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The Clinton New Era, 1898-02-25, Page 4
. ,. f.. February 2 (80%3 ., _ ]REAL NO htAN1S �/A M�. $UGAIt EATING NATIONS. . BOGUS T ^' I �— J! � . .. IKE A -- -� -.. .„ . -- ,.�...�.- ------ WOMEN AND WEAti>� � � RIj.,BY. 1, I lrygalree That Udleato That Waritimge Pee, .. a AN 18tAND THAT IS PEOPLED ONLY Die lCitcel Zp l[ts Consumption. NERVES. 8Le Could F1dd1e Under spurious Hypno. t WITH WOMAN, The sug#r Crop of the world amounts in t#sm as Well as When Nat Under Xt. a normo year to about 8aboutOD tone, of "'- 0400 time ,pings there arrived in Port- � wblolt the larger part, abouts 4,G00;000 land • young 13entleJnan tufo is a very psi Ase Able to llgetoud Their tllrian and toner, comes from beets and the balance, Lives of Misery and Afiotion, land Rl yod.i 9 ,'9le pflTfol7ner on the vie. May Bo Galled amazons - W>~,nfng an 8,x40. W4 tops, from st,$" aerie Of the fin. QII #t�oon>;t of this ewd" otHer good the the L t wt lImd, 1, g a count from qualities, he found a warm welcome in Yntervtaw by the Ues atF a Piece CIT Bred ,the 1Yest Iaifjss and 4 large amount from Oloth'and w Few Beads, alae Leland oft Jct# Among tits countries musical, circles, and, frequent gatherings � � Marvellous Case In Manitoba, of "U nilusloally inollned were held for hie kty attention was filwpihxara tip. pteotwslug best 411961 Ciermary Comes first 013404lnment and to have the pleasure of I �" F +1 • wl* SBI Ball third of the World's crop; 111141etng to his playing. feet of modern arnaeons pr means y[ r lite; ptuy}ttl4 tivible about aunt nuoh. and ' -Tapanese picture book, wrAW IapTvir+rtA tkoll Or ons oQosaton there happened to be ' . Tregear in the ChristChuroh (So 49 snq Ileiglum and Pil�netS Celery Compound pr1►t t►r one of these gatherings a young swtl 1) �s33�rtt tom arftL aobctetntlally the Press. It had boon ea7x7 ftw sale ria a eavats lady vhola he had not previously met, and native shop at Tokyo and attraiAeg tthst at, �ltantiiy Proves a Wondrous whip .waa deo # performer of no small tgntlon of a visltori who bmugltt tits satrtr 't`� sOI*B t4 pito oplalost has been g mNpy1 sn the riolln. It was arranged UGNI 04hy tomosimply as etepool}s,;yrp Of e+riOrel t d atodbimte itmould of sugar, Blessing. amour the party that a joke errand be '' PiSICK REA ctures `J el book » # ]t Chili 4tp► an) at like at strip should played ere ills newoomer. The evening I Foel;tWe ewreeL by these of a pries" pleasantly, many beautiful seleo• pieturep dolinvating the n �� >;etle � 7' oQ lieu Flo of each ""'— Iy argw of a shipwrecked vessel, �'L4 rssslkjl@%hat o when ri+o figures of y tions b01aa played on the 14110 and other I Little gid' +b "'s sole tea Pid'a'st 00 sugar ars examined ml=e Rarer se a: p pontaining the survivors arrlvod o#, bre thea tt 4ti srpeta that }, quantity Consumed instntlrasats b7 members of the Party, in. I TheP�reifeve Distrewfrorn Dy,pepy lib°res of 4n island tenanted only b e'Atter the First Dose I Relt Neter tersp4tspd with staging and conversation, I >grdigcstttru and Too Hearty Eating, Apr y Y utroel- v4as radloeUy, and it is a Curious fact Aope and New Life GOmiug,"s ttul�sot of hypnotism being brought foci ibr Dizziness, en, The artist had depicted with barbario Cps,t ftw those countries in which the mar, t.sr nature and with grim humor tints spirit—the spirit of navigation, Com- up ani &J601114sod at some length, the new- ! Thr Drow how the attentions of the numerous Pair mares, tr4voi and oolonlzation—is strong, cemw "Pleosing his total disbelief in this BatiTaste#t th°Mortift,CoatedTong ones became embarrassing to the small thaws is a very considerable consumption IiERVOIIS PROSTRATION, MENTAL ocoulrt sotence, I Pain in the Sklq TCiRPID LIVE• Th, party of visitors, until at lash NE RRESfiION 4tlst �° the time for Parting he played , Regulate the Bowels,, i'nrelyyegetabier bad to fly to their boat and escape tv the tries sugar O these whereas I thosre e puna- SUFFERINGS A RE BANISHEDNG vrlth,i�'m$ tOeling and taste one of Bee- & dangers of the deep rather than endure the demivanb among the inhabitants the con- plauAei4 Thgnt ne otithew� loudly a }��t pill- S11i�q Dp$E overwhelming Attentions of the hosSosstas aulupbloa is smaller. In England, first what a t3rT thing it the bot j remared 8�rtatl CtLeir tori fair and kind. The book and Its sub- among the maritime nations of tbo world, Paine'e Calory Compound The Great Life Y one �Ilbstitution Ject would have passed from my ]nemory, tbs oonsa7nPtion of sugar is 80 pounds n O°ulfl he hypnotized and made to play lt$e as a more pleasantry bad I not soon after In Builder and Vitalizer, that anothet< who had eapteased his be• the �d tJ the dog% frund what one may call the "nettorpress" is 45, Holland 31,ininhabitant. andkiin Ilef In hypnotism and Claimed repossessed r o! the illustrations, circulating as a legend Norway arxt Sweden iib, wrereae in Rua- some knowledge of the science, said he be. �^_ �yy�.,q to the Friendly islands. A oircumabanoe eta jt iS only I0, 1n Italy 7, in Turkey 7, WreLLa [Iz RIcnAllDeoN Co., listsfl he could hypnotize any member of .7Lt7 JteiTSy �r remarkable as this eolncldenao of idt{aa .in Gtreece 0 and 1n Servla 4. Tho eonsump- DRAn Sins,—For several years I have had the pin, perhapsty and p well her the last r��. In peoples n Ear removed both in polnt of tion of sugar seems to have very little con- week nerves, and was ;raduall the viola Ask for Ca t;er' distance and of race as the Tangans and vection with or relation to the production down, and last March 1 was 1 roetraru wink ones urged to tmassablylo the well, ne as at tee Japanese Could not inti to strike ono of sugar, for 1n Austria, the sugar product nervous debility, lily anti tinpo w re ea- no one was villin to be ea erlmented QgQilly interested in ire anthropology of of wbtab is large, the4vera a cruoiatin in the extreme; I really thuutiht uDmi• Finally the young lady mentioned Z2iS1St and demand ,Ogestllon. Is only10 g (wisumption g This Tongan legend was beaid b Ponn)ia, while in Switzerland, there never was at utner who sulfered quite wile, tri the solioitAtion of for friends, ed f depression end weak nor at the beginning of the century,by Karl, of, ithle 4 ich there And anotherdouorlouS pration to se et as much with merrdlabont three months ducad bo consent to be hypnotized �•a.I•ter'S Little' Liver; Pills. Tkt before any write Colonists resided in the the mabtor is that there is a great disparity rervee. Tris nae dootore modioino co in. ad shausualttmtOtIODS were gone through, rriendly islands, And although I have not in tbq Consumption of sugar in the two ander butgettin,� worse instead of better. Aised stela o aaviOiinto n audbbdivwero been able to get the story throat from Fiji tea drinking countries, England and Rus nail Y wills feeljn nits disooara ed Bloced is he ids And tare was directed Disordered or Samoa, I h,gve not the slightest doubt sia. The largo amount of sugar consumed One da g I E ' "that voyagers Bo hardy as Japanese and to Franco is attribre uted in part to the fact any wonderin It I was ever to get outs f is roProdua sonata last played. Srq • a 7?alynesianaarefamous for having been III that Me French confectioners and candy m dsh youdf it rwoul try psine SCeler tome ,rte , ane the entire siege without an Kidneys, id e :pant centuries must have had some fcun- I Inako y I wish o y y fed it about as well as the Y ■ .!datlou of fact on which to build so strange i business in the city espof dally thoseuse doing their gpound." A s I had intended to try it I act- gory tionu uo had preceded her, to the "'A,1 Sale. Its confirmation we have in the j trade enormous quantities of Sugar in a very Y ion he r advice and started using t the ,dor astonishment of all, and cape- Perhaps they're the source of your i relation of tbs celebrated missionary Dr. I ver snug day, an l from ire first ose I 01"Y ' e first performer. He had not health and you don't know it. Y year, adding abnormally to theaveragefelt naw hope and now rife Coming. Con- .e idea trot the lady was a violin Here's how you can tell :— James Chalmers of Now Guinea. Here is consumption Of sugar in the French re, binut+d using ii,an sin still taking i once A>ay I<l ea th t that there must be r l,themodern account of the woman's isl and: ' fn 11 w tile, alway Peking Ood'S blessing nIa a(-hy!Im gin8DI than he had a If you have Back Ache or Lame Back 't t'At Port Moresby I had board of a nublia -Naw York Sun. If you have Puffiness under the Eye woman's Land, a land whom only women on u.:h bottle. I an very muchi mp oved ID a his revenge later when the'oke or Swelling of the Feet. Y sad nano tsay too much in favor f the w s;.lainod to him by remarking teat. If your Urine contains Sediment o, e T perfect amazons olived and runod. me kine, and would recommend it to all f -. was a Pair sample of the workings at aScanty.kind or is High Colored ant These ]adios were reported to be oaoollont COIINTLESS BODILY AILIllENTB bafferin g from nervous prostration and 6 t•dnotism..� Portland Oregonianof r tiilors'of rho soil, splendid Canoeists in `— mental de r asiot,, _ If ou have Coated Tongue and soiling or paddling and quite able to hold Directly Attributable to a Disordered tip,` #roti own against attacks of the sterno, Nerve S •stem— Yount faithfully, —"— Nasty Taste in the Mouth. �bos, who sometimes tiled to invade their the Great South'Amerioan NerviHnerr GeY E•PAnx,Cryetal Ci1y,Man If you have Dizzy Spells, Headaches, s ooilntry, Bad Dreams,— Feel Dull, Drowsy, WANT TO li�>JP YOUR NEURALGIA? Weak and Nervous. Then you have � "To find so interesting a community Well and Keep Well With It. ,rhe IS -months old child o Jay Iden- f eburse you don't; so you should take Y paint. was of groat moment As no part of the nedy drank the contents of a bo tie O Y y Kidney Complaint. i Noble Wright, Dairyman of containing a solution• of strychninq, Scott's Emulsion. It is a fact this comedy The sooner you start taking + c boast from the East cape to port Moresby says. "For a number of years I waa eat g as a gurgle, cu. ed it; and it cares nervousness, nervous >' * S , 'would b° loft unvisttod by us, we were J ouffersr from indigestion and d s e vvb b her alher wa nein DOAK 3 KIDNEY PILLS aertain'to comp across the amazonian set- f My liver and kidneys bothered ma, rest- and expired a few minutes ate he debility and insomnia also, the more quickly will your health return. dyspepsia. ]sin. mother knowing Lhepoisollous nature t've cured thou - 1 _:lgment. Wo heard teat Mailiukolo (Tru- ed with many doctors, and used man era_ °f the int di ne, had care ally secreted Mrs I'tvingatone; formerly of tie Do- sands of cases of kid- , oanoeswith women were numerous, { mcdiee. Iprooured Souter American many Iota, but the r d some very Iran ones wit, women vine. Ono bottle ed Soy benefitted moNer- it behind some flow minion Lands Office, Winnipeg, bas ney trouble during the ��', ajlone. In tbeearl child fou d the bottle an drunk its been appointed by the Department of past year, If you are y morning we were off six bottles entirely cared me, and to T contents before being kxst3 drank the Interior to tttke charge of the int• a sufferer trey can i,i ?fhe island and soon ready to land On am ss well as ever I was. It is A great re- migration of a superior class aP domes cure you. F crossing the reef we met two canoes, one medy, and i am clad to be able to 'recom• n with mon and one with women, We •mend it always." Sold by Watts & Co. Heart n nerve troubles ore brain for from Britain to Manitoba Book that tells all 11 '' and the Territories. The position Cala about Dean's Kidney ts'igned to tram to go to the vessel, while Tourneys to Britain to select earl. Pills sent free i anyOVRAM 'we pulled up to tie largrivtl'lage on tie Mr Richard Gibson, of Delaware, destroy sleep a Milburn'skHeartyand Nerve br in cot the.north aide. t; girls, and also their gen- address. muds an important address at the Ie- Pills regulate the beart,tone the nerves and Livi Ir stone'S1in bfi et tris will bry, Mra ThC jJOan gldriGy Pilln.., "As the boob tongued tea fine, hard cent annual meeting of the Canadian bring reaitr and vigor to the entire system, ]and shortly,,sandy beach a man, tie only being in Shorthorn Breeders' Association, Be P e to Scot- Cb., Toronto, Grit.k �• ►'ght, ran down and stood in front I said that the probpects for better trade wont forward to spring ashore, but he said with the United States were very The 31ustallment Plan, much not. Finding be knew the Daunai bright, in cunsequenee of the removal rilu2oot, I said to rim I must land, that I of the quarantine with the United $omgtimeg, without doubt, Amorloan 11IcRili'op Insurance Company, wag 'a friend and anfl Britian Judges who are cold to a close _ alotb and ate $A40 him a strip of red 'atattes, wrier was affected by the Do- aQoountsbility to ter° lotto, oP u law whirr The undersl ued has been n ^ted to rep- ,, ashore, when he ran minion Government last year. may have in it no justice for resout the ateKallo Insuranceoco., for the ,, t w"A tour the burr. Y pnrtfof an e s townships of Hullet� lMorris and East Watva- "At our first a Up till now only 25 per cent of the Case mal well nigh for the latitude of an I. Pproach I could only see grain of the Canadian Northwest eras Oriental oadl. Sometimes, moreover, they nosy. Parties having business wife the com- tbis ons man, but now I sow hundreds been exported by way of Canadian may rightfully bend the administration of Pauy, or desirin t1 insure, H, ar promptly df'grass pettle"ats on women standing un- attended to. O$T, SMITH, Harlock. g ports, The present Government is de- tee law in the direction of absolute jus. slOr,th0 houses. I could not see the upper ties. - , 3rarts of their bodies, only the PP The to turn the business into rAnd'.feet. Tiley were fudged quit petticoats able ru Rn obs The whole every reayssoof An English Paper, for instance, records e, d aneed nearer, when ono wild scream their policy is to promote e n lo -Can,. a peculiar decision in the suit of a d lent OLINT0 MARBLE WOR$S. " tires given that would try stronger nerves adieu trade by way of Canadian p°uta, against a poor woman, The Ivan had lent the woman money in Such a way that it OOOYER'S OLD STAND, fan mine and signs to keep away, It re• was to bo paid in installments and with Nei ° Oommorolnl Hotel. 9uirgd more inquisitiveness than I pas- monthly usurious Interest, The woman This eatakaishmen't is in Sall o• Oration and a eessgd to proceed. I retired a few passe, False Re ritseutations. WQil l�a able to order filled in the most satisfacto, y way come Oktou '- nate boat's crew to keep a good P Pay the amount due. cry end granite work a specialty. Prices a �Aokout sna OSPeclall , judge satisfied himself that the 8.0vee Thousande of LhrAR bonabla as those of any eetablishn ant Y m the bus, enfi^ wmuAA was honest and honorable and of the village, where se man ran to. that what j �r Years ego .T,icob Dowt�tta, gftw as 1 ilnvjted ter° dusky damsels to corns to m� All Ontt r' Lady L'otm silt a 1Her� X10 had already paid in install- ,,_ 4k A - � er " p mOntfs ould cover the original loan and death ejected to my visiting tram; but Chats tt,".'ay-Roe fl��nages. a roaso }' le interest. s kw aroad'OI - �^ss, !te waa 7tlo, I mast return whence I Came. The? "Wit. u e000pt6 in discharger) asked Ao ttda dup to die L roti cun> DRESSMAKING; I1ad seen me, that waa enough. 'No 'm; A lady writin Yrom an the judgt of the 1 g IIs rnoune to a brok, -DoaG••^t wreck, irlezide; we must meet, and yon will era', 7 says: "A mbnthgago I vieiteod tong of wr plaintiff. "'You will teen p ?rod i• Af,uuw's Cure tae the Subscriber b' v9 red IO per Dent on ire loan." HOArh�s °tl 1t PAlthEtllly, and to -d, - v°nen d}ass makingrooma in l6orllo preseate.' town stores and asked for three packages t pt nothing lase day tAezi ren, n 'a�`' fives to bi ©1y ossapfed byMrs, Rye Hur• r "T held qp my bends and red Cloth; but, Diamond Dye Navy Blne for dyeing all O Plaint!.$ would acce qua t`' o she will p than `he lull amount to which the law .7 W recOmawnh,A Prepared Oae- ltrango to sayer they Seemed to "have no wool goose. The merchant informed me to him �t retlKty t . Ithoroughly +effect on Vhat Strange Crowd I never naw that he was out of Navy Blue! in Diamond entitle, him, SOLD By W ATTS CO. GLINT t ann er, She bo litany women together, How WUO we Dyes, and talked me into baying a ]ye of Tbex ,sold the jvagree"alt oIgoan f' desired.- MIS$ "`• the day it cannot in, ]ldats rho "'Huron >3troet,' Clinton. trot meet? was the question. To be balked another make, at the same time �uarao r'�x,�"' vould never do, I threw on the teeing tram to do as good work .a I could make an Civ white I think will fit the lleabtt A pisco of red cloth and a few bonds, get from the Diamond, A lady friend was once I give judgment for peau Alm nth t' �v'tillrod awe to be paid at the rate ai eta „ y quits carelessly and appar- with her at the time and heard lbs -,,bole Thiawas the "installment bystem" with C'+hea "�7 During the month of Feb, w 10,10Y not noticing what was taking place. conversation. I took the Strange dyes home p rte' urnitu�!e .A 4 steals from out the crowd, stops, used them according to directions, and was a e Usurer w for b this rate of payment ■rwjll give great inducements orosat, her rand g the usurer would be 76 years in getting Extensioln Tables for to Cash buyers r a pressing her breast. sadly disappointed with the results, The ria money.—Youth's Companion, _ $4 00 worth h b 00 1'ocr thing, not, courage enough, so light. color wag anything but a Navy, in truth, Mattresses �ninglike she speeds back. It is evident the my materials were spoiled, I at cage took M9ttrviceel3 _ for 2 �(� wol th 3 50 slid Iadioti object to the younger ones at the goods to the merchant and told him;hia ` ' BedgtNradt3 for 2 $O worth 300 7 tempting, and ahoy' tiro themselves too dyed were frauds. He offered to give me Wire Springs s for 2 00 worth 2 75 w. Irlihtoned. Another young damsel about more of the came dyes or my money back. P g for 2 00 worth 3 00 9 or X0 Beare old comes Cub, rune, rafts, I refused both offers,and after I had threat- We carry the largo:,' Wok and; _ g I wa1kH catlike lest the touch '. her Poot on proceedings he thonght it beat to pay f 1 sell at the lowest urioee, V 1111 s Cj H '� LL : w+ g LYTH ed law th4 Mind should waken • me from my rev. for the goods Spoiled. This merchant' will t{ `,01d :"A.potbor halt, holds bar chest, lost never again have the chance to gall ma any 4 _ 'j filo spirit around take Its flight or the pat- moro dyes. I shall go where I can get the (� I I heart jump right out. I four it was Diamond Ayes at any time they are want / �, �i— ' brytind the slight patter thou and had ed. I have bad my last lesson with poor ✓j ` ) % � F E reached the stentorian thump of serious dyes," times. On, a rush, well done) She pioks ��� � blotii and beads up, `r•T r 1111 "11I.Ave• gained my point and will soon "i"001n's Pallbearers, . r LOT haven Vito crowds sic 11 need bo wait so tong Of thepallbearers o the funeral of AbrA- ., ' y �Rf ' Vo have tits bans picked now, and after a ham Lincoln gals two, H. G, Worthington ,1 �/yING!° tow morn temptings It ie done, I am be- and ea -Senator Dawes of Massachusetts, elioglod",.by the nolSesb crowd I have ever Ake now living. The following is a ,,at of Ill health is a luxury that only �W' V#' and am truly glad to escape on board the distinguished man who noted in teat the rich can afford, and that no one can en. �`bro�9,��be .boat•• Wo went to the vessel and capacity: Senate --Foster of Oonneotioutr, she can be att inmterestin� invalid, or ratrect gght her round to the wean sidot,;vhere Morgan of New York, Johnson of Mary_ an unlntereeting invalid, for there never Pboft- zanohored, Crowds mot me on the land, Yates of Illinois, Wade of Ohio and was an interesting one. eb; but no men. I gave my beads in- Connors of California. House—Dawon of ' it +[iIT lecrlminatOly, and soon there was a soar- The woman w o suffers from weakness �� Maitaohusotts CrofYroth I f Pennsyylvania, Rad disease t,f ate distinctly feminine or- Q l /J-'- he the old ladies And the young Smite Of Kontuoky, Colfax of indlana gens is certain to become an invalid. No +++--- kX (� � V ' gang.' The latter were ordered off and be ( Worthington of Ngvnda and Waehburno of • A y woman can suffer in this way and be a ,. ailt#o tboy would not go I must gra, The Illinois, Army—Genorals Grant H healthy, baPPY amiable wife and a compe. >!d 144'168 insisted on m and Nfobolls, Navy alleok tent mother. 1'ioubles of this nature sae MY gutting Into the Y --Farragut, $hubrfek the atrength, rack the nerves _ eat, and, Irbing now assisted b the bow dud Zelin. Cjviliang—O. H, Or aufferf , Paint lines MOw fl,•bout tbatoBUjt oil Wallt made t0 order° (�all� in and Nf 1RPER�'S /.1AGAl�I I r [' Y Browning of tt8 upon the face, destroy the teal- w y Cif vVomot 1n rho oriiiogI I thbught it bet. Il]Inbis, Tbomae Corwin of Ohio, George Per, make the once bright eyes dull and V0 oorrIPiy 'Long after we nein the Ashman oY EPneenehvsetta And Sfinon the anee -tile brain s] sae our tweeds before you u will enter rho twertin ddoh W'O bfeard tiho110 old oraeked, crabbed Camoron of Pennsylvania.•—New York toren a vivacious into a r and trans- �b y, g year prepared to Ivo to the reading public that which hu made It tamoaa for Tribune. invalid, woman into a weak, sickly the Past quarter of a century --contributions from the pens of the great Itterary men and women of ern t1 and th96hnathommil.nimatl2lbg the y. ger mem. word, illustrated by leading artists. A brief glance over Its prospectus rymeannounces bath reading e era run 'f . ly ObnVi lty, The qqne sura, a eedy permlyfe cure OUR PACIFIC PROSPECT 'tI ftm fully oonvinood trot this is the 1Cucet,tions, for all disorders of tile tliatinctl fetnlninO r7toiRcrS FOR A NraARAaoAN CANdL TUE twwnRncua rerPoaTARaE err AN reTnraA & ft 1 aq being !eland, and can OasiIy account „Oratory is a gift," remarked the ad. `It acus diectlyi nQ the elate A dc�lupttornt: � b �� �iee ► u] t1. B} aoti Bevrn ToxrrB N tuNA1, i'f1r lbs nein miring constituent ant orguns concerned and p RABTRIIR 6[RRRIA ANR TNS PACIPItl r B, WORTArNOTON a 7 IZb g called cur by clues canoes from r makes them 2 buys a better one. By 8T$p9BN o T HE SnR DZYMPNRNT or OUR PACn170 DORA= '.;Z� . tivl3ttEVyartl�f+ "Well," roplfod Farmor Corntokgl, %roag healthy, +vigorous and elastic. By C17AA&W F,ILU,VH.r,9 � "mostly It is. But naw and then a man cures �lte luternal tukeratiotl and Infla . a- 13. 0 ROUEN'S CORNER --THE NOVEL, OF THE YEAR 7Sle ITA4 ttataled. gots Cod enough at it to charge tion that give fine t° a debilitatitt 'drain on gets you more style. t>yt Haxar SRMoTI MaRRIMAt:, author of "The Sewers." Striking novelties is short fiction wit gg ;. +r listotiln. "= V'ashln ton Star. g You fur file egtitem. It fs the best dgg be contributed by such authors as W,D, Howells, Richard Hardt Davis, Brander Matthews, l�pook1ba of the 1*yetertas of Parls, "' _ g overworked, run-down " womeztQlne for 14 leads Frederic Remington, Ruth McEnery Stuart, and others There w311 be a aeriea of a}tidee on It d the lltltrary boa>` or,11 Abort six usque ago my t►ife tse�alne etRicted you to high r grades. Tlli: F{iD,Aji $$t ppF SCIENCE • EUROPE, POLITICAL ANti SCCIA4 ART AND THE DRAMA > "rMe grealesb oris of them," said the ., , Virally Aaaeirtafned. Withppeefemale W�te�akness," writes the Rev, T, J. AI2AtIES tI D 11A�?F IEN00 . EllR RI, POLI I04L A O SO ICAN'GtA A er! who ,'iiat�. boon oil a ':Iierilotlally x don b deny tbaL, hg's brlliPant, but Coot nos dtand,tl °ficRr"Ji etoOrn ct;u axAs.. she 15, SPICUIEd value. ,1.` P000,&Lfree to N C7l R$kfaTCHES u bas h0 eta in r, I tslvcrrberr in tAEr United ,�taiti, arialat r alI}sz 'dgdb6d, 1•'sis the laligudge, �-'�CSiriofn• uD,m, yi g rJgAlitiE7gi au which 91te alT not otim, g}eat �fttu°sigb� >�ttb.i4 sushi. IiddresttlAltPt B d 8R07ff" ��ttPub'rt,p.yt,. { 1-:1, ' gtjpeCfl „w g bot les a 7Dn #xcc tt irAvdr!�td lit • f f6or trait prai�aDtptY r « ?n Iden 6 know. You mi ht Jt! . n bulli watt. hA tobk btx els ant Styles, beau 11 ul el deAriatred Of evQr a ai gg �' .y.. M_.. Gall. Chioaao .Totarnal itltaf ea well Paind hAgpy for Twlid m1P t 0fi and o "�� inVlto hf r',We twe" of .iarr, aw ie hhwdot:ta m � -- �- , It Is a drug�Ist a bitsin as to roti o • to glue yeti, wet r III,rbdr oitnatell Of wabtiy grotivil�,�l:ftlllr,►7C,fi. viii qp tl w at you want: „: ,, rtJ` tie oiiE•iiegt tltatnps cover the ietti ,If oontinuettl to 3 ----., 'S 'µ Gi b tot, Jrtbiit hd afkr boluit silt cel • customs slid malling o£ A a t . cotierpd cit a �iCiiedY tG'pilitAKlfw id�It/kM •n P5'tyf �Si,17ic>c,4'tt Gtami3fb . Se�ee fixe 11 1. , :...,,.11 ' " ,� I .....,., i Ica1 Adviser. Cloth d, ,, .: bqund "t I Se ti 5o gtamps, �' Send tb 1pzt Tt,:"V i'ilerCs, ,UgQpt7 , , Y 11 N . v , f ill: lib .S. , 1, 0"•. rev Wfitttcrt ,. TS �,^ .Ii.Y :Sibfir. icw.rs..ye. t _ _ .. ^tn�.Jt:., ,,,,r 7.., ,: �... ...�, ,... W . _ L . , .: . _ . . �s,.c .. .-• t�..; f ur, h r`sr`iidk+'Yr�,:a.� ,�....as.. ,,tric....,,,tk_r L...- , de. .T _...1_.. _ .. ,. _. _ Mrs tt. ,k .B Vw i1 . NEW FRUITS .NOW IN STOCK I. ARC;sIIYMBAU'S (Stalest Layers, yowatizza'1�, j RAIbIN 9 i Fine affiStalk I t1U R11,]T I lbtras, Patit'a a04, ~ ' Ll( OIIY $talk R+acle `140. California Prnno4; best ]Meme Vigo in wale and lwyerbr in ten .poptld. >hb�4)t,;, . Lemon, Citron and Orange peels. Having botlgM At the to son we will give you clone prioes. went tlriooe� thip'sep*, ' E I _"—.,.""T� zed,I L' .1 ClmtolaSashilooraBlind t,11_�",I.glr- Go . Factory -11,11, .... ��� r' ' ". r. --- -- -gym...1 & S. S. COOPER - . • PROPRIETOR, . ie Gelmeral Builder and Contractor. 1. 7 This factory is the largest in the county, and bee the very latest improved ma- . ahinery, capable• of doing work on the shortest notice. We carry, an extensive ,d and reliable stook and prepAred plane, and give estimates tor;and build all olasa- es of buildingsecis short notjoe and on the closest prices All worn; is eupervis• ed to a mechanical'way and satisfaction guaranteed. we sell all kinds of itI- ferior and exterior material. Laniber Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etna 1 , Agent for the Celebrated G]'RAYBILL SCHOOL. DFS$, manufaotpled. at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders 1897 New Dried Fruits. • 1`1], 1897 ItAISTNS—lilalaga, Valencia, Sultans, CURRANTS—Filistras, Fine Vostizzagr California Prunes and Ellme Figs. CROSSE t& BLACKWELL PEELS, Lemon, Orange and Citron. NUTS—Filberts, S. S. Almonds and JWulnuts. Ccoking Figs for So a pound NICE, OLD RAISIN$ for bo a pound. Headquarters for I Teas, Sugars, Crockery, Glassware and Lamps. J. W. IR,�TIN, - - - - Clinton, " --�"' .. -„�r dnrnrg r39q will present to its readers a faithful pictorial reprL_ srrtation of the wurid's most interesting and important news, ,pr.• TI;E NRYS THAT BECUrItf,S HISTORY Rational and rrrter. The WEEKLY will cantinue topa national Potitics in the great political events of ottrtcoun..� $,aela3 and Economic try It will treat of the social and eco- - (juesiions norms questions, and of the development .5.. industrial Enterprls° of the m°`Idle west. Its social come S. R. Crockett Art and Llteraturo tile storyncicnt tn the of the greaticgold dto o�erk*will .. LONG SERIALS A141) SHORT STORIES Irl schum + T.volottg scrialswill appearduring the THE RED ASE year, contributed by autl;ors of inter By S. R.ORO CSRTT 4 natiuuaI fame, and will be illustrated. �'1nR ABBaCIATED RbRNM Owen 4YisterBY FRA R yTOGXTg Owen Pyla and a score of equally prominent 9 ^. Y terswilicontributeshnttstonostothe John Kendrick Bangs w,tEK,.Y in r,,, making rhe paper ries topo- Mary E. Wlfkln9 ciallyricltinfiction. Otherfeaturesarethe \ \ DEPARTMENTS AND SPECIAL ARTICLES ';I f Caspar N'hJtney THIS BUSY WORLD ' By N. S. ueRTrN FOREIGN NOTES BD' p,rULTNBY BfOBZOW F. A. Smcicton LETTERS FROM LONDON AMATEUR SPORT D, ARNOLD Ii'rrrTR D, Cd Bpd$ WIIITNBY A SPORTING PILGRIMAGE AROUND THE WORLD 11 In the interest of the Wtca,ct.Y,Caspar Whitney is on his way armmd the world. He will visit Siam in search of bid game, tanking his principal hunt from I3anSkok. He will visit Indra and then proceed to Europe to prepare art,cles on the sports of t dm any and France, SOC, a c Ia (rend j,, fres &mPedw). Snd,cr.;Olf n S,('00 a year, `� . Paringt fuse in �I e United Seatea, Canada, and ,w,, .Q W. D. Iiawelt. Addre4s 11A1,'PF:It & B110TRERS, Pubifahera, Noir York City ._, Jerre, 7.una m - BRO•�DFOOZ BOX CO. Che steady Increase in our trade is good proof of the fact that our goods aro right andl VO ma ow, i,ifa,.1Ces lower than re furniture onlase of otbor large scale anders nanln the sffordr to Belt cheap, If you buy rem us, "9 save for you the profit, which, in other cases, bar to be added in for the retail dealer. .'h11 ie week we have passed into stock some of our new designs, $pace will not permit, ui to quolo priors, but come and see for yourself what snaps we have to offer. temembel; we are determined that our prices shelf nae the lowest s the trade. 1NDERTAKING, _ a this department our Stock is complete, and we have undoubtedly the best funerA outfit in the county. Our prices aro as low as the lowest. 3]R,OADFOOZBOX & CO. J. W. Cliddle ' ' S—Nigbt and Sunday calls attended to by catling at J. W. Chldle a Manager Director) residence. Y' , (Funeral 11 1 r r