The Clinton New Era, 1898-02-25, Page 3As we have completed
stocktaking, we have
gathered together a lot
of up-to-date Jewelery
we are anxious to con-
vert into cash, and are
offering them at prices
that they would bring
at the mint for old me-
tal. Early buyers get
best choice.
The Repairing
of Watches
Is one of the +most important
branches of our busineee, in feet
" there is no feature of our busi-
ness that we wish to impress up-
on yon more than this. Having
had twenty years expfrienoe in
Repairing of Watches
. We feel qualified to do your work
Charges will be found moderate,
and satisfaction folly
Successor to J. Biddlecombe,
ggp thing for the electors to do.
change—unless it a° change for the better; �'ee the Hardy Govex��,�a�ae�.t �.�, office is the best
Subsoriber will keep as usual the beat brands
of Bed Cedar and other Shingles et Blyth and
Lopdesbora, apply to D. Cownir at Blyth or
hilgeeli at either places. Pardee wandsg
sbfugies will Bud it to their advantage to ask
for prices before buying elsewhere.
Londesboro, Feb, 18. 1898.
Note Our Prices.
Elm Logs, sound, fit for hoops,
$7 per thousand.
Basswood Heading Bolts, 40
inches in length, $2.25 per cord
Stapleton Salt Works, Feb. 10,1898
Liberal Meetings
MR. GwARROW the Liberal Candi-
date for West Huron, will bold meet-
ings as follows; to be addressed by
himself and others:—
NILE, Thursday, Feb. 24, 7.30 p.m.
PORTnR's HILL, Friday, Feb 25, 7.80 p. m.
LEEBIIRN, Saturday, Feb. 26, 2.30 p. m
The opposition Candidate or his represen-
tative is invited to be present, and will have
a favorable opportunity to speak.
Oats Wanted
12 lbs. choice Oatmeal for 1 bush. Oats
13 lbs. choice Family Flour for 1 bush Oats
Oats taken in Exchange
for Groceries
These are our present rates,
but we don't know how long
they will continue.
0. OLSON, • - Clinton
—OF A—
In Goderich Township
The undersigned will be offered for sale by
Auction, on
SATURDAY, Feb. 26th, 1898
At 2 o'clock P M, at the
Commercial Motel, Clinton,
That splendid farm, being lot 49, Maitland Con-
GOderiehTownehip,containing 149 acres. There
storynbr ckpremises
house withtslateoroof, baarna4two
and other outbuildings. The farm is wellwat-
ered, in a good state of cultivation, in ma excel-
lent situation; convenient to Church and School
TERMS made known on day of sale. For
further particulars apply to the auctioneer or
on the premises.
Wears well Prepare
1 134RN.
I�AWRENCF—.In Clinton, on Feb. 18,
the wife oi Sylvester Lawrence, of a son.
1 ODGINS—In McGillivray, on Feb, 18,
the wide ai S. G. Hodgins (nee Mian Wig-
ginton, of Goderich Township) of a daugh-
BROWN ;}n Hallett, on Feb. 19, the
wife of ISphrtana Brown, of a daughter+.
JOHIVB—At Elimville, on Feb. 11, the
wife of Thomas Johns, of a eon.
t.'ERKIN--In Beborne, on Feb. 13, the
wife of John Perkin, of a eon.
QtJINN--In Stephen, on Feb.11, the wife
of Thos. Quinn, of a eon.
WEBB—At Grand Bend, on Feb. 4, the
wife of Thomas Webb, of a daughter.
EANNIE--In Hensen, on Feb. 10, the
wife of E. Rennie, merchant, a daughter.
COWAN-- In Blyth, on Feb. I5, the
wife of lease Cowan, of a eon.
WR1(3 T—In Henfryn, on Feb. 4, the
wife of Samuel Wright, of a son.
EDWARDS—In Fordwiob, on Feb. 16,
the wife of Mr. W. A. Edwards, of a
TILT—In Goderioh, on Feb. 14, the wife
of Wm. Tilt, of a daughter.
To receive eastomere, and the redactions made daring thio month
make It worth your while to examine more olosely what this stare
is offering during the
February Clearing Sale
Art Muslin, very pretty designs, at 70 and 90
Art Aluelin, nearest effects, extra wide 10e
Cretonne, light ground, good pattern 8e
Linen Apron Goods, fanny border, full width 14e
Pillow Cotton, 44 inobes wide, bleached 12e
Ladies' Blank Wool Hose, plain 20o
Ladies' Ribbed Wool Hoe, extra value 25o
lien's Sox, Blank Wool ribbed 20o
Lao Curtains, new patterns, very pretty designs, 8i yards long
Check Muslin, very special
Comforters rednoed to 85o
Flannelette Blankets down to 66o
Special line of Tweed at 800 and 40o
In Black Dress Goods we would call attention to our ahowing in the bi:tferi
class of goods at 500, 65o, 75o, 80e, 95o end $1 a yard.
In Toweling Factory or White Cottons, you can save from 10 to 15 per et.
THIS IS A. CASH STORE. Goode all bought for Dash and sold for
cash. It's the only up-to-date way of doing business.
Mclinnon ar Go., Blyth
S. S. Convention (Concluded Aolitical,Rorecast
light we shall shine, if with darkness we ST. JOHN AND THE WIZARD.
oast a shade, if with love we will warm
others, if with ooldness we will chill them,
if with purity we will inspire pureness—
like producing like everywhere. Dealing
with personality he instanced the influence
of Samuel over Saul, causing nim to forget
his vengeance on David and join the pro-
phets; of Jesus on Pilate, who so unwilling!
ly gave him over to the Jews; and of Pan,
on Felix when he reasoned of righteousness
temperance, and judgment to come. He
farther illustrated this point by three
preachers who preached on the same text;
the first logical in its¢If,scriptural
angelical, but the man's life is notoriously
bad, and the sermon does no good, you are
disgusted with his hypocrisy; the second is
of weak personality, of no backbone, tuned
in the presence of the ungodly, adjusting
himself to oircnmetanoee, you know the
man and suspect him of trimming to suit
hie audience; the effect is of little good.
The third is not logical, bas no great abil-
ity, is only a simple gospel sermon; you
know the man to be true, of good purpose,
earnest to save souls; the result is that yon
are deeply interested and affected by bis
sermon. The personality of the roan made
the difference. The above principle is eq-
ually trne when applied to teachers and
workers in the Epworth League and Chris-
tian Endeavor. The order laid down by
God is, 1st, take heed to yourself; upon a
man's character depends the view he takes
of doctrine; if his Weis clouded his doctrin-
al views will not be clear nor just. Pauls
when a narrow, bigoted partizan pereeont-
ed the followers of Christ, and oonsented
to the death of Stephen, but when convert-
ed, when of a better character, be was
ready to be offered up for Christ. Change
of character revolutionized his ideas of doc-
Be careful to have teachers of good char-
acter, men and women with God's love in
their hearts, as their lives influence child-
ren more than what they say, as oar ants
are more intelligible than words, being the
indicators of our hearts. This point was
illustrated by a teacher, who wan consider•
ed by her class a model teacher, losing
their esteem by meeting them at a dance.
Christians are the eye -glass through which
people, who do not real their Bibles, look
for Christ and his Church. Eye -glasses
to be neeful need to be kept clean and pure.
He closed with an earnest appeal to the
teachers to take heed to their churches,
then to doctrine, and continue to do so,
and to rest assured that in so doing they
"would both save themselves and those that
hear them.
The value of a child to the Kingdom
of Righteousness—The main thought run-
ning through this admirable address, illus-
trated by so many humorous and pathetic
stories that endeared the distinguished
secretary to the hearts of ns all in a never -
failing memory, was that the s.tivation of
a child was of more importance than that
of an aged sinner. In the one case you
save a life without a record of past evil and
with wonderful possibilities for good; in
the other case the past evil rises np against
the reformed life, crippling it, and at beat
we only save the remnants. He compared
the work of the teacher to that of the light- JERVIS—ANDREWS—At the Meths.
house keeper, and that of the salvation dist parsonage, Holmesville, by the Rev.
army to the men who man the life -boat to G. W. Andrews, B. A., assisted by Rev. J.
-rescue the perishing. The former was W. Andrews, brothers of the bride, John
the more important, in as much as if sun- Jervis, of Holmesville, to Miss Viotoria J.
oeseful they win lives from start to finish Andrews, youngest daughter Of the late
in the cause of God. He condemned the Rev. J. H Andrews, of London Conference.
custom of spending so muoh in church MOFFATT— BROWN — At the resi-
spires'and so little for the beautifyingof the
sohool room for the primary class. He
urged all teachers to strive for improve-
ment, for it we stood still, the children
would, in a few years, leave us with good.
natured contempt, contrasting our stum-
bling efforts with the almost perfect meth-
ods of the public sohool teacher. No child
should be lost out of the sohool. The teach-
er should visit them in their homes and in-
vite them back. His illnstrations of this
point would be hard to equal in their trash
to child nature' the intense hold secured on
the andienoe and the the ennobling pathos
pathos pervading their recital. His story
of the poor boy who left Dr Jacob's sohool DREW—In Wingham, on Feb. 11, Miss
in Chicago, and that of a rich teacher in Minnie Drew, aged 21 years and 9 month s
New York to save the wayward "Jim" et WATT—In° Hullett, on Feb. I6, George
the slums, were closely listened to. Many watt, jr., aged 28 years.
afterwards said that Mr Day is perfect in BALLANTYNE In Blyth, on Feb. 10,
bis work. Alberta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Sear SHOTS Ballantyne, aged 18 days.
The Westfield choir at the evening see- AITCHESON—In Hallett, on Feb. 16,
sion expelled their excellent service in the Isabel McKenzie, beloved wife of Wm. Ait-
afternoon. Their last quartette will long cheson, aged 56 years, 8 months and 4 days.
be remembered.•
The excellent billeting committee satis-
fied everyone.
Our President for 1898 justified the
judgment of the Nominating oommitttee
of 1897.
Auburn unites with Egmondviie and
base line Baptist church in esteeming the
worthy Pastore laboring at those places.
Mr John Kernighan will keep our choice
of President at high water mark.
The question drawer proved interesting
under the management of the supervising
oomnllttee and Mr Day.
The collections for the day amounted to
The executive will meet shortly to eotn-
Viete arrangements for the great conven-
tion 01 1899.
bfr DO )tag promised to dome next
if ed t heill C
A safe tend seedy cure' for all kinds of headaches, sick, bilious, nervous
or saetiisfacti n. Guaranteed
s n rompeedslief in free from morphia, Easyhlal or opium. to take, 1ys
wafers in box, 25 cents.
mulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites,
Put up by F. Stearns & Co., Detroit. Regular 750, size for 50o.
E. HOVEY. Dispensing Chemist, Clinton
We are selling out, and as the stock gets smaller
the prices get lower. If you want to save motley
come and get the bargains while they are going.
Below are a few lines
Ladies' Jackets at $1.00
9 Ladies' Jackets at $2.00
10 Ladies' Jackets at $3.00
To the Editor of the New Era.
St. John! St. John! beware of the day
When the Grits shalloppose thee in battle ar-
For a field of the slain rushes red on my sight,
And the clans of Old Tupper are scattered in
They rally! they cheer! for their party. renown;
Woe, woe to the voters that trample them
Proud Willison prances, insulting thefslain
In jubilant tones. unmistakeably plain;
And swift through the country there comes on
on the air
A messa8e,that rings with the tone of deapair;
Brave Whitney, 'tis thine, whose constituents
With trembling hearts, the report of thy fate,
For a Hardy majority swells to the sky,
O'er the Province that peals with the Piggery
ST. JOHN:- -
Go, preach to the coward, thou death -telling
If the field of my fate so dlaastrous appear;
Draw, dotard, around thy old wavering sight,
This mantle, to cover the phantoms of fright.
W rzeRD:—
Ha! laughest thou, St. John, my vision to
That foreshadows the doom of that ill-fated
morn ?
Proud bird of West York, thy flight was afar
Outstripping thy peers in political war;
The wings of thy fanny, well pinioned with lies
From the sty on the Humber exultingly flies;
But alas thou art fallen, retnrn to thy home,
Forlorn through the country no longer to
0, gallant St. John! brave knight of the Pork,
Thy star leads no more the electors of York;
Thy followers are scattered, all fled in dismay,
With the pig -sticker howling, in vain for his
False Wizard, avaunt!I have marshalled my
Their schemes are a thousand. their purpose
is one:
From Hardy's firm grapple the sceptre to
And capture Ontario's treasury bench.
Then welcome proud Middlesex' steed to the
Let his eloquence flash, like the foam on the
• rock;
But woe to his party, and woe to his cause
When Whitney his claymore indignantly
When his boodling chieftains to victory crowd
Miscnmpbell the dauntless, and Magwood the
All reeking of sty in their Tory array—
St. John! St. John! beware of the day!
'Tis a view of the past gives prophetical lore,
And coming events east their shadows before.
Behold with dissensions your party all torn,
Submerged neath the billows of popular scorn;
Behold your brave leader his forces o' erthrown
As he sighs o'er the wreck, sad,deleoted.alone,
With the fame of his party eclipsed in defeat,
And his pledges and promises oast at, his feet,
And the fumes of the hog -pen to poison the
Sr. JOHN:—
Down. soothless intruder. Itrust not the talo,
For ne'er shall our party a destiny meet
So dark with dishonor, so foul with retreat,
But invincible still, when the battle is o'er,
Though our seats in possession don't number
N score;
Though the Premiership, with its coveted
And honored endowments, may never be ours
Yet untainted with power, and unshamed
with retreat,
We'll look longingly there, from the shades of
The former prices were from $5 to $17.510
A lot of Old Men's Fur Caps, were $6.50 for $2.
A big stock of Clothing, Suits, Overcoats, Odd Pants,
Vests and Coats, Overalls, Hats, Caps, Ac. See our
Cottons, Prints, Flannelettes
''and Shirtings for 5 cents.
A lot.of Children's and Youth's Boots, Shoes, Rubbers
and Overshoes at much below cost. See them.
s, Drees Goods, Shirts and Drawers, Ties, Guns,
ars, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, &e,, away down in price.
We are clearing out, no matter what others may say
to the contrary, and you call get bargains here.
Sale Register.
Farm stook of R. Craig, on the Avery Farm,
Loudon Road, on Wednesday, Feb. 23. C.
Hamilton, Auct.
Farm of 149 acres, being lot 49. Maitland con„
Oodorioh township; at the Commercial Hotel,
Clinton, on Feb. 26. Mre. Tebbutt,.,proprie'er.
D. Dickinson, auctioneer,
Corrected every Thursday afternoon.
Thursday, February 24th, 1898.
089 a 090
0 29 a 0 30
0 30 a 0 35
0 52 a 0 55
0 35 a 0 35
0 45 a 0 45
2 50 a 2 66
C1 a 016
0 14 a 0 16
6 00 a 6 00
0 26 a 0 26
a 0 08
a 0 45
a 6 25
a 0 05
a 0 90
a 0 08
Field Bar ley
Flour per owt
Eggs per doz"
Hay new e5; old
No. 1 Trimmed Hides. 0 08
Potatoes 0 40
Pork 4 75
Dried Apples, per Ib0 04
Apples, per bag 0 90
Turkeys, per lb 0 07
Local and foreign buyers report that
they are paying invariably from twenty-
five of
for all classes
' t er cent more
to fifty yp
horses than they did a year neo, and that
they are scarce and hard to get at that.
There seems little doubt that this spring's
borsee will cost the consumer more than
at any time during the past fifteen years.
Parties expecting to require horses will
save money by buying this month.—Globe.
Spring Rust,
ness is bound
to be good.
Wheat is booming up in price, and farmers, "the back.,
bone of our country," will have money in every pocket.
Our preparations to meet the wants of the people are
very extensive. Men and Boys can outfit here in
To greater advantage than most any other place.
Oar stook of Men's and Boys' New Felt Hats, which the spring will create a
large demand for, is right up in style, and the price is considered extremely
moderate. It's worth your while to pay a visit to this store if yon are in need
of Shirting and Cotton Tweede of superior soft make that are sure not to out in
wearing. Prides will be found low for quality offered. The trade bas already
begun In Dress Stuffs. It's quite wonderful how quickly the ladies disoovolr
where the nice things are.
On Friday, Feb. 11, at the auction sales
in London, England, about I00 horses,
mostly Canadian, were sold at prices rang-
ing from $120 to $165 each. The demand,
however, was not quite as good as experi.
enced during the week previous. There
has, however, been an increased inquiry
during the past season for Canadian ani-
mals in the English market, whi3h augurs
well for horse raisers in this country, and
should induce them to pay more attention
to the class called for on the other side.
Heavy draft and good carriage horses ap-
pear to be most suitable for the export
Montreal, Feb. 21.—There were about
450 head of butchers' cattle, 8 calves and
20 sheep and lambs offered for sale at the
east end abattoir to -day. The butchers
who ventured out found Frontenae street a
rather hard road to travel, owing to the
heavy drifts. Trade was rather dull, as
less beef is required this week, owing to
the fast days at the beginning of Lent.
Prime beeves sold at about 4;fo per lb, and
a few choice animals were held at 5c a lb.
Pretty good animals sold at from 3tc to 40,
and common dry oowe at from 2ko to 3o.
'3alves from one week to three weeks old
sold at from $3 to $7 each. Sheep sold at
37Jo per lb, and lambs at 50 do. Fat hogs
sold at 5c per lb.
dence of the bride's father, on Feb. 9. by
the Rev. A. B. Dobson, Mr. Peter Moffatt,
of Wroxeter, to Mies Lizzie Brown, daugh-
ter of Mr Andrew Brown, 9th line,Howiok.
dence of the bride's father, on Feb. 9, by
Rev. P. Musgrave, Mr. Win. Henry Boe-
eenbery, of Zurich, to Mies Margaret Rea,
of McKillop.
on Feb, 15, by Rev. Wm. Lowe, Frank
Davidson to Mrs Elliott, both of Wingham.
TAYLOR—In Stanley, on Feb. 20, Hen-
rietta Taylor, relict of the late John Tay-
lor, aged 80 yeare.
HILLOCK—In Colborne township, on
Feb 18, Viola May Hillock, daughter of
Thos. Hillock, aged 2 years and 8 months.
ROBERTSON—In Stratford, on Feb. 2,
Mrs. Caroline Robertson, formerly of
MARTIN --In Goderiob, on rob. 11,
Mary, robot of the late Joseph Martin,
aged 79 yeare and 8 months.
Ft7LFORD--In Goderioh, on Feb. 10,
Horace Fulford, aged 27 years,
LA.1THWAITf In Goderieh Town-
ship, on Feb. 21, Elvin O. Lititliwaite, son
of James Leith "alto, egad 18 yeare, 1
month and 27 day
ei:r i invited, o snares w one FERRIS In G eclericb township ui1
early and be tetiiiled if you get standing , Feb. I9, Eliza re le, reline of late Uo�ieri
lkotltldc i Ferris, *gild 87 yeare.
_ l
Gilroy) BeiNWiseman
For Seed Grain
Spring Wheat, Peas, Oats,
Rye, Buckwheat, etc., or
For Feed Corn
Go to Standard Elevator.
Forrester & Smallacombe
Clinton, January 6th, 1898 10
('MRP'Q Baking'
Makes Better and Lighter
Biscuits than any other.
.1. H Combe, Manufacturing Chemist,
h sieianS Su le
y pp
Attu Aa i'tioutento.
Tamworth Boar for Service
Subscriber keeps for service at his premises,
lot 82, con. 13, Hulett. a, thorobred Tamworth
Boar of good pedggree. Terms, $1 at time of
service, with privilegelof returning if necessary
Feb 25, 1898 JAMES ELSLEY,
The one-story frawo house on Townsend St
at present occupied by Mr Thrower, and owned
by Mrs Duncan is offered for sale on'reasonabla
terms. It contains five rooms, stone cellar,
quarter acre lot, in central position of town and
in good repair. Apply to W M COOPER, build-
er, Clinton
The undersigned offers for sale that two story
Brick Residence occupied by the late Mrs Wm,
Rattonbury. Thera is in connection one acro
in lots to slut purchaser,
ll ho sold
ppppp�lyynto no piece or
w. W. FABRAN or J, RATTENOURY, Ciintpu
I hereby desire to express my appreciation of
the promptness of the Canadian Order of For-
ester'', in paying the insuratee claim of $1000
and 630 for sick benefit on the iife of the late
Thos Ntans, who Harlock ovomberilast, MRS
But it can be done:by calling upon ns and
examining our lines of
Men's, Women's and
Children's Boots
All Winter geode selling at rednoed
prices. Full assortment of
Double and Single Harness,
Trunks, Valises, Robes
and Blankets
Red and White Cedar Shingles always
on hand.
Tenders will be received by the Council of
the Township of Hullett, for the cotrstruotion
of a Now Bridge at Walkerburn, Lot 40, Con. 12
and 13, in the said Township. Plans and speci-
fications can bo seou at the office of the Town-
ship Clerk, on and after March 4th Tenders
will bo opened on Tuesday, March 1yy5th, at 1 p.
m. 'The lowest tender not
CAItPBELL, accepted..
Having bdnght a Carpet Loom, I and pro-
pgred to 00 woas.
'70118.lbg GAall RVIB, Albert St.
gttbscriber keeps for service at his ipirelnises
1st 27, non 11 Hiiliott, a thorn bred, Pedigreed
Tamworth BOO, Terms ---$1 dt tittle of sot-
vloo, with ��ffr�ivilege ofiettrrning if tieoaesary.
Also good Tamworth•
hoar fOt WAIIIY RIDDe. `
Hul)otti d'e'b, 8, 1808.
Victoria Block, Clinton.
For fine Rubber Stamps, Pada, Ink, etc, write
to George Curry Co., King Bt. East, Toronto.
New .►
We gave two new lines in the
baking department, one is a
Cycle Cake
with three flavors, strawberry,
chocolate and vanilla; 10 cents
each, plain, or 15e ornamented.
The other line is called
Corn Dodgers
These are particularly nine
cakes and sell readily at 10e , .�
per dozen.
OYSTERS—Our trade in Booth's Bale
timore Oysters is increasing daily.
A large variety of good Oranges, Lemonet.
and Grapes. Don't forget to try '
Our Real Home-made BREAD, it
is giving good satisfaction.
Wedding Cakes a specialty.
Jas. McClacherty,
Novelty Bakery and Restaurant
Telephone No. 1.
No Excuse
There's no excuse for any one having cold feet or bodies.
There's no excuse for any one suffering with cold during,
the rest of the winter, when warmth and solid comfort:
can be had at these prices.
12 pairs 4 buckled Grain Felt Boots, sizes 6 to 10,'
regular $2.25 line for ..•.!u
4 pairs 4 buckled Calf Hair Lined Boots sizes 7, 9.
9, 10, regular $3 line for ....
10 pairs Long Felt Roots, sizes 7 to 10, regular
$2.25 for .,, •-
3 pairs Long Felt Boots, size 6, per pair
12 pairs Ladies Button and Laced Overshoes,,
sizes 3 to 7, regular $1.75, per pair
The following goods are on the sacrificed list.
question of profit now, but a question of getting
stock out. .
Wool Blankets, White and Grey,
Boys' Overcoats, Men's Overcoats, -
Men's Fur Caps, Ladies' Fur Capes
Knitted Wool Shawls, -Mantle Cloths
Ladies' Fur Collars, Ladies' Fur Muffs.
Now is the time to invest if you want any o
above goods.
The Cash Dealer, Londesborp.