The Clinton New Era, 1898-02-25, Page 5- TSE CLINTON NEW ERA Febm.ary 26, 188 , --V,- . - :a-UTQ� Mr. ooi io THE SHREWMOUSE. Munyon's Converts BOWLINES OUT OF DATE, i ,+, -. ej�n•es Superstitions That Hodes About a '-- _ . O0tt$,-''�� L'`D makes flys young fed e[asaiddei Itis clan- pe rtpJ@u i,ttha Animal. t r 7 1 An Old Skipper on Some of the Mistakes ' tthat Ilft not worth a Ilia shrew, or ehrownoouse, ea it fa The people OL Canada are Sat- Made by the Landlabberr. . ^-^ ger signal of Kidney tusett9flg "When a man was drunk," tale the when SEE . tvfdeaeeof�veak�iaacfiveaaclsaraKJdncv& Oartmonlycalled, ie found in nearly all 1$fle sI1CZ COnYlIICBC�. ' �1ly quailtlty" of fat hogs wanted for Any 1 In Kidney sono e s wail parte of the world:, It let distinguished by skipper, "sailors said, in the times when piil1p110g;111t{rpge9, dor Which the high- �l you l3latvvtren back scot, an elongated, pointed muzzle, small eyes, there were sailors, that he was `three plantigrade, sir toed feet end trLnda that All Wlll'restif shoots in the wind,' wbioh means, nautio. ' eet lonarket yr'irxw will be paid. Parties e11 troubles ended• Nefthu ¢O1 secret* puled. Altogether It olosely y ally, that the old hooker has charge of her - 1 0 ptasters, not electricity can sate it. i!>a self. I baro board the poetical lnbbexs, Aq having hods t♦o Sell will oblige by hese- seat of the tt t& not hl the ski && of bled a mane*, but it is really not re- --'- who, with the help of dictionaries, pretend j', E >1 ie its• macre family. #.og warct ,iltr; the shop. - Muscles. eif'tsi tit fill When at home, It 10 either under a pile That Muny on Has Kept Faith to be regular foremast hands, say of a man It. `Fitzsimons, Clinton. �'°"° �" .c tfnbbish or Is r bol. whiob ib ttaa bur- yPith the Pau 16 alld who couldn't navigat* that he was'Bail- :,CUR• sowed lit the earth. It Is nootarnal in ita p Ing along a bowline.' Bowlines tine out of f ED habift but perfectly harmless; yet at one Made Good date aboard ship and have been for many � I�jL� CI+:NTR �Li ]3tUTCHER SHOP I had`terrible pains hr m book and my water *NO It was .MOA di*IIked and perseotlted years. Centuries ago the se►fle of a ship w 1. • was thick and muddy. 1 was all broken up booW es it wM thought io be a den oroua, lloiet+d •nggh and eprend, little, like a oof- _ SIGNATURE 1. . It His Promises• f« tprrQ. Then ships carrying square sails C FORD MIIRPHY and in poor health generrW Two oozes of mischievous animal. Among the Winntl Dr Hobbs Sparagua Kidney Pills cured me �• notion was valent that the bite of a carols nerl 6o to windward. About the , completely. Push the sale of them hard, I>n -- time of Bir Walter Raleigh, or a little be- "�O a• ' We are doing business on the. Dash ptinol• .there is nothing better.do S&. Adrian Mich. tarns was h6Mg1jy believed t. The fon, merchant vessels began to aeo the die, .and wil��o supply out aastomere with lfreaeh sad too 731ng1iaD fieliexved b6ab if a His Remedies are Becoming the bowiln•, and by its use the big egnaro rig - )p 0 best masts at the lowe�t,paying prices I had suffered wlth)a lass book erd wee 0011- shrew ran over an animal's foot the and- Safeguard Of the Home - the fined to my bed for nearly two weaila. I took gen, when on a wind, aero able to wallow not Waite all oPa box of Dr Hob6a' 13garrasas mal Pell t pelt► and eventually became people Have 'Trusted and )EIavO along In good weather about four knots I' �•aHomes if a l!orso, a cow' or a an hour and lay within seven or eight o FORD MURPHY, CLINTON Kidney Pills and was entirely oared, goat beta Issao Mega, Bbl S. Eleventh b, Saginaw,diich Boat ieoem• s 13btls atilt' its limbs, the Not Been Deeeiared. foolish �poopL at ansa dewlared ib "shrew points of the wind. Smaller vessels, with�� " 3 Business Change. , struck. and the poor shrews had to suffer their Lie•* anile, each as Columbus sailed fl Tg ON TIE t Dr' b - in consequence . Mrs Mary Mose, No 26 Chestnut $t.Tor- 111, could Asake better weather, as the yard Of Bourse the "ebnw struck" animal onto, Canada, Bays: "I have need Munyon's of the Isteen sail keeps the weather leech ' had to have something to cure it, so an ash Dyspeptic Care with splendid results. I taut There were no jibs !n those days WRAPPER, Any quantity of fat hogs wanted foribl tree Fra* selected and a deep hole was was so bad with this disease that food The foremast was stepped in the eyes of I would lie for hours on my atomach,causing the ship.J �� • hipping purposes, for wbioh the higheot Sid uey piUa' bored into its trunk. Then a ehrow was roe great pain and agony. I also had se- "The bowline proper is attached to the ' -• --.- captured, put olive Into the hole, the,bole V market prices will belmid. Parties having FOUISALll BY vere pains in my back and was frequen,ly weather edge of the sail by a bridle, leads 4 1 was securely plugged and the Innocent lit- troubled with soar stomach. I bad to be forward and Is used to keep the sail steady OF EVERX hogs to sell will oblige by leaving word at ALLEN & WILSON, Druggists, tie animal was left to die of starvation. tithe shop. CLINTON, ONT The Ignorant believed that, after such extremely Careful what I ate, but attar us- when the ship 1s close hauled. You will r an aot, the ash tree bad power to cure ing one vial of Manyan's Dyspeptfa Care I find that definition in the dictionaries. r�•� w„ Chas.J, Wallis, ClintoII. "shrew struck" animals,and whenever an am now able to eat anything wttbout dis- Nowithatanding that, it is correct. The �� 't- 1 animal became Inactive orallttlenumb in trees afterwards. After suffering for years change In the shape of square sails used NEW BUTCHER SHOP The old Chlon PLANING MILL Its limbs its owner burned to the "shrew with this disease it is a pleasure to be able aboard ships nowadays has made the bow _ ash," cub a switch from 1b and ewshr switched to eat anything I desire. Thanks to Mun- line superfluous. On the old fashioned �t,� 16'� F . the "ehrow struck" bead The smarting yO°' square rigged vessel the salla would drop, t, Subscriber has opened a shop in the pre• $, h3TEVENS, Propl Istat or hoist as much as they would- spread n O Vii' `- all for ,this caused by the switching naturally made Dlnnyon a Rheumatic Care seldom fails , that i they were out as Ion as the were fO1LSi% wisest recently erected especially the helpless animal move about as much to relieve in one to three hours, and cures s, ey g y t 'purpose, opposite Fair's Mill, where he will The old original Contractor and Builder, as it possibly oouM, and in a snort time It in a few days. Price 25o. wide.. Such a shape would keep full only ��� § 11 l seg on hand and deliver promptly, to all who has mode Clinton his home for forty waa pronounood "cured. "-Philadelphia Mnnyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively when sailing directly before the wind. 11 parts of the town.: years, is still in business with a modern, Timcs cures all forms of indigestion and stomach The square sails of amodern ship are from ture,ol I 11Fresh 'Meat of all kinds. A share of np-to-date Faetcry, and is prepared to fill troubles. Price 250. three to faun times as wide as they aro' ablio .trona a res eotfnll solicited. all orders of whatever description, on abort Manyan's Cold Cure prevents pneumonia deep, and when they aro extended between; p p g respectfully notice and the lowest tete; first-class AN E%•ALDERMAN SPEAKS, and breaks up a cold in a few hours. Price tiro yards, and the y4.rds are braced up, 00vtorla is put up In vmo-sise bottles only. It CLINTON workmanship guaranteed. CONTRACTS Mr J. Hagan, the well-known ex -alder- 25c, the canvas stands as stiff as a board. Tho' art sold in buck. Don't allow anyone to MR `I " F. H. POWELL, - for baildinge taken, and all kinds of build- man of gemptville, Ont., says: "For some Mnnyon's Cough Cure stops ooaghe, fore edge needs no bowline to keep it, Teta saytking also em the plea or promisee that it ing material furnished as desired. years I have been greatly troubled with night sweats, allays soreness and speeuily straight or steady. It makes me weep i* "j.et as good" cavi u gotwill answer every FLOUR AND FEED STORE$. pains across my back. Urinary troubles heals the lungs. Price Me. when I hear lubbers Milk about the bow Trsslr AW see thaw uses get C443 -T -0 -R -1-A. HENRY STEVENS, caused me much lose of sleop,and I suffered Munyon's Kidney Cure speedily cures line. I am almost as much affeoted as I �o.-41 I William Street, Clinton, immediately from a tired, worn out feeling. Doan's Kid- pains in the back, loins or groins, and all am when I road a description of a race be 1I.Au It on ; t CooK-Is behind ',,the Park. ney pills gave me relief inashort time. The forms of kidney disease, Price 25o.• tweon Pore and aft Draft with `starboard ' � � mpry t� pain m my back bas disappeared,and I feel Manyon's Nerve Care stops- nervousness tacks aboard.' " And the old skipper, with v(Q ' 'rrappet• L"r<A 1 S'i`Alit 1' _.r,u. that I would be doing wrong not to .scam- and builds up the system. Price 250. a backhanded movement, eminently eau-' Mi our & reed More The undersi nod is prorared to do ail kinds mend them to others suffering as I did. Munyon's Headache Care stops headache tical, wiped away what might have been a o Stamping for Mate, Persian Rugs and arta They are the beat medicines I ever need,' in three minutes. Price 25. tear. -New York Sun. SHORTS c es of like nature. Work done p�omptl and Munyon's Pile Ointment positively cares - t 1,1 �� A & a reasonable.stet . MRS d.WORTHiN(sTON all forms of piles. Price 25o A ton Street. African Dwarfs The Akins, or forest dwarfs of Central Munyon's Blocd Cure eradicates all. im- IS YOUR WIFE ILL-TEyiPERED? i 11 In large or small quantities. AGENTS. purities of the blood. Price 250. Examine her feet, and if she has corns , } ,,Glimpses of the Unseen" Fascinating book Africa, gave H. M. Stanley and his follow- Munyon's Female Remedies are a boon bay her Putnam'a Painleas Corn Extractor. Remember, when IlUrchaSln� your11 11QIIJ C AIS L: and MEAL Sweeps rho entire field of borderland subiecta ere an imineneo amount of trouble in his to all woman. Hama will then become an Eden, Much of OF�ALL KINDS. Everybody orders, Marvellous illn•trations last memorable expedition. These little Mun on's Catarrh Remedies never foil. the miser of married life is due to corns. 'pq q w Prospeotne $1.o0. BRADLEY-GARRETSON "niggers" are a diminutive race of people The Catarrh Cure -price 25c -eradicates y+ p � '�a+� �� ��i3i�e� COMPANY, L1ai1T8D, Toronto about 4 feet 10 inches in height. They I Pntnam's Extractor is sure, sinless and 0111 8. ia'�ce 10 potindH Choice Oatmeal for L bushel of the disease from the system, and the Ca- prompt. were continually harassing the explorer, tarrh 'Tablets -price 25c. -cleanse and bear Oats. who found them cowardly, troaeherous and If you take quality into consideration, we are able to meet all requirements, the parts. Thera is no truth in the story sent out in FRUITS, FINEST SELECTED aALENCIAS, RAISINS, FANCY r very expert in the use of poisoned arrows. Mnnyon's Asthma Remedies relieve in from Ottawa that the'House of Commons py 11,'.11"..:- r - D. COOK, CLINTON. - Cray's throe minutes, and cure permanently. would adjourn till after the Ontario oleo- VOSTIZZA$, CURRANTS, ELEME lr IGS, NATURAL, FIGS, PURE � - 'r'd, , {. Sincerity. Price $1. SPICES, Beet brands CITRON, ORANGE and LEMON PEELSS. COCOA, „ a,r: "In the evening," remarked the observ- Munyon'seVitalizer restores lost vigor, tions. CHOCOLATE, ICINGS, EXTRACT'S, ESSENCES, ORANGES, LEMONS, J v i , er of men and things, "a girl will toll you Price $1. Rev Davis Gardiner. of Kingston, CANDIES, CROCKERY, TOILET SETS, DINNER SETS, &o l DUNCAN S FLOUR & FEED Store U that she carries her heart upon her sleeve. A separate Cnre for each disease. At all has tonne to Chicago to join a party for e . w L p`v p The next dal she will carry her lunch in druggists. Mostly 250 a via], the Klondike. He goes as a self -slip- 1 Crate Fancy China, just f 11C tliirlg for Christmas presents a ,t, (Late Hill &Joyner) a music roll." -Detroit Journal. Personal lettere to Prof. Manyon, 11 and Parting missionary Pv<vit we kt. Ae �T ((���T I R 13 Albert $t., Toronto, answered with Yrepe will take a claim, work it week -days, N. a ��BSVN �T + Clinton. ' - Opposite Market, C1iIItton „ y o� �8d nedieal advice for any disease, and preach on Sunday. He ettrneatly h', ,• , Peas, Berle I CAPS OR CROWNS. _ helieves in his divine call to this work. fie ' Oats-, - His family will remain here. Mr Gar ��t"A J, Fleur, Titan, Shorts, ___ Fa and,all kinds of meal sold at lowest prises. Whether the head wears a cap or crown A DEEPLY OFFENDED DOCS. diner spent ten of twelve years as a �'or Cou hs Spruce headaches will come. Burdock Blood Bit- minister of the Methodist Episcopal .11 '' , , rpsh Corn for Feed, 38C a bush I tars cures all forms of headache. It is a sulked and Went Hungry Because He ase church in Northern New York, resign- ®� .i. ��� q r �' - Rsasins �a�b box $1, (iO�CiS, BY01]► curative for rich or poor. Laughed At. ing to enter upon the new work. •a• Goo "I suffered with terrible violent head In exchange for FLOUR, FEED, GROCERIES, EIC. CUM aches, but B. B. B. cured me before I had A dog who bad grown old and gray In { ' Choi e3 Tea, special line 25a per Ili. and np. Ch1�S,' ,SDZC f I' x' All kinds of Grain bought at highest throat, etc. finisbed the fourth bottle. one family, and had always been used to A Me. New Raisins for .......:::::.::::..$0 25 Regnlar Price. Our Prise ' s :;-" ', _. market prices. MRs W, diA:•r.LIN, Cypress River,Man much kindness, became at last so fat that T lbs. Good Japan 1'ea .. 1 (b I washboards .. ....... 25 17 + KERRY. WAT80N A CO., vaorammse. B lbe. 25c Japan Tea • • ... ...... +1 00 Oatmeal (per 11 lbs) ................ 25 rTµ°} 11 I CLINTON MONTRCAL when the dinner bell rang—a sound which ;51bs. soo Japan Tea ....................... 1 00 Flavoring Extracts... ....... ....10 08 .j IN DUN,CAN,, . - used to bring him rushing down stairs— 3 lbs. Black or Japan Tea ............... 90 Laundry Starch....................10 08 Trying forth. Regular Price. Our price BakingPowder .................. .... 10 08 to Wako tip Wora ho would sit at the top of the and '�- -' Laundry Soap, 10 5c bare for •l5 aping Soda ...... ........ .... 5 04 BANKS. AlfredTennyson'slargenosaoi ,indand whine piteously until soma one went up 5 -Brooms ...................... 15 12 SunlightSoap,(s bare .... ........18 15 MADE RIE A MAN epi Heart was touchingly illustrate by his and carried him down. Brooms ......................... ... 25 20 s 100. plug 1JicDonalds Tobacco ...30 e5 AJAX TABLETS POSPPSYELY CURE reverence for Wordaworth's poetry, not- Just at this time a Newfoundland pup- ' 8a'�11> ALL Narnoue Di+eaace-Failing Mem• py (WRE® Other goods at like prices. Much Sugar for little money. Ch,ice family Flour, $2.35 per cwt I , -RIO ji cry,lmpotene7,aleepveeswew,etc caused withstanding that the immense merits he was introduced into the family, much Oats wanted in exchange for Oatmeal. Choice Butter on hand. Bran, Shorts, Chop and taII ,z by Abuse or other Excesses an Innis recognized In it were not, In bis opinion, to the chagrin of the old terrier, who ,a16 oration TterU key a»d ewe7v tan �a�,�p hinds of Grain bought and sold. Inciorporated by Aot of Parliament 1885 el.vatndir 2b eineen•or midge supplemented by a proportionate amount would not make friends with the now �'hlY Qy vlCtUt la reJt., near Qlleen'S Hotel, C1111tGn 'r ,r ,,u3 -to .. 13, r F Prevent Insanity and Consum tion is of literary aklll. He was 91}ruya glad to comer. a ' CAPITAL - $2,0(10,000 to on in Theirnse shows immediate �myrove chow reverence to the "old coot..." Can one occasion when the dinner boll 5 NIGHTS f { -''' REST FUND - 01,500,000 Mont and assts a CIIge where all other sail In- „ , .. _ diet upon Laving the genuine Ai1<z Tablets. They �Aordeworth,' he said to me one day, ie ran$, the puppy sexing the old dog sitting t Lnveourodthousandeeadwallcure yon we vaspoa staying at Hempstead in the house of his on the top step, as usual, ran up to him, '` hiesor r rtmd e" t° ones aoureC.. gi � friend, Mr. Hoare. I � mueb a and see A Double �A VI Ns �'F GOAL l '+ HEAD OFFICI MONTREAL. itiveeach written et guaran the money. _ __- - Y TS. B and in clumsy play upset him so complete- piles, whether itching, blind or r pac=- or six pkitea (full treatment) for t2.6o- IBy him end you must come with me." 1 What the fat fellow rolled to the foot of bleeding, are relieved by one W El. MOLBON Me . mmnsm, President mail, is-' loin wrav� e�r". on receipt of glue. Circular + F Y g f1°0°A.FAX IZpLr'MLDY Daerbe Ell As we walked back to London through tbo stairs. The sight was very ludicrous, applicatlon of F. WoI lrEBSTex T+ .rtes. Gen Mans er Co.,' Cbl til. ' ran fields Tennyson complained o! the B using the KRABEL DOUBLE ABH SIFTER, patented U. $• and Notes discounted, Coll tions made, Drafts S y D and several members of the family could DraAgntev�'g®intment y g Bold In Clinton by Allen & Wilson, old poet's coldness ]3s- had endeavored to not tePrain from laughter. Canada, The only satisfactory sifter on the market. Two elf leaned, Sterling and American exchange druggists. stimulate some latent ardor* by telling Tap ppamperexl dog's bohnvior waa anti- $� GENTS. Cera in one, of different size mashers. Separates small from °e. t bought and sold. Interest allowed on de- Wordsworth of a tropical island whore the oua Glathoring himself together, he re• s„d cured in S to 6 nights p large cinders. No labor, no dost, no waste, 1 . posits. 8AvINGs BAN.- interest allowed on MCLI;O. trees, when they first came into leaf, were fnerA to enter the dining room, but slow- Dr. M. Barkman, Binghamton. r%Y.. same of $1 and tip. Money advanced to ' a vivid scarlet; "every one of them, I told ly tolled up stairs again and retired to the writes t Sand me 19 dozen more of Ag- '� ` ' On receipt of $2.50 we will deliver 1 double ash sifter to any pap larmets on their own note, with one or him, 1s flush all over the island, the color wicker basket where he usually passed now's Ointment. I proscribe large duan- of Canada and pay express charges ourselves. more endorBers. No mortgage required Ct stem REt� OYATOR of blood It would not da I could not the night. Humble apologies were made titioe of la h is a woods. worker to akta ''�'pand 111 $. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton, Y fnIIuonoe hta imagination in the least!"- to him, more than o>ao child offering him disoasos and a great onto for pilus. -23. Write for deseriptiye circular and references. Wholesale t "Memoirs of Lord Tennyson. dainty food, but though he must have Cold by Wnttea $ Cel retail. Agents wantedever or sale, County, township and state e �f�RTr AND OTHER TESTED REMEDIFE$ - been hungry, everything was refused and rights for sale. Apply to 1�icTAG 1' he aeBed the evening fasting. iI Patentee and manufacturer, SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE Sometimes the most careful women are P, ., vr��ASltiLf 2529 St. Catherine St. Montreal, P. Q G. D' the most careless. Many a woman bundles Hie pride had been too deeply wounded b the unfeeling laughter of his friends, 0 , $ANKER For Impure, Weak and Impoverished herself up to keep out of sickness -when she and it was not until another day that he ' Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, palpata= is neglecting the Very worst sickness that seemed to forgive the slight. -Christian Wort. _ ht Ioman. 13 -u a A BERT ST., - CLINTON, riini°ofthoeHfa1tit Jn Liver Bronchitis, Neu- can diode to beta a worse, She slowlysaplher - r a , ' > sum tion, Gall $to v, Jaundice, Kidney vitality. The little pain and the other general Banking Business p RUNNING SORES. transacted. and Urinary Diseases, $t. Vitus' Dance slight indications of trouble seem to her nn - 11 , Female irregularities and General Debitky important. She goes on, with increasing The village Blaoksmith's Song -Years of SOFAS OP THE STRIKING )FEATURES FOR 1898 ,d t suffering, until life itself became a dreg. pain -But South American Rheumatic NOTES;DISCOUNTED Laboratory, Goderich, Qllt. Nervousness, "einkingspells;'digestive dia- s 'I'HRBB SERIAL STURIBS tnrbanoee, and fifty other oomplicatione Care Welded the Link Whiob (Binds Him � ,�j Interest allowed on J. M. McLeod' may arise from the derangement of the or- to Good Health Again. Mr, Ste hen Wescott, Freeport, IM AD�YeN' HERS FOUR FOR A F01� THE COPPER UNRON '3s y Drafts aeaed. 1 Prop. and Manufacturer Y p M,R,Ma+sM"WAMoAr my ALOMW Li° y deposits. ane distinctlyfeminine. Overthirby years :.=That is ooh J. H. Gadbois,®Blaokertvith, �, •- D xrRxatvNRoa t- .I p k'•,i,1 ;•1 Clintonby ago, the need f a reliable reined for Bo- Y vi N.S., found (Burdock Blood Bitters) 19a�na�ofrgght� �W�,�gnarnttvcd€ar It is In thebowelsofeheearthwhnd Y of Arnprior, says: I was a great sufferer called "laminins complaints" was tacos- from conte rheumatism. I ❑sed many re- a wonderful blood purifier and gives a ysm„n veho,dpd is an old aempnnion. who 1nJv4 io froemwhorehe his revc=UmPrinoeee ' �; FIR &TISDALL. J. H. CO L'r% e e.d1 1,i,I,EN 8s- Vf1CIJ$ON nized by Dr. R. V. Pierce, then, as now, A �N, roadies without relief. I was induced e- his experience as follows: I was ®d• inthan�arel�ralast cared a long tort fataoa�,L $ANKERB, f chief consulting pbyeioan to the World's try South American Rheumatic Care. The very much run down in health and SHORT PICTIOtaI,• ��p 11��U�lU Dispensary and Invalids' Flotol, at Buffalo, first doea helped me, and before I had used employed our local h sician who k rndtdo. q a° 1e� ° ea°Tle''K"' 'NiZ,vo °f nirkh bllu oementio ft fL g file enttrb r {�8ni�l 1It UPJ UU p y yew, *Jere wtv rr siert eteriee of scer7ldad at ^blah h °°ty puesibla to mention n ys titles beta CLINTON, ANT. N.Y. He prepared Dr. Pieroe'e Favorite half a bottle I was greatly benefitted. It attended me three months, finally Prescription, the most wonderfully effective [fret, rho ot►ler The AMSBlec"dere A Harbor MyMA IMstery p Y cured me and I heartily recommend it to By oss�r.r. WjFrXIa' Pi .utas eAan*ert a ore R lrcuin , Advances made to farmers on their own remedy that has ever been used for such all sufferora from rheumatism." Sold by my le broke Out in running sores %a FlonMolp of Watkins' Giro" A Great Haul A Creature of CircumatnmCe Y:, 'Trees, Plants, �$. "'"'lies. Watts & Co. with fearful burning. I had thin- 0, JVXV j0ffPsfea BAA#„ Dr ae rrr�swrpry D, ifORBAA JtOD11It7BON notes at low rates of interest. _ 5 e ' 11 Cents in one -cent stamps and re• 4 niorce's IoOs page "Common teen running sores at one time, ARTICLES O>:i SPORT. TRAVEL, ETC. p�`generdl flanking Business transacted- This old oetabldehvxi ad reliable bneiaeee ie cu., p g from my knee to the top of my foot. Qiephvxr>b uaat7ag is Africa An American Eap9ocer S Afrkaly I being Contihrued ae usual, and those who want $once .Jit., i • i Addiser," illnetrated. ay areaor nploora Ry OrRus r dDAL(Y I 1.Iuterest allowed on deposits. any is our line can rely on the very best All the medicine I took did me ri0 ` » Lnytng Out a Golf Cadres w;j Bale Notes bought of service fiche C'anaoe of Cancer. 4Rrr0 L eraeaa M Tlllar and Sheet v +� R R, yAN rAasr� abrrrtEX I„ Snuff J, ,• Sc,u� Taking. There aro few diseases that afflict the food, so I threw it aside and tried lg DoaRsrD• F PAxrrRR 1�'. ar y., J. P. TISDALL, Manager, Cholce4TlanMr tar 6pr1uA Beddtntt. .B.' when one-half the bottle was DEPARTMENTS " _04 - PRIZE COMPETITIONS 1 1• Floral rladgn6 for Weddings dt Frurciralr A word in Benson t., muff takers. As, human family that are more t'o be droaclecl r Short Storles,Sketching,Photogrephy @ the nerves of our nostrl;� e,rc so little ro- than those of a •cancerous nature. Tile a I noticed a chane for the 6afltor1 CcWl a Arre and Send or Fre PrP p h r g !0 CenGr o dV'nxJber (Sn,d jos Free Proepeetntr). 6ubscriptlm+, SI.tlO a Yw•sr. ,�. (In��II�G MACHINE Depot Fruit and ornamental Trees tooted, they aro vary dollonW and sensitive, Cancer proper is a most appalling foo to ;r, and by the time I had finished £outage free in the United States, (lamda, and Malleo e" , CUM S H. 9prraee. Scotch do Astrachan rino ullli IJ 81WING when we talcs snuff all the n,•t c e s in life. Whether 1t can bo ourod is and al- t bottles my leg was perfectly , II�pLrR & BROTIli+JItB, PnblishareJ ezy►uklin Square. N. Y+ City!. ,`, 4 Huron attest. pr,ces of entire stook very vow. the body are wfo t, d in sympathy. In ways has been a debatable question. Cason sd and my health greatly im- ;, A11 ordure promptly titled. consequence snort t+,ianpt, like snJokin,c, are cited where nlluilad maiveTu�ue euros „ . has a narcotic e•ff, r ui on the brain and have been effected, but this does not yo any, roved. '` $jl ' '!e have jest received another tot of New prove *�: Dome and Dominion Sewing Machines; the John Stewart Estate, �.,.,ier naturaly nota up+n, u.+, fntClltl,One' 't ia:e appreciable extent alter the faote in the former is an exceptionally good machine, 1t can easily be Fz + +, Gat t it weal.cud the case that the cancer Is practically incur• :tfid hoe given good satisfaction to all memory. If vJ'u tv.tu w aeo it only as n solo onto it eta any sort of headway 111 Wppi� �$tJf7PI#ODII�>d- i )ICKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE medlolno or an occasional stimul ant, there the system. The causes of this disease have Wtg gseE►t 0m g>aeh nor -47' 46. d e8 and All kinds Of $*pail's would be some advantage in using it. If been ao Imperfectly understood that any 6;wftawoeeortarant 0d to �' kept on hand INSURANCE CO.used constantly, it inflames the nostrils effort at prevention was worse than use- D�p�' and �°a°nstY , _ - Oma tell tAi7nA Ot 1Vorvoat eLn,tey J. waymnn A. n. M. wMsen Cyvusf C. ndnme S'bultney Atgctow ltltk Munroe . bnmonihl a menta. Call FARM Bt lgOLATIDl) TOWN i?Ii0PI1[trY and may produce an incurable polypus. less. A French scientist claims to have �' Weak-A-.laafeafor-AP— e��,%� ��y�i��1ti1JV00�r'�'#' v�' tlic.writefor prioyeeanmonta.a. ONLYINSURED TOWS To those who make blood quickly or are discovered cancer germs in wood and that catorrbea,xwpo�tian6all vita footle or suffer from+ ulcers nothing can artisans who work in wood aro much gP/atgqtdhurcorllbdeeee•. '----'-",1,, "Wlw. MOO)RE orrlolnts, be more prejudicial. Snuff takers have snore subject to this diseado, all things bo- !t'eafaf won't', W" 1a#8 . , Xg d' Goo. Watb President Harlock P. 0>; J. Dh generally work sight. In short, 1t 1s a per- .in+g considered, than those. tubo handle ulf•4bbaoONol or-l3etaraa 1 . „ -. DdoLean,; H'iDpen P. a., Vlca l'roB.' W. 3 J } . � t 4 eltou ,Yeiis Shannon,soor.•Trees saeeotrrofl�oeseabs. E. niaioua m Abneta vi one o bull atNowshould York edoon tlisrltnoof resew bbhef ndoo oor, 0"'"J" Z,gatwy' fi•fcw+ts, ea#40liraaae• �����t + e Haye, Seaforth P,O , in D o fought g 8 y MveettAIataxtty.0o+over 6 j, OU J. TER S AND n'Iulroxoit0 Ledger. .� • germs in wood and vegetation of various Etmbo9te W cent t6]roht++ tri thetuands of +` , 1. (" Jag. Broadfoot 8oafbtth' Jbhn Gt, (move, 114 ' . ' Winthrop P.O.; aeorgo Date, Seaforth',Thos, kinds• Elm anti willow trees showed a ceem; is the oxty lioldatbJO eek Rliooel , .& Igfnd d co�. '' greater proportion of theso gorima than Laotvn. Aakdre"UtforVltoo,t'rlJ�irorpli0�ieeift E• Hays, Seafortif: Jas, Evans,.Beoohwood P g s �f hwaympia•-`po i°nigYyeyoryou lffol othorwooda In high altitpi3osolrwlpore booverssomottotitt>teas tetlieinpfeuoodtthis% �•e jE SfvOC�� aI1C� InRkO to ill' 0i •., O.' Thos. Garbutt Olinton, Thema reser. g ,� r a " . r : l3 fuoefteld; J WH. MbLodu, Kipitopi, ,,• ; , , havo naflo, but if you trees are nob common vary tow oan09r Inalot* price iu zattet, •fig rot+ t b0 by a *0 89p , . . k•., fa Moet—ri ohtfy I , . , . sham P006, o0b Dackdgo�' >ii= six, Gg, one `. 10 AtlrtNTS. fgti'�f' 8$iP'a'ddvintUrt�si will erma were found. , ilrom-all of whioh.it Cutters and Sleighs Of all 11148 llohbrb Hfn Hatlpbk' Jno.H '3t'oa. iiolM9s, iVflt toll( 1�i6.d8 ! g torth JamosOum• mtd nen lltldtlivfcto.the'fltofitr a ars that, we may rya at last on,the, rtttie,tlkdt o+nGPafhphliptaf>o•tot i g ,vllle''. bE. bikilllbn,.>�epa wrl#� fhb #_ pl?e hiawlrud�tvoxearat►lrr 11 �,' n o�dvu'st` John Govenloekaild rohn " �l -Sf4a. highroad to seine� rdllable and conclusive r m , wrltit iwp+s, x.Gi�dbh 1: g wittsre+norr�+!iw ... ,.: Aiotl�kl, auditortl.. . r n knowvlodge litiar► rs eitbioot which lien tax- i'elitite dobfr.tte io d t; �Cnnttt�t uCeay or franc ;. I � er b gg t art>aan to -+' Qaclt+t1Ik�ill pfmt3elibalsoleiltrfarmaul+ i%tiltlll „ : iG,�both ttltl+tisrrl1111pe p�pji�pp ]v ted t. r. _," • , $ #o r►n tfi'• tt6GYe tlm00", . 1 �aartl, .I�7eW'iColit lreifgefr. . 11 I yli-ww.ta�►�tt ., r ' � r gf