dying '' �;t• I
'thea reatylt xtt Ifni+ of the Hurons. vinced the people will be that it is one Shannon, W. L, Eliot, and U. W, Log- all to take a deop, personal interest in the of the those addicted to its nae, and the O �n�" of i' ne Boots and
worthy of their approval. an, awarded the prizes as follows:- work, and `w-°nid horob be led nearer to Better those Influence iOted to Its
the,. calif t Shoes ' 'r
11 .There Yrill beuniversal sotTOW anion (lents' fancY-.1st, Paul Turnbull• 2nd God illuetrA"trn this o nt b insttlnces of than to any it Y '
There aro those who mistake coarse pp y lr olnbitioq affect the lice^� b apes the lar eQt 1n th t-,
James 1►Iasson, Ladies' fano ' fav, persons being bOnegttad y teaching; he &I• law has, Dealing with the finanolal
:�niy et'anee aclr'ooates over file ttnex� - Miss i✓i. Harrison; '2nd,
P noes for strength and abuse for' ergo- 1t3 Boyd fancy, Reg H, A. Poi sb referred to the noble work of bringfng of the subjeoe, he Showed that gnini
elastin f Miss 'Vrttneita `Willard, ment. The NEvv
haS e Cayy ' � g $ Harrison. young poopplt3 irate the Kingdom of Clod the
Mali tltetxrri24 at Now Vork, on Vd- �. , endeavored irl s fancy, Miss Ethel Witlrams, object of thateachers hishallowed in9aenoe tia>xodn itIVIMtad forty million dolls
tot take sash a part In this Cam ai n €font's comic, E. Beicter, ladies comic upon the individual, and the nation which qq'n�.r' and, 0 Co nd ri revenue of r
Slid latus been so fable a worker p K Mias Myrtle Johnston; boy's comic ' had ae'a fine mllliant. $e oantendad # it iv
i5 OVAI. reform, 'and one so kind- In that whein It it;over, no ane can flay that Qrafgie. Y c` R. bad aa.,0 1 and lasting raward, aod'g have beers better io lisve oliibli:ibn
g n the,faithfal.
ilei as to vrCla. vmtt them Claval ai' it >ised other thantairargumento,with• thin mong, ifs is
�pp 'Elie Secretar then of to business;
d�4xor'deatb de rives �ftlt report to iiersottatitisa, ilii behalf6f �Ylt+m tiiniar e � rend a statement ,
nth illi n int4i
ate p to lbb to qq
o w a oft , k r ha
110 'ti c�eSlois
�a 114 8
,.,.. tt4a 0 01' tl'$i1r1
! showing 1" . t# b
,*orld of an utth61fJsh,r1`&ker' for l# cause vrhich it unfalteringly laeliev xlatage A Berlin, reoeirt a of fn. attendance of Officers, tgaohorS anadb n ' froitil arch
er 1, ter to be st ri httond byte. ia%Iett ill and pu ils, number of voltimes ill the lib+ had otathI b .L a then , toat*a :foie
1 9 .. g #d►lligg doaf� the atairrl; y Zt lwu t 1liNaflOth,r,
h: t ... rrry, t e Islas b lite tisina. thI ziAn" 61 Itrtdetr il�t p erwls>tt odaidiiili x;11 c1l i>
-a, ... .
", -i'} Ii
9 g` • as Dee �.on, UnCL +t .,
r creasing' trade is good e�videnee"4 th,�i't 'O
I • J . i
t goods are being apprecamted.
1 F
,. I.
11 �
... .,
d �;
A fud of
tai xage + �` V,'
01*, the soft V�ea ,0 .
V,.__._. ..... _. _, 1.11 , 1 .. _ 11 ..A_